I'm looking to get a replacement airsoft rifle for my broken g3. My field is semi auto only and my g3 busted and fires a 5 round burst on semi mode for some reasonI've been looking to replace it anywayI'm looking to replace it with this:https://www.evike.com/products/11844/Is this any good? I picked a relatively high priced one that would go good with my cold war era outfit. (pasgt, m81 woodland etc)This one's price seems good because I'm guessing that higher price = quality.There is also the CYMA m16a3 which is lower price but also looks goodNot sure if I should get this one either.. they look identical its weirdhttps://www.evike.com/products/30906/
>>211051did you try and use the search function anon>>203495
>>>/k/ is your best bet for this sort of stuff
Whats the bestest fighter there ever was that Patrick bateman(did boxing, 80 kgs, 6ft tall) on magic drug that makes him able to learn to fight from old memories and gives perfect sexterity could beat?
Wanna try that question again?
>>215431Say you had a drug that allows you to know exactly what your opponent next move is and also allows you Have perfect technique, perfect timing, precision, and execution(basicaly what Holmess did here).(Assuming you re a 6ft tall 85 kg man in shape that trains regularly ).Whats the best fighter one could down using this?
>>215420>who was the best fighter there ever wa-me, next question
I don't know how people even find 45 consecutive days to waste, let alone actually decide to do it
>>216480that's because bjj isnt an original of complete martial art to begin with.It's steals from othersthat's why there's so many instructionals of judo and wrestling
>>216505>original oforiginal or*
>>216505Not like Judo, which is *totally* original, kek.
>>216553reading comprehensionas expected for the bjj tard to not know how to read
Chad pure grapplers are shining and thriving.Training the big 3 was the best decision ever (Bjj, Judo, Wrestling).
Is LARP considered /xs/? Its got a much higher rate than HEMA.
death-match pro wrestling is the ultimate synthesis of real impact fighting and LARPing
>>210992failed normies that think life revolves around strictly sex.Basically autistic people that got hung up on sex
>>210937>Darkon Larpplease tell me this is the alternative history Darkon
>>216460It's Dagorhir-style boffer combat with LARP rules on top:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darkon_Wargaming_Club
>>210450Well, its not really a sport is it? more of a conglomerate of different thematic integrated events. Might as well call any "Con" a sport at that point. TREK-con Bronie-con science-con. etc.Cause there might be some sim-fighting some bed-making, period campprocesses like shapening or wood widdling, improv acting, tent building etc.
Images of people doing crazy as shit heights stuff goes here.
>>215228Died right after this was taken
That's a common tourist trap photo spot in Brazil, uses forced perspective to make it seem like the person is hanging high off the ground
What percentage of adults would die after one uprotected punch from prime Foreman?
Here's a better question: Who'd win a striking only fight, prime Bas Rutten or prime Foreman?
>>215362foreman would win for sure bas is more of a ju jitsu guy
>>215269Do they know they’re fighting him? Or is it a sucker punch. Like >>215272this anon pointed out, if we factor in all people, like children, the disabled, cancer patients, women, geriatrics, smaller men and big men who haven’t lost their flinch response, then even in a fight, with braced victims and attempts at defence Foreman would be punching a solid percentage to death with his first clean punch. It’s hard to put a figure on it exactly, but 40% sounds about right. If it’s a fight, perhaps it’ll be controversial, I’d say most amatuer fighters of reasonable fighting age (late teens to late thirties), in his weight class would be safe from imminent death.A huge percentage, like maybe even 50% of them would be from that punch. Some of them would suffer structural damage, like a broken jaw, and reconsider if fighting is for them. That’s if it’s only one punch, if he follows it up with one or two more, only other professional heavyweights stay conscious, and not even all of them.If he’s sucker punching people? Drunk men with no formal training frequently kill people with king hits, especially rabbit punches. The thing that would save all those 200lb or more athletes from dying in the ring with him is they wouldn’t have concrete to bounce their heads off. You engineer the ideal situation, like, for some reason Foreman has decided to go polar bear hunting? It’d be terrifying. I think he’d have at minimum a 10% fatality rate. Maybe as high as 33% And that’d still be against big, fit young men. Pensioners? 100%. Doesn’t sound too impressive, but, no matter how tough any of us here think we are, if we were given free reign to test our punches against the unsuspecting retirees of the world, we’d fuck up plenty of times, and need two or three blows to put some of them down. Not Foreman, that’s for sure.
>>215267he gave ali parkinson's
If he has the ear, steer clear.
if his ears look like chewed gum, grab your gun
>>204035>if he has the ear, he's probably queer
I don't know anything about mma but doesn't this just tell an adversary what to expect from you?
>>216270Yes which is why I prefer not to have it and hide my power levelIt's for this reason I wear XL Hawaiian shirts too, to hide that I'm an absolute unit
How 2 knife fight?
>>209716The pike is meant to be used in formation in a field battle, it's way too unwieldy for 1 on 1 combat. Regular polearms/zweihanders, even longswords, sabers, etc. beat a pike 1 on 1.
Apart from above mentioned kali/escrima I've never heard of any organized system of knife fightingI think if you, OP, for some reason absolutely needed to become very good at knife fighting, I would study those and ideally get some buddies together and just start having "knife fights" with some sort of training tool. Try it a lot, experiment, see what gets you stabbed and what doesn't
Be born black. By the time they come out of the womb they've already spent nine months dodging a coat hanger. Invincible knife fighters.
>>201803>>anyone trying to rape your wife could just use the $200 on a prostituteI like this one.
>>201803>because there aren't thousands of instances where the robber shoots the unarmed victim to death before leaving when they didn't even put up a fight
What, you actually wax your shit, idiot?
>>216122>just go faster
>>216122>get stuck on a flatYeah fuck wax
>>216175How do you get flat tires in skateboarding?
Would this kick even hurt?
It's not the most powerful, but it comes from an unexpected angle which makes it dangerous
I thought it was retarded he kicks against the spin, but now I realize he's at least using the fall.
>>215282Guyver was fucking awesome.More than you would think, with the full weight of a falling body behind it, it would fucking hurt. Then again almost any kick to the side of your head would.
>>215903>Then again almost any kick to the side of your head would.This. Even the shittiest slappy head kick has to be respected since the weight of the leg alone can be enough to hurt you.
>>215282alot yea. His toe hit that big hard ridge. looked painful.
Shit Components Edition >FAQ on buying a bike that nobody reads anyway:> What good bike can I get for under $500?a stolen bike. Possibly a newer used entry level hardtail but don't expect it to survive rock gardens, jumps, or drops. Or an older mtb which won't be as good as newer ones and will still have a front derailleur, but it'll be good enough.> What good bike can I get for under $1000Good used hardtail, new entry level hardtail> What good bike can I get for under $2000?New Hardtail, decent used full suspension> What good bike can I get for under $3000?https://www.yt-industries.com/fr/produits/velos/capra/uncaged-10-al/602/capra-mx-uncaged-10/Used full suspension, decent entry level full suspension but prepared to put more money into it.> What are the excellent value brands?Marin, Commencal, Canyon, Polygon, YT, Propain, Kona, and many more. Sometimes the expensive brands have an excellent alue bike> What are the differences between an XC, Trail, Enduro, and Downhill bikes?Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>216257>Proframe is a pedaling-type full face helmet, I’m not surprised it doesn’t play nicely with neckbracesThat explains why my IXS Trigger FF doesn't play well with my POC VPD torso protector. the back protector and helmet kept hitting but according to what I learned from the MTB class, hinging is improper form so that probably won't happen next time I ride with that setupAlso, I already booked my stay at Mammoth Mountain next year. I'll be there 8/15-8/19. If you guys want to do a park day, it would be sick to ride with you fellas. Unfortunately, the damn ass corporation I work for only gives me 3 weeks +1 week vacation buy. I need more vacation time man, I only work so I can afford to ride
>>216041>>216273You'd race more if you moved out of bay area and move to the mountains. You'd get rid of the small travel bikes and gravel for a single do it all 180mm ndoro sled(+ dh bike). You work so you can consoom bike stuff, which is justifiable.
>>216041thats some high quality finish around the bb shell
>>216428I think I'd ride less if I moved out of the bay. The sierras get covered in snow in the winter and the riding turns to skiing, which is cool with me, but I'd rather ride year round.For example, trails were fucked this weekend so I just went road cycling.
new thread>>216525
I have done Taekwondo and Judo. In both arts people got injured pretty regularly, sometimes very seriously. I am getting old (I'm in my mid 30s) and don't want any more injuries. What is best martial art style for me to train in?
>>215974You should probably fix that so you don't have to worry about falling out of bed wrong.
>>215974>>215958>>215950Lol I had the same experience as that guy. Went to judo first time. Older guy. They just said do warmup with the rest (forward roll and backwards roll)They didn't explain backwards roll and I tried rolling on my neck and sprained it. Never went back lol
Beginners require beginner classes, if the place doesn't offer beginner classes it's a bad placeThey aren't taking the business seriously either through laziness that they don't want to God forbid work an extra 45 minutes once or twice a week or worse yet are egotripping and want to he tuffgais happy a lot of people can't make the cutThey mistake the survivor bias of them being terrible at explaining things and equate it to the difficulty of the task, celebrating that most people can't handle "the real deal"
>>205119bjj is retard martial art>FUCK YEAH I BROKE MY LEG IN A LEG LOCK>*ranks*
>>215990beginner classes are never gonna be a thingthat's why you choose an older martial art that has already been refined and has some form of drillinglike judos uchi komisbjj doesnt have thatyou're just expected to master it right away
What the name of this sport?
>>216104Crossfitters are nowhere near that big
>>216104the fact that people still do crossshit baffles me
Doing only no gi once a weekWorth it or no?
>>216078i like how they try to paint helio as some wise old man when the reality is he was a weakling that got beat by a judoka
>>216075Nola ww@
>>216080I heard he was more a macho bully who met his match
>>216072Sure, better then nothing. Don’t let you encourage from training.
>>216119> Don’t let you encourage from training.What did he mean by this?
Got this Element skateboard as it’s the same one I use in the THPS Remake and immediately bailed out and fell backwards but I ain’t giving up >Practice makes perfectHow do I get better at balancing and learning to fall backwardsI probably would have died or got heavily injured if I didn’t wear that helmet or ended up becoming a bigger tard than I already amI was laughing my ass off when I fell thoughWhat’s your advice on a beginner skater like me
>>215541Find somewhere to skate around In a circle. Ideally flat smooth ground It's a young man's game most pros start off skating since the age of like 6 and then get insanely good by 21 know how to fall etcGood luck
>>215541There is no shortcut, time on the board is all that counts, find a basketball or tennis court and just push around for a few days, figure out what stance works best for you (have your non kicking foot at the front of the board) figure out how to stop, first by just putting a foot down, then figure out how to stop by putting the tail on the ground, once you can do that learn tic tacs, then kick turns front and backside, then manuals (wheelies). then find an incline and roll up and back to fakie. then roll up the incline and kick turn, by then you should be able to balance on the board well enough to start thinking about ollies, oh and learn to run out instead of letting the board shoot you onto your ass/face, once you are at that point you can go to a skate park only look mildly retarded, also if you are serious about skating you will destroy the bearings in that element complete.
>>215541>fell backwardsthe balance with skating is almost constantly leaning further forward than you'd think. not like bending at the waist but putting much more weight on the forward foot.
>>215541>Element skateboardits so over
>>215545this fucking retard thinks "Have sex" is a good come backnewsflash faggot you had 2 decades to learn to skate and now you're doing it at an age that is gonna raise eyebrows at the skatepark.Go do something more socially acceptable for your agelike bjj or boxing or someshit. You're just gonna look like a pedophile for being the weird guy that started doing a teenager hobby at 30