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This is one of my newest listings which talks about those NASCAR crashes that had immense impact on Stock Racing.

Requesting them NASCAR fans to rate this video on a scale of 1-10 and to be a part of letting me know what can be improved here.

Link: https://youtu.be/eaBRvnNTH5g
nascar isnt an extreme sport
I'm not a NASCAR fan, so I can't really speak to the contents.
One thing that you could improve is audio: Firstly, a better microphone would go a long way. Secondly, the sound mixing is off, your voice is too quiet and the music is too loud.
Speaking of music, the dramatic tracks should be used sparingly, to underpin crucial moments (for example the footage of the crash itself or the public announcement of the driver's death). You seem to be using them for most of the runtime of the video, which in my opinion diminishes their impact
If not, you gotta. Cos this is the most goreful crash in the history of F1. Shite. I gotta see this and I said 'na man'.
Link: https://youtu.be/qVS4qWBkd74

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Thrashing on an old board, dudes.

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Knee'd to know info edition
How to Change a Car Battery:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYZbm--04j8
previous thread (nice get) >>191222

Basic brand info for beginners http://pastebin.com/C6rEGbzD

Shoe reviews: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnSv7MyhLozYdGM1a1FUMHNtTkRFN0xkVmt3dEZ0NHc#gid=0

Submit a shoe review: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Y70Tug_iI9-dW2VqBBzsI9PCnFlw1jIOu9yTlHcc-wY/viewform

Just skate and have fun. You're never too old or fat to skate. Skateboarding is 90% mind 10% body.

Skatepark etiquette: Remember everyone there shares a common interest with you.
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the "L" is the tail no? did you already grip it? Real has their little logo down by the tail and the sticker up by the nose.
Yeah i figured out the L was the tail after like 20 minutes of being like, this board feels fucking weird.
I like it now, but if I knew it was mostly a regular shape and dimensions I could have found any other graphic.
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>I kind of want to get like 53-54mm 90-97a wheels because Ive finally left the skatepark and the vibrations kill my feet street skating.
I got two sets of wheels for the same reason, soft with a large surface area to run over shit and hard with rounded edges for nicer unfucked surfaces but i almost never even use the hard ones cause they r gay and i am 4 tha streetz
>i am 4 tha streetz

Yes this is how I want to progress. I aint need to slide when I do a 180. There are no good skate parks near me so unless Im going far for a nice park, I really dont need 101a. tho I am currently running 52mm 101a spitfire conicals f4 and an ace 1/16th rubber riser which helps my feet. I think my next wheel is going to be a 53mm 97a classic wheel shape spitfire f4, but Ive been considering ricta clouds or dragon formula, etc. The skate park doesnt do it for me.

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hi guys i m wondering what s the best free urbex map i m only finding some paid stuff on internet

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Onosato edition



>All the sumo links and how to watch live:

Previous thread: >>194268
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I don't think that's how it works, Anon.
there's lots of well known cases of men continuing to grow past 20

>watching The Alpinist
>movie about free solo climbing
>introduces a bunch of famous free solo climbers at the beginning
>ALL of them died climbing
>the two climbers the movie is about died climbing

this sport is ridiculous. EVERYONE who made a name for themselves in it fucking died due to climbing aside from Alex Honnold

Why would anyone do this?
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She's a bag of redflags
IoM TT is not comparable. They are not a bunch of stoners downplaying the risks, talking about "flow states" and believing their own bullshit. They also have nearly an entire island on standby as volunteers and everyone involved is well aware their actions are dangerous and put themselves and others at risk of death.
Just because you are clever does not mean you are not susceptible to stupid behaviour. Humans are notoriously good at self-rationalizing. Climbing grades encapsulates that concept very well.
Free-solo climbers regularly absolve themselves of stupid behaviour because they falsely believe the only cost of an accident is their life.
also Patrick Edlinger:
>1995 Calanques, France.
>Patrick Edlinger was climbing casually and elegantly on a 7b route.
>After missing a few bolts, a hold explodes under his hands. He falls 18 meters.
>During the flight his heart stops, not metaphorically - he has a real cardiac arrest.
>He is urgently resuscitated by a doctor on site and manages to recover without consequences, returning to climbing at a very high level even in free solo.

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Thoughts? Should it be more popular? Should this bloodsport be the next big thing internationally?
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It'll never be the next big thing because MMA and boxing have already cornered the market. Most people will never even learn that it exists.
I could see it becoming more mainstream if bare-knuckle MMA really took off
The whole reason boxing is more dangerous than mma is because people are allowed to get knocked out and the. Continue fighting so long as they get back up within 10 seconds. This gives people concussions on top of concussions that seriously damage the brain. Lethwei takes this to a pants on head retarded extreme where they give fighters a full fucking SIXTY seconds, a whole minute, to get back up. I have no idea how many full retard retired lethwei fighters there are in burma but I’d guess it’s a lot. For this reason alone it will never be allowed in the west. It’s ruleset allow for to great a risk of brain injury.
I have the same opinion of it as I do everything thats 2dedly4u and the only reason it didn't catch on is because you're just not hardcore enough
This, not to mention that there is no round limit, they just go until one of them is out cold

Hello, I'm a skydiver and I'm very interested in climbing wind turbines. Are there people who have already done so and have advice to give me
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why a windturbie? why not a plane where you can fall for a decent amount of time?
when you get up there, jump on blade just as its starting to descend, slide down to the bottom and hold on, ride it until it's just past it's highest point and then jump from there
i want to climb a windturbine by the ladder in it and jump from the top only for fun
but im not experienced in climbing it
Federal crime, don't do it.
Former tower climber here - these sites have door based alarms, do NOT try to jump off one of these unless your buddy can get yoou in during a work visit

Also don't jump with a skydiving rig you fucking donut get a proper BASE rig and get a mentor

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I want to do some sort of martial art but there are only judo places and an MMA place nearby, the MMA place focuses on BJJ, kickboxing and catch wrestling, they are part of the Zé Radiola team and some jap jiu jitsu org so I don't think it's a mcdojo at least, no clue how to check if a judo place is a mcdojo or not tho.
I'm mainly worried about tearing an acl due to my fatness.
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This anon gets it, the motions are more important
In general I think everyone should understand dead lifts though
Healthy deadlifts establish
>Good form
>Good base
>Full range of motion
>Safe movement
>Hip stability
Hips are everything
You can condition if you want, you'll never touch a freak from Thailand who's been training since they were a child or whatever but honestly I would only do it if your coach is performance minded/isn't suss/has clout/ can supervise you
I did say local competition. I feel like I need a minimum level of stamina to get anything out of the lessons don't I? Otherwise I'd just spend all my time gasping for air after the warm ups.
Let's say there's a fatfuck who's equally as fat as you and you fight him 2 years from now.

>he starts MMA right now
>you start MMA a year later
>fight day comes
>conditioning = equal
>you = 1 year of MMA
>opponent = 2 years of MMA
Now do the math.
>I feel like I need a minimum level of stamina to get anything out of the lessons don't I?
Warmups are going to warm you up
Good technique is all about efficiency
Being physically fit is all about making up for your technical deficiencies with physical power
Since it's a martial art where the technique shines is where you're expected to
>In grappling
Maintain energy and work rate, preferably with low-effort techniques
>In striking
Generate power and stay defensive with good mental conditioning and good form
As a protip UFC people mostly demonstrate exceptionally poor form and technique
If you want a recent example of technique beating athleticism watch Strickland beat Israel adesanya
Adesanya frequently changes from and does a bunch of mixups but Strickland maintained his hands up and did real basic kickboxing to beat Israel

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Name a dumber sport than this.
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>he actually believes this
lol, lmao even. If only that evil Brazilian crowd favourite kimura wasn’t 500lbs heavier and a full century young infer, then bjj would have won!
Bradley Martyn got swept by a sexagenarian blue belt.
BJJfags have got to be the most delusional race there has ever existed, holy fuck
If what I heard about "shooters" is true, then I guess it can become sports-like when a wrestler actually tries for real to win. He basically sabotages the fight and gets a nonscripted victory in front of the audience by actually being agressive, but I heard that happened very rarely cause an actor that ignores the script is not an actor that gets paid a lot. I heard it happened more in the Japanese scene than in the American one, but it's all hearsay really. I am not a wrassling expert so take everything I just said with a grain of salt.
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What you say is like saying a submarine is clearly inferior to a tank because you put both of them in the plains and made them fight each other till only one remains. Context matters, and the people that say "bro shove your le theory up your ass xDDD" tend to lack nuance and a holistic view on things. Not saying BJJ isn't valid, but early UFC had a ruling that was clearly biased to help it succeed over other styles or arts.

Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

>Discussion starter
What are your favorite non-dominant side moves and why?

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2024


>Video Resources

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Because Japan treats black belts like highschool diplomas and the west treats black belts like masters degrees
The 1 year program at the Kodokan is a live-in program. You won't be getting the same immersive training from going to an after-work class for normies 3 days a week. Also what the other guy said seems to match the impression I have, but I'd say it's more like a bachelor's degree than a master's.
>I'm willing to go train judo 6x a week if it will get me a black belt faster.
If you do this, do it smartly, and go and compete you will get a black belt substantially faster than a normie going to class 3x/week.
new thread
Does anyone else find it really dumb that in Judo people will slam their fist into the ground as hard as possible in order to throw someone? In a street fight, you would break you hand. Same thing in Jui-Jitsu: people purposely dive face first into the ground. They need cover the mats in sand paper so people don't do that.
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It's sample bias. Judo teaches you NOT to post your hand down when falling lest you break something. But all clips you see are from professional judo competitions with elite athletes who will do anything to win, including sacrificing their body.

Webm related. There's not a single judo instructor who'd recommend bouncing on your head to avoid a fall, but athletes at the highest levels all have a screw or two loose.

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Pickleball kings, assemble. Post your dinks.

Tenniggers stay out.

In DnD, whenever I play, I absolutely hate when players who choose a martial class don't add flavour to their attacks. "I hit him with my sword 3 times", "I punch him twice" is the most you'll get out of them. I hate it even more when the DM does it or when when the DM doesn't allow accumulative damage in games if you target a specific area with enough strikes. I get that the dweebs at WoTC only put barely half the effort of making martials viable in high levels with the battlemaster fighter subclass, but do NONE of these guys have love for the "ART" part of martial arts? Theres so much flavour you can put, like if a player goes for an elbow to the face enough times there will be a cut above the eye that now gives the opponent a disadvantage on perception checks and attacks due to not being able to see. Or hell implement ANY sort of good ruleset for how grappling arts can be used in game to help break limbs, throw enemies to the ground or completely isolate/submit opponents. Or if the player makes a high enough dex check with a weapon once per the enemies turn, they can immediately parry and get a quick strike in.

Maybe this is the price I pay for being into martial arts and dweeb shit at the same time but holy shit is it ever annoying. Especially when no one seems to want it changed.
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GURPS you absolute flaming faggot
You've fucked up so badly sticking to DnD that you're now spreading this irrelevant shit on boards that have absolutely nothing to do with it
Get off 4chan, play GURPs and stop bitching
With some LARPs like that one there's a larger organization with interconnected stories so they're usually handled with a greater degree of standardization and fewer house rules than some one-off game you run locally for your friends. The game session I joined had at least a couple dozen players and several GMs who had to communicate and coordinate with each other to run that single session in that single location.
Does Vampire the Masquerade LARP also include weird BDSM shit? I always heard only degenerates and perverts play VtM.
Not a LARPer myself, but I heard from a friend that did amtgard or whatever it’s called that larp events are basically nerdy fuck fests
I think the anon posted this one first and it's just stayed mildly relevant. I was in both cause I had similar lines of questioning. Sounds like you're being the flaming faggot for not reading post dates anon.

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How extreme is a ripstik
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scooter to heelies to ripstick combo
way back in the day I had a friend who would ripstick around his community college. he was a real "i do what I want I dont care what people think Im gonna do this cause nobody else is" kinda guy. he always had the ripstick in his garage when Id go hang out with him. well one day I went to go chill and I noticed the ripstick was gone and I asked him what happened and he said he got rid of it. I asked why he did that and he just plainly blurted out "i was going down hill and ate shit in front of a bunch of people its over."

funniest shit ever man im laughing now imagining it again but its so hard to picture bombing a hill on one of these pieces of shit.

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How long do I have to practice grappling for until it stops leaving bruises?
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>he do not know
anon.. that's not grappling you're doing with your uncle
I do grappling because I enjoy being in perpetual pain....
i do 8 years. foot purple right now
You'll get used to it

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