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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General: I wish that were me edition


>Belt Checker
https://www.beltchecker.com (dead)

>Thread question
at what age are you no longer expected to roll but still get respect

Previous thread: >>207439
What's your go-to for when you're playing open guard and your opponent steps over your leg to start cutting? The "leg bump" that is preached everywhere doesn't work. I'm thinking going shin to shin is my best shot. Also x guard but that may be tricky.
You have to beat them into a sweep or guard before they do that. Maybe shin to shin > single X. If they step over to begin the knee cut get them into your half-guard.
Shin to shin for a stand up / wrestle up is good against guys who don't like to wrestle
I'm not sure I understand the scenario you're describing, but either way, you should be thinking about guard retention (frames, connections, etc.) rather than reaching for a position that might not be there
This might help:
I just download all of the Power instructional,
I will report back after watching them.
I got smothered in reverse kesa gatame again is there a counter or sneaky attack for this besides trying to shimmy out
There's some fun in reverse DLR in a situation like that. You have an inversion to the back, you can go matrix and k guard.
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>start doing bjj
>still an incel
is it over bjjbros?
Incel shit is like alcohol wherein if you're not drinking all the time it's just fucking awful to listen to. Made it 35 seconds when he says "typical fatcel."

Of all the arguments I hear about BJJ, it's always about how gay it is or how effective it is in street fights. I've never heard anyone say it's a good place to get pussy. Rule of thumb: if a girl is doing BJJ, it's because she's getting fucked by a martial artist. No other woman has the wherewithal to walk through the doors and try something new that's challenging. They have a complex about things being/appearing difficult the same way men have one about hair and wrists.
I have seen a woman once in my bjj club and it was the wife of a blue belt who was curious about what he was doing thrice a week.
did this nigga make a 20 minute reaction video to a 4 minute guy blogging in his car?
Incel is a state of mind

You can be a fat sub 3 gaymer manchild neckbeard and get awesome pussy. You can be a terminal Manlet and be married with kids. I see this regularly.

You can be an alpha 6'3 chad looks wise and still be a butthurt incel who hates everything
The Andrew Wiltse situation is just straight up sad bros. I used to get a lot of inspiration from him and now seeing how he ended up is scary. Don't take your mental health for granted
What's going on?
A manic depressive discovered meth. Lulz ensued.
That is a joke right?
No. Might be inaccurate, but all signs seem to point to some kind of stimulant induced episode instead of a "normal" one. Meth is just an option.
Meth is just adderall for people without health insurance
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he has gone on to say BJJ is all he cares about in life. it's a coping mechanism for him. he has trained hard, is obviously a skilled player but still never made it to the big leagues despite it all.
i think he would benefit a lot if he took a step back from training and focused on trying to fix his life.
Well He's a drillyboi doing IP method repping thousands of time and that isn't how you become great
That makes you able to beat shitters only

Substandard coaching really, that whole teams claim to fame is winning under belt comps...so winning absolutely nothing
No it’s not a joke. His girlfriend looks very sketchy and looks like an early stage crackhead, he’s perpetually dirty and manic and is currently begging for money on instagram. I think it’s another stimulant induced manic episode
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she's definitely enabling him. sad to see.
Pretty ironic, because frankly I don't believe he's actually training right now. The whole "manic crackhead energy four days without sleep" shit is waaay easier to maintain when you're just walking around rambling at your smartphone, not actually putting in the rounds on the mat. When's the last time we've actually seen him slap&bump and get to work?

>begging for money on instagram
One of his posts was "my mom's healing crystal shop is the first official sponsor of the gym rat program!", i.e., mom sent me some cash. It's bad bros.

There but for the grace of God go I, bros. I hope I never get lost upside my own ass. Anons, find the people in your life you can trust to call you on your bullshit and LISTEN TO THEM if they have something to tell you. There is a higher, wiser path between being an oversocialized people pleaser and being a Dunning-Kruger arrogant idiot who thinks you're smarter than everyone.
been meaning to add daily deals to the OP
How do I learn to invert as a fat guy?
You dont
Become a more flexible and mobile fat guy.
I once saw a fat dude get forcibly inverted by a strong guy who got deep into the jacket's sides and used his head to drive through center. Looked like a human snow plow.
That's probably safest
I have a goal of going up to 300lbs to feel like what it is like to be a sumo wrestling.
How do I protect my ribs as a rookie? Blue belts and other whites keep racking them and it's been a shitty trial period. Is that normal or is it the gym I'm going to shitty? I'm seriously considering abandoning the sport especially if I have to pay for light duty training starting next month.
what do you mean by racking? are they dropping their weight onto you very quickly?
i think it's generally accepted as good conduct to not go apeshit on new guys, but it's hard to say if that's the case without seeing what's going on, could also be you just have frail ribs

as far as protecting them goes, obviously the best idea is to not let them sit on your ribs, but at this point in time that might be difficult, so i would recommend just tapping early if it's genuinely causing you pain and injury (this is obviously different from discomfort).
maybe talk to your coach about it and decline rolls with big guys.
There's a guy that keeps snapping peoples knees with reaps and retiring them
Not my problem but someone in charge really should do something about it
He's doing it once or twice a year
Both times I bruised my ribs it's when as I'm setting side guard, they are snaking a hand or arm along mine and their chest rather quickly to push me off, and an their elbow runs along my ribs. Feels like someone running a hand on a piano but the keys are my ribs.
I'm new at this, so my lingo might be off.
huh, haven't ever had that happen before or maybe i'm just having difficulty imagining the situation
but regardless, if you're on top, it's up to you if you want to relieve pressure if that's too discomforting for you.
it's sort of like when they have a frame on your neck in side control, if you push in it's very uncomfortable, so it's better to readjust and try to remove the frame.
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is it worth continuing to compete if my record is 1 win / 11 losses?
Yes. Competition is a skill apart from jiujitsu itself. If you want to get good at competition, you have to practice competing.
Honestly, in a tournament-based sport, wouldn't it make sense that most competitors end up with more losses than wins? Unless you're sandbagging like a motherfucker and simply win every single bracket you're in, that is.
For us "regular guys" I think competing is useful just as a form of stress inoculation. Get used to dealing with adrenaline, stress, pressure, intensity, etc. At least that's the reason I do it: to drive out the bitchmade from my soul, at least a bit.
This might be a bit of an outside the lines use, but it's also helpful in deciding what you should work on. Can't hold a certain position? Get taken by a throw or sub more than once? Too aggressive or not enough? Competition can be a good way to figure that sort of shit out. Especially if you're plateauing.
I don't do competitions because I don't care for the sport and the only reason I ever did them was so people would be impressed by me
I wanted to have a picture with a gold medal to show off

I don't find the act in itself enriching at all
I feel as if I have become pretty solid at straight ankle locks but don’t like the way they make me feel. I’ve tapped out higher belts and won comps with it, typically from butterfly and outside ashi. Sometimes when I get sick of being smashed in training by a much better player, I just funnel myself to a form of x guard and go to outside/butterfly ashi for a reliable way of stopping them. I am nowhere near as good any catching other submission, and feel as if the aoki/ankle lock came very naturally.

But it feels like a hollow victory winning with it, almost dishonourable and always unsatisfying. It feels nothing like a well fought for submission from a dominant position like an arm triangle or bow and arrow. Does anyone know this feel?
no, and it's brazilian cope to frown upon it
they should get better at protecting their legs
nothing wrong with having a good A-game
>almost dishonourable
brazilian cope
if you're worried about becoming a one-trick pony, then yeah, limit the amount of ankle locks you do when sparring with people you can consistently beat and work on other stuff too

i feel the same way with my takedowns because my only good ones are all sacrifice throws and i just default to them if i can't get anything else working
>my only good ones are all sacrifice throws and i just default to them if i can't get anything else working

Based. Why worry about setting takedowns up when you can just counter their single leg with a sumi gaeshi and end up on top, usually in mount
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that is actually one of my favorite counters, tends to work less on people with a half decent single but those can be rare in BJJ
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>be me, incel
>sparring last friday, no gi
>gets paired up with a woman
>accidentally touch her breast
see you later virgins
Wait until you get into leg lock battles with the nogi girls and accidentally stick your toe in their pussy
Trading fungus like an old Reeses cup commercial


He's (probably) not on meth. It's a manic episode (again) and he's getting help. I saved one of his instagram stories.

I think he's on the comedown now. I've been stalking him on insta the last few days. I remember the story you saved. Since then he's stopped posting, and it looks like the stories were taken down.

Maybe insta banned him and removed his stories, or maybe he's starting to come back to himself and realizing "oh shit what have I done". One of my gym buddies who's a medical guy (nursing student) was saying once he shifts from the manic phase to the depressive phase all that narcissist/egomanical stuff will drop away and he'll probably feel like shit. Of course, that's operating on the assumption that it's bipolar, not some other condition.

When Andrew alluded to getting help earlier in his episode I think he was referring to his sketchy, enabling girlfriend. I hope he gets real help.
this packs so much virgin rage it's unbelievable
always funny when someone with that telltale aspergers inflection tries to sound hard

was funny in school, is still funny as an adult
He's not posting on insta, doesn't mean he's on a "come down" means he's not accessing his phone like he's inna hospital or something
is Gracie Barra really as weirdly formal and/or culty as I'm reading?

looking to get into BJJ and was hoping for a more casual learning process
Not always, but more often than not.
am I better off just trying other gyms first if they're available?

I'm going to spectate a GB session tonight and see how I feel afterwards
Up to you homie. Personally, I find all the upfront and associated costs more offensive than the other shit. Coaching would have to be tip top to drag out my wallet the way they do. But maybe you'll like it.
Try every single gym within a 30 mile radius, pick a good distance/time you are willing to drive for me it's 30 minutes, I won't drive further than that.
They should be very interested in signing you up, it's hard making money doing this. Did the math and at $130/month I make my instructor like 1500 a year and he has to pay his affiliation 10-20% I forget which
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>he has to pay his affiliation 10-20%
holy shit, so that's why they call it jew jitsu
I really can't remember what he said I will ask him again my previous affiliation no one was supposed to open a gym in the same county as the others so that seemed fair

it might be like 200 a month he pays to use the logo I have no idea it's one of the gracie branded gyms that isn't barra
>gracie bara
really not doing the sport's reputation any favors eh
Any good resources for gi passing? I swear that shit's fucking impossible with all the grips your opponent can get
Only 25% of what the gym earns goes into my pocket, before taxes
the rest is costs
Advertising alone costs $1000 a month to have them rolling on YouTube, Facebook, mailers, and emails
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probably best to look at competition footage and see how the top players deal with grips, it's kind of hard to understand passing if you're just looking at static techniques being demonstrated on a cooperative uke

my favorite pass is the arm weave, it negates a lot of the bottom player's grips, just have to be careful not to get loop choked https://youtu.be/zPgQ5Uxs2Hk
similarly i like going for passes from headquarters
so i think the philosophy here is that you either want to commit to being up close or at a distance (such as when doing a toreando), never in between because that's when you start to get stuck and swept
if you're passing on your knees you're doing it wrong, this isn't a real strategy
it's the false positive of being either better than the person you're doing it against, or bigger and stronger than the person you're doing it against
stand up on your feet and get mobile
>muh body lock
isn't done from the knees, it always starts on the feet with leg pummeling and hand fighting and then they dive into the pinned position when the window opens. Nobody just saunters up on their knees and lets their partner establish whatever grips they want and then tries to break them and pass from down there the way the boomers would teach it to you

being on your knees facing your partner is not a position in jiujitsu, everyone needs to stop doing it
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>Nobody just saunters up on their knees
i did actually spar a young, yellow belt girl at a judo randori camp and she tried to flank my guard by walking around it on her knees
i dont judge but it was pretty funny to see
Yeah newaza practice is wrong
Crawling up to each other and knee wrestling

For sport applications newaza should manly start from an osaekomi because that's where the fight happens
jon thomas

they make grips you make grips
get into HQ grab a lapel and an outside knee grip and knee slice pass
>jon thomas
hate that guy and his clickbait titles
Why? He's good. Get good. Try doing some of the stuff he shows.
>He's good
he's nobody and I'm well beyond being impressed by the meme lapel matrix noob traps that only work on scrubs

do you want to get good at grappling or do you want to get good at putting your ankles behind your head and hanging on to another guys pants until time runs out, cus that aint it
Main Achievements:

IBJJF Miami Spring Open Champion (2017)
IBJJF Atlanta Open Champion (2014)
IBJJF Paris Open Champion (2016)
IBJJF Poznan Open Champion (2016)
IBJJF Munich Open Champion (2016)
IBJJF Boca Raton Open Champion (2015)
Main Achievements (Colored Belt):

IBJJF World Champion (2009 purple, 2011 brown)
IBJJF Pan Champion (2007 blue, 2009 purple, 2011 brown)

yeah just a big fucking scrub I guess
Oh wow so Impressive, a bunch of under belt and local wins
That's the most journeyman list of achievements I've ever seen
Having IBJJF attached doesn't suddenly make it an important thing, literally over 1000 IBJJF "world champions" every year

Again, that's impressive to people that don't know any better
He might win something of note if he closed his legs correctly
Gordon has a (free?) instructional that's pretty good and concise, it helps chain together a few different passes which is something a lot of people struggle with. If you're willing to spend money, a submeta subscription is definitely worth it too.
>if you're passing on your knees you're doing it wrong, this isn't a real strategy
I pretty much agree with you but people definitely bodylock and pass successfully from the knees in no-gi
He's obnoxious but his videos are fine. There are definitely better instructors out there but for free, beginner-friendly youtube stuff, he's not that bad. A good channel to grasp some concepts before diving deeper with Danaher/AOJ/Lachlan/Gordon
you sure he's not saying not to do that
I'm sure, that's why I took the picture. I was really annoyed he's making tutorials and doing stuff like that
You’re a dumb nigger. IBJJF pans is not the same as an IBJJF open
I came from an all nogi gym to a predominantly gi gym and passing was such a shock to the system. I tried body lock passing and forcing half guard and just got repeatedly loop choked and swept. One thing I learned was that you absolutely need to dominate the grip fight before starting your passing sequences, that means clearing lapel grips and leg entanglements as soon as they’re made. If you just waltz into their guard lackadaisically, you will get swept
Pans are open, the only difference is the naming convention. The tournament is only prestigious because they tell you it is.
You dont need to qualify for them and you don't even need to be from the region you compete in. That's why all the nobodies in the west take a trip to Asia every year to do it because it's an easier bracket to go against rice fueled manlets when you have no shot against Brazilian apes
Shout out to the new guy that threw himself forward into a kimura that i just wanted to sweep with.
Well I’ll be damned, maybe I was the dumb nigger all along. They do say this sport humbles you - I’m guessing this is what they meant. Oss
ty for correcting him. Fuck man I did an open and I didn't even place so idk how people go and win multiple of anything. I can't even get a match at AGF against a normal fucking human being, I get paired up with a former pro athlete.
>the only 2 girls in the gym didn't return after summer
Damn they smelled so good.
At my old gym we had a gigachad model who fucked every half decent looking girl who joined. Couldn’t be mad or jealous because he was a really nice guy, a good training partner and helped the gym attract and retain female members
I've been training for about 6 years (the last 2.5 at B-Team), and I feel very well rounded (I even have some mediocre wrestling/scramble skills), but I'd like to hone in on one thing and stick to it for a while. What should I study?
I'm leaning towards front headlocks or armbars but open to suggestions. Luckily my gym has a great culture about this kind of stuff, it will be easy to get feedback and do situational rounds if I can focus on something.
Front Headlock is the way man!
It gives you great control over your partner. It will transform your wrestling game and help you in standing and dog fights.
They can not tap to a choke and you can still hold it without worrying / you can take it to completion without destroying your partners joint.
Competition wins don't mean you're good at BJJ. They just mean you are fast and have superior cardio and spent a lot of time understanding how to best manipulate the gay point system. People who compete a ton are always the worst training partners.
Yes, because you know it's not a real combat position and you'd get a knee/kick to the face getting into position in a real fight. You're relying on a technique that won't actually protect you if you were in real danger. All subs that aren't street applicable feel like cheap wins to me and always have. 20+ years on the mats, for reference. I still want to win the takedown, pass using TECHNIQUE (not speed), assert control and achieve a sub where I was never in any danger from my opponent. Sport BJJ is fun, it's a brain game, but any position where the opponent is only safe because of the rules is not a safe position. Simple as.
>muh jiu jitsu
I had a dream about porno star Johnny Sins. We did not have gay sex but I did hire him to be a grappling partner and we did bjj with each other
that's kinda gay man
I looove doing double under stack passes dozens of times and having a sore neck for the next week
isn't jiujitsu so cool and fun guys?

drilling is seriously fucking stupid, stop doing it
It’s entirely valid what you’re feeling.
What enraptured me the first time doing Jui Jitsu wasn’t when someone tripped me over from under neath me and yanked on my foot.
It was when someone much smaller than me was able to physically dominate me into a choking submission. I couldn’t wrap my head around it.

Leg/foot locks will always feel cheap to me, just like a wrist lock does. Just because they feel cheap, doesn’t mean theyre in effective. Far from it. Being able to make your opponent submit when you’re not at the greatest advantage, or even 50/50, is incredibly powerful in itself.

It just isn’t why I train though.
>muh body lock
>isn't done from the knees
You’re just talking about in the gi, right anon?
Nicky rod enters body lock from the knees all the time
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I wish I could stop being such a lazy asshole and commit to getting good at takedowns.
Meant for >>212661
lmao you are a loser that flops on his ass as soon as you come in contact with someone
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That's what I was getting at.
>manage to get good takedowns, singles, doubles, ankle picks regularly during sparring
>sucks at at submissions
I should've become a wrestler
get good at controlling someone from a dominate position either mount or back and the submissions will come

just spend time holding someone in those two places for as long as you can and see what happens, start with that

you have to have control first
thank you for the good advice
What's the difference between going to class and learning techniques Vs just getting together with someone and trying to escape from positions until you figure something out
The former allows you to benefit from someone else's knowledge
The latter is good for practicing stuff you already know, maybe testing new ideas, but if it's your primary method of learning you'll inevitably waste a lot of time reinventing the wheel
There's a standing leg pummeling component to it to bait a slight overcommitment before dropping down to staple a leg

This is funny enough the reason bjjers blow at takedowns, they don't practice the setups and just take for granted you'll be able to just deploy the move at will
The I do 2 then you do 2 drillyboi compliant training reinforces this feeling and is why so often people will spend a whole class practicing a move and then the moment they try it live it doesn't work
Dope, I’m going to try this. I usually enter from knees by pushing my guard pulling opponent onto their back, as they are coming back up I shoot at them straight on with my head aiming for the centre of their chest. I push them back down enough to get the body lock but without over committing too much to give them an easy butterfly sweep with my momentum.

The issue is then that they have both hooks, and for people with sticky hooks it can be a battle.

That standing leg pummel looks like a great way to enter and only have the single hook. Only issue I can see is you’re increasing your likelihood of being swept and having your legs entangled.

Thanks for the info
You can probably learn a bit from having a friend and watching youtube yeah

Really depends on what level you're at and your friend and the feedback you'll get from it

I am a blue and still get my mind blown by my coach and the solutions he has to problems and little details. Plus it's just fun to go to a gym and hang out with people, have several different training partners all at different levels, skills, sizes, styles.

But yeah if it's just you and a buddy then that's better than nothing ofc. Better than training alone with a dummy or just spending years watching youtube and not doing anything like I did lmao
>muh jiu jitsu
damn I got athlete foot because my work shoes weren't dry over night.
This is horrible I want to but my feet and dick are covered in peeling skin.
No offense, but if you've been training for 6 years already, one would think you should already know what you want to specialize in.
for me? being 6 years in and I'm almost a black belt
probably by the summer. for all intensive purposes I'm there compared to the others in the room but some gay shit about time in rank, I don't know
>for all intensive purposes
wear a cup if you are afraid of getting erections in class
It's a doggy dog world
Because jiujitsu is an intense activity so for all intensive purposes it's fine
cups are painful when you get armbar from someone with them
So when will people accept that Danaher is nothing special?
He got lucky to have Gordon not the other way around
He hasn't been able to produce anybody worthwhile since going on his own
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What are the best resident camps for 1-3 week courses?
Lol lmao
Karate won
Get Power Ride.
If you’re saying this you definitely have not watched any of his instructionals or trained with his guys.
>since going on his own
What are you even talking about?
why the fuck do people keep slipping out of my rubberguard omoplatas? yeah yeah "rubberguard lol" I know. Do I have to cute more of an angle and pinch the knee more? do you grab the wrist when you go for omoplata? there is surprisingly little info about keeping the arm in there during an omoplata. everyone just makes videos about how to finish, how to counter the roll-counter, etc.
cut* more of an angle
Please do yourself a favor and spend time on more effective things. There are much higher percentage sweeps/submissions from closed or half guard.
>t. escaped 3 of these retarded omoplatas at open mat yesterday
It's really interesting as I teach these eco classes the way that people can't listen to simple instructions or think for themselves

They've been so conditioned to only do exactly what the teacher specifically tells them to do that they're unable to make a decision without express permission to do it

In this exercise the defending player starts on his side, attacking player is behind him with his arms locked around his waist
Defending players goal is to build the house and stand up to his feet, once on his feet he is to remain upright for as long as he can
Attacking players goal is to keep his arms locked around the hips and prevent him from standing, if he manages to stand your goal is to bring him back down.
First come the questions
Can I unlock my hands?
What did I say your hands are doing?
They're locked around his hips
So no, you can't unlock your hands

If he stands can I use my legs to sweep him back down?
Did I say anything about restricting what your legs can do?
Then go ahead
Can I grab his legs?
Are his legs his hips?
Then no

And on the flip side you have the people who can't follow the constraint at all
Immediately the defender starts pummeling and framing and trying to break grips
Stop trying to break his grip and just stand up..Stop trying to frame him away and just stand up...Stop..no I mean Stop. What is your task?
Build up to my feet and stand
So why are you trying to break his grips?
Because its hard to stand like that

Yeah, that's the point. Now do it how I explained it
People like you are the reason that ecological approach is thought of as incredibly gay

That leotard bitch is crushing. Plus Giancarlo is doing incredibly well. Who has Craig produced?
>I failed to create definitions through progressive implementation of games
The only thing gay about jiujitsu is drilling and repping
The people who train that way are across the board the worst practitioners
They talk about the benefits of spending hours repping techniques
Maybe they wouldn't need hours to master something if they did their training more effectively

If you can't follow a task as simple as that you're not gonna make it
I can look at someone on their first day and let you know how far they're going to go in this hobby
>teaching method doesn't work for students
>am I out of touch?
>no it's the students who are wrong
It does work, everyone loves it
There's just a few retards that don't get it and they're honestly not people I want around. It's a good way to filter out bad students because it immediately exposes who is coachable and who isnt
>muh jiu jitsu
Helena Krevar seems like she gonna be pretty dominant.
The mark of a good instructor is being able to turn a bad student into a good one.
Doing my first comp in a month, Grappling Industries. Got any tips?
My coach says that competing in jiujitsu is a separate skill from jiujitsu itself. So don't expect to be great at something you haven't practiced a lot. Try to enjoy to experience and the process. Take it all in.

He also says that, physiologically speaking, your body can't tell the difference between fear and excitement. So when the nerves hit and you're thinking "oh god oh shit oh fuck me goddammit oh fuck oh god what have I done why am I here I'm gonna die I'm gonna kill myself" just lie to yourself and force your thoughts to change to "YES I am happy to be here I am SO EXCITED this is EXCITING and FUN I made it I'm gonna DO MY THING and I've been waiting SO LONG to rock and roll and HERE WE GO YES YES YES WOOOOOOOOO".

It's tacky but it works, kinda. I hate competing but I do it anyway so personally I need any kind of cheap trick I can get.

The alternative approach is the exact opposite, the zen/samurai/stoic mindset. "I am the calm in the eye of the storm. Losing is irrelevant. Winning is irrelevant. The opponent is irrelevant. What matters is myself and my jiujitsu. Win or lose I will have control of my mind. Win or lose I will conduct myself honorably. Regardless of what happens, I will honestly and forthrightly put forth my best effort. My job is not to win but to fight with my utmost focus and effort. As long as I step off the mat knowing I sincerely gave my best and did not quit or give up or give way to fear or anger, I am content and I care not whatever else happened on the mat."

Some people would say that's a shitty, loser's mentality, and the possibility of failure should not even enter your mind. Maybe that's true for elite competitors, but personally I lose a lot so I can't really fool myself into thinking I'll always win.

Anyway, go get em, tiger.
Certainly you don't think it's my responsibility to teach a grown man how to listen to instructions, right?
You're a shitty instructor if you can't get people to follow instructions. Simple as.
He can but people always ask questions to thing they already.
>no bad student onry bad teacha
-fictional karate man

It's his parents that failed him by giving him too many vaccines and seed oils, my job is to teach jiujitsu not correct the mental deficiencies of an adult
You need special accommodations then buy a private, otherwise gtfo my class. You're not the main character here, if your conduct is a deficit to te group then you're not in the group
>my job is to teach jiujitsu
>fails at teaching jiujitsu
literal cope
>is it 3?
bad teacher
>bad teacher
now you're getting it
If you're special needs you should buy a private
you're a shitty instructor if you don't understand that not everyone learns the same. some people learn physical things by doing them
some people learn by watching

>otherwise gtfo my class. You're not the main character here, if your conduct is a deficit to te group then you're not in the group

you understand how a business works right?
dude they allow ex-convicted rapists and ex-cons in general to train bjj lol. get your head out of your ass
if they're asking stupid questions like that then they learn by doing.

tell them "try it and see"
let them learn from experience.
if they're asking these questions during drills they miss the point of the drill to begin with
also get the fuck off your phone during full force rolling nights if you're on it
>hi i'd like to take privates

>gets a 1 star review on google

>they go to a new gym
>the old professors calls to talk shit
>gets sued for harassment

if you're gonna be retarded at least be smart about it
>you understand how a business works right?
Yes, removing cancers that can't follow instructions so the other people on the mat have a good experience
Trying to carry shitters that can't listen is how you appeal to nobody
These are also the people that will spaz and hurt others

If I can't trust you to follow instructions when I'm not looking it means I need to always be watching you and that means I'm not watching other people
Trying to retain everyone that walks through the door is a rookie mistake
>don't ask questions
>just do the drill I mean ecological game
You are no better than the Brazilians you bitch about.
One day when you teach a class you will understand
Smells like brown belt with a once a week class in here
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>Smells like brown belt
no.... that's something else you're smelling...
Any recs for 2x/week lifting routine?
If you can only lift twice per week you’ll need to do a full body program, that has you doing a hinge movement, a squat, with vertical/horizontal pushing and pulling. Jeff Nippard’s Essentials program is pretty good, you can find a Google sheet for it online.
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Andrew Wiltse now threatening to kill Gordon Ryan and his brother with a knife
Says he has a hit list
Licks a knife
Says he's a prophet and/or God and will kill people who deserve it.
Says Gordon made his wife fuck Nicky while he watched and jerked it?

Videos available for archive:
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This cunt definitely is a huge problem.
Lol! But also seriously these will be extremely valuable in the criminal trial and inevitable true crime doc when he does it

The Gordon jacking it thing did happen tho
I didn't save all of them as a lot of them were just him yelling about how he's God and how he's going to beat up Craig Jones, Nicky Ryan, and Tom Deblass. I only saved the ones that were the most illegal. Plenty of them were just him yelling nonsense. He also voted for Kamala.
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Just in time for Halloween.
It's pretty funny because he's trying to be hard but looks and sounds like such a dork

Should forward it to the fbi tho, let him get assraped
not sure what any of it would have to involve the FBI other than people he threatens are in other states and he's using the Internet?
He says his hit list is 150 people so that's a mass killing event. They'd want to know

Better to just let Gordon and Craig know though, they're big boys they can protect themselves if they're concerned and take it seriously
Alright go for it my dude, I already reported him to the Mt Vernon police tonight.
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imagine a methed out michael myers coming to kill you but he also knows BJJ
His teeth are looking a little rough these days, I'm wondering what drugs are involved, why else is this girl around him when he is acting this way?
She's cute
I can fix her
>He's totally not on meth guise
She's kinda cute but did you see the videos anon
Meth or a motherfucker of a manic episode? Or both?
In any case, here for the fireworks, this is peak entertainment
Idk about meth, that's speculation
He's admitted to pot on the videos. Some of these edibles will make psychosis and bipolar worse
I'm adding more videos to the archive if you guys want to share them far and wide that would be great. The more people who see it the more likely it gets on law enforcement's radar and they actually do something about him this time.


my plebbit account has about another 36 hours before I can post to the bay jay jay sub reddit since they have a gay 2 day account age limit on posting there so if someone that has a plebbit account wants to share the link there that would be great
damn I feel bad for bird
>muh jiu jitsu
I do as well. I thought they had a really good thing going. They were winning a lot of shit and hitting that stride where they could make money from jiu jitsu without owning a school. People wanted seminars from them, they had a lot of stuff on youtube.
I feel bad for panda
Alright got everything relevant backed up, pic related. Looks like they were up all night and finally crashed out. Lots of threats to even the kill police if they show up. Elaborate ways on getting revenge on his brother. Even made threats to hurt his brother's wife and children.

I'm 100% for this guy getting locked the fuck up.

This is fucking hilarious. Except the part where he threatens his brother, that part is just sad
>his brother
What did his brother do? Just say he needs meds?
Lost a ton of money, lost his business he co-founded with him, lost his gym, moved out of state, lost all his friends in IL, tried to help Andrew and lived with him while he was manic and psychotic and giving away all their money, called the police on him when he was threatened and couldn't deal with it any more.
>Lost a ton of money, lost his business he co-founded with him, lost his gym, moved out of state, lost all his friends in IL, tried to help Andrew and lived with him while he was manic and psychotic and giving away all their money, called the police on him when he was threatened and couldn't deal with it any more.
Ah makes sense hope he makes a come back or something
The fbi is meant to look into any threat made over state lines but hey they probably wont
well he did report Gordon so maybe they'll talk to him from that lmao
It's fascinating how he gets more unhinged with each video
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why is this crap tolerated in the bjj community
literallt any other martial art and whatever governing body exists would have is ass perma banned from anything
If mcdojolife wasn't a grifter shill he'd be covering this aggressively
>bjj community
most are a lot less connected then you would think
I think he's had manic episodes before, but only went full retard in the past week(s)
I will say it again I love The Daisy Fresh boys, I am really glad they made space from andrew in the past.
He just spent some time inpatient @ the psych hospital for the first time ever. I thought for sure he was hospitalized at least once before and on meds but nope. And it was hell getting him in there. Mt Vernon cops are scared of him. So who is doing all these wellness checks on him when he gets on Insta and threatens everyone? They are. Or at least they're supposed to.........And they're fucking scared of him.
>fucking scared of him
Black belt and former champ with a knife,
that's is scary to begin with now give him a mental illness and meth.
But if they are cops they can just use a shotgun loaded with sandbags.
Apparently he's got guns in the house too and will shoot the cops. Watch the videos above.

He's been tazed before to no effect.
an makes sense
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I wish for them to do this once he falls asleep
It's actually kind of funny they'd all sleep in the gym and in the house and they made Andrew literally build a cuck shed out back to live in
They knew what was up

Fake black belt, sport BJJ under belt winner
He's entirely unremarkable as an athlete, didn't have what it takes to win in the real division
>Fake black belt,
True and no argument
>sport BJJ under belt winner
Sport bjj is still a threat
>fake black belt

uh what, it's a Rickson association that is known to be notoriously slow/hard to get promoted

>win in the real division

What is IBJJF worlds?
If it's not at black belt adult it's completely meaningless

Makes him a decent local gym tier guy, not world class by any stretch
he won worlds and pans multiple times at black belt adult and at his other belts too, why are you here if you are so dumb
He didn't
o ok he won PANs once at black belt and 2nd place

still he won worlds and pans a bunch at a school known to sandbag
>school known to sandbag
or just high standards
Nogi* pans
This is when heelhooks were still banned in ibjjf

He sucks
sorry guys I guess he went crazy before he was able to win a bunch of shit at black belt shrug idk
I think that's the reason he went crazy, because he was riding his own hype train With everybody blowing smoke up his ass during his colored belts career, and once he's finally on the big stage against people that actually do this for a living he starts having some impostor syndrome because he's not all that anymore
Total cognitive dissonance, he's not who everyone told him he was

He had flo following him around making a documentary about how amazing he is,
It ended with him getting his black belt and falling off because he isn't rising to meet the challenge
Comment section is full of hilarity. Yeah the guy who's been at this, for what a month now, is just gonna start making rational decisions because someone asked or tried to be stern. Just as delusional as he is.
His wife is super hot, he's taught me stuff from his videos, he's nice and uh he's also pretty good at jitz.
Is this what we're doing now?

Keenan is back podcasting again!
I used to look up to Andrew but it’s pretty obvious that he’s just a selfish and abusive person, bipolar or no. I got bullying vibes from a lot of the instructionals he did with his brother and now it all makes sense. I feel sorry for Bird and hope he gets out of this situation safely.

This nigga also needs to be locked up before he hurts someone. Why is he not in a secure psychiatric unit somewhere already? He’s brandishing a knife and talking about killing people and hurting children now - what more does this nigga have to do?
The first time I saw him was YouTube instructional video and I immediately hated his personality, he was cursing a lot and just generally seemed like a rude ill-tempered person
I liked the videos where keenan talks about how he runs his business and its a pretty simple philosophy to be professional and provide the most value you can for the members
And in the relates videos wasna podcast where some guy was saying to be successful you need to jew the members as hard as you can at every possible turn, going so far as to not even provide finger tape and nail clippers. If they need it you sell it to them
>muh jiu
Wiltse update:


Andrew "couldn't get Grace out of bed" so a bunch of cops showed up because "they (the cops) called Andrew (not because anyone called them) and "they decided (Andrew and the cops agreed)" Grace should go back to the hospital "because of rapists". Andrew hasn't posted anything in a couple hours.

Grace was also in the hospital last night "because her father raped her when she was four" and "because she was finally working through her trauma" (per Andrew). So what the fuck that ACTUALLY means, fuck if I know.

Blind speculation, but I'm thinking Grace is dead of an OD and Andrew is in custody. Even if he's not culpable for anything I can't imagine he's gonna do well talking to cops in his present condition. Fucking hell, bros. I guess this shit was only gonna end one way.
If "they" decided, it means she didn't decide, so it's a 5150 and they were going to take her whether Andrew likes it or not
Yeah I'm thinking reality is finally beginning to impose itself up Andrew and his delusions.
I'm betting too if he's in custody they pulled the voluntary questioning down at the station so we can figure out what's going on, and once he walked in he was no longer free to go due to his terroristic threats online
A rubber room for psychos is basically a wrestling room that paid even more for the same material. Rip the orderlies.
What are your favorite back takes from the mount? I've been working on my mount a lot recently and I think that's an offensive knowledge gap I have.
Ive worked security for a hospital, with a similarily dangerous person brought into our seclusion rooms. Basically theyll just have it locked and only go in with several cops as backup, but he will be left in there alone a lot
how are people stay funding his patreon
I worked at an autism center and one of the spergs took a swing at me
had to look,
this was the newest free post
>muh jitsu

waited 2 days to respond to myself
>he needs an adult to run this for him

bird got a restraining order and called the police and I messaged mt vernon police on FB with a link to all the videos that were saved in the gofile. MV police are AFRAID of him. He's been tased and shrugged it off. Now, it looks like he's "on the lamb" in another state which is going to make it even harder to catch him. So he's gonna have to get a warrant and APB put out against him or do something crazy in public to get arrested or sent to the psych hospital. It's all very very sad.
Only one I got is the gift wrap chair sit. I try to finish from mount rather than take the back but will take the back if I am able to like they shrimp too far onto their side.
T-Kimura to back take from mount is good but I don't see anyone but me do it.
Why does no one on this board talk about 'normal' jiu jitsu, Japanese jiu jitsu or whatever you want to call it? Is it a meme?
because bo one practices japanese jujutsu outside of japan really

not only that but the isolated martial arts of jujutsu are more popular and effective

judo is an isolation of japanese jujutsu(jiu jitsu)

BJJ is an expansion on judos ne-waza
both have proven to be more popular and effective
the guy who broke helio gracies arm was even a judoka
there's a move named after him in bjj called the kimura

basically bjj and judo are more effective and popular than japanese jujutsu
As I understand it
>samurai had an unarmed fighting style called jujutsu, but it was heavily fragmented, so one 'school' might have a different focus or set of techniques to another one, with some overlap
>when Japan modernised and the Samurai were abolished as a class, the art started to die out
>Kano went and learned several 'schools' of jujutsu
>realised that the only way it would survive would be to make it a sport with a heavy focus on randori (which was not emphasised in many jujutsu styles at the time)
>he mainly combined 2 'schools' - one with a solid throwing game, one with a solid ground game
>modified some techniques to make them usable in live randori without serious injury - anything too dangerous to spar safely was put into a compliant drill format called kata
>introduced belts for rank/instruction, plus a standard uniform
>reintroduced an old term for the style 'judo'
>in the 1920s this style was taken to Brazil
>in Japan the throwing aspect was emphasied, in Brazil the ground element was emphasised. The latter became Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (as the ju-jutsu/jiu-jitsu name was still used for what we now call 'judo' to some degree at the time)

In other words, Kano took what was useful, changed the format to make it usable, and renamed it to distinguish it from normal jujutsu at the time, then this style evolved separately in Brazil

Normal jujutsu didn't do any of this, so it became similar to what you see with aikijujutsu- a lot of compliant/demonstration drills frozen in time without any of the shit that made judo usable in the first place. The name retained some glamour and without pressure testing via randori, it became bullshido

People do practice it but almost anything with value was just incorporated into judo and BJJ
no one talks about vale tudo either
It's virtually nonexistent today. Judo is its modern successor and was created by removing the stuff that was no longer applicable -things like disarming a sword-wielding opponent- and formalizing the rest into a comprehensive curriculum with modern teaching and training methodology.
The last part is the most important for why the sport became as successful as it is today; extensive pressure testing by live sparring, as opposed to JJ's tendency towards "2deadly2spar", similar to Aikido nowadays
Vale Tudo just evolved into MMA, which is nearly the same thing, with a few more rules to make it safer and eligible as a sanctioned sport instead of underground fighting
As someone vaguely interested in cross-training in other grappling styles, does Aikido offer anything of value? I know that as a whole it's pretty much a meme, but I'm wondering if it teaches some worthwhile skills or techniques that might help round out one's grappling
The best argument I've heard is the opportunity for lots and lots of ukemi/break fall practice.
This, nothing completely disappears. The sport will not be the same as it was in the past but you can still train it.
>"I want to train Vale Tudo"
Just do MMA
>"I want to train catch wrestling"
do wrestling and No-gi
no, aikido is hard to find for a reason.
it barely works in terms of practicality
My university has a Shorinji Kan style Jiu Jitsu club. How effective is this style? I'm just not looking for meme shit where you do a slight movement on a partner who isn't allowed to resist at all and they 'sell' it by doing a flip onto their back like its WWE
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probably gonna be meme shit if it's self-defense oriented
based on what i found it doesnt look very convincing https://youtu.be/kbUUV-dFYPE
looks like judo but with all the useless crap Kano removed still in >>214734
but either way you wont lose anything by going in for a trial session to see if it's any good
i wouldnt know just go train judo or bjj dude
This >>214804 but Wrestling is also a good option
Why should I bother teaching people functional martial arts which is hard and not always fun when I can just teach them to larp instead?
>I'm just not looking for meme shit where you do a slight movement on a partner who isn't allowed to resist at all and they 'sell' it by doing a flip onto their back like its WWE

Try it out but it's a pretty fair bet that that's exactly what it is

If they have some kind of JJJ club surely there's a judo or BJJ club as well, just join that instead. You won't get the
>I know the Secret PeePee Fist Style from the PooPoo lineage in Japan
martial arts meme to the same extent, but you will actually know how to fight and will get in shape
Try to look up this on youtube:
>Shorinji Kan style Jiu Jitsu sparring
>Shorinji Kan style Jiu Jitsu randori

if you can't find any live, full-contact sparring or it looks like shit, then it's useless. This is the litmus test for any martial art
Rokas and Chadi have produced a lot of content on this. Both were aikidoka who had a moment of clarity and realised aikido is useless in a live situation

There might be some interesting tricks in there but generally it seems to be a massive waste of time compared to just spending the same hours doing judo/bjj/wrestling/boxing/MT

Like spend the same hours you'd use to get an aikido black belt or whatever in a boxing gym instead and you'll be a legit fighter
Yeah this doesn't look promising. No sparring vids, only compliant drills



Just do BJJ man, it's the same as this but only the parts that actually work
Tengu who is in fact based argues that aikido is not as martially useless as people believe, But it is the dogmatic Approach towards aesthetics that stop the moves from being used effectively
Sukui nage for example, In aikido you grab the person around the waist in judo you grab the person around the legs, The judo approach to this technique is objectively better it gives you a longer lever to act upon the person with, but aikido rejects it because they believe it needs to look different from how judo does
Aikido believes that attacking the legs violates the principle of aiki,, As in you are disrupting the flow of energy rather than redirecting it, this is why they don't use any kinds of tripping techniques
The practitioners are chasing this fictional ideal that never existed

His next largest criticism is not that the techniques are fake, some of them are simply impractical and there is no way to make them practical, can you theoretically do it to a person, yes, but it's such a low percentage it will likely never happen
But for many of them they are practical techniques however the practitioners have no idea how to set them up appropriately, and what you will see is a practitioner goes live and try to chase hands and grab onto wrists
They never even have a chance to do the technique because they can't get the grips they want. A realistic approach would be to clinch with collar ties overhooks underhooks like all other grappling styles would and you can slide down the arm to get the wrist grips you need
It just doesn't function as a coherent grappling system where you can transition from move to move, everything you do happens in a vacuum when you practice so you don't know how to chain things together appropriately to make them work
do this again but ten words or less
I mean Tomiki Aikido exists, which shows that (some high percentage techniques from) aikido can be used in a live situation to some degree if it's trained that way


The difference is that if you look up aikidoka discussions, there doesn't seem to be a consensus that a style with randori is better, whereas for judoka/BJJ players this is so obvious it doesn't need to be stated.

I have seen the opinion that aikido trheows (and the karate version of similar throws) can actually be more useful for da streets than their judo equivalent because you're not following them to the ground, so less chance of getting stomped out by multiple attackers. But that logic only works if you can hit the techniques in a live situation

>But it is the dogmatic Approach towards aesthetics that stop the moves from being used effectively
>The practitioners are chasing this fictional ideal that never existed

From what I've seen, I think this hits the nail on the head. BJJ thrived because it was ruthlessly focused on what worked - aikido floundered because this wasn't its main focus
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apparently the daisy fresh mafia is now hunting for andrew after they torched his house down? https://youtu.be/d3gaKgv75lA
And everyone who left comments saying he should maybe go check himself into a psyche ward was an ebil republican. Ya know, giant fans of medicine and science that they are.
top kek
that title
Guy learned his bjj works first hand
>bjj only protects evil scumbags
forgot the video like a tard

I personally wouldn't waste time cross training anything other than Judo/Wrestling to fill the stand-up takedown/TD defense that BJJ inherently lacks.

Oh and striking/shooting guns is probably good to do too.

Wouldn't waste any time on "women's self defense" like standing wrist locks, hand gun disarms, weird hair pull defenses that don't work, hapkido, ayyyylmao-kido. Dumbshit like krav maga gun disarms.
So what we can assume is he committed arson on his own house to try and set up diasy fresh
I got video of him having a candle and putting a bunch of pieces of paper into it while being manic.
Did anyone else see that? He was making a mini bonfire and laughing like a 12 year old who just found his dad's lighter for the first time.
I'd be willing to bet "burned down right after I left" is top 5 most suspicious on insurance investigation for arson.
to much planning probably just had magic candles lit and forgot about them when he left. If that's the case he probably believes that daisy fresh actually burned down his house.
If he did did just recently purchase fire insurance for the house and then this happened that's going to be enough to indict him for insurance fraud and arson
Even if it was an accident come the investigators will find that the Fire was set from inside the house
I don't think he has been paying any bills he has
Ahahahahahaha he just recorded himself smacking his girl and posted it on youtube
I could have told you that without the video but I am glad he posted it.
hope he get broker
Fucking cringe
I woke up at two am and he's got a bunch more videos and people are prank calling him now and he says he'd suck dick for money

We need a kiwi farms thread started on him
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the fire rises
>Coach recorded a class and I am going easy on someone newer and posted it on facebook
I should have killed that guy when I had the chance, now every normie who watches that video will assume I'm ass
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coach only ever seems to put up highlights of me doing something retarded
Go the other way. He's baiting noobs into thinking they can come whip you, then make a year membership sale when you drag your nuts across his face for 3 rounds.
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Andrew has now deleted the Wiltse Brothers youtube channel. There was a lot of good BJJ content on there. There's a torrent of it here:

Andrew Wiltse Archive Oct 24 (222.52GB)

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fuuuck i was just thinking how i should download all his non-retarded shit before this inevitably happened, thanks anon
I would Download this But I already have 2.5tb of instructional and I dont want to buy another external ssd.
Why waste your time on his journeyman tier technique anyway?
Fair I really don't think there is anything he has anything to study
Bro you gotta start saving these and uploading them somewhere, he's deleting everything. Anyone got a Kiwi Farms account and want to make a thread? He's saying he wants to fist fight Heath now.
who did he strangle? his gf?
Buzzsaw cheek splitting defense instructional soon
I don't know, haven't heard. It seems most likely. We know they smack the piss out each other. Andrew previously mentioned pinning her down.
Reading the statute it's a domestic violence charge, 2nd degree felony carrying 5-15 years
The strangulation is an enhancement
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welp, it's over andrewbros. remember to take your meds and stay away from crazy hoes and meth
Bitch you thought.
Fucking useless MVPD let him out this morning and he's back to ranting on his gf's insta, making threats against Heath and babbling about the grand conspiracy against him.
Apparently there wasn't enough evidence to uphold the charges. Also there's a lawyer who's helping him. This lawyer is actually the brother of one of the DF guys who Andrew is fixated on, so go figure.
Insta is @ grace . lockhart 111 (remove spaces) if you want your own front row seat.
>that pic
It really is the meat and potatoes of every bjj thread, isn't it?
is there a pass for retards like me who cant aggressively pass and instead you just like fall on top of someone and see what they do then react

and no not floating guard pass, thats too hard because no one just lets me trap their one knee between both of my knees and flop back and forth so fuck that one

is there maybe some leg entanglement i can pull that transitions well to a guard?
Give the people what they want
True enough.
I didn't want it at first but now I enjoy it
Anyone actually like studying atos?
if you have to cross train to make your martial art effective, was it even effective to begin with?

>wrestling for bjj
why not just teach this in bjj to begin with?

forgot the link again like a tard
No martial art is going to be complete. Everybody specializes in something. BJJ focuses 90% on groundfighting and setting up positions to slap on submissions. Boxing doesn't utilize kicks or knees. Wrestling (scholastic, Greco-Roman, freestyle) doesn't allow chokes or joint-locks (though they do have sneaky pains that can be pain compliance).

Cross-training is a must. Very few BJJ schools will be 100% complete in stand-up grappling AND ground-grappling unless they're the rarities that address both facets AND you have enough time to practice 20-30 hours a week.

Scholastic wrestler/judoka here. I didn't have BJJ in my area growing up but I have a good base where I was able to hang with the BJJ and sub-grapplers at my current gym and they were impressed on how well I could do my rides, reversals, escapes, and pins on them.

Meanwhile my guardwork got extensively advanced thanks to rolling with them and I mastered so many sweeps thanks to my judo instructor making sure we at least devoted 40% of class on newaza.
The thing is that bjj is uniquely incomplete within its own discipline
Boxing doesn't claim to be anything other than the art of punching
Taekwondo doesn't claim to be anything other than kicking
Wrestling and judo don't claim to be anything other than the arts of throwing someone on the ground and holding them there

BJJ claims to be a submission grappling art but completely lacks the ability to consistently and reliably move the fight into an arena where it functions
Wrestling and judo don't need to cross-train with other grappling arts in order to do the thing they claim to be good at
BJJ requires cross training with something else in order to work
It's just non-functional
i unironically use rubber guard
Pre-1980's, if you look at vintage BJJ footage, they actually addressed stand-up grappling. Even Carlos and Helio did quite a bit of throws, trips, and takedowns. They were nowhere near World Judo or Olympic level, but more than adequate against noobs.

And a lot of vanguard of BJJ's development extensively cross-trained in catch-as-catch-can wrestling as well as luta livre (like George Gracie), judo (Rolls Gracie Sr. especially), sombo (Rolls Sr. again), Greco-Roman, freestyle, and anything else. Also a lot of Carlson Gracie Sr.'s guys boxed as well as did groundfighting. Before tournaments were standardized and popularized in the 1980's, BJJ was a real street-fighting art. It was survive by any means necessary, neutralize the opponent's strength and size advantages, wear them out with pressure and positioning, and then seize the moment to break their limbs/or choke them out.

The sportification of international judo also hindered its newaza. Pre-Olympic judo actually practiced some atemi (not enough to be a serious striker, but they knew enough to inflict damage in self-defense) as well as extensive submissions and ground-fighting along with devastating throws and tosses. The Butokukai practiced a rough-and-ready form of judo that focused on groundfighting and military close-quarters.
Could someone pls help me guys. I'm a 174 cm tall 70 kg manlet. I started almost a month ago in Carlson Gracie. I did kyokushin before but i couldnt put up with the fear of getting knocked out anymore. My problem is that I'm the lightest in the gym so during rolling I often get tapped by someone bigger than me sitting on my chest and smothering me. Any tips to avoid this unwinnable situation? I felt like standing up and keeping my centre higher would be a good solution but its forbidden in the gym. Also my purple belt buddy told me to roll with higher belts not white belt retards.
For the time being, just work on your pin escapes, guard retention and defending submissions. If you can defend from a bigger opponent, you'll have an easier time against someone your size
You're gonna be the nail for a long time regardless of size.
Thank you
i unironically use deep half
what the problem with deep half?
I pretty much only use deep half and octopus guard, Am I the joke?
nothing wrong with it, i'm just pulling your leg
i love deep half
I am planning to start doing gi again.

I gave it a try when I started bjj
it was no more then 2 months
Before I switched to do no-g only.

I already have a gi so why not gi it another try?
any tips would be appreciated.
You know that old line about doing gi to make nogi better?

Turns out it's the other way round.
I just want to spend more time at the gym and not by myself.
Winter is tough.
It's just kinda gay, I find it to be a dishonest crutch and worse yet for whatever reason people get butthurt when you do leg stuff in it
I agree on all points but I have a gi and time to kill in the week
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World Sambo Championships are live. Free but you need to make an account (you don't have to confirm it so you can type in a random email address and it'll play)..

Mat 3 has English commentary, but looks like it's only doing the women's events..
Mat 2 is doing combat sambo.
Mat 1 is doing sport sambo.

I think throws are more fun with the gi and unless you live in a place where you never wear jackets it's worth doing some gi stuff.
Throws are more fun with a gi but knowing this everyone in bjj just sits down
The show must go on.

1st for grace is a cunt and belongs in jail

Imagine getting your ass kicked by a troon & then having to do it again. Holy shit I'd hate to be this guy right now.

Like what do you even do in this situation? Do you just quit training?
All I see is some delusional faggot that got tapped and made excuses like he wasn't really even trying and then tried to turn it into a gym war

This is an actual crazy person
That channel is a goldmine of mental illness.
I can't imagine having to train in the same environment as someone like this that you have to constantly walk around eggshells with. Surprised that their coach is willing to put up with it.
Don't be comfortable on your back(both shoulders to the mat), usually always try to get to your side
Your opponent will try to flatten you into your back with a cross face (face full of forearm/shoulder/bicep) so learn to frame to keep that arm from doing its thing (your hand should be there to catch and intercept it)
Most pins will be "well I can't move so I need to get to my side) except for mount, that's a case of "well I need to rotate my hips to their side but keep my shoulders to the mat" else you get your back taken
Else since you're starting out you should invite the back take and defend from there
I think I found them commenting on a Wiltse video. Unwatchable. YWNBA. More delusional than AW.
Any one have advice for copying Dante Leon?

I found him through Westside Barbell and after watch him compete I wanted to start doing bjj.
That was a week a go and I have been going to bjj at a mma. They teach one thing for 15 minutes then it is 45 minutes of rolling.
It is fun but I guess I need to study on my own and build a game plan on my own.

So my question is what are Instructionals I should pirates to copy Dante Leon?
Any other advice will help me.
You Will Never Be Andrew?
I think he forgot a w
same level of cope
You Will Never Be Andrew Wiltse

Holy shit, the plot thickens
Can I get a tldr on this
On the surface it's schizorambling, but being involved in jiujitsu myself I also kinda believe him

It's sorta funny he's talking shit about people while also having their logos tattooed on him
>being involved in jiujitsu myself I also kinda believe him
Which parts?
I’m skeptical but honestly this seems to be Andrew at his most lucid. Hearing Keenan talking about his time with Team Lloyd Irvin, the Danaher Death Squad stuff and the general goings on in a lot of the big teams makes me think that something isn’t quite right with Heath and the Daisy Fresh team. DF is a lost boys club; it attracts vulnerable and fucked up young adults who have little going on for them outside of BJJ and no real role models to speak of. Easy pickings for a manipulative cult leader-type personality.

Shit, even in my home town the head coach (a black belt under Priit) who is essentially a nobody in the BJJ world abused the little power he had to fuck girls at Globetrotters camps and do other smaller bits of social engineering

But seriously just learn fundamentals and develop your own style, you can worry about emulating facets of other athletes later. I got into bjj after seeing Marcelo Garcia but quickly realised that his style doesn’t fit my body type nor is it complemented by my complete lack of athleticism
Jiujitsu is a death cult, all the stuff he talks about happening at daisyfresh is completely plausible because that's what the jiujitsu community is like, there's been so many high profile rape scandals and shit
The video IS the TLDR you loose assholed faggot.

There's tons of truth in there.

>DF is a lost boys club


>fuck girls at Globetrotters camps

Probably pretty funny desu, they're there for fun and a short vacation.

This guy knows what's up. Anyone who's trained knows the cult of personality that goes into this.
Put in text so I can read it and not listen to rambling for 18min
>He's not an elite 115 iq individual like myself listening to videos at 2x speed
If this is true it makes me like Daisy fresh and mongols
Fair and makes sense
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This young man just started coming, who was a D1 wrestler, ivy league in fact and recently finished college so now his choice to continue grappling is jiujitsu
According to his back story he has been wrestling since he could walk so he has nearly 30 years of grappling experience at a competitive level

And he has been pretty salty that he's getting worked over by the blue belts, And he was complaining that they're being too rough with him, which is weird because I hear this sport is way less rough and tumble than the one he's used to
This is all nogi too so you can't even chalk it up to the gi crutch

It's a weird complaint, I understand if you have a complete novice then you take it easy on them but if someone has been a high level grappler their entire life then you have to bring the smoke when you step out there with them. I don't think we're the assholes here
He is a black belt in wrestling if there was such a thing so I don't think the complaint is valid
I think it's bruised ego
Ivy League is default D1. It's entirely possible he went his whole "career" either riding a bench or losing, if you even presume he's telling the truth. D1 is such a fucking meme in jiu jitsu and mma.
I believe him, he has that distinct wrestlers body you can see from across the room, 5'5" lean muscular rectangle
There's various kinds of rough. Do you maybe have some blue belts with a chip on their shoulder or something to prove against a wrestler who may be ripping subs, not letting go after a tap or generally just doing what are considered to be dick moves?
I just watched so far, but he's the one that was turning everything into a level 10 death battle with how fast he was moving
So if he was getting roughed up its his own fault, when you go fast then things come on fast
i see his problem now
No showed to my first comp, disappointed in myself.
So you paid $100 and didn't go?
You wouldn’t be the first to do this. I came very close to doing this myself at my first blue belt tournament and ended up going into it and winning anyway to my surprise. I would’ve done it but only one guy was in my bracket and felt it wasn’t fair on him if I didn’t turn up.

Have more respect for yourself and your opponents. You’ve not only robbed yourself of an experience that you would’ve benefited from win or lose, but also the other guy as well. At least you know now bro
Yea desu it's mostly screwing over the other 2 guys in my division that I feel bad about.
did show up to my first comp this weekend and lost all 4 of my matches. Wish I didnt to spare myself this embarassment
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you win some you lose some. mostly lose.
losing sucks but signing up and going is half the battle.
at the very least you'll get an idea of what to work on to improve.
I wish my ego wasnt as fragile because I now dread the thought of going again and losing every match again. Do you think I should start incorporatimg wrestling in my training or focus exclusively on bjj? My biggest weakness was lack of both agression and explosiveness so I figured wrestling could help with that.
I think you should stop going to competitions because it's clear you don't want to do it and are doing it because of some percieved expectation and wanting the approval of others
All the wrestling in the world is not going to help if you can’t pull the trigger. You need to spend time training at competition intensity or just compete more if you want to be mentally and physically prepared for comp. It’s a skill in itself.
today i had my 6th lesson and it couldn't have ended any worse bros.

Coach paired w up w a small girl, half my size and maybe not even 18 years old. I started in side control and I rotated to transition into kesagatame. When I changed positions, the wrist of her hand that had been framing my hip dislocated when it got trapped between my hip and the mat.

Feel like shit bros. Idk if i can ever show my face there again.
Based on the pairing choice, I'm gonna guess your coach didn't mention that elbow on the mat + weight on hand doesn't typically end well. So it's his fault.
You say coach but do you mean guy who tells you to do something then walks away and comes back 10 minutes later to ask how you're doing?
cant really chalk it up as your fault if it's only your sixth lesson
A different coach had flagged that issue to her in a previous class, but this coach did not.
He was watching us the whole time. There were only 3 of us in this class. Even got a blackbelt from elsewhere in the gym to roll with me because odd number of students and because the other two in the class were tiny women.
well he should've been watching her better, her not you
framing with your hand in someones hip instead of forearm is a known way to wristlock yourself, same tier as that shitty footlock when people cross their feet on the back
the moment her hand went there he should've literally said "don't put your hand there, if he drops his weight you're going to wristlock yourself"
this isn't some kind of unknown fluke thing that happened
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Another Sunday morning
Another day when nobody comes to class and I woke up early for no reason
then if it gets taken off the schedule everyone will start asking for Sunday morning classes again
Friday morning for my school. Almost always a "free" private. People will tell me I'm getting better fast. I'll tell them about Friday. I might as well have farted as a response, because I'll never see them that day. I've literally seen more drop ins and visitors from association schools than regular students.
what's your attendance normally like? cool gym by the way
Attendance really fell off since summer ended went from a typical 10 beginners and 16 advanced and all levels easily being 20 or more to 3-4 beginners and 6-8 advanced and all levels is 2-6
But this seems to only be affecting the gi classes
Nogi is thriving, nogi has a population of casuals and obsessives, but gi is only attracting people where this is their main hobby
People are either nogi only or both, there's very few gi only people
How fast can I expect injured ribs to heal? Nothing broken, just fucked up a breakfall and now they hurt when any pressure is put on them
Depends on how stubborn you are about working through it. 2 weeks, 2 years.
I tried to work through it but found it difficult to even flow roll. I'm now taking some time off grappling, only lifting weights.
Would it be realistic to get back in fighting shape in about two weeks' time? Any good ways to speed up recovery?
Why do you think no one is comjng yo class?
If it's too tender to flow but doesn't hurt to lift, I'd expect a month is probably around right. Any actual help speeding it up would require more magic xray vision than I have in person, let alone through text.
I have stopped training BJJ and focus on lifting but I cope by saying that becoming stronger I'm also becoming better att BJJ so by working out 3 times a week, I'm actually training BJJ 3 times a week too.
this but just doing abs and also I can't pay
Being gay ass niggas I guess,
Cult of personality, they liked the old retired teacher with the
>dumb brainless warmup of jumping jacks and shrimps for 20 minutes
>everyone shows up late to skip that part
>2-3 moves just rep 2 times each back and forth
>3-4 minute rolling rounds
>get a stripe every 6 months as long as you're showing up at the biannual promotion ceremony

Well things are different now and you don't get credit for "just showing up" anymore
Any tips on not thinking about grape when rolling with women?

There’s this Jap chick who started coming to no-gi, and I can’t help but end up with my face in her chest or armpit when I’m passing.

I’ve started avoiding rolling with her, and she says it’s cool, but I can tell she’s disappointed when I tell her no.
>yes I have a thing for asian chicks.
Nope, just how it is
You end up in all the same positions with guys too, you just don't realize it because it's not arousing
Grabbing tit and smashing your face into the mound is just the way it works
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just try not to think about it
>Well things are different now and you don't get credit for "just showing up" anymore
so you lost your casuals and you're mad they don't want to attend your ecological meme class?
Damn I must just suffer them.
If that's you're attitude you're not gonna make it
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Well, at least they got another old man for Marcelo to fight and not making him go against a Ruotolo.
New Asian girl was in class tonight
I gave her the sniff. Came right from work, was a little musky
new >>217082

this board is dead so we deserve to be on the front page
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I'm a blue belt and i'm finding BJJ more and more ridiculous

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