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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General: I wish that were me edition


>Belt Checker
https://www.beltchecker.com (dead)

>Thread question
at what age are you no longer expected to roll but still get respect

Previous thread: >>207439
What's your go-to for when you're playing open guard and your opponent steps over your leg to start cutting? The "leg bump" that is preached everywhere doesn't work. I'm thinking going shin to shin is my best shot. Also x guard but that may be tricky.
You have to beat them into a sweep or guard before they do that. Maybe shin to shin > single X. If they step over to begin the knee cut get them into your half-guard.
Shin to shin for a stand up / wrestle up is good against guys who don't like to wrestle
I'm not sure I understand the scenario you're describing, but either way, you should be thinking about guard retention (frames, connections, etc.) rather than reaching for a position that might not be there
This might help:
I just download all of the Power instructional,
I will report back after watching them.
I got smothered in reverse kesa gatame again is there a counter or sneaky attack for this besides trying to shimmy out
There's some fun in reverse DLR in a situation like that. You have an inversion to the back, you can go matrix and k guard.
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>start doing bjj
>still an incel
is it over bjjbros?
Incel shit is like alcohol wherein if you're not drinking all the time it's just fucking awful to listen to. Made it 35 seconds when he says "typical fatcel."

Of all the arguments I hear about BJJ, it's always about how gay it is or how effective it is in street fights. I've never heard anyone say it's a good place to get pussy. Rule of thumb: if a girl is doing BJJ, it's because she's getting fucked by a martial artist. No other woman has the wherewithal to walk through the doors and try something new that's challenging. They have a complex about things being/appearing difficult the same way men have one about hair and wrists.
I have seen a woman once in my bjj club and it was the wife of a blue belt who was curious about what he was doing thrice a week.
did this nigga make a 20 minute reaction video to a 4 minute guy blogging in his car?
Incel is a state of mind

You can be a fat sub 3 gaymer manchild neckbeard and get awesome pussy. You can be a terminal Manlet and be married with kids. I see this regularly.

You can be an alpha 6'3 chad looks wise and still be a butthurt incel who hates everything
The Andrew Wiltse situation is just straight up sad bros. I used to get a lot of inspiration from him and now seeing how he ended up is scary. Don't take your mental health for granted
What's going on?
A manic depressive discovered meth. Lulz ensued.
That is a joke right?
No. Might be inaccurate, but all signs seem to point to some kind of stimulant induced episode instead of a "normal" one. Meth is just an option.
Meth is just adderall for people without health insurance
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he has gone on to say BJJ is all he cares about in life. it's a coping mechanism for him. he has trained hard, is obviously a skilled player but still never made it to the big leagues despite it all.
i think he would benefit a lot if he took a step back from training and focused on trying to fix his life.
Well He's a drillyboi doing IP method repping thousands of time and that isn't how you become great
That makes you able to beat shitters only

Substandard coaching really, that whole teams claim to fame is winning under belt comps...so winning absolutely nothing
No it’s not a joke. His girlfriend looks very sketchy and looks like an early stage crackhead, he’s perpetually dirty and manic and is currently begging for money on instagram. I think it’s another stimulant induced manic episode
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she's definitely enabling him. sad to see.
Pretty ironic, because frankly I don't believe he's actually training right now. The whole "manic crackhead energy four days without sleep" shit is waaay easier to maintain when you're just walking around rambling at your smartphone, not actually putting in the rounds on the mat. When's the last time we've actually seen him slap&bump and get to work?

>begging for money on instagram
One of his posts was "my mom's healing crystal shop is the first official sponsor of the gym rat program!", i.e., mom sent me some cash. It's bad bros.

There but for the grace of God go I, bros. I hope I never get lost upside my own ass. Anons, find the people in your life you can trust to call you on your bullshit and LISTEN TO THEM if they have something to tell you. There is a higher, wiser path between being an oversocialized people pleaser and being a Dunning-Kruger arrogant idiot who thinks you're smarter than everyone.
been meaning to add daily deals to the OP
How do I learn to invert as a fat guy?
You dont
Become a more flexible and mobile fat guy.
I once saw a fat dude get forcibly inverted by a strong guy who got deep into the jacket's sides and used his head to drive through center. Looked like a human snow plow.
That's probably safest
I have a goal of going up to 300lbs to feel like what it is like to be a sumo wrestling.

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