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I have shekels to burn and have no other hobby
tell me why I shouldn't do paramotoring
seems noisy
it's literally just lawnmower engine
>>207619 (OP)
start skydiving first or paragliding
>>207619 (OP)
You can easily end up in a wheelchair.
I had a lot of close calls with those flying bed sheets and gave up paragliding .... for hang gliding. Almost no close calls, rigid wind is a rigid wing. Wing weight is substantial, when compared to paragliding. Also takes more strength to fly so better for health and muscle gain.
>>207619 (OP)
Do you condemn hummus?
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>>207619 (OP)
You need to learn how to fly a wing first.
Should have used a back up chute.
>You can easily end up in a wheelchair

As you can by doing anything else while making dumb decisions. If you fly in smooth air with a safe glider and don't push the limits you are pretty safe.
>>207619 (OP)
Buy a motorcycle instead. It'll be safer, faster, and more fun.
Interesting you say this, I have been flyinh pg since 1999 and can still say that $5 gas in my bike is comparable to flying. Bike is more dangerous tho, not even joking.
uh..extreme sports?
>>207619 (OP)
Just make sure you find a good heavyweight boxing match to drop into

is he ok
yes actually
seems bretty extreme to me
Going 50-90 kmh scraping your ass 20cm over the terrain would be considered extreme by some people.
how dangerous is wingsuit flying?
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a. which is less likely to kill me?
b. which is more useful in zombie apocalypse?
a: hanggliding probably
b: paragliding by far

Hanggliders take forever to set up and require a vehicle to move around.

A paraglider can go in a backpack and have you up and flying in a minute or less if you pack it effectively.

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