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Any freestyle wrestling fans here
Damn he ugly

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is dancing an extreme sport?
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I recently started ballet, but it's hard to be disciplined when there are no classes to go to :(
I really like it though, and wish I could spend more time in classes each week.
keep doing it homie. I think it's straight gangster that you have an interest in not only dance but ballet, be proud big dawg
Ballet is pretty extreme, lots of conditioning and damage to the body. Some of the stuff that Pink does looks quite demanding too.
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extremely gay....

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Capoeira is very underrated and misunderstood, specially by its own practitioners.
>almost perfect use of momentum
>almost complete mitigation of the disadvantages of falls
>lots of unorthodox movements and weird striking angles
>lots of level changes, perfect for transition to grappling
Yet retards will tell you it's just a dance or that it doesn't work when it has historical proof it worked against even armed opponents.

From what I gathered, it seems Brazil doesn't want to export just the fighting side of Capoeira because that would be racist or something. Can any Brazilians shine the light on why this shit isn't being taught in every school like Judo and BJJ?
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All the more reason that my statement that "it is not underrated" is correct. Thank you for supporting my point.
I misread it kek
Watch this Capoeira guy casually kick as hard as Mike Tyson can punch.

Capoeira will give you insane bodily control, athleticism, and reflexes but it can't be the main art you practice. There are alot of brazillian professional fighters like anderson silva that mog hard because their capoeira backgrounds. Energy wise, In a cage fight, Using capoeira expends a shit ton of energy if you're going to be doing all those spinny kicks you got to have monster hunter level timing and precision or youll get tired out.
bad for a cage, fine for an encounter on the street where everyone goes all-in on every single punch anyway

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Which is more skillful/impressive?
>inb4 this isn't an /xs/ sport
Imagine you're juggling live grenades before tossing them.
hands evolved for manipulating objects, feet evolved for walking. this makes foot juggling more impressive, but in my opinion also more retarded, because you limit yourself by using a suboptimal tool for the job

>more retarded
Outside of party tricks I can't imagine juggling with either pair of limbs as being crucial for human life/survival.

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I'm looking for a martial art where people spar without the primary focus of the art being on competition. From my experience, it seems to be either one or the other.
That's probably gonna depend more on any given individual school/gym than style. Imo judo and jiu jitsu tend to have the highest number of noncompetition but sparring heavy students, but that's not really gonna be indicative of any given location. Boxing might be the hardest to find a middle unless you're somewhere its cultural like the UK.
Judo or BJJ gym where the average age is 30+

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Don't do hard sparing with strikes to the head all the time.

Spar light most of the time.
When you do spar hard do it with someone you trust to keep hard strikes to the body and still keep all strikes to the head light and fully controlled.
If you do full contact fights, a good chunk of your training leading up to it should be about protecting your head at all time.

It's that simple.
>Concussions occur by accident
Two men stepping into a ring with the express aim of knocking the other one out.
Learn not to get hit? Sprinting and some track
On a serious level if you want to learn to fight without the risks there's plenty of sports and stuff out there. Not everyone has to go mental in a class but if your worried about pain and damage just do something else that you may find fun
Just listen to everything that this guy >>208354 said. Any gym that hard spars is pointlessly risking injury. You learn better with light sparring (just like the Muay Thai guys), and you pressure test better with full contact competitions (if that's your thing).


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I want to do some sort of martial art but there are only judo places and an MMA place nearby, the MMA place focuses on BJJ, kickboxing and catch wrestling, they are part of the Zé Radiola team and some jap jiu jitsu org so I don't think it's a mcdojo at least, no clue how to check if a judo place is a mcdojo or not tho.
I'm mainly worried about tearing an acl due to my fatness.
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you're gonna be met with dumbass questions and opinions if you walk into a marital arts studio and say you exercise and have other martial art hobbies like archery.
you'll be met with dumbass shit like>>200310
>"how do you think archery is gonna help you at BJJ?"

>i dont
>"oh then why do you do it"

the average person in a martial arts studio is sub iq and retarded as fuck.
So hey, it's me with an update, I found a boxing place sorta nearby so now I'm doing that and also lifting weights. I lost 15kg since I started.
good for you bro. i plan on getting into boxing too
It's pretty fun after the first time, I almost threw up and I had that feeling in my mouth the whole time but my body seemingly adapted by the next class. Very exhausting on the nerves, my hands shake all day after training every time.
I ended up rejoining judo instead

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So this is the power of Kyokushin Karate...
Is this from the 100 man kumite doc?

They do a lot of weird shit but KK does seem to produce tough fighters
The weird shit is because it was a cult of personality around Oyama
Resistance training in water and mud is horrible, used to do abit with marines. Nothing bs about it
Oyama was a genuine hard fighter. If you wanted to be the same naturally you would want to train like him. He trained alot outside so those influences in his training would be copied to a degree

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How do you stop natural reaction to being hit like closing your eyes?
just don't close them
i boxed for 4 years and competed. after getting punched in the face a bunch of times you start to realize it's not as bad as it seems and you naturally stop wincing when you see a fist coming at your face. you even lose your reflex to flinch a little bit but you try to keep flinching while keeping your eyes open. this happens naturally. i never had to force myself to stop closing my eyes/wincing while boxing, it just happened
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>natural reaction
sorry, you were born a prey.
Wrong, I was born to pray

ive recently picked up kickboxing and wrestling after a half a year absence from half a years worth of boxing.

the days I can go to the kickboxing gym we just end up doing nothing but 90% conditioning and 10% drills.
I have still yet to learn how to actually properly throw a leg kick, high kick, knee etc. not to mention the place is fucking full to the brim of people.

the other gym where I could train kickboxing at spars really hard (imo atleast) and the first day I showed up they, although friendly in conversation, were absolute dicks in sparring and would go hard constantly even during regular fucking drills. I left that gym with a splitting headache, the first time something like that has ever happened.

What the fuck do I do?
Look for another gym?
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Am I too naïve too understand why people would haze others? When I was getting semi-OK at boxing after like 3-4 months every time a new guy came I would be as nice and playful as possible, that also went for literally everyone I trained with there at that gym, all super nice and only like 1-2 were dicks in sparring.

Why is it different in kickboxing? And "lighting someone up for their first day to see if they'd have a second one in them"? Really? People do that shit? Are we larping as fucking spartans? They don't even fucking compete as far as I know, why?
>Am I too naïve too understand why people would haze others?
It's because they are retarded chimps. Some people need to be checked, but that's not the same as hazing.
Stay on the easy gym, practice technique at home by yourself, ask instructors to see if you are doing it right or something when you are there. Eventually, as you pick up more confidence and both your technique are alright, test waters in the hard gym again.
T. Pussies

You are practicing a COMBAT sport. they don't want little larp shills in there, they want people who have heart.
If they're any good that is.
Hard sparring has been proven to be almost worthless. You aren't learning as much as in light sparring, and you're not pressure testing as well as in full-contact competitions.


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Why is it when someone asks how to get out of x position like the back strangle the gays say you cant do shit and shouldnt take out the eyes of the one doing it exactly?
If he is going to strangle me might as well make him blind foreva
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>gets pinched by a girl
>gives up
>There is a lot of ego in bjj.
>I honestly wish there were wrestling gyms and not bjj gyms everywhere
If wrestling was the more common art then we'd see all the bad actors in wrestling instead.
This. I think the issue is not the art of bjj itself but just its current status as THE martial art everyone wants to practice. I remember 20 years ago when all of these same kinds of faggots were doing kung fu and krotty. 10years later they were all doing RBSD commando larp like krab magoo. Now they’re doing bjj.
Don't quote me faggot, I was talking about eye pokes being useless
If you can just rotate your head out of a choke, your opponent sucks at choking
those are the ones who are trying to be nice during sparring. some will just crank the fuck out of your neck and jaw

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then look me in the eye and tell me Karate is not gay
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Nothing, I repeat, nothing, is gayer than Greek Wrestling




>All the sumo links and how to watch live:

Previous thread: >>202772
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I can offer alot of technical commentary im a naga champion and I wrestled for my highschool.
>how many hours can you be funny and autistic
considering the top and 2nd division are under 4 hours long probably all 15 days
Ahh anon you prejac'd again
we were edging it right to 1000 and you blew your wad early
Do admins know how active /sumo/ is compared to the rest of the board? They should raise the image limit just for us.
we are just big fish in a little pond
Someone post the Abi flowchart, please.

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What if we conciliated this war in the octagon.
Putin vs Zelensky.
Putin is coached by Xi jinpin and Rocket man Kim.
Zelensky coached by Joe biden and Japanese president
Ring girl:merkel
Referee:António Guterres.
They both have 1 year prep.
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Putin already has belts in various martial arts on top of his KGB training.
Even though Putin is older, he is still a judoka
They’re all honorary though. Because he helped established heaps of martial arts tournaments and the like. Aside from sambo (and russians don’t tend to view judo and sambo as two seperate things), he hasn’t trained anything else. I mean, one of his black belts is in taekwondo, for fucks sake. You think he can bust out hwa-rang? What about koryo? Absolute nonsense, the man’s never done an axe kick in his life.
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Putin was trained in Judo at least.
Plus he probably knows some shady moves from his time in KGB.
You must understand that martial art training was a state monopoly in the soviet union.
So it's an old man with lots of training against a younger man who's not (to my knowledge) tained in hand to hand combat.
I'd rather see Ukraine win a conventional war.
The poor buggers would have to get into a conventional war first, instead of being expendable proxies for the Americans.

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Long story short, I got jumped by 6 guys and they kicked the shit out of me (fractured my face). Realized that even though I trained years ago I forgot how to fight and I'm looking to get back into it. I got a few options near me they are.

>Muay thai gym ran by a former pro fighter I looked up his fights on youtube
>Krav maga school ran by some krav maga guy can't find any videos of him having pro fights but in a lot of their videos they do sparring and scenario training

I'm conflicted between the two on one end, I got jumped by 6 years so not sure if the krav school is what I want or on the other side I want to actually learn to fight and train with fighters not just jerk my dick and pretend I can fight. What would you pick /xs/?
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Shotgun, sawed-off, load with buckshot.
Alternatively, machine pistol.

Hell, I could take on a hundred knife-wielding men with a Ma-Deuce from 100 yards away.
Germans managed to kill thousands of *heavily armed* men with MG42s in a day.
Even a Maxim gun defeated hordes of spear-wielding Africans (they got some range!) with minimal casualties.

If you are concerned about home defense, a claymore will work fine for larger groups.
Mounted repeating gun is good too.
We know you can take on 6 guys at once tough guy, just not in a fight
this. bros out here watching too many hollyjoo movies of 90 lb women body slamming 250lb men. 6 v 1 you are fucked without weapons, double fucked if they're all bigger than you. 12 hands vs 2, really.
get a gun or run. those are your options
As an "experienced combat sports athlete", street fights against multiple opponents are always a loss experience unless you're some fast twitch muscle fiber thick necked 200lb boxer, either that or you know how to use your surroundings to your advantage to funnel your opponents.
Learn how to fight fast, integrate head movement and always attack from your shell and be ready to get the fuck out.
Krav Maga is a fake LARP martial art

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