No rules except no weapons allowedWho is the strongest of all time?
>>185549This would have to be a hypothetical, mythical fighter that couldn't possibly exist. Like Andre the Giant at 20 years old, 400lbs, if he learned Judo
>>190194>Mike Tyson with skills he didn’t haveIn that case, the answer is my dad, except he went around the world mastering every martial art, like Batman.
>>205661>Ancient warriorIf we’re including weapons, and it’s a one on one fight, the only sensible answer is Musashi.
>>216541I'm a pretty trusting guy with an open mind, but I'll eat shit before I believe anything Marco Polo said for no other reason than because he said it
The sudden appearance of the English army caught the Norwegians by surprise. The English advance was then delayed by the need to pass through the choke-point presented by the bridge itself. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and the Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon has it that one of the Norwegians (possibly armed with a Dane Axe) blocked the narrow crossing and single-handedly held up the entire English army. The story is that this Viking alone cut down up to 40 Englishmen and was defeated only when an English soldier floated under the bridge and thrust his spear through the planks in the bridge, mortally wounding the warrior. His name was not preserved in the aftermath of this battle.
How do we save this shitheap of a martial art? All suggestions and general Power Era nostalgia welcomet. ITF 2nd dan (but not trained in years)
>>216770Its not just a striking problem. If you're stuck in that stance, backwards movement is sort of your only choice for dealing with shots that aren't done from half a mile away. Or side stepping hip throws. Bad news when you get to the cage. Like any stance there's pros and cons, but being unable to get out of it is gonna be rough.
>>216770TKD stance works fine when low kicks aren't allowedTKD distance works fine in a field where you can keep at long range all dayBut in the ring you get smeshed bratha
>>216916Traditional Ohdokwan back-stance is actually quite square. Not bladed like you see in the Olympics. Plus bending ready stance is a check against a groin kick. So some Taekwon-do stances work better than others. As for close distance? Practice your boonhae so you can apply all the bridging moves from the Hyung. If you school offers it, work on your hapkido and obviously get some yudo down ASAP. All traditional Taekwon-Do Yudansha were yudoka also. Taekwon-Do doesn’t work without yudo. Finally, if you have time, practice Taekyeon, if you can find it. That’s where you can learn your soft striking to really increase your skillset. Taekwon!
>>213378> >reduce the number of belts. Like just have white/blue/black or something relatively simple, with black meaning 'master'Original Taekwondo Belt system was white, blue, brown and black. That’s what I’d use.
>>211263I'm glad someone asked this. TKD has some good shit in it for real combat, the kicks and the movement is top tier. But the problem is the lack of any sort of real threat and defense with the hands. Boxing is literally the spine of striking, it's so important. Thing is, tkd already has been fixed. Kickboxing is literally just tkd with boxing. So there, problem solved.
Parkour thread. Where are you at with your training? How have you been working around the limits of weather and lockdowns? How much do you apply the utilitarian Hébertist mindset of being strong to be useful to your training routines?Freerunners can post, too. Maybe even gymnasts and trickers if you don't get your own thread up and running.original thread >>1236
>>209118mirrors edge and its sequel
>>180856Merry Christmas again, traceurs. Maybe we can get some OC in the new year and liven up the slowest thread on this board. How many active practitioners do we have lurking? I moved out of the city last year and haven't been training, need to get around to building some obstacles to jump around on.
>>180898Do you ever use gloves in the winter?
race you to the tawara edition
>>221418not talking about his records, more his sumo. he was always like a brick wall, win or lose it. less of that showing through.
>>221438he had 34 wins, a jun, and a yusho in his ozeki run.
>>221443Those fat boys do sumo every day. They are aware of the concept of elbow strikes - they don't do it because generally speaking it doesn't work, and letting go of a good belt grip will usually cause you to lose. If you're very good you can sometimes pull it off - Hakuho did it a few times. Most people aren't as good as Hakuho, though.
>>221335>but name some of them, they all sucked. hakkaku was the only on that was even marginally successful>Taihou>Tamanoumi
>>217607Ikazuchi moves up the rankings for sure Ajigawa gets on the list tooOnosato up to O1e & Shirokuma getting either J1 or a full makuuchi promotion should advance Nishonoseki's rank
No one here has the balls to challenge the floating skatepark.
Can you prove to us that you do, OP?
>>210426theres an entire thread of skydivers here
>>215817How did the so-called master caucasian race get cucked and blacked in the first place?
>>218711simps & women's rights
>>218711It's easy for those with a good nature to be deceived because they don't understand there lessers are malicious
anyone here done this shit before? i first became aware of it back in 2015 and the idea of it made me want to shit my pants but ever since i see nothing but reels on instagram of people doing it and now i know that i must. theres not too much on the internet about this though aside from some training schools, youtube comments and videos that ive found. people saying,"dont do this if you plan to have kids" but then checking the accident/fatality rate of participants and its pretty low. what kind of gear do you guys get for this shit and is this the type of sport you can expect to die doing in reality or is that just for people who are shooting for a redbull helmet, not the casuals?
>>213424What do you mean by "better"? Faster? Safer? More bitchin? You can make speed flying, skydiving, skydiving with a wingsuit, base jumping, or base jumping with a wingsuit as suicidally dangerous as you want. Skydiving without a wingsuit can probably be made safest out of those options. Speed flying can be made fairly safe, but the dangers of launching from the ground are present on every flight. Fucking up a launch is a great way to break bones. Landing a speed wing is almost always going to be more dangerous than landing a BASE parachute because of the speed involved. Landing a skydiving parachute can be made to be pretty safe depending on the parachute you're using as well as the fact that you'll basically always going to be be landing in a giant, flat, grassy field. Base jumping and wingsuit base jumping will always be the most dangerous because it is the fastest, most chaotic of all. Fucking up an exit can kill you pretty quick. Fucking up the wingsuit flight part can kill you pretty quick. Fucking up your parachute deployment can kill you pretty quick. There's maybe a 1 in 1000 to 1 in 10,000 chance that even if you do everything right, your parachute will malfunction and either hurt or kill you (line over/tension knots/bridle ties a knot around your pilot chute/etc.). The safest speedflight would look something like using a 16m wing to launch from a steep grassy hill in a steady 5 knot headwind, flying high above and away from the hill, and then landing in a large grassy field, or maybe a sand dune. A really dangerous speedwing flight would be something like launching a 6m wing in a slight tailwind on a hill above a cliff, and then doing a bunch of barrel rolls close to the ground while flying through windy canyons, followed by a landing on a sloped, rocky LZ. The former would be much safer than any kind of base jump, with or without a wingsuit, the latter would be more dangerous than most wingsuit jumps that have been done.
>>213955Cont.The bottom line is that most flights with speedwings are going to be safer than most wingsuit base jumps, and most speedwing flights are going to be more dangerous than most wingsuit skydives.All of that being said, I've done all of the above, and if I could only pick one, I would wingsuit base jump.
>>213959Of all those listed - wingsuit base will take you the most time and money to get into.You need 200 skydives before anyone will even think of teaching you wingsuit flying, and at least 500 of those before anyone will take you a wingsuit base launch
>>216243This is true. Your first wingsuit base jump will probably set you back about $40k+ depending on whether international travel will be involved. Flying a speedwing will set you back about $5k including gear.
>>209972I haven't done speed flying, but I have flown my parachute down a mountain about 40 times now. It's amazing. This truly is one of the greatest things I've done in my life, and I can't reccomend it enough. it's dangerous, and it is going to set you back in dollars and times (>3 years, >10k)
>how it feels to run from ski patrol when you're four beers in and they caught you on a closed trail (it's a pow day)Rebel ski thread
I want to get into some martial real bad, with boxing my main pick but I'm so afraid of CTE. I program for a living and can't afford to lose IQ points to doing a sport. How do you anons deal with this???
>>218338>I'm so scared of [insert fear] Stick to programing you vagina
>>218338You already posted this on /sci/ faggot. Plus if you program for a living it's not like Stephen hawking
>>218338Just stop thinking about boxing and go for bjj and kyokushin
>>218338Low or high IQ doesn't matter, since you program, poos will replace you next year saar. Also >>218343 or quit bein a bitch
>>218343NTA, but my brain is about the only part of my body that I'm actually worried about. I've seen firsthand what dementia/Alzheimer's does to a person, not wanting to end up like that is a valid concern I thinkSure, not training at all in the name of brain health is kinda dumb, but some concern is warranted
Whats this move called?
All the hallmarks of a Russian fight production, but everything's in English. Mind bottling.
>>209753>Mind bottling
>>209693>They're running ads on their skin?Yep, "The War" tournament treats their fighters like a nascar vehicle. I know thier league started in 2021 but they aren't going to last long if they continue to be this tacky.
>>209371haymaker, retard punch,
>>209371>boxing doesnt work in a real fight
Is there a martial art that is 100% defensive?ONLY blocks and evades.MAYBE some holds or locks but ideally just defense.>inb4 running awayYeah yeah I get it but still please.
>>212054The fuck is Tarantino's problem?
>>212058>so they're probably faster than you tooYou are as observant of life around you as a blind rightwinger with alzheimer's.
>>214565>as observant of life around you as a blind rightwingerIn my experience living innacity libshits have absolutely terrible situational awareness on average.
>>214632Well I have outran people who could kill my ass.
>>212058>dude is big and has 3 friends with him>therefore he can outrun meno, if youre lighter than him and train sprints theres a massive chance that you can outrun him.
A place to discuss zorbing and zorbing accessories. A misunderstood but globular extreme sport. Limp Bizkit once wrote a song about this
>>215132>disgracing the noble sport of zorbing with AI slop
>>215184I think it's acceptable given that all the original photos were burned by the anti-zorb lobby before they could be digitized.Speaking of lobbies, did you know there was a zorb event planned for 2012 Olympics in London? We were so close to greatness...
Santa Claus zorbs
>>215234if zorbing really becomes a permanent olympic sport, all of the underground zorbing rings will lose what makes them special when all he proffesionals pivot over to officially sanctioned events. The olympic committees would probably force everyone to wear special suits for saftey reasons, outlaw the use of lubricants, and forbid zorb decorating. not to mention the substance abuse/doping etc, but everybody already knows that's a problem.
>>218497>zorb suitsAnd then they'll ban the event because everyone passed out from heat stroke. But to be honest, I don't think underground zorbing is all that great. Needlessly dangerous courses only attract bloodthirsty rubbernecks, and they will never appreciate technical zorbing.
Based Usyk did it againUndisputed in two weight classesDude exceeded expectations and beat everyone in front of him. Great fighter. What do you guys think Usyk should do next? I think he's done enough and should retire.
>>218056Fury should have retired when he first said he would retireNow he's a foolIt'll happen to Usyk too if he doesn't know when to stop, so yes, I think he should retire while he's on top
>>218505Nah it's cooler to give all you got and then retireUysk was icey in that match though, I knew he was going to win as soon as I saw that initial staredown in the ring
I have a lot of friends who are learning boxing and kick boxing. Should I take some lessons or just buy a gun?
>>212466learn to fight and buy a gun and everything else that you can and by more guns and various weapons. Be as bad as you can be, learn how to hack, learn human anatomy so you will know all the vital arteries and organs to attack. Learn how to throw a baseball acurately, how to throw a knife, how to shoot a bow and arrow. how to shoot a pistol, how to use a sniper rifle, how to fly a god damn helicopter. Star jogging, running, sprinting, swimming. sky diving. Get in tip top shape and try out for US Navy Spec Ops.
>>212466For street defense>How to punchWill give you a feel for how bad it can be to lean in too hard into a punch while punching so you learn how to be safe >KickboxingWill teach you that kicking in the streets can be retarded if you slip and fall on concrete>JudoWill teach you how not fall headfirst onto concrete or fall in a fucked up way and be unable to run awayKickboxing also will show you the perils of changing level into someone smacking you in the faceAll these martial arts are good. If only to reach you how to not get yourself dead
not OP but I will also ask: I have been a retard for a long while. I had a basic\good base on kickboxing and boxing, but I stopped going to the gym because it wasn't "hard enough" and spent months practicing punches, kicks, etc against those iron poles or metal equipment at public park, trees, hitting myself with dumbbells or even barbells, etc ,and just sprinting\ doing random but tiring shit with my home gym weights.Now I came to realize : life ISN'T about headbutting s dumbell for reps ..I sincerely want to learn an Art (of fighting now) so:> what coordination ,hand-eye drills are good and where can I get a book about them?\ youtube channels, etc?>what sparring regime is advice for a non-pro, frequency, agreed-upon level of harshness, etc?>what equipment MUST a gym have? tear drop bag, banana bag etc>Should I learn no-gi BJJ ,and K-1? I want to acquire real fitness, agility, dynamic power and body-smarts. (I will move to another City so I won't be returning to the gym I went to. I think they don't give the classes anymore even)
>>214543>Normal PeopleAhhhh. The American method
>>215876my man....your first stop needs to be a Psychologist.
am new to the sport. whats the best paddle to cook in the kitchen?? (AKA be good in the kitchen.).
I recommend hitting that bitch with a frying pan
>>210897gay sport
THAT'S WHY SHE'S THE GOAT. THE GOAT. We show appreciation to the greatest girl skater on Earth, the christian Rayssa Leal "The Fairy".
Skate cunny sexo
>>217720Jesus Christ be praised!
>>217720Cool stuff