Why are the bulls so stupid? Why do they always fall for the cape trick?Don't they realize that the matador's legs will always be beneath his torso and that attacking the cape is a chump move?Why are bulls so low IQ?
>>215433A large number of matadors actually get gored to death.
>>215433Herd animals tend to be dumb as fuck, just like the humans who invented this "sport"Also they're already drugged and injured when they enter
Bullfighting should be more popular.
>>215433They go against what moves the most.If it takes too long they learn to stop aiming there and just ram the fucker holding it.
>>216160It used to be, petafaggots and their sympathizers need to be culled so we can return to the glory days
The answer is IT DEPENDS whether the skill gap or the strength gap is bigger
>>203309My money would be on Jones but anything could happen when the bigger guy is twice as big and can deadlift the smaller guy 4 times over
>>206544Sounds like an excuse for the unarmed combatants lol
>>203882Actually they fought for a few minutes with the big guy gaining dominant positions once or twice. he even let the martial artist have a break once his t shirt went over his head to readjust his clothes Big powerful guys are dangerous especially with no rules and if they manage to sprawl on you face first into concrete. even in a cage we have seen sumo wrestlers and big guys like Nelson just squish people
Prime Karelin vs prime Riner in a MMA fight, who would win?
kurt angle with a broken freakin neck and 12 shots of novocaine directly into his spine 15 minutes before the matchvskurt angle with a regular neck
Any freestyle wrestling fans here
>>212843me me i am
>>212843I watch it if I accidentally bump into it, don't avidly pay attention to the scene. Freestyle cool.
>>212843I watch older matches
>>212843What exactly is the difference between freestyle and folkstyle?
So this is the power of Kyokushin Karate...
>>206599I used to get made fun of by the life guards at the local pool for being the weirdo that does karate in the pool but I brought home a gold medal for sparring so fuck em
>>206599i forget how slow this board issurprising this thread is still alive
>>217389sumo bros have two threads that have been over the bump limit for like 6 months and neither one has dropped off the board yet lol
>>212173Oyama had a lot of culty shit built around him but the dude was still legit. He did 100 man Kumites multiple times. At least once they had to stop because there were no un-injured participants left.
>>217400If he was legit he wouldn't need to stage fake events like fighting the bull and karate chopping its horn off The test of legitness what your rivals say about you, not what you or your followers say about yourself
Just finished rereading Teppu and All-Rounder Meguru after remembering a storytime on /a/ 2(?) years ago where some Brazilian dude got me into martial arts. If you browse this board, thank you you bastard, soon I'll be participating in my first competition.Anyway, I'm looking for more stuff like this, I already read Ippo btw. Also, movies and other media are also cool
>>189546>>189556All valid recommendations Missing >Grappler BakiThe first manga is genuinely a masterpiece and much more grounded than you would believe. The second and third manga are also good reads but its like going from Dragonball to Dragonball Z not that it borderd me just a heads up
>>196098Great manga, though I felt it was silly the mc changed his last name to his wife's. I remember being disappointed there wasn't more rock climbing for a while, but the mountain climbing stuff grew on me, and I want to climb dangerous mountains now
>>189476I really like "Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru" and also "Batuque."
>>212951I wasn't a big fan of the ending, but the fights were good.
Careers of whom? Until someone posts names of several fighters who retired because of it, all this "ban oblique kicks in the UFC" is just rambling about what theoretically may happen
>>217071Wasn't there a guy who had both of his knees blown out and needing surgery after fighting someone who spammed these for the whole fight, Jones I think?
>>217099Just looked it up, Thiago Santos>During the fight he sustained a torn left ACL, PCL, MCL, meniscus, and cracked tibia along with a partially torn right meniscus
>>217071The knee is literally the worst joint in the human body, easy to break and very hard to heal
If you can twist someone's arm off you can kick someone's knee. Just tap out if it hurts
They should fight to the death
Do you think there's a correlation between extreme sports and what people do for work?
i'm a skier and i sell ski boots
>>216818I remember when I used to fence, like 80% of the club were med students
>>216818Only in that the the guy's that never make it big usually end up in menial jobs or coaching
>combat sports - tradesmen or manual labour of some kind>traditional martial arts - whatever job it was, they probably retired from it in the 90s/2000s>bjj - stem, office work, or lgbt wing of onlyfans>skateboarding/bmx/etc - "dude wtf is a job?"
>>216818I don't think so. Even if you only look at the subset of combat sports, the people I know run the gamut from current/former Army Special Forces to pediatricians to florists.Mostly, the thing they have in common is something in their psyche that drives them to constantly test themselves.
Basic brand info for beginners >https://pastebin.com/CxdBGA6WShoe reviews:>https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnSv7MyhLozYdGM1a1FUMHNtTkRFN0xkVmt3dEZ0NHc#gid=0Submit a shoe review:>https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Y70Tug_iI9-dW2VqBBzsI9PCnFlw1jIOu9yTlHcc-wY/viewformLast Thread: >>>214013
>>217941Does he listen to Metal?
>>217935this bot waited 900 seconds for this
>>217925I know the story behind this, it was early in the morning and he wanted crack. How do I know this and how do you?
>>217947tim o conner
new bread >>217990
You really think you’re strong? You’re not strong. You’re weak. Only warriors are strong.You think having big muscles equates to strength. But it’s not. True strength, is in the heart of battle.PROVE to yourself that you are strong. Really strong. You think you’re a fighter? You’ve never had a real fight. A fight… where everything is on the line.PROVE to me that you’re STRONG. You’re not strong. You never were strong, and you never will be.Unless, you prove to me, prove to yourself, that you really are strong.This is my challenge.The Ultimate Challenge.The challenge that will prove, you are strong.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>217051I didn’t realize having autism was an extreme sport
You guys like Boxing?
I do. I'm aiming to be a Champion!
test 2
where tf do i go to watch the ufc fight i don't wanna pay for that shit
crackstreams breh
sportsurge dot to
>>216014methstreams is better
>>216011they got free fights on youtube
>>216042>>216014Theyre both backup websites for each other
How do make finger skatign EXTREME
>>196667Based fun haver
>>184784you mean Fucking Awesome Guy Getting Outside Today? That's what the Foot Boarding community is all about! <3
>>184771maybe [spoiler] but never [/spoiler]
Is judo a good self dsfense martil art?
>>214502Notice how they're tripping over very drunk peopleNow try it on some 110kg meathead who's clubbing for your head
>>216736>Now try it on some 110kg meatheadYou mean the average judoka?
>>216736judo isnt an easy martial art in the grand scheme of judo.Learning it is easyapplying it in randori is hard and applying it properly is even harder.
>>214502Any wrestling or grappling martial art is good as long is a 1v1 and not a Brawl, you would always complement grappling/wrestling with a Striking Martial Art
>>214502Yes. In fact, pretty much all stand-up grappling styles (judo, bokh, shuai jiao, greco-roman) are excellent for self defense. Turns out that being able to put someone on the ground without going down with them is really useful.
How would one go about making a martial art/training a bio engineered fighter that much different than a human?
>>210192please don't ever post on this board again
Why did this make me horny thinking he was fucking it
Do drills that hone offense and defense skills. Do training scenarios to pressure test different aspects of offense and defense as well as prepare the combatant to operate under stress. And if possible, lots and lots of sparing.Eventually the cream will rise and you can focus on what works and toss out a lot of stuff that doesn't. Training out bad habits and inefficiencies, improving on strengths.Eventually this can be codified into a more structured training regiment if more of these inhuman fighters must be trained.If it proves replicable then congratulations, you have a new martial art for the new inhuman fighter of that particular body configuration.
>>210192no use case because guns exist
>>210850Make it bulletproof then.