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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
Ulterior motives edition


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread question: would you allow you're gf to go to bjj classes knowing what you know about how men behave?
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>I need to get back in his good books
The wall squats are punitive. What'd you do?
lol I train 3-4x a week and haven't got a stripe in 2+ years stop crying
Are you a white belt?
got the blue belt blues bro
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does you're gym teach and drill ukemi?
i think our coach shows basic ukemi once in our fundamentals class
it makes me feel very uncertain about doing big throws on beginners

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Asking for a dwarf friend, what kinda of risks and injuries are there. Would 6 months of training be good enough?
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>Would 6 months of training be good enough?
I’ve had my dwarf for a year now, and he still pisses on the carpet and wrecks things while I’m at work.
You really need 2 to keep each other company and a lot of room for them to run around.
They don’t need training to fight, just don’t expose them to other dwarves.
Tell Warwick Davis he's going to get his ass kicked.
Nah. Tell him he's gonna get raped by a mastiff and see if he remembers.
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>>Getting lost in his boxing gloves
Tell CRISP to just start midgetmaxxing

Why do boxers have so much more fights than mma guys?
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Because they're even bigger slaves to an even more crooked industry. The higher rate of brain damage isn't doing them any favours, either.
Cowards. The sumo lads headbutt each other at full speed 90 times a year, plus regional tours and training, and they've been doing it for centuries. Boxers are just soft.
And sumos die before their 60s usually
Go get head trauma if you love it so much faggot
Muay Thai fighters have 300 fights or more.
Everyone here has head trauma, otherwise we'd be normal people who like normal, safe sports. The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

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Being a musician is optional.

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How long till Bam dies?
The saddest part is that all of his dumb jobless townie friends from Philly have all long since outgrown him too. Even Raab Himself.
Rest In Pease Bam Margera (1979-2024)
Rockin in Heaven's Skatepark
earthrockers never really die, they get reborn as skateparks.
next friday

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What is your boxing style and stance? Why did you choose them?
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i dont looks like none of these
I'm a switch-hitting counterpuncher. My power isn't that great but I body punch a lot and string good combos. I use pressure and fight at angles. I don't like being cornered and had to develop better defense.
Peekaboo cause I'm unironically built like Mike, like almost exact same proportions.

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>Boxing is useless in a gun f-ACK
Sucker punching works too well
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It is ridiculous the amount of people that don't understand what a "sucker punch" is. OP, that wasn't even remotely close to being a sucker punch, educate yourself.
He has to get caught first, the video quality isn't enough to identify him. Hopefully he wasn't stupid enough to upload the recording he was making.
The point of self defense laws is to allow for assault and homicide to be defendible under context considered self defense. Basically, assault and homicide is fine as long as someone is attempting to or deeply seems to be attempting to harm you, and you can go until you stop the threat. Kicking when someone is already down to the point of intentional braindamage is kicking far past when the threat is stopped my dude. You can't rape a rapist in self-defense, the law works like that for a reaonse
>my dude
opinion discarded, hope you get sucker punched and kicked in the head like this brazilian nigger
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>guy with unknown motive threatens you with death
>motive could very well be to kill you; and you have 0.02s to react + identify this
>somehow come out on top despite the disadvantage of being caught off guard
>>>nu-uh you can't take 8 seconds to stomp his fucking skull to a bony pulp on the pavement like absolute fucking animal he is, ending a problem there and then once and for all (or just snap his limbs if you're feeling merciful)

>instead you should reasonably neutralise him (giving him more opportunities to kill you) while you restrain him, make sure not to needlessly hurt him (wouldn't want him learning a lesson / prosecuting), take an arm off of him to call the police (whose response time is 18mins on a good day, 56mins on a slow day, and "never" on the attacker's lucky day), so they can arrest him, take 3-6 months to give him due process & fair trial (which you will need to waste more of your own, unwilling time to assist in), at which point they give him a suspended sentence and he can find your house, get his buddies and kills you anyways because he is a violent retard animal with no comprehension of consequence that attacks people unprovoked and sees your actions as unfair despite all this (also you're fired for showing up to work late and fucking up your bosses contract)
>or they actually sentence him, at which point it's like 5 years tops cuz he dindu nuffin + free state legal representation (paid for by your taxes), he's out and a problem again
The law can't prosecute what it doesn't know happened, the law works like that for a reason.
Self defense "laws" are absolute fucking delusion, and the epitome of where an out-of-touch paper-based logical/theoretical bureaucracy has absolutely no say in illogical animalistic reality. It's not "reasonable force only as necessary", it's "kill or be killed + finish the job" you stupid bastard.

>can't rape a rapist
You absolutely can. You just need a very large, course branch / stick / "improvised dildo"

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What's your favorite martial arts movie?
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Universal soldier, the one with Scott Adkins. Underrated as hell
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This. We didn't come here to be sensible and mature. We came here because we all like goofy shit. Martial arts movies by their nature are corny, and usually bad.
>Undisputed 2
my nigga
>Underrated as hell
Scott Adkins is generally underrated as hell.
Undisputed series, Avengement, Accident Man, Ninja 2, Debt Collector 2, Legacy of Lies,
all amazing.
Five Elements Ninjas is an actionfest from start to end

Is it possible to just never get good at a sport?

I always wanted to drift. I used to rip the e brake in snow and dirt but I just suck at it. I bought a simulator setup and been using it for years and I never get better.

I can barely drift around one wet corner. I just don’t think I can get good at it i never know where the cars gonna go until I hit the throttle and I’m already sliding out of control.
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I love that game!
Do it for real on a dedicated track with a car set up for drift, doing it in a game even with FFB or with a FWD shitbox on a parking lot won't take you far
>yes, i know plenty of old men who get into mountain biking, have been doing it for years and still suck ass compared to the fearless 12 year old who started 7 days ago., having a risk tolerance, or atleast internal motivation is necessary. Do you just say you want to improve and then never do anything about it.
I don't even think it's a big issue, their ego is just bigger then their desire to do better.
I never really wanted to be the best (inb4 cope comment), and once I understood that I was happier.
Admittedly the best mtber I knew did dirt bikes, bmx, as a kid and had some nasty trips to the hospital.
Learn more. Somewhere there is a key to your problem, and I suspect learning+practice will solve it.
Training is different from just dicking around. Are you actually training, which is to say, intentionally bettering skills, doing research on what to improve, etc. Or are you just dicking around? Because if no progress with intentional progress, you might just be a purebred sped. If the latter, that's normal. Train with purpose and you'll get better.
>Is it possible to just never get good at a sport?
You mean like being Jewish?

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Free Livestream
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have a webm
I was looking for this thx

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blumpf won
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Please Sean don't bring the "cultural war" to combat sports and martial arts
This, he should be bringing actual war to leftytroons and killing them in real life.
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>The UFC was appalled by the transphobic comments made by heavyweight Matt Mitrione today in an interview on [The MMA Hour].
You crackers came with this concept exactly because you don't have the balls to do that
Jews aren't white.

why did airplane racing fail to take off?
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This is the Strega vs Voodoo duel at Reno in 2017
for as cool as it is its expensive to make good planes and "racing" planes would have to involve distances so far that spectators wouldn't be able to see it well
pilots get a much bigger crowd and more money for solo trick shows, dogfights with blank firing machine guns and tannerite bombs, or just simply giving people rides
speaking of the topic though, why isnt piloting a general on either here or /sp/, its something i'd like to get into myself one day
nah, as far as racing airplanes goes, its one of the most docile things you could do as a pilot
there's probably a general aviation thread on /n/
thanks, thats what i was looking for

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How do I study the art of kenjutsu?
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Legit here means recognized lineage. Usually one that goes back to before the Meiji era, though there are exceptions. Granted a school could have all of that and be mediocre, or even a joke, but the same places online that can tell you if a style is legit can usually tell you if a certain teacher has a horrible reputation.
I'd be completely not interested in wearing the silly pants
FPBP, but dumb thread. I mean really, really dumb thread.
You want something more like Chinese wushu gymnastics
This. Or if you're a poor fag there are tons of manuals where you could pick up some of the basics. You'll never be as good as someone who spars, but it'll be something. Plus you can do conditioning so that once you do get into a school you will hopefully have an easy go of things.

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Is snowboarding considered an extreme sport or should i move my ass to /sp/?

Anyway, recently got into snowboarding. Its so much fun, I even saved a qt asian when she fell into a tree well. Couldnt get out, so I had to pull her out. Was nice
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That could be it, but now I've applied it to all of them so the ship has set sail
A new fetish it is
About to leave NZ
One reason is the accent makes the women sound braindead
that's kinda hot tho?
are there a lot of asian girls?
Whatever butters your parsnip m8
In Auckland yes, it's basically the yellow sea

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~~Crack edition~~

>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.

>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?
Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power, but having these qualities definitely helps when you breach into the higher grades.

>What shoes do I buy?
If you're starting out in the gym, don't worry too much: get some snug shoes without dead space that don't cause you lasting pain. Some people (such as the famed shoe designer Heinz Mariacher) recommend wearing soft shoes when you're starting out -- this makes sense since your footwork will probably suck and the increased feedback will pay dividends over time. You really don't need fancy expensive shoes when you're starting out, but certain shoe properties help send harder problems (e.g. stiff shoes for standing on tiny granite edges or soft shoes for sandstone/gritstone smears).

Here are some useful resources for sizing:

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Yeah that sucks. With a perfect set no two competitors will score the same, and different boulders will be better suited to different climbers.
Can anyone diagnose my finger injury?
Ring finger, felt something pop/give while in full crimp.
No it hurts to apply pressure above the a3 pulley area, as well as when crimp or fully curling up that finger, otherwise normal movement is pain free.
Last minute too kwabs
>redemption arc
Yet she still sucks at climbing
Sounds like a minor ligma

If not, you gotta. Cos this is the most goreful crash in the history of F1. Shite. I gotta see this and I said 'na man, it's something else'.
Link: https://youtu.be/qVS4qWBkd74
That's the thickest autism accent I've ever heard, how does he do it?

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