74th Yokozuna editionreminder >>222222>Banzuke:http://sumodb.sumogames.de/Banzuke.aspxhttps://www.sumo.or.jp/EnHonbashoBanzuke/index/>Fight Schedule & Results:https://www.sumo.or.jp/EnHonbashoMain/torikumi/1/1/>Some sumo links and how to watch live:https://rentry.org/uwbgc88dComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>223788don't attack my boy
These are the only rikishi to win a yusho from Maegashira 9 or below. There were no entries for 10, 11, 15, or 16.
>>223790Are you arguing that all of them faced the exact same quality of competition over the entire tournament than the joijin frontrunners did? If not then you've completely lost any understanding of what the argument is.>>223785If it was best-of-3 while still have everyone fight all 15 days then yeah, there'd be less variance. But the scenario presented was one where they would have to have sekitori alternate days instead in order to account for the higher workload across the entire tournament. So each bout would be best-of-3 but there'd only be 7 or 8 bouts like the lower divisions would have, which would greatly increase variance.
>>223786The fact it doesn't happen often is proof that it's a result of the matchmaking system. Generally speaking, a rikishi will be ranked where he ought ot be based on his skill level. Takerufuji is thus particularly lucky to be in a position where he was so clearly underranked.
>>223794I wasn't making an argument either way. Initially I was defending Takeru, but with this I was only presenting data, make of it what you will.
*ends your parkour career by the time you are 31*
>>216907it isn't the 90's anymore
More like parkour ended your walking career
>>211704>I think that's just a drawing of a regular little boy. Have you tried not getting arrested for fucking children, op?Ahhhhh /ss/, the patrician's choice.
>>212339>Watch me efficiently jump between these two buildings- aaah, no, save me Sebastien FoucACK
>>222330Tbh it's better if it's /sm/ with the boy topping. Every guy that I've known personally with an open straight shota fetish was always a few degrees from getting into some weird abdl shit so that kind of soured it for me.
Is LARP considered /xs/? Its got a much higher concussion and injury rate than HEMA.What are you opinions on western larp vs japanese larp? Western LARP has a roleplay aspect but a very robust point/scoring system and usually have fight multiple opponents in groups. While japanese larp seems to just bash each other repeatedly until a judge arbitrary decides if they get "ippon".
>https://www.laprogressive.com/sponsored/best-larp-eventsIt seems pretty fun. I heard some stuff about wicca cults infiltrating medieval fairs, maybe that doesn't happen much.I understand the differences between larp and HEMA; but diff. between medieval larp and battle of nations\ "armored combat"? >also are blunted arrows allowed in some LARP? It would be awesome if they include Trebuchets throwing pumpkins, or some siege weaponry against some sort of cardboard castle structure
>>223081Its not really a sport though is it? more like a bunch of soft interconnective activities. Mock traders, quest givers, fighters, faction leaders etc that arent consolidated into a particular goal. kinda change from event to event i would think, right?DO you mean specific rulings withing fights in larp? I suppose that could be a sport, but then thats not really LARP, thats a ruling within larp.
LARP is not a martial art, but HEMA is, and it’s much more comparable to kendo than LARP is I took the bait didn’t I
Boxing>Judo>Wrestling>Thau>whatever comes from europe>asia>BJJEverytime you see someone beating the shit out of more than person they are boxers
>>217030You're absolutely full of shit. No high-level judoka is going to neglect matwork. Look at World Judo Championships and Olympic matches; there's groundfighting and setups for pins and submissions. >>217021This too. Judo teaches break falls.
>>212990Nobody looks down on boxing in the UFC. Don't know how people from the most watched combat sport can have the persecution complex that they do.I'd even argue that very few people have actually good boxing in the UFC. The reason why so many knockouts are with the hands is because fighters just swing as hard as they can with little attention paid to form.
>>217456>Muh formIf it works, it works
>>216928He has honorable belt like Putin who has black belt in kyokushin. Also belt colors in Russia don't matter, what matters is sport ranks like CMS, MS etct.(belo)russian
Where did it all go wrong?
>>223244you have to master the art of not wiping your ass with your hand.master the art of using a wipey to pull one ply toilet paper stuck to your asshole hair
>>223188He won a couple of fights before the recent fiasco. People don't realize they are getting PSYOP'd by the chinks to hate poojets. I'd say to give him another chance....Or so I thought until I watched an interview where he says he could submit Khabib.
>>223236There's certainly at least a few olympics-worthy wrestlers in there, but this form of wrestling is their traditional sport that they see as preserving their culture, so good luck convincing them to start doing freestyle instead
>>223188in the womb
Seems unfair tbdesu, their opponent would be unwilling to be within a 5 foot radius of them due to the stench, let alone grapple.
Jon Jones loses to Pereira by unanimous and the score would be impossible to rob (4-1, or 5-0). Jon Jones get's really mad and accepts the Aspinall fight.Loses to Aspinall by TKO in R2.Becomes like McGregor.
>>217799>Jon Jones loses to Pereira by unanimous and the score would be impossible to rob (4-1, or 5-0)Exact opposite of what would happen if it wen to decision.
>>217799It's cringe that he thinks that Stipe fight means more towards his legacy than him fighting an Aspinall. Like if you're that headspace to not take challenges anymore i think it's about that time.
I predict Jon Jones picks him apart for the first 2 rounds out ranges him brings Aspinal into deep waters and drowns him.
Love Poatan but Jones would finish him in 2. Also love Jones, I grew up watching his career and believe that he is absolutely the current GOAT, but Aspinall would finish him in 1.
>>217799this pussy is never fighting Aspinall
Does /xs/ prefer step or strap on bindings? Do step ons work in deep powder?
>>223270you shouldve known pnw would be incompatible with them
It's my 2nd season, I am finally making some deep carved turns with razor thin lines on red/blue/green slopes.I am also now starting to be able to navigate in between trees, hitting side cuts and slowly becoming comfortable with being airborne and sticking my landings, though I only land on my heel side because my ankles are kind of fucked.I have these old bindings with thick foam straps. All the new ones seem to have that webbed plastic strap instead.I'm wondering if switching to a new one will help improve my toe side feel/response? There is definitely a lot of play/cushion with the foam straps and I always kind of have to exaggerate my movements when I'm doing anything toe side. It's very noticeable when initiating toe side turns.
Today I took a "break day" just to learn how to ride switch the bunny hill and green runs and so far it's been some of the most fun I've had this season and it's just been slipping and sliding around like a jackass.
>>223478Maybe. This is a personal feel thing that you may or may not like. Just rent a board with the kind of bindings you're thinking about switching to for a day.
I've Been Playing For 25 Years But I Stopped Enjoying It 15 Years Ago Edition.Old thread: >>142716We're coming back any day now, boys.
>>220387If only I was fit and rich.
>>220387Im thinking of getting into it.Any tips as far as equipment, finding a place, etc...? Pros and cons in general of the sport?
>>223388There's two types of paintball, woodsball (can be played in arenas too, think of what you see people doing in airsoft) and speedball. Speedball is the competitive field you see in this photo. The sport aspect is unavoidably expensive and to an extent is pay to win. Paint is expensive, the lowest serviceable tier of equipment is expensive, and traveling is expensive. If you're willing to spend $1k or so on gear and well North $100 of paint per day, you are in the game and it's insanely fun. That said, you can bring one box of paint out to your local yokel woodsballer meetup and have a great time blasting children and their overweight fathers. If you bring an e-trigger speedball gun out to a bunch of yokel's with Tippmans, just throttle your trigger to like 1 shot per second and turn the fps down. Don't be that dildo who dumps a firehose of bruises into the back of a 10 year old's head, so he never wants to play again.
when will this faggot fight again? I like his style and he definitely beat Sean, but when is he gonna defend that title against the Bugman?
He's gonna win again
Told ya
Strickland is so fucking boring, if you're gonna talk shit fight like you mean it
>>223156He's a cry bully, he likes to beat on people weaker than him in the gym but against someone his own size he just stands there and eats shots and hopes he can win on the score card on volume alone with those powder puffs he throws
>>223156I like his defense, it's cool to watch. But there isn't much of a finishing threat from Strickland. And he paid for it. I do have to say I was impressed with his chin. His nose looked shattered and he kept going. Dricus is just hulk smashing everyone at MW
Being a musician is optional.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cpRB0TAhs4&ab_channel=uffesgrotta
How are you holding up, Earth Rockers?
>>222749Earth Rocking as always, brother. Never let The Man take it from you.
>>222749>be an enforcer for the Philly mob>have ten bodies under your belt>be personally responsible for relaying messages to imprisoned DeCavalcante members and to John fucking Gotti, as a made man but kinda flying under the radar>get rewarded with ten points of a few fronts in return>eventually manage to accumulate enough to comfortably open and operate a mid-sized bakery to get your family set, especially your newly-wed brother and his wife>life seems to run smoothly>years pass, you settle and try to live as a civilian>you look back into that life>you never made it into lieutenant or lived a lavish lifestyle>kinda like Al in Donnie Brasco>hey, at least your family is set, you are respected and your balls are intact, so who gives a fuck>Nicky fucking Scarfo calls you from prison out of the blue one day>says he has a special mission for you>take a deep breath, you don't need to get ready, you were born readyComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>212835It's a bit sad honestly, he's a completely different person these days. Just seems like a shadow.You can tell by how he talks that he's completely disconnected from who he was in the Viva la Bam/Jackass/CKY days - Like the Bam from that time is legit already dead.
>>222810I can’t quite tell if this is a legit story or some kind of copypasta.
/archery/ Thread #3 /archg/Let's keep this bad boy going!What's your style?What you shooting?What you hitting?Recs for bows?I bought a yumi, oh god, I'm a fucking moron, please help.What you wearing?
Can someone link me to some resource that will teach me bowery from scratch as someone who's never done any type of crafting before?My grandpa's shed has some old tools but no power tools or heatguns or anything so something I can do with a vice and some files and saws maybe.
Boy what da hell is this boiiii?!?!
>>222362I remember when i used to post my archery shit on twitter and people would post anime shit as a reaction.It felt very cringey and made me wanna quit.
>>222369>i used to post my archery shit on twitterbro you were extremely cringe yourself because of that
>motocross is so dead there isn't even a thread for it on /xs/ its so over
>>222296Not jett
who is gonna win tonight?Someone tell her she is doing it wrong.
If its still up you can see the entire Tampa race herehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLJ5qIRHc9c
Stewart is riding great, I wonder what place he is going to finish tonight?
A thread to discuss Japanese weapon based martial arts and our own martial journey with like minded people, discussion of other Asian systems is welcomed too.>what is kendo?Kendo is a modern Japanese budō that uses shinai (bamboo sword) and armor for combat, in its modern purpose is a way to strengthen body and spirit and develop character.>is kendo a martial art?Kinda>what do I need to start kendo?A shirt and sweat pants your club will likely borrow you the rest when you start>what is iaido?Is a Japanese martial art, influenced by zen practices based on different kata (drills) and subdivided in different schools with solo drills based on drawing the sword from the scabbard to defend from an imaginary opponent.>what is kenjutsu?Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>209855>Pic mostly unrelated.Based Baki Musashi poster.
After consulting AI I have decided to choose the kendo pill. It's networking and socializing opportunities appear to be unmatched
Any thoughts on Tankendo? Saw it lately and thought it was cool. But why are they using kodachi bokuto for kata practice instead of something that resembles a Type 30 bayonet? I thought Tankendo was born out of bayonet fencing?
sometimes I do suburi with a shovel. If someday I have to fight, is the first thing I have close. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_AUeCPrM9gI hope to reach a point where I can strike the hostile element with no doubt or fear.
>>222928Interesting. Pragmatic.
>this whole board
>>220801I just like that the bjj guys talk shit back ir just flat out call me retarded.Makes fun banter
I don't know how this thread became about bjj.All I am saying is don't break your hands, your elbows and feet work better for self defense anyways.>>220726adapted does not means evolved, If I win a fight but I am unable to work that is a shit outcomeWe have adapted to drive cars on roads we didn't evolve to do that.>>220465>They can be bothA person can do a lot of things but there are better options.>>220800work logs and part orders
>>220802>I just like that the bjj guys call me retarded.I mean, everybody thinks you're retarded; you and I are using 4chan.
>>220807>im retardedsure i am retard
>>220686>If punching was so good, then they wouldn't need clubs.If grappling was so good, garrottes would never have been invented.
Roller skate thread.Mostly Inline & Quads, Hockey & Derby welcome, Soaps & Heelies too if they're chill. Ice skates? Who knows.Discuss rollerskating tricks, gear, hobbies, complaining about the cost of new wheels and anything else relating to rolling around and it's culture. Cool roller skating /mu/sic is welcome, but talk about other shit too, don't just post music links with nothin else. Definitely not!vandalism belongs on >>>/po/stencilFAQ first editionhttps://rentry.org/cantbailLast thread (next thread before 2026?)https://archived.moe/xs/thread/127374
>>220044>>220045powerslide makes a 4x90 trinity frame called the combat rocker. it has a 290mm wheelbase which is way better for a size 12 and you can ride it flat or rockered. you could also try a 4x80 with a longer wheelbase, i think ground control makes a 270mm one, same base as a normal 4x90 setuphonestly i would highly recommend the 90mm combat rocker, its probably the best option for you. you can switch back to banana rocker on the same frame if you dont like riding flat, and not many frames come in that wheelbase. the closer the wheelbase is to your foot size the better. you can even use smaller wheels for a lower ride height but its not necessaryman i probably sound like a shill. i have a sister whos young enough to be my daughter and shes also taken a liking to inline skating, teaching is fun. not enough kids on skates these days
desu I've always wanted to learn to figure skate but never bothered.recently bought a pair of inline skates though.that said, how do I make the most of this while minimizing the gays?
>>222116>how do I make the most of this while minimizing the gays?just look for a relatively flat spot skate?
>>222116You want to figure skate but minimize the gays? That is a losing proposition, you have to embrace the gayness of it if you want to have any chance. You'll probably get pussy by being the only guy who's not literally gay doing italso inline is easier than ice but about 85% transferrable so it's probably a good way to learn the basics
>>222916>also inline is easier than ice but about 85% transferrable so it's probably a good way to learn the basicsgood to know.unfortunately i'm not gonna be getting much pussy at this age. i'll just embrace the rainbow and hope for the best i guess. just something i've wanted to do since i was a teenager but felt it was too late to bother.