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I've Been Playing For 25 Years But I Stopped Enjoying It 15 Years Ago Edition.

Old thread: >>142716

We're coming back any day now, boys.

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I have been doing MMA for 15 years, have fought 11 times as an amateur bum and I know how important cardio really is. However, am I wrong when I say that "warmups" before every class are bullshit and a sign of a McDojo, if they are basically a cardio workout on their own AND they consist purely of movements unrelated to the sport?

In my eyes, coaches do this shit if they are either too lazy to structure the class and think about the content, or they are doing some boxercise faggotry for fat soccer moms.
Imagine this: You are a normie slob, no experience, and you have to do 30 minutes of excessive cardio shit that is unrelated to combat sports, like jumping jacks and running in circles. Afterwards, you are too exhausted to focus 100% on the actual combat sport drills, for which you had joined the gym.

Warmups should just be enough that you can perform training safely. Mobilisation, few plyometrics, and then practice the moves from the previous lesson again. That's it.

I would either put the cardio trash at the end of the class, or do it as separate lessons during which you can focus 100% on cardio and nothing else.
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>I'm 46 and beat college wrestlers.
Your students, or in actual competition? It's not uncommon for guys to dial back their athletic exertion to focus on solving grappling problems in the dojo.
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That kind of incestuous credentialfagging is a large part of why many of the Chinese martial arts turned into absurd jokes. There are plenty of grappling disciplines older and better developed than Brazilian butt scoot and sometimes we can learn things from outside perspectives.
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what the fuck is this thread?
so many conflicting statements.
tons of grand standing.
Grow nuts you fucking faggots
especiall this gay shit

>And since you are on 4Chan and not Reddit

go back you fucking faggots
I think the greater threat is the beginners that just repeat everything they're told without question
Does your dad work for Nintendo

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ITT: we make our own martial art, Attacko, the most effective martial art originating on the /xs/board. Add one thing our more to our great martial art.
>It has to include a gi to emulate jackets
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we already have a rival variant
The Four Heavenly Kings
ok so, how can we make tazing someone in the nuts, an onahole sword and make spalshing piss on your enemy loo badass for a movie
someone make an video AI generate this.
This is solid stuff. Have like a steven seagull-esk Messer fight but with an onahole sword and he pulls out pocket piss and splashes it in his face and then tazes him in the nuts
>Four leaf seething palm
I second this name, kek.
GI's must be slightly green
Don't need to. It's 2025, society is gay as fuck now. Those retards will lap this shit up as long as we put a rainbow flag on it or something like that. The work's already been done for us.

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While following video guides and doing bag work and drills? There is no boxing gym or any martial art gym near me.
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Yes >>214001
>You can't learn to box/do martial arts at home
All you faggots know this isn't 100% true. The overwhelming majority of training is 1)conditioning 2)solo drills 3) partner drills 4) sparring.
So no, you cannot learn the totality of boxing & martial arts at home alone, but you can do ALL of the conditioning and still practice a lot of the basics. Basic striking & footwork patterns etc.
>inb4 won't learn it right
And? Most people training in a gym will also not geg it right. Lol. But its still better than nothing. You are all being gatekeeping lil bitches.
You're training bullshido if sparring isn't the most important part of all training
>t. Retard who doesn't train
It never fucking is dipshit, I don't care what style, trad/sport/full contact, doesn't matter. Even fucking MT gyms in ladyboy land don't put the primary focus on sparring. Sparring generates the most wear and tear, the highest injury risk, requires the most supervision. There are zero fucking gyms where sparring is the biggest focus. The only time that ever fucking happens is in fight camps and even then its the lightest of light sparring cause no pro is going to risk injury in camp.
Let me rephrase, sparring is the singular most important aspect. Its the one place where it all comes together.
But it is never the primary focus.
You spend way more time & effort conditioning & drilling.
Sparring is just the cherry on top.
But you can still develop a lot of skills without sparring that anyone who does no training at all won't have. So don't be gatekeeping faggots pretending like this is an all or nothing issue, it isnt.

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Does /xs/ prefer step or strap on bindings? Do step ons work in deep powder?
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I assumed it would be smarter to buy my own gear ASAP so I could learn faster via a consistent setup.

My friend taught me how to carve to slow down though, which will help me. I was riding flat and going really fast down hills and crashing at the bottom. Basically, I was riding like a fucking dumbass.

So moving forward, I will fall much less, or at least my falls will be less gnarly.
Well you have the board now so might as well learn on it and you have a buddy to help you which is even better, shred on anon.
>shred on anon
thanks anon, I will :3
>I was riding flat and going really fast down hills and crashing at the bottom. Basically, I was riding like a fucking boss.

Remember to target fixate on the bigges tree you see

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Why didn't you fuckers tell me this $30 double end bag has literally no weight to it and it's like striking a fucking balloon and is worthless?
I could have spent $30 extra to buy a $60 double end bag and actually have a real work out equipment.
Goddamn it.
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I could bop your head easily because I train with a double end bag
My point was that you knew precisely what you were buying, the information is right there, so you have no right to complain
What's your argument internet expert
How many fights have you won
my argument is it doesn't result in any transferable skills
boxers aren't exactly known for high intellect, most die early of brain damage

its strange people cling on to old training methods because they've always been there like that appeal to tradition means anything. Know what else is true of old fighters? they sucked and would spend their lives barely getting to an amateur hobbyist level of today
I look at you hitting these things the same way you look at karate men punching the makiwara
You're still wrong cause the "item weight" includes the 2 resistance strings. They're not specifying what the ball weighs.

It's the other way around. Ngannou dodged Jones and now Jones dodges Aspinall cause he knows he's too old to fight him.
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>Jones is an absolute pussy who has made a career off cherry-picking fights (including his wife) and failing drug tests for PED’s.
Sad but true, this is the guy that Dana idolizes.
you see how skinny and depleted DC is there? because his natural weight is HW
he knows he can't beat him without the weight cut
Jones refused to fight unless they pay him more because ngannou is "dangerous." And he wanted to be paid for "taking the risk."
>takes 3 years to bulk up 5 pounds above previous out-of-camp weight
Don't forget that he wanted to say he wanted to "properly" bulk up and be huge for the weight class, but when he actually fought at HW he looked doughy as fuck as if he just didn't cut weight like he usually does.
He is. Nignogoo won't hesitate to swing like a gorilla through the eye poke hand and would just murder Jones. Nignogoo sucks, don't get me wrong, he's low IQ dindu with no technique, but he is just too powerful and he knows it now which is why he goes 100% from the moment the bell rings. No one can survive that onslaught. He got tricked by Stipe into fighting MMA. He doesn't do that anymore.

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The Surfing General

Pipe masters is on edition
>how do I learn to surf?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrwL5_57C6w [Open]

>How do I pick the right board?
Use a volume calculator, and find the right board type for your local break or waves you want to ride

>how do I know if the waves are good?
go check surfline or magicseaweed for reports
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Kek, surely that can contribute to my situation as well, but it isn't the primary cause.
Fair I have been rescued once after losing my board in solid surf. Was very scary and probably would have been it if I wasn't. Was a very eye opening experience, I didn't develop that fear but now I certainly make sure I am going to be comfortable if I lose my board and no one is there to save me.
>probably would have been it if I wasn't

Sorry, what do you mean here?

Do you swim regularly and exercise?
Maybe dramatic I could have washed myself up the rocks. Yes and yes was/am in good shape. Just pushing my limits a bit much and the ocean showed me who is boss that day.
See, it's mostly on our minds. I mean everybody's minds. If you can maintain clear thinking you can, more often than not, escape sìtuations.

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What the fuck bros? There's no /scuba/ general?

Let's rectify that.

Best dive sites? Hairy or funny stories?

And the obvious question, what's better? PADI or SDI?

Here's an Australian Scuba FAQ until we make our own

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No point if you aren't getting wet
Look harder I've seen underwater blowjobs
>she freedives
is there a bigger green flag?
Either that or they are feminine as hell but completely ran thru or have a sugar daddy or whatever
Should I buy a backplate+wing or jacket for first bcd?

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Why isn't muay thai a big thing outside of ladyboyland if there are so many people who hate grappling and for some reason watch mma?
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If it isn't MMA no one gives a fuck. Why would we settle for only partial full contact?
>Why not Muay Thai big?
Fuck muay thai, why not Kudo bigger? All the upsides of MMA + the variables introduced by gear + resets when tap attempts go on too fucking long.
>If it isn't MMA no one gives a fuck.
I'm glad it's not more popular to be honest. One is fun to watch but i'd much rather watch RWS, Thai Fight, Petchyindee, Jitmuangnon etc over it. I like the pace, I like the tradition, and becoming more popular would just water it down. Plus there's amateur promotions here that people in my gym fight for so I get to see live amateur fights from time to time.
>People want to see fights with the least restrictions possible
Explain the popularity of boxing then.
Muay Thai is boring compared to boxing. You would know this if you had decades of experience of watching combat sports.

Not sure if this is supposed to go on /xs/ or /sp/, but what do you think of the sport? All I see on here is HEMA.

I'm trying to get into it and I'm looking to pick up some gear. I probably want to fence Epee. Any recommendations? The club has gear, but a lot of it is gross and sometimes not working, especially for left handed stuff.
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Saber would be great if it wasn't for the utterly retarded priority shit.
A point just being a point is the big reason why epee is the best fencing variant
>I made this thread 2 years ago
>it's still up
I went to my college fencing club for a couple semesters. I got too busy with schoolwork so I had to stop going. It was fun but I didn't really get too deep into it.
Maybe I'll try it again some day, but I dunno. Seems hard to find a club
where you at
isnt sports fencing an arbitrary stagnation of rules addendums to fencing?

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Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

Most Mentally Sound Judoka Edition

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2024


>Video Resources

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Why are you, and you only, the one who gets so ass-blasted by there being two threads up at the same time? It's not like the old one is gonna get bumped and you won't be able to find this one.
>too lazy to fix the number
not worried about it

I'm not the guy who called OP a faggot in the last thread, just the guy calling OP a faggot in this thread. The issue is that it splits the discussion into two threads and prematurely kills the discussion of topics in the old thread.
im not fixing the number on purpose.
Any newfag that comes to this thread needs to figure out the reference.
We need inside jokes. liven up the thread a ligtle
it doesnt
you can just cross thread. like so >>218323 in a new thread.
main problem starts is that some people dont obessively memorize or remember what they posted.
but it'll continue the discussion
>main problem starts is that some people dont obessively memorize or remember what they posted.
Correct. A problem that is largely averted when you keep the discussion in one thread.

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>trying to decide between going for a walk or playing disc golf. Played disc golf yesterday for reference.
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So glad I get to play maple hill fairly regularly. Marshall Street is literally Disc Golf Walmart
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I'm making disc golf patches. What ideas do you want?
It's because the people are too small to handle larger discs.
nice, I've gotta make it up there sometime, its not that much farther than going to wickham
tower ridge skins match is finally out, too bad luke wasnt there and we had to listen to that dumbass instead forgetting who's on the box every single hole

(Japanese Kickboxing)
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Sina is so fucking funny. One of the dirtiest fighters in the sport and also kind of a massive bitch, but I just can't help but love him
You forgot to mention he couldnt box a granny in a wheelchair
A short compilation of Sina's many fouls
>ko's ref
>rabbit punches
what an absolute cunt, but i cant help but laugh too

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I know the japanese tourism and animation industry have a lot to thank toriyama for, but something underrated is how much the martial arts industry has to thank him for
fact is it wouldn't be nearly as popular of a hobby as it is if this show never existed since it's the thing that inspired so many kids to get involved

so ITT we will discuss all things related to our training and self improvement and helping each other
exercises, training routines, diets, motivation, etc.
work hard, study well, and eat and sleep plenty
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I've been losing weight, the trick was to stop eating vegetables
I only eat meat and fruit, no leafs stems roots or seeds. I've been thoroughly convinced they're toxic and not meant to be eaten in the absurd quantities we have them

I lost 27lbs in a month and a half
And the neat part is its actually impossible to overeat meat or fruit so I get to have as much as I want whenever I want
The training with Master Roshib was very Kino and by the way also subversive. The turtle master actually has his disciples perform physically demanding jobs such as delivering milk or construction work.There is also the fact of having fun and relaxing during training.
Got the DOMS something fierce today lads
I'm trying really hard to unlock my splits
The only thing is I'm really afraid to do the split itself. Like I'll go down too far and not be able to get myself back up, or slip and blow something out

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