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The more I think about this the more it burns my biscuits, this means he's never had more than 1 year of uninterrupted formal instruction if he has a blue belt after 14 years

And it's not that formal instruction is all that important, but not having it also indicates he's never spent much time in a room practicing against a lot of different people
But both Khabib and Islam say that it's fine
I love how bjj fags actually pretend that helio Gracie did anything useful and didn’t just take a Japanese art and pretend it was his own.

If only that 450lbs kimura didn’t force 102 year old helio gracie to fight him with hometown advantage. Then judo would have lost!
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i dont give a fuck about what youtuber cunts are doing
To be fair, Helio's style is all about attrition; survival at all costs and wearing down the opponent until you can exploit an opportunity.

I'm no BJJ nuthugger, but I recognize how they diverged from Judo and Catch-as-Catch-Can-Wrestling (the other art that people conveniently forget that BJJ derives from) and became superb in groundfighting.

Yeah the Gracie propaganda is annoying but more people are wising up to it. Even on /bjj/ on reddit, they tone down the Gracie worship.

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Do you think mma has grown and evolved enough to say younger legends like Bones, Khabib and Mighty Mouse are better than older ones like Fedor, GSP and Silva?
You have to wait till most of their opponents and contemporaries are retired to really say. Bones is going out of his way to ruin what should've been an inarguable spot at best so far. But as long as the gloves aren't officially hung up, who knows.
i don't think it's fair to say "better", it seems a bit redundant. they were as good as they were because of who they were fighting, if the industry plateaus then how can it be expected that they reach a higher peak.

eventually it gets to that stage as with everything. new generation outshines previous generation but its still important to remember the goats of the past and appreciate what they did. without them we wouldn't have what we have now

Ameri-do-te edition

discuss martial arts here

Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/8Vw9d7j

What to look for in a martial arts gym:
>Physically conditioned, fit participants
>Trainer with certified professional record and a training history with at least one athlete who competes successfully
>Sparring, "aliveness" in training
>At least one participant competes at amateur or professional level
>Physical conditioning part of training
>Clean facility with mats that are frequently cleaned

What to be wary of:

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I watched this sport "support your countrys athletes" commercial on TV and they showed Taekwondo instead of BJJ/MMA lmao.
I don't know if I like it as a competition, but that's a great idea for a training environment.
how do i learn tiger style kung fu?

>My FMA teacher does teach us traditional training and gives us one day of sparring a week.

Congrats, youre sparring more than 90% of eskrimadores.

>The truth with all weapons fighting under HEMA, Kendo, Fencing, Escrima

HEMA is the closest to what the original fencing masters did, unlike kendo which is so far removed from actual fighting you could get a group of 10 year olds to make a more practical martial art.

>"real duel"

Dueling isnt what hollywood makes it out to be. "duels to the death" very rarely happened, and if it did it was because someone either went too far or were stupid and got themselves killed. Most duels in history were done to first blood.


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A thread to discuss Japanese weapon based martial arts and our own martial journey with like minded people, discussion of other Asian systems is welcomed too.

>what is kendo?
Kendo is a modern Japanese budō that uses shinai (bamboo sword) and armor for combat, in its modern purpose is a way to strengthen body and spirit and develop character.

>is kendo a martial art?

>what do I need to start kendo?
A shirt and sweat pants your club will likely borrow you the rest when you start

>what is iaido?
Is a Japanese martial art, influenced by zen practices based on different kata (drills) and subdivided in different schools with solo drills based on drawing the sword from the scabbard to defend from an imaginary opponent.

>what is kenjutsu?

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To start off the thread I have a question for all kendoka.
Do you think that judges/point scoring is starting to be detrimental to kendo overall?
The reason why I ask this is because many times when talking to my sensei and other senior students the reason they give me to not pursue techniques/guards like nitō or the left kote strike is that many times the judges won’t give you a point because they don’t know how to judge it.
I also read that many waza aren’t used anymore because of this same reason.
Related to this.
To answer an anon from two threads ago, I did try to use hasso/inno no kamae in jigeiko, my conclusions so far is that its effective but restrictive, it’s a good gateway for unconventional attacks because many techniques can be done by advancing at a 45 degree angle instead of straight forward, katate men and do also come out very well but are more difficult to control than normal due to the increased force that the right arm can give.
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Currently doing old school Shotokan karate for empty hands and something else for weapons, but my kouhai is interested in Jap swordsmanship. Trying to help him out on it and possibly visit the dojos to see stuff. There's a Katori Shinto-ryu and a Shinkendo dojo here in our region (both dojos are in different cities). What do you recommend for a beginner in Jap swordsmanship? Already visited the Katori Shinto-ryu dojo and found it interesting, completely alien to our local swordsmanship. A bit expensive tho.
There are several branches of KSR,Some considered illegitimate some not (That is a very complicated political conversation) and it can vary in quality from instructor to instructor, However in general, it would interest me a lot more.. Shinkendo, which I only know a little about, is largely based off Nakamura ryu, which comes from the Japanese imperial military style of swordsmanship, which was very much a return to basics style. KSR on the other hand, is one of the most comprehensive and oldest styles, and also covers other weapons.
>Some considered illegitimate some not
Looks like I need to look into this. Yeah, maybe I'll do more research on the Katori Shinto-ryu branch we have here, then go to the Shinkendo dojo to check it out. Does Shinkendo do sparring though? I know Katori doesn't since I asked.
>Looks like I need to look into this.
Its real complicated. I will try to explain it as best I can. The mainline is headed by a hereditary headmaster, and if a teacher doesn't have a relation with him, they aren't considered legit. To make matters more complicated, there is another line, called the Noda-ha, or Date that has been independent since the Edo period, so that rule does not apply to them. That does not necessarily reflect the teaching quality however, only what their standing is according to the hereditary "rights holder" and those associated with him.
>Does Shinkendo do sparring though?
I cannot say for sure, but what I have read indicates its not a big part of their curriculum. Sparring isn't a standard part of many kenjutsu systems anyway, I wouldn't necessarily take that as proof of quality, but if your friend likes free sparring he might want to look elsewhere.

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Parkour thread.

Where are you at with your training? How have you been working around the limits of weather and lockdowns? How much do you apply the utilitarian Hébertist mindset of being strong to be useful to your training routines?

Freerunners can post, too. Maybe even gymnasts and trickers if you don't get your own thread up and running.

original thread >>1236
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Name a city or town with a similar landscape and we can point out challenges, or chill areas that we would consider training, on google street view. It would help develop parkour vision and know what to look for. Might be a fun exercise to do here. Anyone else want to suggest a hypothetical location?

anybody in the greater tkaronto want to go out and do some beginner tier pk w a 32 yo?
I live several hours south but I do know people who like to visit Toronto on occasion. If I find myself headed that way in the future I'll post ITT.
offer still stands, anyone interested in some fencehopping and similar lemme know here

No rules except no weapons allowed
Who is the strongest of all time?
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Brock at 300 pounds with no diverticulitis might be it
Bodhidharma. He taught the shaolin monks how to fight.
If stories about his strength are true, he's indeed the strongest guy we know about but I don't believe these are true. Also, I don't think prehistoric humans had enough food to get as big as him.
I think Ubereem might be stronger and Bob Sapp was almost certainly stronger
Ubereem seemed to have a stronger lower body when they were both 260-265 but remember Brock had to cut down 40-ish pounds to make the heavyweight limit

No amount of /xs/ contrarianism will ever change the fact that vast majority of good mma fighters train bjj and nothing but boxing produces more finishes
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MMA fighters train a vastly pared down version of BJJ designed to eliminate risk, recover to their feet, and stall in dominate positions they can accrue points. They do not train BJJ like BJJ people do, they train grappling for MMA. So like 90% of the technique you use in a gi is gone due to grips and slipperiness, and even most of the nogi stuff because you are only focusing on recovering guard, standing up, or holding a top half and back. Now shut up.

-T been training since Chuck was the champ.
Mighty Mouse trains gi and says no-gi is easier, all anyone needs to know
cope, he only won against that big guy because of the gi
he had no path to victory otherwise. It's a crutch
Wasn't even talking about that match just mentioning that he likes gi more and says no-gi is easier. It is quite cock throbbing that you malded all on your own, I will laugh at you in real life for this haha.
he's a weak manlet, of course he finds the strength based style more difficult than the agility based one

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boxing general

ITT we talk about boxing, not focusing on fights and events but talking about training, techniques, gym shit, injuries, our sparring and fights, ask for advice etc
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Boxing gym is closed for a bit, can anyone reccomend some good beginner boxing tutorials I can do at home? I've ordered an aqua bag and a double end bag but until they arrive I can only shadowbox and drill footwork.
Even as an outfighter you'll need to engage in the pocket occasionally, you want to get a sense of their pattern and look for openings to catch them off guard, dart in to get a few hits in, maybe aim for a counter then move back out.
recently i've decided to start training my legs in a similar fashion to how i train my shoulders so that they don't get tired, i know that running is supposed to help build up the endurance but some extra work cant hurt.

it's three times a week and what I do is 50 squats, 1 minute wall sit, and then 50 calf raises. I do this 3 times, and plan on adding more squats so i'd always be reaching 200.

am i retarded and should i stop doin this or is it actually helping out my endurance, i have noticed that i can sit on my punches a lot easier now, and for way longer, but i've also been running more.
dude how's your build, im 5'8 and 140, and even then i could lose 10 more pounds if my coach needs me to
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What are some good books to read about boxing? History? Technique? Etiquette? That kind of shit. Oh same with podcasts.
>inb4 just train retard you don't need books
I'm going on a long flight soon and I'd like some boxing media to consume. I'm new to boxing by the way, I plan on joining a local group after my trip. Anything you guys wonna say to help me out? Thanks.

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Any tec divers out there?
What organization did you train with? Pros/cons? Advice for getting the most out of training?

Wanting to do some deep deco diving where ignorance of physics and gas laws might kill me.
I got certified with TDI, go learn to dive on a rebreather first. Also be sure to make friends with some Tec divers and instructors so you have someone to dive with. It's a very niche hobby, so you won't find diveshops everywhere.
I hope you have extensive experience with recreational diving. 1000 logged dives at least.

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Has anyone started swimming competitively as an adult? I never pursued it as a kid despite enjoying it but have felt like beginning to train and taking it seriously. Obviously competing against others who've been doing it their entire lives leaves you at a disadvantage. Just wondering what other people's experiences are.

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The answer is IT DEPENDS whether the skill gap or the strength gap is bigger
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Hafthor was never too fast. Big Z was much more explosive as a strongman, and could potentially do damage in fights.
Games of Tyrone is not the same as real life, autist. A good grappler (or striker) will fuck you up no matter your 2 decades of lifting heavy.

If martial artists are midgets and you are super tall and huge, MAYBE you will have a chance if they are not too skilled.
Its about degrees
People both forget that degrees dont mean absolutes, and also that one thing can proportionally out way the other.
Technique is the efficient use of strength.

The better your technique, the less strength you need to apply your technique.
So a weeker person can beat a stronger person with superior technique.

But th equation work both sides.
The stronger you are, the less technique you need to use your technique.

So work on both, technique and strenght.
Anything could happen

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Are there any good MMA podcasts not hosted by basedboys? I used to like Co-Main Event but they became intolerably limp wristed along with everything else in 2017 and have only gotten cuckier. The other ones I knew about either had really annoying britbongs or were more interested in other sports and wasted my time.
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Brendan fucking Schaub
Jack slacks fights gone by , heavy hands, the fight site podcasts, Anik and Florian.
I can see Sean banned by every major fighting organisation and ended doing a podcast in less than four years from now
There JRE mma dedicated episodes, mma hour, mighty, jaxxon, mma on point. Those are ones I can think off the top of my head. Some fighters have their own random podcasts but the smaller ones are usually shit and not worth it.
Rampage Jackson has one now and it's the only good one left. Co-Main Event was good pre Trump, they were always a couple of pearl clutching basedboys, but got bad TDS and turned into complete cucks and are just finger wagging school marms now. Why they even cover a sport where men fight is beyond me.

What the fuck is her problem?
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she so ugly it's hot
Ugly bitch.>>199440
>>197502 sure >>197361
Based quest 64 hater
She's a quadroon. One drop of ape blood and this is what you get.

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What is the best martial art for a pirate?
Assuming we’re talking about historical pirates and close quarters fighting on a ship, I would say probably judo or Muay Thai. I feel like the throws in judo and kicks in Muay Thai would allow you to put people into the water off the ship. Then in really close quarters, being able to throw elbows and knees while doing work in the clinch would serve you well.
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>developed by sailors
>kicking form leaves hands open to grabbing parts of the ship for balance

Throw in weapons training and I dunno, sumo for throwing people overboard and you've got a solid pirate system.
Anything with oil checks.

So you can plunder booty.
bash with cudgel

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Long story short, I got jumped by 6 guys and they kicked the shit out of me (fractured my face). Realized that even though I trained years ago I forgot how to fight and I'm looking to get back into it. I got a few options near me they are.

>Muay thai gym ran by a former pro fighter I looked up his fights on youtube
>Krav maga school ran by some krav maga guy can't find any videos of him having pro fights but in a lot of their videos they do sparring and scenario training

I'm conflicted between the two on one end, I got jumped by 6 years so not sure if the krav school is what I want or on the other side I want to actually learn to fight and train with fighters not just jerk my dick and pretend I can fight. What would you pick /xs/?
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What you want is one of the 10 billion lumen fuckers that causes eye damage when looked at directly. It’s a lot harder to fight when you can’t see. If the object making you not see is also made of steel and cutting your face open that’s just icing on the cake.
Muay Thai no question it’s much more effective but I don’t know how much it will help against 6 guys
Pick what is right for you, don't seek approval and opinions from outside. Try, if it works, keep at it, if it doesn't, change it.

And don't forget: martial arts also means that you train your mind as well as your body and your spirit. PUK one more in line with you and your whole life will improve

That was my experience with ninjutsu
Pick the one more in line I misstyped
Don't forget, training is everywhere, not just the dojo :)
Say you have a tiny penis and are a looser without directly saying it kek

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