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last time on dragon ball kg - >>195013

What's everyones grades?
Do you like kata?
Where do you buy your gi's from?
Does anyone else find the obsession with finding "mcdojos" annoying and counter productive?
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>Reading Karate lore
>Bushi Matsumura, Itosu Anko's teacher, was a bit of a fightard and an asshole who commits animal cruelty
>Uses psychological warfare against another fightard
>Not above punching his own employer
>Also married a tomboy after kicking her in the balls repeatedly in a duel/sparring
>Also gets beaten up by said tomboy waifu during a prank gone wrong
>Itosu Anko may not be a lunatic like Matsumura or other masters, but he's not above breaking people's limbs, cock-kicking, and property damage
>No mention of le morality and le honor
Still a better and more believable story than going into the mountains for a year and doing le hardcore KKK training and fisting bulls. Also cock-kicking in karate. So Kudo did good by including crotch attacks in their sparring?
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Has anyone seen somebody use a hurricane kick successfully in a full contact setting? I've seen high level karateka like Benny the Jet and Andy Hug throw the kick in kickboxing fights, but not actually land it.
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Another one in point fighting. Thrown, but didn't land.
Thoughts on Goju Ryu? There’s a TOGKF affiliated dojo near me that I want to try. The only other option for karate near me is a Shito Ryu dojo. Everything else is TKD.

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>motivated to join mma
>got punched in the head
>now im coping that mma is bad for brain
give me advice boyos.i dont want to stay pussy. but i also dont want to become retarded
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he did bjj and was very good at it. also he literally punched that guy who abused his fake daugher's friend. i think he would never become world chempion like perera, khabib, and so on but he would definetly be in a good list and making good money from mma.
Train Thai style, very casual. Lots of sparring but rarely going above ~60% speed power, that's the ideal for longevity. But seriously though even though it is an almost inevitable outcome of regular combat, its not going to happen over night. You can get a good 2 years of sharpening your tools, training reflexes, and getting fit without getting concussed all the time. Unless you are planning on doing some amateur bouts or unless you forecast a bunch of street fights taking place you can still see some real improvement in skills and confidence without ever getting into a gym war
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bad advice because i want it for self defense. short story is that i was getting bullied and got punched in the face once. then i became gym rat for 3 years and now everyone is respecting me but if it came down to real fight i think i would freeze. thats why i joined mma.
so basically like chael sonnen but more autistic, i like it
Then you simply have to suck it up and get used to being being hit in the head while learning to dodge and stuff. In a street fight you will be hit with bare knuckles with no rounds and no ref, if you're going to get past a freeze response it'll be best to do so in the simulated environment of the gym. You could also just focus on grappling, it'll still give you the upper hand in a street fight

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/archery/ Thread #3

Let's keep this bad boy going!

What's your style?
What you shooting?
What you hitting?
Recs for bows?
I bought a yumi, oh god, I'm a fucking moron, please help.
What you wearing?
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>i used to post my archery shit on twitter
bro you were extremely cringe yourself because of that
What's your max distance anons?
And why did you cap off at that distance?
>max distance

There's no competition shooting further than this.
are you trans?
Please regale us with the tale about how much farther you can shoot a bow, and how that is oh so important to your manliness.

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Would walking as far as you can with no food, water, or rest until you collapse of exhaustion be considerable as an extreme sport?
An extremely gay sport

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>motocross is so dead there isn't even a thread for it on /xs/
its so over
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goon riders thread

I'm a 33 year old total failure at life. One of the only things I have going for me is that I am very big and strong being 6'1 290lbs at 30% bodyfat. Despite my bodyfat I have very good stamina; I have been training MMA, tennis and weightlifting for most of my life. I also have some experience with cutting and sawing down wood as I go on dozens of camping trips a year.

I was thinking if I quit drinking and lost some weight I could maybe take a go at this sport and finally turn my life around. Is this possible or does the correct technique really take a lifetime to learn like most sports?
I don't think you'll make enough money to live off timbersports.
>Is this possible or does the correct technique really take a lifetime to learn like most sports?
Try it out. Find some shit on YouTube. It should definitely be possible to learn the technique, it's not like these people were chopping wood and using chainsaws since 5. Issue would be that unless you have tons of wood lying around the training is going to be awkward, you also need some armor for your feet and shins.
go to basque country and live cheap and do timbersports and stonelifting, sounds like a good life
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It would be better if you became a forester and paticipated in timber sports at the same time. You would promote your brand and find clients there.
Reduce that to 15% bodyfat and do what this guy said >>224300 but the real $$$ will be from your shirtless instagram account where you plant trees and chop wood and shit

Not even joking, this is how you make money in current year

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So i’m 19 and can’t stand my family and I feel i’m not respected at all. I am constantly mocked and treated like a child. What I would like to do is starting fighting back physically. I want to train like a combat sport but I’m not sure which. Any advice
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Bad paperwork homes

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~~Magnus Midtbø is a Sellout Edition~~

>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.

>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?
Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power, but having these qualities definitely helps when you breach into the higher grades.

>What shoes do I buy?
If you're starting out in the gym, don't worry too much: get some snug shoes without dead space that don't cause you lasting pain. Some people (such as the famed shoe designer Heinz Mariacher) recommend wearing soft shoes when you're starting out -- this makes sense since your footwork will probably suck and the increased feedback will pay dividends over time. You really don't need fancy expensive shoes when you're starting out, but certain shoe properties help send harder problems (e.g. stiff shoes for standing on tiny granite edges or soft shoes for sandstone/gritstone smears).

Here are some useful resources for sizing:

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You have the right idea. Do Emil no-hangs twice daily, on days you climb do it 6 hours before you start climbing, or after you finish climbing.

Also consider resting two full days between sessions rather than one on, one off.
If you heard an audible pop you probably tore it at least partially, further evidenced by the fact that even pushing a button hurts. You can put a decent amount of force through a strained pulley without pain, but not a torn one.

You really should get that shit checked out
How long did it take you guys to get stronger by climbing shit?
After climbing for a few months now, I still can't do many pull ups or whatever, the only difference I've noticed is I'm not getting as tired.
Maybe I'm getting better at using legs, maybe I'm less of a bitch so I don't deathgrip every hold, but that's probably the only thing so far.
I'm not sure if I should include some gym sessions as well to get in better shape.
You are doing pullups and hangs in warm ups, and pullups, abs, and back bodyweight exercises after you're done climbing, right anon? Reminder to also do 10 minutes cardio either before or after and stretch dynamically before and statically after. Yoga style stretching will help a lot.
dunno, i got stronger, but i consider myself still weak. yesterday i climbed with a girl who is about halfway through the gym bouldering grades and she can't do a single pull up.
i imagine training strength would give you a boost, but personally i have more fun just climbing.

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>mma fighter trains endlessly to be an unstoppable force
>I bring this to a fight and it’s over in less than 5 seconds
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Sean Strickland says hello
Hi Sean
What if the MMA fighter also has a gun? I'd wager he probably spends more time at the range than you do, judging from your thought process. You probably wouldn't even know what to do if you were in a situation where you needed to draw your gun.
black man desean strickland also carries
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>shot putter trains endlessly throw a weight as far as possible
>I bring this to the field and win the competition without breaking a sweat

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My friend made this
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iron pepe
Bout to take a dive against s-0yjak for 20 gorillion pepe bux.
Needs poo stains

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Or were they right "not giving him a platform"?
you're about 2 weeks late. no one cares anymore
Yea but i was b& during that time
>taking your ban
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Let's continue this on disc

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What the fuck bros? There's no /scuba/ general?

Let's rectify that.

Best dive sites? Hairy or funny stories?

And the obvious question, what's better? PADI or SDI?

Here's an Australian Scuba FAQ until we make our own

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Washington dives?
I don't think scuba gear existed back then.
fun fact
Ben Franklin almost became a swimming instructor in England
During OWD certification on my very first Open Water dive a woman died. She was with a different group doing her Deep Certification. It seems her primary froze her secondary was not open. She went into panic mode and went straight up without exhaling. Later talked to the first responder. They already knew it's over and only tried because she was 30 years young. Whats even more fucked up is that her diving buddy was her fiance.
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Could I get away with not paying import duties at the airport customs if I brought a Tiburon back to Yurop?

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Is he based?
Every video he makes is exactly the same thing

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The best thing about us skaters is the pros and everyone in general are all around 5'6-5'10 and 160lbs.

No getting mogged by chad hahahaha!!! No being bullied by 6'2" 230lb chad and having chad cuck all the bros taking all the girls for himself hahahaha.
Isn't that a downside? If you get cucked by a prime specimen of a man you can at least try to rationalise it and say you're average and he's above average - if a skinny manlet skater cucks you, what's your excuse?
This is manlet cope. There are plenty of tall skaters. Bam is fat and washed. He was always lame.
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>decks you
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I like Bam, he had his moments

Should I join a Bujinkan, or Koga-ryu , or Iga-ryu, ninjitsu school\dojo\club? I KNOW it's not historically real\not useful in real fights..i see it as cool larping: samurai armor demons, camping and doing "survival ninja skills", ancient weapons, cool ,Shinto lore, etc
>the other students, Soke, will for sure believe in all this..I'll play along and, keep my mouth shut
Bujinkan is the most popular\ biggest one, but a bit lame unless you're a high-tier Soke? Koga and Iga ryu seem much more obscure and, thus, fascinating.

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