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last time on dragon ball kg - >>195013

What's everyones grades?
Do you like kata?
Where do you buy your gi's from?
Does anyone else find the obsession with finding "mcdojos" annoying and counter productive?
Personally, I'm a 4th Kyu in Kyokushin, I've been training for more than three years now, and I buy my gis from Kyokushinworldshop but I recently went to Japan and got one from Budoshop in Ikebukuro and it's really nice.
is it worth it? How old are you?
I'm 26 years old, for reference I live in the UK so shipping etc from KWS to England isn't expensive. If you're asking about Budoshop in Japan.... I got it in Japan because the domestic prices in Japan are really cheap, plus the Yen was at an all time low when I was there, and as far as souvenirs from Japan go, a karategi is the ideal one for me. However ordering from Budoshop from abroad can be quite expensive, and their english website is very clunky, which is quite odd as the owner is almost fluent in English.
Kata should be treated like shadow boxing. It's used to perfect technique and muscle memory AFTER you learned kihon (fundamentals) and engage in kumite to actually know how to take a hit as well as engage against a partner trying do the same to you.

I'm sorta karate through my instructor's lineage. He was a former World Oyama (a Kyokushin offshoot) adherent who cross-trained in Muay Thai and Savate. So what I learn is a blend of 3 disciplines with traces of the karate like before and after class we do seiza while in-between it's pad drills, bag work, sparring, clinching/neck-wrestling practice, etc.
why do people who don't do karate always have these groundbreaking opinions on what karate "should" be
I wish there was any Kyokushin within a hundred miles. My Uechi-Ryu school has okay people but pretty much no kumite.
I don't do Karate but in my MMA gym our sensei is a second dan of Shito-Ryu and he forces us to follow Karate etiquette and discipline with all the senpai, seiza, onegaishimasu, oss, obi and all that minus the Karategi even if we don't actually do any of the karate techniques
if you go to another gym, you'll find the karate etiquette really weeds people out who just go to class because they want to hurt people
>brown belt (two stripes before black to go)
>I love kata. I do shito ryu and we do so many kata but only 1/3 of class is dedicated to it. We do a mix of 1/3 bag work/drills and 1/3 sparring
>Amazon, sewing my own pants, and Century
>McDojos are real and it's worth knowing what to look for to find a quality dojo that promotes based on merit
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Hey, you from the last thread. I'm the Shotokan guy.
I hope the Uechi-Ryu works out for you. I'm also in the same boat with my dojo, its mostly kihon and kata which is good training, but, I would like for a bit more kumite and also not just ippon kumite. I see that the free sparring, jiyu kumite, is for the brown belts and up only. Granted I am only green belt (6th kyu) and I have skipped some gradings which falls on me as I hindered my own progress.
At judo we do some randori often which I feel is good.
What's interesting is I'm the youngest in the school at 39. There's also one other white belt and then everyone else is black belt.
It makes for interesting training when the whole class is trying to help me and show me stuff. That part is kind of cool, actually. The other white belt is two stripes ahead of me, about 4 months of classes ahead of more.
Y'all know there is nothing stopping & and a partner from getting together and doing your own sparring right? I hear this conplaint all the time, even from students in the same school together. Lol its so silly. Take some initiative.
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Thats cool. A lot of the black belts are always willing to help from what I have experienced. I'm just over 10 years younger and started 2 years ago.
Fair enough, it is up to me. The guys at the dojo that are really good with kumite will get together and spar, I should ask to join. Outside of the dojo I mostly just do some kihon on my own and hit the boxing bag and then do uchikomi with a stretch cord for judo in addition to cardio and weights
It depends where you're located. We've changed locations a few times, at the old place we were allowed to lock up so sometimes I would spar with the other students at the end of class, as well as doing conditioning and other aspects. But now we're at a new location and we're not allowed to lock up so we can't stay for very long after class which sucks as sometimes there's just not enough time in the lesson to do everything you want, especially in regards to sparring and prepping for tournaments.
>What's everyones grades?
>Do you like kata?
Yes. Mostly for history and how to actually use it.
>Where do you buy your gi's from?
Some rough part of town where for some reason they sell a lot of sports martial arts supplies. Cost about 10 dollars.
There's few dojos here in the first place and most of them are ran by former police officers.
>I see that the free sparring, jiyu kumite, is for the brown belts and up only.
That's weird. The only kumite we do is free sparring. I'm usually pitted against brown belts.
> What's everyones grades?
> Do you like kata?
Yes. I quiet like heian nidan and sandan
> Where do you buy your gi's from?
Decathlon and a local store here in South Africa
> Does anyone else find the obsession with finding "mcdojos" annoying and counter productive?
I can't say I have seen any. I don't go around looking for them. I do like laughing at the videos I see of them online
>What's everyones grades?
I'am Yellow belt in Shito-Ryu which is the minimum requirement to participate in Kumite
>Do you like kata?
No, the reason why I didn't advanced more in Shito-ryu is because that
>Where do you buy your gi's from?
It was a gift so idk
>Does anyone else find the obsession with finding "mcdojos" annoying and counter productive?
What is a McDojo to begin with? In my city most Dojos focus in sport part of the Karate and that isn't inherently wrong, my Dojo focus in both self-defence and Sport Karate and the Sensei is very clear in ask why is your objective when you roll-up since the classes of Self-Defense include obligatory Boxing plus some Judo and Wrestling which are two days extra of training. But I didn't see nothing wrong with Dojos that only teach the more spiritual or sporting side of Karate.
Over four hours of testing for my 3rd kyu today, will only find out if I passed on Tuesday, wish me luck anons
Four hours? Wtf bro did they even see you do the punch thing
Why is karate like this?
>Kata should be treated like shadow boxing.
Wrong. They are not and never will be. In boxing, you learn punches and movements in a way you do them in sparring first and THEN combine all this is shadow boxing. With kata, you learn some cringe dance first and THEN trying to find use for movements, so you go other way around which is cringe. All the shit black belt 9th grade masters do is inventing another cringe decryption of some static hand rise in kata. "Oh, now this is a block, no, now this is a throw, oh no, now this is a choke" fucking faggot, learn propper throws and chokes first and stop inventing shit!
>It's used to perfect technique
Wrong, since technique is the best way to APPLY FORCE. If you are not applying force you are not practicing technique. It is impossible to perfect a technique of a throw to an air. What you can learn is SEQUENCE OF BODY PART MOVEMENTS which is not technique and which can be learnt very quickly and you don't need to spent 30 min of your practice every week on some strange dance where this technique occurs one or two times.
>What is a McDojo to begin with?
"McDojo" is a school that prioritizes profit over quality instruction, often using questionable teaching methods, unqualified instructors, and a focus on earning belts or ranks quickly rather than developing genuine skills.
If you really want to know what a McDojo is, go to that website, scroll all the way down and click on "License Opportunity." This is a particularly famous one in my area. The guy that played scorpion in the firsg mortal kombat runs it. They're not the worst offenders, they're at least good enough to build children's confidence & teach basic self-defense skills. But if you go where I said, you'll see that you can just buy your way into the business. Not anywhere in their licensure packet does it mention that you need to be a black belt & they do in house instructor training. At least they do sparring so its not total garbage but none of their instructors are truly qualified.
Against my wishes & because it's the only one in the area, my son goes to one of these schools, like that exact one. The instructor just opened the school, before this he was a truck driver. His only martial arts instruction has been from Red Dragon. My son is 6 has only been going a few months and has already been promoted once. I don't think they do traditional promotions either, they just put two pieces of yellow duct tape on the end of his belt lol.
what did he mean by this
I don't understand this idea of "grading" and "tests" going on for hours and hours, how much time does it take to see if someone is punching the air in front of the mirror properly or not?
and why is there even a "testing" day, why isn't the teacher watching all the time
Depends a lot in the dojo but in my Dojo which is Shito-Ryu the tests involves this(in order):
1- Physical exam, is basically push ups, jogging, abs, planks, etc to see if you're fit
2- Goshindo: they must perform all the Bunkais of the Goshindo with all the way to their belt
3- Karate: Kihon, Katas and Bunkai in group were all the students taking the exam do the movements from the White Belt to his current belt. For example, a Blue Belt must do all the katas, kihon and bunkai all the way to their own Kyu. After that they must do individually a Kata and Bunkai of their current Kyu.
4- Kumite
5- Kobudo in this one the student chooses a weapon and must choose and perform the Kata and Bunkai of their current level (individually)
6- Theory and Vocabulary: basically the sensei or a instructor performs a technique and must answer asks name of the technique, if was performed in Gedan, Chudan, Jodan in what position (Moto Dachi, Zenkutsu dachi, Shiko Dachi etc)
One can fail the test by:
-Having overall poor performance
or by one of the circumstances of immediately failure:
-forgetting to bring your own weapon (isn't allowed to borrow or use one of the Dojo)
-Injuring the partner in the Bunkai
-Being three times in a row hit in the Bunkai of Karate, being hit once in the Bunkai of Kobudo
-Dropping the weapon in the Kobudo Kata or Bunkai
-Poor Performance in the Kumite (losing the match for a difference of 10 point of more)
It would surprise you the amount of people that performs incredible in the trainings but crumbles to pressure in the tests, if they can't handle the pressure of test they can't handle the pressure of competition or worst case scenario a real fight.
You are supposed to demonstrate that you know and can perform effective techniques under pressure. Hope this helps.
Very nice breakdown, nta, but thank you.
So, I'm this guy>>217702
Does your dojo do kids as young as 6? Whats the promotion like for them if they do? I just don't want my kid growing up with this garbage, then jumping into a real dojo and having his world rocked & clock cleaned so if I can supplement his instruction I will. If its bad enough I'll bite the bullet, pull him out and travel further if need be.
if they're getting nervous under pressure then it means they haven't been stress inoculated, which means they aren't sparring in class
Not quite, sparring in a normal training class doesn't has the same vibe of a test or competitive kumite since there is no stakes
Is there an alternative test where you can just beat the shit out of a higher ranker
r u retarded?
Uechi-Ryu here as well, a lack of Kumite is really unfortunate. Kumite is like the most important part of Karate I feel.
Which Grappling martial art should I learn to complement my Karate? because so far as I understand most of the techniques of Karate are thought to try to execute a grapple, joint-lock or submission.
No BJJ is too expensive in my country (even more than fucking fencing, I mean WTF?)
Judo or wrestling.
>Does anyone else find the obsession with finding "mcdojos" annoying and counter productive?
The only thing that would change this is if there was a full-contact competitive format that karateka mostly agreed on, like Karate Combat or the old American Kickboxing rules. Without that, you won't have a large enough stable of competent fighters to reign in the bullshit. But until then, people that are fundamentally incompetent coaches will continue to operate because there's nothing to hold them against.

Either the WKF gets its shit together and writes better rules, or there's another competitive ruleset that everyone agrees is "karate" and trains for.
anybody see the video where the girl tries to get a taekwondo black belt in 90 days?

and it sorta is a grim reminder that in order to get a black belt in karate all you pretty much need is a background in dance, and as long as you learn the routines punching and kicking at the air you can do it

really gay
i call karate my dance class at this point. I don't think there's kumite until brown belt. Really considering kickboxing.
If true, sucks for you, but not all dojos are like that & honestly you come off as blackpill fags.
>there was a full-contact competitive format that karateka mostly agreed on, like Karate Combat or the old American Kickboxing rules
>Karate Combat
There are, you even listed one, the fuck are you on about? There are good dojos & bad ones. This applies to every type of gym/martial arts. There are MMA gyms that are glorifies aerobics studios that never compete or ones being run by total fucking failures with shit practices. This doesn't need to & can't be fixed with a set of rules. It is a result of consumers looking for that experience on purpose. Mcdojos exist because there are people who pay for them. Believe it or not martial arts, karate include, exists on a spectrum & some people want everything except full contact. IMO a mcdojo is only the ones that lie about the level of competency they're teaching.
For me, uniforms are the first red flag I need to see to know it'll be shit
Impractical silly costumes with no function
>muh tradition
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Average ballet dancer is fitter than average karateka
Which is the difference between Kickboxing and Full-Contact Karate? I mean in the end a Full-Contact Karate ends ups using the close range Tsukis and Uchis that the equivalent of a Jab, Hook, Cross and Uppercut but are not typically seem in tournaments since the mid-long distance of the Kumite
Are Maegeri Jodan still banned? I dropped Karate and went to KickBoxing but I getting old and I can't handle the punishment of Full Contact anymore so I was thinking return to Kumite
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I regularly get beaten up in kumite (Shotokan) and my sensei flat out told me 2 weeks ago "You're not getting promoted until you start doing better and winning in kumite". And I'm almost always pitted against brown belts in our dojo. I just train more, try to do better in kumite (comparing old kumite videos to now seems like I am) against the senpais (and still end up getting my ass kicked). Honestly it's scary and exciting as fuck at the same time.
Case in point, a bunch of tiny and fractured federations.

>There are MMA gyms that are glorifies aerobics studios that never compete or ones being run by total fucking failures with shit practices
There are BJJ clubs that are borderline aikido, but the acceptance of IBJJF and NAGA puts an upper limit on the grappling bullshido you can get away with.

>can't be fixed with a set of rules
It's about, as a culture, agreeing on a competitive format because ultimately people train for the sport. The fractured karate federations and the point-full contact divide make this hard.

K-1 (yes, I know started with karateka) and Thai rules don't have this problem, and are much healthier for it. Karate's decline is in no small part due to its own politics and culture.
>puts an upper limit on the grappling bullshido

It is directly responsible for it
Sounds cool. Are you part of JKA?
Is anyone here part of JKA
How did TKD become more legitimate? I live in the worst possible timeline. We were making fun of TKD as kids.
Because at least they care about it as a cultural heritage, there's a master Lees and a master Kim's in every town
Karate has been abandoned and left to white boomers to just make shit up as they go
>uniforms are the first red flag
You're a fag in case you didn't know.
It serves no purpose
Most people I know don't do maegeri jodan's whilst sparring, they will in competitions, but occasionally people with really good control will do them whilst sparring
I did it 'Nons....

>This girl got a black belt in TKD
>karatebros is it over
Anon you know Kyokushin exists right?
Tkd is karate, there's no distinction aside from Korean insecurity making them change the language
Many of the forms are lifted directly 1:1 from shotokan
Also, this is an extraordinary circumstance, most karate organisations I know require you to be reccomended for your black belt exam, and my organisation requires 6 months between first and second brown belt, and then a year between second brown and shodan. The interesting part about the video to me was the time required for grading. I've done many kyu exams which took over two hours, but in one part of the video she comments that her red belt exam is "long" because it will be almost an hour.
>Many of the forms are lifted directly 1:1 from shotokan
Total bullshit.



completely different and distinct martial arts right here, see you can tell because the girl aims her kick up and the guy aims his kick down. That's how you know korea invented taekwondo as a totally home grown martial art that coincidentally showed up after the japanese occupation and uses their uniform and ranking system
it's indigenous though, the korean government says so
Many martial arts share many similarities. You could do that same kind of comparison between half a dozen different styles. If your going to be a faggot with your logic like this you may as well call Karate kung fu. Taekwondo was influenced by Japanese occupation but it didn't come from it retard. The overwhelming majority of Taekwondo was inherited from Taekkyon.
>Taekkyon established by 668 C.E.
>Shotokan eatablished by 1938.
That's a 1,270 year difference you fucking retard. To claim it's a 1:1 transfer from Shoto is fucking next level stupid & ignores how much of Taekwondo massively fucking predates it. If you knew FUCK ALL about japanese martial arts, you would realize they jacked almost everything from other countries.
>tl;dr: you got it backwards dipshit.
Nah, that's Korean revisionism there

Japan occupied Korea, Korea picked up a Japanese hobby
Simple as
Korean-American here, it's true. Reading A Killing Art: The Untold History of Taekwondo.

The 9 kwans (schools) which would later form TKD and Tang Soo Do all have documented evidence that its founders trained in these 3 karate styles:

- Shotokan (General Choi even blatantly plagiarized Funakoshi's book on Shotokan because he felt it was fair game that Japanese copied Korean and Chinese culture for centuries so he decided it was okay for Koreans to do the same)

- Shito Ryu

- Shudokan

And in Tang Soo Do's case, the founder received training in Northern Chinese styles so that was a case of blending Chinese, Japanese/Okinawan, and Korean into 1.

I don't think much of most karate or kenpo either, but there's some nifty stuff they have like toe kicks that Uechi Ryu has or the thumb punch that Okinawan schools practice. Not to mention close-quarters grappling (mainly bone-breaking grabs and throws) that Okinawan styles had called tuite or toide.

And of course Japanese knockdown karate like Kyokushin, World Oyama, Ashihara, World Oyama, Seidokaikan, Shidokan, Daido Juku/Kudo (but they kinda became MMA-esque), etc. are definitely worthy of respect.

But if you're gonna learn an Asian striking style, I'd advocate Muay Thai. I do like Sanda/Sanshou because their kick catches are very nifty to use.
You're a faggot retard who only knows how to argue using reductive logic. Just stfu dude.
This is part of the reason why getting obsessed with a styles lineage or where what came from & using that as a way to put it down is peak fucking retarded. There are hardly any styles that are uninfluenced by others and any style that truly is standalone usually fucking sucks cause it hasn't been tested against anything but itself.
>Muay Thai
I like it but man I hate striking with my joints. I can wear my knuckles and toes bloody & not give a shit but something about joint pain really fucks with me & even with spot on form it can donk you up sometimes. Then again I'm getting on in years. My knees swell just after using them on a heavy bag a few times.
I'm mainly a boxer who knows how to throw hard low kicks. So I'm almost like a Dutch kickboxer but boxing is my bread-and-butter. I can slip, bob & weave, use footwork, string combinations, etc. But I also can throw cut kicks or foot sweep. The only other kicks I know is the fouette (only when I wear shoes since it's a toe kick to the midsection) because I met a Savateur who taught it to me as well as teeps (from my muay coach) and the Sanda-style side kick stamp (from a Chinese dude I sparred with). I only kick with the shin or heel (never with the ball or instep unless it's a soft area where I won't get injured badly).

I've been meaning to learn how to use knees and elbows but kinda wary of getting injured during practice.
>The reconstructed martial art that had no living practitioners until the 80s
Nonsense, Taekwondo came from Tang Soo Do, which also means Chinese hand. Tang refering to the Tang Dynasty of China. All modern Taekkyon is essentially historical reconstructions of what they believe it MIGHT have been like. If anything modern Taekkyon has more TKD in it than the vice versa.
I've demonstrated TKD and karate have
The same forms
The same ranking system
The same clothing
The matching timeline
And now we have the admission they just copied it

You're just sticking your fingers in your ears about it
TKD is a karate style and that's all there is to it

I realize it's a running gag on the internet for Koreans to say they invented everything first, but it's just a joke bro
>General Choi even blatantly plagiarized Funakoshi's book on Shotokan because he felt it was fair game that Japanese copied Korean and Chinese culture for centuries so he decided it was okay for Koreans to do the same
Normally I don't like gooks, but this is kinda based.
>Using C.E.
Are you retarded? Why would Jews be FOR the use of CE?
>no good dojo near me
Feels bad
>prokyokushin has made his watermark absolutely massive because karate combat were stealing his videos
Damn, that kid got obliterated, wonder how the winnger got along in that tournament.
retards should try keeping their hands up
it baffles me how absolutely inept these people are at fighting while still insisting they're good at it
To answer that, look up what the talmud says happened to Jesus
Lad that was the under 22's division, and that kid was a green belt, so there's a chance he had only been fighting/training for maybe 3-4 years.
that's long enough to get a pro card in MMA
MMA has no amatuer division like boxing or even exams like boxing, or belt exams like Kyokushin so I don't see how that has any bearing on a fresh faced 18 year old getting knocked out
It comes off as cringe. This is why I can't stand Korean nationalists who insist judo and karate are actually Korean.
Everyone gives kyokushin a pass for some reason because it's "rough" but it's one of the most useless impractical styles there is, everything is a bad habit
A 6 week boxer wouldn't have even been hit by that because at least he has his hands and chin in the right place and his sport doesn't even have kicking
>inexperienced teenager gets knocked out by a very experienced karateka
>kyokushin is a useless impractical style
what did he mean by this?
what did he mean by this?
certainly you can see the problem that this guy who has clearly never seen a takedown in his life is pulling shit out of his ass to teach people how to defend against one

and this is the problem, instead of just admitting the style is full of baloney and learning tried and true grappling techniques to deal with the scenario he's inventing, he's doing some fruity kata stances that nobody has any evidence of ever working ever in history

like nigga if a guy is humping your legs like that literally just push down on the back of his head and casually walk backwards
he doesn't even know the most basic elementary school wrestling techniques there are and he's gonna teach people about "self defense"
what has that got to do with the spinning heel kick KO?
it has to do with kyokushin being perceived as a rough and tumble respectable fighting style when it's obviously as BS as every other pajama art
>inane schizo ramblings
Original Taekwondo seems like it was. Ohdokwan definitely was. Can’t speak directly for the other eight original kwans, as I’ve never trained them, but the footage I’ve seen looks similar. ITF hasn’t moved that far away either, apart from Sine Wave.

WT is something distinct at this point. Still a form of karate, but it’s not shotokan anymore.
I hate and love Jesse Enkamp at the same time
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this grift really rubbed me the wrong way
He is a russian roulette of karate and martial art in general 50% states something truth 50% is utter bullshit
>as BS as every other pajama art
You're fucking retarded. In terms of transferability to combat sports MMA/UFC kyokushin is probably the most respected style of karate there is.
Those are just the fighters off the top of my head that had a background in KK before going pro. Swear to god any faggot that uses the phrase "pajama art" is a peak poser who has zero fucking clue how many of the GOATs started in & deeply respect the traditional arts. GSP would fucking use kata to warm up in the ring. Stfu retard.
>I could totally take fingers in my eyes and hammer fists to my neck like its nothing
>its totally unbelievable that someone would go for a leg takedown like that
>i could totally just walk backwards with someone locked around my knee
This is what you sound like, a retard.
>muh boxing
Acting like there aren't wet behind the ears rooks that get over confident & let something slip through. Watch the video over again dipshit. His hands & chin were positioned right, but he got cocky and had no resolve behind his guard. If you're going to be some sort of armchair expert you could atleast put some effort into your analysis.
please don't argue the merits of grappling when you obviously don't know how to do it

and judging from the last few comments in here there's no helping any of you
karate deserves to be the joke people see it as
Do that in most generic "Muay Thai" kickboxing schools, and coach would be yelling at you.

I think there's more merit to the shotokan and TKD points guys. You at least see that working for guys like Thomspon and MVP, and you'll see people pull it out situationally.

You look at Kyokushin guys putting up footage that is supposed to make them look good, and you see guys that are just going to get eaten alive with leg and head kicks from your bog standard MT guy; and who lack the evasiveness of the point fighters.
Hecho en Switzerland
it says pakistan
>not an argument
>implying KK doesn't train head kicks
Bunch of armchair warriors in here with zero training.
Machida was very publicly a shotokan guy. Anderson Silva is TKD and Muay Thai.
I know, it's a very old /k/ joke.
>Merit to MVP
he got molested by Storley for nearly 30 minutes lmao
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I'm discouraged as fuck with Uechi-Ryu. Long post incoming.
>Has all the hallmarks of Chinese martial arts, including bullshido "one hit kills' horseshit which means no sparring that really
>Kata includes what is being interpreted as throws, locks, holds with 0 pressure testing or actual application of grappling. This somehow makes it more practical.
>Toe kicks, one knuckle punches, knife hand shit, thumb knuckle punches all trained for technique but are not actually usable without years of conditioning that'll leave you unable to do anything but use your hand as a club
>Canned kumite sequences includes blocks and strikes that aren't practiced in kihon and seem copy-pasted from other styles (examples like chambering the opposite hand at the waist but never actually doing that)
>Stance is nock-kneed kung fu hands bullshit
>Small amount of usable techniques and exclusively low kicks attract fat old faggots who think martial arts is a Bruce lee movie

Ahh yes, the most practical okinawan karate style, training for strikes and throws we can't actually use in a stance nobody actually uses in live sparring (if you can find a dojo that actually does). I'm really considering just going to Shotokan. At least there would be a workout.
I should've seen the red flag of it being the closest to it's kung fu ancestor. Okinawan karate is trash. If you are considering it for anything other than it's artistic cultural value: don't.
You should've at least learned the conditioning exercises and Sanchin before going to Shotokan. Please tell me they at least taught you their hojo undo.
Sanchin I know, yes. The conditioning exercises are a Google away.
KK doesn't seem to train guys to keep themselves from getting kicked in the head.
>Taught the open hand and finger stuff techniques
>They didn't teach the conditioning exercises
What the fuck? I wouldn't be surprised if you said you did Shotokan. I do Shotokan and I had to learn hojo undo in my free time. Also
>No sparring
Why? I thought they'd at least do what Shinjo-sensei with what looks like JKA sparring but with gloves.
I don't do Shotokan yet, I'm going to check out a dojo Monday. Im a green belt in Uechi.
>No sparring
Notice whenever there is a spar they look like Shotokan fighters. You can find the proper Uechi stance online, but then you'll see them bust out a head kick, also not within the style.
>Teach technique but not conditioning
Yes, it's true. What good is a one knuckle punch that only works when the bone is conditioned, but then don't teach the conditioning? Why would you even want to condition in this way if it'll be a significant drawback in your life? It's just a circle of stupid. Okinawan karate is trash. At least Japanese karate (non knockdown styles) are honest about it being a gym class.
Also same anon, I really like this video, but this isn't the type of conditioning you'll find outside of... this dojo. This guy is really an outlier that all the Uechi guys will talk about like he's our Mas Oyama.
You don't want Kiyo's hands, but they are necessary to do the "practical" thumb knuckle punches and other horseshit. Too much Chinese influence to be good. This iron shirt shit is only good if your whole life is karate.
LMAO now imaging if GSP learnt muay thai instead kyokushin, he would be able to crush two Khabibs at same time. (Also, when he was A COMPETING ADULT, who was ABLE TO CHOOSE what to learn, he worked with some crazy french muay thai fighter, not with some LMAO 5th dan kyokushin sensei).
Kyokushin is rubbish, I say it as someone who trained it for 2 years both in IKO1 and IFK.
Shotokan and more generally WKF/JKA karate is the only based karate style. Kyokushin is just castrated kickboxing. Shotokan/WKF/JKA is unique style which is really closer to fencing than to kyokushin considering it's value of rapid distance management. Distance management is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT striking skills, and kyokushin doesn't train this at all. Lot of people say that you should just cross train in muay thai/kickboxing to overcome the shittiness of kyokushin, but you better do shotokan and cross train in kickboxing because in case with kyokusin everything you learn in kickboxing/muay thai is sort of covers everything you learn in kyokushin, while shotokan would bring additions to your skills
I actually started with Bajiquan before ending up with Karate (did Muay Thai and dabbled with Kyokushin). I kinda hated the fact that we didn't spar in Bajiquan (even the fucking Muay Thai coach wouldn't let us spar) but I did learn some concepts from there that carried over to my karate now. The thing with high kicks. I noticed in all karate katas that there aren't really any high kicks, but in kumite you can do that. I remember my bajiquan shifu saying that in their taolu some kicks look high, but they're actually meant to be low kicks. High kicks in training is meant as just a way to exercise your legs for powerful kicks or something. Same as how stances in kata/taolu are exaggerated. Kumite isn't the main goal, but a part of training in my opinion, hence high kicks. You wouldn't try to kick someone in the face in a random ass fight IRL and they're like less than a meter from you and possibly with friends? And you wouldn't try to side kick your sparring buddy in the knee (that happened to me in a sparring match 3 weeks ago by accident though. It fucking sucked)?
>Kyokushin is rubbish, I say it as someone who trained it for 2 years both in IKO1 and IFK.
>Shotokan and more generally WKF/JKA karate is the only based karate style.
I've been doing Kyokushin for years, met many shotokan/JKA people who have switched to Kyokushin and never looked back, you are probably the only person in the world with the opposite opinion.
If KK was in my area, I'd do that instead. Nta btw.
if I had to get two people ready for a fight I'd rather have the shoto every day of the week

you can take the skills they have and start teaching them how to work in combinations
kyokushin is a complete rebuild from the ground up, everything about it is wrong. There's nothing worth trying to salvage
maybe they can keep their ax kick, I'm being generous that the only thing I can think of is a weird niche technique
You're utterly fucking retarded and know fuck all about karate if you're putting shoto over kk. Your opinions aren't worth fuck all right now.
>kyokushin is a complete rebuild from the ground up, everything about it is wrong
You really need to back this shit up with an explanation. It's an utterly fucking retarded statement considering how many pros have gone straight from KK to MMA with limited change in their training. Most just work in some grappling and call it a day.
>he worked with some crazy french muay thai fighter
You say that like its support your bullshit notions. Watch any GSP fight, his KK roots are always apparent as fuck in his style. Yeah, he trained with muay thai, any good fighter cross trains and modulates their style over time, mostly just to have a better defense againsy it. But dont pretend like he studied MT then started fighting like a MT fighter, cause he didnt. You're literally just pulling shit out your ass in a tantrum against KK with no real explanations.
I'm not sure how many videos we need to see of kyokushin sparring a kickboxer where they take one jab down the middle and crumple like they've never been hit before (they haven't)

The thing that makes you good at striking is the ability to hit someone and then not be there when he tries to hit you back
That's the game
Kyo just stand there shoulders square with their hands down and wing body shots from 2 inches away
>met many shotokan/JKA people who have switched to Kyokushin and never looked back
They switched to kyoku to continue "practice karate", that's all
>his KK roots are always apparent as fuck in his style because... IDK it's just it!!! also your ass in a tantrum!!!!
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Just a reminder that top russian spotsmen of high rivalry sport of kyokushin were absolutley destroyed by literally whos of literally what sport (it was sanda) in the beginning of 2000's. Everyone including Osipov lost because of the reasons mentioned above - 0 distance management, 0 head protection. Sanda fighters also demolished some Royama's fighters in 2004. After that, Matsui, having better fighters than Royama, always refused to fight the Chinese. And after that some cringe redditors of r/kyokushin dare writing "Yeah, we are practicing head defence, we just don't compete with head punches".
Kyokushin. Is. Rubbish.
Yeah GSP was never known for being a great technician, it was always his work ethic and ability to transition to between the feet and the floor

We take it for granted now because everyone has thet skill but during his era he was at the top with his ability to change the engagement
It's not that he was the best at any particular skill, but he was able to identify where he was better than his opponent and move the fight to where he held the advantage better than anyone
Muh thai fighters 60 years ago
Muh bull wrestling
Muh shaved eyebrows
Muh bare knuckle but the only legal place to punch is covered with overlapping heavy canvass
>Yeah GSP was never known for being a great technician
What is this revisionist crap. GSP was always known for being a great technician on top of his ability to dictate engagements.
he got caught on the feet by that meatball matt serra because he left his chin hanging out
matt serra who trust me is much smaller than you realize, he's billed at 5'6" but closer to 5'5" and his claim to fame being jiujitsu
And he beat the absolute shit out of Matt Serra in the rematch. GSP was wilder earlier in his career, but by the end of it he had clean technique everywhere.
Exactly, you can try to turn a shotokan competitor into budget Wonderboy - and have a lot of film study and training sessions from the man himself. There's a blueprint there.

Everything I've seen of KK is a total rebuild for most kickboxing rules, and many kickboxers from other sports would clean up for a given skill level under KK rules.
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