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>mma fighter trains endlessly to be an unstoppable force
>I bring this to a fight and it’s over in less than 5 seconds
Can you draw that before you get double legged and then have your chin pounded ?

>allowing a big dumb violent animal to get within 10 feet of me
Currently in my country every "aggression" it's 3-5 armed men against one person so nothing can save you.
You like to think you have a choice, but you dont. Real life isn't like time crisis. You don't have the foot pedal and jump out from behind the wall
And then you go to prison for decades because you're not allowed to fucking shoot people over a fist fight
even the best MMA fighters carry guns too
never waste your time touching a crackhead
This. Eliminate any potential to be touched or hurt
Knowing how to use your hands and body to fight with is a powerful skill. Your antithesis for fighting hand-to-hand is like saying you won't ever need to pick up a heavy box off the ground if you can just use a hand truck.

What happens if you're in a situation where you don't have a handgun on you? Or you just can't grab it from your hip in time? Why not learn to fight and carry a gun? All these gunfag posts just come across as copes for not wanting to better themselves.
Shooting yourself should take less than 2 seconds. Practice.
you mad bro?
go lift some weight discs, it’ll make you feel better
You can if it goes from non-deadly to deadly, and hitting a grounded opponent definitely counts. Don't make me pull out the book on self defense shootings, nigger
>5 seconds
Lol you suck, do you even own a shot timer?
>less than 5 seconds
read much?
Five seconds from concealment to first shot is a terribly low bar. You'd know this if you actually owned guns and trained seriously.
Bragging about drawing in "less than five seconds" is like bragging about bench pressing "more than 100 pounds".
holy shit you can bench press more than 100 pounds amazing what's your secret
Yeah most fights it's just the person throwing one or two punches. It's better to be able to throw a few and disengage
Come to Brazil
No :^)

My friend since 2nd grade got married and asked me to be his best man but the wedding was in Brazil so I didn't go

He was practically begging, bro you don't understand! The place we're staying is right on the beach
And I'm like nigga I live 10 minutes away from the beach and I can go there without risk of getting robbed with a machete, you'll have to do better than that
you sound like a pussy
Maybe but I'm a pussy that can freely move around in public places and not have to worry abut my property getting stolen

Lol I remember these 2 girls talking about how back in Brazil their dad's would remove the radio from the car and carry it with them when they went into the store
seems like this cold wrap is actually relieving my pain!
You got caught lacking, son. Go take a class, go shoot a match, get good. I believe in you.
Ok pussy
>Gets knock out game pranked on him anyway

Oh no no no
Why do gunfags act like they're the only people in the world who can own guns? What's stopping the fighter from having guns as well? Now you're outmatched in every criteria
Based Dean Lister. Dude was a great MMA grappler
It's lardass cope: they want to buy a solution instead of working for a solution. The same gunfags who don't see the value in other martial training are the same gunfags who don't train seriously at the range.
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You are a fucking faggot. Stay a retarded worm cuck.
>So these two Puerto Rican guys approached me and asked me for my autograph. I told them to fuck off.
>“You ain’t all that, anyway,” one of them said. “We got guns and you only got your fists.”
>If I wasn’t on coke probably nothing would have happened. But I was, so I chased them into the lobby and up the escalator. We got to the top of the escalator and I knocked one of them out with one punch. The other guy was hiding behind the front desk and I pulled him out and hit him. He was spared when hotel security came."
I own you because I am 3 steps ahead of you (I rigged a bomb into your home's entrance and you never found me in the first place)
Post body, skinny boy.
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>I bring this to a fight and it’s over in less than 5 seconds
about that...
“guns” vs. gun
it’s not even close, coper.
>unloads entire magazine
>hits the target once
Do police even get firearms training anymore? What was that second dipshit doing with his weapon still holstered? Pathetic.
>Do police even get firearms training anymore?
Not as much as they should. You can thank department budgets and police unions for that.
>What was that second dipshit doing with his weapon still holstered?
He had his taser out instead of his pistol because they were trying to deescalate instead of letting the guy commit suicide by cop like he wanted.
Unless you're maintaining 21+ feet of social distancing at all times you're vulnerable to getting mogged by edged weapon Chads:
>turns head slightly to the right
nothin personnel
All these threads are bait and we are retarded for replying
Unsure about the US, but i know here in Australia cops only have do 1 mandatory range day per year. Civilian pistol owners have to shoot every month.

If youre friends with the average cop, theyre probably the most dumbest fucking people youll ever meet.
>cops only have do 1 mandatory range day per year
It's the same here in the US and the standards for that one range day are very, very low.
>Civilian pistol owners have to shoot every month
We don't have a requirement like that but statistically concealed carriers greatly outperform LEOs.
Op goes to the beach with a gun in his shorts lmao
Pull it up faggot
Weak ass mindset
Where you from Europe? Because last time I checked people can’t wait to steal from each other in the states, it’s legal right?
And then the trained mma fighter punches you in the face dislodges it from your hand and fucks you in the ass with it and then shoots you.

How about that? What if that happens?
No shit, OP. That's why it's categorized as deadly force. Unfortunately, deadly force is haunted by the specter of Any Reasonable Man, whereas a double leg or kicking someone's legs out from under them is not.

On the flipside though, I was informed that as of last year, in my state, slapping a rear naked choke or even a guillotine on someone now constitutes lethal force, and the victim of said choke can perforate your ass for it. Which was news to me.
I mean, I see the logic in the law. You, as an experienced grappler, know that you can let off after 30 seconds and then get away. John Doe the fat retard in a tap out shirt who thinks he could just go crazy on a ufc fighter is liable to put some poor bastard in a choke hold for 15 minutes and kill them.
ngl seems like the mma guys coping itt
>I'm totally going to 360 noscope you whilst my chins being rocked and im being suplexed on the floor

Things virgin neckbeards believe
They think that lifting weight discs every day and groping shirtless sweaty men makes them invincible, and it crushes their entire two-braincell world when you tell them otherwise.

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