Roller skate thread.Mostly Inline & Quads, Hockey & Derby welcome, Soaps & Heelies too if they're chill. Ice skates? Who knows.Discuss rollerskating tricks, gear, hobbies, complaining about the cost of new wheels and anything else relating to rolling around and it's culture. Cool roller skating /mu/sic is welcome, but talk about other shit too, don't just post music links with nothin else. Definitely not!vandalism belongs on >>>/po/stencilFAQ first edition thread (next thread before 2026?)
>>222116You want to figure skate but minimize the gays? That is a losing proposition, you have to embrace the gayness of it if you want to have any chance. You'll probably get pussy by being the only guy who's not literally gay doing italso inline is easier than ice but about 85% transferrable so it's probably a good way to learn the basics
>>222916>also inline is easier than ice but about 85% transferrable so it's probably a good way to learn the basicsgood to know.unfortunately i'm not gonna be getting much pussy at this age. i'll just embrace the rainbow and hope for the best i guess. just something i've wanted to do since i was a teenager but felt it was too late to bother.
anyone here attend winterclash?
>>224748Yeah. Andy from Razors is based putting chinks in their place. Make rollerblading white again.
I wanna do no gi martial art but I'm ashamed of what other people will think of my self harm scars on my arms so what would be the right move here?
>>219856she was told since she had MMA aspirations that our gym isn't the right place for her and we'll hold her back in the long run, she needs to go to an MMA coach, and she was handed off
>>218611This seems so obvious that I think OP is just attention seeking.
>>218594Rash guard with long sleeves
>>218594> Most martial arts manga tough guys have scars all over.> They don't give a shit.Why do you give a shit? You are just a nobody, nobody is going to care unless it physically is itchy during sports, then cover it up for comfort rather than insecurity.
In BJJ, the blue belt signifies the ability to defeat a larger, stronger opponent that is untrained (or should do, as defined by Helio Gracie.)A boxers garb has no signals to represent ones proficiency. So what would an amateur boxer have to look like, perform, and demonstrate his proficiency in order for a coach (or an experienced boxer) to think that person could defeat a larger, stronger but untrained opponent?
>>220254>bjjdifferent skill floors and skill ceilings
in my oppinion its staring menacingly instead of fidgeting when sparring
>>220393Bro, your average blue belt struggles to pull of a shitty collar drag let alone a proper takedown. Starting from standing up in an actual all out fight, that blue belt is nearly useless.
>>220196Look sharp, be in above way average shape cardio wise, have good volume in your punching
You will never be a real warrior. You have no confirmed kills, you never seen real combat, you've never been in real danger. You're an insecure racially ambiguous manlet twisted by brain damage and larp fighting into a crude joke of a real threatening manAll your random public threats in commercial gyms make you look like a moron in public. Behind your back sparring partners call you retarded and gay for bragging over belts. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of your short stature and hobbit like appearance, your “friends” laugh at your boxers nose, slurred speech and cauliflower ears.women are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed women to sniff out ugly compensating wannabe "tough guys" from miles away. Your short and narrow bone structure and puffy trt gut and face is a dead giveaway. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake scowl every single morning and tell yourself people are scared of you and think you're a badass, but deep inside you feel all the times you were "humbled" at the gym, crushing you under the unbearable weight of how pathetic being a 40 year old man who "rolls" on mats with teenagers and college kids really is.
>>224992Better chance doesn’t mean success, you troglodyte. The MMA fighter probably only does have a 1% chance against someone with a gun or a knife. But that’s huge compared to your 0% chance. Quite literally a 100% improvement on your current odds.
>>224988>>224991the duality of bjj
>>224992yeah dude everytime a bjj fighter fights a gun men the bjj fighter usually diesthis thread is kind of dumbstop trolling and admit that closed guard cant stop a bullet really opened my eyes to how a martial artist with x years of training is just as much fucked when faced with a knife
>>225181>watch video >it opens up with people retardly rushing and flailing at each otheryeah no wonder they fucked up when facing a knife.
All of the martial art family trees online are shit, so I decided to create a half-decent one. How did I do? What did I do wrong? What should I add?
No arnis?
>>225001>What should I add?Shuai jiao and sanda/sanshaou are notable omissions. Weird how you mentioned Funakoshi but not Shotokan the style he founded. You spelt bjj wrong.>What did I do wrong?Sambo didn't descend entirely from judo. European boxing and old school savate were also big components.>I only included the most popular stylesYou have Chuck Norris system on there.>>225043>Wrestling and boxing are generic terms. As the image says, I have have only included codified martial arts styles.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>225001>A thread died for this you FUCKOh no, not the x>y bait thread with last reply from 2022, how will this board ever recover
>>225112That was a better thread than this, and you know it, you disingenuous cunt.
>>225001where would vale tudo and luta livre fit here? they competed with bjj but also influenced it. vale tudo was brazilian proto mma. also bjj was originally known as gracie jiu jitsu.
(Japanese Kickboxing)
>>223730Evolve is in Singapore it's Chatri's gym. His coach is a retired Dutch MMA fighter, I think it's just his problem specifically
Refined Kan Nakamura enjoyer.
>>223896Yeah they should have made him drill more BJJ techniques with him considering his striking background. Its probably just Japanese being afraid of making mistakes type of problem and struggling with new things?
>>224625I love that little steroid monster
/xs/! What is best in life?
>>147951OP in shambles
Holy shit, this thread has legs.
>>124333Sending this thread back to the top of the catalogue
>>224787Based bumper
>>207269There should be screencaps
The Surfing GeneralPipe masters is on edition>how do I learn to surf? [Open]>How do I pick the right board?Use a volume calculator, and find the right board type for your local break or waves you want to ride>how do I know if the waves are good?go check surfline or magicseaweed for reports
>>224336Oh it looks like it was inside someone's sharpeye allright
>>224336After my cut a few weeks ago the last thing i need is a reminder of all that blood
>>224336won't look good on the water no matter what you think of the aesthetic
I read that in Santa Cruz, California, they have their own surfing slang. For instance, they call surfing "hauking". Is it true?
>>224336I used to do that shit on my board for a while.It looks good to me.
So, I've been doing boxing by a lot of time, but I still dont know how to make my hook faster, they are really strong but not fast, could you guys give me any tips to make my hooks less sluggish and faster
I will never tell you because I aim to be supreme.Victory is prepared in darkness.
>>224822>SluggishNot a problem for a beginner. You lack condition deep in your tendons. Tense up as hard as you can, and hold your breath as you practice. This develops the power needed. Speed will develop naturally later.
>>224822To go fast, you must practice going slow. Do all your practice in slow motion for a month and then observe the increase in speed afterwards.
>>224822Sink your power through your dan tien.
>>224892Im not so begginer, im just a bit slow on hooks, everything else is perfect
So, I have been training boxing for... a while not gonna lie, and I have been obsessed with it for months, so, here is my stuff, make any comment about it and what should I better and add!Guard: Peekabo styleSwarmerIn-boxerknows all basic punchesknows the anatomy of a knock outknows how to properly breathe in a boxing matchknows how to do the dempsey rollComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>224168But enough about your mother!
>>224075Please watch and study these fighters if you have not alreadyNiccolino Loche, Emmanuel Augustus and Vasyl Lomachenko for footworkPernell Whittaker for head movementOleksander Usyk for ring generalship and knowing where you are in the ringLarry Holmes for the jabhappy training
>>224075> Following Exercises:1. Jump rope.2. Heavy Bag.3. Lunge Walks With Twists.4. Standing Russian Twists (helps generate speed for the punches.)3 minutes of each exercise, 15 seconds of rest between, train like a beast and you'll develop even further of course practicing with randomly held mitts will help you if they also try and hit you slow enough you can notice it but to react to it. (Mitt Reflex Bag sort of workout.)Just work on those
>>224075if you have some money get a vr headset and thrill of the fight 1 and 2. also, steel sharpens steel, you need to fight the best in your region to expose your weaknesses and keep working on them until they are your strengths. do muay thai or kickboxing too so you don't get caught off guard by fighters from different rulesets
>>224969my nigga I can barely even afford shit I hate being from mexico
Bruhurt thread
>>224138the people want blood!
>>218991Every club will be different but my local club is mostly 25-50 year old guys, many of whom are friendly suburban dad types. We’ve got all kinds of people from public servants, tradies, and small business owners to neckbeard autistic dudes who are into playing knights but those types rarely show up to practice. I’d assume because of social anxiety or something, which you’re gonna have to get over if you’re fighting the same dudes very often. >>224136Ah the “it’s not sharp weapons so it’s not fun”, guy. If you could actually get killed nobody would do this. Just as medieval knights didn’t (intentionally) use lethal weapons in their tournaments. The point back then as it is today is to show who was the better fighter while keeping the fighters alive so they can continue to improve at fighting.
>>224645You think this is an argument in your favor but it isn't. It's the reason none of you are cool. No balls. People love doing dangerous shit. In /dbt/ we've had multiple people die.
>>224648So? Nobody cares if you like it or not. If u wanna be an edgelord and see people get cut up, simply continue to live in your 3rd world shit hole and consider attending some local gang wars and bum fights. This sport is about blunt force impact and standing wrestling in a metal suit.
>>224766I don't think you understand how undeniably badass it would be to kill a man in armored combat Hell, it made Jean de Carrouges a legend
when will this faggot fight again? I like his style and he definitely beat Sean, but when is he gonna defend that title against the Bugman?
>>201937As a TMA guy that's dabbled in MMA, I'd say they're a little too obsessed with efficiency. They learn how to use and defend against a handful of the highest percentage techniques and then claim that none of the other ones ever work. And then I catch them 4 times in a row with something stupid because they never see it coming. That's not to say that TMA don't have their own problems. Lack of active resistance in training and overreliance on their rulesets often lead to REALLY bad habits that would get you knocked out in MMA.
>>195798anywhere to watch King of the Streets stuff? They seem to take down their ppv stuff.
Where did it all go wrong?
Seems unfair tbdesu, their opponent would be unwilling to be within a 5 foot radius of them due to the stench, let alone grapple.
Jubli bros....
>>223188the first word
>>223236That's not the issue, they dont need western style wrestling. There just isn't enough jeet wrestlers for them to have a big enough talent pool/people who want to compete in other countries. Punjabis/curries would rather their children study than do anything physical.
>>223250>actually you're being tricked into not liking Indians Good one rajesh
Weekly Debate Post: Skiing vs. Snowboarding!
>>223292if youre a heavy/tall dude get a 120 / 130 flex.
>>223295>The only way you fuck up is if you don't look at the gear and buy something that's core-shot, but you'd have to be brain dead to miss that.check for sidewall cracks/delamination as well, especially under the binding/underfoot
>>181305Butters look better on ski so ski.
>>223994A better butter? A bitter bud but her butters do butter the better, bettors say
>>210264I should add, in the back ground there's a two runs. One directly in the center of the photo where its split by a train track, and another one on the RHS.Cody Townsend sent both of those in his 50+ video. Think he did it the week after I was there. He did two ski weeks
you know what I hate the most? I HATE THIS WITH ALL OF MY SOUL!what is the obsession of mankind with prostituting everything they see, prostituting restaurants, boxing and every fucking sport or just a straight up normal concept, I came here to watch big sweaty muscular shirtless men going at it in the ring! not to watch a sex appealing woman acting like an object, honestly guys, this is sad :c
>>224326I appreciate your comments but its too bizzarre for me
It's the promoters and organisers having an incredibly dim view of the general public. Although, to be fair to those guys, the general public have given them plenty of reasons to have a low opinion of them.
>>224233Are you gay? Even if yes, you can just ignore her, which is what everyone not subhuman does.
>>224438not being masturbation addicted and sexually depraved doesnt mean im not straight, you are the weird one that wants to beat his meat in the middle of the stage
>>224233sex sells/thread