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resurrecting the thread for muay thai. ask questions and talk about muay thai and muay thai related stuff

>Understanding traditional scoring

>Live shows
>Siam Fight News
>Lumpinee https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYMw_GleQjXnKMjhCY58V4w
>MAX https://www.youtube.com/user/maxmuaythaichannel
>PETCHYINDEE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN96OvHRSZWiecrdPvy5Wg
>ONE Championship https://www.youtube.com/c/ONEChampionship

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what i want to say is, people will get in your face without intention to fight, and if you stand your ground you will probably come into elbow striking range and where normal punches are either not doable or impossible to do (close range again)
and since elbows and knees are some of the hardest points on our bodies id say train your elbows..
Don't let people get into your face, use your lead hand straightened out about their chest level to keep your distance. You can block the rear hand with the half long guard. You can step in and crack their jaw with your elbow too if you want to be the aggressor

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Whats this sport called?
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#metoo does she have a sister
>Whats this sport called?
Attention whoring.
Let's assume 190cm which seems like on the higher end (guy is probably around 170-175cm, otherwise he'd weigh more than 64kg). 100kg is still 15kg too much with her build.
I think its called, "lying on social media for attention."
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>Whats this sport called?
Brap Log, evidently.

No one here has the balls to challenge the floating skatepark.
>sits on the skateboard and scoots around while making engine noises with my mouth

If our entire set of homelands weren't cucked and blacked beyond belief, just imagine what the caucasian race would be doing as a matter of norm in the future. Floating skateparks would be the least of it.
Can you prove to us that you do, OP?
donald trump will be working tirelessly to undue to woke doctrine i've recently realized that the reason why everything seemed to suck after the 2000s is because of democrat rule.

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/HEMA/ General - Power of Sticks and Staves Edition

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zueF4Mu2uM
Back to the source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBmNVHTmNs
Martin Fabian Sparring - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8QlbKfX84k

>Where can I find these treatises?

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My club literally has no tisming of this kind, people play warhams and elfgame in their free time but don't sperg about it and you're more likely to hear a convo about cars than 40k or an Imgur meme, let alone Tumblr.

But my town is big enough it also contains a chuuni club, and a club of tourneyfags who seethe beyond measure at the idea of learning any historical technique or anything at all that won't give them immediate percentage in their bouts (both of these are splits from our older club, the trash taking itself out). So ours is the one non-retarded club.
>about 70 percent of them are tistic
I go to a very big (by HEMA standards) North American school. I'd say your ratio is about the same I'm seeing with a sample size of over 100, split between archery, longsword, and rapier classes. Also been in and out since 2013, so have a time spread. Definitely more athletic and less strictly nerdy people than I remember when I first got into all this.
Court shoes in general are what you want. You're making rapid movements in diff directions and you won't damage the floor. So Asics are popular.

Barefoot or no sole is mostly for emulating historical shoes.

Boxing shoes/wrestling shoes are kind of the opposite of what you want as they are for stability and not designed for most hardwood court floors where hema takes place. But if you're a grapply boi then go for it and fuck the floors.

The real important thing is to get what matches your drip.
I have a pair of sambas, but I don't wear them for Hema.

If you have problems rolling your ankles, then you might want something with ankle stability. So your basketball court shoes might be more your option.
Or strengthen your ankles. Up to you.
At a club that big at least 70% sperglords gives you 30 sensible people to potentially hang out with, that's a mid-size club's worth. Anon would probably be satisfied with that since it means you can just stay in your normie cocoon and not interact witht he fuckups, raw numbers really do solve some things.
at any rate lads this is good information for me, thank you.

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I have a lot of friends who are learning boxing and kick boxing. Should I take some lessons or just buy a gun?
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unironically; lifts for this feel?
Truth. I almost had to shoot a crackhead yesterday.
learn to fight and buy a gun and everything else that you can and by more guns and various weapons. Be as bad as you can be, learn how to hack, learn human anatomy so you will know all the vital arteries and organs to attack. Learn how to throw a baseball acurately, how to throw a knife, how to shoot a bow and arrow. how to shoot a pistol, how to use a sniper rifle, how to fly a god damn helicopter. Star jogging, running, sprinting, swimming. sky diving. Get in tip top shape and try out for US Navy Spec Ops.
For street defense
>How to punch
Will give you a feel for how bad it can be to lean in too hard into a punch while punching so you learn how to be safe
Will teach you that kicking in the streets can be retarded if you slip and fall on concrete
Will teach you how not fall headfirst onto concrete or fall in a fucked up way and be unable to run away
Kickboxing also will show you the perils of changing level into someone smacking you in the face
All these martial arts are good. If only to reach you how to not get yourself dead
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not OP but I will also ask: I have been a retard for a long while. I had a basic\good base on kickboxing and boxing, but I stopped going to the gym because it wasn't "hard enough" and spent months practicing punches, kicks, etc against those iron poles or metal equipment at public park, trees, hitting myself with dumbbells or even barbells, etc ,and just sprinting\ doing random but tiring shit with my home gym weights.
Now I came to realize : life ISN'T about headbutting s dumbell for reps ..I sincerely want to learn an Art (of fighting now) so:
> what coordination ,hand-eye drills are good and where can I get a book about them?\ youtube channels, etc?
>what sparring regime is advice for a non-pro, frequency, agreed-upon level of harshness, etc?
>what equipment MUST a gym have? tear drop bag, banana bag etc
>Should I learn no-gi BJJ ,and K-1? I want to acquire real fitness, agility, dynamic power and body-smarts.
(I will move to another City so I won't be returning to the gym I went to. I think they don't give the classes anymore even)

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What makes BJJ culture so insufferable compared to other martial arts?
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Judo invented the belt system.

>Similar to the IJF taking away putins 8th degree black belt.
Unless I missed something new they stripped his titles and positions, not his 8th dan belt. He did have honorary black belts stripped from other arts but his actual earned judo black belt is still intact.
>BJJ is just cycling through guys

gayest thing i have ever heard
If the tales are true trad JJ isnl developed from bonesetter know how, so it would just be going round full circle at that point
Shevchenko got smashed square in the face by grasso and did a wonderful breakfall
There's at least a handful of people like Charles Oliveira and others who, when they practice good fundamentals, shut down a pin from knockdown just by going dead cockroach and inviting the opponent to invite them to stand back up

>most toxic fucking person you've ever met

Hey guys,

Started doing judo a couple of months ago, I know the throws from doing traditional ju jitsu but I'm struggling with the timing and kuzushi. How do I practice that? In particular kuzushi. Thanks
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Everyone will struggle with timing in the beginning. They're trying to figure out the right situation for a throw they've only drilled
Eventually things move to the grip fight and flowcharts. You need certain grips and feints to execute certain sequences and techniques
In time, kuzushi becomes active. You move and interrupt the opponent, striking when they stop, resist or stumble
It depends on what you want out of it. Despite what 4chan would have you believe about judo, it's not just this giga self-defense art. I think it's overhyped by the uninformed, in fact. More often than not it's a sport to do Olympic-style competition. But more than just a combat sport, it can also be practiced such that accuracy to the kata with an uke is what is judged. I personally like to do competition in service of understanding the moves better so I can be like a lore-keeper. I want a story from personal experience, competition-based, professional grappling, or MMA for each move. That's what makes me happy.

If you're a beginner and you mean to spar, it is entirely reasonable to wait a month or two before you start getting thrown. You should make that intention known so they can tell you if you're barking up the wrong tree or if you just need to wait.
Just practicing, and always being mindful of positioning, especially during training/drills, underestimating form is the biggest factor in both jj and judo, just don't, take your time, but do it right, the most proper form you can, then you'll start doing it faster, your form will get crappy, you improve your form, get faster, form gets crappy, improve your form, repeat.
I've seen a lot of guys use their belts for uchikomi so I'd guess the resistance of the band should err on the side of too strong rather than too weak
>I think it's overhyped by the uninformed
The uninformed put it on the same level as strip mall karate and your average casual tapout dudebro mma/bjj guy thinks it's total bullshit. The idea that judo is "giga self-defense art" is limited strictly to this board.

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Basic brand info for beginners >https://pastebin.com/CxdBGA6W

Shoe reviews:
Submit a shoe review:

Just skate and have fun. You're never too old or fat to skate. Skateboarding is 90% mind 10% body.

Skatepark etiquette: Remember everyone there shares a common interest with you.

Thread video:
Last Thread: >>211227
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make it look like you belong there
are you guys seeing the black wheel trend on sls
i did this in May except I was just skating down a sidewalk and ran over a seed or something
at least get an examination first to see if anything urgent needs to be done
also if you cut anything in your lips/mouth you will probably need antibiotics
I wear a mouth guard now, waiting for next year to get the crown bc of shitty american insurance
Bump limit isn't yet reached though

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Are leg grabs coming back
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yamete could ya stop
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I will enjoy this victory so long as it lasts. We got the fuckers!
Kind of proved his point.

What if UFC had heightclasses instead of weightclasses?
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there's a 5ft gigamanlet in one that would rape you with ease
What if they had melanin classes
It should be like Kudo.
>Athletes are not ranked by weight, but by physical index. The physical index (PI) is the sum of weight, in kilograms, plus height, in centimeters.
Category: under 230
Category: 230–240
Category: 240–250
Category: 250–260
Category: 260–270
Category: 270 and over
It's pretty effective from what I've seen. The more evenly matched the opponents, the better the fight, and Kudo has some pretty amazing bangers. This is the MMA the world is sleeping on.
Cheick Kongo undefeated niggest

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I'll start

>Scorpion Rib Crush

This is a variant of do-jime (banned judo technique but legal in BJJ and MMA) where you have an opponent in closed guard and squeeze your knees on their floating ribs.

Here's a video of a WMMA fighter using it to win in Bellator:

Very hit-or-miss but can either
>do nothing (if they have a strong core)
>break ribs
>fuck up organs (supposedly)

You can hear the opponent yell out and tap immediately

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Imanari is great at submitting his opponents, but him doing shit like pulling guard is the reason why so many people dislike MMA or find it boring. Either take your opponent down or stand up.
Hands down my favorite bjj move, it looks so fucking cool. I really want to learn it, is it hard?
Do you suck at rolling backwards?
Kinda stupid it's banned
The solution if they have their legs on you and about to get bombed, is to just release the fucking guard
It just helps the retard doing the leglock to succeed off of something stupid
GOAT weird mma grappler

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Would replacing Judo, Wrestling, etc., by Mixed Wresling Arts and Mixed Striking Arts be beneficial to the Olympics?

Consider the following:
> circle arena
> out = 2 points
> knockdown/takedown = 3 points
> knockout/submission = 10 points
> 3 3 min rounds
> protection everywhere including head recommended but not obligatory
> first to 10 points, or with more round wins, wins the fight

I think it would be far more interesting if there were very diverse ways of winning points and different styles actually clashed with each other.

This also ends the notion that the Olympics ruins Martial Arts, since there will be no Point Judo, or Point Karate anymore, just Olympic Striking and Olympic Wrestling. As a bonus you could also add an actual MMA tournament with the best of both sides, but following the same rules.

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That might have been true 20 years ago. Go watch the olympics today tkd guys aren't even good at kicking anymore. Unironically Kyokushin karateka are better at literally all the spinny shit while also learning low kicks and thai style etc. Actually even random MMA fighters are better at spinning shit that olympic athletes in tkd today.
Stupidest idea ever they are separate disciplines for a reason.
Why did they never bring back Pankration?
It's so close to MMA they won't bring it back out of spite
How about we replace TKD with Sanda, and GR with Kudo?

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What is your boxing style and stance? Why did you choose them?
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I'm a switch-hitting counterpuncher. My power isn't that great but I body punch a lot and string good combos. I use pressure and fight at angles. I don't like being cornered and had to develop better defense.
Peekaboo cause I'm unironically built like Mike, like almost exact same proportions.
What >>192049
>>191464 i don’t know really>>194919
Strayan. I’ll bottle you from behind cunt.
all based on ethnic genetics. you should generally stick to your peoples fighting style

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The answer is IT DEPENDS whether the skill gap or the strength gap is bigger
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>Gym culture has never been more prevalent and everyone knows what works in a fight now thanks to the popularity of the ufc
That's not how fighting works. Just because you watch a lot of basketball doesn't mean you can shoot a 3 pointer or dunk.
War is not unarmed combat. People who do war are good at war and people who do unarmed combat are good at unarmed combat.
There's a big difference between a bodybuilder with 1 yr solid fighting experience and a bodybuilder with 0.
Anybody with 0 experience sucks. But the massive fit guy that has one year good practice tends to beat the really experienced welterweight from what i see.
say that in a bjj gym
My money would be on Jones but anything could happen when the bigger guy is twice as big and can deadlift the smaller guy 4 times over

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>trying to decide between going for a walk or playing disc golf. Played disc golf yesterday for reference.
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this guy hasnt seen people get fkn domed
I hope someone smashes the tranny's hand with a fkn hammer
So glad I get to play maple hill fairly regularly. Marshall Street is literally Disc Golf Walmart
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