then look me in the eye and tell me Karate is not gay
>>212057>not willing to twist dick to win a fightNGMI. Not even being sarcastic.
>>217055>find the most traditional place i canQuality is really hit or miss with traditional places. I've been to traditional places that were basically MMA in a gi, Goju-Ryu included. Been to 'MMA' gyms that were more TaeBo than anything else. I get what you're saying but...>1: Martial Arts is a spectrum of experiences and there is no 1 thing that makes the definition>2: Basing your opinion on a singular experience is retarded.It's especially retarded when you can hop online and easily find examples of trad dojos that work differently.
>>217055>i went to the most traditional gym and had the most traditional experience>why is karate a cultyou're retarded
>>217339Did they do that thing to you where they badly misrepresent other martial arts to make themselves look better? Because my guys did a little bit of that sometimes.>>217344I get your point, but it was one of the highest recommended dojos in my area. Supposedly the people were really good. I'm sure they know karate well, but I don't kid myself into thinking they were teaching me to practically defend myself in a reasonable timeframe.Also, that was my experience compared against many others I'd encountered. Not just me. I came, I saw, I decided I'd prefer something more serious. No need to get mad.>>217347>>why is karate a cultI never asked that. Also of course I'm going to go for the traditional one. If I wanted a more modern karate experience I'd be better off just finding a third-rate kickboxing gym.
>>212057imagine if he gripped our balls...
We all have so many valid complaints about how BJJ is run. List how you would design your BJJ academy, addressing the each problem you have created a solution for. I'll start with my ideas:24 hour access to blue belts and up.Separated area for advanced members to train during fundamental class times so the entire place is not off limits. Can also be used by members who prefer to stretch or run their own warmups so they don't feel pressured to do difficult warmups when injured, old, etc.Zero class time used for discussing IBJJF rules and point systems. Offer a dedicated seminar class outside of regular class hours for this if you even want to focus on competition.Be proactive in making sure members are appropriately matched for drills. A 200lb 40 year old man and a 115lb 20 year old girl who have never met are not appropriate. Not due to sex or age, but body type, and everyone deserves a productive class where they have an appropriate body to work with.No stripe White belts are not allowed to interrupt to ask questions. But Blue belts are tasked with helping them and addressing them during drills. Can ask individually after class. This sucks up so much time and annoys seasoned members who just want to drill the move.Adhere strictly to the old school system of promotion roughly based on years in and objective progress unless someone is a phenom for which early promotions can be justified by competition results. If a student is especially anxious and capable perhaps go to a few regional open mats with them and see how they fare against higher belts. Never promote based on being the big fish in a small pond.
>>222490I respect your opinions. But I think you are the one who makes this martial art so strong.For example, if we have a Taekwondo player or any other art player who trains for eight hours, he will definitely beat a kickboxing or boxing player, for example. What do you think?
>>222503I am training in kickboxing in Morocco. In fact, the gym is not good. The trainers are bad and they repeat the same movements every session. Can you teach me some movements if you are interested? My id in teleguard H6PDQPR84
>>222500Sumo of course
>>222500Judo with more ne waza combined with muay thai
>>220499Agreed. Exactly why I learned groundwork from Judo Ne-waza techniques.
The Surfing GeneralPipe masters is on edition>how do I learn to surf? [Open]>How do I pick the right board?Use a volume calculator, and find the right board type for your local break or waves you want to ride>how do I know if the waves are good?go check surfline or magicseaweed for reports
>>222596with a bigger board you can tilt it side to side and sort of cut through the water and zig zag down deeper, that way its not a big flat plane you're trying to force under water.
longboarders are spiritual trannies and im tired of pretending they aren't
>paddling out>sneaky insider>swing and go>lil closeout>pull in>get tossed>fin smacks foot>4 stitches later I'm here greentexting not surfing I'm the anon who snapped his frens board not long ago. I'm having a shocker atm.
>>222896Do you mean wave rocked, surfer shocked or is that a board model?
>>222914shocker? i.e. shocking (bad). I am having a bad run atm.
What the fuck bros? There's no /scuba/ general?Let's rectify that.Best dive sites? Hairy or funny stories?And the obvious question, what's better? PADI or SDI?Here's an Australian Scuba FAQ until we make our own
>>214010>she freedivesis there a bigger green flag?
>>215145Either that or they are feminine as hell but completely ran thru or have a sugar daddy or whatever
Should I buy a backplate+wing or jacket for first bcd?
>>92144this is not funny at all u fag, its just humble brag
soaping bros, we're home
Would be cool to have a set with grind pegs on the side
soaper bump
bump for the soaps
I urban rollerblade so I sometimes soap things I want to trick on
The skateboarders are stealing our spot
Fandangle edition
>>223143Got me on a bingeHe is a bully, no doubt>>223147It's quite clear Jõa and Weckington are reading /esg/. Mango used to post here. Hell, maybe that's why he named the company Frog. and Jaime linked up
I have been doing MMA for 15 years, have fought 11 times as an amateur bum and I know how important cardio really is. However, am I wrong when I say that "warmups" before every class are bullshit and a sign of a McDojo, if they are basically a cardio workout on their own AND they consist purely of movements unrelated to the sport? In my eyes, coaches do this shit if they are either too lazy to structure the class and think about the content, or they are doing some boxercise faggotry for fat soccer moms. Imagine this: You are a normie slob, no experience, and you have to do 30 minutes of excessive cardio shit that is unrelated to combat sports, like jumping jacks and running in circles. Afterwards, you are too exhausted to focus 100% on the actual combat sport drills, for which you had joined the gym. Warmups should just be enough that you can perform training safely. Mobilisation, few plyometrics, and then practice the moves from the previous lesson again. That's it. I would either put the cardio trash at the end of the class, or do it as separate lessons during which you can focus 100% on cardio and nothing else.
kekwhat the fuck is this thread?so many conflicting statements.tons of grand standing.Grow nuts you fucking faggotsespeciall this gay shit>>220314>And since you are on 4Chan and not Reddit>>220340go back you fucking faggots
>>220350I think the greater threat is the beginners that just repeat everything they're told without question
>>220314Does your dad work for Nintendo
>>219650An older brown belt, who would sometimes lead the class or do extra morning classes with me and other guys, would have us do warmups specific to whatever technique we were gonna drill. It felt great. Just enough work to be fired up (this helped a ton in the morning) and i would have an easier time moving the way in which I was suppose to move. Also this boomer nigger >>220314 is a CUNT. Do us a favour and put both feet in the grave, fossil.
>>220314>BJJ IS THE MOST HECKING EFFECTIVE MARTIAL ART>YOU'RE ON MY SHITLIST FOR LIFEmeanwhile judo, wrestling and boxing can literally kill you if done on concrete>Body slam someone who doesnt know how to breakfall>head cracks open>punch someone so hard they fall>head cracks openshut up faggotwe need more guys like this>>222781he's chill. He understands the limitations
bmx riders are coolest, most talented, and do the most dangerous shit
I got into bmx after having watched the olympics race, looks kinda fun ngl
I want to get into it, but I'm also trying to lock in on my skating
>>207298 The speed:effort ratio is by far in favor of my bmx, I can get somewhere much quicker with less effort on my bike instead of my board. I dont need to watch for pebbles or cracks, and I can roll over almost any terrain. Its a much more relaxing experience for me.
This should be the gold standard for BMX. many kooks like chad kerley just making bmx look embarrassing, what a fucking disgusting human
Cool guy chad kerley doing what he loves to do
resurrecting the thread for muay thai. ask questions and talk about muay thai and muay thai related stuff>Understanding traditional scoring>Live shows>Siam Fight News>Lumpinee>MAX>Ch8>PETCHYINDEE>ONE Championship too long. Click here to view the full text.
WHERE TO TRAIN MUAY THAI IN THAILANDI’ve narrowed my choices to 1. Tiger Eye in BANGKOK+ Veteran Owner and Competed in MMA. + Trains BJJ as well as Muay Thai.- New, so no reviews.- I’m not so sure I want to spend so long in the city, not a big city guy.2. Lanna Muay Thai in CHIANG MAI+ Across multiple discussions this places comes highly recommendedComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>184144interesting thanks for the self replyI'm struggling in blocking upper body and head myself but I don't spar often so that's probably whyI don't even know if you're supposed to hold your gloves slightly out of your face or be touching it with them when you block head punches
>>221967your hands need to stick to your face when you block. your gloves will help absorb the impact.if you leave your hands slightly off your face your opponent's punch will make you punch yourself
>>222264thanks, that makes sense (and has happened lol)
>>216244I'm also interested in thisStarted training MT 3-4 months ago and been consuming a lot of pasta with veggies and eggsdebating a rice cookerthanks to the guy posting the webms, they're really great like this one >>212931
You know what I wish exist?Palm strike boxing.Teaches you how to street fight without breaking your hands.
>>220970Legit knuckles. Watche BK fights, shit drags on for ever & it's super bloody. Know why? Because the knuckles are actually pretty shitty for transferring force. Its a hard lump with multiple relatively uneven points of contact compared to the face.>PowerslapI know most people think its a joke but I love it for the physics demo it is. Why are so many dudes getting one shotted from slaps? Because the hand form molds to a persons face, transferring nearly all of the force. Palm strikes are like the difference between hitting with a glove or BK. BK hurts more but gloves or palms are gonna have a better chance of knocking you out.
>>222169Exactly. All the pencil necked nerds ignore this.
>>222337Armchair Violance as the nog.
>>222169I'd love to see something with no wraps, and a minimal glove to mitigate cuts and eyepokes.
I wanna do no gi martial art but I'm ashamed of what other people will think of my self harm scars on my arms so what would be the right move here?
>>218594Where a rash guard dumbass
>>218697Probably at the rash guard store
>>218616>actually the reason she was asked to leave is the owner was afraid she was eventually going to metoo someone at the gym and kill the businessHow was that handled?
If you're self conscience just go to the GI class, its fun. Nobody should be giving you a hard time at the gym, if they are they're a loser. It seems places these days have enough gyms that you should be able to find one with cool people in it.
>>219856she was told since she had MMA aspirations that our gym isn't the right place for her and we'll hold her back in the long run, she needs to go to an MMA coach, and she was handed off
Want to participate in one of the most ultimate extreme sports? Come Skydive.Either do a tandem for ~S220 (Don't get video you will watch it once or twice and it costs $120+) or go through AFF and jump with your own gear every jump ($~3600 for the first 8 jumps or so) Most jumps are $60-70 after that if renting gear, or ~$30 if you have your own.Any questions? Ask away I'm an insutructor
>>218576I'm living in downtown Boston. Anyway I could hitch a ride up to a DZ on a weekend?
How to make skydyving more extreme without making it as retarded as this?
>>219129remind me later when the season starts
>>219793Learn stand up and head down flying
>>198896Haven't jumped in years, haven't been able to afford a rig and lift tix. Kinda miss it. Live 30 min from Z Hills
Whats this sport called?
>>209875>Whats this sport called?Attention whoring.
>>210672Let's assume 190cm which seems like on the higher end (guy is probably around 170-175cm, otherwise he'd weigh more than 64kg). 100kg is still 15kg too much with her build.
>>209875I think its called, "lying on social media for attention."
>>209875>Whats this sport called?Brap Log, evidently.
Your girlfriend thinks she can beat you in an mma fight. You wanna show her she's wrong but don't wanna hurt her. What do you do?
>>215692>You ... don't wanna hurt her.That's where you're wrong. I didn't soundproof a room in the basement so we could play the bagpipes.
>>215692get her in the guard pull her panties down and start fucking her
>>215692Light sparring then basic takedown into power rape
>>215692rape her (in a loving matter)
>>215692Absolutely BLAST cum up her bum.
Neck bridgesGood or dangerous?
>>197945No exercise is inherently dangerous, careless progression is
idk look up what f1 drivers do and do that
>>219935Driving isn't a sport and I don't care what anyone says
>>219873>No exercise is inherently dangerous, careless progression isLiterally this.
>>197945Use very plates and or a neck harness. The only people who advocate for this are fat and ancient. It's an antiquated way of training. Also >>199937