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jon jones is gay
caseoh really fell off
wow he has something in common with OP
Nothing new
I'm glad the line between internet autism and fighting as a hobby still exists, even "celebrities" on mainstream media don't have so much of a impact.

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>this kills the grappler
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The whole point of MMA it's being good at both
>shane carwin: 12 first round KOs in a row
>couldn't touch jds for 3 rounds
>jds gets rag dolled by cain for 9 rounds
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Really focus on take down defense and escapes from mount/back in the time you have. You probably mog the fuck out of those guys striking so keep it standing at all costs. There are pro fighters who go far with the sane gameplan so it's certainly doable but training MMA where they can teach everything within that context is gonna be best.
This also kills the grappler


>"new rules. grounded knees and 12-to-6 elbows are allowed"


(Japanese Kickboxing)
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As someone who did muay thai, the music is big gay. The people who enjoy it are the thai version of weebs
As much as love MT and everything it's done to redefine every branch of modern kickboxing I feel like it's getting outpaced in modern times, in many ways due to the modern ruleset that scores punching so low
It took them like 50 years to finally be their equal
The fuck are you talking about? Japan was the first nation to compete against Muay Thai and they've had several fighters ranked in Lumpini and Rajadamner rankings like Toshio Fujiwara, Mitsuo Shima, Igari Genshu, and Yasuo Tabata. Fujiwara was the 1st foreigner to win a stadium title (Rajadamnern lightweight) while Shima won a world MT title in bantamweight that Thailand hosted in the early 70's. Japan has more stadium titles than any other country; only France comes close. And plenty of Japanese have also won WMC, WPMF, and WBC Muay Thai belts too.

What if UFC had heightclasses instead of weightclasses?
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The whole sport would be full of fat blobs like heavyweight already is
>cue the injury retirements
As based as they were, tournaments were full of random bullshit ruining the competition
Best modern Sumo is 6'3" or so
Oh yeah I totally want to watch Royce vs Shamrock 2 again. No time limits, 33 minutes of lay and pray. true warriors
Fucking cringey shithead
I think most people who romanticize the tournament structure never really experienced a few live. They don't have the same investment because the fighters aren't current, so there's less disappointment when all of the sudden a bout change happens because X fighter can't continue for whatever reason despite winning.

I'm going to start boxing on tuesdays and thursdays. How would you go about strength training to supplement the boxing? I want muscular endurance and explosiveness(tailoring a program to be boxing specific). Mainly looking for a split or full body program that can fit into my schedule. High rep squats? Push press? Landmine punches?

I have a high tolerance for working out and i eat in a caloric surplus.
Take the bodyweight pill
Swimming, squats and pull-ups
Swimming and gymnastics. Especially gymnastics with rings it builds good explosive strength and endurance while not gaining to much useless weight

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Pogo thought
Sure >>204772

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>motocross is so dead there isn't even a thread for it on /xs/
its so over
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I was practicing riding on my personal track. what's this screaching about Jett being out? Link?
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Russian motocross seasons seems pretty rough. exploding drones, tanks, snipers.

How do make finger skatign EXTREME
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I like the hobby. sue me
kek funnily enough I bought a tech deck recently as I remember liking them when I was young (I'm 31 now). I can ollie but can't kickflip for the life of me.
you'll be hearing from my lawyer
wait -- why are there syringes?

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Redpill me on Sanda. Is it modern Kung Fu or are the Chinese just stealing techniques and training methods from other martial arts and pretending it was theirs?
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>we wuz thais n sheet
TLDR: Boxings for hands, Asian martial arts for kicks, takedowns from Shuai jiao

I really wish Sanda allowed elbows so we can more Bajiquan influence.
>choy li fut
you post this horseshit every time Sanda gets mentioned. It will never be true.
It's funny how he says "even muay thai" like Sanda wasn't created directly as a response to MT and uses it as a base.
Bajiquan is a fucking meme. I wish all you kungfu shitters would rope yourself already
Muay Thai was created from boxing and the few useful parts of Muay Boran.

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I want to learn something that would actually teach me how to use a weapon, near me they have fencing, eskrima and kendo. Of these three which one would have the most real life applicability?
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You can carry a stick (cane) through TSA on to a plane. A stick beats a knife since two armed opponents (not a gun) attacking the hand with the weapon is correct and a long stick beats the knife. Movements in FMA transfer over to a knife as well.
Pillow fighting. You can spar without any damage and picking up and throwing pillows/hitting each other with them seems to translate well into picking up say a chair.
Full armor grappling with staffs as weapons would be kino and would teach a lot about leverage and combat.
>HEMA covers shit from pugilism, wrestling
>Street fighting? Abrazare and Ringen
You would be much better off doing regular unarmed martial arts like boxing, wrestling, muay thai, judo, etc.

>Its the only surviving martial art that was actually used in warfare.
HEMA by definition is not surviving. The whole reason why there's so much interpretation of the sources and experimental archaeology is because it wasn't preserved and there are no living traditions.
It's with buckler and a sword not a staff, but buhurt is close to what you're talking about, also probably the answer to OPs question

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The Surfing General

Pipe masters is on edition
>how do I learn to surf?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrwL5_57C6w [Open]

>How do I pick the right board?
Use a volume calculator, and find the right board type for your local break or waves you want to ride

>how do I know if the waves are good?
go check surfline or magicseaweed for reports
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Boy, I sure do hate Mondays.
thanks, anon. it was so bizarre; i took that oversized shortboard out for the first time in months again yesterday and was catching waves one after another and riding them well (for me) too. No idea what changed from the last time i was so frustrated on it, since all ive done is mini mal in grovel all summer. Maybe the waves being a little smaller than before made me not scared to catch the wave way later and risk falling and getting pummeled.
anyway i feel like i leveled up a bit and have been stoked ever since
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I'm making WEBMs to increase the hype on /sp/ when they make a surfing thread for the Olympics

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bmx riders are coolest, most talented, and do the most dangerous shit
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Finally a bmx thread where have you fuckers been all my life
I wanna get into BMX but I somehow feel like I'll look gayer than if I was even rollerblading
you probably bought shit trucks or your body is too stiff.
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Who is the most stylish skateboarder and why is it Jim Greco? Also what video parts is everyone watching???
They are venture trucks. I tried tightening them only to realize they won’t get tighter.

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/archery/ Thread #2

What's your style?
What you shooting?
What you hitting?
Recs for bows?
Why is the Timber Creek Mamba the best first horsebow?
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Like >>204457 said it’s not impossible but you need to be careful as you progress so you’re not learning bad habits. Use mirrors, cameras, etc. so you can see yourself drawing the bow and be aware of your alignment. If you’re not allergic to Reddit you can post form check videos on their archery sub for people to critique.
I'm thinking between getting a 50# laminated trad recurve or a 50# ragim impala and I can't decide, eventually I want to go hunting but I am also a part of a trad archery club.
It's actually a preference thing, fiddle away! I keep my setup pretty light, but the primary consideration in balance is how the weight changes the distribution of pressure on your grip when the bow is at full draw. You should also consider how you want the bow to behave on release. I like my bow to roll forward off the hand relatively slowly, with more weight in the back than normal. Jake Kaminski has a pretty good video on this, but overall, feel free to experiment. Also remember that stabs should be considerate of people shooting beside you, especially during tight competitions.
What's with traditional archers and shooting longer arrows, rather then using their draw lenght?
They don't need to click, so draw length shafts aren't as important. Plus, from my experience, shorter arrows make it harder to aim, since the shaft doesn't peek out from the bow, so you'll have to use something else as an aiming point.

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Is sailing extreme?

Introducing the sailing, boating, yachting, etc general.
Any sailors? I recently started as a skipper for a local crew and it's quite fun.
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>I'm thinking is it possible to become a skipper and earn money with it somehow and what the job looks like. Is it always ride office workers along the sea during vacations?
Probably very poor money. I sail with a local yacht club as a skipper just for fun. Nobody pays anyone; they just needed more crew.
I once sailed around the danish islands
got hit in the head with the boom
got a concusion and had to be taken to shore
never sailed again

Sailing is too extreme for me i'm afraid.
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>got hit in the head with the boom
Regular pleasure yachting isn't extreme, but high level racing like SailGP, America's Cup, and Ocean Race most definitely is

Get a friend with a boat if you want to sail, owning your own boat isn't worth it.
Ok sure

Is Judo the best single martial art in terms of self defense?

When it comes to street fights, almost everyone can agree that being on the ground is bad considering the possibility of things like glass being on the ground and someone else coming up and kicking you in the head. Therefore wouldn't the best martial art for street fights be one where the whole goal is to slam your opponent into the ground without falling yourself? Especially because while a person would expect punches and kicks from their opponent, something like a hip throw would likely catch them by surprise
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>me: if my arguments are bad you can simply show why they are bad
>you: your arguments are bad and I used bad logic to show why they are bad
Again, what are these great arguments you used to show GSP did not train wrestling with Canadian wrestling team and Petr Yan did not train wrestling with Dagestan wrestling team? Were these arguments somehow produced by """my""" """retarded logic""""?
Boxing is probably the best. High standard overall and it's the only martial art were I have heard about a guy taking down multiple (untrained) opponents in a fight.
Whenever you see those situations of a man with hands of stone It's always against guys that are wasted. it isn't boxing its that they can't even see straight and already moments away from a stiff breeze knocking them over
I don't have any stats to back this up that I wager that most street fights are between/involve drunk people.

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