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is dacning an xtreme sport?
No. There is no danger involved unless you count the risk of your reputation by becoming a thot a danger
That is impressive hip movement I'll give her that

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/archery/ Thread #3

Let's keep this bad boy going!

What's your style?
What you shooting?
What you hitting?
Recs for bows?
I bought a yumi, oh god, I'm a fucking moron, please help.
What you wearing?
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>got any goals of what you're after?

im mostly going to go hog hunting since hogs are plenty. but if a deer walks out i'll be good with that too since it's deer season.

>just get a target recurve
thank you.
That was my original plan.

What do you shoot anon?
>That was my original plan.
that was my original plan to buy more targer recurves if i couldnt find a long bow with sight bearings*
>What's your style?
Mainly Olympic recurve but I do shoot asiatic thumb draw at times too.

>What you shooting?
Main bow is a Hoyt riser and limbs. They're around 10 years old now so I'm thinking of changing them soon.
My asiatic bow is a Mariner Ming Moon.

>What you hitting?
I've done almost exclusively target archery.

>Recs for bows?
For Olympic recurve, Kinetic does pretty decent budget gear. For higher ends, you can't really miss with Hoyt or Wiawis.

>I bought a yumi, oh god, I'm a fucking moron, please help.

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>What do you shoot anon?
Right now I just moved to a place that has a club nearby so I am just shooting my small asiatic horsebows. Fun, but I need to redo the nock point

Is your Hoyt ILF or will you get a new rig?
Weeb intentions, also I always thought they looked cool. Not really worth the hassle unless you want a very relaxed shoot or want to stand out at every comp ever.
>Is your Hoyt ILF or will you get a new rig?
It's Formula, but I don't really mind sticking to it. They're expensive but pretty good.

>Weeb intentions, also I always thought they looked cool.
I've considered getting one for some time, but the fuck huge size puts me off.

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/HEMA/ General - Power of Sticks and Staves Edition

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zueF4Mu2uM
Back to the source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBmNVHTmNs
Martin Fabian Sparring - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8QlbKfX84k

>Where can I find these treatises?

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if i wanted to acquire a fighting manual for using two clubs for jesterly juggling related shenanigans where would i go for such a thing spoonfeed me please lest i have to beg one of my obnoxious hema friends instead
Like two heavy sticks? So you can juggle and fight at a moments notice?
Larpers are getting creative.
He’s a battle bard
For your needs, filipino double stick stuff can be more useful than hema
>Power of Sticks
>filipino double stick stuff
there's a thread for that but it's pretty slow >>187193

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Fat fuck edition

Can't link the last thread because the archive doesn't allow searching for some reason
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I just find out why box are 70$ in US, it's about to force you to get a team or find find one and have a sponsor, then the box will drop to 35$.

> You know how idiotic and childish that whole plan is?
So you prefer letting the sport die? We are 10% of what it we were in early 2000 worldwide, even in US paintball had 10x time more player than now.
That's because people eventually realized how dumb the "sport" is as is. There's no skill other than who can dump the most paint as fast as possible. Literally about as much fun as watching paint dry.
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man! awesome buzzard, and that prostock with the Whoosh barrel and Taso humpback frame is really sweet too.
i just did my first feedneck removal to put together this stock class sniper with this sweet palmers cart reg. im getting 30 solid shots per 12 gram at ~275 with ccm internals and a 3 oring aluminum freeflow bolt
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You *have* based your entire playing style on this DVD, right?
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This is dynasty dysected country

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Fuckin rad edition
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tres are like gacha. it's so addicting to just spin to win and see how many you land.
damn thats literally you?
well, this is literally me
(damn, audio streams not allowed gang - take this instead - timestamped)
>I pull up to my local, don't say what's up to anybody
>get to my favorite obstacle
>do the trick thats the most fun
>fuck everything and everyone else

also switch tricks are for homosexuals
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/esg/ i have a question for you. I was watching the latest SLS in Sydney and there was this weird man on the sidelines they kept showing. I have seen him before at previous competitions. I don't like this man. I don't like seeing him. I don't like how he's there all the time. He doesn't seem to ever actually compete in anything. He is just there.

Who is this man? Why does he wear strange fashion accessories?
look at the shirt dude thats fucking tony hawk man
i still cant do tre flip mannys

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Does Dana Weiss pay reporters now?: >every question regarding Jon Jones now starts with: "Yes, we all know he is the absolute best and the GOAT, we all agree on that, but..."
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kys kike
In fact, one unlucky blow is enough to make someone forget the location of Russia.
that actually sounds based though I think youre the retard
Dana stopped letting in actual journalists a long time ago. Now he just lets in yes-men that don't go against anything he says.
you should know

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*ends your parkour career by the time you are 31*
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>efficient movement is retarded
Career? You need to be making money from it for it to be a career.
Should have done squatz lil nigga
By choosing parkour you have specifically selected a type of gymnastics that isn't in the olympics and has no big international competitions. You could have chosen gymnastics (any of the three disciplines), skateboard/bmx, or even dancing but no. You chose to jump around in cities and make youtube videos about it.

Tall half white half mexican freak girl savagely beat me up in muay thai class today.
I'm 5'6 while she's easily 6' plus. My nose was bleeding earlier today, one tooth from my upper jaw is loose, while my sides are still hurting from her roundhouse kicks. She humiliated me in front of everyone. I couldn't do shit, just fucking overpowered. She kicked my ass while wearing the most girly clothes possible, a pink gym skirt barely covering her asscheeks, black top with visible sports bra straps, and pink gloves. Our instructor fucking hates me, and I think he intentionally paired me with her to give her a good practice punchbag. She looks sexy though, when she bends, her ass looks shapely.
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post a pic of her
what >>159099 said
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I wonder how a persons nose would look after an alleged incident like that. Nose-cherry’poppin
I read all of this. I appreciate the positivity you're spreading
Thats brutal. I thought getting squeezed to sleep wrestling with my SIL was bad but damn.

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>Hit calf with steel pipe(this time on the nerve position)
>still could do a 100m run(albeit slower than usual)
How is a calf kick going to stop a boxer from pummeling your face exactly?
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You tripped on a pipe dumb nigga.
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Never relax
Jesus. Meth? Or something like PCP?
Suicide by cop
>stopping at 9mm

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Weekly Debate Post: Skiing vs. Snowboarding!
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ski cops are either the chillest guy you'll ever meet or the biggest asshole and there's no inbetween
I'm the chillest type lol. We had a couple assholes on our patrol, but 99% were super cool people.
I'll be free in the winter, and I have not been up to Hokkaido yet for skiing. I'll try to check the threads closer to winter time for you.
Mainland wise, Anything in Nagano and north is pretty decent honestly. Really cheap and some good powder.
i'm looking to be down there for pretty much as long as my visa allows and maybe do a week trip to some spot every month which could just as easily be on the mainland. i've heard there are a few mountains that allow lift access for powsurfs as well
i learned to snowboard when i was a teenager, after learning to ski when i was a kid
i found snowboarding pretty easy to learn, but i was also about ten years older, so that is to be expected
i haven't boarded in a few years now, but i found it easier and more rewarding to progress my skiing

when will this faggot fight again? I like his style and he definitely beat Sean, but when is he gonna defend that title against the Bugman?
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holy fuck, dude just ate that headkick like it was nothing.
Poatan shouldn't go to HW. It's best he stays where he is.
Tom has unfinished business with either Jones (probably won't fight him) or Stipe (says he will fight him but who knows)
Or he gets promoted to undisputed champ after Jones retires.
Holy fuck how do they pull such huge crowds? I had no idea MMA was this big in Japan
Asians in general seem to absolutely love local-ish promotions of any given fight sport in person, but give zero fucks about international events. I wanna say South Korea is the only real exception but that might be wrong.
Modern MMA originally came from Japan via Pancrase in the early 90s. MMA and kickboxing, through organizations like Pride and K1, were HUGELY popular in the late 90s/early 2000s. It cannot be understated how popular it was.

54 MILLION people watched Akebono vs Bob Sapp on TV for K-1 PREMIUM 2003 Dynamite. 42% of the entire nation of Japan watched that fight. For comparison, the highest watched boxing PPV ever is Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao which drew 4.6 million PPV buys in 2015. The highest watched MMA PPV is Khabib Nurmagomedov vs. Conor McGregor which had 2.4 million PPV buys in 2018. The record for highest ticket attendance is held by a mixed PRIDE / K-1 card from 20 years ago. Pride Shockwave in 2002 had 91,000 in the crowd (2nd and 3rd highest place are also held by Pride and K1 cards respectively). The biggest crowd for a UFC event was 57,000 (UFC 243: Whittaker vs. Adesanya 2019).

Rizin is doing alright and K1 is still around, but they don't hold a candle to how big they were in their heyday.

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I just want to skate..
Its the only thing in life going well for me
Been raining in england and only going to get worse for the next couple months and im not near any indoor parks. What do, just sit and wait and rot away?

All other hobbies are boring or expensive
Get a beater board, skate in the rain, and stop being a faggot.
i always turn my last board into a rain board. doing rain slappies is fun
Thats not a bad idea desu, gonna have to buy some new trucks and wheels for the last deck but that might hit the spot ))

ITT: We take a non-extreme sport and change it to make it extreme.

Marathon but you can sabotage your opponents any way you want. Weapons allowed. Basically the Road Rash game but on foot.

Dodgeball with bocce.

Polo but with rodeo horses.

Water polo but the water is slightly acidic so your skin and eyes start to burn after a while and you can only get out (rotating with other team members) once you score.

Any motor sport but without brakes.

Soccer with bowling balls.

Squash but the room is so narrow and you can get hit by the other player's racket.

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>holy shit how do they corner like that on fucking ice???
Tennis but with stop signs as rackets. Maybe make the ball bigger.
Orienteering doesn't use vehicles AFAIK.
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>an oval

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I have a lot of friends who are learning boxing and kick boxing. Should I take some lessons or just buy a gun?
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everybody got a gameplan till the man behind her suplexes her
>there’s this one guy
Stopped reading, don’t be a retard.
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> They placated her for so long for her money
>Now she thinks she's the shit
This other two guys don’t exactly look like killers either
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That's the best part

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>no shoes allowed
>better not use the bathroom barefoot or I'll yell at you!
>better shower after class!
>better not train in a dirty gi!
>lemme have my dog that licks its asshole and runs around outside onto the mat

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Pets do not belong in indoor public spaces. Sure, take your dog, cat, or tortoise for a walk in the local woods, but otherwise leave them at home when you go out.
Dogs don't spread staph or ringworm so it's neutral imo unless he's actually covered in shit or piss
I would have disagreed with you a few years ago but the amount of absolute retards out there with zero control of their animals bringing them everywhere with them make me lean towards your position. You don’t need to bring your dog to the fucking gym
>has worms in his asshole and feces
>doesn't spread anything
OH not only does she bring this to the gym, she brings it to tournaments and takes podium pictures with it

AND it has its own fucking instagram account

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