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when will this faggot fight again? I like his style and he definitely beat Sean, but when is he gonna defend that title against the Bugman?
im 6'1 weight about 109 kilos and plan to start may Thai next month what do you bros think?
He’s fighting and beating Izzy in August at 305. Izzy doesn’t have that dawg in him anymore ever since he beat his final boss in Periera and got humiliated by Strickland. Gonna be in Australia too so I hope he gets booed again. Du Plessis is defending against Chimaev afterwards because Reddit Rob doesn’t stand a chance
have fun and buy a jump rope
izzy mad cus hes actually african
Is UFC finally bringing in the Titanweight Weightclass?
I hate Izzy and and think that he's overrated, I also love DDP, but he absolutely drops DDP because DDP is sloppy. Izzy is a master at counterstriking.
He was, but after getting KO'd he's gunshy now
No he really isn't, unless Dricus bombs him pretty fast, he's going to win and be champ again
>Izzy is a master at counterstriking.
And got pieced up by a guy with a 1-2 and a teep.
He'll fight again soon and beat that stupid fucking monkey nigger Adesanya with a metal baseball bat
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You guys turned your back on /heem/ for this? Shame
this guy is going to eat a bullet any day now
Why is he sad?
cluster b disorder +CTE
I hope they figure out how to treat CTE in the future, it's practically guaranteed that any fighter will get it so the sooner they figure it out the better
I'm not sure there's anything to figure out. Aside from scifi tier stem cell regeneration pods it's just the result of accumulated damage
physical trauma kind of just is what it is
If damage can occur then there must be a way to fix it. It will take a lot of money for research and time but some method must eventually surface to fix it.
Just look at the way your body heals from things though, if something gets injured it just throes inflammation at the problem to recruit as much material as it can to patch it up like an old tire
If you ever break a bone it will reconnect but the signs of the injury will always be there
All the scars on your skin you get throughout your life

And the brain is an even more complex organ than any of that
Thinken of knockouts...
I can see this guy banned by every major fighting organization but having a successful (yet obscure) podcast
He was talking about his childhood
Grew up dirt poor, with a shithead drunk father who beat him and his mother
The fact he's in his 30s and that makes him break down and ugly cry in public about it means he never dealt with it
But he's the same kind of fag that would call you a pussy bitch for seeking out help from a therapist to talk about it

So glad we know he fights because of his daddy issues and beats up and bullies weaker people to make himself feel strong
He became his father
Congratulations, you played yourself
Lmfao cry baby Sean just pieced that nigger Adesanya and thought he was the main character.
Can we all agree DDP won that fight against that bald faggot?
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Anyone see 301? Best part of that whole card was Aldo turning back the clock and getting a win. Dude looked great.
Also Michel Periera backflipping into guard and then guillotining the dude out cold standing was based
Had my first MMA class in a gorrillian today
I did a round or two of muay thai sparring then I did a round of rolling with a guy much better than me
I totally gassed out after an hour and went home, but I feel good

My question is, what's the best way to increase my gas tank?
Hold your breath under water, the longer the better. Keep doing this and increase the time you can remain under water without surfacing. This basically tells the cells to hold more oxygen and energy so they hold onto more than you normally would. Allowing you to have more gas in the tank.
I fucking hate doing HIIT in this heat I want to DIE
best way to increase your gas tank is to go back to class and do it again. its a different kind of endurance. just keep showing to class and don't give up
You actually like his style?
Ya he just hulk smashes I hate technical fags like Sean desu I also really like Francis
Pretty nice breakdown, it might be worth posting this to /gtg/
Guys, I had some semi hard sparring the other day at the mma gym (I subscribed a few weeks ago after years without any practice of martial arts), and got some lasting headaches the following days.
I looked it up online and read that:
- some people have headaches from sheer stress
- some people have thin craniums
- some people have very tense shoulders and neck (my case) and that be a cause of such headaches
Any insight and advice about that appreciated, I'd love to keep training and maybe compete
fights like a gorilla on roller skates
If he loses to Costa he's washed up with Yan
Stop running into punches and it happens
It's entertaining AF
I doubt Costa beats Sean. He has no redeeming fight qualities.
Hahaha fair point actually

Retards like you are the reason this sport's discourse has gone to shit.

Also costa is an interesting match up for sean. Costa's bodywork will be an issue for sean defensively and he won't be deterred by sean's jabs.

A loss to a someone who just went to war with whittaker isn't an indictment on sean.
Love the old ruleset and feel. Wish they did this again with more English dub
Wow, they let the hammerfists go for a while
I don't like him, but he says based things and got robbed because they wanted to get rid of him.
I hope he wins gold again.
He lost the 3 last rounds, got desperate and swung wildly instead of his jab merchant style
He shits on gays but still fantasies about raping Adesanya
take EPO
>says based things
such as?
Jesus. That twitching on the ground, I don't think I've seen that before
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>done stuff like kickboxing/muay thai and boxing in the past
>loved all that shit
>loved that most things aren't that complicated and you can spend a lot of time mastering fundamental skills
>love that everything is taught to you in the context of someone else trying to hurt you
>loved that while they don't force you to spar, if you've trained for a little bit, show you're not a maniac and you just ask them, they'll usually let you start sparring fairly early on
>great for practicing how to actually deal with a person trying to hurt you
>have seen a hell of a lot of hate for karate over the years
>rather than just taking people's word on it, i decide to go to see and experience for myself
>find a local dojo that teaches a fairly strict, traditional, non-tournament form of karate
>love that there's a myriad of techniques and tactics to use to defend yourself
>a lot of techniques and strategies also seem needlessly complex, too
>too reliant on, "you do this, then this, then this," without really acknowledging that the person you'd actually be doing this stuff to would be struggling against you in some way and would probably stop it, or at least make it much more difficult to do to them
>they do spar, but only among more senior students who've been doing it for quite a while
>all this while telling you it's supposed to teach you to defend yourself
I thought comparing combat sports and traditional martial arts would help me out. In some ways it has, but in others it's kind of muddied the waters for me more, as well. I don't know which way to go on this. Can both sides be reconciled? Can I do both and learn a way that I can make one compliment the other? Or am I crazy for even thinking that?
I don't care how ignorant or abusive your answers are, just give them to me. I'm trying to get input from all kinds of people on this. So I've already made the same post in Karate General.
Include all your relevant training and experience. Right down to how you've used it, please.
While I agree with most of your points, I will say that I'm still very interested in the fight since it's a power striker (DDP) versus the counter striker Izzy and stylistically that favors Izzy. I think Izzy has been facing so much scrutiny and hate online that he may have that dog forced back into him and knows this is likely his last chance for a title shot.
So he might plan on retiring if he loses. That puts a lot on the line for the fight, a lot of reason to try and find that eye of the tiger again
To reconcile something they need to be at war or conflicting first
Point taken. But there's certainly something there. Mention to a combat athlete that you do traditional karate and they look at you like you're retarded or something. Tell tma guys you want to do MMA and they think you're wasting your time. It shits me how a lot of people on both sides seem to view it like this.
>Izzy (...) may have that dog forced back into him
I think you got the positions backwards
what are you trying to get out of karate that you couldnt just get out of kickboxing or muay thai?

imo no hard sparring means you arent really going to get anywhere in terms of "self defense". some karate schools dont even spar and if they do its bullshit like no head strikes. this is worse than being untrained
>>what are you trying to get out of karate that you couldnt just get out of kickboxing or muay thai?
Henry Cejudo is an Olympic wrestling gold medalist. He started out as your standard wrestle-kickboxer early in his MMA career and plateaued. He started cross-training in karate and ended up having more success.

Karate can be useful as a supplement even if it's not something ideal to do as your primary art.
Strickland is still ducking goggins, it's been a few days now and no response from that crybully bitch
Sean made an apology video somewhat like that. Kinda weird how he calls people out like he’s actually pissed.
>WKF karate strikes again
What a loser, backs right down when someone presses him to step into a different arena
Yeah it sucks that’s he’s annoying now. When he talked shit to Izzy at the press conference when he was fighting poatan was so funny. Then he actually fought Izzy and destroyed him. It was such a great time because Izzy was no more and some random loud mouth asshole was the one to do it. Then he started talking about his childhood and threatening to kill people over it and it was so lame and corny. I honestly like Dricus more than Sean now.
what would you say the average person is like in the standard mma gym, and would you say there is enough discussion and camaraderie in the gym to make potential friends there, or is it more just like an individualistic competitive environment and you dont end up getting to know the others very well. im talking completely average entry level place you would expect in any city
guys that train together rarely fight on a card.
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What do you guys think about this fag? I think hes probably one of the more tougher BW's, hes as slow as a heavyweight though. Still wanna see him win...

Our guy or just zoomer aura
The places I've been remind me of any dojo, pretty friendly, in a jocular way. There's a bit of edge of course since you're all punching hobbyists and particularly among MMA guys since they're the most combat-effective, least-frills version of unarmed martial arts (compared to for example Aikido dojos I've been in which were noticeably less intense). But mostly if you're respectful they will be too, and if you're eager to learn they'll like you a lot.

Most people are hobbyists and not even amateur competitors, much less professional, so if you're worried about competitiveness don't be, for the most part people are just there to learn and never intend to fight. I certainly don't, I don't want CTE, plenty of guys like me.

Depends on who specifically shows up to your gym of course, but it's a good place to make friends.
In my experience
Has some good striking application but otherwise waste of time unless you're doing kyokushin with headshot spars

Best kicks in combat sports overall due to precision and speed if applied properly with other martial arts, good for your back.
Otherwise its horrible on its own because anyone that can get through your leg strikes is gonna kick your ass.

Best striking sport overall due to its skill ceiling while also making you precise with your hands.
Only weakness is your legs being very open to kicks and grappling if you aren't a 200kg fast twitch ball of muscle like mike tyson.

Kyokushin on steroids, boxing and karate in one, high volume and fast kicks, teaches you to account someone legs in a fight as well as conditioning your legs, solid choice.

>Muay thai
Excellent toolset, great striking and conditioning but its overrated, peasant sport that doesn't value its practitioners long term health, just adapt its conditioning and striking to kickboxing.

Excellent grappling with brute force mentality as well as hard conditioning, animal kingdom equivalent is a crocodile death roll
>Note for all grappling, outside of 1v1 situations in street fights you're gonna get kicked on the ground by his friends.

>Brazillian jiu jitsu
Very useful toolset but gay as hell, you're better off going with the other grappling choices if you want to not get your ass kicked irl (or implement mma)

(My favorite)
Combination of BJJ and Wrestling, got gayer as Olympic rules took over pussyfying the whole thing, the pins and throws are what you want in a self defense scenario

>Wallmart combat sports shitlist:
>Krav maga
>Anything sharing philosophy with the two above

If you can only do one and want ease of access you do boxing
If you want to be well rounded do kickbox or muay thai
BJJ is adaptable to anything but anything that relies on you getting on your back is dumb
Judo and wrestling are what you want

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