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Weekly Debate Post: Skiing vs. Snowboarding!
I snowboarded because I'm not a lame ass but now that I'm older I think I'd try skiing instead because it seems easier
theres something very meditative about snowboarding that i like. you really gotta tap into the tao or youre gonna just mess up. pretty cool that something can be both exciting and contemplative at the same time.
I started skiing because I didn't like having to strap in every lap at my little midwest hill, I did it for years and got pretty good but if I had to do it over I'd snowboard because my feet and shins were always in pain.
Refined, gentlemanly, Hobby of learned men of class
Nobody cares
ski boots are the best argument against skiing
Skiing so I'm not barred from any of the mountains trying to keep the hoi polloi out
Riding a board will never not be cool, so snowboarding. There's a level of 'free spiritedness' to it that's hard to explain. Serene but simultaneously exciting like >>181308 said.

skating will always be cooler than roller blading.
surfing will always be cooler than water skiing.
snowboarding will always be cooler than skiing.

Simple as.
Skiing is way more fun in the park but I think I'm just gonna switch to board and slash pow the rest of my days. I'm only 22 years old and I've already permanently fucked up both of my knees.
Just tele, bro.
Skis are faster and more capable than a snowboard on any kind of terrain. Also easier on the body since you move forward. Enough said.
Tell me about diamond runs
I went on one by accident once because my blue one cut across it and I wasn't going fast enough to bridge the gap and the entire experience was oh jeez oh no oh no oh jeez oh no

What's the goal here? Just make really wide turns and snake my way down? Because that was way too fast for my blood
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Use up your momentum with each turn so you don't need to break constantly.
tele just doesn’t feel as cool as surfing pow.
snowboards can be a nightmare in the backcountry thoughbeit
use short turns to control speed or just gun it down the fall line. on fuck you levels of steep just do hop turns. also if you have a pipe at your mountain that’s a really good way to learn steep
why are skiiers such hotheads, bros?
I was presented with a dilemma while on my run from hell
To the left it became incredibly steep, to the right there was a hump which I could not see beyond
In my mind I think the hump will slow me down, but also I don't know if it will launch me into the air at this current speed and I don't know what's on the other side
I like going fast so I like skiing
I only ever saw one black person while skiing, and he was a snowboarder
stevie bell was pretty rad
i don't think black people can afford skis
It's all just glorified sledding.
I board, one thing I've noticed is that skiers just let toddlers loose on the hills, it's basically my only recurring issue, don't bring the little shit on the diamonds if they can barely turn
there's like 12 mountains in the US that are ski only, the battles been lost
I've been skiing all my life and recently (4 years ago) I decided to try out snowboarding.
I've been switching between the two since then but I still prefer skiing.
Snowboarding feels more restraining and sloppy.
At least their boots are the superior ones.
I think it's down to only 4 now
3 now
Exactly how I feel. Snowboarding is both the most exhilarating thing I’ve ever done and also somehow therapeutic. I’m willing to hold off my judgement of skiing until I try it, however the vitriol the grandpas harbor towards snowboarders is so cringe
Skiing is pretty fun you should try it.
>t. Boarder
Crime is fun, so snowboarding.
Snowboarding for pow, side hits, easy riding, trees, skiing for steeps, cliff drops, moguls, going fast. Both are fun.

Simple as
short wides have made snowboarding bumps actually fun. traversing in back/side country can be a fucking nightmare though if you don't have a splitboard.
these days i honestly think snowskates are my favorite way to ride bumps though.
alpine boarding>skiing>snowboarding
in terms of my subjective coolness rating
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forgot my pic
That just looks like high level speed carving
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Anything on a board where both feet are pointed in the same direction (i.e. both forward vs. sideways and one tilted forward and one tilted back) is gay as fuck.

Pic related, this is how homosexuals signal to each other for buttsex.
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step aside plebs
>thread's dying
I tried snowboarding for the first time after being a skier my entire life and I just found it needlessly tiring
How do I find a boyfriend to go shred with
weast goast
COcels keep losing
i wanna go out there though. im tired of getting stormcucked by utah
We have the finest mud in the country
>no results
Idiots, it's the most obvious joke
Should I get a season pass for Wachusett or Pat's Peak next year? Wachusett is about 30 minutes closer but Pat's Peak is slightly larger.
Weather got warm
>needlessly tiring
Skill issue
It's true
different anon here, I can easily board 10 hours, maybe you need to learn to board or build up your core
i think board length changes it a lot. i bumped down from a 160 to shortwides and for the first time in my life i actually enjoy snowboarding moguls
dead wrong.

snowboarding is nothing like skating and surfing because a snowboarder is attached to the board. which is why all surfers and skaters can snowboard, but snowboards cant automatically skate/surf.

skiing is the freer snow sport, because while attached, a skier is still able to make use of both his legs. unlike a snowboarder whose range of motion is strictly limited.

the greater freedom of skiing is evident when you realize it is the preferred method for navigating ALL mountain terrain. hell, you can't even use a snowboard as a form of transportation--the existence of splitboards tells you everything you need to know about snowboarding inferiority.
>more attractive to women
>able to navigate more difficult terrain

>more attractive to teenage boys
>low iq
I don’t know. I have a pass to Wachusett and I go all the time. What time of day to you ride? I go from 7- close so that I can avoid all the school kids. There are never any lines. I’ve never been to Pats but it looks like a fun night spot.
Sissy-sticks typed this post
Skiing is easier to learn but harder to master
Either you had boots that didn't fit properly or you were skiing runs above your ability level.
I usually go about once a week for a few hours and then fuck around at Nashoba on the days when my pass doesn't work because the guys they have running the lifts don't seem to give a shit if you go over your time limit. I took my younger cousin to Bradford ski over in Haverhill a few weeks ago and it was slightly better than Nashoba in terms of terrain but it didn't feel worth it. Plus they don't have a bar.
I accused all snowboarders of being wife beaters and drug addicts on a chairlift and my friend who snowboards yelled "HEY, I have NEVER done drugs"
personally I like Pat's peak a lot more
crotched and gunstock also have night skiing, I think gunstock has the edge on all of them
Skiing is vastly superior because FIS World Cup is way more fun to follow than any "pro" snowboarding.
That aside, how can I marry a Japanese waifu and enjoy skiing in Japan with my loving hapa kids?
Honestly, the warpig is amazing on and off piste.

In other news, skiers can suck on my short and fat cock
What a life...
After 26 years snowboarding exclusively (Rocky mountain range), a friend offered me a bunch of new ski gear to try out. It was truly back to basics, perception of slope, edge control, completely different muscle groups required.
I scared the shit out of myself and put the skis away after 1 run. Now I'll only ever wear 2 planks split-skinning uphill
God, I am THIS close to dropping out of college and doing something like this living in my shitbox.
>Skiing is easier to learn but harder to master
This line is annoying. Skiing has a lot more potential for progression because you have 4x the amount of tools available. When people say snowboarding is easier to master, what does that even mean? Not sitting on the hill? Being able to carve and not fall? That also describes an intermediate skier.
I do both, and I feel far less "free" when I snowboard due to having less mobility and generally having to move slower. It's all in your head because you associate snowboarding with being counter-culture or whatever, which is ridiculous considering how big of a sport snowboarding has become and how much it's embraced by most resorts. This isn't the 90s anymore.
>It's all in your head
It's all in my sick nollies actually
I wonder why there are so few snow sport threads on this site, are most people here poorfags/don't have a mountain?

>muh console wars!

Nope, but your feelings are clearly hurt. Which bit of truth hurts the most?
Bros, I need your help.
>Longtime snowboarder
>Tried skiing for the first time
>Really enjoyed it

I was looking at gear advice and everyone seems to have the idea of getting a good boot fit done.

Anyone have a recommendation for a bootfiter local to SoCal?
why not both?
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Tourist from /n/ here. I'm hijacking this thread for my noob question about snowboard boots, because I couldn't find a better thread for it.

I'm a total noob starting from zero, I bought a pair of cheap snowboard boots on sale, with intentions to learn to snowboard next winter. When I tried the boots on I felt that I bought the right size. They felt like I've been led to believe snowboard boots are supposed to fit; snug but not exactly cramped, and heel feels firmly in place. Except I've been wearing the boots indoors for 20 minute now and I can feel my pulse in my feet. Is this a good or a bad sign?

Pic is the boot I bought.
both ski and snowboard boots are sold by sole length, measured in cm or mm. sometimes you see the word mondo which is the same thing. by measuring your sole from heel to toe you will usually end up with the right size. however this is where the "standards" end as every brand and even every model within a brand fits differently.
it's really impossible to tell whether what you described is good or bad until you've had your first day in the slopes. also your feet will likely ache at the beginning even if the boots do fit you perfectly. the boots will pack out over time so initial tightness isn't always a bad thing.
this is gay
I've measured my feet to ~26.5 cm. I bought size 28 boots. I can't imagine even getting my foot into a size 26.5 boot.
hell yeah brother
Snowboarding is what normies do when they go on their first trip to the ski resort.
idk anon. i barely even see boarders on the mountain and almost all of them are at least 40
Who the fuck makes snowboard boots by sole length?!?

Don't listen to this dude.
When choosing boots they are supposed to fit snugly when you put pressure forward on your shins. Also make sure to measure the boots with the socks you plan to use when snowboarding.

Where do you feel the pulse, did you overtighten them?
>Where do you feel the pulse
In my feet. No specific area, just the whole foot.

>did you overtighten them?
I don't _think_ so.
It should be snug around your calves, so when you put pressure forward or backward, there isn't any free movement inside the boot.

As for your foot, as long as your heel doesn't move when you put pressure on your shin and lift the heel (imagine you are stepping on a bug with your toes) it's tight enough.
It definitely shouldn't cause discomfort after wearing them for 20 minutes
Snowboarding, because it looks cooler IMO. Skiing just doesn't appeal to me, and as >>185650 mentioned, it really feels therapeutic. Just weighting you body and riding effortlessly is something you can't do with skiing (the legs needs to be "balanced" at all time, the snowboard does that for you).
Nothing will ever compare to my first trip snowboarding. From day one eating shit to day three touring the mountain in near whiteout. That was the day I became a man. I don't think I would ever try skis but who knows.
>Just weighting you body and riding effortlessly is something you can't do with skiing
Not true. Why would you try to say things about skiing when you're clearly not good at it?
idk if it's because i learned it too young but skiing just feels too automatic. you just point down the hill and go. people say snowboarding is easier but i feel like i get to do way more and there's a lot more thing you can do to manipulate your carve in a fun way
Exactly right. Snowboards are quite literally toys while skis are and have been tools for hundreds of years. Snowboarding is significantly more accessible, cheaper entry level gear, boots are more “comfortable”, and it’s similar to other activities the average urbanite has already done (skateboarding). Skiing is a pure sport, nothing else is like it, yet it is inherently natural movement for the human body. The “flow” snowboarders talk about is real, but significantly less engaging than properly skiing at a moderate/high level. The problem is that even a beginner can experience “flow” on a snowboard, while skiing requires a bit more effort for it to initially click. Many quit skiing after trying once or twice, but will board because they feel like they’re better at it. Snowboarding is unironically for poor, lazy minorities, and skiing is and will forever be the white mans sport.
Skiied all throughout high school and got into snowboarding this season. Completely agree, skiing doesn’t require much thought compared with boarding where the entire ride down the mountain I’m conscious of each toe movement.
Basically boarding gets me into the flow state more than skiing does, plus I want to learn how to hit rails & shit and boards seem easier to do that
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There’s good and bad to both sports but I find skiers way more insufferable than snowboarders just from personal experience. They all have the same arguments.

>its a more natural body orientation
>enjoy unclipping during traverses
>I can go sooo much faster!!!

None of these are true if you’re at least halfway decent at snowboarding. They all share the same commonality: they were all too pussy to ride a skateboard and they’re all too pussy to admit they wouldn’t be able to handle snowboarding. You’re a glorified rollerblader
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100% of boarders will never touch bumps so I get the black/double black chair at my local almost all to myself during corn snow season. Thank you for your sacrifice one plankers
i mean ime you will barely see anyone on double blacks or bump runs ski or board. 90% of the mountain traffic sticks on the golf course and never leaves. i actually started liking bumps a lot when i started night riding on shortboards
>in community college for a year
>planning to transfer to a state college after
>thinking about skibumming in utah or colorado for a year
>could get in-state tuition in one those states and live there
>never snowboarded before
>always wanted to
>grew up playing amped and ssx
>skateboarded but was pretty shit at it
anyone done the whole skibum thing before?
thoughts on it?
it's a lot harder than it used to be. you need a pretty good job hookup or homie hookup or a vehicle you can live out of, ideally at least 2/3.
I respect it. Dont think Ive ever seen a boarder on that chair except on a pow day though. The volkswagen sized moguls usually scare them all away kek.
I have, pretty recently actually. Not quite >>191034 tier but close enough. Best time of my life.
If you're a beginner you could try the seasonal resort employee bum approach. Some resorts offer cheap but shit employee housing and free lessons and passes as benefits. Main cons are you're working full time and whether you get the job or not is entirely dependent on how many argies and aussies they can convince to work poverty wages on J1 visas. I didnt do this but its one option
Cant really say much about what its like without knowing which parts of it you're most curious about.
the employee housing was what I was gonna bank on, but failing that I have a bit of a cushion I could live off
if I couldn't get a job at a resort I'd be content living near one that I can get to with public transport and working separately from it
I guess just generally curious about how enjoyable it is?
I'm pretty keen on it because the idea of living on a resort and being literally right at such a fun physical activity would get me to spend time away from the internet, which I think I desperately need
I'm doing my community college online so going from so much computer time to so much offline time would be lovely
>100% of boarders will never touch bumps
See you in the trees friendo
I enjoyed it a ton. Met a lot of cool people and I will definitely still be looking back on those days when I'm a vegetable. I definitely wouldnt do it my way again though, which was mostly couchsurfing. It wasnt great but I loved it because I loved the sport. The way you're talking about will definitely be easier, but much more expensive. I would say at least find out if you like it first and find ways to lower the cost before doing anything. Even if everything goes right and you still skimp a lot anyways, it will be very hard to break even and you will probably have to break into some of your savings.
As a beginner, I might even recommend doing it in a place with a ski area, but maybe a bit off the beaten path. Colorado is great and all, but unless you're there for the expensive tourist shit or you can ski the expert terrain it wont make much of a difference in your ski experience imo.
I've booked a one way ticket to Japan next winter. Applied for the working holiday visa so I can teach there. When the season ends I'm just gonna head south and see how long I can live on the rest of my budget in Asia.
I'm thinking of trying to get a job at a resort for winter and just crashing in airbnbs a month at a time
I've got a few resorts in mind in Utah, I'm checking job listings daily hoping I can catch something early lol
I'm sure it'll be tough to get through without dipping into the savings in some capacity (especially just for getting over there in the first place) but I have enough that I think I'll be comfortable either way hopefully

that sounds like a lovely time, I was actually supposed to go to Japan this month but I cancelled the trip because I figured it would cost too much for the total enjoyment I'd get
Money is temporary, memories are forever.
true but I'm not really a weeb anymore and I only wanted to go to japan for one single event
since it's such a long flight I would've stayed a few weeks to make it worth it but there isn't really anything I'm interested in outside of that event
just way too much money for the return I'd get, especially when I could put that same several thousand towards my little resort winter dream
I'm not a weeb at all. I picked Japan for my little winter resort dream because of the endless pow and the fact that the economics makes it way cheaper than any similar experience in the US or Canada. This is made even more apparent now then Yen has become so weak.
if you aren’t entering flow state on skis you’re simply not going fast enough. it usually starts between 50 and 60 mph
if you live in new england check your privilege then buy an indy pass and enjoy the best bang-for-buck skiing experience on the planet, in your own backyard at that
It only my second season snowboarding and I want to practice and improve so I can actually enjoy different resorts beyond their green and blue trails trails later on.
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How do I cope with this season being over? Editing videos can only last so long until there is nothing left to edit and the gym is so boring. I want to go back!
iktf i've been thinking about going to mount hood or something
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>How do I cope with this season being over?
i'm afraid i don't know what you mean
I'm not a mountain biker but I've been considering dropping a few thousand into a bike and starting,
this season fucking sucked, usually up north here the snow is great but my local hill didn't even open and I had to drive hours to the closest hill which is kinda shitty.

So pissed off.
>I had to drive hours to the closest hill
boo hoo, be thankful we had anything to slide down this year
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i'm going skiing tomorrow
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i went skiing yesterday
Snowboarding maybe seems cooler, and perhaps is more like surfing in powder, but when it comes to getting down super steep terrain or highly technical no fall zones, skiing is the way to go. Much more difficult to master, but it’s just the logical choice for mountain travel. You’re fucked if you have to traverse on a snowboard— it’s easy on skis and you can pole along the flats too —Don’t have to buckle your fricking boots every run and sit down in the snow — you can go way way faster —- snowboarder or slowboarder? Nothing against snowboarding I’m glad lots of people like it but the above reasons make skiing an easy choice for me —
>dissing rollerbladers when they can't bail unlike skateboarders
im pretty suck on snowboarding never even considered skiing
how do we feel about step on bindings?
I'm too much of a poorfag to get them but the people that I know that do have them swear by them.
is it even worth getting into skiing or snowboarding if you're older? I've never owned skis but I got decent enough to ski black diamond trails at northeast US ski resorts like killington and mount snow on rental skis. shit is too expensive now and as I get older i'm way more afraid of fucking up my knee ligaments
I'm mountain biking and sailing the lake now. Helps pass the time :D
This thread will probably be alive for next season, carried by the odd New Zealander and Patagonian.
define older?
I'm 26 but I'm gonna try to get a job at a ski resort in winter specifically to get into snowboarding
It's very calming and focusing at once. The meditative comparison is accurate.
My friends brought some acid on or skii trip. We did 70-80micrograms (more than a micro dose but not enough to be overwhelming) and went out boarding. Felt amazing, it was like the board was an extension of my feet. Not a thought in my mind, completely absorbed in the moment. Since then it's my favourite activity while tripping
not that guy but my opinion is that skiing is easier to learn, but once you are intermediate level at either the progression difficulty beyond that is about the same. skiing also comes easier if you learned how to iceskate as a kid, whereas most people have no experience standing on a board. I'd almost venture to guess that the progression from 0 is the same for both if the person in question never learned how to skate or rollerblade as a kid..
my dad put me on skiis when i was like 3 years old. At 16 or so I grew tired of looking gay so I began snowboarding. Thank god.
Skiiers are the kind of people who could ride relaxed but tryhard to show good form even when unnecessary because skiing is that boring and easy. Pretentious and gay. People who snowboard are chill as fuck generally and people you would want to hang out with. Then theres the cool skiers who are usually forced to skii because they are teachers and boomers always put their kids on skis.
Ski for me, whether downhill or behind a boat.
I like moving forward, prefer the turning control, and just have a good time going down a nice hill that way.
Also ski injuries are generally less severe.
I prefer skiing because the idea of having my back facing away from the mountain scares me :(
You never really facing uphill much on toeside unless you're traversing or taking very wide turns across the run.
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>not that guy but my opinion is that skiing is easier to learn, but once you are intermediate level at either the progression difficulty beyond that is about the same
Skiing is slightly more difficult on day 1 and 2 just because there is an extra step involved with learning to keep the skis parallel. I have been told if you are already an adult you may want to start with snowboard because snowplow on skis isn't kind to old and inflexible tendons and ligaments. I can see that. I learned to ski when I was 6 so that was not a problem. The jump from beginner to intermediate on snowboard is considerably easier. Intermediate to expert progression is about equal.

>Pros for snowboard to the newbie:
-comfortable boots
-the movements feel more natural to begin with
-no poles to carry around when walking from slopes to car
-the technique for powder is the same
-pushing a snowboard across flat parts of the base and easy -trails really sucks (some just unclip entirely and walk)
-riding chairlifts is less comfortable
-riding t-bars is torture

>Pros for skiing to the newbie
-flat traversal is easy
-more stable at speed
-better suited to variable and poor snow conditions (ice)
-lifts were made to be comfortable for you
-transporting gear sucks. you're carrying skis and poles and probably boots too as walking in ski boots is not fun
-skis detach when you fall hard enough (so you don't break your legs) and now you have to go collect them and put them back on while on the slope
>go faster, are more efficient, jump higher, are better on any terrain, better tricks, more attractive have more money, are smarter, have more prestigious careers, more courteous to others

>seem cooler to drug addicts and those under the age of 10
Idk about the more money part,.many skiers are car dwelling ski bums but yeah skiers are generally cooler than snowboarders but I did know two really cool snowboarders and they hung out with me and other skiers, not with other snowboarders, they were the only two snowboarders in the crew
Oh and on 4/20 me and one of the aforementioned boarders were the only two people not doing dude weed lmao, the other 10-20 skiers all getting high so not all snowboarders are druggie faggots
meet me irl faggot and we see who is better
take your pick Snowbird Squaw Valley Jackson Hole, the three gnarliest ski areas, pick one and I will meet you there and we will play gnar and do chinese downhill and you will get REKT
skiing by far.
there are so many things you can do with skis that you can't with a board. there's next to nothing you can do with a board you can't do with skis.

plus it's just the superior way to get around if you think of it as a mode of transportation rather than a "sport". there's a reason peasants skiid all around the countryside before automobiles and didn't snowboard.
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Anyone ever worked at a resort for the season?
I'm trying to get a job at one this winter, shooting for something hospitality related since I have experience in it, but I'm curious what stuff like lift attendant entails.
>t. never touched a snow sport
Year one: Smoking weed, drinking PBR, skiing and if you want to have a shot with your hot coworker you need to make your move in the first week

Year 2: Cocaine, PBR, Little Caesars, accepting that you don't have a shot with your hot coworker after the year prior's failure
All 100% accurate except
yeah no lmao. you get ONE lap before everyone else at the start of the day and then maybe by some miracle of god you get a 30 minute lunch break where you don't eat at all and instead go for two or maybe three more laps.

If anon wanted to ski he'd definitely be better off in the hotel. At least they work weird hours instead of 7-5.
I'm only planning on a season, I hate doing drugs with other people and also spending time with other people so none of that really bothers me

I just wanna be able to work for part of the day and then snowboard for the remainder
>natural body orientation
>more traversing ability
>you can skate across flat terrain
>you can stand up while stationary
>biped physics enables tighter pivot ability, meaning increased control and maneuverability in steep or tight terrain
>getting on/off lifts is effortless
>four edges lead to better control while carving or changing direction at high speed
>biped physics enables tighter pivot ability

Done both for years, skiing is objectively superior. There's a reason patrollers and rescue teams are on skis, not snowboards. Skiing has a substantially higher technical ceiling across every single variable, it's just basic physics.
Snowboarding looks cooler. Everything else is cope.
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bros I have been successfully hired by a resort (tentatively)
if I can't get solo housing I'm probably not committing but I am excited for now
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>still retreats into the "B-b-b-but snowboarding is cooler" argument
Ok heres more detail anon
By cooler, i mean its more fun and enjoyable. Skiing has been around for a long time and (to me) seems more like just a transportation method and not very fun. If you just go straight on skis its not fun at all. If you just go straight on a snowboard it feels very fun and enjoyable
Yes I did one season back in college. I wasn't a lifty. My job was to sit in a booth in the middle of the entrance road and sell parking tickets and various other cash grabs the resort was trying to sucker people with. The free pass was nice. Other employees were fun to be around and ski with if you had time. Shit pay, often pretty terrible hours and I had to argue with my boss over my legally required lunch break a few times. I was told there are good and bad assignments when it comes to being a lifty. Good is anything inside the shed monitoring the equipment. Bad is base loading. Unloading at the top was a good or bad job depending which lift it was. Unloading at the top of a lift that served mostly advanced terrain = good. Unloading at the top of the general purpose normie high speed quad = not so good.
Good luck!
thanks anon
they didn't tell me what position I'm getting but I applied for food service in the hopes of a late shift so I can snowboard during the day
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>"LOOKS cooler"
I chose snowboard because the mechanism of injury on skis is way fucking worse. Both of your legs have these two long sticks that upon impact give your ankles knees and hips crazy high momentum in a random direction.
I see snowboarders eat shit quite often, but I've never seen one being scraped up by the mountain jannies. Can't say the same about skiers.
I don't see snowboarders doing any frogposting, big L for you buddy
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>"snowboarding looks cooler!!!!!"
>"Ehrm... by cooler, i actually meant its more fun and enjoyable...."
I skied my whole life and tried once snowboarding and broke my arm. I'll stick to skiing.
cry more sissy-sticks
>"I-I-I look cooler..."
>"sissy sticks"
anon is 13-14
I'm 40 in 3 months and just got back into snowboarding after 15 years away from the mountains. It was like I'd never left.

fugg gottme.
I merely met your infantile argument with my own
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Just got back from Chile. Did El Colorado, La Parva, Valle Nevado, Portillo.
The 3 valleys are alright but you gotta be there for more than a week or have someone show you around. Takes fucking forever to get across the skifields. Santa Terre off El Colorado is neat, you'll have to hitch hike back to the skifield unless you have someone waiting for you at the bottom. the back bowls off La Parva and side country are good. Didn't do much touring around Valle Nevado though.

Portillo was out of it. Felt like a cruise ship being so isolated up in the mountains. Met quite a few pro skiers there shooting and training, when you finish the day in the hot tub you'll end up rubbing elbows with them.
I was there on a snowboard and found the most brutal slack country experience in my entire life. It's definitely a skiers resort.
This is Portillo, right? How the fuck did nobody hit that spine on the left? Was the snow quality just shit that day, or is this place empty?
Yeah Portillo. Conditions were dust on crust, probably about 6 inches of fresh powder. Can't remember if anyone hit it later in the day, I think I was dropping into Estadio which is the second to last bowl so could have been that everyone was nailing out the aprons before they turned to the spines.
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It also required a bootpack to a higher line which made it more inaccessible
who gives a fuck. if you can ride a skateboard you should snowboard. if you can ice skate you should ski. if not then pick whichever looks most fun. ignore anyone saying one is harder or easier to pick up or master since 99% of them are only good at one and the main thing that determines difficulty is how similar it is to other things you can do
as a skier, fuck ski boots. since theyre rigid sometimes you just end up needing to go way over budget since the super expensive ones are the only ones that fit your specific fucked up foot shape
This is the only thread on here about skiing so I guess I’ll ask here. I’m from the midwest (indiana) and have skied several resorts around Michigan and both of the ones in Indiana. I think I’m finally ready to go out west, but not really sure where to go. I did all the black diamonds at Nubs Nob and Boyne Mt last winter with no issue. I want somewhere that will be challenging and fun but not overcrowded like I’ve heard some of the big Colorado resorts get. Where should I go? Right now my friends and I are talking about Jackson Hole or Park City but I’m open to any and all suggestions.
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tell me where then. I know park city might be busy but I’ve heard it’s a good resort. I honestly don’t know much about the Rocky Mountain ski scene
I will just use this as snowboard general.

10 years ago I bought a full set, but never really used it. Some years ago I decided to finally learn it. I mostly did either go 1 or 2 times per year. Last year I decided to finally do a course, but after the course my bindings broke and I didn't had money to buy new ones.

This year I will need to buy a new jacket as well as new bindings. Should I opt in for the burton step ons? are they good for beginners?
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To most snowboarders Burton step ons are overpriced trash.

You have to buy new boots or get a system for your existing boots. the bindings themselves aren’t bad but Ive heard they can pop out on big impacts if you’re doing a lot of freestyle/jumping stuff

Imo just buy some union bindings/standard pair if you’re going the cheaper route. If you don’t mind paying the price step ons are cool but don’t really add anything to the experience. Once you git gud strapping in/ out takes about as long as it takes to step ons

>pic is my setup before the slush slasher got delamm’d
I mean I already planned getting new boots either way. So I thought maybe it is good as the step ons with boots costs like 800-1000€ and some bindings and boots equal to the same price.

I will almost buy everything that is not the board new.
I'm looking at visiting Jackson hole, not sure whether I should stay in the resort or in the town
What are the earliest mountains that open in the US? My lease ends next month and I'm gonna travel for a bit, wanna kick it off by trying to snowboard for the first time.
Some people like the step ons, idk i dont like the way its implemented. Seems like theres too much wiggle room.
Those are very popular resorts full of families and gapers on company offsites. If you want to avoid crowds look for advanced hills like Snowbird and A-basin. Telluride if you're loaded.
co doesn’t really get that overcrowded unless you pick the worst possible days of the year and even then pretty much only at the base and if you’re willing to hike you can dodge that entirely and get to the second tier of lifts in time for first tracks. the only time i ever see lines is when i ride with my dad.
they were actually shutting down lifts midweek last year because there was so little weekday traffic.

Id still rather stick with the traditional bindings/boots regardless of price.

Ngl step on bindings pretty much indicate you’re a gaper and they’re a pain in the ass to adjust/fix
mt hood i guess
The only reasonable argument I've heard for stepons is someone with limited mobility or a disability that would make strapping in difficult
I really hope to make it out there some day. Great pics anon.
I’ve always just brought peanut butter and honey sandwiches to the slopes. Maybe some nuts or a protein bar, but nothing crazy.

I‘m thinking about getting a thermos so I can eat something hot when I’m done skiing. What would be good bros? I was thinking burritos. They are tube shaped and all. Although I guess you could put anything in there.
This is just boomer cope to justify their wildly expensive, stupid purchase. I tried out the current gen burton stepons because everyone was shilling them as being the "must have" snowboarding purchase for people my age (40+). Turns out they're fucking trash still, and none of the problems with them from a decade ago have been solved.

The only reason I tried them was because I fractured my pelvis early in the season, but immediately went back to my strap bindings after rehab.
>fractured pelvis
rip. i broke mine as a kid and i still feel it whenever i front 180
Chicken soup would be elite if it stays warm. I always thought drinking soup makes more sense. Though I really don't like skiing with anything hard on my person, it would hurt like a bitch if you fell on it.
This’d be for after I’m done skiing, or if I want to take a lunch break. I’d keep the thermos in the car. I don’t like carrying much on me either, usually just some water and maybe a small bag of almonds.
Trollhaugen and Wild Mountain if you want tiny midwest hills lol
Where in Japan are you going to go? I'll meet you up there. Yeti opens in like 2-3 weeks, but it's more of a big costume party with fake snow. Usually can hit up parts of Fukushima prefecture and I highly recommend Shiga Kogen just for the size. Hakuba is just all aussies these days.
How far are you willing to travel? North Idaho/East Washington is pretty dead usually, and I could easily spend a whole season at Silver, 49 north is cheap.
Having done both I prefer snowboarding
Skiiing is still great though but those boots are insufferable

Shout out to any other former or current ski patrol
nta but it'd be cool to see some anons out there. i was looking at just doing stuff around sapporo jan-march. i know literally nothing about the mainland mountains though.
ski cops are either the chillest guy you'll ever meet or the biggest asshole and there's no inbetween
I'm the chillest type lol. We had a couple assholes on our patrol, but 99% were super cool people.

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