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(Japanese Kickboxing)
Kickboxing is cool but muay thai is cooler. Muay thai has cool music.
Rise hss some kino fights between the bloodlusted literally whos. I'm looking forward to this year's K-1 vs Rise.
I like MT but can't deal with the fucking music. It unironically filters me and the only MT I can watch is shit like ONE because they don't blast those horns. Just the drums would be nice, but the horns sound fucking awful.
Didn't realize this thread even went up. Take some more cool clips
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President Takeru
Kazuki Osaki
Taio Asahisa
Yuki Yoza
Akihiro Kaneko
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Masashi Kumura
These guys be wilding with their split second KOs, fun stuff.
He should've taken a tumbling class from japanese pro wrestling prior to that stunt, could've torn his achilles heel.
I thought boxing was useless once kicks/knees were involved, why do i see so many punches being traded here
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Being able to use your legs doesn't mean you shouldn't use your arms. It means you should use your legs. Being good at boxing will make you better at kickboxing but it's not enough.
>big boobie girl bully’s itty bitty booby girl with her big boobies
Fuck you anon I don’t need a new fetish I’m trying hard as it is to not be a degenerate.
Unlike the thais, there seems to be alot of focus on boxing offense among japanese kickboxers
Is there an official YouTube channel to watch this from?

K-1: https://youtube.com/@k1wgp_pr

RISE: https://youtube.com/@riseontv

RISE only has japanese commentary. K-1 has english and japanese. If you want the japanese commentary you have to search the fighters' japanese names though. You can also navigate through K-1's own website (k-1.co.jp) if you go to a fighters page there will be youtube links to their fights.

Also that clip is from this fight: https://youtu.be/2M9fVnFNj7o
Because the scoring criteria is different in J-kick.

J-kick scores punches, kicks, elbows, and knees equally while in MT, punches and low kicks don't score as well as high kicks, control in the clinch, and knees/elbows.

People think J-kick doesn't clinch or neck-wrestle; that's patently false. Ever since 1966, the Japanese extensively utilized clinch with elbows and knees. Nowhere near as refined and technical as the Thais do, but if you look at historical footage of All Japan Kick Boxing Association and Japan Kick Boxing Association , they do chap koh too.
I still don't get how they just get in head to head like that. My boxing is shit so I would rather stay in the long hook range than intimate like that. If it ever gets tight I'd fall into the clinch to wait for ref break
Sometimes you just have to bang,I don't remember but there's a dutch kickboxing drill where you go head to head and spar in just that range without clinching. Also work your borxing bro
You’ve put me down a rabbit hole thanks for these, I’m starting to get these videos from Rizin and Breaking Down which are pure kino

i mean the range where I can see what my opponent is doing so I can guard, slip, parry, is much more comfortable for me. And how do they just let each other into range like that?
meant for>>192680
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If you want to keep delving, I can also recommend KNOCK OUT

They have some absolutely kino fights as well. One of their more popular guys is Ryusei who is very fun if you like cool technique combined with just being a little retarded sometimes.

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