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How do we save this shitheap of a martial art?

All suggestions and general Power Era nostalgia welcome

t. ITF 2nd dan (but not trained in years)
What does every meme martial art and sport have in common?
Lack of contact sparring and pressure testing. Trying to apply your techniques against a skilled, resisting opponent quickly filters out what's useless. Without it, every martial art degenerates into a showy pantomime full of >2deadly2spar meme moves
TaeKwonDo is actually a decent martial art all things considered. WT TKD is probably better than ITF because the focus is almost entirely kicking and that is TKD's niche where it shines. People should view TKD as a supplemental art, something to fill in the holes that arts like Boxing and Judo have where kicks aren't taught. Having a kick only environment allows for more improvement in terms of kicks.

WT TKD spars more than almost every other art, learn what you're talking about before you make yourself look like a retard.

It's not a lack of sparring that hurts TKD. It's the rule set. In TKD fighters aren't supposed to clinch or shove so when they get into that range they wait for the referee to separate them. That is why TKD struggles against other arts, years this bad habit. If clinching and shoving were allowed the TKD would fix it's main weakness.
I get the supplemental argument, but some counterpoints;
>TKD is the kicking specialist style, but doesn't teach low kicks (probably the most useful part of kicking in modern combat sports)
>From a time spent -> skill gained standpoint, it doesn't make much sense for someone to have to cross-train boxing and tkd when they could just do Muay Thai or even just boxing (from a da streetz standpoint)


Completely agree on that. I think having something like K-1 rules (with 4oz mma gloves) instead of the existing ITF ruleset would improve it enormously.

Some basic clinching and grappling would be good too. Why have takedowns in your moveset if you can't use them?
>the existing ITF ruleset
What's the difference between that and other existing TKD rulesets?
You could add low kicks, takedowns, etc, etc. There comes a point though when you have to ask if the training experience becomes too significantly altered to be worthwhile. I think it's because of the lack of leg kicks and takedowns that TKD has a special place. Those two things are characteristic of MT and both also disincentivize head and jumping kicks. I think it is specifically because TKD is limited that it allows room for people to improve kicks that otherwise would get neglected in a more straightforward ruleset.

Look at Taekkyeon for example. Taekkyeon is supposed to be a kicking art with some mild grappling components, however the national Taekkyeon body in SK took on a very liberal rule set. Competition Taekkyeon just looks like wrestling or judo now.
ask yourself if it's even worth saving
maybe the best move is to take any valuable things you learned from it and move past it
There is no need to fix tkd
Some martial arts are based on combat and some are based on the arts part
TKD has probably the coolest kicks out of any striking art, backwards kick, head kick, spinning kick and cool combos were you jump on one leg and kick multiple times. It's not made to be le epin ultimate striking art.
Same with say judo. Judo banning leg grabs is fine because the point of judo is cool throws.
Same with BJJ. BJJ is for guys who really like ground grappling and want to do cool sweeps and submissions.
If you want to improve a martial art to make it more combat effective, ask yourself, why not just train MMA? The improvement to the art will just make it MMA lite but worse.
One of the funniest things I remember from back when I was competing MT was when we had a TKD guy come into the gym and start doing his toe tag stuff because they do touch sparing and then getting absolutely crushed and leaving. But later I met a serious kickboxer that also did TKD and some of the kicks he was using threw me off at first because I wasn't used to seeing those in MT. So I think there is value in it if you have a serious foundation in real combat sports.
Have more people do it like Than Le
Allow grabs.
Not even clinch/grappling. Just allowing competitors to grab wrists or catch kicks instantly forces them to stop relying on the current point scoring meta and incentivizes them to use other techniques in their arsenal.
He was likely karate, not TKD. WT TKD requires that you hit your opponents chest guard hard enough to make a slapping noise. Most TKDings will kick hard enough that you'll feel it, even if it's not enough to injure.

Catching kicks would ruin the sport but being able to grab or push the chest guard would help alot.
He was TKD practitioner. Cope more
There is no point to saving something like tkd or karate when kickboxing already exists. Just do that and then extract the useful techniques that were left behind with the antiquated martial arts.
- Get rid of the point system, wins whoever pushes the opponent outside first.
- Grabbing the chest plate is allowed but not as a way to win the fight.
ITF is basically sloppy point karate while WT is full contact foot fencing in a chest guard.
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TKD is great.

You don't need everything to be le hardcore MMA autismo.


normies are more impressed by a tornado 720 kick than defeating a bunch of MMA autismos.

Also, TKD evolved into a cool style for videogame characters.

not everything has to be le hardcore scientific MMA garbage.
>And this is why we cut our toenails kids

There is no world in which Taekwondo is an "extreme sport".

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