I want to get into some martial real bad, with boxing my main pick but I'm so afraid of CTE. I program for a living and can't afford to lose IQ points to doing a sport. How do you anons deal with this???
>>218338>I'm so scared of [insert fear] Stick to programing you vagina
>>218338You already posted this on /sci/ faggot. Plus if you program for a living it's not like Stephen hawking
>>218338Just stop thinking about boxing and go for bjj and kyokushin
>>218338Low or high IQ doesn't matter, since you program, poos will replace you next year saar. Also >>218343 or quit bein a bitch
>>218343NTA, but my brain is about the only part of my body that I'm actually worried about. I've seen firsthand what dementia/Alzheimer's does to a person, not wanting to end up like that is a valid concern I thinkSure, not training at all in the name of brain health is kinda dumb, but some concern is warranted