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What if UFC had heightclasses instead of weightclasses?
I've always said this should be the cade, every 4 inches is a new class and you can keep the same division spread
All combat sports should be open competition with no classes of any kind.
But what about manlets?
Well not for nothing but why do they think they have a right to be professionals in a sport if they're not athletically gifted enough
Other sports don't have a professional manlet division

If you want to play basketball or football or some shit, be a big person or get so good that you can be 5'6" and still keep up
Sports fans want to see the best of the best, not the jr.s
If manlets can become top division mainstays in sumo, they can manage in any other sport. Go and tell Midorifuji he shouldn't be allowed to fight the big boys.
Height and reach are a huge factor when it comes to striking, being shorter allows for better grappling.

But yeah, Suga Sean is basically on PED's being that fucking tall in his weight class. Nobody can get close.
I get your point but I wouldn't want to miss out on Demetrious or Cejudo
now who are you going to put on your undercard
I think it would promote bloatmaxxing too much, fatties are boring to watch
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Reach matters more.
The question is how much does weight matter?
I would make a chart, but idk how to.
Are O'malley's shoulders uneven or is it just me? Has he always been like that?
they're narrow and uneven
I guess you could look at the old ufcs, like the first 10, when everything was absolute, and see what the weight advantage to win ratio was like. But the data is so old its hard to compare to modern day.
Oh well, I guess someone will have to run an open-weight MMA tournament for a few years and see what happens.
So thankful i have wide shoulders
Dc is only shorter because he has no neck which is an advantage in all combat sports. Look at his waste line and shoulder height he is 6’2 proportions with no neck and a short round head. Put omalleys neck and head and he’s 6-2
No. I could use modern heavyweight fights.
Brock lesnar had a 45 lb advantage on randy.
igor vovchanchyn vs paul varelans showed even a 123 lb weight advantage isn't an absolute win.
That is the beauty of combat sports though. Because in team sports weight classes are impractical we have a place to put athletic midgets.
They can compete. Manlets have gotten way too cocky lately. They're like women who thinks they can actually fight a grown man. All thanks to this UFC bullshit.
FUCK undercards. Elimination tournament. One big night. No matter HOW fucking long it takes. Don't have the stamina to watch the whole thing? Fuck you. You don't DESERVE to be in the presence of warriors.
I'm inclined to agree with that

preliminaries on day 1, 8 man bracket day 2
They would finally learn
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Sean O'Malley is pretty good and everything but his work on South Park I find a little lack luster.
The reason team sports don't have weight classes is because it is a logistical head ache. For individual sports it is possible. Also heavy weight MMA fighters are typically low skill because the best heavy weight athletes have other options as you mentioned whereas midgets can only compete in combat sports so we get to see the absolute best of their weight class. Remember the ultimate casual favorite was Connor Mcgregor not some 250 lber.
Funny how short Sumo's dominate a lot of taller good for nothing trash rikishi.
The whole sport would be full of fat blobs like heavyweight already is
>cue the injury retirements
As based as they were, tournaments were full of random bullshit ruining the competition
Best modern Sumo is 6'3" or so
Oh yeah I totally want to watch Royce vs Shamrock 2 again. No time limits, 33 minutes of lay and pray. true warriors
Fucking cringey shithead
I think most people who romanticize the tournament structure never really experienced a few live. They don't have the same investment because the fighters aren't current, so there's less disappointment when all of the sudden a bout change happens because X fighter can't continue for whatever reason despite winning.

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