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What is your boxing style and stance? Why did you choose them?
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Mucho texto I know but thots on this?
is this meant to be a bait thread because he's so freakishly frail and spindly despite clearly training?
No, not really.
well according to that image where you're born determines your boxing style
What is your boxing style and stance?
>Why did you choose them?
I like kicking people
Philly shell, because I'm stupid and i like getting hit in the head
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Peekaboo but adapted to kicks with karate/muay thai footing
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Mexico and muay thai
Want to add a bit of russian for the jabs
Kino fighter but what bothers me is that a proper power lunge-jab would have fucked him. You just can't do boxing with your arms down.
Mexico bcus I’m small, bulky and hit hard
My lifestyle determines my death style
Russia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJMa9p2bk8w
He probably doesn't box a lot.
i dont looks like none of these
I'm a switch-hitting counterpuncher. My power isn't that great but I body punch a lot and string good combos. I use pressure and fight at angles. I don't like being cornered and had to develop better defense.
Peekaboo cause I'm unironically built like Mike, like almost exact same proportions.
What >>192049
>>191464 i don’t know really>>194919

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