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File: 4203006-146952994.jpg (101 KB, 670x395)
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Why are the bulls so stupid?
Why do they always fall for the cape trick?
Don't they realize that the matador's legs will always be beneath his torso and that attacking the cape is a chump move?
Why are bulls so low IQ?
A large number of matadors actually get gored to death.
Herd animals tend to be dumb as fuck, just like the humans who invented this "sport"

Also they're already drugged and injured when they enter
Bullfighting should be more popular.
They go against what moves the most.
If it takes too long they learn to stop aiming there and just ram the fucker holding it.
It used to be, petafaggots and their sympathizers need to be culled so we can return to the glory days

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