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The answer is IT DEPENDS whether the skill gap or the strength gap is bigger
Jon no question
Love how this board believes that fighting against a trained person or a bodybuilder it's something common to happen
It's about jon v thor
And its jon 100%
The *real* answer is that it would be a banger of a fight and it's strange we haven't seen this sort of fight yet, as far as I know at least
MMA GOAT vs The Strongest Man in the World just markets itself ffs
Which one is gonna pop for more substances?
It's not really a great case because jon is huge too, he's just less huge
leg mogged to oblivion
>it's strange we haven't seen this sort of fight yet
>it's strange we haven't seen this sort of fight yet
It would be a boring wet fart. You could sell this fight only once, maybe, to a crowd of know-nothing yokels. Jon would beat the breaks off Hafthor in any/every way that he wished, and Hafthor would do nothing.

And for what it's worth, Hafthor can play with weights that would snap Jon in half. Jon wrecked himself and tore his pec moving weight that Hafthor would use for a mild warmup.

Top tier athletes are specialists. The guy who's equally good at fight sports and strength sports is probably not very good at either.
>Hafthor would do nothing
He might SQUISH
Freakshow fights like that happened all the time back in Japan and it wasn't all that good.
Haffor mogs him in the street where he can't do fancy wrestling moves
you can't do wrestling moves in the street?
You can't realistically do the nimble knees scraping across the ground positional shit he would need to do to take down a guy that big. Whereas haffor would just have to lean on him and he'd be out-sumod
you can scrape knee you just have to be fully committed to the shoot, and I imagine if you're shooting on halfthor you're shooting with all you got
Good luck with that
I aint shooting on halfthor fuck outta here
>good luck
Thor being forced off his tranny roids and deflating would be hilarious
There is tons of street fight footage that shows this is cope but go off. Jon could out strike him in his sleep either way.
Yet haffor crushes any bjj master purely through size and weight. I don't care if you're a black belt master, if you weigh as much as a small child, you aren't winning the grappling exchange
But you can do eyepokes
>Yet haffor crushes any bjj master purely through size and weight
Proofs? There is a 6'7 competition black belt at my gym that could probably rape him to death if he wanted. These strongmen are roidtranny carnies. Their actual athleticism blows chunks. You don't see them actually compete at high levels for this reason. They just do carnie money fights as actual athletes would starch them.
Google bryan Shaw and haffor try bjj

They just crush the guy
see >>203328
Big guy is playing nicely. He could just grab little twinkies arm and break it with no techniques. Hsffor is chilling and Ryan is trying his hardest to climb like a monkey around the big guy.

If haffor wants to he just grabs him by the arm and smashes him into the floor like a gorilla. Game over.
Why doesn't he go smash ADCC for fun then?
Because he doesn't want to lie down on sweaty men?
You don't actually believe this, do you?
There is literally video of him doing just that posted in this thread kek

He could easily become the greatest combat sports athlete of all time but doesn't because.....he doesn't feel like it?
He doesn't want the injuries. He's busy lifting grizzly bear weight

You saw him rolling with kid gloves against the world's best grappler
If roiding up to 300+ lbs was a way to become world's greatest combat athlete, every heavyweight would do this (in ufc they would roid to 290 and cut to 265). Some, like Bob Sapp, tried this and failed.
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It is a holisitic approach to martial prowess, but normies are too dumb to get it and. Experience, technical virtuosity, strength, speed, stamina, grit, etcetera, are all stats that determine how good you can fight. If anything, "one trick ponies" have it the hardest, not just in the technical aspect (pure strikers and pure grapplers), but also in these aspects. If you are super strong but clumsy, slow, and run out of juice easily you will only win if your opponent is daft and doesn't exploit your weakness, for example.
This is just because BJJ is a stupid system.
Every strongman vs fighter fight goes down the same way
>strongman can't do shit
>gasses out after a minute of ineffectual flailing
>gets beaten up
One in russia went like so: Spinning head kick to the drunk powerlifter, ground and pound, dead in 4 hits.

After drunk trash talk.
lesnar did this and did become the hw champ
Lesnar was a two time all American wrestling champ. He was always an athlete, not a powershitter.

His MMA record was also pretty mediocre in retrospect but he was fun to watch and drew dimes.
yeah but he was extremely unrounded and still dropped heath herring and ko'd couture. im not sure what the premise of the argument is exactly but strength matters a lot in mma. now days everyone is well rounded enough that the sport is almost entirely about min maxing PED abuse and weight cutting
Obviously strength matters but strongmen aren't pro fighters for a reason. Lesnar was athletic as fuck and trained wrestling most of his life. He didn't just pick up heavy thing and put it down or squeeze apples. Halfthor etc are too old to ever bridge skill gaps and would have to drop a lot of bulk and the strength that makes them special.
Randy could make LHW and was 45 when he fought Brock.
Hafthor was never too fast. Big Z was much more explosive as a strongman, and could potentially do damage in fights.
Games of Tyrone is not the same as real life, autist. A good grappler (or striker) will fuck you up no matter your 2 decades of lifting heavy.

If martial artists are midgets and you are super tall and huge, MAYBE you will have a chance if they are not too skilled.
Its about degrees
People both forget that degrees dont mean absolutes, and also that one thing can proportionally out way the other.
Technique is the efficient use of strength.

The better your technique, the less strength you need to apply your technique.
So a weeker person can beat a stronger person with superior technique.

But th equation work both sides.
The stronger you are, the less technique you need to use your technique.

So work on both, technique and strenght.
Anything could happen

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