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The super jacked heavyweights and super heavyweights clearly put a lot of time into strength training. Strength training is the best thing you can do for explosiveness. Feel free to debate me on this, but it's pretty obvious. Once you've mastered technique, the only thing going to give you an edge is further explosiveness. I am a noob at martial arts, so correct me if I'm wrong at this. I know cardiovascular potential is also important, and bigger guys technically have less of it, even if they do plenty of cardio.

Now, how much of an advantage would a 7'6, 500 pounds of lean mass giant who can deadlift 505 kilos raw as part of his warmup have against other opponents? He would look like something from DBZ. I imagine he wouldn't have to be nearly as skilled to be super successful.
Athleticism is the best martial art. Training your reflexes, cardio, flexibility, strength, etc., will give you the edge over more people than if you were just learning fighting technique.
I've heard from several sources that actual skill in martial arts trumps everything else.
Who do you think would win in a fight?
>Guy A: very fit but no knowledge of martial arts
>Guy B: knows a lot about martial arts but 0 fitness
Your answer is probably Guy A. It doesn't really matter if you are an amateur fighting an amateur or a pro fighting a pro, most fights are lost due to inferior fitness
>most fights are lost due to inferior fitness

Do you think some super huge athlete would've been able to beat this guy just because he's way bigger, stronger, and has more cardiovascular potential?
Martial arts is athleticism times technique. I have no evidence for this but the cap on technique is lower for an untrained individual than strength. An untrained man can lift around 70 kg while an elite lifter can lift 250 kg or more. A BJJ black belt is a purple belt with greater timing and precision.
You think Sean O'Malley is unfit?
He's skinny as hell.
And you think that's all there is to fitness?
He doesn't look like he does any exercise.
>look like
top kek enjoy a cracked skull from being thrown on concrete
If he actually exercised, he'd have more muscle than that. By the way, larger people, regardless of if they're larger due to more muscle or more fat, typically have inferior cardiovascular endurance to smaller people. Why do you think all those top marathon runners are underweight? Sean O'Malley is virtually underweight for his height, and he was underweight when he was a featherweight. If he fucking ate normally, he'd likely weigh somewhere between 140 and 150. That wouldn't even be from exercise, and most of that new weight would be in muscle.
dont bother with him
it's obvious the guy doenst train whatsoever.
The cardio difference for fighting vs gym is so vast he would probably need to take a break at his first class
He can't even eat enough to have a normal body weight for his height. How am I supposed to believe he actually does cardio, other than his MMA training?
the type of cardio needed to fight can only be gained through fighting.
It's a completely different monster. If you trained you'd know this
Just like how traditional strength training will increase the force of your strikes, proper cardio will increase your cardiovascular potential. You get the most adaptations from HIIT. You're not marathon running, so you don't need to do any slow steady state shit. I honestly don't even know any martial arts, but this is basic exercise science.
if you dont know how to throw a punch your punch is gonna be weak
this is basic fighting knowledge
Yes, but your argument is with cardio. There's no way in hell you're going to get anywhere near maximizing the stimulus needed to increase your cardiovascular potential from just martial arts.
you're retarded and have no idea what you're talking about dude.
A lot of martial artists live to be incredibly old.
why the fuck would him eating like a fatass pig trying to build muscle would help him in any way shape or form? that'll make weight cuts harder for him. + he's been very successful at BW, he'd get mauled at any other weight classes.
>+ he's been very successful at BW, he'd get mauled at any other weight classes.
I'm wondering if his reach has anything to do with him performing so well. He's virtually underweight for his height in his current weight class.
It's mostly the reach, there are only two other fighters in that division that are as tall as him and of them O'Malley has the longest wingspan
I think he has stated somewhere that he walks around at 150+ and regains like 15lbs between weigh-in and the fight. So he's skinny but not Auschwitz mode and presumably mostly cuts water weight

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