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So this is the power of Kyokushin Karate...
Is this from the 100 man kumite doc?

They do a lot of weird shit but KK does seem to produce tough fighters
The weird shit is because it was a cult of personality around Oyama
Resistance training in water and mud is horrible, used to do abit with marines. Nothing bs about it
Oyama was a genuine hard fighter. If you wanted to be the same naturally you would want to train like him. He trained alot outside so those influences in his training would be copied to a degree
I used to get made fun of by the life guards at the local pool for being the weirdo that does karate in the pool but I brought home a gold medal for sparring so fuck em
i forget how slow this board is
surprising this thread is still alive
sumo bros have two threads that have been over the bump limit for like 6 months and neither one has dropped off the board yet lol
Oyama had a lot of culty shit built around him but the dude was still legit. He did 100 man Kumites multiple times. At least once they had to stop because there were no un-injured participants left.
If he was legit he wouldn't need to stage fake events like fighting the bull and karate chopping its horn off

The test of legitness what your rivals say about you, not what you or your followers say about yourself

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