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Is LARP considered /xs/? Its got a much higher rate than HEMA.
Rate of what? Also no.
>>>/tg/ would be the appropriate board I believe
there is a japanese swordsman thread that gets more traction than hema so you do the math
here ya go faggot
Practicioners maybe? HEMA is hard to find clubs for still.
do your research on larpers actual larpers like sca.
They practice what's actually taught in the manuscripts much like hema. I was thinking of joining or going to their practice but my local one only practiced on sundays
each variation of HEMA has it's own standards for weapons and armor gauges as well
Americ*ns suck cock at HEMA doe. SCA fighters are bad as fuck compared to the average kendofag or HEMAfag.
I practice Kendo and I believe only the japanese people should wear Hakama, Kote, Do and Men. The rest of the world should build a standard approved by the japanese for non-japanese Kendo practitioners.

The tabis are alright. They are pretty practical.
>The rest of the world should build a standard approved by the japanese for non-japanese Kendo practitioners.
why? That sounds retarded. Sports equipment should be standardized for fairness during international competition
I'm extremely racist. Everyone should have its own share that nobody else can touch.
Are you even Japanese?
No, I'm extremely racist. That's all.
are we really getting into this age old argument?

japanese steel is obviously inferior to european steel
just look at the longsword vs the katana video
the longsword destroyed it
>im extremely racist
>also I simp for another race
You’re the racist equivalent of a cuckhold.
he's also stupid as fuck to think folded steel is superior to the german longsword
To admire and respect another culture is that. Respect. To respect also means to keep your distance.
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Some LARPs lean more heavily on the Live Action and some more heavily on the Role-Playing. The former will be more /xs/ and the latter will be more /tg/, /his/, /cgl/, or /soc/. Pic related is someone else's take on this and I don't necessarily agree with some of the placements but it at least illustrates the concept.
>training martial arts is considered larping on /soc/

Who the fuck even goes on /soc/?
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I pulled that image from /asp/ back in the day, had to dig through some old backup drives to find it. I mentioned /soc/ because some LARPs are just about social roleplaying with no or nearly no combat system and some of those really draw in the degenerates. "Martial arts" are charted as the activity with the least roleplay and the hardest fighting so I don't know what you're complaining about unless you can't read charts and are confused, which would make sense since you somehow thought the chart was from /soc/.

It was made as a containment board for namefags and ewhores so I would imagine it's full of namefags and ewhores.
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death-match pro wrestling is the ultimate synthesis of real impact fighting and LARPing
failed normies that think life revolves around strictly sex.

Basically autistic people that got hung up on sex
>Darkon Larp
please tell me this is the alternative history Darkon
It's Dagorhir-style boffer combat with LARP rules on top:

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