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/xs/ - Extreme Sports

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How do make finger skatign EXTREME
What if they made them bigger and you stand your whole body on it?
put pins and razors on the surface
Good idea
That sounds retarded and for FAGGOT
it already is extreme sport. i mean you are doing it with your extremities.
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Ride the skateboard by balancing all your weight on the skateboard (pic related)
Create some electric coils, like metal tiles covering some areas. The "terrain" is now "lava".
in a pool

I saw a (tiktok, I think) video posted on a discord a couple weeks back of someone doing a full on skate park routine (like xgames style) underwater and it looked really cool
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Laughed way harder at this than I should have.
I laughed at every post gg.
Im glad to know your having fun. 4chan is about fun!
Shove the finger board up your ass and set your house on fire. Now THAT's extreme
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/ck/ is having a get together and cookout in Grapevine, Texas and /xs/ is invited. Come out on June 1st 2024 at noon to coordinates seen on Pic related and enjoy a burger and new frens:
>meeting 4chan autists and presumably also federal agents in real life and then fucking EATING THEIR FOOD
Now THATS an extreme sport. If any /k/ommandos show up, don’t eat the brownies. Trust me on that.
Razors go round the outer edge.
Board explodes if it drops below 50mph.
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>that turn
Damn, he's good
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I like the hobby. sue me
kek funnily enough I bought a tech deck recently as I remember liking them when I was young (I'm 31 now). I can ollie but can't kickflip for the life of me.
you'll be hearing from my lawyer
wait -- why are there syringes?
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because its XTREME

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