How do make finger skatign EXTREME
What if they made them bigger and you stand your whole body on it?
put pins and razors on the surface
>>184782Good idea>>184772That sounds retarded and for FAGGOT
it already is extreme sport. i mean you are doing it with your extremities.
>>184771Ride the skateboard by balancing all your weight on the skateboard (pic related)
>>184771Create some electric coils, like metal tiles covering some areas. The "terrain" is now "lava".
>>184771in a poolI saw a (tiktok, I think) video posted on a discord a couple weeks back of someone doing a full on skate park routine (like xgames style) underwater and it looked really cool
>>190496Laughed way harder at this than I should have.
>>184771I laughed at every post gg.
>>192095Im glad to know your having fun. 4chan is about fun!
>>184771Shove the finger board up your ass and set your house on fire. Now THAT's extreme
>>184771/ck/ is having a get together and cookout in Grapevine, Texas and /xs/ is invited. Come out on June 1st 2024 at noon to coordinates seen on Pic related and enjoy a burger and new frens:>>>/ck/20480261
>>197648>meeting 4chan autists and presumably also federal agents in real life and then fucking EATING THEIR FOODNow THATS an extreme sport. If any /k/ommandos show up, don’t eat the brownies. Trust me on that.
>>184782Razors go round the outer edge. Board explodes if it drops below 50mph.
>>200112>that turnDamn, he's good
I like the hobby. sue me
>>184771kek funnily enough I bought a tech deck recently as I remember liking them when I was young (I'm 31 now). I can ollie but can't kickflip for the life of me.
>>202281you'll be hearing from my lawyer
>>190496wait -- why are there syringes?
>>204950because its XTREME
>>184771Set up a finger skating course parallel to a regular skateboard course and they need to be completed as in-sync as possible.
>>196667Based fun haver
>>184784you mean Fucking Awesome Guy Getting Outside Today? That's what the Foot Boarding community is all about! <3
>>184771maybe [spoiler] but never [/spoiler]