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Is judo a good self dsfense martil art?
Yes. Any form of wrestling or grappling is
all the grappling martial arts are effective for self defense
yes wrestling is a martial art
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Grappling in a street fight is betting your life that the other guy has no friends
Judo saved me once, I used to practie it when i was 13 and got yellow belt (Not much i know)
>Be me 16, silent kid in friend group.
>Another guy joins the group
>Aggressive macho type that could beat up anyone he says
>Big loudmouth of course.
>He does not like me because I ignore him
>Tries provoking me into a reaction/fight with namecalling,mainly thinking I'm a pussy.
>I still ignore him but I'm vigilant
>Later on he decides to surprise attack me
>The fucker jumps me from behind and tries going for the rear choke
>instinct kicks in, he gets an instant seoi nage (shoulder throw)
>lands on the concrete on his back, before my feet gasping for air.
>fight over, ipon for me :)
He had to go to the hospital for cracked ribs and stitches on the back of his head.
He since then respected me.

I'm not gonna claim that judo is the best pick for self defense but it worked for me that moment.
mma is probably the most practical for combat.
Notice how they're tripping over very drunk people

Now try it on some 110kg meathead who's clubbing for your head
>Now try it on some 110kg meathead
You mean the average judoka?
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judo isnt an easy martial art in the grand scheme of judo.
Learning it is easy
applying it in randori is hard and applying it properly is even harder.
Any wrestling or grappling martial art is good as long is a 1v1 and not a Brawl, you would always complement grappling/wrestling with a Striking Martial Art
Yes. In fact, pretty much all stand-up grappling styles (judo, bokh, shuai jiao, greco-roman) are excellent for self defense. Turns out that being able to put someone on the ground without going down with them is really useful.

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