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thoughts on the edg lrd drop?
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Had a fucking great day at the park bros. Took me forever to learn front smiths on ledges last week, hours just to land one, similar deal I only recently learned 5-0 shuv, and I got both those tricks within a few tries tonight so I definitely feel like consistency is improving.
Got all my usuals and other tricks within a couple tries as well, just a good night. Fuck yeah bois.
i havent skated in 2 1/2 months and im not even injured
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Tips on building jersey barrier spots?
Thoughts on safety gear?
my threads are doing iron man numbers
imo rawdog the barrier a couple times to get a sense of how much tranny you actually want.
Noice, I got my kickflips back BACK

Do you mean cementing a transition?
why do black people hardflip like that?
like a muska flip? muska is white
do it
no one cares what you look like
wear a mouthguard
id wear a cup if anything
yyumm front nose
>wear a mouthguard
this or else u will chip ur front too teeth
>id wear a cup if anything
>how much tranny you actually want.
no thread video ill step up
Do I wear a helmet? No. Should I wear a helmet? Yes.
Even people who don't wear shit should at least be able to admit it's smarter to do so. I've had two concussions skating, both pretty mild, but obviously I haven't learned my lesson.
James Hardy fucking died from CTE.

If helmets keep skaters alive and healthy, then at the very least I think someone would have to be incredibly fucking arrogant to rag on someone for wearing one.
Fuck i thought my potential barrier spot was a dead end street but it actually ends at someone's driveway. Might have to look for a better spot. I have another potential spot right near the beach but it's sort of a high traffic area. I'm scared of getting caught pouring concrete.
I've taken up skating again after something like 15 years of touching a board. Back then, like any kid, I refused to wear protections because I wanted to be a cool kid who isn't afraid of falling and whatnot.

I've decided now that I'm always going to ride at least a helmet when skateboarding, and additional pads depending on what I'm trying to do, and honestly it is such a confidence booster that I'm progressing so much faster than I did back then.

Like skateboarding is all about fighting the fear and committing to what you're trying to do, and having a helmet just instantly gives me a reason to not fear the fall. I would have never dared to commit to a rock-to-fakie if I wasn't wearing a helmet.

It is kind of insane that magazines and competition continue to allow skateboarders not to wear them, when we all absolutely fucking know that it's encouraging kids to also not use protections and therefore put themselves at risk.

I remember Andy Anderson talking about how everyone around him really didn't want him to wear a helmet, and some sponsors tried to convince him on the day of shooting to ditch it, some magazines refused his photos unless he took it off, some people pissed in it or threw it away, etc. In any other sports those guys would be considered directly liable for athletes getting hurt, it's fucking ridiculous.
might be dumb but id rather not skate than wear a helmut desu, if it comes to that i am taking up bowling or something. tranny gets a pass obviously.
desu you need to learn to fall properly whether you wear pads or not and most pad dads never do that part which is why they all have shit knees.
if you just want to skate plazas then a helmet is overkill
i cant imagine wearing a helmet and pads if all your doing is normal street skating. big tranny is the only time a helmet is ever acceptable unless your old asf. its even weirder if you're just learning basic shit like how bout learning to fall before anything. if you're slamming your fucking head trying to learn nose slides on a knee high ledge or to rock to fakies on a qp/mini you are seriously fucking up.
>its even weirder if you're just learning basic shit like how bout learning to fall before anything
That's kind of a stupid thing to say: if you are a beginner at skateboarding, then you also are supposedly a beginner at falling and can't be trusted to do it reliably, even if you have put the effort into learning it.

What, is no one supposed to touch a skateboard until they can 100% guarantee that they're not gonna fall on their head?
"Knowing how to fall" is helpful, but you can't just brush away injury risk like that. Shit goes sideways fucking quick when you slip out on a waxy ledge or land uneven down a stairset - Knowing how to fall in those situations where you have 0.25 seconds to react isn't going to help you.

I'm not really trying to preach helmets, just saying they're valid in really any situation skating. Elbow pads, knee pads? Meh. Wrist guards? Lol.
>It is kind of insane that magazines and competition continue to allow skateboarders not to wear them, when we all absolutely fucking know that it's encouraging kids to also not use protections and therefore put themselves at risk.
Valid points up until this. You do you, but don't try to police others or blackball the culture that's been around for 40 years Mr. Rock to Fakie.
I'd love to see more riders wearing helmets but under no situation do I want to see it mandated in mags/comps. Fuck that, absolutely.
To clarify, when I said that I didn't particularly mean that they *should* make helmets mandatory, more that I find it legitimately surprising that it is still possible for a sport like skateboarding to not have mandatory helmets in this day and age, when it seems like every other sport has folded to accepting protections as part of it.

And I don't think that the "you do you" argument applies entirely , because that part of the skating culture (which btw - just because a culture is old doesn't mean it's right) isn't "you do you", it's more actively against helmets.

It is changing as younger children (and older adults) are getting into the sport, but there still is a lot of pressure on skaters both amateurs and professionals to not wear a helmet. For amateurs it's not wanting to look ridiculous, for professionals it's pressure from sponsors and magazines. It is kind of a toxic environment in which a lot of people are complicit.

If anything I guess it's more teachers not wearing protection that annoy me - like if you're doing beginner videos on youtube, you can't not know that your audience is going to have a lot of kids who will imitate you, and it wouldn't kill you to put on a helmet just to be a good example.

(Also I'm still proud of myself for finally pulling rock-to-fakies so fuck you I'm taking that as a compliment)
nigga if you are eating shit on simple ledge tricks and qp tricks to the point where you need pads and a helmet you probably should practice rolling around a bit first or maybe just do something else.

bunch of faggot scared middle aged retards in here. go take up bowling

you're talking about shit you know nothing about people like you need to be gatekept and made fun of
>Knowing how to fall in those situations where you have 0.25 seconds to react isn't going to help you.
it is going to help you you absolute faggot dipshit kook
>Wrist guards? Lol.
literally the best thing you can wear to keep you safe when street skating. you have no fucking clue what you're talking about and should fuck yourself with a golf club.
>If anything I guess it's more teachers not wearing protection that annoy me
faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot kys
I'd suggest trying Reddit or Slap, they have a much less toxic environment for you sister.
faggot should stick to braille and andy anderson comment sections
>I didn't particularly mean that they *should* make helmets mandatory, more that I find it legitimately surprising that it is still possible for a sport like skateboarding to not have mandatory helmets in this day and age
what a faggot ridden sentence, go back
lmao I was thinking the only thing ive broken in 20 years is my wrist
I've also been skating 20 years-
Two mild concussions
Two bruised/hairline fractured ribs
Broken pinkie fingie
Tore ligament in my ankle

All in all very mild. The ankle injury was probably the worst, that whole side of my calf turned black/blue within a few hours. Took about a week before I was able to walk without a nasty limp, but after a few months was mostly good to go again.
Worth noting - One of the concussions was actually WHILE wearing a helmet on a 4.5' mini ramp (granted it was an old ass helmet and already had cracks in the styrofoam). On an axle stall of all things, no idea how I managed to fuck it up so badly but I managed to buck myself off the coping straight to flat and land on my head/shoulder. Probably would have been worse without the eggshell.
same dude, wrist guards are literally the best thing to wear if you're a beginner just starting out and wanna pad up. seen noobies with a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads and they end up just falling our on their hands/wrists the whole time.

>One of the concussions was actually WHILE wearing a helmet on a 4.5' mini ramp
yeah dude helmets dont really actually help too much. its the same with bicycling, if you get hit by a car and hit the pavement head first your basically fucked no matter what.
> On an axle stall of all things, no idea how I managed to fuck it up so badly
probably just stopped focusing for two seconds, its how most stupid fuck ups happen. a real "did I remember to change the car battery, OH FUCK IM EATING SHIT" type moment.
I never hurt my ankle skating then totally destroyed it playing soccer. Haven't been able to kickflip the same since.
funnily skating with that broken wrist is what forced me to learn to roll out of bails
i didnt skate while my shit was busted cause I was too paranoid but I was a lot better at rolling and shit after I started skating again. I had a friend who broke his wrist and kept skating with it and kept falling on it and it turned a 3 month proper recovery into a fucked up 6 month ordeal of him constantly having to go back to the doctors.
padfags think they're hated because they wear pads when really it's because they write 5 page essays about it.
no thats too much tranny
do it late at night
Any way to foot-brake without my foot catching and shooting back into my wheel? Feel like a tard but I'm already leaning back and starting with my heel.
What brake pads and rotors are you using?
Is there anything more cringe than a grown man that is so skate brained they do lame shit like incorporate skating into momentous moments of their life like their wedding, graduation pics and the birth of their first child? I can't imagine identifying with skateboarding this much yet I see this corny shit all the time. Why are so many skaters such obnoxious normal fags??
The dual foot-braking mongo system. Lean back on the board like you're braking with your heel, and a couple of milliseconds after the heel is on the ground, put your lead foot on the ground. Think of it like this: your heel is like a regular brake, and your lead foot is the emergency. I hope this makes sense.
why is it cringe? people include different aspects of their lives into their weddings and other occasions all the time. gunfags are the worst for this.

>padfags think they're hated because they wear pads when really it's because they write 5 page essays about it.
the preachy ones are always middle age dudes who been skating less than 3 years or fags who are trying to do a "le so wholesome skateboarding is for everyone" type youtuber shit.

switch to disc brakes
what a GIGA chad
Imagine landing primo and eating shit in front of your new wife and all the guests, her friends and your family
Imagine trying again and taking multiple attempts to get the photo
neen williams definitely isnt going to land primo
Bro what a fucking loser you are, the dude owes everything he has to that board. It's not cringe, you are for being butthurt. Get a clue faggot.
the GOAT homie vid. objectively.

hell fucking yes dude this shit needs to be posted every thread for all the pad faggots and how do I ollie posters to feel like fucking losers. i know almost all the lyrics to gucci gucci because of this song. my homie lived in san fran and oakland for years and knows a lotta these dudes.
ive also seen big hongry perform live at a skate jam but I was too drunk to really make sense of the performance cause I was too focused on the skating.
well yeah neen is allowed but the avg joe does not look good doing this
what the fuck does skating have to do with holy matrimony?
>using a pic of neen
>holy matrimony
kys faggot
>bunch of faggot scared middle aged retards in here. go take up bowling
wow you're so tough and edgy I wish I could be like you
fucking jizzmop
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im not being tough or edgy, if you took it that way your a faggot that should seriously take up bowling as a hobby.
ceremony clearly over so time to shred
>Phelps's official cause of death was acute fentanyl intoxication.
hell ride mother fucker
No, he's right. Dudes that pick up skating later in life tend to over think everything. They lack the spiritual connection with their board that comes from years of adolescence spent skating with like minded friends
Really good example of how these big dollar corporate edits have no flavor to them.
Great skating neutered by incredibly bland and soulless music choices, way too much long lense shots.
idk I really enjoyed his part and that song is a classic and went well, those fakie flips and his feet positioning somehow clicked with me and mine today were feeling as good as they've been.
also tom petty seemed to have been based and warning people about the satanic pedos in the 80s with that sing, foy probably knows - https://youtu.be/h0JvF9vpqx8
>It is kind of insane that magazines and competition continue to allow skateboarders not to wear them, when we all absolutely fucking know that it's encouraging kids to also not use protections and therefore put themselves at risk.

Take it easy there with the mandates and the regulations...helmets have almost always been worn in vert. Skateboarding is not a sport so don't try to regulate it. Fuck responsibility. And I don't care if a kid dies, your taxes and mine pay actually so that children will guaranteed die in Palestine. When do we end this obsession, this cultivated from above hypochondria with the maintenance of our health as our first priority in life?
>spiritual connection with their board
hes speaking the truth bitch. go get angry about someone getting married or some shit
funny asf how half the posters in these generals are people who just seemingly hate skateboarding. from the concern trolling "everyone should wear helmets and stop partying and the culture needs to change" fags to the "why did this guy whos been skateboarding all his life make skateboarding a part of his life, isnt that cringe?" haters to the "i dont care anything except about my personal progression (nosesliding a small box at their local park) so I cant actually talk about anything" and they are all so obviously mid 30s retards who just picked up a board or just started skating again. you'll never catch a guy whos just shooting hoops or kicking around a soccer ball working on fundamentals have this much apathy/hatred for their hobby. but then again this is just a 4chan thing in general. no where else on the internet will you find this phenomena
fuck off tranny, there's enough anti helmet and anti seatbelt threads in other boards from discorders trying to get us killed
I am legitimately concerned
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dawg the shizo posting is insane yall really do need helmets
jeremy klein the only good tru otaku 4chan skater talked constant shit about everything in skateboarding that wasn't in his inner circle
so how much do you guys practice switch?

i've decided to start putting some time into it and holy shit it's like beginning all over again. i've managed to do some shitty ollies and drop in on tiny ramps but pushing with my left leg feels completely alien and i can't get used to it
Pretty much never but my nollies and switch ollies I have been working on the past 6 months or so. They're ok.. dropping in switch seems terrifying lol
That looks dope.
I forever will attribute it to the /asp/ troll who started posting when /wwe/ joined /asp/ again, aka Asukaposter.
Jeremy Klein is cringe and a complexic rightwinger.
>complexic rightwinger
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FUCK you, gayboy. If I want to show up at the park to practice ollies into the grass, I fucking will. That's what I enjoy doing. That's skateboarding to me, bitch. I am just as valid as the guy doing backflip to 5050 on the mini. I don't need to care about what lame, out-dated, soulless skate companies run by boomers are trying to do to pretend "skate culture" is cool and relevant. It's fucking not. I don't need to buy their overpriced ugly fucking clothes to pretend I am part of something. I don't need to watch their gay ass skate videos with the worst editing and music imaginable. I don't need to follow any shitty social media cunts, watch youtube "influencers" or go on fag forums and post about drama to enjoy skateboarding. I don't care what some mopey teenagers or early 20's fags think, nor do I care what some crusty old boomer veteran thinks. I just enjoy skating. You either skate or you don't and anything else is just your personal preference. Here's the fucking truth: these very threads are dumb shit ideas cause there's fuck all of importance to discuss in skateboarding. So you can fuck right off thinking what you have to say is any better than any of the things you just shit your pants about. Most of those posts are tourists and trolls so if you can't even detect that, then maybe lurk for another year or so before dribbling onto your keyboard and mashing the post button with your deformed little sausage fingers. Fucking retarded newfag thinks he's got everything figured out and comes here to make a post about how wrong and retarded he is. Thinking 4chan has a unique flavour of retards on it in this day and age. Thinks he can just know peoples age brackets in a sea of anonymous posters. Fucking newfag retard, kill yourself. You don't even skate, so stop being triggered by things you don't even care about and get the fuck out of this thread and straight into a noose.
You are contradicting yourself here matey
You fucking killed that fag
based and ollie-in-the-grass pilled
lmao you're the exact type of faggot im talking about. just endless babble and dribble to say
faggot shit kys go bowling change a car battery
>change a car battery
go skate you fucking loser
>change to new wheels
>frontside flips come back instantly
what the fuck
if you skate tranny you're just kind of inherently riding switch half the time anyway. like 90% percent of good switch game just comes from riding though. before my dog got too old whenever i'd take her on walks i'd skate switch the whole time just cruising around the neighborhood. now when i go to the grocery/grab a coffee/ do errands etc i ride switch. if you don't want to be that autistic about it you could do more 180 lines and verso shit or do what snowboarders do and pick a day of the week as switch day. also do more fakie manuals.
>you can't define punk: the post
The poster to whom you are replying is legitimately wondering why this thread is seemingly full of people who hate skateboarding as is and you get triggered by that question. Apparently, you enjoy the confusion spread by trolls because you feel insecure about something.

>skate culture is irrelevant/ it's fucking not

Tell that to advertisers, ekin, clothes manufacturers and and the millions of people who skate.

>I just enjoy skating. You either skate or you don't and anything else is just your personal preference.

I absolutely agree. So then why do you dismiss skate culture? The only thing standing between athletics and actual skateboarding?

>these very threads are dumb shit ideas cause there's fuck all of importance to discuss in skateboarding.

Then why do you come here?
this kills the homoposter
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>Tell that to advertisers
According to google.. there are 85 million skaters in the world, 80 million golfers, do you think nikes budget is the same for both?
nta but I am sick of these gay little zoomies taking up my hobby, dressing like 13 yr old me and telling me I am too old for it. Triggers me every time lel.
>do more 180 lines
I watched this and spent half a session the other day tightening my 180s, Mitchie explains skating so well, highly recommend.
>complexic rightwinger
wtf is complexic? that's not a word. jeremy klein is the coolest skater
Jeremy Klein #1 quirked up white boi
according to google your dad is gay and your dick is small.
>whenever i'd take her on walks i'd skate switch the whole time just cruising around the neighborhood
I do the same thing. Ate massive shit once a year ago when he took off like a bullet after a squirrel. Switch speed wobbles are not fun lol.
your dad raised you lol
old people
when did hookups stop selling apparel and why am i seeing vintage stores everywhere selling their shirts for $200+ to men with mullet perms?
Yeah it is a word

You can't seriously care about what 13 year-old think
is not a word (see google)
the fucking spacefag posting baka makes it obvious lurk more homo
your dad raised your cock and then sucked you off

do you know what year it is grandpa
$76 for a hoodie better save your social security for a while.
hello samefagging troll/probably asuka poster
jeremy klein has the biggest asian fetish in the biz and has gotten away with it his entire life
Have you seen his interviews and the footage from The End premiere?

Like I said, complexic right-winger, with an obvious exaggerated fear of girls.
schizo retard
Jeremy Klein is a moderator of the Libertarian Guys with Asian Wives facebook group
Did you retards watch the new GX1000 kino?
Big anime tiddies
Asian hospital nurses
HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT (he will and he should though)
>helmetless 30 year olds acting like teenagers putting their and other peoples lives in danger to destroy peoples personal private property and stop and impede traffic possibly causing an ambulance with a dead person in it to be unable to reach the hospital in time causing people to die. Smoking, drinking and just being bad role models all around when children are watching.

this is seriously the kind of shit that needs to stop, skateboarding is in the olympics now, if american skateboarding stays like this we are gonna lose every contest to the asians. you think japanese are going around being menaces screaming HELLUU RIDDEUUUU? fuckin dorks.
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>an ambulance with a dead person in it to be unable to reach the hospital in time causing people to die
reminds me of pic related. Also this bait is lame, please off yourself.
>this bait is lame
nobody knows what the fuck a joke is anymore. you people just wanna be mad.
>ambulance with a dead person in it
You almost had me lol
its how pablo died, he was dead in the back of the amberlambs but the amberlambs had to keep stopping at every intersection cause there were constantly skaters blocking traffic to bomb hills.
helmetless behavior
need a new helmet for when Im out practicing my slappy 50s do you have any suggestions? im currently rocking one of these but this is for when Im practicing carving around the bowl feel like I need something less extreme for the curb.
You're both faggots
i say check his harddrive
gx1000 is so fucking kino
>he will and he should

I might add a filter for the tripfag

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