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How would one go about making a martial art/training a bio engineered fighter that much different than a human?
File: 1717444171803.webm (2.9 MB, 1066x600)
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That's a pure fantasy
please don't ever post on this board again
Why did this make me horny thinking he was fucking it
Do drills that hone offense and defense skills.
Do training scenarios to pressure test different aspects of offense and defense as well as prepare the combatant to operate under stress.
And if possible, lots and lots of sparing.
Eventually the cream will rise and you can focus on what works and toss out a lot of stuff that doesn't. Training out bad habits and inefficiencies, improving on strengths.

Eventually this can be codified into a more structured training regiment if more of these inhuman fighters must be trained.
If it proves replicable then congratulations, you have a new martial art for the new inhuman fighter of that particular body configuration.
no use case because guns exist
Make it bulletproof then.

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