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Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

Post-Olympics edition

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2024


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>Discussion starter
How did you like judo at the Olympics? Favorite and least favorite moments?

Previous thread: >>203243
>How did you like judo at the Olympics? Favorite and least favorite moments?
I enjoyed it, even thou my country didn't perform that great and suffered a lot of avoidable shidos. Having to explain to other Brazilians that we weren't robbed, we just sucked at following the rules got pretty tiresome, thou.
>TV 2 reporter Mathias Skarpaas challenged Madelene Rubinstein to battle. She will be Norway's first female judo practitioner in the Olympics. He has seen some Judo on television. Mathias is 187 cm and weighs 80 kilos. Madelene is 161 cm and weigh 52 kilos. Above you see the short version of the hysterical match
longer video:
Did he actually think he could win or was this just a publicity stunt to draw attention towards their new competitor?
>How did you like judo at the Olympics? Favorite and least favorite moments?

It was awful, all of the Olympic events were awful.
Almost definitely the latter. He's a sports journalist.
there's this guy who comes from I can guess scandinavian breeding stock, very tall, very white, and he pronounces all the japanese words in an excessively properly japanese way
he's the kind of guy that would say ka-ta gu-lu-ma instead of katagarumuh like a normal person

and he's a dork and I hate him for it
Secretly become fluent in Japanese with a good accent and use that to correct his Japanese pronunciation while still pronouncing it like an American yourself during regular conversation.
>Secretly become fluent in Japanese
Lol I did this already as a prank, my weeb friend was taking Japanese lessons and I secretly took them for 2 years just so I could steal his thunder bust it out completely out of the blue during vacation
Wtf im going to try judo now
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do it for the queen
You guys ever get thrown so hard you cough up blood after?

Yesterday I got thrown twice and each time the guy landed full-force on top of me. 10 minutes after I tasted metal and thought I just bit my tongue, but it was coming from deep in my throat. I spat up bloody saliva for half an hour after and bit more before bed.

I looked it up, turns out I think I got something called a 'pulmonary contusion' or literally a bruised lung. Shit hurt, but after a day or so it feels better.

In case you ever spat blood or plan on spitting blood, now you know.
That was practice? Tell the guy to have more control, Jesus dude.
I’ve had that before, consider getting an X-ray because if you have that there’s a good chance you broke a rib too. Don’t train with people that intentionally try to injure you, especially if you’re new and they’re not. Fucking faggots will try to permanently end your ability to compete before you even start. Not worth it.
on my second day a brown belt threw me on my neck and the teacher yelled at him and the guy never came back after that day
Good, at that level he ought to know better than trying to break the white belts
He's one of those old, has-been wrestlers. He's just really fucking strong still and he hit me with okuri ashi harai of all things and didn't keep balance so he just fell on top of me.
Then he should have developed enough technique to control himself and his training partners. I'm not saying it was on purpose, but he still caused you unnecessary trouble.
>tfw losing weight
The occasional Zyn instead of snacking has made it easier, but I've learned that while it works, I actually don't enjoy a nicotine buzz.
I have this same problem with coffee
I get a brain fog and become really unproductive
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Okay here me out,

Yagura nage but with double lapel grip
Does running into someone with full speed have a judo name?
ragubi tai sabaki (ラグビー体捌き)
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why are hapas like this?
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Anyone else ever hit a plateau in Judo where it just feels like you're almost getting worse? I'm a blue belt and have been practicing pretty regularly but I just feel like I can't get anything I usually would constantly get in randori. My once strong grips and combos feel weak and I just lack motivation or energy to fight hard anymore, when I go against bigger opponents it feels like slog and not really like a learning experience.

Anyone else go through this?
they aren't fully accepted by either of the ethnic groups they're a part of and always exist as an outsider, all the social awkwardness stems from that
Has it ever been more over?

Are knee injuries common in Judo? I'm tired of dudes trying to cripple me for life in BJJ for no fucking reason. While I've never had anything catastrophic happen I can feel my knees aren't as good as they're supposed to be at 26. I've seen some videos of people getting fucked up in poorly executed or defendrs ashi waza, but how common is that actually? Would shit like knee sleeves help at all with preventing those injuries?
There’s no grappling art that’s not going to have risk to your limbs and digits. In general though, I have found judoka in general are not pissy low self esteem high ego retards who try to fucking injure their fucking club mates like I have often seen cross training bjj. What you really need to look out for in judo are newbies who try to do throws like tai Otoshi or ashi guruma who don’t know how to do it without breaking their partners knees.
>Are knee injuries common in Judo?

>Would shit like knee sleeves help at all with preventing those injuries?
Whites and Asians are the most autistic races. Hapas get a double dose of autism.
It's ogoshiver, ouchigariver, osotogariver. Damn.
>two and a half hours
It never even started.
Hapas also get a double dose of cum from me.
Boxing is basically the only combat sport that doesn't fuck up your knees.
>go first time judo gym
>ok anon do some sparring on the ground
>some dude arrives has at least blue or brown belt
>something something land with my rips on his arm
>my rips now hurt
Is it over? Also should someone with that experience not go fucking slow against some first timer?
>dude arrives has at least blue or brown belt
Do you not know? Are you color blind?
>>something something land with my rips on his arm
Literally what the fuck are you trying to describe
>Literally what the fuck are you trying to describe
>do sparring on the ground
>he does something I don‘t know what it is, I do shit I think is good
>I somehow land on his arm with my
rips, because he did something? I don‘t know
>my rips now hurt, don‘t know if they are bruised or not
What‘s so fucking difficult to understand here?
Are you trying to say ribs? That’s completely normal to land on someone’s arm in newaza and your ribs aren’t fucking broken you would know it if they were (trust me on that). Quit being a baby.
Yes ribs. But couldn‘t they be at least bruised? Last time I bruised my rips it took 6 weeks to heal.
>first judo class
>sparring of any kind
anon something is off. no proper dojo will force you into fighting others without even teaching basic shit like breakfalls and white belt throws. especially not against someone much more experienced who goes all out against you. you might be going to a mcdojo.
That‘s what I also think and that is why, I don‘t think I will continue there. I mean at least after that he realized I am a noob and didn‘t do anything and teached me more.
Sparring *on the ground* as Anon specified is pretty normal for a first class in my experience with good-quality credentialed instructors. The blue belt is either being a spaz or anon has much weaker ribs than the blue belt anticipated. When I first started judo as a young adult I had a strong wrestling background and genuinely didn't realize how fragile some otherwise healthy looking modern normies are until making some mistakes like that.
I did light randori day 1 in judo and have been training for 10 years now. It’s not that weird unless they didn’t go over breakfalls first, but even then if they’re practicing with an experienced judoka and not the class retard who’s going to try and bury a white belt there’s little chance of injury
He was a brown belt and I now have bruised ribs with 6 weeks of pain ahead
How did you bruise your ribs previously?
>Post-Olympics edition
After the Olympics, I have the feeling freestyle and judo are very similar. Both are specialized in denying one type of technique to the detriment of many things.
Tried to learn snowboarding, was kinda fast on a steep hill, fell, flew some distance and landed with my fist ramming my ribs. That‘s why I kinda am suprised that even something very easy with ground sparring and falling on a guys arm had the same effect.
ngl but I am heavily annoyed at the judo training. Just wanted to see how it is , even was really hyped about, and it was fine at first and now I can‘t do anything for 6 weeks and even got an elbow to the jaw from another „white belt“, which also hurts.
Nice northern lights suplex
Have you tried not being a fucking pussy? If you can’t handle a little ouchie during newaza combat sports are not for you.
Judo breakfalls kept me from getting hurt when I tried to learn snowboarding. You should stick with it to learn how to not get hurt and also to toughen yourself up.
You are somewhat right. I am more annoyed with the people there, but I also think stuff like this happens. I was just starting to be more active and this now keeps me on hold which annoys me.
Especially the reason why I got the elbow, but stuff like this happens and how you act after that is what defines you as a man.

I actually started doing bjj a week prior to that and wanted to do crosstrain with this. Well I think after I healed I will do another trial training there and if I stick there I will make it clear that I don‘t care about ne-waza and will only do sparring after some months. I am not there to fight with people to submission, but to learn throw techniques and the only sparring I wanna do is standing and easy.
What kind of dance is best for training judo?

Are there any good judo-centric movies, shows, etc. out there?
Breakfall dancing
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Is "Ninja Choke" a Judo move?
I suppose you could argue it's tai otoshi from a guillotine, but standing chokes are verbotten in judo anyway.
I wish I had a professional fighter gf that practices really hard every day and still wouldn't be able to beat me and I barely do anything at all
I do this every time I go into class, fighting girls is hilariously fun
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fighting girls is boring. it's like when you play pretend fight with a kid.
Damn, I'm fucking good at Judo.
Fuck off, retard. Randori with a safe partner is one of the best ways to get someone hooked on the fun of judo. An hour of breakfalls and uchikomi is how you kill a prospective judoka's enthusiasm for the sport.
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Are you under the impression that people who do martial arts don’t do it because they enjoy it? Are you retarded?
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I keep getting ura nage'd when I go in for koshi guruma

how do I fix this
Stop entering the throw with zero kuzushi. Remember, pull them to you, don’t turn into them. Make sure you are on the balls of your feet pulling forward not back on your heels.
does open mat at judo gym mean i can walk in off the street or does it just mean unstructured time for members?
The second. Sometimes guests or visitors show up, but random dude unknown to the entire room isn't on the list of anywhere I've been.
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Slow ass thread

What Judo move would you use against this guy?
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I want to say that there's something physical I could do but there's not. I think in all honesty I would tell on him and cry about it later
any throw that manlets always spam against lanklets ie. ippon seoi nage, ogoshi
If another man did this to me I’d either have to kill him, die trying, or kill myself. There would be no other option.
tani otoshi
>he's still seething

This is why nobody takes American judo seriously
Who won?
guy that initiated the uchi-mata
I literally have no idea who this is or why I should care. If you want to promote your shitty YouTube channel buy an ad.
One of the highest up Americans in the IJF who's still salty because his kid lost on shidos at the olympics.

Also, he has a youtube channel.
where is the lie? IJF's shido spam is a joke and the olympics were dismal.
You could have read a book instead of paying attention to judo politics youtube drama. Do better
Spam foot sweeps? Idfk, dude just casually picked up another man and took his spot, I don't think many people are winning a fair fight against that
nta, but why are you such an asshole?

its a judo theme with people talking about judo, are you retarded? does your half-glass empty attitude come from retardation?
>sub 2k views
Buy an ad fag
you're like olivia soprano
I don’t know who that is either nerd
you have to be 18 to post here
You have to buy an ad to advertise here
>judo-centric movies, shows,
Mou Ippon and Yawara!
">sub 2k views," he posted in a niche general thread on a board that averages 103 posts per day
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You can't deadlift 90kg?
And now hes given his back to him

Great way to destroy your knee
uh i think you stumbled into the wrong thread, /weenie/ isn't on /xs/
>And now hes given his b-ACK
Maybe it's my wrestling background but it bothers me when people don't follow the fight to the ground and go for the submission or pin when their throw scores short of ippon.
Terrible ref
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sasae my beloved
That itself doesn't annoy me, but it really grinds my gears that he didn't even attempt to control his opponent from standing, and instead just looked at the judge like a dumb puppy.
How can I differentiate a true judo curriculum that teaches EVERYTHING vs only teaches basics, Olympic judo, and basically fluff? Are there any recommended places in japan you can recommend? And is there any in the USA that’s reputable?
Which part?
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Does the move at the end in the webm have a name in judo? It's called yobimodoshi in sumo. I like using it to setup a sasae.
I hate Week 1 whitebelts with something to prove.
>Slaps and elbows drilling fucking turnovers
>Goes 110% during randori and tries the weirdest, knee-breaking shit just to win
>general lack of self-awareness
I never see this, when someone new joins they'll just tense up and panic during randori while mimicking kuzushi.
Week 2 whitebelt here:
Who lets a week 1 do randori? We're still learning falls and rolls.
>Who lets a week 1 do randori
I've seen some places where they let white belts attempt throws during versus competent colored belts with the idea that the colored belts can protect themselves and won't be throwing brand new white belts who don't know how to fall. The places I've seen that do this seem to take the time to get a feel for whether or not the new guy is going to be a spaz or not before setting that up.
>two weeks of training only falls and rolls
What retard is running your dojo? Did they have you do an entire two hour class rolling back and forth doing side break falls your first time there?
This is the way it should be. My first class I learned my break falls, a throw, grips and did light randori. They threw me into the regular class after that. You learn how to adapt.
Are there any good Judo places in Columbus, Ohio? How do I look for the signs of a good dojo, aside from avoiding the usual mcdojo stuff?
blud in ohio 0 skibidi aura ong
this nigga don’t know the forbidden ohio jutsu
L rizz, L take, you finna get ipponed nibba fr fr
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nigger what do you want? a tour guide?
If he'd asked about a couple of different cities I would have opinions for him on which schools are more worthwhile or how their cultures differ. Someone with experience in Columbus could give him some insights.
If he'd ask that question I would've still pointed him to Google.
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anyone else feel a strange sense of melancholy on the way home after a good training session? my judo and bjj clubs are basically my only social outlet and its the only time i get to laugh and have fun with people
I usually jack off on the car ride back.
So until my injury is over I thought I could do some lifting and prepare myself for judo AND bjj + endurance.

Any tips what exercises I should focus on? And maybe some stretching tutorial?
>this anon jacks it and drives
How the fuck haven’t you died in a fiery accident
furthest right lane, slow back streets
Proper fundamentals take you further. Learning how to fall and roll properly will reduce your risk of injury. All the senseis at my club are 60+, and can still throw and fall all day. I care more about mimicking that longevity than doing randori a week or two earlier.
I'd rather hear what randos on 4chan have to say about the level of 'tism within a city's dojos than scour low-effort normie reviews on Google Maps, but really the best thing is to seek both.
Yeah nigger, I agree you should learn fundamentals, but doing nothing but falls and rolls for a month straight is hindering your progress not enhancing it.
I didn't say we were ONLY learning falls and rolls, but we clearly haven't mastered them, so randori is obviously a bad idea this early.
We've also learned a handful of throws and holds.
Kinda wild conclusion to jump to. Who teaches just one thing the entire class?
god these threads are so fucking mean, it's like nobody has anything good to say
Is this your first time on 4chan? Have you never been in a masculine work space? If you read between the harsh verbiage there's an actual conversation happening.
>Have you never been in a masculine work space
Men don't talk this way, you've grown up around children and ethnics.
Harsh bants have been a staple of any white male space I've seen in sports or the trades but are less common in workplaces with large HR departments (women) or among mixed-gender students/workers/athletes. Even harsher bants have always been part of 4chan culture.
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coach complimented the sumi-gaeshi i stole off travis stevens and i'm probably gonna get to teach it next class
another black belt also told me my mat techniques have really improved
How exactly do you plan on learning to fall without getting thrown in randori? You’re retarded and your dojos pedagogy sucks ass. You need to get thrown for real (by which I mean unexpectedly) or you’re never going to actually thrown.
Don’t throw all women under the bus, HR is its own breed. I dealt with plenty of nonshitty women when I worked in the trades.

Most of them were lesbians but that’s beside the point
I’m proud of you anon. I hope your learning nage no kata that may be coming up for you soon
>Harsh bants have been a staple of any white male space I've seen in sports or the trades
No it's not, being the but of a rude joke is just disrespect. Not confronting someone about it allows for a cycle of disrespect to become normal. It's low class.
This anon was born with glass bones and paper skin
This anon has no dad
I get depressed after I work out. I think it's those endorphins crashing more than anything else.
I like women, I just meant to observe that their presence tends to soften the banter in a group. If Anon didn't have experience with masculine spaces and is new to 4chan it's reasonable that he wouldn't have the context to understand good-natured insults and banter.
>Not confronting someone about it
That's what bants are you autistic retard. You make a light-hearted insulting joke at your friend and he makes one back to balance it out. The utility of banter is that once you've established the dynamic it makes it easier to approach actual criticisms, concerns, and complaints without having to walk on eggshells or overly sugarcoat issues. If you get your feelings hurt and throw a fit instead of laughing it off and reciprocating you're not going to make very many friends because people are going to have a harder time engaging with you on genuine topics. Furthermore, if you get insulted or trolled easily online you are not yet acclimated to 4chan and should probably take internet shitposts less seriously.
My Dad taught me to have thick skin and a sense of humor and I'm sure that Anon's Dad did the same.
When using the gym and dojo as a form of meditative escapism the inevitable return to whatever one is escaping is comparatively unpleasant. I still feel better than I would without training.
If someone has a critique, they tell you. At least in my experience. All I know is that nobody had 'bantz' with my grandfather, nor did he. He just worked and told them what to do. Anyone who tried to test him or say something he would've just probably grabbed them by the throat and threw them across the room.

People earn respect by confronting problems and not allowing people to cause them problems, if you don't do these things than people won't respect you. And you may say "well I don't need anybody's opinion or respect, I only care about what I think and I don't have an ego" but respect is much than just ego or an opinion. It can be life or death, the way people perceive you and the security (or at least the sense of security) you put out matters.

So if you think about it, it's actually more thin-skinned to be stepped on and pass it off as a 'joke' or 'banter' all the time. This isn't to say you have to walk around with a chip on your shoulder, if someone says something you found actually funny then laugh and go on. But if someone is constantly trying to rile you up or says something you don't find very respectful, do something about it.

Read this or don't, I'm not going to discuss it anymore.
Counterpoint, you are joyless and autistic. I think r*ddit would be more your speed.
>All I know is that nobody had 'bantz' with my grandfather, nor did he. He just worked and told them what to do.
Guys like this are perceived as having a stick up their ass and kill the mood whenever they show up.
>Anyone who tried to test him or say something he would've just probably grabbed them by the throat and threw them across the room.
As someone whose father taught him both grappling and bants sperging out with physical violence because you're incapable of verbally and intellectually defending yourself hardly strikes me as the epitome of white male behavior.
>if someone is constantly trying to rile you up or says something you don't find very respectful, do something about it.
I absolutely agree with this but also very genuinely this: >>211067
they're tryharding yellow belts
did your daddy rape you and now you're a liberal
>verbally and intellectually defending yourself hardly strikes me as the epitome of white male behavior.
Modern liberals tend to be more pro-censorship than pro-bants.
Anon being Blaxican-American would explain why he can't handle bants.
not really, modern liberals love being punching bags
Sumi otoshi
I think about improving and what I should do next time
This is mostly an American thing, in Europe this almost never happens unless someone's drunk
At no point did I advocate being a punching bag. If you can't use words to defend yourself from words you probably have a double-digit IQ.

>This is mostly an American thing, in Europe this almost never happens unless someone's drunk
Fair enough. I've lived and worked all across America but I can't really speak to foreign norms. I've heard that it's normal among the Scots and Irish but they're also known for drinking heavily.
>bants are an American thing
Have you ever met an Aussie?
I'm a green belt thank you very much
I've always found Americans to be pretty sensitive about bantz overall, and it's coded as a more lower class thing; Americans and Canadians are pretty uptight about "busting each other's balls" compared to the rest of the Anglo world. Bantz seem like much more of a British or Australian thing.
British people are pedophiles.
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No thank god
Blessed Aussie shitposting ensuring breakdancing will never be accepted as an Olympic sport.
Brits don't have the cross-social awareness to partake in American bantz. You have to go tit for tat, only escalate slightly.

You're going to look like a massive retard if an american says
>"haha chewsday bo'o'woh'uh innit"
and you respond with
>How exactly do you plan on learning to fall without getting thrown in randori?
You learn the movement until it's something you can do without thinking about it, and only then introduce variables.
I've studied a few different martial arts and literally every school I've ever been to doesn't let noobs spar until they've got a few classes under their belts.
>You’re retarded and your dojos pedagogy sucks ass.
I don't recall insulting you, but I guess it's a good thing I didn't disrespect the Only Guy With The Right Opinion (TM), or else you might not have blessed me with the pearls of your ineffable wisdom.
>You need to get thrown for real (by which I mean unexpectedly) or you’re never going to actually thrown.
Sure, once you have some idea what you're doing so that you have a basis to correct from.
By that reasoning, there's no reason to do anything but sparring. It's apparently a stupid idea to practice something and develop a baseline of skill before you pressure-test it, so we should just beat people up and hope the figure out the right moves under stress.
Learn the move, practice the move, test the move, refine the move. You don't just skip the first two steps.
Why are you this mad?You need to get thrown for real (by which I mean unexpectedly) or you’re never going to actually thrown.
Can someone tell me what judo throws were used in the first 5 seconds of this clip?

The cop attempts some sort of throw and gets countered by another throw. Is this genuine judo in action?

Officer attempts a bad uchi-mata, other guy counters with a sloppy (what I would argue is) tani Otoshi since he basically just sat down and pulled the officer over his leg even though he didn’t stick it out like in a proper tani Otoshi. I suppose you could argue he was actually going for an ura nage but that’s not really how it worked out since there was no lift.
What made it a bad uchi Mata attempt
Positioning. He was way too far behind his opponent. He pulled forward on his upper body but didn’t have enough leverage to take him where he needed to go. You need to be in a position where you can load the opponent up onto his toes then immediately lift his leg to take him over. In this case, the officer lifted the opponent, who is probably a well balanced and either young or semi-athletic man, managed to move his foot around the officers leg and then immediately counter because he was not actually pulled fully off balance and the officer didn’t take control of his full body.
I'm literally doing randori with only ONE (1) nigga and the volume of successful throws from either one of us has dwindled to almost nothing.
That's because judo is shit

Punch into double/single leg, or body lock negates all of judo
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>i can't shoot a 3 pointer anymore against this guy i constantly hoop with
>just hug the ball and rugby tackle the guy bro, it negates all of basketball
>new beginner comes in
>average build
>get assigned to show him the ropes
>ask him if he has done martial arts before
>do you go out
>"not really, sometimes"
Longest class of my life.
>nice this guy lost his gri... oh shit!
So train with other people? That or change your game since he clearly already is familiar with it.
You don’t train anyways so why bother posting?
He's not there to socialize, he's there to learn judo
Go to a bar if you want to talk
>You don't do aikido or wing chin so how can you say it's shit?????
The traditional solution to this is standing kata guruma.
Teach him ashi waza then send him to train with orher people lol.
I asked him the questions to gauge his general athleticism. Teaching an ex-gymnast how to seoi nage is a lot less suicide inducing than teaching a sedentary person how to move his body in basic ways.
Looks like he gave you the answers to the questions you were asking?
The questions were not the point. The point was loathing teaching someone how to move their body in basic ways rather getting straight to the Judo. Perhaps I should teach you too to use your brain.
>hello i hate x
>today i will go to the x general and tell them how much i hate x
Just get a normal girlfriend and teach her how to fight
This probably gets posted every thread but I don't care.

Which is more powerful? Osoto Otoshi or Osoto Gari?

My vote is Otoshi, you have the combined force of your own weight as well as theirs while gravity forces both of you down.
>too use your brain

Babbys first week on 4chan?
I want you to read my reply again, this time carefully.
A good way to grow Judo in the US is to gett Judokas teaching Judo classes in BJJ gyms.
no judo just rear naked choke.

but if you had to do judo i only know of yoko guruma or kind of ura nage as far as throws where you're behind uke. i'm new so if someone else knows
>no judo just judo
i honestly feel the opposite. im a white belt and will be starting my 6th month of judo soon and i love how all the bullshit melts away during practice and randori. on the car ride home i'm usually just thinking about how i can do better next time.
although yesterday some fucking retard waved me on into oncoming traffic and that got my blood pressure up and kinda ruined the vibe lol
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Hello slowpoke-san.
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Can I make nice normie friends if I do any judo training? I'm lost and inexperienced in life and would like to be inspired by people better than me while learning how to throw people. Yes I have problems but I keep to myself about it.

i swear to god this question comes up like 5 times a thread
Why are judoka so emotionally damaged?
>Why are the judo-curious on a fringe 4chan board so emotionally damaged?
The people asking these question are /xs/ posters who aren't yet judoka. Everyone who posts here is probably at least autism-adjacent and the ones looking for something to do are likely to be less healthy and adjusted than the ones already doing judo.
the average judoka is a burnt out asian med school student with a chip on their shoulder about everyone.
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Is there any judo throw where you intentionally land on the uke? If so, is there any advantage in doing so?
Yes, it can be done with a number of throws. The advantage is that tori can transition straight from the throw to a pin and still be in a position to win the match should the referee score the throw less than ippon.
many sacrifice throws like soto makikomi often end up with the guy dropping on top of you. it's especially painful if it's a heavyweight doing it
have you lived a life?
or do you just play video games?
Like honestly you can tell so much about a person by which martial art they choose to train
you're thinking of BJJ
Well what does judo say? Desperate for affection but unable to form real connections with people due to being sheltered and isolated? Is it that you can only accept a hug if it's while you're on the way to hitting the ground?
yet again you're thinking of jiu jitsu

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