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Fuckin rad edition
What happened to stylish looking men in skateboarding? These guys only look like dirtballs or silver chain wigs, who out there is catching your eye right now?
>Fuckin rad edition
can you not read you fucking fairy
i couldn't tell you but i know what im sick of. nikes. blazers and dunks, so fucking boring.
well i guess as far as clothes, tastefully thrifted well fitting clothes are good i guess, anything that alludes to your personality or interests is cool. skate clothes made by skate companies are not worth the money and not interesting, also don't like expensive hypebeast shit like dime and supreme so just another reason to buy second hand. it's also a more fulfilling way to find clothes.
Why didn't you make the thread then faggot, I am the creator and you are the critic
Where did 90s boomers find anime shit? The comic book store? OG weeb shit, he's gotta lurk the chans, or nah hes probably on some obscure jap forum
nah in the late 80s this dude was importing jap games and shit like that in his first interviews... i know he played quake in the early 2000s but never seen him mention chans
When I was 10 some guy had a hook ups board with a naked girl and I took note

tf does this mean?
sk8 in and around rough ground like shitty nyc sidewalk rough ground

been skating for about a year n still wanna do tricks wut wheels should i buy
Spitfire F4 54mm Conical Fulls 99a
1:42 in the new limosine vid, aaron loreth doing some 1ft high wallride trick yet again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hlLTcPUOZo

i actually drove past him trying this trick, i was driving to lowes to get materials for work and it was like 3pm on weekday, dude needs to get a fuckin job
any of you fags ever skate in japan?
how busted are the spots?
>shitty nyc sidewalk rough ground
americans are like little babies
>permanently banned within literally 5 minutes for "misogyny" on Slap just for suggesting that the Cole allegations need to go to court before he's crucified
I know I should have expected as much but jesus christ what fucking faggots. They should just remove every thread on that site except the "Queer shit for queer skaters" thread because they all belong there.
Just disappoints me how limp wristed everyone is these days and I dont like seeing it seep into skateboarding too
Lmao. I feel bad for Chris Cole.
>VF Corp employees were notified via email that as soon as January 31, 2022, unvaccinated persons would be terminated without severance.
What's the most amount of stairs you ever hit
watched this yesterday, not sure how i feel about the excess b roll, felt like a music video or advertisement at times. when poison oak by bright eyes started playing i stopped watching. gay
That's pretty incredible. Most I ever did was 6 but I haven't skated in years.
i was like 14 years old, i would never skate anything that size now. i dont skate stairs at all anymore desu. too old for that shit.
yea i posted this but havent watched it yet.... bright eyes man thats fucking gay.... and i cant believe they seem to still be doing the whole witch house thing.. i was a big fan of matt kings videos like 10-12 years ago nowadays i mostly just like kevin scutchfields
Why didn't you link threads?
The baker 3g wannabe crack head spouting dickies got it off to a rough start
Wait that was dickies vid not the zoomer wave one
It's nice that the video knows what it wants to be
I miss BA.KU. What are they up to these days? And what is with canadian skate culture and crews? JAKs, BA.KU., Red Dragons...

Also, any OP that doesn't link threads is made by the troll.

I asked before, I'll ask again: is there an /asp/ archive?
the most beautiful man in skateboarding is pro now, everyone cheered!!!
I’m going to be that guy who no comply tre flips into every ledge grind
September seems to be the worst time of the year for package shipments. The sudden influx of inept seasonal workers seems to disrupt the flow of operations majorly, QoS nosedives, and everything that could go wrong goes wrong. Then in October it seems to improve but only slightly as everything recalibrates to the new flow, much of it might be due to drive-by hires leaving. Then in November the hecticness ramps up due to the massive increase in holiday shipments, although there seems to be less shipping problems. December is about the same. January, same? Lots of return shipments. February seems to be when everything finally starts to return to normal which stays much the same until the next September. This is just a pattern that I've recognized. I could be wrong.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Sick and well deserved
buy locally bro
Many of the local skate shops are closing shop. It's becoming harder and harder.
so glad the skateboard meme is finally dying now that zoomers are getting older
It's been a very long time since a beginner has turned up at my local, used to be almost every session
t. fruitbooters
I still see beginners all the time. I see boomers trying to learn as well as kids. This one park I go to has a group of girls in their 20s that ride the transition. The scene in your area must be weak
Shaggy is pretty based
new fancy lad full length
they will never top new hell
For me, it's "Is this skateboarding?"
Is this a good place for beginner questions?
I've been pushing off with my front foot (normal, not goofy) but I keep hearing that's a bad idea. Should I learn to push with my back foot?
It's a bunch of boomers larping. Still exists but the whole occult satanic skate crew shit is quite lame now we know the elites are really out here fucking children..
No. Yes.
this is the perfect shop video you can just let play in the background or in the window on a CRT for hours while you grip boards or whatever
That's called pushing mongo, and I will take you to the gender clinic if I see you doing it
boring to me, but cool for the oldheads that skate like that I guess
>the whole occult satanic skate crew shit is quite lame

You should not have bothered with replying to me, unbeliever
I am not digging Ed Templeton taking the piss out of jab deniers.
isn't he a pedo
I haven't touched my skateboard in 4 months so you KNOW I had to jump on these new Venture V8's
the way gifted hater drinks is so retarded and unnatural looking, it's like he drinks just so one day he can say he's getting sober. he's like actively practicing alcoholism for the sole purpose to have that arc in his life not because he has an actual reason to drink kek. just seems so forced and weird, like just be normal bro.
sorry didn't mean to get all para social but i have never seen drinking cheap liquor look so lame
that smith tailgrab at 3:22 looks so good. lots of good frontside flips in this too

so sick of edits using excessive slow mo. no need to slowmo a bailed 5050 for forty seconds no matter how high the rail is.
I wish this post was in slomo
you can read it as slowly as you'd like

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