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Long story short, I got jumped by 6 guys and they kicked the shit out of me (fractured my face). Realized that even though I trained years ago I forgot how to fight and I'm looking to get back into it. I got a few options near me they are.

>Muay thai gym ran by a former pro fighter I looked up his fights on youtube
>Krav maga school ran by some krav maga guy can't find any videos of him having pro fights but in a lot of their videos they do sparring and scenario training

I'm conflicted between the two on one end, I got jumped by 6 years so not sure if the krav school is what I want or on the other side I want to actually learn to fight and train with fighters not just jerk my dick and pretend I can fight. What would you pick /xs/?
Between those two options I would definitely go for the muay thai gym.

Make sure you spend a good amount of time training in the clinch. If someone grabs you, you should know what to do.
Work on trips/sweeps as well. They're great techniques in and of themselves, but also learning how to defend against them should definitely help you keep your feet under you in a self defense situation.

Also get whatever weapons are available to you. OC spray, flashlight, knife, gun.
And check out Active Self Protection and Shivworks on yt.
Muay thai unless they do no sparring I guess but you should really work on not being in situations where 6 guys want to beat your ass
There are perhaps 3 or 4 men on this entire planet at any given time that could adequately defend themselves against six opponents in a street fight. You will never be one of those men. If you go to a fighting gym and learn how to fight, the only thing that will achieve is inflating your ego and making you think you have more of a chance than you actually do next time you find yourself in a bad situation. You should instead learn how to sprint, so you have a chance of getting away without several broken bones next time a gang of thugs comes for you.
Krav Maga is a larp, do Muay Thai.

Also nearly everyone on the planet is going to get their ass kicked if they get jumped 6 to 1. Get a gun.
No shame in loosing a 6v1
take good care of that fracture
go for the Muay thai gym
if they offer it, do free trials at both just for the hell of it.
Didn't read the post but sorry that happened
Based on your OP image, the blunt trauma to your head has damaged your IQ and pattern recognition skills catastrophically. You should check with a doctor and see if you qualify for disabilities for the mentally retarded

So here's an update

The krav maga gym I'm near is actually the gym that ran the self defence championships with all the martial arts youtubers. Ramsey, Matt etc


Do you guys think it's worth it? I know I had no chance against 6 people and never will but I made a lot of mistakes that led to be getting injured way worse than I would have had I actually remembered what to fucking do when getting hit
Eh... personally I came away from watching the ultimate self defense challenge thinking that Jeff Phillips (the owner) is a bit of a cunt. Watch Ramsey Dewey's breakdowns/reflections on the event for more context.

"Fighting really good" is really only a tiny piece of the puzzle of self defense. Go to the MT gym, learn to fight good, but the rest of the self defense equation is up to you.

And as the other anons itt have said, what the hell did you do to piss off six (6!) guys?!
>OP was just trying to shill a shitty YouTube channel the whole time

Yeah he does seem a bit cunty, which I don’t like. I’d rather train somewhere with a friendly coach.
how do u make these AI images?

Tensor AI
jeff shredded WON the championship and he is was the only professional fighter with peak athleticism, Join the muay thai gym to train and spar athletes that compete instead of doing repetitive drills, when you can hang with professional, normies are easy to fight

See I was also thinking that but I will never be a professional fighter and never have peak athleticism. Also I won't be able to learn wrestling which seems to be just as important as muay thai.
Grappling is definitely important to learn for self defense, if you get the chance to train at a grappling gym don't miss it. However, old school traditional muay thai actually does involve a significant amount of stand up grappling.

You won't learn how to escape bottom mount, but you'll get pretty good at keeping your feet under you and moving your opponent around with collar ties.

Imho, for self defense, you want to study the "edge cases" of a martial art. E.g., in jiujitsu, consider how strikes change the dynamics of positional grappling. Or in boxing, study dirty boxing in the clinch--what happens when there's no ref to reset the fighters? Muay thai is actually great for this because the sport itself spends a lot of time focusing on the intersection of striking with grappling. Not saying you'll out wrestle a wrestler, but you'll have at least some idea of what to do if a guy grabs your head.
>I will never be a professional fighter and never have peak athleticism
False dilemma. You don't need to compare yourself to Jeff Chan, you need to compare yourself to your past self.
Will training in muay thai improve your physical condition and increase your knowledge base/skill set? Yes or no?
even if you train 3x a week as a muay thai hobbyist, your conditioning will still mog the average civilians
This made me kek so hard
>You don't need to compare yourself to Jeff Chan, you need to compare yourself to your past self.
Tell that to the fags in the bjj thread that think if you're not training for worlds you're illegitimate
Myau thai, carry a knife (gun if legal), use the elbow techniques as shorthand for knife techniques.

> Spray, Knife, Gun.

Flashlight's not that useful unless heavyduty so you can club people with it.
What you want is one of the 10 billion lumen fuckers that causes eye damage when looked at directly. It’s a lot harder to fight when you can’t see. If the object making you not see is also made of steel and cutting your face open that’s just icing on the cake.
Muay Thai no question it’s much more effective but I don’t know how much it will help against 6 guys
Pick what is right for you, don't seek approval and opinions from outside. Try, if it works, keep at it, if it doesn't, change it.

And don't forget: martial arts also means that you train your mind as well as your body and your spirit. PUK one more in line with you and your whole life will improve

That was my experience with ninjutsu
Pick the one more in line I misstyped
Don't forget, training is everywhere, not just the dojo :)
Say you have a tiny penis and are a looser without directly saying it kek

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