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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General


>Belt Checker

>Thread question
Thoughts on CJI vs ADCC?

Previous thread:
Getting excited for CJI/ADCC weekend. As much as I'd love to see Nicky Ryan or Jozef win, I think Kade Ruotolo is going to get the $1 million.

CJI snagged a ton of ADCC competitors but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how some of those divisions play out. Bodoni vs. Izaak could be great
Gonna be real awkward for video with cji if those ticket sales numbers are real. Tighter cuts on the audience than a failing political campaign.
The girls in the OP are not cute enough compared to the previous generals
I took the days off work just to watch CJI.
I want to see the Craig Jones vs that sexy muscle bitch.
I think the over 80kg is going to be a great study tool for me.
As much as my game is just a copy of Gordon's I am working to make it mine.
ponder if you would, the aroma
How do you train this properly without ruining my partners leg?
Just don't. Learn the victors roll, and do the seated/butterfly version that Gordon does in that webm.
I wish Gi had as competitive scene as hot as no-gi
All other factors aside, shit talking in pajamas just looks silly. Especially to the uniniated. Figure out some way around that and you might start to be able to stoke some flames.
it just too "brazilian"
I was a gi guy till a comp where the judges gave it to the brazilian I was against
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it's just not a good sport and people have been stockholm syndromed into participating in it

people get into jiujitsu because they have an interest in MMA or they see it on fight pass or ADCC and then the teacher says "you will wear these expensive pajamas 80% of the time because reasons"

every time there's a class dealing with explicitly using the gi like for the collar or some kind of lapel work I immediately see everybody in the rooms brain turn off
>victors roll
Damn how have I never seen this before thanks
>guy from my gym goes and pays over $1000 for a private with a well known top ranked athlete and he is shown his way of doing a move which is exactly the way I do it and have been telling people for free to do it like this
There will always be a group of people who prefer things that way. They will go on to make money telling people who they learned it from. I'm sure you'll use this free information as well as yours was.
I got into BJJ because I watched the Rio 2016 Olympics and thought Judo was cool but didn't want to get my spine and knees wrecked.
>didn't want to get my spine and knees wrecked.
That's just grappling
I will be quitting my gym (old school Brazilian) once I get my blue belt because of this.
I don’t mind standing in the Gi because practicing judo throws is a lot of fun, but everyone just pulls guard on me now except the 115kg Māori and I can only single leg him.

When I travelled I came across a few gyms that have 50/50 gi or no gi, and a large open mat one night of the week, so you can pick your poison. Having one or two no-gi sessions just doesn’t cut it, and my gym doesn’t even have a regular open mat, just public holidays.
Most hobbyist jiujiteiros aren't athletic and get by just fine. Fragile people get filtered quick in judo.
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Are people still doing combat BJJ?
It's listed as an event for a weekend thing in Mexico that Bravo is hosting. Ebi and the high rollerz thing too I think. As far as actually doing it, I think most people are treating it as a toe dipper training ruleset for jits guys who want to give mma a shot.
>toe dipper training ruleset (for mma)
I am 97% sure that was goal for it and I think it has done a good job at that.
Does anyone have experience with training powerbuilding and training nogi?
I get there from standing and backstep, drop into the saddle, turn it into a clover leaf immediately so you aren't limited tot hat one heel hook but a dozen leg/foot subs.
I hope Jones pulls off CJI. I'm kinda worried that the production quality is going to be real garbage.
Have you guys copied a pros game?
I copied Neil Melanson when I blue to purple and have worked to make it my own since them.

I think this is great way to become dominant in the beginning.
I suppose it should be a concern that the tickets aren't even sold out yet
and I know one of the goals is to be transparent about the audience for jiujitsu, and part of that is showing that people are interested in seeing womens matches
but I guarantee we'll see the stream dip by the thousands during the female match between the fake brazilian and the girl with the pointy face
It's streamed for free why should anyone buy tickets to have probably a worse sight of the fights.
I think there's a little bit of backfire potential to all the jokes about the stands in ADCC being filled with people watching CJI on their phones.
Depends if these type of sports make more money from pay per view or tickets, idk the prices but i guess streaming.
Have you considered actually learning the art instead of copying some athlete?
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The CJI "alley" looks like the ideal grappling arena
How long will it be??
nobody around for a watch-along?
> I train in the gi starterpack
I actually only do it because it pleases my inner weeb with having belts and gi
>copying some athlete
Building on a pros game, is learning the sport
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Let's fucking go
The wall reversals look a lot more like sweep counters than I was expecting for not really being on a severe angle
That headlock to back take was sweet
Power half with a body triangle, OOO
I think that was owen
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he looks like a dwarf
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>can see the panties of the whore in the back
time code?
When they were talking to craig, some minutes ago.
HAHA she looked at phone then covered it,
maybe she is a channer
How do have no reactions on there faces?
adam v kyle round 3 was a good round
I know Craig likes his ladyboys, but did he have to get one to do the post fight interviews
Gotta pretend it doesn't hurt so the other guy thinks it's not working and moves on
It's how I survive most submissions
Someone must keep jj gay.
We /scoot/ nao
Don't speech ill about the asian beauty.
I would pay above average for her if she was an escort.
If Luke losses I will be shocked
If he doesn't stop letting himself get run into the wall he's gonna
Luke can only win by sub now
Hes absolutely gassed

Lukes treating it like an MMA cage but it does not work the same for wrastlin
Pat Downey made it look ez
he's 39 years old
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this orge has won me over I will be hoping he beats nicky
and calling out Gordon makes it peak
If we see Downey/Rodriguez I'm expecting something to break
He heard someone use the word semantics once, did absolutely no research into what it means, then used it on the mic
I can respect that
Victor, YouGo
Hugo is crying damn
That hits me in feelz
Let it break for a million bro
Letting something break in the first round probably doesn't help you win that million
It does because now you're immune for the test if the event
Can't tear what isn't there
What a surprise, a match with Brazilians is fucking lame and boring
I didn't watch any of it just opened a porn tab
asian sluts have better "grappling"
Imagine the smell.
Oh boy. Another Brazilian laying on his back doing nothing

I fucking hate them
The other guy has done literally nothing.
Wrestlers dont know how to attack a guard well
Because the fag is allowed to lay on his back and isn't being forced to stand back up and fight
That's the fundamental problem with jiujitsu and why everyone hates this sport

Niggers just stall on the bottom and do only enough to not get stood up again
If we remove cancer from jiu jitsu, what will all the Brazilians do instead?
They will just move to the us or uk
They can go do judo, the entire professional meta now is stalling in a way that causes your opponent to get disqualified
I dont know how Tackett will deal with the weight
final some good stuff
But he didn't stall, he was attacking, the wrestler didn't even try to pass the guard once or do some attempt at submission.
brazil head butt a common move
In a few years it will be AJJ or just JJ
Tacket is cleaning up
None of those were earnest triangle attempts. Just meaningless wrist grips and false attacks
>None of those were earnest
Not saying your wrong but can you read minds?
Damn a back take at the end of the round
I just know the strategy if the sport particularly with Brazilians, they're stallers
I dont mind the round format, but why dont they restart in the position the previous round finished in? Its the same thing in MMA, you grind for a position and then its over and they get to stand up.. wouldnt happen in a fight.
fuck if you want to call stalling that was stalling
There wouldn't be a 3rd man just standing around while the two of you walk into a predetermined area either
Semantics, as Downey would put it
>JJ practitioners get advertising about... soap
I'm always up for semantics
WMAF for the win
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will it be a second rnc?
rear naked cock
slamming the britbong with the joker tattoo
Bald match
Pat Downey is hillbilly a I can cheer for
Bradley is so pink that Downey looks Brazilian
Gator roll
oh yeah 3x 10-9
This is boring on a level I could never have anticipated. How did nogi somehow become a big deal? SNORE.
Gi BJJ is superior
Now this is JJ
Jason did a great job
Absolutely, noble effort. Clearly a world class guy. And credit to Tye for taking it to him.
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Damn she is almost nude
Who even is this chick?
Kenta's judo will carry him
The production is surprisingly good for something that was scrapped together quickly.
It is funny how well you can hear Dima
Alex Wendling
I hate when the cover their opponent's mouth with their hands.
Why? if you can mess there breathing up do it
it's cheesy, like a sternal rub
>sternal rub
is how you check if some one is faking being asleep.

A hand over the mouth just makes some upset and messes with there focus
I've seen people use sternal rubs in BJJ as an agitation tactic
Damn thats corny
I thought some of these guys would be fighting way harder given what's on the line
I was thinking everyone going to be acting like a dagestanie
if this fight is slow again I will am going to bounce back to porn
Wait Jozef chen is fighting from South african?
I thought he was german and chinese?
Total saffer domination, jozef and dricus all weekend
Captcha: MMA8
buttscooting general lmao
Guys you are fucking retarded
If this general Is for the sport then it should be in /sp/ if its for training then /Fit/
Anyways we all here you dumbfuckers
Yeah can't crosspost between /xs/ and /sp/ for some reason
there is a good reason
What's the reason?
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you did it wrong
Retard does not know how to cross post, and does not know why /xs/ is used.
literally who?
Why is Nicky Ryan's gas tank so bad?
He's just gonna get out hustled, isn't he?
Is north south secretly the best pinning position?
The macaroni and cheese theory of genetics

If you imagine your gene pool as a pot of macaroni and cheese, Gordon being the first born got all the good stuff and Nicky got what was left over stuck to the side of the pot
based and Godpilled
just copy and paste the URL link.
What about bjj buff girls, do we like them?
Oh Yeah that's the stuff you fucking whore
these women look like they stink of weed and do weird gross stuff like not flushing the toilet every time to save water

literally all I see in this picture is an HPV outbreak
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5:27:8 for her friend, my friend.
This whole thing has made Gordon seem way less impressive to me, the heavyweight division is just a bunch of slow clumsy guys with no cardio that just lay there
The light weights are actually showing off skills
Should be real easy for anyone else with skill to run right through them then. Wonder why that's never happened.
Because he's giant too, He's the most technical of the untechnical giants
The really low-skill ceiling Makes him seem so much more impressive because all the other guys can't simply lay on top of him since he's big too
IIRC his mom was born in Germany but grew up in SA and has a citizenship there
Is Gordon Ryan actually a cuckold or is that just a meme?
He's Taiwanese himself, that's where he was born
His mom is German with duel citizenship for South africa and she got riced
He has passports from all 3 countries
>The ultimate globohomo citizen
Rutollo v Tackett is gonna be filling film study for awhile
Ugly white woman vs a white woman pretending to be Brazilian
Kinda hope Levi doesnt win the million. Its such a lame style, sucks the energy of out matches and makes the sport look like a joke by gamefying it.
What is the point of this rule set if you dont punish guard pullers from not initiating action?
i get what youre saying
but as a hobbiest myself i like seeing the "you dont have to be a fucking animal to win" style win
save that for the UFC
at least on my own end i dont want to travel, go to a gym on the weekends for open mat, and have a "ruotolo emulator" attempt to rape my limbs
I knew it was over when I saw the referee was Brazilian
Immediately we knew there would be no stalling calls for bottom bois
The person on bottom needs to be obliged to stand up
This >>208149 I fucking hate kade ruotolo style but guard pull and leglocks are boring too.
>bjj buff girls
yes but that pic isnt them
I hear you likewise, but most ruotolo emulators don't have the cardio/athleticism to truly emulate. They give openings and you capitalise. Anyone one yanking and cranking subs is a cunt, whether they're buttscooters or unnecessary movement spammers.
if you're not showing extreme engagement and attacking from the bottom you should definitely be stood up
My favorit style is wrestle up and back takes
Think Gordon will duck him?
Do birds fly?
even if he doesnt johns just fucking weird
Would allowing slams have fixed the Downey / Bradley match?
>ruotolo style
I hate it too that and the tackett style
the tacketts act so annoying to the point you cant even cheer for them
levi came to do jiu jitsu
Kade is pissing me off big with this
Showing off those ATOS skills
How are either of you on the sissys side?

Bro just sit on the floor lmao!
This right here is why nobody watches this sport
his gf really wants that milly
Does Kade not have any pressure passing in his repertoire?
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He isn't walking away because things aren't going his way.
He hasn't been attacking even if he isn't on top.
its true, its bad for spectator sport
but as someone who does the sport i cant tell you what levi's style has shown in 10 minutes about how nutty guard is
like you hear it all the time at the gym/in class and here he is showing how much it castrates a spazz with alot of energy
>Bro just sit on the floor lmao!
BJJ's most powerful utility is how to not die on the ground, if ruotolo wanted to kick people on the ground maybe he should fucking join the right fucking ruleset
i think levi is just really good, hes fucking calm as shit through all of this
>maybe he should fucking join the right fucking ruleset
But he want the money and doesn't want to follow the rules!

What is he meant to do?
Kade would really want to punch him in the face right now huh
He is getting bullied by a guy with nail paint on, yes he does.
Don't they need to make contact before pulling guard?
The scoring criteria is supposed to be the person initiating action, it doesn't matter if he can pass or not

And unconnected guard sits are against the rules and he hasn't been called for it once
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this was meant to be a bjj shot
Literally cheating
they have only been calling that if they aren't moving forward as they pull guard.
Can't Levi do anything but leglocks??
i mean ruotolo cant smack talk guard, AND THEN PROCEED TO NOT ENGAGE/PASS GUARD
so he fucked himself with his seething
boring or not, fundamentals wise you cant learn ruotolo's shit in class
you CAN learn levi's, and its great, but only if youre a practitioner, and I am so Im fascinated that people are upset by guard...doing its job
>upset by guard...doing its job
best way to put it
yeah but not really against ruotolo
He hasn't launched a single meaningful attack he's just doing entries that lead nowhere, Kade is on constant offense and the fag is doing just enough to not get stood up again
>Kade is on constant offense
>Walks away yelling at the ref
>cade BM pulls guard
>Levi threatens to pass and he has to spazz out into standup
>Kade pulled guard and could not handle the pressure and stands up
The muffler stuff is getting stupid
>levi had a plan and stuck to it
>cade did nothing but demonstrate BM and white belt-level spazz
Levis hip mobility is insane, I dont think everyone can learn this level of guard retention physically.
People hate guard players because it can only exist within BJJs rule set, and it's antithetical to the original idea of BJJ as a system that will work in street fights.
They did it for the drunk crowed
> and it's antithetical to the original idea of BJJ as a system that will work in street fights.
thats fucking stupid
kicking and punching and swinging a weapon exist
BJJ's best skillset is
>IF youre on the ground, how the fuck do you get off it and not die
it's a defensive art and striking arts just arent a thing in grappling
BJJ needs to allow slams from guard, if you're going to get slammed in a guard you need to let it go
>IF youre on the ground
So BJJ is good at what to do IF you're on the ground, because thats the worst place to be right? so then why the FUCK WOULD YOU BASE YOUR GAME ON SITTING ON THE GROUND.
>original idea of BJJ as a system that will work in street fights.
You forget it was original meant for a group of people to use it against a smaller group of people

The gracies where a gang
IF you chose to be on the ground, that should cost you points. You've chosen to be at a disadvantageous position, so unless you're doing great attacks or wrestling up into something then you should be penalised. It's a no brainer.
It's not hard, you take down someone then you submit him, you don't crawl like a worm.
i agree with you one hundred percent
people who use that are retarded
but given the ruleset youre dumb mother fucker if you actively get upset because levi is...doing what they teach you in your first month in class
in my opinion the hand to hand street fight equilibrium is this
>you get your ass knocked to the ground
>BJJ helps you safely stand up without getting your head kicked in
>wrestling helps you keep your feet and weight distributed
every other interpretation is stupid
>in a real fight
weapons and friends exist
>in BJJ
if mophead ass ruotolo wants to swing at his opponent his stupid white belt ass shoulda went into a striking sport
Levi did LITERALLY what they teach you in BJJ class and showed it works
what do we know
>ruotolos are damn near psychotic on offense
why the fuck would you want to go against that, levi was pure technique
Did you forget cade BM'd and pulled guard to mock levi as if anyone could do it?
did you miss where Levi damn near did it but cade just spazz-wiggled free and went back to stand up?
>Levi did LITERALLY what they teach you in BJJ class and showed it works
He didn't submit (which is the goal), Kade defended all his attacks..
kade didnt submit (which is the goal), levi defended all his attacks..
>Kade defended
wasnt cji meant to reward the attacker and not the one on the back foot?
Like how kade kept walking away after failing to pass?
I'll be back to go to war with all you wrongbois who disagree
But CJI was submission grappling, not BJJ, "passing guard" isn't a thing
It's some arbitrary condition BJJ uses to score points
If you're on your back you're pinned, the guard isn't a winning position

Hell even in BJJ the guard isn't a winning position, the only way to score points from the guard is to knock the other guy over and not be in guard anymore and tie always goes to the passer

Buttscootsissies are just gaming the rules when they don't explicitly ban this tactic but it's negative jiujitsu no matter how you slice it and the only way forward is to give a penalty and stand ups any time someone does it
You are forced to engage the guard while the guard puller can skip the takedown which can put him in bad position.
yeah? well ruotolo called out the guard and specifically boasted
"pass the guard and win, thats what im going to do" while calling out the judges
not only did he whine, he didnt even talk the talk, to fuck him, shoulda shut the fuck up and took the natty win, now he'll look like he bitched his way to a win while frankly not doing BJJ in his final match because
>didnt pass the guard
>got his guard passed
>showed rockhold-levels of BM
>lost to a smiling aussie whos corner was his girlfriend and his coach while looking like he was ready to commit murder
guy got fucking tilted off his ass
>smiling aussie whos corner was his girlfriend
>his girlfriend
>got kicked out of unity because she was a gym whore riding the cock carousel and simps were catching feels and created gym drama
>murilo gave her the boot
>this beta cuck followed her
>calls her his empress
>makes him paint his nails and hair in a public humiliation ritual
>100% in a chastity cage and will not be getting let out tonight
yeah? well he still made kade look like a fucking white belt
month after month you can do BJJ and youll be doing those fucking guard passing drills and you meet your match
this guy made kade meet his match, even made him bitch his way to a judge's decision, guy got in kade's head, kade just won... the popularity contest
you can bring up background all you want but from what i saw just in this tournament?
kade showed no respect, and poor mental when he finally met his match
and fucking tye got his leg popped by this cuck so there's fucking that
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>made kade look like a fucking white belt
if that were true he's have $1,000,000
the influence of sport bjj is such a disaster for the martial art and it's all because of poorly thought out rules and faggots who play not to lose instead of playing to win

and worse yet the cuck was violating the rules, on day 1 they were getting called for sitting on the ground without grips. He was being permitted to cheat
im gonna reiterate that kade called out levi's guard
i wouldnt have minded the outcome if
>you didnt say you were gonna set out to beat the guy in guard and not do it
>you didnt invite the guard pass from levi by pulling guard, and then get beat at guard passing by him
>you didnt call out the judges and leverage your crowd and fame to get a decision
>you won by skill and not being a spazzy athlete
>you didnt disrespect the guy who beat your brother by leg lock (a submission) by saying your brother was the 2nd strongest guy in the bracket
all this said within the tournament and saying you would beat the guard, doesnt mean jack shit if you cant beat the guard, just shut the fuck up and win, but dont call it out and then win by... not doing it
he called him out for being a faggot trying to game the rules instead of fighting like a man
ive put the time code here
motherfucking kade pretends like anyone can pullguard, proceeds to do it, and then levi essentially lets him know within 1 minute, no, not everyone can "just pull guard"
fucking levi's guard passing was dirty and the only thing cade could do is reset, and shrimp out and stand back up
>game the rules
you mean the guy that, had he lost by decision, would have, except for the fact that he subbed all his opponents? dont be stupid
you want to fight like a man? everyone marketing the sport likes to tell everybody how "everyone can do it"
suddenly when someone actually dominates the mental game and the physical technique, youre going to be a high test faggot and make it all about being macho
fuck that,
kade legitimized PED's, genetics, and being popular
levi legitimized technique and fundamentals and fighting off the ground
so you fucking tell me if you were here to see wrestlefucking, or BJJ
that's a really long way to say levi failed to pass and kade proved his point

he literally made no progress, if kade was free to stand up he was at 0 risk of being passed
>wrestlefucking, or BJJ
submission grappling, BJJ isn't mentioned anywhere in this event

levi lost, he was pinned on his back to the mat for the entire match and had no meaningful offense. "Passing" isn't some kind of inherently valuable thing. The leg positioning is completely arbitrary and this sport did not define whether having your legs between you and your opponent is good or not
in wrestling it's a pin no matter where the legs are, in bjj it's a pin once the legs are both to one side
the default in grappling is you're pinned if you're on the bottom unless the rules say otherwise and carves out some kind of exception the way bjj does for a guard
so you admit it was even then
are we going to pretend legitimate martial arts should be about "who is better at being a tackett or a kade", flailing about wildly
rather than
>look heres kade whose pure athleticism has allowed him to wiggle through everyones guard
>but just because one guy cant be passed its time to pull out the whine card
also i heard the rule was "pulling guard without advancing"
which again none of that matters when youre kade and you say "im going to pass his guard and submit him"
If i challenge you to a boxing match and tell you "im going to punch you until you lose consciousness" and then we proceed to not land any punches for 25 minutes, do I deserve to win simply because i threw more punches at you?
>he was pinned on his back to the mat
youve never done BJJ to say something that stupid
levi always had a leg weaved in and essentially never got crossfaced
go fucking pass someone's guard without either of those, and youll end up looking like levi vs kade
no fucking practitioner of the sport will tell you kade got into a pressure pass situation, much less "pinning levi"
kade is so bad at grappling that despite levi having everything he could possibly want with his preferred starting position and the rules penalizing kade for not engaging with it he still couldn't launch any meaningful offense against kade let alone tap him

alternatively your argument can be distilled to "cardio bad! flexibility good!"
how do we know which physical attribute is preferable? oh well it's all very arbitrary but its just like that ok?
the man fucking subbed tye ruotolo
whos to say kade wasnt the one lacking commitment
i guarantee you if tye wasnt there to buffer for kade kade would have absolutely overcommitted and gotten his leg popped
you know, like how fucking tye got wrecked
yall can accuse levi of alot of things but last i checked
>only won by submission up to that point
>only won by doing BJJ fundamentals
Kade showed restraint because he didnt want to make it so that the ruotolo brothers walked out of that tournament with a combined 2 working legs between the both of them
>combined 2 working legs between the both of them
kek that got me
>doing BJJ fundamentals
and there it is folks
you think sitting on your butt and saying get in my guard bro! is fundamental

no uhm well you see, levi actually really did win even though kade got the money, and the crowd was booing him, and the judges unanimously said he lost, and the commentary team spent 25 minutes doing mental gymnastics trying to come up with reasons as to why levi wasn't completely embarrassing himself
like totally bro, he was winning because if you look closely you'll see both of his legs were on the right side of kades body and not the left side, so that means he's actually winning even though he'd be losing under wrestling rules, MMA rules, BJJ rules, ADCC rules, and did in fact lose under CJI rules but actually he totally won!
>you think sitting on your butt and saying get in my guard bro! is fundamental
"in a street fight scenario" use BJJ to stand back up
wrestle to take to the ground
and strikes to win
and friends to win harder
>you think sitting on your butt and saying get in my guard bro! is fundamental
again, you want to talk macho shit?
kade mocked the guard and said he would pass it
not only did he not pass it, all of his attempts were half assed
if he committed? both tye and kade would be crawling out of there
fuck the crowd, we all know they were fangirling for kade
and also its B team Jiu Jitsu, not B team "anon's arbitrary opinion of what it means to be macho=grappling"
you want to watch no rules, anything goes combat? go onto gif and watch some fucking war footage or some street brawls
and again, I personally wouldnt be defending levi so hard if kade didnt literally call out levi's guard and how he totally was going to pass it
the same fucking guard that crippled tye
There is no reason to pass the guard unless it explicitly gives points for doing so, which this does not
The guard is equivalent to being shelled up when you're boxing, you're losing unless you manage to counter punch

Side control is a bad position, it lacks any meaningful control and is an inferior attacking position. There's no reason to ever go there and if bjj didn't award you points for getting there you'd see the position vanish all together
>There is no reason to pass the guard
how about to establish a pin, which leads to a submission? dont be stupid, take away the guard and theres no BJJ
take away the guard pull, and its literally "guard from a terrible position" which might as well be a pin, which leads to a submission
competitive "grappling" should be a clash of styles, and BJJ has a bunch of styles
what youre saying is essentially what american jingoism has been saying for years
>oh how come ahmed the illiterate goat fucker manages to get an IED under the american war machine, that goat fucker should fight fair
say im in it for the million and im up against kade ruotolo who the FUCK am i to leave a win up to chance? hes better than me i should play what im good at. and its not like Levi did a bad job of listening to his corner, his camp came up with a gameplan and he stuck with it, discipline and control are the cornerstones of grappling AND martial arts, and youre dissing levi because kade had neither of that shit and tye is LIMPING out of the stadium which frankly sets a dogshit precendence for anyone who wants to get into the hobby
"The guard" is a pin
Who says I have to pass the guard? If you're on the bottom I'm winning

The onus is on the bottom guy to improve his position, if we were fighting he'd be getting his face smashed in and if we were fucking he'd be the one getting his pussy crushed

>sets a dogshit precendence for anyone who wants to get into the hobby
Levi certainly did that with his conduct, nobody watching at home seeing this for the first time said wow that's something I'd like to do
They say wow this is gay and boring why is he just laying there?
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>"The guard" is a pin
you cant apply pressure from any of the passing attempts the ruotolos had on him
>The onus is on the bottom guy to improve his position
the onus is on both guys to improve their position
>kade stands still
levi butt scooted forth
>kade jumps in
cant apply pressure because he avoided all pressure attempts by using his legs and avoiding head control/cross faces
do you even know what a guard pass is? its "taking the legs out of the equation" which is to say make them not be inbetween you and your opponent
kade never claered the legs and so levi always prevented kade from applying pressure with those legs, the same legs that if they were passed, would constitute a freaking pin

and another thing, yall are acting like levi has the same mindset as the ruotolos, those sick fucks dont tap and dont mind being maimed, so if they arent tapping, why the fuck should he play a game theyre perfectly fine dying in
webm related, its tye not tapping like the retard he is, frankly an embarassment to anyone who does this shit as a hobby/brings their kids to learn it
What is the best back attack submission video series? I have John Danaher's but are there others that are more concise and as good?
Josh Saunders is looking good. If he wins +99kg I would love to him and Nicky Rod go after it.
Saunders is gonna be a force in the next few years, but I think he needs another one or two before he can make that a good match. Especially with Rod looking like he's discovered how to focus.
You're probably right, most purple belts have been training BJJ longer than Saunders.
>>100% in a chastity cage and will not be getting let out tonight
He did a hangout video with Bodoni, so maybe they're teasing a move to bring him in New Wave. If he does, could be very interesting to see if he keeps up that progression pacing.
>the only thing cade could do is reset
If someone passes your guard and you can just walk away that guy is doing something wrong.
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The Gabi Garcia and Craig Jones fight is currently the top article on DailyMail.co.uk. DailyMail.co.uk is the 16th most visited website in the UK and a major news website and paper. I never thought BJJ would get this type of mainstream exposure.
Must be fun to have your own imaginary rules
>if we were fighting
Do you apply this retarded logic to wrestlers, boxers, or judokas? Moron
>if you’re on the bottom I’m winning
>gets leg broken
Congrats on your win
Just admit you don't know how to grapple and move on
Take a wrestling class or something instead of being a coward
Levi robbed by spineless judges. The whole event was ruined unfortunately.
He did nothing
There's no circumstance where he wins Ties go to the person trying to pass
He wasn't robbed and the event wasn't ruined, calm down.
Levi won the first two rounds with dangerous submission threats.
Kade won the last three rounds by nullifying Levi's attacks whilst keeping up his own passing attacks.
Levi was defending pass attempts but not counter attacking with sweeps or subs, and you can't win by defending.
Ultimately Kade won by a single point.
It was an extremely close match, not a robbery.

The hole is Kade's game is a lack of pressure passing.
The hole in Levi's game is an inability to press offense.
Kade needs to add pressure passing to his outside passing.
Levi can't expect to win just by sitting there waiting for his opponent to overcommit.
Levi is like the Floyd Mayweather Jr of jiujitsu, except that Floyd learned how to press juuuuust enough offense to steal rounds.

Yes, sitting on your ass is ridiculous. But backing away in fear from a guy sitting on his ass is also ridiculous. Sitting there waiting to be attacked is ridiculous. Charging in blindly and getting your leg snapped is ridiculous. Round and around and around we go.

Ultimately it was a damn good night of fights (better than the $80 UFC card) and a very good thing for the sport as a whole.
Something I haven't seen mentioned anywhere, some of this CJI structure hits the dopamine a little for people who want MMA one night tournaments to come back. That might be a good hook for furthering the general audience outside practitioners.
Levi single-handedly ensured jiujitsu will never be taken seriously as a spectator sport
The train was rolling until the crap he pulled at the end because he was afraid and decided to just tech the score cards and stall
This and a butt scooter winning 1 million would have benn the end of the sport and ruined all the work done by cji to promote it.

This is the death blow to bjj. It had a chance to recover but its over now
The 7 figure paydays come from an organization that says butt scooting is a valid tactic
They had the opportunity to make the rules penalize it and that would instantly flow downstream and force bjj players to learn appropriate stand up
But now with this it's done for good
finish on the back is good and fighting back from leglocks is great.
>"The guard" is a pin
A pin is a dominant position which partially or fully immobilizes your opponent and from which you can attack effectively
You can't attack effectively from your opponent's guard, ergo guard is not a pin
Of course you can attack from the guard, that's why in MMA they don't pass the guard
And bjj doesn't allow can openers, rape chokes, or slams all of which defeat the guard which is why they're banned

Do not appeal to the Brazilians when it comes to defining what positions are strong and what are not
They are under the impression that knee on belly is such a powerful place to be that it's worthy of its own points, Really unique in this one niche configuration earning score
Such a powerful position to be in that 100% of athletes immediately leave it as soon as they get the points for it

Or how about this we are an agreement that being on somebody's back is more powerful than being mounted on them because it's asymmetrical
But someone could be flattened out belly down and sitting on their back awards you no points unless you put hooks in
Meanwhile if they were flipped over and facing you the position would be worth points without hooks despite being much weaker
And don't even get me started on hooks being a scoring position, but body triangles are not
Again hooks are such a powerful position that athletes abandon them as soon as they get the points for it and move on to a different control configuration like body triangle, crab, and twister hooks

The definitions of what constitutes powerful positions were developed by a bunch of retards
>highschool kid does trial class
>gets obsessed
>shows up the next day with $500 of gear on he got his parents to buy for him
>got a new gi, rash guard, mouth piece, premium belt, knee pads, amino drink
>does 2 a days for the whole week
>calls out another white belt to roll
>It's the other kids first week also
>It's just a cock fight with everyone clearing the mats and standing around watching
>tempted to start taking bets and throwing dollar bills on the ground
>tryhard kid gets flipped over and taps from getting the wind knocked out of him
>starts making excuses and sulks on the bench for the rest of class
>hasn't been back since
What does wrestling have to do with it lol even if I score a takedown, I have to attempt to pass. Top and bottom players can both get called for stalling. Maybe you should compete and learn, they might let you wear your helmet. Fucking retard
>Of course you can attack from the guard, that's why in MMA they don't pass the guard
It's not MMA holy shit
>can openers
>rape chokes
There are rulesets that allow these things and people still get submitted. Stop moving goalposts and start training with good people
>ignores the entirety of the rest of the post because it dismantles your appeal to tradition
You posted an incoherent wall of text about brazilians and IBJJF scoring, which I don't give a fuck about. You still have to engage and attempt to pass from top position. Earning top position is worth something, but sitting in top half or retreating from an open guard is not inherently winning. It's not a fucking fight, if you don't want to deal with the guard then train something else.
Stand up
Nobody is obliged to step into your leg entanglement
You want me on the ground with you then put me there, and if I can easily just stand up and walk away then that's your problem, you aren't in control
Serious question: why don't you guys just train/watch wrestling, judo, mma, and skip bjj altogether? Why bother with bjj if you hate half of what the sport encompasses?
are these from ethan crelinston?
BJJ has the most gyms in the English speaking world. It also has the most open rule set, where you can practice all 3 of those styles/traditions. CJI has proven the people enjoy submission, BJJ is just the most available and compatible platform to train and watch it in.

Guard playing is the sole reason BJJ in MMA has become a joke, and is the main inhibiting factor to the sport becoming legitimate amongst its peers. So yeah, it’s fucking gay and annoying and you’re an annoying fag if you support guard pulling buttscooters.

Top kek. All the gear and no idea
It’s essentially a pin during MMA rules. It’s only the BJJ rule set that allows guard to not be a pin, fuck, even side control is barely a pin anymore under the BJJ rule set and your conditions.
Wrestling has no submissions, judo banned leg grabs and has gi, Catch wrestling doesn't exist outside of US/England.
BRASILIAN jj and its retarded ruleset is marketing, jiu jitsu is a traditional japanese martial art and was never about just sitting on the ground like a monkey, the ground fight is a consequence of a takedown.
Guard is a defensive posture, bjj is the only combat sport that allows someone to take a defensive posture and not get reset back to neutral for it, and worse yet demands the offensive player to engage with the defenses

The rules are bad and backwards, the guard is meant to be used to recover from attacks it isn't supposed to be your main attacking tool in itself

And this idea of someone having a "good guard" is an illusion
Yeah wow this flexible twink is really good at guard when he's permitted to set it up however he wants with no resistance
If he isn't able to make it happen during an actual engagement it's not a good guard, it's just autofellatio skills
in boxing I can cover up and walk forwards
Ethan made Finish on the back
Nicky Ryan made Fighting back from leglocks
Still not getting it huh.
What if you score a takedown? Do you just get the points and disengage? Why even bother with submission grappling of any kind if you're so scared of working on the ground?
>the guard is meant to be used to recover from attacks it isn't supposed to be your main attacking tool in itself
You're the expert. Sound like you should invent your own ruleset and sport. Alternatively, you could learn to pass the guard
>inb4 wrestle wrestle wrestle wrestle wrestle
Ok, then what? If you only want to work standing skills, do something else
Let's equate the two like that then
Sitting to guard is the equivalent of clinching in boxing
So you cover up and avoid, then clinch whenever the other guy gets too close and just try to sucker punch him on the break
It's negative boxing, it's doing everything you can do to avoid actually boxing the other guy

Because that's what BJJ does, the person on bottom is permitted to avoid the top player and the top player has to let you grab them or they take a penalty
>What if you score a takedown? Do you just get the points and disengage?
No of course not, that should and does get penalized
You seem to have this impression that people are angry about guard play per se
People are angry that butt scooters take advantage of a technicality in the rules to completely skip over a phase of the competition they aren't good at instead of getting good at it
Winning the transition from feet to the floor is a way to score points as it should be, by simply sitting down on the floor you are denying the other person the opportunity to score points, And you are doing that with no penalty to yourself

You'd actually find way fewer people complaining about guard pulls if the person who did it automatically lost 2 points. Because in essence you did just lose the stand up game, you chose to concede the take down and go to your back rather than risk the other person physically putting you there

All of that is enough justification for why it's bad but to get even more pedantic about it
If you get taken down it is unlikely you are going to be in the optimal position to throw your guard back into place, the pass will likely be less difficult/has already started on the way down
So it's putting your thumb on the scales once again by saying a guard puller is allowed to fortify his defense as much as he wants but the passer is denied the ability to maximize his offensive potential
>Yeah wow this flexible twink is really good at guard when he's permitted to set it up however he wants with no resistance
this is completely made up
Holy fuck I buttscooted so much in class today lmaaao niggas mad niggas mad
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>"playing" guard
>not wrestling up or going to turtle
you guys don't really do this right?
it's a sad situation, all these people joining up to bjj because they want to learn how to grapple and fight only to be convinced and taught by some nobody instructor how to game the rules of a sport nobody cares about (couldn't even sell out a small arena with the biggest competition of all time)
all they care to do is hang worthless medals on the wall by any means necessary instead of learning to be competent grapplers that earn the respect of their peers through their abilities
You guys must train at shit gyms if you think you can out-wrestle everyone, every round. You're only hurting yourself when you refuse to work on guard skills. Just join a wrestling club or something. This is like being at a boxing gym and constantly whining about the rules and why kicking would dismantle certain habits.
>implying they train and aren't just trolling
>out-wrestle everyone, every round
>touch the hands for a second and sits down at the beginning of the first round
I am trolling but immediately putting yourself in or accepting a bottom position is a bad habit. Particularly in combat bjj/mma settings.
yeah, bjj is gay and I don't even do it if someone asks
I do submission grappling and don't tolerate people running away from a fight
This post is being ignored because it's indisputable
>a man sits down before you
>you back away in fear and beg him to stand
Just pass, bro.
Why? He already submitted to me
He laid down on his back with his belly up like a scared dog. The fight is over
This is a question to judo as well as too bjj, what is the point of sparring for beginners? I am not talking about people who are like 3-4 months with 4x days of training but about people 2-3 weeks in with 2 days of training each week. Like I can‘t do any techniques and will get bodied by anyone who can do some shit. If I just went for power I will get quickly exhausted and will not learn anything except to tap out.

Wouldn‘t it make more sense for someone who is really new to do some basics training while the others roll?
"Throws aren't fight enders" fags BTFO
Getting rolled through by better people is one of the basics. Learning to just tap to something you've never felt before and hurts is one of the basics. Realizing that one day someone else will being an unskilled dummy for you to work on is one of the basics.
>I can‘t do any techniques
You will never learn to do them if you don't train against people who are resisting for real.
wrestling > judo > boxing > bjj > karate/taekwando
It wasn't the throw that ended the fight, but the choke
He couldn't defend the choke because he broke his shoulder trying to post out of the throw.
Oh well, that explains it then
I am not saying to never do it, but rather 1-2 months after the training. Otherwise all I will do is just using my force and no techniques or working on technique.
why couldnt you refute this post>>208366
Guard players avoiding genuine argument as much as they're avoiding genuine fighting
MMA > submission grappling > everything else
You misunderstand me. I'm not defending butt scooting. I'm saying if a guy is sitting on the floor in front of you, smash him.

If you're boxing a Floyd Mayweather type, cut the ring, crowd him into a corner, plant your head in his chest and beat him to death. Fuck that prancing dancing faggot.

Open, unconnected guard is playing on hard mode, especially in nogi. Somebody has the audacity to just sit in front of you, smash em.

Now, if the roles are reversed and you want to play a defensive/counteroffensive game from the guard, OK fine, but you'd better have the ability to get up and pursue the guy if he just turns around and walks away.

I just think the mental gymnastics of refusing to smash a guy who's voluntarily put himself in a weak position is hilarious cope. "Oh no he's sitting on his ass I'm so scared I don't dare go near him! Boo hoo well actually I won anyway!" Just pass bro.
>Guard players avoiding genuine argument as much as they're avoiding genuine fighting
It's the same, 2 weeks 2 months, you won't be able to do the techniques anyway the first time you spar. In Judo i started after a month, in bjj immediately but it doesn't matter it's part of the training.
There is no benefit to white belts sparring, And any gym that has a legitimate white belt foundations course doesn't allow them to

There are 2 reasons why a gym would have white belt to sparry, reason number one the coach is a retard
Reason number 2 there's just aren't enough people in the gym to justify blocking out a time slot for a white belt only class
You would never take a beginner in boxing, spend 15 minutes teaching him a 1 2 and then throw him in the ring to spar against someone that's been practicing for 5 years, But that's exactly what we are expecting white belts to do when we put them in regular classes to roll

The only kind of live training beginners should have is specifically focused to whatever position the class was about that day, And as soon as the role moves anywhere outside of this specifically defined area of focus you reset back into it
this in my eyes is the correct way, but sadly it's really rare. Because there are not always enough people. And then you sometimes have people who think sparring as whitebelts (even if you have tons of experience) is a fucking competition
This is and if you build it they will come type situation which gym owners need to understand
We had an issue where the gym was really starting to stagnate because we would have 2 or 3 white belts in class And the class can only be taught to the lowest level of the room
So advanced people weren't getting the advanced lessons they needed, And this was especially true with leglocks where people were falling behind on leg lock work because a white belt would show up and it's just not possible to do heel hooks and leg entanglements with them, so the lessons would get scrapped

So then we tried out That if white belts showed up to an advanced class they would have a separate lesson off to the side, But that didn't work either because it divided the teacher's attention and nobody gets good instruction that way
So the end result was simply banning white belts from attending certain classes, But that isn't fair exactly because they pay the same as everybody else so they received white belt only classes
And just a few months later the result is where we went from having 2 or 3 white belts in a class we now have a room full of white belts double the size of the group that will attend the advanced class right after it

It's just good for business to do it this way. Beginners need an incubation period
Man I love those hicks at daisy fresh,
I kinda want to move out to them.

It is great to see other hillbillies in a sport of IT works.
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So are finally getting the Gordon Ryan cuck expose?
I just found out about the what happened,
and as a big fan of Nicky Ryan it kinda made me uncomfortable even watching Gordon's instructions.

I just wished I watched more of them before I found out.
it is for fun,
After my first class I rolled I got a butterfly sweep, a back Escapes and a armbar. I felt amazing begin able to get them and it made me keep going.
All three were taught in the class before it was my first time grappling my only experience with bjj before was watching matches on YT and other stuff from the b-team channel.
This is why DeBlass used to kvtech about grown men and gossip. He's on the list, and I'd bet it's not in a small way.
any one have advice on S&C?
I love the sport but my body isn't enough for it sometimes.

I was thinking just some calisthenics stuff till I can set up a powerlifting cage at my home.
Nice trips.
I've seen a few different approaches to the "lifting plus rolling" conundrum.

1. Powerlifting style basic strength training, squat/bench/deadlift, focus on basic compound lifts, etc. The idea being, we're not bodybuilders, let's just build foundational strength to benefit our jiujitsu skills. Lots of yt strength coaches seem to lean in this direction.

2. The opposite: bodybuilding style body part split programs, more isolation exercises, higher reps, chase the pump, etc. Idea being, we're already fragged out from jiujitsu training, let's avoid frying our nervous system with heavy weights, let's build a balanced physique and try to fortify the body by building muscle around our joints. Pretty sure this is what Gordon Ryan does. Also Chewy has recently been shilling a "lifting for bjj" program that follows this mold.

3. "Sport specific" style training, think dopa bands, Bulgarian bags, medicine balls, clubs, maces, uchikomi, bosa balls, etc. Idea being, let's try to replicate movements in S&C that will actually be reflected in training.

"Knees over toes" stuff is kinda a blend of 2 and 3.
BTW, I think it's worth noting, there's pretty solid historical precedent for just spamming utter fuckloads of calisthenics/bodyweight exercises. All the old school catch wrestlers, Farmer Burns, Karl Gotch and his stable of Japanese wrestlers, the Great Gama, etc all just did literal thousands of reps of various calisthenics.

The biggest issue is just managing recovery and balancing lifting and rolling. Ultimately you'll have to try a few different approaches and see what works for you.

The older I get, the more wisdom I see in doing some 80s style machine only mesocycles, if not maybe just doing them entirely if you have a gym with great variety of options. Being able to specifically work or exclude any given group/limb/range etc is incredibly helpful. But like I said, often availability prohibited.
Wow this great thanks
All I got are some spin lock dumbbells(a pair that goes to 80lbs) which I guess could be used like machines to hit the small muscle and gym rings
but it is good to hear from someone with xp.
Heath Pedigo seminar was $60 and it was two days and 6+ hours, most value I got out of a seminar.
>Heath Pedigo
He seem like a great guy I am working through his white belts course, and the first bit is about pulling closed guard and breaking down your opponent.
It has been simple yet effective for me to be able to get to same position on my terms.
He has his white belts demonstrated so he can correct there mistakes which were the same I was making.
He was super nice, also met Couch. It's a lot of stuff that just works.
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God I couldn't even tell he broke his till I read it, The Adcc camera men piss me off plus the ref walking in front of it.
I think the fact that his girlfriend raped nicky in puerto rico will be corroborated
Can someone break down what Pixley does, I see a wizzer and he limp legs out of the single and meregoli sort of falls over lmao?
Holy shit.
These guys are always doing dirt cheap seminars in the middle of no where with no notice or proper promotion.
Probably hoping to snag a bunch of fresh meat for the team with "guy who broke Meregali" bait.
cool I have no idea how to do this lmao thanks
maybe I need to go to his seminar, it's 95 miles each way for me
They dropped by our gym and Couch liked my tripod sweep :3

They actually believe in their ideals and giving back and all that. Heath is unironically proud of having the toughest white belts in the world. They spend valuable time with old masters never-beens (such as myself) and noob wanna bes.

Not to be a dickrider, everyone is merely a man, but I've been consistently impressed with both their jiujitsu and the way they carry themselves.

The good people of Perryville, MO are gonna get blessed with some world class wrestle-jitsu.
not a fan of their communist imagery
The five point star? The color red?
We're reclaiming em for good old honest hard-working Midwestern corn-fed American jiujitsu!
Is that true though? The wiltses are openly leftoids
Pretty sure Andrew and Heath had some kind of falling out a couple years ago. I don't know the details. It's a shame, honestly.
Are you near STL, I like your attitude.
andrew grew up in california and the middle of no where michigan where he was bullied by rednecks for being autistic, he has brainrot from being chronically online and reddit, posts orangeman bad on instagram

mental health is a mothefucker, he had a falling out with everyone, idk if the videos are still up but he was drawing on a white board for hours on end "teaching" a free seminar.
Nah sorry bro, not in STL. I don't wanna dox myself but if you're running in Pedigo circles you'll probably run into my gym/coach/team eventually.
I hate the bald jew of lifting
made a temp email just in case you want to write it on there tiwapej902@polatrix.com
god i hate women
At risk of sounding like a nosey parasocial weirdo, does anyone in the periphery of Daisy Fresh know what Andrew Wiltse is doing nowadays? I used to really look up to him in my white and blue belt days and it seemed like he had the potential to be one of the best middleweights in the world. He was a great teacher too, but it doesn’t seem like he’s even bothering with that nowadays. Wrestle Up is one of the most underrated guard instructionals out there and all of his free stuff on YT was solid gold. He obviously had a really deep understanding of the game and an amazing rolling instinct. I still go back and watch him effortlessly beating up Clay Mayfield and other black belts.

Last I heard he’s just living on his instructional bucks with Bird, munching adderal and rotting his brain gooning on video games. His last video on Tucker Carlson was just embarrassing too - just smug pseudo intellectual ‘ur dumb god doesn’t exist because science’ reddit esque rhetoric. I’d love to be proven otherwise but he seems too far gone. It’s a shame.
he just seethes on the internet because he doesn't have what it takes to win in any division that matters
wow an amateur level world champion!

he's not good enough to do it at black belt so he quit
he's on instagram and reddit and will post once in a while

last thing that got me to unfollow him was a bunch of political shit when trump was facing felony charges
Heath Pedigo, Michael Pixley Brandon Reed & Jacob Couch are why I follow PSF. I am kinda glad I never looked at Andrew witles he seem like a loon.
with deals like these I might drive down from the rocky mountain just for a seminar. Since no one ever comes to my town.
>political shit
This is almost as bad as porn for rotting peoples brain.
He’s mentioned in the semi-recent past that he still trains. I think he just got really traumatized by his public mental breakdown, which was awful to witness.
He’s clearly a bit of a sperg but I’m rooting for him. I feel like he could have won trials and maybe more if things didn’t get fucked up
Wiltse is a lunatic but was by far the most talented of the DF niggas, Pixley included. Another great athlete lost to Jew pharma ADHD meds
Hmm, it looks like your 6 year old son is having a hard time sitting still in class for 7 hours a day, here, give him these amphetamines
my drive to go to classes is in the shitter. i tore my ankle a few months ago and since then I haven't been going to classes consistently. might just fuck off and go to boxing or muy thai.
Stop for a month or two then go back.
I love the sound of people walking or rollingon the mats. Someone should make a recording like people do with rain and whale sounds.
Get well soon, anon.

>tfw you make a new bjj fren but they are 5 hours away
>[ASMR] - [M4A] - at the jiujitsu gym - sleeping in late in the althetes dorm - early morning class goes in the next room (mat sounds) (muffled voices) (inaudible)
Is there such a thing as a hip lock?
That is a Cradle haha
does bjj class teaches wrestling too? always wanted to try wrestling but my country doesnt have wrestling in our school extracurricular activities
Good competitive places will involve a lot of wrestling these days. Can never replace the kind of wrestling you'd get at an American high school or college program but you can definitely learn to pin/not be pinned
ok cool, might try some free trial bjj class so where it goes
>Can never replace the kind of wrestling you'd get at an American high school or college program
yeah too bad cuz high school-college age is the best time to learn wrestling, oh well
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>yeah too bad cuz high school-college age is the best time to learn wrestling, oh well
You can never go back, but you can start again
thats a good mindset to have, i'll keep that in mind
if it's run by brazilians or australians, no
if it's run by americans, yes
that's why we keep winning all the tournaments, we're doing things the others have no idea about
Even then, unless you're somewhere in California, tristate, Iowa, or Ohio, the level of available instruction might not be great. There are great wrestling coaches in a lot of states, but there's not always a big enough mass to create overflow outside of the schoolastic and college systems.
you can always study film and drill yourself, if you do decide to learn wrestling defense is more important then wrestling offense
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Yes. Hip locks in sambo are more common because of the meta there.

Damn, this is cool. Thanks, this is what I was looking for.
Paulson's leg lock series has some iirc. Might be a different one, hard to remember with all the shit he's put out.
tell me for research purposes
how many classes per week does your gym have
and how busy is saturday class
4 nogi
2 gi
it's a mix but the closer to Sunday the more busy
fuck I think I got covid from my gym, going on 10-11 days now of symptoms.
Traditional Brazilian Gi gym:
2 or 3 (some variation of morning/lunch/evening) classes per day excluding Sunday
Evening is split between “beginners” class (mainly white belts and has no rolling), “all levels”, and “competition” class. Beginners on a Monday night is the busiest (up to 50 students)

There’s only 3 comp and 2 no-gi classes during the week (these are the ones I go to), they’re usually the least busy but highest level of training the gym offers.
(Takedowns or ecological games for warm ups, positional sparring, Wrestling, lots of competitive rolls)

Saturday “all levels” can vary a lot, but is usually the busiest class that includes rolling with 15-30 students. The comp class that follows is usually around 10 students, often less
I have Nicky Ryan cardio.
The important takeaway from ADCC and CJI is that gi haters were BTFO.

>you don't know how to grapple only grab clothes-ACK
I love how no one really knew how to deal with Levi’s lasso guard. How does that shit even work without the Gi
Yah, the volume was way too much for me and everything hurt all the time
Do you also have no acl and Craig Jones broke your foot?
>no acl
Nicky elected to not get surgery and did no rehab, I don’t know what he expected.
>elected to not get surgery and did no rehab
Nicky would be a great fit for sumo.
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Saturday is nogi and pretty busy bc there isn't a lot of nogi and some people only do that so you'll only see them that day.
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I fucking hate NAGA's aesthetic
I hope you’ve been practicing your twister escapes anon because I’m coming to your gym tomorrow and raping you
I unlocked the next level of the “you’re so strong” cope.
I got accused of being on steroids because “you’re so big and never get tired”.
This was after running a 10km before our class. Why the fuck do so many of these brown belts neglect conditioning?
Good enough syndrome. Good enough to beat or at least hang with almost everyone they regularly train with. Happens to everyone eventually, but letting it fester or working to find more challenging training is up to you at that point. Lots of people don't even realize they're waist deep in it until "steroids" guy uses them as a mop.
How come the IBJJF haven't started an American subsidiary in the US like they have in Brazil (CBJJ), Korea (KBJJF), Japan (JBJJF), Italy (UIJJ), Austrailia (AFBJJ) and France (CFJJB)?
well I don't know about all that but IBJJF has a USBJJF certificate they give you also for your black belt (for an additional fee of course) and it looks the same except theres a red eagle logo instead of a gold tiger
Gordon is really scared of Nicky Rod huh
He's probably more afraid of people thinking Nicky can beat him. Idgaf about most of the drama, but all the time he's spent going after Pena is gonna be a massive sore spot with even the perception that the same thing could happen to him by the next prodigy.
Has anyone actually ever hooked up with someone from their gym? I hear about it online all the time but ive never heard anyone from my gym say anything about it, and knowing the guys from my gym, they would say something
I've determined gordon isn't actually all that good at jiujitsu relatively speaking
the heavyweight division is the least skillful division, it really is just meatheads trying to lay on top of you
gordon being a natural heavyweight with all the steroids only had to be slightly better technically than everyone else and he's "the king", and he would win against all the smaller guys too by virtue of being really big

johns success as a teacher largely came from inheriting his team and being located in a premier gym with a legacy name on the sign in the worlds main city
the compounding effect of talent drawing in talent is how he got his death squad. eddie is the one that made the leglock system that skyrocketed them to prominence, his name as a coach was built on the back of his students work and then people from around the world started seeking him out like he was the one responsible for it

I digress, b-team has a better more modern approach to jiujitsu, gordon should be afraid because nicky is continuing to improve at a faster rate
god i love the truck
Yeah there’s two couples at my gym that met there, a pair of. Brown belts and purple belts. Pretty cute, makes rolling with them weird though? Your girl and I are in missionary and she’s giggling…
Rolling with women is always weird anyway. It’s always a flow roll. Even when they try catch me with something I can just use minimal strength and break away. It’s a low stakes environment and they feel that energy from me. What do you they want from me? I can do what I want but I don’t want to beat up a girl.
Anyway yeah, some people do meet at gyms is my point.
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had a guy who played in the NFL tell me I'm strong, lmfao
brown belt being bald fat and playing half guard isn't just a meme, it's reality

Pic related

Probably a really bad idea.

"gordon isn't good" nice bait.
that rashguard costs more than the annual membership does
how rent free could you get
if a woman wants to cheat I say that's her boyfriends problem, he shouldnt have allowed her to go do physical activities with other men unsupervised

let's see, levi got kicked out of unity because of his gf sleeping around, the miyaos got kicked out because joao cheated on his wife there, text got kicked out for possibly raping one of the girls there, murilos wife cheated and they divorced, everybody knows the anthony bourdain situation so no need to rehash that, same with tom brady, gordons gf raped nicky, yeah I mean hoes be hoes and cheating is one of the main pastimes of jiujitsu
I didn't like the IBJJF very much until I competed in their event and it was actually run very well.
Don't forget Anthony Bourdain's whore he had before he an hero'ed fucked her jiu jitsu coach, texted him "stop breaking my balls" and he googled her name thousands of times before killing himself in a hotel room bc of her

@ my old gym one of the MMA fighters gf was giving everyone a "massage" if you know what I mean ;)
They’re by far the most professionally run organization that puts on completions. They really need to transition to non-profit but that’s never gonna fucking happen.
He already beat him and Craig, i think he just hates them so much he doesn't want to give them the satisfaction of another chance.
The problem is that if Nicky keeps getting better sooner or later he must fight him or become irrelevant.
>gordons gf raped nicky
Is it cheating if he was jerking off in the corner?
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Should I start training BJJ? I’m 30 years old, 5’9”, 210 pounds and really want to learn how to fight and lose weight.
Yeah, it's pretty fun and a great workout
Try it out for a few lessons and see if you like it
He beat Craig with a referees decision and Nicky broke his foot and he was just too stubborn to tap, actually same with Felipe the other day, Gordon just let his shit break

So as far as the rules go "technically" he scores more meaningless points, but he's the one getting his shit broken
They want money for every single little thing. Yearly membership, for example.
Yeah don't get mad though if teenagers, women and people who trained under 3 months beat your ass though and try to partner up with people your size.
What do you mean?
You're gonna join a gym and be the worst person there so someone who's smaller than you is gonna be able to beat your ass and it might hurt your feelings a little bit.
But don't pair up with smaller people because you want to only if they want to. Try to find people your own size to train with because no one likes being under a big fat guy.
Ah I see, thanks
I'm 36 and i started 6 months ago, it's doable (i used to do judo and lifting before tho) just take your time to recover and tap quick some people are gorilla niggers.
True but they fought with that ruleset and technically he won so he doesn't have to give them anything.
>are gorilla niggers

I am a groilla nigger. Guy asked coach "how do I deal w him he's strong and technical" after rolling with me

I am a gorilla nigger.
ime the gorillas are way more likely to just match force output. Newniggers just wanna take everything to 11 at every turn because they spook like methed up deer, so the gorilla is "too strong".
I try to match pace.
I am a gorilla nigger.
What knee braces do you guys recommend? I'm pretty sure I have patellar subluxation syndrome and am looking for one. Anyone here have any experience with the ones from Anaconda Fightwear, they look alright and are priced pretty nicely.
>be roided out millionaire and undisputed #1 athelete of a sport with millions of fans
>still get cuntmogged and disrespected constantly by moderately attractive women
Everyone at my gym that could even kind of be called serious only uses ones that you won't care about throwing away. Good, bad, they all get ripped to shreds.
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>nice ADCC medal bro she just let me hit cuz i'm goofy
Hot take:
BJJ should stop using belts. Belts makes sense in judo/tkd/karate becuase you have clear criteria for getting a new belt. For example: you need to know this kata, break this board, do this technique, some physical requirements and so on while getting new belts in bjj is mostly vibe based. Many respectable martial arts like boxing, wrestling and kickboxing don't have any belts and bjj, especially no-gi should also be this way.
Fuck you wigga, you're going to have to pry my belt and gi from my warm, sweaty body.
He probably doesn't have the grips
Temu knee brace it is then
I agree HOWEVER it's important to keep the timmys interested by chasing the belt
as someone making money from teaching this garbage to people I'm all in on the scam to keep them paying me longer
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i earned my blue belt vro,,,
>training partner shoots a single leg on me
>I bring my foot to the outside, shin on his femur
>we start to fall
>POP goes my knee, so loud that the entire room looks over
No pain at the time, and the morning after It barely feels sore, but definitely a bit strange.
Anyone experience something similar? I plan on resting for maybe a week and seeing how it feels. Doesn't seem worth an MRI if there's no pain... right? I've never heard a pop like that from my knees, scared the fuck out of me
Maybe gas releasing in the joint + ligament shifting?
A pop that loud would have me worried, I have noisy knees, but not THAT noisy.
When you say it barely feels sore, it means there's *some* soreness, right? I'd get it checked out just in case
you can see the gasses escape which is neat
if there's no bruising in the area it should be ok, but keep an eye on it in case it declines over a few days
I wish theres a mma general here, I'm sick of /sp/ and its resident schizophrenics
Make one. Just know that it will get flooded with people talking about judo and street fights
If the posters are actually talking about mma then its fine im just tired of schizos lmao

Owen Livesey is a fucking tank, the thought of rolling with him or being thrown by him doing judo is legitimately scary.
What's your go-to for when you're playing open guard and your opponent steps over your leg to start cutting? The "leg bump" that is preached everywhere doesn't work. I'm thinking going shin to shin is my best shot. Also x guard but that may be tricky.
Gordon was still raping people when he was an 75kg twink

I think nogi has quietly moved past them already. Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced divisions (0-2, 2-4, 4+ years experience) is all you need for comps
BJJ is onions cant compete with wrestling chads
migrate when ready
Blow Job Job is the only good belt system though
>White = Beginner
>Blue = Competent
>Purple = Proficient
>Brown = Advanced
>Black = Master

Compare this to every other belt system where Black is 'competent'. E.g. in TKD I would say 4th dan is the equivalent of 'Master'

Eventually the BJJ belts will get watered down like everything else but its done a good job so far of making sure a black belt is a legitimate master of the style and a good fighter. The concept of a 12yo black belt in BJJ is ridiculous but compare it to TKD where its the norm
Pop usually implies ACL

If it hasn't swollen up it means you probably didn't tear it but go to a doctor and/or physio just in case as something is fucked up there and the next time you do it you might fuck your shit up real bad

t. not a medical professional but have blown my knees out a few times
>every other belt system where Black is 'competent'
You could make an argument that in those styles where you have a set curriculum and requirements for each belt, earning a colored belt means that you can competently perform the prescribed techniques, not necessarily that you know how to practically apply them well.
Using math for comparison, colored belts would be like your elementary and high school classes where you learn addition, multiplication, geometry, trig etc. Then black belts are like college courses, where you start doing "real" math
Maybe this is a result of lack of full-contact sparring, where any technique you learn you are very quickly forced to apply against a resisting opponent, but it may just be a different way of thinking about what the belts mean
Yeah but BJJ belts mean you *can* apply the technique well

i.e. not just that you know how to a triangle against a compliant opponent, but that you can hit it in live sparring too

I get what you mean that it's not learn 'learn techniques X,Y,Z to get [belt]' but imo it's the best indicator of 'how good are you at this martial art' that exists currently, and the most standard

Though I predict in future it will go the way of other martial arts and have like 4th dan being the 'actual' black belt standard

I think Kudo does a better job of this where it allows you to rank up through competition. Imo this should more integrated to gradings, i.e. to rank up you need to win/place in a certain number of competitions, so you're objectively good in comparison to others rather than just in your club

But people would find a way to game that eventually so idk

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