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Why are soys and women attracted to muay Thai
>muay thai is onions now
Is it american thing related to McDojos problem?
Yes, American gyms have shit culture and shit facilities/programs compared to others.

Whatever OP's on about, its probably not even real Muay Thai its just a glorified self defence classes
Because it's an excuse for women to show off their feet and legs on social media
because grappling is scary and difficult but hitting pads and a bag is easy and looks cool
Ironic, given that BJJ attracted its 30 something hobbyist crowd because striking looked painful and scary.
I believe it's because of the UFC
that and people want to have some form of security the feels of "i can fight" when the reality is you're probably not gonna end up in a fight post high school
unless you're a massive pussy irl that doesnt know how to walk away
Yeah, law by mike was running through my mind when i wrote that.
He's a fun watch, to me at least

This is a very dangerous word to use when the small albeit very possible threat of violence rears its ugly head

Not everyone lives in a little neet bubble or mother's basement forever.
If you ever have to deal with some crazy violent person and you don't even know how to kick, throw a punch or take someone down, let alone the shock of getting hit for the first time. More fool you.
no, it's just that im not a fucking retard like you and carry a gun and know how to walk away.
Muay Thai ladyboys
nigga, half of muay thai is grappling, and it sucks worse than submission grappling.
I like him and the eccentric black lawyer with the bulging eyes who makes like 150 shorts per day
Because of the thais spar light myth even though this have an actual fight every weekend since they are 12 so its not the same.
isnt Muay Thai like 1/3 of MMA or something like that, other 2/3rds are BJJ and some take down Martial Art like greco roman or some japanese...
Muay Thai is THE striking MA
>Muuh gun
Cringe. Gun doesn't beat a sucker punch
the larp is insane

imagine thinking a punch can stop a bullet
no gym in america trains the clinch anyway, it's just kickboxing with elbows
Gun larpers are insane
the niggers have gone insane

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