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>All the sumo links and how to watch live:

Previous thread: >>202772
>and Konishiki
Famous idols in Japan, or so I've heard.
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Is Koga going to be a life long sumo shitter cleaning toilets and cooking chanko in jonidan till he gets diabetes and croaks?
Peaks at high sandanme. Retires aged 27 and becomes an actor. Becomes an unlikely sex symbol in his mid-30s, coinciding with the New Golden Age of period dramas. Dies aged 59 after choking on mochi at his holiday home.
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Good pic, but needs moar Jesse James
I like Kogas unibrow
Rest in peace Chad I wish I was a oldfag and got to watch him sumo live.
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Is this Jason?
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>They have traveled
>Thousand miles away
>Sometimes lonely
>Far away from family
>All have conquered
>Dreams that seemed impossible
>With dignity
>They are Hawaii sumotori
Story on why Shodai has no shikona?
"Lord of Chaos" was too long when rendered in katakana.
Shodai Monoii Monoii Shodai
His stable master likes his name, that's about it.
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could be
I found the X account that the meme was based off of.


Bizarre stuff.
Must be a bot account, or Jason is literal mental patient
I'd bet any amount of money that the guy behind that account has posted in /sumo/ before.
Those are absolutely the same picture, just with a filter applied. The hair, the beard and the ears are a perfect match. What the fuck have we uncovered, anons.
Nabatame's awful performance in Nagoya has so thoroughly shamed Futagoyama beya that they still haven't posted any post basho videos on their youtube channel. They're just slowly trickling out the pre basho material and hoping that Aki goes well enough that they can skip posting any material from after Nagoya.
How much does it cost to send my son to saitama sakae
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Nabatame was hurt he will get his revenge in September.
i used to watch him whenever they showed sumo on eurosport back in the day with my grandfather. my grandfather died a couple of weeks ago
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It was sure a time in sumo we won't probably see again
go back to the old thread retards
We need someone with Konishikis freak like physiqye in sumo
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Abi eating chanko
The old thread is smelly and weird.
I’m the anon from the last thread. How can you confirm if a tegata is fake? Is there a reputable place to buy them? I really want a hakuho and ryuden tegata but don’t want to end up with a fake.
If you want a reputable source, you're probably going to have to go to Reddit.
all of the ones for sale are counterfeits, you can get real ones if you're in a supporter's club
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new banzuke
Nabatame down to Ms4e, he is opposite Aonishiki at 4w. They might end up facing off.
Shonnanoumi really dropped the ball last bash I hope he can put up some numbers this basho. Hes so close to breaking his limits anime style.
keisho will be retired before the end of this year
I'm surprised Onosho went down to Juryo instead of Nishikifuji.
Same. Onosho got fucked. I guess Isegahama still has a lot of stroke on the banzuke committee.
Takayasu Maega 15.

He'S gonna have weak opponets and get an easy yusho.

I believe
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The precedence is there. Funnily enough, he was also the last person to have it happen to. Even some cases were 1-14 at M5 sent you to J1.
I'm glad /xs/ survived the purge (even though /sumo/ is the fasted thread on the board my miles).
>kotoshoho m4
I hope he can break through and join kotozakura at the top hes had a solid run of KKs Maybe he can start putting up some 10+ win bashos
Sure, going oh-fer from M5 does warrant a drop to juryo, but I did not think he deserved to fall when Nishikifuji kept his rank.
How come whenever the new banzuke comes out theres never anybody posting
>looks like the banzuke committee did a great job organizing the banzuke, looks like everyone ended up just about where they should be. I sure do like sumo, it may not be perfect, but it is managed very professionally, which I appreciate.
but there are always dozens of posts of
Because they nearly always do at least one thing that comes clean out of left-field with absolutely zero forewarning or predictability.
that wouldn't make it a bad job, though
The thing is, doing one thing that makes absolutely no fucking sense has massive knock-on effects on the rest of the Banzuke. Relocating one wrestler two ranks because -reasons- means basically every wrestler between those two ranks is out of place now. And it's never just one wrestler, it's always two, three, or more.
>doing one thing that makes absolutely no fucking sense has massive knock-on effects on the rest of the Banzuke
You're getting it the wrong way round. They make as few strange moves as possible so as to be able to make stable, easy-to-guess placements for everyone else. Removing their ability to make those rare strange moves would turn every banzuke into a nightmare and a farce.
>Yamanoumi is the sixth M5 AGAIN, banzuke team should commit sudoku
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koga can't meme
>Keisho will retire as a yokozunalet
maybe he should've try to keep the slop down a little bit, fat fuck
>slobbering on JSA cock
200 yen have been deposited to your account
banzuke autism is the least interesting part of sumo. the hairdressing is more interesting.
>he went 7-8 and went down slightly
>other guy went 5-10 and went down more
Banzuke autism is an insight into the mostly closed-off world of JSA politics.
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>banzuke autism is the least interesting part of sumo
It's fun when it's documenting newly set records or strange stuff. Like: who's had the longest single makuuchi stretch without ever achieving kachikoshi? Shit like that is fun and interesting.
>who's had the longest single makuuchi stretch without ever achieving kachikoshi?
The answer?
Will look and fight like Moriurara soon.
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It looks to be a 3-way tie, at four basho. Ooikari was the only one to pull it off in the last 65 years.
See? That's fun.
My guy in Makushita, Higonoumi up to 25E
Any news on Kazuma if he will enter this basho?
He certainly shouldn't enter. As far as I know he's up and walking again but if I was his master I wouldn't even consider letting him fight until at least November.
Chris really missed an angle on his video about the all stables practice, giving no coverage whatsoever to Takanosho, the Nagoya JY winner. With Teru out, Takanosho should be seen as a top contender as much as anyone.
Terunofuji is out of the practice? Or next basho? I hadn't heard the latter.
he isn't going to go from his current condition to being able to deliver yokozuna sumo in a little bit over a week
This British kid who recently joined Minato beya did so because he saw it as a way to escape and possibly survive the genocidal replacement regime thats currently wiping out all of the natives in the UK
Who gives a fuck about takanosho hes peaked and getting older hes not consistent like hosh and zak
Onosucko getting yelled at for being a pussy with no heart at all stables practice. I hope he tanks to Jonidan.
>Who gives a fuck about takanosho
I do
you're in for an unpleasant next decade if onosato triggers you that badly
i bet your favorite is abi
abi is everyone's favorite
no. i hate abi most
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Forgot picture...
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>...I am forgotten
Not by me I wish sumo had better highschool coverage so I could have discovered him as soon as possible. Hakuoho is scary good watch he will pass up onosato and takerfuji if he stays healthy. Hes just as strong as them but wayyyyy more technical his shishi fight sold me.

This kid is the future
>latest futagoyama video opens with koga going 0-5 in practice bouts
kek, what is this ugly fuck going to do when kikuchi gets too good for him? Can't be long now.
He's still 18, you know. I don't know why people act as if he's already a middle-aged lifer with no prospects for improvement. There are very few men who hit their peak at 18.
kikuchi is more likeable and outspoken, hope he rolls over koga soon.
>Hakuoho is scary good watch he will pass up onosato and takerfuji
Guess we might see in September if they both actually show up.
When are those sneaky japs at the JSA going to give Hakuho Miyagino back. Onoshito can haze people all he likes but poor Hokuseiho does a little cheeky ball slapping and wallet gluing and all of a sudden its the end of the world.
Every time I watch him I'm always stunned how massive he was. Not even like Konishiki was, his frame and height was just incredible for a rikishi.
The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long. To me, Akebono set the standard for being the big man in a sport full of big men. If we ever see his like again, we'll be very lucky.
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Ichinojo had his chance, but he drank it away.
Its worth noting that Mongol empire was short lived and underperformed it's potential pretty much because Genghis' successor was a drunk.
>The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long
I don't think his heart attacks and strokes had anything to do with his size given, you know, Konishiki and Musashimaru are still fine
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Big men like that need linebacker training. If they stick with just sumo training or something like judo then they get stood up and knocked off balance too easily, so they bloat up too much to try and compensate. The next big (in both senses) yokozuna is going to be a failed football prospect.
you need to have good mobility and a solid foundation in combat sports to do well in sumo. american football will just wear you down
My grandfather smoked from the age of 9 to his death (of old age) at 86, but it's still reasonable to say that smoking shortens your lifespan.
my granfather who quit smoking in his 40s lived until he was 92. the other who didnt died in his 60s. i wouldnt have any memories of watching sumo with him if he didnt quit when he did i think
>shortens your lifespan
I'm certainly not arguing against that point. What I meant was only that he was atypically young to die even for someone of his profession, and the continuing survival of Konishiki and Musashimaru still makes him the minority when we factor in size.

The average life expectancy of a sekitori is supposedly 62, and they tend to die suddenly. Akebono was 47 when he had the heart attack, and essentially never left the hospital after it. Probably the pro wrestling turn played a significant role, if not the primary role.
I agree that he was very young, even for a (large) rikishi. However, averages and statistics in general can be very misleading and not at all intuitive. I don't have the data to say whether the average age at death for sekitori is low because of a lower percentage of men that make it into their 80s, or a higher number of men who don't make it out of their 40s, for example. I think when you consider that men exceeding 200kg are rare even in sumo, your sample size is going to be too small to draw a proper conclusion anyway. After all, fellow Hawaiian Takamiyama fought at above 200kg too, and he turned 80 this summer - for all we know, the superheavyweights might turn out to have a higher average life expectancy than the "average" sized rikishi. I suspect that this isn't the case, but either way, we'd need to look a good few decades into the future to find out exactly how much younger than average poor old Akebono was for his size.
I read that it takes 15 years for your lungs to recover so by 55 your granddad was safe (as in back to non-smoker levels), yeah.
Combat sports only matters in terms of upper body grappling. Stuff like judo and bokh obviously have it but not exclusively, whereas being a lineman in American football is literally all about upper body grappling while remaining mobile. There's a reason why the Hawaiians succeeded despite no wrestling experience, because they had football experience.
>The next big (in both senses) yokozuna is going to be a failed football prospect.
A failed football project could play in the AFL and still have a bigger salary than anybody in sumo.

>There's a reason why the Hawaiians succeeded despite no wrestling experience, because they had football experience.
Akebono was a basketball player. Musashimaru played football but also competed in Greco-Roman wrestling.
not that anon, but linebacker training would have more mobility and agility training than judo or other things. would it necessarily transfer is debatable. half the things that would better you to take pursuit angles and coverage would be useless. also backers aren't supposed to get caught up on individual pushing matches, so thats not great example.
>failed football prospect.
unlikely since by the time you figure that out you are too old. if you didn't make it d1, its doubtful your just going to switch to sumo easily post highschool and meet all the requirements in time. its not like baseball where the mlb can just poach whoever they want
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Smoking is only unhealthy for people over 40 years old. What the massive anti-tobacco propaganda movement says is at odds with the data collected on the topic. The single largest and longest term study of tobacco use found that people who quit smoking before age 40 have the same life expectancy as people who never smoked.
>being a lineman in American football is literally all about upper body grappling
most of the moves commonly used in sumo would be called as penalties in football, linemen would have a built up a lifetime of bad habits that they would have to unlearn to become effective sumo wrestlers.
>linebacker in a sumo match: dodges opponent's tachiai and runs past him out of the ring
>muh pol
>hopes for a back to back yusho from some random maegashitter
first time?
interesting development about our long lost friend wallet-glue-zeki in the latest chris video
Fuck off
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Aoiyamas choice of bicycle
Hokuseiho deserves another shot.
All he needs to do is change his name and wear glasses. They'd let him back in for sure.
People would notice immediately due to his inimitable style of sumo.
Couldn't he just switch arms?
No, he wouldn't be doing his own style of sumo then. He'd lose for sure.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on glue.
Honestly this was hakuho's fault not controlling his student its not like he beat them with a metal bad just a little hazing. A Dogeza and a fine payed to the affected wrestlers would be enough.
You're never getting the trust back in the heya after he's been stealing from wallets. Not in a million years.
As expected of a wrestler who lasted +13 years as a sekitori.
I really do miss him, standing there all majestic like with one arm hanging free, swaying in the wind.
Seemed okay with it if it went on for a year. Just sell him to a different stable after he pays fines to the stolen from wrestlers.
We don't know what the timeline of events was. It could have been getting progressively worse over the year, culminating in the wallet stealing and MGS2 hijinks. Maybe he started out the same as Onosato has, and went further each time he wasn't punished.

>sell him to a different stable
NSK doesn't do that.
A king.
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What you've heard of wasn't the worst of it, just the worst that the JSA is prepared to publicly admit to. I was told by my good friend Taro Detarame, a sumo insider of some renown, that Hokuseiho is very lucky he didn't get arrested for some of his actions. There's more than one kind of wallet you can glue shut, after all.
The latest Chris video says Teru is not going to be competing for Aki.
Chris also says that KiriSHITma thinks he is going to be making ozeki again my March.
>The latest Chris video says Teru is not going to be competing for Aki.
That's not really a surprise. He wasn't doing any practice matches on tour, and his body is no longer capable of recovering from a 15-day tournament in just six weeks.
KiriSHITma's only shot at regaining ozeki is tons of injuries in the upper ranks. The banzuke was extremely weak back when he managed to squeak his way in the first time around. Taknosho back in the joi particularly spells bad news for KiriSHITma, Taknosho is lifetime 14-2 against him
Kirishima is fucking boring I don't see how anyone likes hes my hakuseiho
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>Takanosho is lifetime 14-2 against him
do you not know about affinity match-ups? Almost everybody has one or two of these.
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That guy's just been having a stroke about Kirishima for years now.
Another great update on sumo news from Chris today. Is this really Keisho's last hurrah?
I can't imagine him getting 10 wins. If he does it'll be as Chris quoted him as saying - ugly, dishonourable sumo for the sake of winning at all costs. Once you abandon "My Brand of Sumo" then it's all over. He can't honestly expect to be able to henka his way through every other tournament in the hopes that his neck miraculously heals itself and he can return to form. If I was his master, I'd tell him to avoid the win-at-all-costs mentality and focus on providing the crowd with the strongest and most dignified sumo he can still manage, and retire immediately after the tournament if he fails to reach 10 wins.
TakaKEKisho will juggernaut this basho and die on the dohyo
They don't call it Wacky Aki for nothing.
A fitting honorable death for the man that gave everything to sumo

He is the heart of sumo
I'll be the first to give him a posthumous "his yokozuna run begins NOW"
kill yourself
El Hamtaro Muerto [Tier SSS]
with Teru out, cup is up for grabs again.
t. akakeisho
Still waiting for kotozakura to do something but idk I kinda wish he'd sit and heal up before his injuries become a real problem.

Its time for him to start being great instead of being other peoples stepping stone to be great.
I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even make it the full 15 days.
If he starts 1-3 or something then he might as well just pack it in. There's no dignity in handing out free wins. Better to be honest with yourself, ignore your ego, and accept that you can no longer compete.
>nabatame had to do his juryo promotion party despite already being demoted to makushita
humiliation ritual
The last time Takakeisho was relatively health-ish was in January 2023. He somehow managed to win another Basho in September but he was clearly not healthy when he did it.

Since then, he is losing to a bunch of people he would steamroll if he had a half decent health. The longer he stays the worse his record will be.
I think even if he somehow manages to henka his way to 10 wins he should just do a surgery as soon as he gets it and return when he is fully healthy, even if it takes a drop to lower maegashira or upper juryo if he takes a year off.
A fully healthy Keisho should be able to return to Ozeki in a year from upper juryo.

But being realistically he should just retire. Being the 2nd best non-Yokozuna ever with 5JY and 3 Y as Ozeki, plus 3JY and 1Y as upper maegashira and komosubi/sekiwake is a pretty good career.
He's not going to return to anywhere near his peak strength, even if he takes two years off. Takakeisho is a man who has pushed himself further than he should have been able to in pursuit of success, in a similar way to someone like Ronnie Coleman (currently doing his best to relearn how to walk, as far as I know). Takakeisho has burned himself out and broken his body in ways that he'll be feeling for the rest of his life. Maybe if he'd made it to Yokozuna and been able to take time off when he really needed it things would have turned out differently. As it stands, I think he's done for and I expect him to retire before the year is out.
the oyakata run begins NOW takakeibros
>Maybe if he'd made it to Yokozuna and been able to take time off when he really needed it things would have turned out differently.
Yeah. Being able to take time off without fear of demotion would allow him to heal up, but with his small size and cannonballing style he was never going to last. I doubt he would have lasted to age 30 in any case.

He should retire, get his neck fixed, start losing weight, and focus on training up the next generation. He's quite popular so recruiting shouldn't be too difficult.
>He's quite popular so recruiting shouldn't be too difficult.
Come to Takakeisho Beya and learn to be a cripple by the time you're in your mid 20s, learn to become even more predictable than Abi…
yeah what could the guy who reached the second highest rank in the sport during the reign of the most dominant yokozuna in history possibly have to teach new wrestlers
1 sleep before sumo, i'm fucking hype.
Considering that Hakuho is kind of a shit teacher, probably less than you think
Yeah but Hakuho never had to compete with Yokozuna Hakuho. Back when Hakuho was an Ozeki, Hakuho was still just an Ozeki.
What makes you say he’s a bad teacher. All the guys from his stable seem to like him and some have quit since having to merge with isegahama.
>What makes you say he’s a bad teacher.
He let some big psycho terrorize all his students for a long time
It's not necessarily that he's a bad teacher (although he seems to be doing much better under experienced supervision), it's that even though he's unquestionably the greatest rikishi of all time, that doesn't translate into being the greatest oyakata of all time. Conversely, there are and always have been many stables run by comparatively mediocre rikishi that have nonetheless churned out star after star. As a case in point, Isegahama-oyakata reached Yokozuna at the ripe old age of 30, spent only two years at the rank, and won la mere 4 tournaments. He has successfully raised Harumafuji and Terunofuji, both of whom far eclipsed their master's achievements. A poster from 1992, when Asahifuji retired, might have said something like "Come to Asahifuji Beya and learn to lose over and over again to the san'yaku".
Churanoumi looked sharp in Kise beya practice bouts in their video dated Sept 3. Ura and Kinbozan did not participate.

Matchups for the 1st two days are out for jakuuchi and day 1 for juryo. Takerufuji opens up against the chinaman.

Shodai back in the joi, last time he was ranked that high he pulled off a 4-11, but still managed to score a kinboshi. Thats a huge asterisk on Teru's 9th basho as far as I'm concerned. Losing to the 4-11 guy is not yokozuna sumo.

Prediction: Onokatsu basho, 2024 seems to be the year of the noob
You sound like a zoomer fag. Hazing has always been a part of sports until the last 10 years. Little shits need to learn their place.
How can you judge hakuhos production after being stripped of his beya after only a few years? The japs hate hakuho because he is a mongol and punished him way too hard because of it. Gay ass onosucko is hazing all the little shits in his beya and hasn’t even gotten a slap on the wrist.
>Little shits need to learn their place.
They did. Their place is in the stable, and Hokuseiho's is going to be in a Family Mart because he's a fucking moron.
Hakuho broke the cardinal rule of being a shisho, which is not staying in your own house. They're called "heya" for a reason. How it's supposed to go is it's supposed to be the shisho's actual home, and he hosts the wrestlers, junior okayata, and other personnel within them. Therefore, someone like Onosato gets leniency because it's assumed that the shisho has proper supervision over his own home and knows firsthand whether Onosato's actions are appropriate or not; any disciplinary actions are therefore only for the sake of saving face among the sumo-ignorant public. Hakuho did not live in his own home and had no supervision over it, therefore the actions of Hokuseiho were considered to be the result of Hakuho's lack of supervision resulting in his own home devolving into anarchy.
but r/sumo told me it was just because the japanese are vicious anti-mongol racists?
>Conversely, there are and always have been many stables run by comparatively mediocre rikishi that have nonetheless churned out star after star.
The Miyagino that coached Hakuho was a perma Juryo shitter with only 2 basho as a maegashitter
Hakuho should have learned before to NOT rock the boat and act like hot shit just because you were a good wrestler. Should have learned from Kisenosato.
Hakuho always had an attitude problem. Remember when he tried to call a mono-ii on his own bout?
The japs are ungrateful. Baluchi saved sumo during all the match fixing scandals and this is how they repay him.
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>Hakuho always had an attitude problem
That’s what I get for being a phone poster
Terutsuyoshi made his MMA debut.

Kudos to him for actually winning but what the fuck kind of production is this? Why are there Jedi monks spectating?
This is a Mortal Kombat stage
I see all the sumo training prepared him to tank all the shots to the head
>but for a few years the JSA wanked him off because they hated Asashoryu more
I wonder if his run as sole yokozuna shitting on everyone caused him to huff his own farts, and his injury in 2015 reminded him he was mortal, that there were serious contenders coming for him including the other two yokozuna at the time, and that he needed to last 5 more years to make it to the Olympics (which ended up being longer).
Kise is run by an M1 and they have as many salarymen as anyone
M1 is pretty "high". The previous Miyagino was a M14 ONCE and then perma Juryo shitter.

And example of a Juryo shitter that can't train is Oho's oyakata who is an J4
Nabatame vs Chiyomaru tonight
Make the thread hoes
alright see y'all in the /sp/ thread
My kachi clash picks
reportedly suffering from a number of injuries
2-13 last time he was in the joi
Onosucko going to go 1-14 and get demoted straight to jonidan and be forced to clean toilets.
Aki basho officially underway
are there any sumo wrestlers worth talking about right now? i havent payed a lot of attention since these guys were doing their thing
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Some people may not like it, but the answer to this question is undoubtedly Onosato. His trajectory is fantastic, and unlike fellow rising stars Hakuoho and Takerufuji, he's actually increasing his rank rather than getting injured and falling back to Juryo - so far, anyway. Personally, I think Ozeki is a certainty, possibly before the year is out, and I think it's highly likely that he'll be the Yokozuna to beat well into the 2030s.
Nobody is rising faster than Aonishiki. Onosato's 9-6 last time out suggests that he might have finally hit a level where the competition is on his level, but it was probably just too much post yusho distractions interfering with his training.
Aonishiki has thus far only faced low-rankers - while he's certainly one to watch it's far too early to speculate on his potential in the top division.
>are there any sumo wrestlers worth talking about right now?
Takerufuji. Oonosato is the big topic right now because he hasn't gotten injured yet, but Takerufuji exhibits a calm in his sumo which is almost clinical and which allows him to beat anyone. Any time Oonosato gets into trouble, he seems to panic. Of the two, I would expect Takeru to have the longer (and superior) tenure at a high rank.
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It's so over
Japanese question: if you are displaying two banzuke on the wall next to each other, what order do you put them in? Does oldest to newest go from left to right, or from right to left?
East slightly outranks West, and East is printed on the right side of the banzuke - therefore the older banzuke should be to the right of the newer one, befitting its seniority.
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My lower division picks to watch™
>Shimizuumi (I have high hopes for this one)
So you want Maegashitters to be even less mobile and injury prone than they already are?
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I want the biggest, strongest men in the world to smash into each other at full force for my entertainment. I don't care about safety or aesthetics or fitness.
I haven't seen raise the dohyo posting in a while
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Good night sweet prince
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A full moon comes down
from the night sky, soon the great
new moon arises
/xs/ bros, we're almost back. who is is hyped af for the upcoming interbasho doldrums?
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I'm looking forward to the week 3 argument about safety measures, and the guy who really hates Nabatame reacting when the list of Juryo promotees is announced, whether Nabatame goes up or misses out the post will be a a banger.
It feels like his fight against Kiryuko was meant to see if he gets back to juryo so prepare for seething how Futagoyama rigged banzuke to get more subscribers for his youtube channel
Goddam, lads. I miss sumo.
New episode will be exciting as fuck. Onosato, fighting for tsunatori status vs Kirisima (forma de comeback), Neph (pushined and tired of uncle's shit), KTZ (gunning for his fist yusho), Onami bros, (this time together), Takerufuji (the old rival). Shit's gonna be guuud.
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Futagoyama writing his answer this time instead of telling straight to the camera and jinxing it seemed to work out.
>3-4 at Jd90
is Koga going to drop to Jk? lol
Kikuchi will bully Koga for real, how is that possible?
I was hoping Roga could pull another 9 wins this time, but at least he didn't mk. Too bad about kotakiyama but I'm glad the other ms guys kk'd.
For me, I'm anxious to watch that one guy spend two weeks screaming about how kosho seido needs to be brought back because his favorite wrestler is losing rank due to injury.
Both Waka brothers should be komusbi for Kyushu.
The only other set of brothers holding the same rank at the same time that I can think of would be Takanohana and Wakanohana

Ye Terunofuji
O1e Kotozakura, O1w Hoshoryu
O2w Onosato
Se Kirishima, Sw Daieisho
Ke Wakamotoharu, Kw Wakatakakage
M1e Oho, M1w Hiradoumi
M2e Shodai, M2w Abi
M3e Atamifuji, M3w Ura

>Makuuchi-Juryo swap
Chiyoshoma, Tokihayate, Shishi, and Takerufuji coming up
Shirokuma, Kitanowaka, and Kagayaki going down
(the extra slot is from Takakeisho's retirement)
i can't be the only person that's already sick of onosato right? he looks like a doofus
get used to it, he's the only yokozuna material.
I think they will give Oho the other komosubi slot because he was in the joi .
Looks like Nabatame is probably 5th or 6th in line for promotion to juryo, but it seems like there will be a lot of promotions to juryo this time around.
If Ms4e get 4-3 & Ms5w gets 5-2, who takes precedent? Either way there is no chance Nabatame will end up above J14, so he'll need KK or at least 7-8 to stay in the division.
5-2 is a lot 'more' than 4-3. They're moving up or down by 5+ spots in makushita as opposed to juryou/makuuchi. Nabatame won't make it to juryou for Kyushu.

btw I hope Nobehara makes it to juryou one day, but i think Soma will surpass him, he can move to makushita if he gets a KK in Kyushu.
Kayo limped off after his win, hope he is OK, he could be the next Takakeisho
5-2 will take precedent, you can see it last basho to now but with 4-3 Ms5e -> Ms2e & 5-2 Ms6w -> Ms1w
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Is this the sumo equivalent of the Manning Face
>I've executed perfectly
>I've done everything I can possibly do on the dohyo
>I'm still coming up short
Is it just me, or has this basho provided more KINO images than any other in recent memory?
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Does anyone in /sumo/ have experience with visiting stables to view morning practice? I know Arahsio-beya allows people to view training from outside for free, but the information online about other stables is inconsistent at best and missing at worst. I assume that there will be no practice for the next week or so, but that it will resume thereafter at most stables. There's inconsistent information about other stables allowing you to view morning practice if you call ahead, ask, and potentially pay a fee.

I'm visiting family, but I was too late to catch the fall basho unless I dropped off my belongings, immediately got on a train, and woke up at 5AM the next day to get unreserved tickets - and the basho ended up being decided the day before regardless.

Also big F for Takakeisho.
I remember Futagoyama-beya mentioning in one of their videos that they'd limited practice visits to members of the supporters' club only, presumably because they were too popular.
they released an episode of grand sumo legends about Takamiyama and Konishiki if anyone's interesed. they're available online, the female voice over is terrible tho

Why is Futagoyama still treating Nabatame like he's in juryo? White mawashi and everything? I know it would be cruel to give him all that shit and then take it away but that's kind of the point isn't it?
I'm glad we now have three ozeki without debilitating injuries (just the usual minor injuries that they'll get over) and I hope at least one of them makes yokozuna soon.
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I'm pretty sure the videos posted are usually a month old or so.
>One humble kimarite enthusiast and his fat stack of cash:2
Glorious. Crazy to think that big lump got the technique prize when the only time anyone actually gave him a bout long enough to demonstrate anything but power he fell flat on his face.
Is this the refuge, post-basho, official /sumo/ thread?
How do we rate the tournament? IMO not-clown basho.
How long before Onosato gets ozeki? How long before Terunofuji gets retired?
masterful execution of the flowchart. sasuga, abi
>How long before Onosato gets ozeki?
His promotion should be announced in a few days.
Some elders will make the trek out to Ibaraki to visit Nishonoseki stable, and Onosato will pledge to redouble his efforts and live up to the rank.
>How long before Onosato gets ozeki?
How would he not be getting it already? He had 34 wins right? And has there ever been an ozeki run with two yushos?
>How do we rate the tournament?
4 stars out of 5 from me.

Onosato's total domination has people dreaming of a yokozuna who isn't perma-injured
Wakatakakage seems to be completely recovered from his ACL surgery and should be back in the sanyaku for November
Tamawashi got his iron man record
Kirishima seems to have recovered from the injuries that cost him ozeki
Oho seems to be settling in as a joi mainstay

Takakeisho. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
Neither ozeki looked great and KZK's performance fell off a cliff in week 2.
Atamifuji feels like he's hit a ceiling.
The only one that seems to be Yokozuna tier is Onosato.
Hoshoryu and Kotonowaka seem to be "good Ozeki". Constant 9-6 results for a good time. This is not bad at all, but I don't think they will reach the peaks that Keisho did.
It was a decent basho. Nothing too crazy, good or otherwise, but it's definitely setting some trends for how makuuchi div is going to look like in the near future.
I'm looking forward for Chiyoshoma and Takerufuji contending in makuuchi now that they made it. I'm not as excited for Shishi at his current skill level, there's something unrefined about his fighting style that makes me think he'll struggle without making some major changes.
See you in November.
Only other one was Minanogawa back in 1933/34 but that was long before the concept of an "ozeki run" was a thing.
The technique prize is often given out for displaying mastery of one particular technique, so Abi could get if for nodowaing like a boss if he did it enough and won enough matches. Onosato's is justified because he did the same thing in almost every match and won almost all of them even though all of his opponents clearly knew what was coming. Its not a prize for whipping out obscure kimarite, but that is one way to earn the prize.
>Atamifuji feels like he's hit a ceiling.
He is the youngest guy in makuuchi and he has been M1 or M2 for 5 straight 'shos, give him at least until he is Onosato's age to develop fully before passing judgement.
>Takakeisho. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
Beautfil desctiption.
Whenever I think of tech prize I think of this 9-6 from Midorifuji.
god I'm dumb
Thanks. It's a Hunter S. Thompson quote. I wish I could come up with something that poetic, but it's the first thing I thought when thinking about TKK's career.
Aonishiki has a shot at breaking Takerufuji's record for fastest progress to the top division starting from jonokuchi. He'll probably need at least 13-2 in his 1st juryo basho to do it.
Gonna kinda miss the old fool
I really did appreciate that one of the last shots of that bowling pin motherfucker was him nearly falling over after being handed a bouquet.
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Yeah, I'm not saying he's hit his absolute threshold, but where he is right now, mentally/physically/tactically, he seems to be stuck a little.

I'm sure he'll figure it out. As you say, he's very young, but as of now, his rise has stalled. Personally, I think it's all mental, much like it was for Oho last year.
Whithersoever he goes now, he goes with God's grace.
Tekken ass stage.
Nabatame should get promoted or it’s a racist plot by the jsa to keep him out because he is half Thai.
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It's a shame they didn't let him rule on his own retirement. We might've gotten another 10 years of him.
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8/10, Really good basho, most of the rikishi I like got good records or at least looked kinda competent, have to deduct a point because Terunofuji wasn't there, would have been nicer to see Onosato vs Terunofuji, that's the real test to see if he's really at Yokozuna level. Also have to deduct another point because the Ozekis performed way below expectations, Hoshoryu woke the fuck up for a while after losing to Oho but he still looked like he lacked focus, Kotozakura looked straight up injured and was expecting him to have a MK at the end. Great to see Wakatakakage didn't miss a beat and he's still at JOI level, also Oho improved a lot, great to see him doing the sumo everyone expected that he did from the beginning
>Kotozakura looked straight up injured
Both of them looked injured, keep in mind Hoshoryu had to miss the last three days of July. At this immediate moment he's pretty clearly in "get to 8 without making things worse" mode until whatever's nagging him has healed. Hopefully they're both better for November.
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I have had my own Onosato shirt made in the style of this shirt >>144589339

It will arrive October 7
messed up the link
I don't want to take the credit, but I did post a fuck ton of screenshots this basho when I would usually just watch and post text only. More people should post more images during the basho. This is an imageboard, after all.
I like the monoii graphic and the monoii result graphic. I don't think I've seen them before. I just wish there was a graphic of the gyoji changing his side after the monoii.
yeah it feels like a lot of people are either lazy or watch it on phone. There was a shit ton of opportunities to make screenshots. I did the halftime cuties as well. Hopefully Kyushu will attract a lot more.
I posted a few too but it was hard to tell if anyone was even looking

Its also hard for the basho threads to find a good rhythm as people watch it at all different hours
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Lots of good Onobully reaction images
>I'm sorry Kokonoe, but I have to sit on your face now
with how japanese society loves face reactions, i wonder if there is a japanese site with images like this, with all the reactions to dohyo/basho shenanigans.
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what do tategyojis have as a retirement package? money?
Fuck I completely missed his announcement.
Thought he'd take a basho or two to fully heal and be at it again. Quite the shocker, ngl.

Great description, I'll miss him
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>part 1 of 3: accepting your death
Yeah maybe I am retarded but his bouts feel like he is trying to copy teru's nowadays style, but lacks the power and confidence to make it really work. Hope he figures something out and will not get complacent at upper maegashira
He also got pancaked by Takayasu the same day
>comparatively mediocre rikishi
>reached Yokozuna

I mean you're right on the broader point but this was about the worst example you could have chosen.
He's a big guy
If thats the case and it comes from them both being in the same stable then Teru is going to be shit tier oyakata.
>How do we rate the tournament?
Grorious basho, Onosato hater on suicide watch, reign of the hamster at an end, reign of Tamawashi established, first for ages with two tategyoji, also witnessed the rare neck chopdown, this year's girl
The """people""" who watch and comment on Chris videos would eat this up. Why are foreign sumo fans such low quality outside of this thread?
Who doesn't look mediocre in comparison to Hakuho?
Nobody who reaches yokozuna is a comparatively mediocre rikishi by any standard.
>no tears
he knew it was owari da a long time ago.
Would it kill the JSA to do some translation? There must be enough desperately poor weebs trying to live over there as "english teachers" that they could pay one 5 dollars an hour to make subtitles
the auto-translate option is does the job, no need for wagies.
Not their problem, go yell at NHK since they're the official English broadcaster.
most english in teachers in japan don't speak any japanese, I'd imagine.
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Its good to see that Takakeisho is branching out from sumo to become a salaryman
I'm sure sumo prime time will release something a month late
>most english in teachers in japan don't speak any japanese, I'd imagine.
You are not required to know Japanese to teach English in Japan. Your classes are conducted entirely in English to completely immerse the students.
That's crazy, you couldn't live in Japan without knowing any Japanese
You absolutely can, even middle-aged weirdos are fucking stoked to practice their feeble English on you and it's actually a problem when you want to try to learn by practicing your feeble Japanese on them.
t. Knower
The companies that contract you take care of everything you'd need to know Japanese to do, I believe. Actually getting around and living there without knowing any Japanese is actually pretty simple. In Tokyo, at least.
Well I guess you could but I've spent some time in foreign countries without knowing the language (not Japan) and it's pretty isolating even when people make an effort

Those fuckers haven't even put up anything past day 12, it seems useless to demand even more when they can't even manage the smallest thing
Pure lady/serial killer from Onosato
they have all 15 days up
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So they do, I had only checked youtube. Maybe I should start badgering them for more. I also think they should AT LEAST show juryo as well and even a few highlight makushita bouts too.

Look at the response Futagoyama gets for just doing a little bit for the international fans. 350k subscribers and the only one of their wrestlers who gets screen time from NHK is Roga. Compare to other stables like Tamanoi who don't do any translation at all and have 7.5k subscribers.
he's gonna clog up the train stations
Kisebeya has 17.5k subs and they have eng subs. It's not just about subs but also content. Kise just shows what they cook + training. No personal questions. You have no clue about the rikishi at all. Also, Futagoyama was first to do this and are doing it for over a year.
You picked a terrible example to prove your point when all you needed to do was go back to the previous Miyagino (who was right there).

Peaked at maegashira #13, only had 2 basho in the top division ever, spent more time in makushita than he did as a sekitori. Yet he was the only guy to see the potential in baby Hakuho (who was passed up by every oyakata who saw him) and raised him into the greatest yokozuna of all time.
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It's beginning
Have you been watching the same channel? Kise channel has done multiple mini-interviews, asking the rikishi things like their favourite sports, hobbies, and the like (Higohikari's hobby is apparently listening to a single song), they've done episodes of them preparing to travel to and from tournament venues, and so on. IN one episode there was segment where they simply made Takano eat cream puffs because they thought he looked cute doing so. They regularly film their senshuraku parties and most episodes contain a reasonable amount of "behind-the-scenes" content. Futagoyama channel is better and more consistent, yes, but you do Kise a disservice by saying there's nothing to it but eating and training.
That's a stupid name for it but not an unreasonable analysis/hope.
Speaking of Sumo Prime Time it's weird that they didn't release anything for this basho, normally they release at least a couple of videos
Its shortsighted to ignore Aonishiki in that calculation. He has a shot at making the fastest run from jonokuchi to makuuchi so far. Chickenlegs won't last, he has already proved himself fragile. What we got upcoming is Da-Da from Daiki & Danny
DaiWai, from Daiki Nakamura and Waito Piggu.
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I would wait until Takerufuji gets ozeki before naming an era. For all we know, Takerufuji will just be perpetually injured and the questions we'll all ask ourselves when his career's over are "How good could he have been if he'd just stayed healthy?"

I don't actually see him as having the same ceiliing as Onosato even if he can stay healthy. He seems new for most sumo fans, but he's actually already 25 because he went to uni (older than Onosato, even older than Hoshoryu) and he's actually a little undersized for a sanyaku-tier wrestler at 183cm 143kg.

I want to see a great rivalry between to yokozuna, we all do, but there's also a reason those truly great rivalries are so rare.
>He seems new for most sumo fans, but he's actually already 25 because he went to uni
>even older than Hoshoryu
He's older than Hoshoryu by a month but made it to the top division in a fraction of the time. He didn't have tsukedashi status like Onosato, yet made it to the top division only 1 basho after him despite having to start from jonokuchi. Unlike Hakuoho who had major injuries since high school, Takerufuji's injury seemed relatively minor and he's completely recovered.

While it may be premature to call it an era, the guy absolutely deserves the hype. There's no reason to not believe the sky's the limit other than general sumo pessimism. In which case Onosato crashing and burning is completely on the table as well.
Your points are all valid, but I'm thinking about it more in terms of when you fall off a cliff. Eventually you just get to the point where age prevents you from healing as efficiently.
Takerufuji will be 26 by the time he gets to ozeki if he does it as quickly as Onosato did. That's a two year gap.
I wish kise had better translations. I like kise stable more than futagoyama but their translations are very hit or miss some seem good others it doesn’t even make sense.
Probably canned since it's not really generating views
seething Chris post
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Aonishiki practicing with Wakatakakage
Well they need to get away from the 90s TV spot style production and silly nicknames and descriptions ("Feisty!")

I know the JSA puts the old in old-fashioned but come on
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I think that's why I'm partial to Futagoyama-beya YT since it isn't overproduced
They need to get Hiro off his lazy ass, he used to put out content more than once a month. Stuff like 'touring ryogoku with kaisei' that he used to do was good, but now he has fallen off to one video per basho and one 'exercising with sazanami' video in-between. Hiro has nothing but free time between bashoes, he should be putting out two a week minimum.
> I'm thinking about it more in terms of when you fall off a cliff. Eventually you just get to the point where age prevents you from healing as efficiently.
It's also important to consider wear-and--tear. As late starters with extensive amateur training, both of them have far less damage on their body than any mid-20s someone who's been in the Kyoukai since age 16-17.

I'm not capable of doing the math, but I'm fairly certain that university/corporate sumo guys who make it to sekitori on average wrestle to a later age than their peers because of this. Churanoumi and Tobizaru are both the same age as Teru. Kage is older than Takakeishou.
I love hokutofuji. Same hairline and waistline as me.
>As late starters with extensive amateur training, both of them have far less damage on their body than any mid-20s someone who's been in the Kyoukai since age 16
Takerufuji has already been though several severe injuries in high school and college, just because he wasn't in the pro ranks didn't stop the injuries from happening and they still work against him just as much as if he was a pro. The college & high school clubs train just as hard if not harder than the Kikuchis & Keigas do. Injuries is why Takerufuji wasn't able to qualify for tsukedashi status and had to start at the bottom. That accident with Asanoyama wasn't a fluke, Takerufuji is glass fragile from the waist down, his incredible upper body is how he compensates for that.
>just because he wasn't in the pro ranks didn't stop the injuries from happening
I didn't think or say it would, but a rikishi can actually recover from his injuries when he's an amateur.

>and they still work against him just as much as if he was a pro
Hard disagree. Recovery time is about more than just the time until a guy is technically physically capable of moving again. An amateur can test himself at various levels instead of jumping right back into real competition. He can stop for a while if things don't feel right. When recovery is done correctly, injuries don't linger the way they do in professional sumo.
i saw all their vids, but it just doesn't hit the spot like futagoyama does. i am not sure why. The senshuraku parties are meh, it's always the same and the introductions of rikishi one by one are meh. SOmething's missing.
It's funny how sekitori avoid the filming. You can hardly see Ura in those vids.
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what does atami need to get to the next level?
get some experience
Myogiryu and aoiyama intai
expected, so that's more slots opened for promotions
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Add Onokatsu when he establishes himself to makuuchi
He needs to calm down. He's the jittery rikishi, it was apparent even when he was at lower divs. Back then his power was overwhelming, and technique sound. And it's still enough for all but top16 rikishi.
It was his 5th tournament in joi, in a row. And he's still there, somehow. 1 good score away from sanyaku.
22 years old. He'll be fine.
>Hombre de al evasion
That was funny.
After all these years, this still cracks me up every time. Good job, Anon.

Aoiyama wil be taking the Iwamoto kabu.
Myogiryu will be taking the Furiwake kabu.

He's has the power and technique to make it to Sanyaku, but his mind isn't there yet, he's still young so that can be improved with time and training
this update cracked me up.
About time.
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The old Dan is gone, the torch is passed.
All hail the new Dan
>Aonishiki vs Aoiyama was a reincarnation ritual
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my sumo gf
There are punky Japanese girls who like fat men?
Do I have a chance?
No, that bitch is probably as rich as a whole sack of Swiss bankers. She was ringside all of last basho too. Gotta be at least joi-jin to have a chance, I'm guessing.
Some funny bits but I feel like the spanish is overused
I think the spanish was only ever funny when it was still intelligible, I have no idea what "raza mas poderosa" or "soltero" mean.
Yeah, there's a few that are a tad too obscure for non-Spanish speakers.
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>raza mas poderosa
Most powerful race. A reference to this old meme.

>but I feel like the spanish is overused
The spanish is the whole point. It's a reference to DBZ power rankings from Latin America that put their own OC fanfiction forms alongside official characters.
NTA, we know but there's still a point that it has reached where it has been overused.
Bravura and Ay Guey (Selo Eliminado) still crack me up
I miss sumo bros. What is the point of life without it.
Juryo promotions announced this or next week?
Aren't all promotions posted through the next banzuke? If so, it'd be two weeks before the next tournament.
Makushitter to Juryo are always announced in the week following the basho. The reason is that the new Juryo wrestlers would start getting a salary (at least 15x the makushitter money) and they want to give the new guys a 2 month headstart on the salary. Juryo to makushitter demotees are announced with the general banzuke again due to salary reason and give them extra 2 months salary.
how nice of them
by the way I missed the news, did Onosato get his big fish?
is he an Ozeki now?
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I'm so fucking bored without sumo
next basho is so far off
47 days
>is he an Ozeki now?
Not officially but it's guaranteed at this point.
we'll know sunday
he will be in a couple hours
Is he wearing an Oho branded robe?
I will now be using this presser to predict the future.
For instance, the end of Mitakeumi's predicted his Ozeki Tenure
It'll be a couple hours because it takes that long to get out to Kisenosato's stable from Ryogoku.
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>Raza Mas Poderosa (collapsado)
He dropped one of the fish, this is HUGE.
I don't know that this means for the future yet but thats is a potent omen.
Clearly he'll be stuck in the perpetual loop of "yusho->yokozuna candidate->fuck up the next basho->repeat."
>He dropped one of the fish
Juryo promotions got announced.
Wakaikari (Ms2w, 4-3)
Aonishiki (Ms4w, 6-1)
Kototebakari, renamed Kototeiho (Ms5w, 5-2)
Tochitaikai (Ms1e, 4-3)
Chiyomaru (Ms3w, 5-2)
Nabatame (Ms4e, 4-3)
This is the highest number of promotions in one tournament since January 2018, unsurprising since we currently have three confirmed intai that I'm aware of.
>making juryo on a 4-3 from makushita 4

Does Nabatame have any chance of a kk in the next basho?

Happy to see my boys Aonishiki and Kototeiho* showing up, I think they'll both do well
This represents Takerufuji coming back to makuuchi
This basically means that either Asanoyama or Kiryuko are going to get extremely lucky.
I thought they would be both out. Would the 6 not be
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Theres also Takakeisho's slot to fill in the salary ranks, so 6 promotions from makushita means only 5 demotions from Juryo if you include the two juryo retirees in the demotions list.
Right right, I forgot to take that into account
When did sumo tournaments start using the Swiss system? Was it adopted copying the West or did they come up with it Independently?
It isn't really a true Swiss system, but I have not seen any evidence either way as to whether the Kyoukai would have taken inspiration from that. While Japan loved foreign books, chess would have been a very weird pull.

Anyway: from the start of the yuushou period (1909) until the Shunjuuen Incident (1932), matches were East vs West, but against comparably ranked opponents whenever possible. Shunjuen saw the Kyoukai panic due to a lack of possible matches, dissolving the East-West for what was essentially the modern 'Swiss' system, a decision which held until 1940. At that time, Dewanoumi had become half the makuuchi banzuke, encouraging them to flip it back to East-West. By the start of the post-war occupation, Dewanoumi had lost its ridiculous stranglehold, and whatever powers that controlled sumo at that point reinstalled the modern system in 1947.

Incidentally, the Shunjuuen incident was what caused Onosato I to retire.
thank you for saving sumo, America
do wrestlers at nishonoseki have to commute to the kokugikan and back everyday for the basho? seems like a huge waste of time, 4 hours per day.
No, during the basho they're forced to hide out in the Kokugikan itself after closing time. The rikishi sneak around the food preparation areas in the hopes of finding enough scraps to energise them for tomorrow's bouts and Nishonoseki himself panhandles on the street outside.
>Nabatameme promoted
peak luckshitter. Should stick to making chanko and a youtuber
incident where 90% of the sekitori holed up in a chinese restaurant and make some demands to the JSA and they threatened with resigning and the JSA went lmao and booted them from the banzuke.
Do they still do the rikishi favorite meal bento at the stadium Id like to know the current top rankers favorite meals.
I've been watching Futagoyama's channel for ages, and I don't think I've ever seen Nabatame make any chanko, even before making it to Juryo. The only cooking I can remember him doing is some instant ramen. Either there's some blatant favouritism going on, or he's so abysmally bad at cooking he got taken off the chanko rota.
I think it’s because he is the second highest ranked guy in the stable so even though he wasn’t juryo he had other responsibilities and got certain privileges. At least that’s what I’ve gathered.
how tf can you be bad at making chanko, it's just throwing all the shit into a pot and let it boil.
Odd way to characterize it.

It was a strike by the rikishi because the sumo association of the time was extremely opaque, didnt tell them what they earned and just kept most of it, among other issues. They cut off their topknots and sent them to the sumo association.

The sumo association came within a cunt hair of going bust as they had a handful of top wrestlers left. The tournament after the strike was a huge disaster and didnt make any money.

The strikers formed their own association, which petered out after a while.

However you cant say they were ever in the wrong. At least read history before you try telling people what it is, you dumb asshole.
He never said the Shunjuen strikers were in the wrong. His post accurately reports the facts of the incident - prominent rikishi went on strike and threatened to resign, the JSA ignored their demands. It isn't any kind of moral judgement, which ironically means that his version of events is more accurate and unbiased than yours. History is about recording what happened, not judging it.
>and make some demands to the JSA
>his version of events is more accurate and unbiased than yours
>the JSA went lmao and booted them from the banzuke.

That's what you call a "more accurate and unbiased" reporting of "facts of the incident"?
Fuck you, you dumb cunt. Fine, that's the last time I try to educate any of you fucking morons. You dipshits deserve each other.
The promotion is just a small part of his luck, the large number of promotions means that nearly all of his matches in November will come against those who were either in makushita for Aki or had terrible records in juryo. he might end up pulling off better than a 4-11, even a KK isn't outside the realm of possibility.
Listen man, no offense, but it's not necessarily sensible to flip out that hard over there being two retards in the thread at the same time. This place is what it is after all. I appreciated your explanation.
This type of hilarity is basically the inverse of when new big hopes storm into makunouchi, immediately get injured and tumble back down the ranking. For my part I love it, it's not just funny but pleasant to watch somehow.
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Nabatame bros we fucking did it. Nabs back in Juryo. He will be in Maegashira by 2026. Screenshot this.
I want to believe but I feel like he's going straight back to Makushita
Demands were made, to which the JSA responded dismissively. Here's a list of demands and responses.
After expressing their displeasure, many rikishi sent in retirement papers and cut their hair. The JSA responded with the formal expulsion of those involved in the strike, including but not limited to the men who submitted retirement papers. "Went lmao and booted them from the banzuke" is a reasonable way to describe the JSA's actions. It doesn't ascribe blame for the incident on the strikers or the JSA, and it doesn't clearly champion either side. You, on the other hand, are quite obviously biased in favour of the strikers, and your original response to Anon was aggressive and patronising, as was your response to me afterwards. You can't expect anyone to take you seriously as a historian, amateur or otherwise, if you have a clearly biased take on things and resort to insults when people don't share your bias. You're not here as an educator, a mentor, or a moral authority of any kind, so you should keep your judgements to yourself.
I like Nabatame and I think he's a really nice, fun guy, but I just don't think he's that strong. I would really be surprised if he made it to makuuchi.
>You can't expect anyone to take you seriously as a historian
He's just a guy who also read about what you read about, neither of you are historians
Every single anon in this thread is a historian
Not me. I'm AN historian.
He looked puny compared to his competition in most bouts when he was in juryo the first time. He needs to start a massive workout & buffet routine if he wants to be bulky enough to stick around at the salary ranks.
I think he could do it if he really tried, maybe not sanyaku, but makuuchi. He should be follwing everything Roga does + a third more.
He's been in the top of makushita since the channel started. Makushita joi doesn't have to cook.
>fish slips out of his hands
>and so does the yokozuna title
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That fish represents Abi.
That really is the most cursed start to an Ozeki career I've ever seen. I can't think of anything more inauspicious.

>I can't think of anything more inauspicious.
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>being this triggered by Abi
I hope it's the guy who said Abi would henka Onosato. And I hope THAT'S the same guy that said fucking Wakatakakage would henka Onosato.
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>you can't take Onosato head-on his charge is too powerful
>they're DEFINITELY going to henka
>both the guys that beat Onosato tachi-ai'd exactly as they normally do
>none of the guys who tried to henka him succeeded
Sometimes the "my brand of sumo" guys have a point.
He will remain salaried.
He will KK next basho.
He will make Futagoyama beya proud.
Trust the plan, Sumo foodbros.
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KirSHITma announced to the world that even he knows he has no chance against Onosato by going to the henka. He made himself look like a talentless pussy and got nothing out of it.
stop posting
not even chiyomaru was able to startle the crowd just by sitting down
He's a manlet and already 160kg. No "routine" in the world will make him meaningfully stronger.
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Asakoryu is the same height and 40kg less and will probably be J1 for Kyushuu, or even makuuchi. Nabatame is funny etc, but I'd rather pick Nobehara for sekitori. I hope he makes it one day.
Size does not equal strength. Nabatame seems to be somewhat interested in lifting, but the numbers he's putting out are nowhere near the numbers a proper weightlifter or strongman ought to be putting out at that size. Being charitable to him, it's fair to say that there's a lot of room for improvement. Hopefully his poor performance was mostly injury-related, and after a year or so of bouncing between Makushita and Juryo, he'll start climbing up towards the promotion zone. It's worth remembering that he's still only 22, and even if he does job for another year or even two years, he'll still be barely entering his prime.
Chris has put out a video eulogizing the Mongolian era of sumo, he takes a shot at Terunofuji acting bewildered that he is still yokozuna.
>Chris has put out a video
Oh no! Anyway...
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I think of all the rikishi at Futagoyama, the ones with sanyaku potential are Roga and Kikuchi. I think Roga could make Sekiwake at least if he keeps up his current improvements.
Wakamiyabi, Kotakiyama & Keiga. They're the tallest ones. Kikuchi stands a shot a still growing quite a bit. Mita is short, but well trained and was good enough to qualify for makushita tsukedashi, so he probably shouldn't be ignored.
Kikuchi lost to moriurara. Are you high?
Mita will make it to maegashira at least. The rest you mentioned are makushitters at best. You both left out Nabatame who is destined for Yokozuna.
>Nabatame yokozuna

i think you're the one being high dude. He will be maegashira at best
Kikuchi is 15 years old. He hasnt even finished puberty.

When I say potential I mean in the future. I feel like that's implicit in the word but I guess you didn't get that.
if onosato wins next basho, is he yokozuna?
or does he need 2 as an ozeki
The streets must have been flooded in love juices that day.
Two as ozeki. Same question came up with Terunofuji.
Hakuho lost to Orora in 2001, when he was just a few months older than Kikuchi is now. It's far, far too early to even speculate on Kikuchi's ceiling. For now, he's got a great attitude and he's looking nicely bulked up after just a couple of months on a chanko diet.
I said it was only a 50% chance of a henka and I don't feel bad about that
>Wakamiyabi, Kotakiyama & Keiga

You aren't wrong, but I don't feel like any of them have that serious competitive/warrior spirit. Compared to Roga or even Mita now, they feel less committed. Often low energy in the practice videos I've seen but that seems more the rule than the exception at Futagoyama.
I think Kikuchi-chan is looking a bit more fierce already
That's not a real prediction anyway because of course it was 50%. Abi only does that or a nodowa.
50% is a perfectly legitimate percentage, don't hate because of coins
Kamen Rider Ryuki will tatakae his way to juryo in a year or two.
He bounced back from his concussion in the july basho which gives me hope.
Yeah but it's like guessing that Tamawashi's going to show up. It's not a guess.
Prime Time is up
>Here's what Onosato did in the September Basho!
Yeah we know Hiro, we were actually around during the tournament.
>like 45 minutes of interview with Onosato
>we get 30 seconds of canned lines

The various stables get support from a variety of sources to allow them to live and train close to the venue, so those guys are living close to the kokugikan and don't have to commute.
One of the things Hiro mentioned was the Onosato was the overwhelming favorite going into Aki
>2 ozeki on the banzuke
>Sekiwake is the overwhelming favorite
Zak and Hosh both feel like they barely exist, they aren't having any impact
Onosato is a mortal lock to be O1e in January
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Onosucko (aka babyhead) is lucky he is wrestling during the weakest time period in recent memory. Everyone sucks. The other ozeki are jobbers.
>Onoseether in full-blown cope mode
More delightful than the yusho itself, desu
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>the weakest time period in recent memory
The weakest in over 100 years, sumo has not been watchable since Tochigiyama
he looks like a plushie toy; you cannot be a yokozuna like this
Hakuho could come out of retirement and beat onosucko 10 times out of 10.
Buy an ad faggot. The one chr*s video I attempted to watch he got angry at the JSA for not caring enough to climate change. You'd have to be extremely deranged to shill for him so I'm hoping it's the retard himself posting.
*about climate change
>my dog is better than your dog
shutup with hakuho
Yeah and Konishiki could've come out of retirement and beat Hakuho 10 times out of 10 in 2010.
Lmao hakuho living rent free in ur heads. Stay mad.
you obviously meant >>212012 instead of >>212024. i never cared for hakuho, fuck that guy. I'm glad i stopped watching sumo before he became yokozuna and came back when he retired.
And if Raiden came back to life he'd make Hakuho look like a makushitter
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nah, I'd win
>never made yokozuna
Raiden would lose no cap for real on god
Let's settle this with a meet up and having some sumo bouts irl
It would have a milkman ref instead of a /fa/ approved gyoji so what's the point
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Musashigawa oyakata is critical of the current crop of vets, however he fails to point out that he zensho'd when he was younger than Onosato currently is.
>they should be a wall
did he really say that or is that a typo
That was after grinding his way up to Sekiwake for three years and then taking another nine tournaments of improvement to make Ozeki. At every step of the way, his freakish genetics and natural talent were put in place by the veterans. Onosato hasn't even been a professional long enough to grow a topknot.
Why would it be a typo?
Onosato ground his way up in university and amateur sumo, he has been at it so long that he faced off against Mitoryu in 2017 when they were both in amateur contests
Ozeki literally means "great barrier"

As in a wall
Where's his sekitori
Who was the better Hawaiian Yokozuna, him or Chad?
he is samoan
Kise's senshuraku party video should be coming out soon, is anyone else also on the edge of their seats waiting for it?
Kise has a lot to celebrate, including Churanoumi's 2nd consecutive 10-5 & Suyama's (he is the skinny one) 6-1 in sandanme. Including Suyama they're going to have probably 4 promotions from sandanme to makushita
I like Kise stable but they need to fire their video guy.
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The NSK has raised the age limit for new recruits from 22 to 24. Do YOU have what it takes?
I'm 34
Man I so would have if I had known about sumo when I was young

Oh well
I'm not sold on Takerufuji. We'll see if he can replicate his yuusho in two months, or at least contest the cup 'till the very end.
He needs to open his GOD DAMNED EYES.
I don't know how I feel about more than one person at SSSSS rank. I liked seeing just Shiganosuke on top.
It's out.
>4 years of highschool football on d and o line
Fuck dont get my hopes up I could easily get up to 340-360 but that type of weight just aint healthy
Yeah, I agree with this. It was funny because it implied that the guy making it had a highly specific opinion about the abilities of ancient rikishi.
Vaxx status?
>Who was the better Hawaiian Yokozuna, him or Chad?
At their respective peaks at full health, Akebono, no doubt. No one his size should have been able to move as fast as he did.

In terms of overall career, though, Musashimaru probably had the better career. It was longer and he was more durable. If Akebono hadn't made yokozuna so early, it's possible his career would have gone like Takakeisho's, where injuries derailed his upward progress. Akebono only once managed to fight all six tournaments in a year as yokozuna.
Musashimaru probably could have lasted longer if that wrist injury didn't turn out to be a career-killer.
absolutely epic
all sorts of good new content out today, futagoyama & tamanoi have new videos out too, theres a 22 minute Chris extravaganza and dondon put out part 2 of terunofuji vs takayasu. all together over two hours of exciting new sumo content to savor over the weekend, my cup runneth over
Sometimes I wish I was a football enjoyer instead.
>bonus Ura content
Fackin' mint lads
Love seeing these other roly-poly li'l biggas excusing their makekoshis in front of the camera too, it's so Japanese that just watching it made my dick turn into rice.
New slop dropping

This tubby Jewboy became a world-class rikishi in 2 years, what's your excuse boys? I want to see team /xs/ sweeping the World Sumo Championships next year.
Tfw not athletic enough to play beer league flag football but just athletic enough to make the national team for a sport nobody knows exists
>I want to see team /xs/ sweeping the World Sumo Championships next year.
I don't know, that seems a bit [spoiler]excessive[/spoiler].
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I could win it, but i don't think i could bring myself to partake
>the milkman referee suits
They need to start salting this dohyo and wearing medieval-era court attire or I'm going to get mad.
Oh no! Not a seething anon! They'd never recover!!!
Yeah. That's right. One seething anon is one too many.
Disagree, only real sumo should look and act the part. Knockoffs should look and act like knockoffs instead of pretending they're the real thing.
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>only real sumo should look and act the part
What makes the NSK real sumo? After all, it started as Tokyo Sumo, and sumo originated in Kyoto. Various sumo organizations, including Kyoto Sumo, existed for hundreds of years before folding. Why should Kyoto sumo be illegitimate?
The Tokyo organization doesn't get to be the inheritor of the legacy of 'real sumo' simply because they were the last man standing. As far as I am concerned, this here is the last bastion of what our sport once truly was.
The NSK is the result of a merger between Tokyo and Osaka sumo, which were the only two major organizations at the time. It holds legitimacy from that, approval from the imperial court, and historical legitimacy from shogunate approval and the lineage of the Yoshida family, who created almost all of the customs and rituals you associate with "real" sumo in the first place. Everything else is divided into "sport sumo" like high school, university, and world amateur competitions, and "shrine sumo" which is associated with regional festivals. Only the NSK properly combines the two, and only the NSK has the legitimacy to do so.
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>The NSK is the result of a merger between Tokyo and Osaka sumo, which were the only two major organizations at the time
They were the only major organizations because the other organizations were smaller, not because of any measure of significance. If you look at their jungyo schedules from 100+ years ago, they are regularly competing against Nagasaki Sumo, Kyushu Sumo, Kyoto Sumo etc.

>It holds legitimacy from that, approval from the imperial court, and historical legitimacy from shogunate approval
Political actors acknowledge bodies which have power, irrespective of the status of those bodies with lineage. Kyoto never stopped being the fountainhead. Moreover, see the next point.

>Yoshida family, who created almost all of the customs and rituals you associate with "real" sumo in the first place
This is false and was recognized academically over a century ago. Here is a more recent paper on Yoshida Zenzaemon the 19th's influence. The shogunate refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of the Yoshida Tsukasa sumo history. Over some years, political pressure forced them to legitimize a legacy which they had earlier proven to be fictitious.

>Only the NSK properly combines the two, and only the NSK has the legitimacy to do so.
The NSK has no legitimacy beyond its quasi-legal monopoly. Both in late Meiji and in the second half of the 20th century, political agents (Itagaki Taisuke et al) propped up the Kyokai when it was going to fail and when its existence was technically in violation of laws.
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Call me when Kyoto sumo has a descendent of the gods visit them in person, until then they don't matter.
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>Call me when Kyoto sumo has a descendent of the gods visit them in person
...Did you not understand that Kyoto sumo was imperial court sumo for over 1500 years? The emperor didn't need to visit; the event was held at his house.
Cool, so why didn't the emperor take them with him when he moved to Edo?
>why didn't the emperor take them with him when he moved to Edo?
He didn't need to, they were still there if he wanted to visit.
And let's not pretend that the emperor had any suffrage by Meiji, you know as well as I do that you're arguing nothing. You mentioned the shogun for a reason and, now that I've pointed out that the shogunate didn't approve, you're back to pointing at lame duck emperors.
I mean if you're going to keep saying that nothing matters then fine, you win, nothing matters, except money and audience which NSK has over Kyoto.
What matters is the original thing. If it isn't the original thing, in what way is it the "real" thing? The post which started this was >>212201
>only real sumo should look and act the part. Knockoffs should look and act like knockoffs instead of pretending they're the real thing.
What would Kyoto Sumo be pretending to be? Sumo never stopped existing there, no matter what form it has taken.
Okay so no present day form of sumo is the real thing because none of it is army training exercises, glad we've cleared that up.
An important man dies and is buried on Hill A. 200 years later, the town at Hill B claims him as a resident and builds a grave marker for him on their hill. 500 years later, the town at Hill B is a bustling metropolis, and Hill A is in a thick patch of forest.
Where is the important man's real grave?
Weird to argue sumo has been dead for 700 years when we just watched a tournament this month but okay.
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That's not what he's arguing. It's an analogy.
kola utterly dominant in morning practice, he must've won nearly 10 contests
There are often several different routes to the top of a mountain. Mountaineers will track records of who climbed any given route first, or fastest, and make clear distinctions between different routes. They will also track ascents in different seasons. However, whichever route you take, if you see it through until the end you will arrive at the summit. Sumo is the same. It doesn't matter who is doing it or where it is done, as long as the basic rules are the same, it is the same contest - two rikishi attempting to push each other down or out. You can and should argue that certain forms and tournaments are more prestigious than others. You can certainly claim that one kind of sumo is more authentic, or a more direct descendant of ancient sumo. But sumo is still sumo.
>as long as the basic rules are the same, it is the same contest
Then sumo was invented in the early 1900s, because the rules were still changing then. Draws were a frequent occurrence. Shikiri continued until both rikishi wanted to fight - it could be a few seconds or several hours until you saw the next match. Hair pulls were allowed if they were unintentional.
>yoshida zenzaemon
interesting read, thanks
Naruto always makes everyone look so small. Even Onosato is manlet next to him
it's either naruto's shoes or the angle is weird. still, there's 10cm difference between him and onosato. Btw if anyone didn't notice, anytime naruto was head shimpan, he was sitting there with his legs stretched to sides lol. Living in japan for over 20 years, still doing gaijin things.
>6 ft vs 5’11”
There's a Japanese festival in my city today.
No sumo, unfortunately, just a bunch of drums and the gay ass martial arts like karate.
Believe it, dattebayo~
You should turn up and challenge any vaguely Oriental looking chaps to a sumo match. Even if they say no, they'll be so ashamed of their inability to fight you that next year they'll bring some proper rikishi.
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hamster is still sweating like a... hamster
He's going to be dead in 10 years isn't he.
Maybe not if he loses a lot of weight ASAP but Jesus Christ what a mess he's made of his lapel.
28 is too young for him to retire. Should have pulled an Enho and taken some time off to heal.
Only reason Enho did is because he doesn't qualify for elder stock and this is a long-shot gamble at getting it.
for me, its the soaked lapels
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He and Hikoyama really fucked sumo's shit up.
Hikoyama was either an alcoholic or demented.
Yoshida I dont know, I'm kinda neutral, he introduced a lot of the stuff that is used nowadays, on the other hand, there's a big quesiton mark about his background. The thing is, the general focus in japan shifted from west to the east, it wasn't just sumo, so I kinda get Kyoto and Osaka was left out. It comes down to the only truth: politics fuck up everything.
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>Whereever I go, I must sweat
>stands guard at the Kokugikan
>absolutely motionless
>still gasping for air like a goldfish after ten seconds
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he's 6'2" and played football in college and I guess that's really all you need to be successful at an amateur level since most of the competitors seem to just be bloatmaxxing without doing any exercise
I can win because fat! which will carry you pretty far I'd imagine
Fake image, I can't see any sweat
It really wont go that far

Low end of makushita maybe, thats where the real competition begins
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actually surreal
How long til Keisho's top knot cutting ceremony
moderate jej, why is /ourheyagashira/ like this sumo food bros?
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dunno but his mom is hot, still
Autism and combat sports go together like PB&J.
more Roga content than the last 5 sumo food videos put together

at least a year.
Wasn't that only because of covid? Are they still dredging through that backlog to get things normal again?
I'm not an expert in any way, but I thought the bottleneck was the Kokugikan? Except in exceptional circumstances sekitori hold their danpatsu-shiki in the Kokugikan, and since there are sumo tournaments and other martial arts events being held throughout the year, there's a limited number of time slots for the ceremonies, so when the backlog built up they couldn't just sweep it away after the pandemic and they've been plugging away at it ever since.
Did Hawaiian rikishi significantly influence the raising of the average wrestler weight in sumo? I feel like they are often blamed for it, but maybe they just sped it up. Do we think it would've been any different if Mongolians came first? I'd like to dig up the raw numbers somewhere, though.
People have been getting bigger with more access to better nutrition (read meat) accross the globe.
Don't have the numbers off-hand, but last time I looked into it the increases in both weight and height were steady and gradual instead of being big jumps at any point. Better nutrition, better access to nutrition, and better training so they can remain agile at larger weights.
Bet he loses all that weight and gets down to about his fathers weight.
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She really is a lovely woman.
Could a wrestler choose to shave the top of his head and get their top knot in the back like samurai
Hokutofuji is nearly there
Probably not, I don't think it's a good idea to try and stick out like that.
They already get the top of their head shaved to make it easier to tie the topknot.
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Wrestlers don't get any say in their hairstyle. You might as well ask if a wrestler could choose to wear something other than a mawashi. The hairdressers will always do their best to ensure that everyone's topknot looks the same, but this isn't always possible. An even better example than Hokutofuji is Roho, who towards the end of his career effectively did have the samurai topknot you're talking about due to his rapid-onset baldness.
Removing the skin is probably a mistake for a sumo wrestler. animals that want to gain weight and have a large supply of other animals to eat always focus on eating the skin (and the underlying subcutaneous fat that comes off when the skin is peeled away) and ignoring the rest of the meat except maybe the brains if they can get it because they're nice and fatty too. Skinless chicken is a low calorie, high protein food for body builders who want a high protein food which will allow them to get maximum muscle definition. Roga is already on the small side for makuuchi, he'd be better off if he was 20kg bigger.
Sumo-tier weight gain doesn't come from the protein, it comes from the carbs and alcohol. Whether he eats the meat skinless or not isn't going to make that much of a difference, if he wants to simply get bigger then he needs to eat more rice and noodles.
He probably just doesn't like them. They already use plenty of supplements after all.
>no liking chicken skin
but its the best part
that would be liver and heart
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I eat all the meats and the organs everyday

Some might say a grill with the capacity to hold 30 burgers is too much for one man, I say it's just enough
Is that you, Dewanojo?
>Hoshoryu freaked out and bodyslammed Gonoyama during practice at yesterday's jungyo event

Why does nephew let people live rent-free in his head?
Uncle built a much bigger pad than he needed and is now letting others use the spare rooms.
Don't they have a long personal history? I doubt this would have anything to do with their sumo careers or head-to-head results.
Hoshoryu is still all bitchy over the time a year ago when Gonoyama didn't get his hands down quick enough for Hoshoryu's taste. Meanwhile Gonoyama was doing Hoshoryu a favor, his insistence on going last means he is predictable and everyone gets the jump on him at the tachiai. Nice 8-7 faggot, YWNBAY
>his insistence on going last means he is predictable and everyone gets the jump on him at the tachiai
you realize every high-ranker does this right

here's kakuryuu, the meekest yokozuna, doing it on 14 of 15 days
>you realize every high-ranker does this right
Except Hoshoryu was doing it back when he was a maegashitter even against higher ranks and never stopped.
This has nothing to do with Sumo. Also, just don't pay taxes lmao.
>Hoshoryu was doing it back when he was a maegashitter
Which has nothing to do with the assertion
>his insistence on going last means he is predictable and everyone gets the jump on him at the tachiai
Horshityu SUCKS. He has disgraced Mongolia and the memory of Genghis khan
>t. asashoryu
I hate the guy as a person but honestly when he's really on his bouts are fun to watch. I love watching his throws.
How so? He's done better than many mongolians.
Minato beya visits Korea
Tochiazuma demonstrates grip breaking techniques
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could've won if he didn't give up & put his hand down like a gaywad
Who are you quoting?
>Hanamichi floor is slippery from all the sweat caused by him standing up for more than five minutes at a time
Asian women are wonderful.
very underrated video breaking the grip is so important alot of people used to talk about how strong hakuho's hips were he could break any grip
I assume this? Nothing in it, really.
Tamanoi oyakata mentiones Wakanohana had masterful otsuke an you bring up hakuho....
>Hosh performs a good throw
>chrishitter decides this means MONGORU BAD! even though normally he just wails about anti-Mong racism in the JSA
Good grief.
Not get diagnosed with osteoarthritis
yeah, byebye sanyaku
>Shishi just has an empty stare
>Papayasu smiling
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Just a good display of technique. Nothing malicious.
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I miss this little dude already
If every high ranker does it, why did the high rankers let Hoshoryu do it to them?
Agreed. If I went to a jungyo event that's the kind of shit I'd hope to be seeing, not the wrestlers soft-handing each other like they're made of glass.
i bet everyone's priority is to not get injured during jungyou
Looks like Oho actually did break his orbital when Abi headbutted him. He had the surgery to fix it and is out for the rest of the tour.

Oho's tougher than I gave him credit for.
Wakanohana was an expert at grip breaking and a lot of other stuff too, he would've done a great job if he'd have gone the oyakata route.
Even the weakest perma-jobber of a sekitori is an absolute beast of a man, or he wouldn't be there. Anyone who can hold his own in the top division deserves as much credit as you can muster.
Is it just me or does there seem to be a LOT of standing around in practice videos?
I feel like these guys need a second dohyo just so people can practice more efficiently
To be fair, with the training and intensity these guys do you need pauses, so the guys take turns. The other reason is that most heya are in prime Tokyo real estate and having more than onbe dohyo is expensive. There is a reason Kisenosato built his dohyo in bumfuck nowhere Ibaraki.
Real estate considerations are one thing for horizontal space and building footprints, but there's nothing stopping a stable from having three or four storeys, with a dohyo on each floor, is there?
not when the dohyo in the stables also need to be made from clay. No upper story will hold tons of clay. In the buildings these heya are, they can only put the dohyo on the ground floor.
Why do they need to make a practice ring out of tons of clay?
Even if we ignore the tradition of it, a clay dohyo would have a specific texture and grippiness that would inform a rikishi's movements. Practicing on pads or something would train them to expect something different.
I'm sure that it's good and useful to get experience on a dohyo that matches tournament conditions as closely as possible. But if there are twenty men in your stable and only two of them can use the dohyo at a time, any benefits gained from an authentic surface are far outweighed by their inability to actually fight enough practice bouts. I can't see any downsides of having additional dohyos, even if they're just ropes arranged into a rough circle.
I don't disagree with you, really.

>tfw you will never be an oyakata
>Atamifuji has osteoarthritis at 22 years old

damn dude
The shit you're saying *kind of* makes sense but the dohyo space isn't the bottleneck. Years ago when they were both active yokozuna Hakuho and Harumafuji gave an interview where they were asked what they thought made them hard for the new crop to beat and they both answered that the younger rikishi were doing much fewer bouts per day, say 20 where they would do 50-60 or more. So obviously it's not that the ring is just booked up continuously and locking people out, there's spare capacity for more wrestling even with the one dohyo.
Fuck :(
isegahama tradition
>No upper story will hold tons of clay
they only need a few inches thickness of clay for a practice space, you're talking about a few hundred pounds of clay. meanwhile they have thousands of pounds of wrestlers sleeping in the upper floors. they have high-rises with rooftop swimming pools in tokyo
>fat bastard has fatbastarditis
How could this have happened?
Building owners would care if you were pouring salted water over a surface constantly. That would seep into the actual floor and corrode shit.
I'm pretty sure the building is owned and built by Futagoyama. I was looking at it on google earth and it was built in like 2015
>Is it just me or does there seem to be a LOT of standing around in practice videos?

Personal initiative and motivation is a huge part of Sumo. While rikishi are put through regular training sessions, they are expected to go beyond the daily routines and develop themselves based on their own personal needs. It's that initiative and motivation that seperates the best from the rest.
Maybe not the building owner but I bet it'd be against local/prefectural building codes.
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I randomly saw Nobehara on a stream on a date at a super car event lmao
This. It's not the clay, it's the water.
good for him; more motivation to reach the sekitori
Couldn't they put a tarpaulin down first?
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how does he keep doing these goofy faces
>Enho forced into these events as a Jonidan shitter
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and here I was sure all of those guys were still virgins
Makuuchi guys get all the tight Jap pussy their overworked hearts can stand apparently. Most of them end up marrying ex-idols and shit.

I guess the fat isn't such a big issue when you're one of six living 6'3" Japanese men.
Yeah, but that's Nobehara.
exactly, makuuchi and probably juryou, because you're a pro athlete and which pro athletes get pussy? all of them.
However in classic deal-with-the-devil irony, they're so fat that their dicks can barely protrude from beneath their blubbery lower abdomens
Nobody stays a virgin for long at a sumo stable, it's like a boarding school on (literal) steroids and all the lads have to share rooms.
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Some actual sumo to talk about

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Onosato making Papayasu proud
Did not stop Keisho from making a child.
Bro he jacked off in a cup and a doctor had to impregnate his wife for him.
Five nights out of this last week, I've woken up out of a nightmare that I've missed day 15 and all the recorded broadcasts are gone.
make it stop
I like Roga's "V" hair chest he looks like a superhero or something.
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3 weeks until kyushu banzuke
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slightly less even
Where's the time gone? We haven't even had any Nabatame promotion seething yet.
he looked kinda weak in the latest morning practice video though...
Yeah, but I could watch Koga vs Kikuchi all day. It's truly a rivalry for the ages.
One day Kikuchi will stop his fixated gaze on the dohyo and look up. Then it will truly be over for Koga.
Kikuchi needs to do some squatz, his legs are skinny compared to Koga's. If Kikuchi ever muscles up his legs then its over, he will own Koga.
>for Koga
For the san'yaku.
I feel like everyone ITT has forgotten the most pressing issue facing modern sumo - to wit, the lack of sideburns.
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only sumo sideburns I'll accept
my eggplant
How can anyone care enough about barely salaried shitters when there are top ranked shitters to seethe about
hardly anyone would care about any of the futagoyama rikishi if it wasn't for their food channel.
I'd like to see Isegahama in the works, but with old school oyakata in charge, that's a no-go
Those who cheer are stronger than those who jeer.
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Id think youd find that hate is mo powerful than yooo would like to believe
>if it wasn't for their food channel
A number of heya have channels, and none of the other ones are even slightly successful by comparison. The Futagoyama boys are probably just distinctly likable.
maybe, but they had a head start and the guy filming them is putting a bit more effort into it, with different angles and the most important thing, he's putting up subtitles, which the other seem not to do constantly.
>the most important thing, he's putting up subtitles
When the JSA finally realizes we just want subtitles, they'll make so much money. I want Kisenosato to spearhead the subtitles initiative, though, because he's got the greatest smug face in all of sumo.
Onosato deserves to be promoted to O1E.
A sekiwake who goes 13-2 deserves more than a mere 1 rung promotion especially when compared to a couple of mediocre 8-7 ozekis.
Sticking Onosato at O2W is far less than what he has earned, let the 8-7 losers take the demotion they deserve. There wasn't even a yokozuna in the basho, all of those 7 losses came against people below their own rank
Yeah, they should demote people who had winning records because you really like a new guy. That's how this sport deeply rooted in tradition should work.
There shouldn't be any such thing as "O2W". In a sane world, there aren't enough wins to go around to allow so many people to reach and hold ozeki simultaneously, with none of them rising to yokozuna. Sumo is in a clown era the likes of which haven't been seen since the introduction of the modern tournament format, and in times like these, tradition must be overruled for the sake of dignity.
I'm glad nobody in the sumo world will ever know you exist.
>There shouldn't be any such thing as "O2W". In a sane world
It's funnier too when you consider that a while ago people were worrying we wouldn't even have the two necessary to make the banzuke.
Nabatame the god rising up the ranks this time. Watch out onosucko your days are numbered.
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>about to say some shit about how that was only like a couple basho back that Toad was the only thing saving the banzuke from catastrophe
>go to the db to grab proof
>it was actually a year and a half ago
8-7 is not a winning record for an ozeki.
ozekis that get 8-7s are losers
How come Nabatame didn't have to go back to kitchen duty when he got demoted to makushita? All the rest of the makushita guys cook
he was never in kitchen it seems, even before first promotion. i think he has different duties tho, like visiting hospitals or kindergartens etc
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>There shouldn't be any such thing as "O2W". In a sane world, there aren't enough wins to go around to allow so many people to reach and hold ozeki simultaneously
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I still think about the explanation of HD that some anon gave from time to time.
The rikishi marked as HD had a Harley–Davidson, which was really impressive at the time since not everyone could afford one.
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sometimes haridashi could be beyond the comprehension of man
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so, does this silly fella even get a retirement ceremony?
yes, they're going to cut his cock off
Makushita 15+ doesn't do chanko.
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I wonder what the maximum number of Ozeki you could have in a tournament would be, if you assumed 33 wins for a sekiwake guaranteed it?
Hypothetically 15 or 16 because half would trade winning scores and half losing scores while another sekiwake went on a run. As long as they got 8-7 every other tournament then they keep their rank.
Yeah but before you could get that equilibrium going you'd need guys winning MORE than 8 to get the initial promotion. I feel like if we picked the right initial condition I could just make a python script to solve this or something, if I were any good at that kind of thing.
Hypothetically you could just have one guy at a time go on an ozeki run. It'd almost a decade to reach critical mass, but it's possible.
Someone must have done this already on the sumoforum.
Onosato also has more yushos than either of the established ozekis. 100% he should be O1E
Not how ranks work.
No one starts at the top of the ladder.
hokuseiho didn't need ladders
Damn, you've just reminded me that that fraud is gone. Good riddance.
I know rikishi can't drive, but can they ride a motorcycle?
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>be hokuseiho
>do silly pranks like glue in the wallet
>get banned
>whole stable punished
>be onosato
>beat underaged stablemates and force them to drink themselves drunk
>"we'll hes the next longterm yokozuna..."
>nativejaps face when
Chris may be right on this guys
Of course they can ride a motorcycle. They just can't drive one.
I still think the "glue in the wallet" story was a euphemism, or at least the tip of the iceberg. Hokuseiho was a top division mainstay at a young age, and his sheer size was enough to ensure he'd keep bringing in the crowds and the money for years to come. If they were just gunning for Hakuho and needed an excuse, they could have got him for something else, or gone after him and said that Hokuseiho was a good lad at heart that had been let down by lax disciplinary standards. You're not going to throw away a naturally gifted rikishi with enormous potential just for some schoolboy pranks, even if you do despise his master. Not with the state of the recruitment numbers these days. I think Hokuseiho was being much more heinous than has been let on, and a deal was made with his victims to fire him in disgrace rather than have him criminally prosecuted. I certainly wouldn't want to meet Onosato in a dark alleyway, but I haven't heard any rumours that his misconduct was anywhere near comparable to the stated or unstated wrongdoings by Hokuseiho.
Did anything come of those rumours about Hokuseiho using a spray can and lighter to threaten his stablemates?
I'm sure we'll never know the extent of his actions.
It's "resolved" so everything gets swept away and buried never to be talked about again.
The wallet glueing was the easily pointed too headline and will continue to get memed because it's unusual without being severe.
I got the feel that the Hokuseiho conduct was more of a quantity of bullying events over a long period of time, instead of single severe events.
That reminds me, there are reports that he was generally a shithead even in highscool.
At least, we have this kino moment thanks to that oaf.
Found this in my folders, love these guys.
Do you have his henka?
Nothing comes to mind, and my webm collection is not extensive at all.
If you have an idea of which basho I might be able to find it.
its more likely nothing else came out because there wasn't anything else. this was too big a thing and information is spread too easily for it not to have gotten out. wasnt there a couple of guys that completely quit sumo? they weren't going to hold anything real back.
he probably was just not very well liked to begin with and adding bullying on top of it made it so nobody cared to help him.
NTA but its probably true.
You cant really hurt anyone with theorand they go out easy as fuck. its like throwing fireballs with hand sanitizer. everyone did it to everyone in the hs lockerroom
>quantity of bullying events over a long period of time
this. being bigger than everyone at 16 and talked up as the next yokozuna by the GOAT is going to have the jobbers hate you even if you're a saint, which he wasn't.
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gluegoy's failure to deliver on his promised talent is, like horseshitryu's, just further portent of the end of the mongol era of sumo and the rising glory of the Ukrainian era
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Konishiki says injuries show who the real warriors are

>we don't have a off season
>- look at my fingers all
>broken and my shoulders all screwed up both
>knees are bad and your body takes a toll but
>that's where it separates the men from the boys because the guys >who can handle it
>and fight through the pain and just go through it,
>it's the real warriors of sumo because
>not everybody can make it eighty percent,
>ninety percent ain't gonna make it
>only the top ten will fight and make it and fight in the top division at
>high level

>Konishiki says injuries show who the real warriors are
Konishiki is retarded
Nooooooooooo you gotta do safe sumo turn the stream off he stubbed his toe.
It's a combat sport. Injuries are going to happen. Knowing how to deal with them and having the will to do so is inherently going to be a big part of what makes a great rikishi. That said, some guys are just naturally more prone to injury and have a harder time recovering physically. This puts them at a disadvantage, but, just like height/weight, it's not insurmountable. While I do think turning the stream off for every injury is an idiotic way to handle things, rikishi should be (and actually are) encouraged to not harm their opponents any more than is neccessary to get the win.
>Konishiki says ...
No one will ever take anything after those words seriously.
strawman, kill yourself
Ura cycling https://youtu.be/6HaDlyIVRRk?t=44
he cute
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my Onosato shirt finally arrived
>not even full coverage
I question your dedication to our next Yokozuna.
Yeah I had to guess on the coverage because it didn't say how big the shirt was or how large I could make things, but it was cheap so it's alright.
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You know what you have to do next.
Definitely. This time I am going to try a local shirt printer rather than some amazon random.
You will never be a real warrior or a real woman
whoa, futagoyama videos are now a month behind.. didn't it use to be 2 weeks or so.
and they turned comments off too, what's up with that
Comments are unnecessary.
Was Koga losing to the same technique three times in a row necessary? No but he still did it
I don't follow the toriteki ranks.
I do, because that's where the high rankers come from

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