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>All the sumo links and how to watch live:

Previous thread: >>202772
>and Konishiki
Famous idols in Japan, or so I've heard.
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Is Koga going to be a life long sumo shitter cleaning toilets and cooking chanko in jonidan till he gets diabetes and croaks?
Peaks at high sandanme. Retires aged 27 and becomes an actor. Becomes an unlikely sex symbol in his mid-30s, coinciding with the New Golden Age of period dramas. Dies aged 59 after choking on mochi at his holiday home.
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Good pic, but needs moar Jesse James
I like Kogas unibrow
Rest in peace Chad I wish I was a oldfag and got to watch him sumo live.
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Is this Jason?
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>They have traveled
>Thousand miles away
>Sometimes lonely
>Far away from family
>All have conquered
>Dreams that seemed impossible
>With dignity
>They are Hawaii sumotori
Story on why Shodai has no shikona?
"Lord of Chaos" was too long when rendered in katakana.
Shodai Monoii Monoii Shodai
His stable master likes his name, that's about it.
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could be
I found the X account that the meme was based off of.


Bizarre stuff.
Must be a bot account, or Jason is literal mental patient
I'd bet any amount of money that the guy behind that account has posted in /sumo/ before.
Those are absolutely the same picture, just with a filter applied. The hair, the beard and the ears are a perfect match. What the fuck have we uncovered, anons.
Nabatame's awful performance in Nagoya has so thoroughly shamed Futagoyama beya that they still haven't posted any post basho videos on their youtube channel. They're just slowly trickling out the pre basho material and hoping that Aki goes well enough that they can skip posting any material from after Nagoya.
How much does it cost to send my son to saitama sakae
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Nabatame was hurt he will get his revenge in September.
i used to watch him whenever they showed sumo on eurosport back in the day with my grandfather. my grandfather died a couple of weeks ago
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It was sure a time in sumo we won't probably see again
go back to the old thread retards
We need someone with Konishikis freak like physiqye in sumo
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Abi eating chanko
The old thread is smelly and weird.
I’m the anon from the last thread. How can you confirm if a tegata is fake? Is there a reputable place to buy them? I really want a hakuho and ryuden tegata but don’t want to end up with a fake.
If you want a reputable source, you're probably going to have to go to Reddit.
all of the ones for sale are counterfeits, you can get real ones if you're in a supporter's club
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new banzuke
Nabatame down to Ms4e, he is opposite Aonishiki at 4w. They might end up facing off.
Shonnanoumi really dropped the ball last bash I hope he can put up some numbers this basho. Hes so close to breaking his limits anime style.
keisho will be retired before the end of this year
I'm surprised Onosho went down to Juryo instead of Nishikifuji.
Same. Onosho got fucked. I guess Isegahama still has a lot of stroke on the banzuke committee.
Takayasu Maega 15.

He'S gonna have weak opponets and get an easy yusho.

I believe
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The precedence is there. Funnily enough, he was also the last person to have it happen to. Even some cases were 1-14 at M5 sent you to J1.
I'm glad /xs/ survived the purge (even though /sumo/ is the fasted thread on the board my miles).
>kotoshoho m4
I hope he can break through and join kotozakura at the top hes had a solid run of KKs Maybe he can start putting up some 10+ win bashos
Sure, going oh-fer from M5 does warrant a drop to juryo, but I did not think he deserved to fall when Nishikifuji kept his rank.
How come whenever the new banzuke comes out theres never anybody posting
>looks like the banzuke committee did a great job organizing the banzuke, looks like everyone ended up just about where they should be. I sure do like sumo, it may not be perfect, but it is managed very professionally, which I appreciate.
but there are always dozens of posts of
Because they nearly always do at least one thing that comes clean out of left-field with absolutely zero forewarning or predictability.
that wouldn't make it a bad job, though
The thing is, doing one thing that makes absolutely no fucking sense has massive knock-on effects on the rest of the Banzuke. Relocating one wrestler two ranks because -reasons- means basically every wrestler between those two ranks is out of place now. And it's never just one wrestler, it's always two, three, or more.
>doing one thing that makes absolutely no fucking sense has massive knock-on effects on the rest of the Banzuke
You're getting it the wrong way round. They make as few strange moves as possible so as to be able to make stable, easy-to-guess placements for everyone else. Removing their ability to make those rare strange moves would turn every banzuke into a nightmare and a farce.
>Yamanoumi is the sixth M5 AGAIN, banzuke team should commit sudoku
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koga can't meme
>Keisho will retire as a yokozunalet
maybe he should've try to keep the slop down a little bit, fat fuck
>slobbering on JSA cock
200 yen have been deposited to your account
banzuke autism is the least interesting part of sumo. the hairdressing is more interesting.
>he went 7-8 and went down slightly
>other guy went 5-10 and went down more
Banzuke autism is an insight into the mostly closed-off world of JSA politics.
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>banzuke autism is the least interesting part of sumo
It's fun when it's documenting newly set records or strange stuff. Like: who's had the longest single makuuchi stretch without ever achieving kachikoshi? Shit like that is fun and interesting.
>who's had the longest single makuuchi stretch without ever achieving kachikoshi?
The answer?
Will look and fight like Moriurara soon.
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It looks to be a 3-way tie, at four basho. Ooikari was the only one to pull it off in the last 65 years.
See? That's fun.
My guy in Makushita, Higonoumi up to 25E
Any news on Kazuma if he will enter this basho?
He certainly shouldn't enter. As far as I know he's up and walking again but if I was his master I wouldn't even consider letting him fight until at least November.
Chris really missed an angle on his video about the all stables practice, giving no coverage whatsoever to Takanosho, the Nagoya JY winner. With Teru out, Takanosho should be seen as a top contender as much as anyone.
Terunofuji is out of the practice? Or next basho? I hadn't heard the latter.
he isn't going to go from his current condition to being able to deliver yokozuna sumo in a little bit over a week
This British kid who recently joined Minato beya did so because he saw it as a way to escape and possibly survive the genocidal replacement regime thats currently wiping out all of the natives in the UK
Who gives a fuck about takanosho hes peaked and getting older hes not consistent like hosh and zak
Onosucko getting yelled at for being a pussy with no heart at all stables practice. I hope he tanks to Jonidan.
>Who gives a fuck about takanosho
I do
you're in for an unpleasant next decade if onosato triggers you that badly
i bet your favorite is abi
abi is everyone's favorite
no. i hate abi most
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Forgot picture...
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>...I am forgotten
Not by me I wish sumo had better highschool coverage so I could have discovered him as soon as possible. Hakuoho is scary good watch he will pass up onosato and takerfuji if he stays healthy. Hes just as strong as them but wayyyyy more technical his shishi fight sold me.

This kid is the future
>latest futagoyama video opens with koga going 0-5 in practice bouts
kek, what is this ugly fuck going to do when kikuchi gets too good for him? Can't be long now.
He's still 18, you know. I don't know why people act as if he's already a middle-aged lifer with no prospects for improvement. There are very few men who hit their peak at 18.
kikuchi is more likeable and outspoken, hope he rolls over koga soon.
>Hakuoho is scary good watch he will pass up onosato and takerfuji
Guess we might see in September if they both actually show up.
When are those sneaky japs at the JSA going to give Hakuho Miyagino back. Onoshito can haze people all he likes but poor Hokuseiho does a little cheeky ball slapping and wallet gluing and all of a sudden its the end of the world.
Every time I watch him I'm always stunned how massive he was. Not even like Konishiki was, his frame and height was just incredible for a rikishi.
The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long. To me, Akebono set the standard for being the big man in a sport full of big men. If we ever see his like again, we'll be very lucky.
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Ichinojo had his chance, but he drank it away.
Its worth noting that Mongol empire was short lived and underperformed it's potential pretty much because Genghis' successor was a drunk.
>The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long
I don't think his heart attacks and strokes had anything to do with his size given, you know, Konishiki and Musashimaru are still fine
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Big men like that need linebacker training. If they stick with just sumo training or something like judo then they get stood up and knocked off balance too easily, so they bloat up too much to try and compensate. The next big (in both senses) yokozuna is going to be a failed football prospect.
you need to have good mobility and a solid foundation in combat sports to do well in sumo. american football will just wear you down
My grandfather smoked from the age of 9 to his death (of old age) at 86, but it's still reasonable to say that smoking shortens your lifespan.
my granfather who quit smoking in his 40s lived until he was 92. the other who didnt died in his 60s. i wouldnt have any memories of watching sumo with him if he didnt quit when he did i think
>shortens your lifespan
I'm certainly not arguing against that point. What I meant was only that he was atypically young to die even for someone of his profession, and the continuing survival of Konishiki and Musashimaru still makes him the minority when we factor in size.

The average life expectancy of a sekitori is supposedly 62, and they tend to die suddenly. Akebono was 47 when he had the heart attack, and essentially never left the hospital after it. Probably the pro wrestling turn played a significant role, if not the primary role.
I agree that he was very young, even for a (large) rikishi. However, averages and statistics in general can be very misleading and not at all intuitive. I don't have the data to say whether the average age at death for sekitori is low because of a lower percentage of men that make it into their 80s, or a higher number of men who don't make it out of their 40s, for example. I think when you consider that men exceeding 200kg are rare even in sumo, your sample size is going to be too small to draw a proper conclusion anyway. After all, fellow Hawaiian Takamiyama fought at above 200kg too, and he turned 80 this summer - for all we know, the superheavyweights might turn out to have a higher average life expectancy than the "average" sized rikishi. I suspect that this isn't the case, but either way, we'd need to look a good few decades into the future to find out exactly how much younger than average poor old Akebono was for his size.
I read that it takes 15 years for your lungs to recover so by 55 your granddad was safe (as in back to non-smoker levels), yeah.
Combat sports only matters in terms of upper body grappling. Stuff like judo and bokh obviously have it but not exclusively, whereas being a lineman in American football is literally all about upper body grappling while remaining mobile. There's a reason why the Hawaiians succeeded despite no wrestling experience, because they had football experience.
>The next big (in both senses) yokozuna is going to be a failed football prospect.
A failed football project could play in the AFL and still have a bigger salary than anybody in sumo.

>There's a reason why the Hawaiians succeeded despite no wrestling experience, because they had football experience.
Akebono was a basketball player. Musashimaru played football but also competed in Greco-Roman wrestling.
not that anon, but linebacker training would have more mobility and agility training than judo or other things. would it necessarily transfer is debatable. half the things that would better you to take pursuit angles and coverage would be useless. also backers aren't supposed to get caught up on individual pushing matches, so thats not great example.
>failed football prospect.
unlikely since by the time you figure that out you are too old. if you didn't make it d1, its doubtful your just going to switch to sumo easily post highschool and meet all the requirements in time. its not like baseball where the mlb can just poach whoever they want
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Smoking is only unhealthy for people over 40 years old. What the massive anti-tobacco propaganda movement says is at odds with the data collected on the topic. The single largest and longest term study of tobacco use found that people who quit smoking before age 40 have the same life expectancy as people who never smoked.
>being a lineman in American football is literally all about upper body grappling
most of the moves commonly used in sumo would be called as penalties in football, linemen would have a built up a lifetime of bad habits that they would have to unlearn to become effective sumo wrestlers.
>linebacker in a sumo match: dodges opponent's tachiai and runs past him out of the ring
>muh pol
>hopes for a back to back yusho from some random maegashitter
first time?
interesting development about our long lost friend wallet-glue-zeki in the latest chris video
Fuck off
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Aoiyamas choice of bicycle
Hokuseiho deserves another shot.
All he needs to do is change his name and wear glasses. They'd let him back in for sure.
People would notice immediately due to his inimitable style of sumo.
Couldn't he just switch arms?
No, he wouldn't be doing his own style of sumo then. He'd lose for sure.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on glue.
Honestly this was hakuho's fault not controlling his student its not like he beat them with a metal bad just a little hazing. A Dogeza and a fine payed to the affected wrestlers would be enough.
You're never getting the trust back in the heya after he's been stealing from wallets. Not in a million years.
As expected of a wrestler who lasted +13 years as a sekitori.
I really do miss him, standing there all majestic like with one arm hanging free, swaying in the wind.
Seemed okay with it if it went on for a year. Just sell him to a different stable after he pays fines to the stolen from wrestlers.
We don't know what the timeline of events was. It could have been getting progressively worse over the year, culminating in the wallet stealing and MGS2 hijinks. Maybe he started out the same as Onosato has, and went further each time he wasn't punished.

>sell him to a different stable
NSK doesn't do that.
A king.
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What you've heard of wasn't the worst of it, just the worst that the JSA is prepared to publicly admit to. I was told by my good friend Taro Detarame, a sumo insider of some renown, that Hokuseiho is very lucky he didn't get arrested for some of his actions. There's more than one kind of wallet you can glue shut, after all.
The latest Chris video says Teru is not going to be competing for Aki.
Chris also says that KiriSHITma thinks he is going to be making ozeki again my March.
>The latest Chris video says Teru is not going to be competing for Aki.
That's not really a surprise. He wasn't doing any practice matches on tour, and his body is no longer capable of recovering from a 15-day tournament in just six weeks.
KiriSHITma's only shot at regaining ozeki is tons of injuries in the upper ranks. The banzuke was extremely weak back when he managed to squeak his way in the first time around. Taknosho back in the joi particularly spells bad news for KiriSHITma, Taknosho is lifetime 14-2 against him
Kirishima is fucking boring I don't see how anyone likes hes my hakuseiho
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>Takanosho is lifetime 14-2 against him
do you not know about affinity match-ups? Almost everybody has one or two of these.
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That guy's just been having a stroke about Kirishima for years now.
Another great update on sumo news from Chris today. Is this really Keisho's last hurrah?
I can't imagine him getting 10 wins. If he does it'll be as Chris quoted him as saying - ugly, dishonourable sumo for the sake of winning at all costs. Once you abandon "My Brand of Sumo" then it's all over. He can't honestly expect to be able to henka his way through every other tournament in the hopes that his neck miraculously heals itself and he can return to form. If I was his master, I'd tell him to avoid the win-at-all-costs mentality and focus on providing the crowd with the strongest and most dignified sumo he can still manage, and retire immediately after the tournament if he fails to reach 10 wins.
TakaKEKisho will juggernaut this basho and die on the dohyo
They don't call it Wacky Aki for nothing.
A fitting honorable death for the man that gave everything to sumo

He is the heart of sumo
I'll be the first to give him a posthumous "his yokozuna run begins NOW"
kill yourself
El Hamtaro Muerto [Tier SSS]
with Teru out, cup is up for grabs again.
t. akakeisho
Still waiting for kotozakura to do something but idk I kinda wish he'd sit and heal up before his injuries become a real problem.

Its time for him to start being great instead of being other peoples stepping stone to be great.
I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even make it the full 15 days.
If he starts 1-3 or something then he might as well just pack it in. There's no dignity in handing out free wins. Better to be honest with yourself, ignore your ego, and accept that you can no longer compete.
>nabatame had to do his juryo promotion party despite already being demoted to makushita
humiliation ritual
The last time Takakeisho was relatively health-ish was in January 2023. He somehow managed to win another Basho in September but he was clearly not healthy when he did it.

Since then, he is losing to a bunch of people he would steamroll if he had a half decent health. The longer he stays the worse his record will be.
I think even if he somehow manages to henka his way to 10 wins he should just do a surgery as soon as he gets it and return when he is fully healthy, even if it takes a drop to lower maegashira or upper juryo if he takes a year off.
A fully healthy Keisho should be able to return to Ozeki in a year from upper juryo.

But being realistically he should just retire. Being the 2nd best non-Yokozuna ever with 5JY and 3 Y as Ozeki, plus 3JY and 1Y as upper maegashira and komosubi/sekiwake is a pretty good career.
He's not going to return to anywhere near his peak strength, even if he takes two years off. Takakeisho is a man who has pushed himself further than he should have been able to in pursuit of success, in a similar way to someone like Ronnie Coleman (currently doing his best to relearn how to walk, as far as I know). Takakeisho has burned himself out and broken his body in ways that he'll be feeling for the rest of his life. Maybe if he'd made it to Yokozuna and been able to take time off when he really needed it things would have turned out differently. As it stands, I think he's done for and I expect him to retire before the year is out.
the oyakata run begins NOW takakeibros
>Maybe if he'd made it to Yokozuna and been able to take time off when he really needed it things would have turned out differently.
Yeah. Being able to take time off without fear of demotion would allow him to heal up, but with his small size and cannonballing style he was never going to last. I doubt he would have lasted to age 30 in any case.

He should retire, get his neck fixed, start losing weight, and focus on training up the next generation. He's quite popular so recruiting shouldn't be too difficult.
>He's quite popular so recruiting shouldn't be too difficult.
Come to Takakeisho Beya and learn to be a cripple by the time you're in your mid 20s, learn to become even more predictable than Abi…
yeah what could the guy who reached the second highest rank in the sport during the reign of the most dominant yokozuna in history possibly have to teach new wrestlers
1 sleep before sumo, i'm fucking hype.
Considering that Hakuho is kind of a shit teacher, probably less than you think
Yeah but Hakuho never had to compete with Yokozuna Hakuho. Back when Hakuho was an Ozeki, Hakuho was still just an Ozeki.
What makes you say he’s a bad teacher. All the guys from his stable seem to like him and some have quit since having to merge with isegahama.
>What makes you say he’s a bad teacher.
He let some big psycho terrorize all his students for a long time
It's not necessarily that he's a bad teacher (although he seems to be doing much better under experienced supervision), it's that even though he's unquestionably the greatest rikishi of all time, that doesn't translate into being the greatest oyakata of all time. Conversely, there are and always have been many stables run by comparatively mediocre rikishi that have nonetheless churned out star after star. As a case in point, Isegahama-oyakata reached Yokozuna at the ripe old age of 30, spent only two years at the rank, and won la mere 4 tournaments. He has successfully raised Harumafuji and Terunofuji, both of whom far eclipsed their master's achievements. A poster from 1992, when Asahifuji retired, might have said something like "Come to Asahifuji Beya and learn to lose over and over again to the san'yaku".
Churanoumi looked sharp in Kise beya practice bouts in their video dated Sept 3. Ura and Kinbozan did not participate.

Matchups for the 1st two days are out for jakuuchi and day 1 for juryo. Takerufuji opens up against the chinaman.

Shodai back in the joi, last time he was ranked that high he pulled off a 4-11, but still managed to score a kinboshi. Thats a huge asterisk on Teru's 9th basho as far as I'm concerned. Losing to the 4-11 guy is not yokozuna sumo.

Prediction: Onokatsu basho, 2024 seems to be the year of the noob
You sound like a zoomer fag. Hazing has always been a part of sports until the last 10 years. Little shits need to learn their place.
How can you judge hakuhos production after being stripped of his beya after only a few years? The japs hate hakuho because he is a mongol and punished him way too hard because of it. Gay ass onosucko is hazing all the little shits in his beya and hasn’t even gotten a slap on the wrist.
>Little shits need to learn their place.
They did. Their place is in the stable, and Hokuseiho's is going to be in a Family Mart because he's a fucking moron.
Hakuho broke the cardinal rule of being a shisho, which is not staying in your own house. They're called "heya" for a reason. How it's supposed to go is it's supposed to be the shisho's actual home, and he hosts the wrestlers, junior okayata, and other personnel within them. Therefore, someone like Onosato gets leniency because it's assumed that the shisho has proper supervision over his own home and knows firsthand whether Onosato's actions are appropriate or not; any disciplinary actions are therefore only for the sake of saving face among the sumo-ignorant public. Hakuho did not live in his own home and had no supervision over it, therefore the actions of Hokuseiho were considered to be the result of Hakuho's lack of supervision resulting in his own home devolving into anarchy.
but r/sumo told me it was just because the japanese are vicious anti-mongol racists?
>Conversely, there are and always have been many stables run by comparatively mediocre rikishi that have nonetheless churned out star after star.
The Miyagino that coached Hakuho was a perma Juryo shitter with only 2 basho as a maegashitter
Hakuho should have learned before to NOT rock the boat and act like hot shit just because you were a good wrestler. Should have learned from Kisenosato.
Hakuho always had an attitude problem. Remember when he tried to call a mono-ii on his own bout?
The japs are ungrateful. Baluchi saved sumo during all the match fixing scandals and this is how they repay him.
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>Hakuho always had an attitude problem
That’s what I get for being a phone poster
Terutsuyoshi made his MMA debut.

Kudos to him for actually winning but what the fuck kind of production is this? Why are there Jedi monks spectating?
This is a Mortal Kombat stage
I see all the sumo training prepared him to tank all the shots to the head
>but for a few years the JSA wanked him off because they hated Asashoryu more
I wonder if his run as sole yokozuna shitting on everyone caused him to huff his own farts, and his injury in 2015 reminded him he was mortal, that there were serious contenders coming for him including the other two yokozuna at the time, and that he needed to last 5 more years to make it to the Olympics (which ended up being longer).
Kise is run by an M1 and they have as many salarymen as anyone
M1 is pretty "high". The previous Miyagino was a M14 ONCE and then perma Juryo shitter.

And example of a Juryo shitter that can't train is Oho's oyakata who is an J4
Nabatame vs Chiyomaru tonight
Make the thread hoes
alright see y'all in the /sp/ thread
My kachi clash picks
reportedly suffering from a number of injuries
2-13 last time he was in the joi
Onosucko going to go 1-14 and get demoted straight to jonidan and be forced to clean toilets.
Aki basho officially underway
are there any sumo wrestlers worth talking about right now? i havent payed a lot of attention since these guys were doing their thing
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Some people may not like it, but the answer to this question is undoubtedly Onosato. His trajectory is fantastic, and unlike fellow rising stars Hakuoho and Takerufuji, he's actually increasing his rank rather than getting injured and falling back to Juryo - so far, anyway. Personally, I think Ozeki is a certainty, possibly before the year is out, and I think it's highly likely that he'll be the Yokozuna to beat well into the 2030s.
Nobody is rising faster than Aonishiki. Onosato's 9-6 last time out suggests that he might have finally hit a level where the competition is on his level, but it was probably just too much post yusho distractions interfering with his training.
Aonishiki has thus far only faced low-rankers - while he's certainly one to watch it's far too early to speculate on his potential in the top division.
>are there any sumo wrestlers worth talking about right now?
Takerufuji. Oonosato is the big topic right now because he hasn't gotten injured yet, but Takerufuji exhibits a calm in his sumo which is almost clinical and which allows him to beat anyone. Any time Oonosato gets into trouble, he seems to panic. Of the two, I would expect Takeru to have the longer (and superior) tenure at a high rank.
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It's so over
Japanese question: if you are displaying two banzuke on the wall next to each other, what order do you put them in? Does oldest to newest go from left to right, or from right to left?
East slightly outranks West, and East is printed on the right side of the banzuke - therefore the older banzuke should be to the right of the newer one, befitting its seniority.
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My lower division picks to watch™
>Shimizuumi (I have high hopes for this one)

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