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>Booyaka Booyaka
>4 foot 9
>Booyaka Booyaka
>Killed a guy one time
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>I hear voices in my head
>They say a word
>It starts with "N"
>They talk to me
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>I came to gay
I came to gay, there's a price to pay
Time for you to get down on your knees and pray (I came to gay)
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You've got your rules and your religion
I've got mine and that's okay
We can live in peace together
It's what makes this nation great
I have a choice of who to vote for
Mind my voice? No! Voice my mind
I have a choice because of that day
The Constitution was fin'lly signed


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What matches you think we'll see on both days for Lunacy tapings?
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Why was Woe the Weeping Weirdo so shit?
Shaggy has been shaving his head for over 25 years now. He probably started going bald in 1998.
Just not the same since the falling out with twiztid
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>Norwood Reaper hit Shaggy hard
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Dacutie Kleared Edition

(Dacutie is now cleared, and tonight on Raw it will be Iyo & Dakota vs Liv & Raquel.... Hopefully we're getting even closer to seeing all /our girls/ reunited now..... Iyo had an Elimination Chamber qualifying match vs Liv, but unfortunately she was accidentally DQ'd after Rhea ran in to try and help, and Iyo walked away as Rhea tried to apologize..... Interestingly, there were teases throughout the night about Iyo potentially facing Rhea at Wrestlemania, so perhaps there is more to this story yet to come?? ..... Iyo entered the Royal Rumble at #1 and lasted over 1 hour, in a very good effort.... Sadly there were no Rumble returns for Asuka, Kairi, or Dakota, but hopefully we'll see them again very soon.... Plus, Iyo and Auntie Bayree had a meeting backstage on Rawflix, the atmosphere was tense, but can fences finally be mended? .... Sadly, Kairi is recovering from some form of thumb surgery, she recently posted some pictures of her training during recovery, so hopefully that means positive progress..... And Asuka has been spotted with Iyo, so hopefully Asuka will be returning soon with a cadre of secret service protection to protect her from the freaky stalkers..... Full Damage CTRL reunion soon?? ..... Based on their presentation it looks like Damage CTRL will be a featured attraction for Rawflix, kek what primary players! ..... And with the road to Wrestlemania officially in full swing, there's still plenty of paths to Mania for Iyo and friends! .....)

>We hope Kairi can come back healthy soon!
>We hope Asuka can come back healthy soon!
>Dakota is now cleared!

previous: >>16941076

>The longest running daily wrestler general on /pw/

Social Media:

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triple threat with liv and rhea at mania
eating the pin in that match so liv can recover 1% of her aura
no new?
it's over. iyo LOST her place in the catalog.


Your lucky I checked

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What would be Maika's gimmick in America
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mmmmmm that plump pussy
Her hunt for a blonde white guy with blue eyes
who is that white guy behind her??
A nationalist judge that absolved nazi japanese war criminals from any wrongdoing during ww2.
Maika is a fan of the guy.
Love this drunken Chud

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I am an E-God but I have to admit, besides the fat tranny and the horse, AEW has some amazing looking broads.
Like way better then 90% of the women we have, even that chink Mina is attractive and I find bug women ugly.
Like I would trade uggos like Charlotte, Rhea and Iyo for Harley Cameron and her amazing tits, Mariah May and her amazing tits, and Mina Shirakawa and her amazing tits.
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WWe had her Jamie and Brandi lauren and they fumbled them now the roster is full of ugly and bogged woman like charles and nattie
>indy darlings
>WWE talents

based Link Perry
Way too fucking hot for wrestling
If this woman is so hot how come you ain't flooding the thread with her? Threads almost a day old and just the one picture.
At this point you fags post what I believe to be her puppet? More than her.

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>Layla Entrance Video
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His dick don't work.
I don't understand how anyone thinks Miz is somebody to fuck with
Why the fuck is Knight even popular?
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Good looking, in shape, can act out a script reasonably well. Mostly it is because he is a catchphrase merchant.

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my butt looks like this in shorts
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Why won't Phil her womb?

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>goes to MitB
>is ass in MitB, easily the second worst wrestler in the entire PPV behind Jey Uso
>is in survivor series
>easily the 4th worst wrestler in the ppv after nia, jey and roman
>is about to go to elimination chamber
why do they keep putting her in these multi girl matches when she is ass? is this the power of fucking the Rock's cousin?
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That's the exact reason tho
It's gargantuan and gorgeous
Because Cody want it like that
People like her.
You know exactly why! The same reason as the usos, priest etc.. they just want to pander to the bix noods.
is black is fucking a Samoan damn i wonder why she is always in Ple

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>it's almost 6AM
Gimme some wrestling tunes for my morning run through the village
John Cena - The Time Is Now

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Road to Fantasticamania edition
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I hope my wife King Sue is in attendance
lucha bump
Worth it though imo
She only goes when there's are wrestlers on, seemingly
Okumura is so fucking ass
Good show

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I'm not feeling good and will be retiring from posting a bit early tonight. have a good evening lads.
If this truly was your last match I'd like to thank you for entertaining us
Have a good night anon.
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it's only for tonight

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>people criticize Charlotte Flair for refusing to put people over
>she's literally lost the championship 14 times
Yeah and won the title a month later
>she's literally lost the championship 14 times
and won it again on the following raw
>A) Immediate rematch and win as opponent gets knocked down to mid-card
>B) Get's moved to the other brand and immediately gets a title match with the other brands champion
>C) Leaves for an extended period of time, returns to get a title match instantly
Every Charlotte title loss is followed by one of those three scenarios. She never actually puts somebody over. Also some of those title loses were MITB cash-in and triple threats where she doesn't get pinned
That bullshit where Nikki cashed in and lost immediately still irritates me. I hate Chuck.
That’s not really the critique the critique is that she goes over too much to begin with.

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>starts Grand Ham Hogstralia at 10:30 PM because he either fears NXT or knows his fanbase is full of obese losers with no social life who will spend their Saturday night watching a bad wrestling show
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Is this true?
Valentine's Day was yesterday
Kek what a dumbass pajeet
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Which one is hogwheels?

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stepmommy roleplay
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Charles in Charge of our days and our nights
Charles in Charge of our wrongs and our rights
lmao why is she just wearing her underwears?
Happens when you live in India.
More like stepdaddy rp
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Charles is older, so she has an advantage, but while she looked decent at the beginning of her career and it took years of facial fuck-ups to end up like that, Timotty has always been ugly, so he will probably look worse than Charles in 3-5 years tops.

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Triple N needs to get off his ass and give her a chance, she's a waste on NXT.
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Poor whitecucks
being in NXT is a stall while her and Giulia attend english classes
if she got called up now, she'd just get trapped in the luchasphere with the LWO and the Luchasuits etc
I imagine her smells she like yes
I:d take some waste off her ass if you know what I mean
This. Actually she was only signed so that Giulia has someone to drop the NXT belt to before they let her unlock her full personality on the main roster.

Vaqs shown all she's got.

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