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[Good news] Tony Khan has found his fall guy with Jimmy Jacobs and the marks are eating it up. They are convinced that it was Jimmy holding AEW back
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People said that when he got hired in the first place, it didn't stop E-drones from pushing the "Jimmy runs AEW creative!" conspiracy theory. And now he's out, they changed their tune.
This literally never happened you well poisoning retard
I'm so fucking sick of Daniel Garcia and I was sick of him from day one. I've watched wrestling for over two decades and there's no one and I mean no one that has as much go-away heat for me as much as Daniel Garcia. People back then used to have X-Pac as the poster boy for go away heat. But in comparison to modern wrestling and especially Daniel Garcia, X-Pac is based in comparison.

There's something about him that makes my almonds trigger intense malice. I refuse watching AEW at all. Not a single second of it until they get rid of that cunt. I can't stress enough how he doesn't belong in wrestling.

Let's put it this way: I watched AEW regularly and gave it a chance when Marko Stunt and Big Swole was in the roster. I hated every time they showed up and hoped every time that TK would get rid of them.

Daniel Garcia is way way worst. Why?

Despite being annoying, Marko and Swole never got pushed down our throat and weren't promoted as serious wrestlers, as legitimate threats. Marko showed up, did a few flippy shit spots and most of the time jobbed and that's it. I had to endure that for a few minutes and enjoy the rest of the show. Swole didn't do anything apart from a Britt Baker feud. And she was s piss break anyway because all womeme matches are piss break. Then she ended up on Dark/Elevation so you'd barely see her anyway.

Daniel Garcia is a different beast. He is always inserted into major stuff. He gets pushed. He is on match cards on Dynamite. He feuds with MJF. He is a Marko Stunt/Big Swole that gets pushed to the moon. He takes himself seriously, he thinks he is a technical wrestler, a legitimate threat. He does a Sharpshooter on a table because he is so "technical". I rather see Marko Stunt do a Canadian Destroyer on a table. That's more logical.

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Is Jimmy Jacobs responsible for airing the Punk-Perry footage?
So the nepotism baby gets lead around on the leash by his employee, forced to do his bidding? Make that make sense!

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This is a proof that Reality Era was created by Triple H and that he was in charge of booking at least since 2014. Let me repeat that, all the absolute garbage boring shit since 2014 is coming from Triple fag, all the womeme shit, all the indy twinkery, all the "i'm a good wrestler" all this shit is from Paul, his era didn't start in 2022 it started in 2014, the new corporate logo dimeless era is all his, the CFO loop themes, the PPVs without unique setups the four hour shows with three hour pre-shows, the after show talk shows, the twitter storylines, its all Paul
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Lol, lmao even
This is actually something Gaytch fans regularly did on mainstream websites back when Vince wasn't fully cancelled Something bad: Vince's hands
something good: Broken clock can be right twice or Papa Gaytch did it
but enough about your childhood
Vince loves black dicks. If you defend him, you’re a cuck.
Champs getting jobbed out having to work with the wonder twins. Zayn and Owen's are dimeless shitters. I hope the rock gets metooed so his stupid wannabe black family can get off my TV.

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If you don't look like this just stop being a wrestler and go work retail.
>Zero 5 stars matches
Shitters. Also you're a faggot.

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What's next for their feud?
Boredom. Rhea should realize she's being booked like a fucking idiot. She's had multiple chances to pin Liv to regain that title but no, she'd rather try to beat Liv with a steel chair or go beat Dom like a pinata. The only person keeping her from winning that belt back is herself because she's not a fucking babyface at all.
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fuck the pebble
Oh look he has workrate now
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fuckin retard.
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We're back
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Funny that you mention it now, he is planning a comeback too
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I just hope they stop pretending Elias and Ezekiel are two different people, no one fell for that shit
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Zeke Freaks we gonna FEAST
What the fuck are you talking about? Elias has a full on beard.

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why are NXT fans so worthless?
why is dynamite only worth 2-6 cents less than raw?
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>Box office: $165.3 million
It will make money in the end. Capeslop always wins, unless it has Dwaynetty.
>breaking even is the goal
if only Tony Khan had this philosophy, his dad would be a few hundred million dollars richer right now
>his dad
>a few hundred million dollars
Pissing in the ocean.
Shad is laundering money in America for the pakistani government so that was probably planned
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It says per hour. WWE fans really are the dumbest apes I have every come into contact with.

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but enough about punk
but enough about iyo
Cheese would draw MASSIVE dimes

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jej sashit sucks
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Holy jej
Kek what a bald horse
She's almost as bad as stinko sky.

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>loses the belt immediately
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kek what a winner
Jey doesn't really need wins or anything he just needs to get tv time and say yeet because his gimmick resonates enough to move shit tons of merch
It's a pretty bulletproof shtick, giving him singles titles is just wasteful. This was more of a thanks for your service tell your dad to shut the fuck up whining kind of run, it's right that it went straight back to Bron.
>the last gay Ricky Martin fan is a AEW fan also
checks out
Based promo by Bron

Odds that Jimmys gonna cost Jey the match?

Ain't I great?
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He would've made the West Texas Rednecks even better.
I kneel
I hate how Jeff is now more known for being the midcarder who kept shoehorning himself into main event scenes, instead of for his midcard heel run in the New Generation era
He was great at the campy heel country music singer gimmick, like a more modern Honky Tonk Man
Too bad he didn't know his ceiling later in his career
>Stands up for a photograph
>"Ain't I Great?"

Why is Jeff Jarrett on here mocking PigTrevor CrippleHouse?
>Obese subhuman retarded pieces of walking shit smarks trash Double J for years
>Join the pedophile tranny rodeo now they all sing his praises

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>Dark Puroresu Flowsion AND WWEBotched got murked this year
Great year to be an ECHAD
still Vince, fatso
we're all different people, you fat retard. a lot of people know that it's still Vince. pretty much everyone but you.

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When did the belt lose prestige?
>chyna/jericho share the belt
>triple h wins belt from Jericho, loses belt to Jeff, wins belt from Jeff six days later, loses belt to Kane
>Lance Storm wins belt
>Santino wins belt
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when the miz dropped it
>Lance Storm wins belt
What a retarded thing to say
lmao when Road Dog had the belt
1999. Ken Shamrock was the last good champion
He won it after Billy had been chasing it for months, and then Billy turned around and won the hardcore belt Road Dogg had been chasing. The mad genius of Russo

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Why was RAW taped this week? They don't have an overseas PPV and they're on their regular day
They're doing a European tour this week and took talent from both rosters.

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>LAST WEEK: 1,518,000 (0.47)
>THIS WEEK:1,652,000 (0.49)
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You're still mad you were wrong. Cope
Thank you for the house liv
>smackdown went up after the debut
tranbros...gayewsisters..it over
kek better than 300k like dynamite
too many dimes

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