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But wasnt the main event Coconuts vs Cody and Seff
It was Roman vs Edge vs Daniel Bryan
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this match too
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What a great match between two African American woman. And now, here's Hulk Hogan
This was before WWE got good again. Wrestlemania 38 was officially when the new boom period got kicked off

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so you don't know?
Nash fue violada. Si.
Nash? RAPED!
top kek
Kevin's Revenge

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>average WWE fan
>mfw trannies hate zoey near me

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any link to the video or photo set of Mandy with PVZ? I just MUST have it
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>only 3 months

Let them have their fun life is hard enough on them already
KWAB 2024 nominee

>sar please no stampede

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why are people expecting Jey Uso to chain wrestle to get singles gold when he could get singles gold on the back of being his famous "Main Event" Jey Uso character?
Why does he need to wrestle when he can yell black words and keep pretending to be black. Is what OP is saying.
You don't have to be Dean Malenko but you have to be entertaining when the bell rings like literally every wrestler in history with staying power

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They love the attention Sandy Hook got for their gun control propaganda.
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>Don't let the Reptilians or the Triangle Men in, they'll take over your home, they'll take over your business
Bray tried to warn Vince, he didn't listen.
The Wyatt “massacre” a couple weeks ago was fake. All the corpses were paid actors pretending to be dead. Chad Gable is in on the whole thing.
I see you understand that most conspiracy theories and theorists are antisemitic. Yet you still fall for their crap.

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thought that was jeff hardy from the 'log
dax only likes boys
>soya schizo
>shitt schizo
gain taste asap
wat u mean?
I didn’t give a shit about that ugly gook bitch, you empty headed dumbfuck. You’d know that if you had actually bothered to keep up with the posts. The pajeet refused to concede on his grammar errors so I acted accordingly

You Got A Kiss For The Champ?
sure do campeon!
thanks for drawing the house btw!
nah i'll pass
Only if you put on lipstick Damien
>think Rhea will fuck me
>she smirks and leaves the room
>Damien comes out of the bathroom
>”ready to get zesty?”

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*gets a higher cagematch score than mercedes mone or toni storm*
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Tranny Storm is really, really bad in the ring. It's like she's completely regressed
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/pw/ humor thread
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Habla ingles?
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>/pw/ humor thread
>Make a recycled thread about an unfunny forced dead meme
>Samefag that that unfunny forced dead meme thread for 2 days straight because you're terminally online

Words cannot describe this mental illness. Aspiring clinical psychologists can write their Ph.D. dissertations by examining you subhuman Paleozoic invertebrate filth.
Nash fue violado. Si.

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Reminder that Tina conducted an interview from a /pw/ poster's house.
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This dude fugly.
turn on your monitor
Yes. His own.
Pretty fucking based, honestly. I don’t know if I would be surprised or not if there are people from the wrestling industry posting on /pw/. It would make sense, but it’s a smaller, more schizophrenic board, so I don’t see why they’d have any incentive to stay or post.
Tina's DSL

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Fraid so
Kek based Corny
Dronies in the fucking mud
he jealous cause this spooky shit is better than the spooky shit from his bingo hall fed
all the edrones in the comments crying LMAO
how does it feel to be WROOOOOOOOONG

once again, I am demanding proof of life
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maybe on planet retard
based TNA fired them so they're now wrestling for hotdogs in high school gyms
They've been toyboxed by Tina Khan
the AEW tag division is recovering in terms of depth, the Young Cucks are just holding up the fucking tag belts worse than Roman Reigns. 0 defenses
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I heard the people of Michgan are shoot retarded and this is how you tell someone which part of the state you're from. How do people in Florida tell you?

why do people make this situation out to be weird? isn't it perfectly normal for a girl to have a work husband? most women end up getting close with a guy at work and do some platonic flirting, talk to them for comfort and advice, or share lunch with them. it doesn't mean they don't love their real boyfriend
Ya know these don’t draw as much as they used to anymore.
those people are incels

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