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Is that Cardona? Wow what a badass. Please hire him wwe.

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you know…. I’m starting to think AEW might be the bad guys
>took this drone this long to realize the paki company the panders to satanic trans pedophiles is evil
Are we the baddies?
fraid so
Welcome to the party, pal!
>company the panders to satanic trans pedophiles
at least it isn't owned by them unlike WWE

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>The 2026 event will be the first to take place outside of North America as it will be held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

2026 women's Royal Rumble will be in Saudi GAYRABIESA

meaning they will be covered in gimp suits, no pitty no titty.

Holy shit that's fucking GAY.

Muslims are GAY bro lmao

Wish they Gaza'd the saudis
Damn i didn't even think about this.
No one watches the womeme rumble you mongoloid.
Coomers do. Which we won't because of gay salman
I'm too smart for this board, I know

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It only took him 2 years to kill the spirit of WWE

>Raw no longer on television
>WWE network killed
>more ads and product placement than ever
>no more kayfabe
>Ugly tranny women's champions
>smark favorites, indie midgets and nxt black and gold shitters everywhere
>smackdown 3 hours
>no more lynchian kino

fuck Triple Bypass
half that shit was Nick Khan

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So you don't know?

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does anybody else blink really quick when wrestlers do their worked strikes so that it looks "real" or am I just autistic?. the matches look way more real this way.
Extremely based

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They're nothing but homos
Once HBK started running NXT. I wish I had a best friend that loved me like that.

The world is healing
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I like her even more now.
Thigh Tatoos
But enough about you
She's a smokeshow certified and u can't teach that
And then she popped it with her chin again

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Reddit makes it mainstream. 4chan is the shitty indie circuit that thinks it’s better than it actually is
its been like this forever. look at advice animals and rage comics
And I have a feeling
I also look like this and say this.
ok boomer

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I believed
Me too
he looks like a british wrestling youtube presenter

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>cries about someone being mean about his waifu
>calls out people triggered
you're projecting anon
Every one of these photos is real kek. AI might actually make this beast look like a woman
you make threads about this girl multiple times per day, ya fuckin deranged incel. I'm just wondering what triggered you so much that it focused your turboautism on this particular girl
>you make threads
i didn't make this thread genius
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"She" and Tessa should team up

>Au Ra
if you're going to make AI lil bro at least make good AI
>implying I made this shit and didn't grab it off of Google
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nah bro I can see the filename you ain't fooling me.
I look like this and I'm male.

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how many times do you want to see those two face kenny and will? we've fucking seen it.
Who is left in any company that could possibly face Omega that would actually be a real draw?
Sorry that the truth upsets you so much, trougher
>both agree to rejoin Callis
>stable takes over AEW
yeah Tony has never tried to book a stable trying to take over AEW just might work

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WWE is the best
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everyone says this just like they say AEW rampage got cancelled
for me to poop on
millions are saying this
hard to argue this
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Speaking as a normie who's only here because there was once a time when I loved wrestling, 'fraid not

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Womens match of the year goes to...
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Gonna guess her Statlander & Willow matches also in the top 5.
>celebrating smark dirtsheet awards
What a bunch of fucking losers. Jesus.
>Fagtful awards
even more worthless than the WON awards
hazuki has a pufferfish face, the match cannot be good
Just because none of the matches that won didn't happen in a wwe ring, doesn't mean you have to bitch about it

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