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Parasocial relationships are unhealthy. Tony R. Khan doesn’t know about your existence, you shouldn’t be here fighting for his honor 24/7.
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Thanks for confirming him that you are seething.
Kek you just bumped for me
They're not very smart, aewtists always lose!
Meds now
I’m Tony Khan’s shoot friend, AMA

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>ignores the part where they gain viewers during a double ad break
Kek trannies are so disngenuous
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>more people know of the costo guys than matthew mcconaughey
Pigwheels just got murked again btw. Expect nuclear seethe when he returns in 3 days kek

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crack open a cold one with Kouki
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many are saying this.
kouki and the cup?

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Next random NXT names just dropped!
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you dont inhale cigar smoke retard
you learn something new everyday
an occasional cigarette won’t hurt
glad i could help you anon. sorry for calling you a retard, have a good one

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>Fire them a week after the Rumble so the hype/surprise can't happen
>Fire them months before the RAW after Wrestlemania so nobody cares by the time it rolls around
Absolutely the most evil company and evil owner in history. Absolute scum.

Who should retire him
The Big Guy
Ryback obviously
me :)

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e-drones are spending super bowl sunday having a meltdown over aew existing
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i dont give a shit about tardbaaaaaaaaaaall its boring
Most WWE fans arent American

Is she bigger star than Chyna or Sable? Overall?
yes, easily
probably not if we're comparing peaks
yeah probably solely because of longevity

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Poor lil Vinny

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i wasted 43 seconds of my life watching this
>yeh yeh yo nah nah
fuck you
Their name is True Crew!

Why don't he go to AEW
>why doesn't he go back on the road and wrestle in front of half empty arenas instead of chilling on his giant ranch
he quit during covid because he didnt want to wrestle in empty arenas

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I think Big Show is in my walls again...
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>I think Big Show is in my walls again...
How thick are your walls? They need to be very thick for him to be hiding in them.
Kurt Angle got Jannetty'd out of his own meme
The bad news is Big Show is in your walls.
The good news is I thought he got you and were dead.

>Rey Mysterio vs Logan Paul – Men’s Elimination Chamber Qualifying match
>Bayley vs Lyra Valkyria – Women’s Elimination Chamber Qualifying match
>AJ Styles to appear
>Damage CTRL (Iyo Sky & Dakota Kai) vs Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez
>CM Punk to appear
66 replies and 12 images omitted. Click here to view.
>*generic guitar ruff*
Another banger from Def Rebel
Can't we just shoot CFO$ out of a canon or something? I thought they were gonna get canceled after the jewish one flipped the fuck out on camera and made up a bunch of lies to try and get a arab taxi driver fired, but like a bad penny they just keep turning up.

WWE should hire Fred Durst to write theme music.
yeah I'm thinking kino
LoGOD is going to have to save Rey from botching himself into a grave again, just like at Crown Jewel.
Bron is gonna spear the Forearm out of mid air

It's amazing how wrestling fans on the internet and dirtsheet writer-grifters say everything sucks but keep making videos about WWE.
why don't yall just find something else to watch?
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>implying that the IWC isn't a circlejerk of complaining
That's all that these niggas do. Even if the shows are good they have to find something to whine about. Capeshit nerds are even worse. The internet has turned fandom into monetized ragebait.
I always think about those old IRC logs and boards from the 90s where smarks are saying the exact same shit as they do today. It's insane.
so why are you here trashing aew
What else is there

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Me talking to Jimmy Uso YEEET

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