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Is a future Double D double champ in your path
Bitch needs to make me a sandwich
She needs to be put into an angle as Vince’s sexretary now I wanna see them tongue
>(This brought a huge reaction.)
DreDD champion
EXTREMELY Beautiful White Female American Woman.

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[Sad news]
VENY (26) has completely transformed into a man, with no trace of femininity remaining.
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The Lord is temping me...
Looks no different from the average joshi to me.
I call her VEINY
Thats the devil you homo

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maximum effort minimum aura: the wrestler
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nah thats you
I have never watched him in action, but all I have heard about him is that he's really really really good in the ring, but I haven't head shit about how he performs on the mic
I had heard a lot of good stuff and then he was another internet famous guy that had to be dragged to a good match by Josh Alexander. He was better than a lot of them in that regard but he still is not a wrestler and still had to be forced to put on something resembling a wrestling match by his betters.
>reddit spacing
Sup jason
>reddit spaces while calling out reddit
sup preddit

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Rhea Ripley at an AEW show
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No. The person deleted the tweet already. Alt women with shitty tattoos like Rhea are pretty common here
that's a man
That's Kevin Owens in a wig
She doesn’t have those tattoos.

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Kevin Was Always Based.
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so you dont know..
>it's true
>trigger discipline
Looks like he's ready to join his kid, although I'm sure it's subconscious to wrap his hands around large black objects for him


I liked them
Kevin, we're coming for you
ahead of their time, MILLIONS OF DOLLARS would be over in the current era

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WWE NXT will present Vengeance Day 2025 from Washington DC tonight on Peacock, featuring:

*WWE NXT Champion Oba Femi vs. Austin Theory vs. Grayson Waller.

*WWE NXT Women's Champion GIULIA vs. Bayley vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Cora Jade in a Fatal Four Way.

*WWE NXT Women's North American Champion Fallon Henley vs. Stephanie Vaquer.

*NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer & Axiom vs. Josh Briggs & Yoshiki Inamura

*Trick Williams vs. Eddy Thorpe - Strap Match.

*Je’Von Evans vs. Ethan Page.

2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
It's on the 'cock
seems so
>*WWE NXT Champion Oba Femi vs. Austin Theory vs. Grayson Waller.
oba wins, pins both at the same time

>*WWE NXT Women's Champion GIULIA vs. Bayley vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Cora Jade in a Fatal Four Way.
this being a 4 way makes it interesting, i think giulia still wins however i wouldn't be shocked if cora stole it

>*WWE NXT Women's North American Champion Fallon Henley vs. Stephanie Vaquer.
fallon wins by cheating

>*NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer & Axiom vs. Josh Briggs & Yoshiki Inamura
briggs and inamura win. need a title change

>*Trick Williams vs. Eddy Thorpe - Strap Match.

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All the faces wins except ethan page
just gonna ctrl+v my bullshit nobody cares about itt cus fuck you

>Triple threat
Based but we know the outcome. Maybe they'll swerve and further the break-up of Waller and Theory and.... idk how it benefits Oba? Unlikely but nobody expected Dolph to beat Bron. idk
>Women's 4
again I'm assuming giulia will win. Don't really care about this anyway
>Women's NA
Vaquer is so based. Did the Fallon experiment fail? I like her but idk if anyone else really cares about her
>bouncy vs ego
One of the better-built feuds in NXT right now. I think it'll be good.
yep that's a based from me. I really like Inamura, been watching some of his NOAH stuff thanks to /puro/ and he's pretty good.
>strap match
BASED. I'm one of the few Eddy fans, I hope he gets the win if they're making this his signature match type since Lola stole underground. Sadly even with a dl nigga like Trick this match won't reach the levels of zest of Eddy vs Dijak

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That bull worked his ass off fighting in high school gymnasiums on the independent scene for a decade. He earned his spot in the big leagues.

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>wwe goes to shit thanks to listening to smarks
I thought Vince was the one making the wrong booking.
well he clearly isn’t since he’s making more money than vince
It's nice to see Bam Margera cleaning his act up.
>listening to smarks
If he did this, Jey wouldn't have won the fucking Rumble.
If anything, he's listening to the live crowd marks.
how dare they listen to the paying audience. i think hulk hogan should have lost to sid!

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dear oh dear
no slide,

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road 2 'ricovery edition

[Uplifting News]
The Captain had successful surgery on the torn ligament in her thumb and is currently vigorously 'rihabbing in hopes of a Mania 'riturn! We can only pray(to Jesus) that everything goes smooth for /arrrrgirl/ as she continues her voyage back to the WWE and more importantly back into our lives again because she is CUTE and SEXO(also the thread is kinda slow with her on injured reserve) Long live Captain Kairi!

Previous: >>16927133

Kairi sings the anti-blues:

Theme of Kairi's Krew:


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REtards, rise up!
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bulk life...no more pancakes for Kairi?
Effortlessly pretty
Hhh got Kairi on the muscle wave

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What chants are we starting fellow Ausfags?

I'll back you guys up.
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>Everyone went and had a great time and enjoyed themselves
Do you have any proof of this statement?
Go look at the #AEWGrandSlam hashtags on Twitter and Instagram.
Show me any videos you find of people booing or shitting on the show or not enjoying it.
Go ahead. Look.

>Worked by Slop Carrier
g r i m
Tony doesn't have that type of power in WBD you nonce
what's with the tiny ass ring ong
*clap clap clap*
*clap clap clap*

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Discuss ChocoPro, OniPro, former Gatoh Move wrestlers, and Darejyo here!


Last thread >>16821687

Chocopro#426 Gatoh Rapsody premiere in 90 minutes
2/11 Chocopro#428
2/14 Chocopro#429
2/22 Chocopro#430 basement monstar
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Eggtart is never going win...
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>Chie Koishikawa turns into a villain by stealing the walking stick of Gabaiji-chan while he is crossing the rope and shaking the rope.
>PopcornCarnival (Sayaka Obihiro and Chie Koishikawa) announced their challenge to the 2nd BBW Women's Tag Team Title (Erina Yamanaka and Yoshiko Hasegawa)! The champion Erina Yamanaka accepted! The continuation of PopcornCarnival begins!
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mmmmm bbw joshi

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I have on good authority that AEW is reviving the legendary WCW PLE set in Sturgis, North Dakota.

Who do you want to see headline this event?
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>obsessive seething about Eric Bischoff
Easy win for Wolfie
fuckin kek
Do you hate Bischoff because his legs work?
>reddit spacing
You expose yourself every time you do this.

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Beautiful Madness Edition:

Giulia will defend her title in a fatal four way against Bayley, Cora and Roxanne at Vengeance Day.
IYO will face Rhea for the title on Raw after the Elimination Chamber. Will this match actually happen? Are there big plans for her or is it just wishful thinking?
Sareee will face Syuri in the main event of Sareee-ISM Chapter VII.
Asuka and Kairi are still out with injuries. The Kabuki reunion will have to wait.

Asuka is recovering at home and continues to expand her gaming collection.
Kairi is recovering at home.
IYO is winning.
Giulia is the NXT Women's Champion.
Sareee is carrying on Inoki's legacy.
Meiko is running SENJO shows and is their world champion. Currently on her retirement tour, which will end April 29, 2025 to coincide with her 30th anniversary in professional wrestling.
Xia and Wendy posting is allowed, they're just not officially part of the Klub.

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[ Makes No Sense. ]
[ Like You Can't Tell a Wicked Good Guy That Would Never Harm You? ]
[ Fight To Actually Protect You? ][ Like Me? ]
[ Like How Hard Is It? ]
[ It Ain't. ]
[ It's Like Wicked Obvious when a Guy Is Purely Good. ]
[ What do you Keep Ignoring..? ]

[ Answer The Question. ]
= [ Take a Guess. ]

|[ The End has Come. ]
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[ The World Needs A True HerØ ]

+ [ Gamma Ray Infusion ] +
Sareee is honored to have won Dave's award

Ladder match legend Kana

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