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>Hands the strap over
>Buries himself clean
>Never makes a fuss
>Gives Vince a premium N word pass
Is Book the ultimate company man?
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You know, this is probably the best answer, considering Booker's past and what he had to take care of. But still, the nigga wasn't the SLIGHTEST bit upset at losing to H at Mania with the obvious racism angle, when it was the MOST over he ever was with the company? I get it, it was probably a good paycheck, but come the fuck on nigga, you can't think short term in a business like this.
>you can't think short term in a business like this.
He wasn't. He was thinking long term unlike everyone else in WCW who didn't want to be brought out of their WCW contracts and sat at home. He talked about how this was not an option for him because it would have meant his brand lay dead for the entirety of the contract. Booker still has a job all these decades later. He wasn't a mark. He got paid, is still getting paid, and isn't sawdusted or making angry posts online about what could have been.
You don't need to be a mark to see the stars aligning. He was just more worried about still being on the payroll. If he won at Mania, he would've had an opportunity for more money. Think about it. I mean that was what, WM19? Didn't every single babyface BUT Booker win? Come the fuck on.
Yeah Triple Nose is a bitch. This much is and has always been confirmed.
Even more bizarre because he pulled out the harlem hangover for a match he knew he was losing.

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Has copying anything from wrestling helped you in your life anons?
For me I’ve surprisingly had women fall hard for me because I pretend I’m a wrestler cutting a promo to cheer them up when they’re feeling down. They think it’s genuine but I’m just an autist pretending he’s a wrestler cutting a passionate promo
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I unironically use Carney slang at work and it's gotten me more over with the boys and the boss
It's weird. I can feel stage fright all the way up to the moment that I actually need to speak in front of people. Then it all melted away and it's natural. I now wonder if pro wrestling subconsciously influenced me like it influenced you.
You know what, I understand this completely. It's like I'm playing a character at all times. It almost feels like I know I'm going to be okay because I'm over with the audience.
Memes aside if you honestly train hard in the gym, say your prayers and take your vitamins you'd be better off than 95%+ of people
I got laid off the back of a pretty good macho man impression

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I never saw how this fat nigga KWAB'd himself.
He slipped on chicken grease and a pack of zesty negroes ended up inside him somehow
He and the equally retarded Gabe Kidd had a "hardcore" match or something at a third rate NJPW show.
Did Mcdonalds have a reality show you were in?
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genuinely rj should be grateful he has any fans.
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i can fix her
Obviously a man.
Xhe was the first one. How many tattoo Bros are there now?

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Why did AEW make Tam change her gear at Forbidden Door?
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You tell me
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tam makes me so hard
MJF threw a fit because here can only be one member of the Tribe that can lean on their heritage so hard that it becomes the focal point of their gimmick.
Please don't make me like AEW.

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Why is this being shown or even suggested on a TV PG kids show? What's Endeavor's problem?
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No I watch gAyEW, I'm trans now btw
they're jewish democrats
Nice false flag, E-Fag. Go shove the dildo you named Roman up ya butt like Vince did kek
Lmao AEWtists are so gay
cause they’re an evil company then now forever. and extra evil now that they’re jewish

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>OMG Evolution has returned!
This is why HHH is not in the goat discussion lol. Austin and The Rock and Hogan ALWAYS got crowd reactions no matter what.
It was because Flair wasn’t there
The only Evolution member anyone cares about is Flair?
Yes, he put this place over for years
flair is one of the alltime GOATs and was the draw in Evolution
If you disagree, look at the non-reaction without him

Remember when GirlonCinema (also known in /PW/ circles as "GOC" or by me fondly as "The" GOC :p) thought that "Trios match" means Triple threat (she didn't get the difference between the two, lell XD) so one of us explained it to her on twitter (thru my meme account tho, I'm too shy to interact with her on a real account :p :p) and then she was like HahaZomg and then made a YTvideo about how funny it was and finally she learned and explained in the video what is the difference between a "trios" match and a "triple threat" in AEW.

That was cute hehe , when you reminisce.

I'm a guy btw
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Tee hee this is what GOC would say, too anon.


(I identify as female online but guy irl)
great gimmick
can see some anons getting worked already
No, I know
I know who you are dawg, don't worry about it
Remember when she started to show bobs and vagine, that was cool
When I asked for some originality on this board I didn't mean the gay kind. Fucking monkey's paw.

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Scheduled for tomorrow's WWE NXT on the USA Network:

*Michin vs. Jaida Parker in a Street Fight.

*WWE NXT Heatwave: NXT Championship bout Contract Signing.

*WWE NXT Women's Champion Roxanne Perez and Lola Vice will face off.

*Hank and Tank vs New Catch Republic

*Kendal Grey vs Wendy Choo

*Brinley Reese vs Izzi Dame

*Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont vs Gallus
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>take the bus to go to Bilker's
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>roxy in leather and little docs
why she keep namedropping bellator?
Christ what the fuck is this promo? Heel Roxy's promos have been fine up to this point but she sounds like she's completely out of it. Lola's already a bad promo.

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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


7.6 Nao Kakuta Produce Show "CROSS" @ Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo (LIVE)[12:00 JST]
7.7 Up! Up! TJPW (2) Tanabata Festival with Niki-chan @ Ueno Park Outdoor Stage, Tokyo (VOD)[14:00 JST]
7.13 Just Before TJPW SSP24 @ Itabashi Green Hall, Tokyo (VOD)[12:00 JST]
7.20 Summer Sun Princess '24 @ Korakuen Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[11:00 JST]
7.25 Nao Kakuta Graduation Commemorative Performance ~You are our treasures~ @ Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo (LIVE)[18:30 JST]
7.28 11th Tokyo Princess Cup 1st Round @ Ryogoku KFC Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[12:30 JST]

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What a cute player
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daikon deez nuts
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Not everyone has to or will know. They have their little circles. The OGs definitely share stuff with each other.
Is there anyone Kamiyu hasn't had heat with at some point.
zip it and delete it

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so-called wrestler
just buzzin in the bee hive
She's BWC exclusive
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This Bee with wreck ya.
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How does the adorable lovable Bee make anyone seethe?
is Val a Fag or something?

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What's the point of calling this board ''Professional Wrestling'' when it's just a bunch of simps posting Japanese women?
There needs to be one dedicated "women's wrestling" general to contain the simps and goons.
At the very least hey are professional simps.
If women of other races want to take the strap from Yellow Fever they better step up their game

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E-drones will never have this.
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Is this a mirror match? Chinky.
tony literally let njpw put their world heavyweight title on dean ambrose, the top pushed star in aew
if anyone vetoes takeashit being in njpw for half the year it would be ddt
Takeshita would be a draw in NJPW, you clearly have no idea how it works there
>I don’t want to fuck them so it’s bad!
E-tards are so gay lmfao
japanese fans were very into the idea of takeshita winning the iwgp title

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Fight for the piglets
Full Oink
AEW Pig Business

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Pigs only see in blue, green and red.
I believe this guy, he is a pig LMAO
Kek absolutely mindbroken
Trannies in the mud
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But enough about you.
you mean the person who made this? His father most definitely hates him and doesn't speak to him, so he feels inadequate and fills the friendless, kissless, dimeless void in his life by obsessing over the owner of a pro wrestling company. Am I close?
Tony won't wank your dog, tranny
Wrestling Fan.

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