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What is even on going on in Tony's ROH?
Athena has been holding the belt hostage for a few years now
not really a bad idea if she has any input
she knows as soon as she goes to AEW's normal roster her stock will plummet within weeks
Nothing interesting because no one talks about it. like at all.
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It's just a dumping ground for people Tony has under contract but won't release for some reason. These cards used to be 2 hours long, and they're all paywalled so you gotta pay 10 dollars to see a bunch of squash matches
what was the plan when he bought ROH
>have a hot blonde with big tits who likes to act like a a slutty bimbo
>job her out on the show that literally nobody watches
Tony is a retard
a bunch of squash matches then a ppv with some heckin bangerinos every 6 months

thats literally it
So this is where Gates of Agony have been, huh.
LOL the seven people who watch and rate a bunch of forgettable 5/10 matches
I seriously don't understand why they're all squash matches, it's not like they're on TV and have commercials. Like cut out 5 of the matches and make the rest like 15 to 20 minutes and you might get some people to watch
because its all filmed before collision. tony doesnt wanna tire out the crowd or something idk. its basically just what dark used to be except now behind a paywall so no one watches
He could just rent out a studio in Florida to shoot ROH in in front of a small crowd. It's not like he would be making any money off of it, but this whole ROH thing is just a vanity thing for Tony anyway
beyond grim
no way more than 500 people total watch this absolute garbage
>Cole Karter
Tony scooped this guy up the second he was fired from NXT and for what? He must be Tony Khan's type.
ROH has two television titles yet they don't have a television show
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Come on now, you must've just picked a bad episode, let's see what the previous one was... oh
whats even the point of ROH at this point? who is this for?
I already explained it, it's a dumping ground for talent that can't get on TV and agents that want to get in the ring. I don't know what the original plan for the promotion was but that's what it's turned into
sounds pretty grim
Nigga just needs to reboot it into LU 2. Only not fuck it up like he does with everything else he touches.

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