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WBD sues the NBA. WBD admits TNT will collapse without the NBA.
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This is what AEW was always designed to do. Tina's backstory as a wrestling fan is completely fake. The indies were red hot before AEW existed and now the business has never been shittier. The only thing that AEW improved was WWE's profitability.
It's actually not baseless. Vice only has video content anymore. They did give AEW an offer contingent upon its fate with WBD.
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>after all the good that it has done for the wrestling industry
>yeah tbs was a much better network before nogball
I agree.

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this e-drones tryna hide this one
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This really got the piggies squealin
kek what a crippled pedo faggot
Is this why they call it NXTranny?
>18 hours later no one has said good morning sir

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Wrestling will never be as embarrassing as this opening ceremony
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>the North Algerian Olympics
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I can't bring myself to watch it. The pictures and stuff posted in /sp/ are enough.
yes it will;
women's wrestling, nyla rose, aew, the relentless simps that can't shut up about their favorite waifu, love triangle storylines for teen girls, nxt
Signature got a pop out of me
I never looked at this picture closely so the ladder always looked like a skyscraper to me

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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


7.28 11th Tokyo Princess Cup 1st Round @ Ryogoku KFC Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[12:30 JST]
8.3 11th Tokyo Princess Cup 2nd Round @ Shinjuku FACE, Tokyo (LIVE)[11:00 JST]
8.10 11th Tokyo Princess Cup Quarterfinals @ Edion Arena #2, Osaka (LIVE)[12:30 JST]
8.18 TJPW Shoko Nakajima Version 3 ~Niigata Triumphant Return Show~ @ Duo CEREZO, Joetsu (VOD)[13:00 JST]
8.23 11th Tokyo Princess Cup Semifinals @ Shinjuku FACE, Tokyo (LIVE)[19:00 JST]
8.24 EVE x TJPW: Japan & UK Wrestling Unite! @ Conway Hall, London (LIVE)[14:00 BST]
8.25 11th Tokyo Princess Cup Finals @ Korakuen Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[11:30 JST]

Previous >>15314221
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It's not, OP is just being a dummy facetiously.
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Somehow UUG manager found a girl more retarded than Miu

Have a Badd Ass Weekend, /pw/
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Binge some great Undertaker moments during the weekend

>The Undertaker’s greatest entrances: WWE Top 10

>The Undertaker’s greatest rivals: WWE Top 10

>15 Undertaker chokeslams that sent Superstars to the grave: WWE Fury

>The Undertaker's iconic career: WWE Playlist

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Almost 30 minutes until SmackDown starts so this is perfect to binge until then. Thank you, anon!
Thanks Take
Same here. Been feeling a bit lonely myself. Hope things start getting baddass for you soon, brother

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Why does this still cause eternal seethe among e-drones?
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I was there and no way was there 20k empty seats. Drones will post pics during the women's match to prove me wrong, but that place was packed and the atmosphere was electric. I also witnessed multiple go through turnstiles at once too. Miss me with your nonsense. I was actually there.
>Shoving your crotch in another man is more gay than watching semi-naked men touching each other
You mean one person, who then tweeted out the reply? You act like there is hundreds of thousands of WWE fans who care about AEW, which AEW's ratings disprove.

Meanwhile, you just admitted the number was fake by not even trying to pretend all those evil edrones were lying about the actual attendance.
>i-it was just one person!
That doesn't mean it didn't happen
Correct, it means there was a mentally ill WWE fan who cares WAY too much. That doesn't mean AEW really drew that many.

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because she has a large body
grim body type
Same reason OP's dick is so small
Someone post her bumhole

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Hana haunts /pw/
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Too busy have sex with strangers she would pick up at bars
remember when Stardom use to be fun
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How hairy was Hana's butthole at the time of her death?
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I was thinking about it and I'd go alone if I lived in england. Too much trouble to flying there, getting days off for work and doing it all alone. Also
>two lads who were also on the hooch
>Just go on you're own m8.
This. I'd rather go to something I want to go to alone and maybe not enjoy it as much as I would've with other people yet still enjoy it than skip out on enjoying it altogether and not go and end up regretting that
Everyone's going to be busy doing their own thing or watching the show. No one's going to think twice about you going by yourself. I don't mean this in a mean or rude way but truthfully no one's going to care. That's applies to all sorts of shit in life. As wrapped up as we all are in our own daily bullshit everyone else is wrapped up in theirs. We've all got our own things going on. Never let what other people might think stop you from doing anything. As long as its not hurting other people then go live your life man
That's fair enough anon. This might be the last time AEW does Wembley, but that is a lot of effort to make. I had to travel 5 hours to get there last year and it was mentally taxing icl
No Wembley piggaloid? KWAPC
It might be. But sounds like they're traveling around the world with All In in the future so I might be able to attend one of those stadium shows at one point

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The level of derangement that AEW causes in some people just cannot be sustainable. When AEW gets renewed, what are the odds that AEW haters just…for once…chill out?

Realistically, at that point AEW will be guaranteed to exist for 5-10 more years (maybe even longer, if the contract is very large). It’s clear that despite all their hatred and obsession, AEW will be here to stay.

Genuinely curious if they will see it as futile at that point, or if the opposite occurs and they become even more deranged.
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Joe Hendry is the universal face of no milly. Correct
Remember when drones called the police on MJF for saying he killed a girl in a car crash kek
---> >>15338950
>AEW needs grassroots supporters to make video clips, to mass-engage on social media, to hype up moves and quotes and promos. AEW needs 100 more DrainBamagers who spend time on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok with real humans with impulse control -- not retarded fuck-ups who compulsively spam out when things don't go their way.

>You can't even go 5 minutes without saying "but WWE". You are emblematic of why AEW continues to slide. The two companies have completely different needs but as long as you INSIST their needs are identical, then your shitty behavior becomes justified in your eyes.
There's no fucking way this happened. Please tell me there's no fucking way this actually happened
Afraid so

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Have not been here all as went for meal and drinks with some girl then fucked her.

Hooking up with another girl tomorrow who looks like Tiffany Stratton a bit but with tats. Fucked her before back at end of May.

Good to see nobody cares about their dead meme and cope spam. Just like we planned.

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What did Vince mean by this?
wtf why wasn't I invited >:(
it's not fair bro
Wild African BBC and civilized White women.

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another saki thread
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Shaved pussy players.

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Pick 2.
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>Bret and Owen with the most overrated cage match in history. Of course it is Meltz rated it high
>Undertaker vs Undertaker in a match that 90% of the crowd couldn't tell who was who
The match I was into was Lex Luger vs Tatanka and who sold out
kreia memes are so cringe
for me?
it's ghost dog the way of the samurai and six-string samurai.
>2002 Blockbuster
>2003 SummerSlam DVD
I hope somebody gets banned for this blunder
Any 2 Royal Rumbles

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Izzy thread
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Shes not as attractive as she thinks she is, Ring rat is what she will amount to
Why are you gay?
Not gay, why are you a pedo?
Her Pateron is wild lmao
Remember when she was hot? Like 3 or 4 years ago. The Wall is undefeated

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