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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


7.6 Nao Kakuta Produce Show "CROSS" @ Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo (LIVE)[12:00 JST]
7.7 Up! Up! TJPW (2) Tanabata Festival with Niki-chan @ Ueno Park Outdoor Stage, Tokyo (VOD)[14:00 JST]
7.13 Just Before TJPW SSP24 @ Itabashi Green Hall, Tokyo (VOD)[12:00 JST]
7.20 Summer Sun Princess '24 @ Korakuen Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[11:00 JST]
7.25 Nao Kakuta Graduation Commemorative Performance ~You are our treasures~ @ Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo (LIVE)[18:30 JST]
7.28 11th Tokyo Princess Cup 1st Round @ Ryogoku KFC Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[12:30 JST]

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What a cute player
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daikon deez nuts
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Not everyone has to or will know. They have their little circles. The OGs definitely share stuff with each other.
Is there anyone Kamiyu hasn't had heat with at some point.
zip it and delete it

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so-called wrestler
just buzzin in the bee hive
She's BWC exclusive
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This Bee with wreck ya.
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How does the adorable lovable Bee make anyone seethe?
is Val a Fag or something?

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What's the point of calling this board ''Professional Wrestling'' when it's just a bunch of simps posting Japanese women?
There needs to be one dedicated "women's wrestling" general to contain the simps and goons.
At the very least hey are professional simps.
If women of other races want to take the strap from Yellow Fever they better step up their game

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E-drones will never have this.
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Is this a mirror match? Chinky.
tony literally let njpw put their world heavyweight title on dean ambrose, the top pushed star in aew
if anyone vetoes takeashit being in njpw for half the year it would be ddt
Takeshita would be a draw in NJPW, you clearly have no idea how it works there
>I don’t want to fuck them so it’s bad!
E-tards are so gay lmfao
japanese fans were very into the idea of takeshita winning the iwgp title

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Fight for the piglets
Full Oink
AEW Pig Business

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Pigs only see in blue, green and red.
I believe this guy, he is a pig LMAO
Kek absolutely mindbroken
Trannies in the mud
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This is a huge deal. Japanese media doesn't cover Black wrestlers often because there aren't really any main eventing in Japan. There was only one Black IWGP Heavyweight Champion and that was 20 years ago.

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but enough about Vince McMahon
MVP was Intercontinental Champion
That wasn’t a world championship.
Yes, Vince laughs his ass off as he sends long texts to you talking about how he wants to see BBCs in all of your holes, all the way up and then even further.
>this is a huge deal


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New mother of all copes dropped
They are.
>Both only push their favorites
>Both do predictable bullshit every PLE/PPV
>Constantly giving the belt to shitters (Swerve and Priest)
>Both only push their favorites
Nigga this is every booker

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Next shows:
7/6 Osaka 176BOX (VOD)
>Utami Hayashishita, MIRAI & Mai Sakurai vs Miku Aono, Kouki Amarei & Chika Goto
>Nanae Takahashi & Nao Ishikawa vs Bozilla & Myla Grace
>Natsumi Showzuki & Misa Matsui vs Nagisa Nozaki & CHIAKI
>Victoria Yuzuki vs Zayda Steel
>Komomo Minami vs Momoka Hanazono

7/7 Niigata (VOD)
>Utami Hayashishita & MIRAI vs Miku Aono & Bozilla
>Nanae Takahashi, Nao Ishikawa & Mai Sakurai vs Nagisa Nozaki, CHIAKI & Zayda Steel
>Natsumi Showzuki vs Victoria Yuzuki vs Misa Matsui
>Kouki Amarei vs Myla Grace
>Chika Goto vs Komomo Minami

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let's see her nipples
jojo poses
Give her a banana.
im thinking a very dark shade of brown for rea muramori
zelina vega vs liv morgan was great

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Where to watch
AJPW: https://www.ajpw.tv/
NOAH/DDT/Michi Pro/Zero1: https://www.wrestle-universe.com/en
DragonGate: https://dragongate.live/
GLEAT: https://www.youtube.com/@LIDET_ENT
BJW: https://bjwcore.com/
Osaka Pro: https://www.youtube.com/@user-bm6he4ct3f

Previous >>14974603
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I'm gonna seethe if Amakusa doesn't win the belt
Ayabe Ren's nose is proportionally larger than Triple H's nose
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all of that is going to AZM

kamitani saya
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the moment where stardom died
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Kamitani offers him help
Isn't this when Mina puked on her?
wasnt long before this they killed prematch promos which made stardom shit
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Love the finna Phoenix

>We are looking for this Rare, One of a Kind Item.
>We find the Item at this Super fans, Basement/Museum; them showing how much it means to them & to other fans
>"We'll offer you $40 and a Fruit Roll Up"
>Surprised when he doesn't immediately hand it over
Kek, based
I remember the one where they coerced Charles Robinson to sell one of his Ric Flair items and he was literally crying due to having to give it up
>billion dollar company
>too cheap to give real offers for supposed "rare" items
Kill all jews

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The Road to Recovery Edition:

Asuka posted a post-surgery workout video.
IYO has qualified for the MITB ladder match.
Kairi lost her qualifier, sadly.
Damage CTRL attacked the Unholy Union.
IYO is increasingly unhinged and wants Damage CTRL to change. What will this mean for Kairi and Dakota?
IYO appeared on Marigold and challenged Utami Hayashishita to a match at Summer Destiny.
Giulia had surgery to fix her fractured wrist to recover for Summer Destiny for her match against Sareee. Will Giulia be cleared in time?

Asuka is recovering at home and continues to expand her gaming collection.
Kairi is looking sexo.
IYO is winning again.
Giulia is recovering her wrist while on her way to WWE.
Sareee is the SEAdLINNNG Beyond the Sea Single Champion and carrying multiple promotions.

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look at seff doing his top rope jump and rolls

the ring isn't a trampoline
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I wish she was my dinner date. Poi is a lucky woman.
Those Amazon gym squares are bad.
Find a farm store that sells horse stall mats.
Tractor Supply, they've been in the news recently, they sell them.

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Miki Motoi
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sounds like she has a nice gig going on for her.
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Alex Wright would be AEW World Champion if he came into the business today
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Wrong! It would be Scotty Riggs from American Males.
Too tall
He looks like Ilja Dragunov. Can he wrestle like Ilja?
No he would not. He would be some indie champion for sure though if he worked in the states.
AEW would demand he cut about 75 lbs.

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dax let him fuck his son and he changed his tune
What a weird thing to imagine let alone type out.
kek based
It's not his fault he was given a really unkind cut as a baby
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This reads like one of those old comics mocking poltards years ago.

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