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>As far as the comparison to Nielsen, with the way Nielsen calculates the number, they would be under a million now.

Raw is officially in NO MILLY status

Kek based
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Dave is a confirmed shill. Anything he says can safely be discredited.

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Everyone in the key demo switched to MAX, hogtits.
0.14 is not a ranking ya numbnuts

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try to name a more dimeless shitter than Matt Taven and I'll tell you why you're wrong
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Try to name another wrestler who climbed a purple ladder to win a title at a sold out Madison Square Garden
You realize Seth was working right?
TJ Perkins
this is the funniest webm of all time. seth is staring a hole through someone in the crowd like he's about to jump the barrier to murder them and then the camera turns to reveal some fat neckbeard with a "Seth Rollins is not cool" sign. it never fails to pop me
Seff haters are mentally ill, no point in arguing with them

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oh dear heavens
Shawn's playgirl photos
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Whoa there, big fella!
No sliding

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Why don't they get a REAL celebrity like Lawrence Welk?
With Hulk on commentary, then Triple H comes out to shake his hand, followed a half-hour celebration like when Cody won at wrestlemania 40.
Travis kinda made the moment. Hollywood Stars Rock and Cena with the TKO approved Celebrity of the week really sells it
Lose weight

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>in the best shape of his life, making the most money he’s ever made, objectively the most attractive he’s ever been

If you believe he’s faithful to one woman I’ve got a bridge to sell you. He’s slinging daddy dick around 3 locker rooms.
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>If you believe he’s faithful to one woman I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
This would unironically not be straight edge
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>Phil has said that he's packing 10 inches. There is a reason the ladies can't resist him. But that was all in the past. He's faithful to his loving wife and is like a father figure to the young superstars. Fraid so
Post your salary. What’s so hard to understand?
*has to bribe women with gift cards for sex like a pajeet in your path*
Is there anything better than a cuckqueen wife?

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What happened to this guy?
switchy the channel
he's one of the cucks buddy's and they got exiled to japan so he has no clout backstage
His forced push wasn't getting under Punk's skin like Tony wanted to, so Tony put Jungle Bitch and the Old Cucks on ice (i.e. a paid, months long vacation) so they can all come back as faces against the Dick Riders.
Isn't he in a story with Cope right now
I can't believe they expected me to take him seriously when he looks like that. He has the face of an infant

thats the tea
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based roxy saving the women’s division
Cora separated her shoulder and Iyo put it back into place in the middle of the match
I dont want to watch RAW and SD anyway.
I said it when HHH took back over, but HHH's NXT Black and Gold focused more on names than developing people to try and get ratings and it does seem like we are slowly getting back to that. Inamura, Giulia, Grace, Vaquer, various TNA wrestlers, Spears, Saints and Page have taken away lots of time that probably should have went to pure developmental wrestlers instead. Yeah, it's good to have some vets around and all, but development has slowed down. NXT's rookies will only get so good if they don't get enough time.

Thankfully, we have LFG and Evolve this time around.

I think Thea was just injured. She didn't even appear on house shows for months. She's also probably stuck without anything to do with Chase U being done.
>caring about womeme shit this much
Beggin ya to die

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>when you made fun of WWE, it was really funny and it made me laugh but then when you made fun of AEW in a valid way, it made me sad. Please stop doing it.
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guess it would help if I include the image
The "all the washed up losers are wrestling in your company now and that's why it's in the shitter.." is a true statement though. Edge and Sasha might just be the two biggest flop signings in all of wrestling history.
4chan doesnt ban someone as a transphobe because they typo'd he instead of she when referring to someone, reddit does
It's a true statement about WWE, not AEW
I don’t know TNA spent a lot to do very little sometimes.

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Tony is a born loser
a real Munson.
he looks like one of those AI generated webms that get crazy with people forming out of other peoples eyes and shit
He was looking into the future at that time
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Mandy Rose newest video is her putting a grapefruit on her bare vag and fingering it. She gave up a WWE career for this.
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I shoved a burrito up my exes butt once. Got brown all over it and we joked it was now a choco-taco. Didn't taste half bad.
Velvet also has the courtesy of shoot fingering herself on camera unlike MANdy
Velvet is the only one good at this shit.
white people are so fucking nasty and that's why the sex is so good
I wish she'd stop being coy and actually just spread and show full puss. It's always partially obstructed even though she is super explicit.

For me it's Chet Lemon and Black Snow
It's actually funny as hell when Booker gets in the ring and starts commentating on himself beating the fuck out of Xavier Woods
i think the entire episode is easily a top 3 wrestling show ever, it’s so fucking funny with scott announcing
Ooouwwwooohhh I'm black shnow
I thought this was Nash from the thumbnail and then opened it and thought it wasn't Nash. It feels like I've been double-worked (Just like Chet on that fateful summer's night).

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pigtroon was saying wwe was finished after this happened by the way
matt hardy teleporting
How come AEW never has moments like this???
It doesn't work so well if you have to use a picture from the rival promotion
>hogs silent and cannot refute the thread
Another backfire. Must be a day that ends with y

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>scams you
kek ya gotta love her
based Tamster working the simps
>a wrestling storyline is a scam
you're actually retarded
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>I'm gonna retire if I lose...
>Uh... NO, I'M NOT!!!
Based Nakano scamming everyone

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>injures your World Champion
>doesn't elaborate
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>per meltzer
He walks the Kings Road
>kills some parents kids
>still gets to be part of pro wrestling history
>still gets to be part of McDonalds history
>still gets to be part of Fortnite history
>still gets to be part of rap music history

It's crazy what you can do just mumbling shit

>*smokes crack in your path*

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