>>17014414I liked Reggie though. Not everyone can be a main eventer, sometimes you just need shitty comedy jobbers.
>>17019039nigger he's a four foot tall circus acrobatwhat is a "good" gimmick you can give him
>>17014414Yeah im sure Reggie would've been a main eventer if the evil fed didn't hold him back
>>17019039You must define ceiling different from the rest of us then, ya fuckin retard, because declaring someone has a ceiling due to having a gimmick is the same thing
>>17019186*a shit gimmick>>17019057worked for Rey
Fucking GRIM
>>17019234ring for ants
>>17019267Cassidybros, we eating
>>17019270Tarp doesn't fly overseas unless you pay him the hotel and transportation, uptight bitch
>>17019294exposing the business
Beautiful Madness Edition:Giulia will defend her title in a fatal four way against Bayley, Cora and Roxanne at Vengeance Day.IYO will face Rhea for the title on Raw after the Elimination Chamber. Will this match actually happen? Are there big plans for her or is it just wishful thinking?Sareee will face Syuri in the main event of Sareee-ISM Chapter VII.Asuka and Kairi are still out with injuries. The Kabuki reunion will have to wait.Asuka is recovering at home and continues to expand her gaming collection.Kairi is recovering at home.IYO is winning.Giulia is the NXT Women's Champion.Sareee is carrying on Inoki's legacy.Meiko is running SENJO shows and is their world champion. Currently on her retirement tour, which will end April 29, 2025 to coincide with her 30th anniversary in professional wrestling.Xia and Wendy posting is allowed, they're just not officially part of the Klub.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>17019001yeah he beat her. Thankfully the E-Gods will protect her
>>17019001he tried to strangle her to deathhe got arrested for it and a bunch of AAA wrestlers were openly petitioning for his release which was being considered at the time, and because of that she signed with WWE to get the fuck out of Mexico ASAP
Day 432 of gooning everyday for Asuka until she returnsYou are my empressYou are my clown that makes me coomYou are my Lickable Lobe LassYou are my milky MILFYou are my kute KanaYou are my fine footed foxYou are my bountiful bosomed beautyYou are my mommy body babeYou are my grand slam goddessYou are my big titted tag team champYou are my pit princessYou are my ageless angelYou are my anal addicted auntieYou are my waxed wenchComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>17019095>>17019109Did she cheat on him or something? Or was he just a psycho?
>>17017859Of course they did! Stephanie and Giulia share a bed both at home and on the road.
>>17018894uhhhhhhhhhhhh thats gonna be a YEET from me UCE uhhhhhhh YEEEEEEEEET
>>17019029why preist uce? you mean guntha? YEET?
I'm YEETing right now
>>17009479uhhhh we need this. YEET
The drew mcintyre experiment has failed.. again
Drew just doesn't have IT.
>>17016702>>17016842Trips basically just used Drew (Vince's baby) as a stepping stone for CM Punk to put Seff (his own baby) over.
Drew is 2020 Adam Bomb: big jacked guy who doesn’t have IT
>>17016451so are we not seeing drew win a wold title anytime soon?.. that's honestly so dissapointing.
>>17016842drew can be a monster heel but i don't really think he has to be silent, he is very good on the mic, not like brock who can barely speak english and took almost 20 years and a cowboy gimmick to learn how to promo
Beautiful women.
>>17018511turn on both my monitors
>>17018529Because Charlotte is the queen dominatrix of the roster. She comes and all else kneel and lick her boots and become her gimp. I said gimp not slave/submissive because gimps take a beating. Tiffy time is Over. It's "Tiffy gets her clit chopped off by the Queen and becomes her permanent BITCH" Time.
>>17018456Charlotte actually looks fairly normal in this render for a change
>>17018456If you put the part of the two of them that are flesh together you might have enough for a whole human being.
>>17018456Did they use a bad pic of Tiff to make Charles look better?
Any Chanyota fans?
I have 109 Chanyota AVs archived. Missing a few indie studio shoots and VR because I'm not buying a headset just for porn. There's a few of those 4 or 8 hour compilation releases that has her in it that I haven't archived yet. She probably did close to 150 total scenes, not bad for a shindie joshi wrestler
>>17016932what's the wildest shit she did?
>>17016511not yet
Goddamnit joshis are so fucking ugly. How subhuman do you have to be to jerk to these freaks
>>17019179Mai Sakurai isn't that ugly
You faggots are not ready for real wrestling, imagine watching WWE or AEW.
>>17018660You like it, don't lie.
>if you don't agree to do this spot Effy will have you blackballed for homophobiaI'd do it and then snort a bunch of Truvada backstage
>>17018457>Snowballing (sexual practice), the act of spitting semen into a partner's mouth after oral sex.
>>17019144You know a lot about that.
>>17018457AEW has you covered, don't worry.
AEW can’t even transport a full sized ring to Australia.
>>17018325Got him again! Truth nuked that loser!
>>17018693it reminds them of the tiny dick they had before they cut it off and then killed themselves
>>17018007and they don't have the full tunnel stage
>>17019228Tony doest have the money to transport it
>>17018007Have you never been to a wrestling show before? Rings are tiny.
What chants are we starting fellow Ausfags?I'll back you guys up.
>>17016568That's only like $40 American
Aussie fans are gonna be so cucked if they don't boo Tony after getting bait and switched
>>17016467Go back
>>17015513"Suck it, Americans!"
Most based wrestler of all time. Fuck you.
>>17017040Holy kek he’s like a little kid. NOOOOO DONT TOUCH IT MOM
>>17016975Refer to the second part of the sentence, which addresses you.
many are saying this!
>>17016975>>17017023>>17017040>>17017179>Cap making the huezilian tranny seethe so hard it quadruple-posted
>>17017040At least Christian can still wrestle and doesn’t have a fucked up heart
Why is this at the bottom of the catalogue? Back up you go.
road 2 'ricovery edition [Uplifting News]The Captain had successful surgery on the torn ligament in her thumb and is currently vigorously 'rihabbing in hopes of a Mania 'riturn! We can only pray(to Jesus) that everything goes smooth for /arrrrgirl/ as she continues her voyage back to the WWE and more importantly back into our lives again because she is CUTE and SEXO(also the thread is kinda slow with her on injured reserve) Long live Captain Kairi!Previous: >>16927133Kairi sings the anti-blues:https://streamable.com/wigs1?src=player-page-shareTheme of Kairi's Krew:https://suno.com/song/1ede5571-6b5b-43a4-adcc-a7e40d0a0c09Socials:https://www.instagram.com/official_kairi/Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>17018578What a sex symbol!
why didn't Kairi post anything for Valentine's Day?
>>17019115She broke up with Batman and spent the day with Iyo
>>17017149That's what I was guessing. That's about an hour or so from Orlando as opposed to the two or so to get to Clearwater. And you're not stuck on the nightmare that is I4 to get to Cocoa like you would going to the greater Tampa area.
>>17019115A blanket happy Valentines Day to all her fans would have nice. Maybe she doesn't want to encourage romantic advances after the Asuka fiasco though.
The women of AEW & ROHGrand Slam Australia Feb 15th>Mariah May (c) v 'Timeless' Toni Storm for the AEW Women's World Championship>Mercedes Moné (c) v Harley Cameron for the TBS Championship>AEW ROH Global Wars Australia: Athena (c) v Alex Windsor for the ROH Women's World ChampionshipROH TV 'Chris Jericho's Rock n Wrestling Rager At Sea' Feb 13th>Harley Cameron def. Billie Starkz >Athena gave Billie Starkz a 'teaching moment'.>Serena Deeb challenged Queen Aminata to a ROH Pure Rules match.Previous: >>17004899
>>17017011I was actually thinking about this a couple weeks ago when I was checking out some old shit on Max. Kinda forgot this one of the only bright spots of Revolution '21. Wouldn't mind seeing one every year and a half or so.Feel like you could find a cool place to shoot one with Julia.
>>17018554>We'll never see a Toni and Mariah cinematic match
>>17018575Stage 6 Street Fight on the Warner Bros lot?
>>17018554the original stadium stampede is my favorite blowoff to a feud in all of wrestling and i've been watching this shit since the late 80s. when they do things like that, like the build to hangman getting the belt over the summer in 2021, like toni and mariah now, i can't believe the same people are also pushing this death riders, learning tree, and other dimeless trash. it's like there's one genius and one idiot in charge and they flip the coin to see who books each angle.>>17018575toni and mariah definitely should have had one. in theory this entire angle was a very very long cinematic match but you can still do more if you're willing to forgo the live crowd.
>>17018964Stadium stampede 1 was absolutely unbeatable