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>*rapes you*
how do you respond without sounding mad?
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she is pure sex in that image, some of those saudi outfits are far better than their regular gear
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>some of those saudi outfits are far better than their regular gear
I agree
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>cock locked
based val penis
>This is your anti degenerate giga chud 25 years ater

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Now look at those demos, that's not how you do it.
You show heatless bangers on tv
Where's that story? that's not how you do it.
They wrestle for nothing and get a belt for free.

Now that ain't booking, that's not how you do it it.
Tony, he ran off CM Punk
Now he gets a plummet on his ratings
Now he gets a plummet on his funds.

We got to sign all inflated contracts, and we still get no millyayayayay
We cannot move these Wednesday ratings, now we're cancelled by DUBYA BEE DEEEEEEEE
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ok but slopdown still got cancelled
That's okay.
I want both companies to fail and go away desu
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>Love bites, love bleeds
>It's bringing me to my knees
>Love lives, love dies
>It's no surprise
>Love begs, love pleads
>It's what I need
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Yeah, pretty much this.

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He's manlet rage incarnate
He needs to lose the tan. Right now he looks like some brown mystery meat shitter.
Agree, but he needs a new theme
due to the woke agenda, white men aren't allowed to be white anymore. this is part one of the white genocide led by biden's papist demonrats
this was his theme in nxt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4qEB9cmpgU&t=16s&pp=ygUXYnJvbiBicmVha2tlciB0aGVtZSBueHQ%3D

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Now that it’s officially been 2 months since his death, is WWE better or worse off without him??
He wouldn't have shown up even if he was champion so it makes literally no difference
He's the greatest champion in the history of this business.
The problem is that the fans started taking him for granted. They didn't appreciate what they had while they had it.
Now Cody is failing and the fans realize they fucked up wanting him to hold the title. Turns out WWE got it right last year.
Couldn't tell you me and my co-workers all stopped watching. Not Cody's fault, the booking and stories just sucks.

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Very interesting indeed. Also Hennimore your meme is still dead no matter how many times or how long you samefag ignored threads. DO IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. It's funny observering and interesting to see how long you will continue before you realize you ware wasting your life away. Gonna guess 3 more years you'' do it. We will mock you every step of way
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They posted 1 tweet Nash made like 5 years ago which they’ve posted too many times to count about how he didn’t get acting gig. Meanwhile Nash just announced on his pod last week he got a big role in big movie… Nash doesn’t even know they seethe about him 24/7 lol
I like when they leave to date off the tweet hoping people won’t know it’s from 5 years go despite 5 they spammed it here often in past

No wonder they can’t go viral
nashspammers are cancer
keep it up bro
Hmm, I'm not sure these threads you're talking about are ignored, someone has made over 850 threads complaining about them, and another 3000+ threads copying them!
I don't know who would do such a thing, but he's clearly not ignoring the Nash threads.
nah you do

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Uhh...isn't this rape???
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>ugly no dimes Dom
Based. Rhea only liked him when he was cool.
On brand for WWE.
I’d finna ding-dong diddly cumola
Kek what a rape fed
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Mami is not gonna like this...

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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


6.9 TJPW PRISM '24 @ Korakuen Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[11:30 JST]
6.15 TJPW CITY CIRCUIT '24 @ Kobe Art Center, Hyogo (VOD)[12:00 JST]
6.16 TJPW CITY CIRCUIT '24 @ ACROS Fukuoka, Fukuoka (VOD)[15:00 JST]
6.23 TJPW CITY CIRCUIT '24 @ Act City Hamamatsu, Shizuoka (VOD)[13:00 JST]
6.29 PRECIOUS TIME '24 @ Club eX in Shinagawa Prince Hotel, Tokyo (VOD)[11:30 JST]

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making horny tweets for Chika Nanase and her mom likes them
I agree that Uta is the better wrestler. But I think the reason Chika will win is more so because Uta leans in the comedic direction and Chika doesn't.
>because Uta leans in the comedic direction and Chika doesn't.
what the fuck are you even watching?
Chika is comedic but not on purpose. Uta wouldn't be the first UUG to be taken seriously quickly
i actually had a dream last night that i was in the same class in high school with arai and himawari.

holy yuckola
Those are some hefty beef curtains
I like phat, but not muscles.

I didn't know who she was until she was already roided out.
Is that a butt?
She poops from there

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“Dimeless” Anthony Storm
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you're gonna have a rough life if your autism means that you can't distinguish clearly male physical features, anon
You’re not in any position to be throwing out ‘tism accusations
Why does she look like Will Ferrell from Zoolander?
>no u
come on, anon. you can do better than that.
because Tony Storm is a man
turn your monitor on

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Where to watch
AJPW: https://www.ajpw.tv/
NOAH/DDT: https://www.wrestle-universe.com/en
DragonGate: https://dragongate.live/

Previous: >>14683214
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yu Iizuka of GLEAT is a lot of fun, loves doing goofy sambo takedowns + submissions, seems to be a fanboy of volk han
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this is what i'm expecting for Kaito vs Gabe
Based Yuma

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>Exposes most black men by showing the BBC is just a myth
mega based. also it isn't just a myth, it is a legit jewish work

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Welp, Raw was freaking awesome!

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Discuss Gatoh Move, ChocoPro, OniPro, former Gatoh Move wrestlers, and Darejyo here!


Next shows
5/30 Mei 6th Anniversary Shinjuku FACE

Last thread >>14744046
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has Hiyori mentioned what her gimmick is?
a chubby girl with skin problems
a chonky gurl would not expose their stomach.
she matches with the wall
cloud girl

Pat's gonna get cancelled, and it's a shame
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more like ESPN and media was pushing some white bitch breaking COLLEGE records and /sp/imps and white hicks fell for the propaganda and started watching women's sports, embarrassing males
Yeah but at least you can take pride in the fact you were born with self-awareness and a fully functional brain which makes you better than 99.999% of them.
Kill every single polcel & their relatives
You are all chuds. Do better, pw
she broke the record for points, between men and women though. men usually play one year, but back then, many great NBA players played 4 years college. so it's kinda crazy she broke that record. why are you downplaying it? lol

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wow, she's beautiful.
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Clearly the idea is still alive somewhat
Not really, Hina is just a hoo-er
If Hanan were as visually pleasing as Hina she’d be ace already
i dont understand these posts. she is right now?

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