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LOLAEW thread
259 replies and 80 images omitted. Click here to view.
>heel gets fucking manhandled easilybackstage
>asks audience to believe he actually stands a chance in the ring
Troons make me laugh so much
This is based ngl. Peak midcard comedy.
>>asks audience to believe he actually stands a chance in the ring
thats the point of being a chickenshit heel... that the audience knows he doesn't deserve to win, but he does anyway...
Literally cannot take an ounce of criticism from anyone ever.
Imagine getting btfo'f by literal who create a wrestler my god

They never recovered from the Hangman run. For one, putting the title on him after the Jericho-Mox-Omega runs was a huge downgrade, he wasn't nearly built up enough. Second, the company was full of much more over wrestlers at that point, he should have dropped the title to Danielson. Third, he started one of the biggest backstage shit shows in recent memory with the Punk shoot. Just a complete net loss for the company.
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what's the source? would love to read or hear the story
The built the entirety of AEW off the story of building Wangman for the title and then had nothing else in the future plans
its the most retarded fantasy booking ever, Cornette was right
Pigs are so fucking stupid.
This is true. The hangman/cold feud was when we first started seeing regular gigaplummets.

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Jamie Hayter has been back for like 6 and she hasn't done fuck all.
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>charisma vacuum
>doesn't wrestle as good as she used to
>her current look is shit
I wonder why
She’s been bouncing on my Canadian cock
May is for sure dropping the belt in Australia. So that's a month left for her. Toni as a face champion doesn't help Hayter's case though. Of course if she challenges Mercedes she isn't winning anyway because Mo-Neigh lays down for absolutely nobody. Doesn't help that Jamie came back with a new look that's put off a decent portion of people and has been rather lackluster in the ring either. She's not a lost cause like Britt but where's the fire at? She's gottta find that again
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>How it started
How it's going

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>works the money mark for millions only to put in subpar performances
Kek based
misclick your nakamura pic?
it must be so demoralizing for meltzer that he and ospreay killed business

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Sunday Joshi Dance Thread
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they do in front of their bathroom mirror
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are you retarded or something
now that tiktok is dead this place might be the only place I can find reuploads of starlight kid's tiktok dances
god kouki can fucking get this dick any time iykwim

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>Lets Tony Khan kill his company, drain his resources, and make him lose Japanese fans all while smiling and defending him
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Lol. Lmao even. Drones say some funny things man
his knees would be fine if he didn't have to do a dumb frog splash for 10+ years, that shit like the moonsault is cancer
promo's good

Use this thread to post anything related to the female performers in AEW and ROH


Dynamite 01/15;
>Toni Storm wins a Casino Gauntlet match to earn a shot at the AEW Women's World Championship at Grand Slam Australia. Megan Bayne made her TV debut during this match

ROH 01/16;
>Red Velvet defeated Angelica Risk in a Proving Grounds match


Collision 01/18;
>Harley Cameron vs. Julia Hart

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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She looks like her WWE self again
Yeah for all the needless shit people give her she's gotten really healthy again during her time in AEW. It's nice to see
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Would you?
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Honestly the most disgusting thing about her was always her fupa. The fact that she's been working on slimming it down to the point where it's almost completely gone makes me say yeah, i'd mating press.
I wouldn’t last 2 inside her
I'd plap the living daylights out of her and that's a shoot
Absolutely not

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The event of the year is tonight, what match are you hyped for the most?
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Who was the girl in the pink top with big tits
what a show!
100% even with the hiccups Gcw delivered
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I swear, its always "one step forward, two steps back" with GCW. I'll give them this, in terms of match quality this show was a whole hell of a lot better than the last Hammerstein PPV. Sure, there were some duds but overall most of the matches ranged from good to dumb-fun.

That being said WHY THE FUCK DID THEY THINK IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO RUN A NEARLY SIX HOUR, 14 MATCH CARD! This was pure self-indulgent sabotages. It doesn't matter how fun the matches are, the audience can only sustain themselves for so long before they start feeling burnt out. Dwindled down the main card to six quality matches and most folks would probably be singing GCW praise right now. Sure, some of the roster isn't going to make the cut, but that's the nature of the business. Perhaps they could have gotten their moment in the pre-show battle royal. Too bad it was already crammed packed with wrestlers who barely ever work for the company in the first place.
How fat is Allie going to get now that she probably can’t train for like 6 months or so?

WWE slop is perfect background noise slop. Truly a match made in heaven.
You are more obsessed with WWE than most super fans.
VoW discord getting desperate now. Wish they’d leave
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How else would I chat with my /pw/ frens
I already have VTubers as my background noise of choice. I don’t need E-slop as a substitute.

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>What's up, negro?
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Is this the bitch who bully Chelsea?
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>The cucks are in the ring, brother
Get in line
I need to grow a chin FAST
Needs to get spaded tho

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E-Gods run the indies
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ID contracts give a guaranteed monthly wage and access to the PC, etc, on top of what they earn from bookings
Thank you WWE for drawing the house
I thought WWE told Jack to change his name to Jack Cartwright
LMAOOOOOOOOO they signed jack cartwheel? no wonder why i haven't see those gifs spammed lately.
Literally who?

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Disgusting creature
monitor status?
Looks like a Liz No Dong but gorillion times more feminine.

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Raw was the number 4 show on netflix with 5.9 million viewers globally between Jan 6th and Jan 12th
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Fantastic rating.
jeet on jeet crime
What did they get week 1 vs week 2?
All true
Only seen a ranking week 1 so far. Data for week 2 gets uploaded Tuesday at 4pm (assuming Raw charts at all)

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