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Post Happy Kevin's!
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Anal rape and gape
This is the face he made as they were pounding into him
What's he so happy about?

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yes its still vince
still vince
'l 'y
Still Donald?

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You had the game changer and you let him walk. You'll regret this TK.
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Looks like you have severe reading comprehension issues.
Someone saying that aew draws less than NXT at full sail is not them saying that those were the best shows of all time. It is saying that a glorified wrestling school play in a college auditorium was drawing better than aew's flagship TV show does right now.
Please make sure to read the post you reply to before embarrassing yourself next time.
He's Triple H's type. Ethan Page will be a main roster regular within a year, though probably with an upper mid card ceiling.
Always thought Ethan was decent in AEW, but they never really followed through with him on anything. Either way, he's a much better fit for WWE.
*Elliot Page
>good talker
>decent in-ring
>in shape
>6'2 (so probably 6')
has all the tools unfortunately he forgot the whole "be somewhat interesting" thing

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Vince McMahon raped prime Missy Hyatt
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she's jewish
so am I
>37 years ago
Old whore

why him?
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Nash? RAPED!
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he asked for it wearing those lime green trunks
he's a bitch

Should he be added to the Wyatt 6 stable?

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Should Paul Levesque (54) offer a developmental NXT contract to the 6'3", 320lbs 2023 World's Strongest Man Mitchell "The Moose" Hooper (28)?
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I'm 28 and this dude looks almost two decades older than me.
looks like the 3rd creed brother. generic AF look.

also Drew would mog him in terms of height and size.
Hooper is kind of an athletic freak. He played football, was a marathon runnner, a bodybuilder, a top level powerlifter and then just decided one day he wanted to do strongman and won every major event in the sport in one year.
I'm also 28 and he looks 20 years younger than me
Make him the new Sgt Slaughter

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Just take a picture of your arm and photoshop it in
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Kek, thanks bro!

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Another heatless banger with my wife
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Now hold on a minute there playa
Don’t fall for marriage bros, kids are great and I love my kids but I loathe my wife
top kek
chaturbate is where it's at my man

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CM Punk’s return to WWE at Survivor Series sent shockwaves through the wrestling world, but he hasn’t been able to compete much yet as he is dealing with triceps injury. Interestingly enough, Ryback had claimed that he would retire if Punk lasted six months after returning to WWE and now he has gone back on his promise yet again.

Ryback, known for his controversial statements, had previously declared that he would retire for good if CM Punk ever returned to WWE. However, when Punk’s iconic return became reality, Ryback quickly changed his tune and refused to retire.

The Big Guy then claimed that he would retire if CM Punk managed to last six months in WWE after Survivor Series. It so happens that it has been six months since then and so a fan asked him why he hadn’t retired yet.

>”Thought you were gonna announce your retirement if Pink lasted 6 months? It’s been 6 months.”

Ryback saw what the fan had to say on Twitter and decided to go back on his words, as he claimed that Punk got injured and he had an injury clause which voided the tweet if Punk got hurt. Ultimately, he blamed CM Punk for not retiring.

>”Not sure who Pink is, but Punk had another injury and my tweet had an injury clause in there that voided the tweet if Punk got hurt. I really wanted to announce it, but unfortunately Punk let you and several others down. Have a great day Daniel.”

We have already reported CM Punk’s return timeline after his injury, but many people are certainly not surprised by Ryback backtracking on his previous promise as fans believe they can’t take Ryback seriously at all.

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Based Ryback working the marks into creating more buzz for his shitty chinese sawdust supplements. Use promo code FragilePhil for a 20% discount for today only. #stayhungry #feedmemoron #Rytardstrenght
He should be honest and say he’s afraid of going back in the ring then
Ryback is awesome.
lol big guy should come back then eat phil alive and make a mukbang video of it!!! i bet phil tastes like shit and negro cum!!!
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If this was really his last match then he should never come back.


OH NO! it begins all over again
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Wolfcoon is NOT going to like this.
Is Manhattan having an "airplane scare" against the One World Trade Center?

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>casts stamina and health buffs on you before sex
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This would have been a good one if it wasnt so blurry
i gooned

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Who's his wrestling equivalent?
>spends whole career as the best player for a perma-Jannetty
That’s…that’s gonna be Kenny!
Tommy Dreamer
Dolph Ziggler if he still were at WWE

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Wolfie switches sides.

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i just cant with aew anymore
90% of the people on tv are LITERALLY WWE REJECTS
i started watching cause it was an alternative to wwe
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At least it's mostly decent WWE rejects these days. Jack Swagger is gone now. John Morrison is still there though
you are delusional
Morrison is based
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tna made the same mistake and it killed them too
This made the hog on wheels create another thread to samefag to dead where he cries about his Boogeymen the edrones

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