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What the heck happened?
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Why is she wearing a diaper?
age has made it so that fat goes to her face and combine to make it saggier and ugly
Cheap old hooker
Honest question, does she drink?
She was still hot last year. She's been in a depression spiral since Tony took the belt off her again.

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Where are all the fans? Ahahahahahahahaha
was that after the show
Did WWE have to run their biggest ever Japan show in a Shibuya mahjong parlour? Yikes

What is this body type called?
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The unnatural deformed horror of the skin those hiked up pants are covering is bad. I dated a chick like that. Just a stretch mark ridden curtain of mean that hangs past their genitals when they standup. God that relationship almost made me asexual for how disgusted with myself I’d become.
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Thats a man
These skinny wojaks fucking the fat brennas pop me every time bros

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>kenny's asshole came out
legitimately grim. hope he's okay
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Okada is unfortunately winning their next match so it should be at Wrestle Dynasty, then Kenny wins their sixth match at at&t stadium
fraid R so
Kenny got his guts busted because of all the pills he was popping in New Japan and then AEW to cover for not getting surgery to fix his body.
>at&t stadium.
>at&t stadium
I can not even imagine how much of Jerry's World they would have to tarp off if AEW held an event there. Imagine fucking 4k people in that stadium.
Tony would bus in every homeless person within 100 miles.

>admits to being literally incapable of watching a movie or TV show without being on his phone
>Disney/Universal adult that hasn’t seen most of the shit he’s obsessed with because he stopped watching new media in 1995
>spends thousands and thousands of dollars on toys from franchises he never watched, just were popular when he was a child
>calls Twitter X and gets very upset when people call it twitter
>admitted to having no internal monologue

This dude’s autism needs to be studied by an institution
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You don't need the gym bro. You get the right injections and the muscles grow on their own, but they'll cost you 6 figures minimum.
it's based to call the shots and relive your childhood while banging a hot broad and making money
don't hurry your muscle growth unnaturally and fuck up your heart, liver and body's ability to produce test on its own. work out because the discipline you get from putting on muscle and routinely working out is what makes you a man. it gives you real test and a different disposition. fake roider fags take steroids and wonder why they're still alone but have other men mirin'. taking shortcuts won't make you to be happy
fuck, that has gms written all over it. never briefly go over your post changing a word or two and forget that autocorrect changes things mid-type
Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg rarely go to the gym, and they get more jacked every day. It's not just hormones but CRISPR DNA editing. But that's a privilege for the rich, and six figures is the table stake.

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Why does some guy with gynecomastia who likes wwe upset you so much?
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Sounds like rovert
He usually only does this in response to people making anti-WWE posts, saying that it isn't good. In my opinion he's justified.
He's driven away all the good posters and turned the board into a desert
Actually all he does is cry and bitch. This takes up every waking moment of his life.

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Do you think his physical attributes were important for his career?
If thats the case, what physical attribute do you think it was key for his drawing ass? I mean career, sorry.
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What have you heard?
Nash? Heard he got RAPED.
fraid R so
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[image] *g-gokkuri* Kizuna Tanaka (19) seems to be in high spirits! wwww
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Another oppai fighter
that's the sound she makes while I'm fucking her milkbags
can never have enough of them
Where does this player wrestle?
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which boards are the top babyfaces and which boards are the top heels?
this one has go away heat so i guess it's a heel
top babyfaces: any porn board that isn’t degenerate and or weeb infested

top heels: /pol/, /mu/, /vg/

jobbers: /pw/

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>“There’s always some guys, you know, that no matter what they do with them, you always wonder how they got there. And I never thought Triple H ever had an idea, original idea, for anything. And I I always thought he was overrated. The only reason people even know him or remember him today is because (of) daddy, daddy-in-law.”
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>has enough followers on social media to make a fortune of it too
Bots buy supplements? I thought the "fortune" Rybitch made from online was from selling his ass to wrestle gay men and let them fuck his meat hook.
THE BIG GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Kek based WWE working Ryback into an eternal shoot
WWE and anything related to it literally just exist
Ryback is seething
Lmao Rycuck simps are so pathetic
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>a dimeless shitter who was forgotten by the world and resorted to becoming an online grifter selling generic protein powder criticizing someone for having poor ideas
Look in the mirror, Cryback

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this is the game
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Cody looks very uncomfortable having to stand next to non-black women
>Cody stealing all the Asian kweenz now too
he can't keep getting away with it
You sound gotten to but the question is why.
kek white womeme seething
bumpola fuck bugs

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Coomer Match Thread
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Love me some Summer Rae
to this day I don't know if that's intentional or not
me on the left
Disappointed in the lack of matches here.


Tell it to me straight. Is Naito washed?
Nah. He’s fucking up the running version of the Destino on purpose and barely managing victories is a story. Still the most over person in NJPW.
Yes. He can barely even gp for an unassisted Destino.
Yep hes absolutely cooked
should have never took the belt from mox
mox vs shota for the belt could have been a huge match

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training to be a wrestler
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> I can't help but think those weird contraptions are an accident waiting to happen. she could get to where she is and wants to be with pilates/yoga and jogging
That "weird contraption" is for pilates.
She's wearing long pants, you creepy incel.
Thats based. I'd probably max out at 1 1/2 Cathys
That machine seems pretty useless desu
Should do DDP Yoga then.

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