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when last time they got a milly?
Has he gotten plastic surgery to look like that or something? Shit looks weird, bruv
Feb 23, 2023
Slopdown got cancelled...KWAPC
its liposuction
iirc the Briscoe tribute show

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I hate all 8 of you faggots that use this board but I value your opinion more than anyone else.
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Thank you both. You are true patriots. God bless you and take care of yourselves. I’m crying right now. We have to go to commercial break.
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I love my /pw bros. Fuck leddit fags.
>gay community

sometimes jokes write themselves.
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Thank you for restoring order on this sick, sick earth.
>values the opinion of Planet Retard

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why they wearing black on their wedding day
getting married at a renaissance fair is pretty based
Just uncool
Just cool. Too cool.

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Despite that, still tony
That is true.
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>We live in a timeline where this isn't a shitpost and is in fact real
Right down to the scat.
Life is weird.
That alone definitely buys Vince the award this year, let alone everything else that's happened to him as a result of this objective fact becoming fully verified & well documented public knowledge.

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kek what a multitalented player
Gotta love DRAWbuki warriors YA JUST GOTTA
Early Stardom was soulful

So Seth has to win here, right? Gunther vs Seth is the better match and Damian just has absolutely no credibility because he's such a geek. You can't say they didn't try with him but no one's buying him as world champion, he's dragging the belt down at this point.
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Gunther sucks so fucking much. What a meme wrestler just like Joe Hendry.
Priest has been trying to do things the right way, trying to get JD from interfering in his matches. Carlito is slipping in, Finn is doing stuff with Liv behind their backs, he wrestled after nearly screwing his leg up at Clash. A face turn isn't off the cards.
Who cares, Drew is gonna cash in
Could you imagine how pissed off people would be if Drew tried to cash in the same night only for CM Punk to screw him over AGAIN?
Wouldnt it be even funnier if the show opened with the World Title match and the mens ladder match main evented

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It do be like that though.
>tfw you beat your wife because you can't draw a dime
>gets a blowie from a literal man
>claims he isnt gay
Dunno bro

Was this a good spot?
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10 STARS!!
Imagine defending the 502k "megastar according to Meltzer" champ lmao
It's like how art critics will rave over a lobster glued to a telephone and write entire essays explaining how amazing and meaningful it is but then sneer at a well made painting of a landscape using expert techniques.
Hello Gaycia
It's a bad spot but not offensively bad you see worse in AEW every week.

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>partis over granba
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Fake blond Hogan BTFO’D by a real Aryan
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>That doesn't work for me, brother!
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>looks like hes near tears
But enough about Biden at the debate
It’s hogan.
It likely actually shot his own ego to have that happen to him at all.
Dude sleeps in a tanning bed and was properly baked; his eyes are probably a bit dry, brother.

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What’s the last piece of wrestling merch you have bought?
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I wonder if Allie kat washed hers
It was a rookie mistake and trust me she heard all about it. I have my eyes on her "Day of The Dead" gear mainly because I KNOW she has those sealed unwashed already.
link to pateron?
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Now those definitely have discharge stains. Need to buy them!

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Kek what a giving player
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He gave Swerve a go at his wife so he can have more little brown darlings to take care off
Wrestlers do this literally all the time, I don't know why we're supposed to pat Ospreay on the back for this.
it's a planted story anon because the only people aew knows how to appeal to are the fat smark virgins who would give a fuck about something like this
The BBC never loses
Willy should consider definitive retirement
Even tho willy & the mighty BBC AEW world champ's form sum tag team and conquer the tag team titles
The issue is wrestlers giving interviews talking about this for brownie points. Hell, you have cody talking about the people that want him to go heel in interviews. Haitch and Tony need to put a lid on this

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What matches do you want to see at WRESTLE DYNASTY ?
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I want to see Shida win the red belt and then throw it in the trash.
The well is running dry folks
Pac vs Hiromu
sup tony kwab
thread hidden lmafo
also fuck woodditard btw
Japs would probably relish in that second one happening

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You did do your DDP Yoga today, right? For me? I'm doing Hellfire. A 5 diamond difficulty video. 74 minutes of extreme yoga. I'm going to be lean and ripped.
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I already lift and do cardio. I'm not adding gay ass yoga into my routine
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For me, it's Big Dimes Benji and Adriene
i lift more than you and can run further faster than you and im adding heterosexual ass yoga into my routine just to continue my oneupmanship
I'm also curious where you sailed for them. Piratebay or one of those invite only wrestling torrent places?
not op but i got em on pb

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wrestling sucks
Not as much as your mother though
This is true I know OPs mom. She could suck softball through a chain-link fence
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Zoom out.
afraid so I'm afraid

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>Did you just end the dead man's streakarino?!?! I fucking hate Vince!!!

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