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>he says while mindlessly regurgitating slur from his pedo his cult leader
beyond parody
>he said something that made me upset, better invoke Tony Khan!
Hogwheels, your daughter got raped. You'll never get her virginity back
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>my job

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>black metal
two distinct things dude
>can't find an actual image
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Kek what a funny meme.
>surfer girl
He said it first.
do they not surf in St. Vincent's gulf?

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I'm the board leader. Reply to my thread.
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shut up bitch still not calling you Chez
I'll steal your dog
Nah if anything he is the unKWAB of the year. He proved everyone wrong that said he was gonna fuck up again and now you can't stand it and post about him incessantly desperately hoping it will somehow alter public opinion but you fail to realize how insignificant your life is.
Nah sorry Phil, you're still 2nd place KWABOTY, lmao injured in your first match, 2 matches in the entire first year KWAB!
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if i'm interested in a wrestler i havent seen i always go to cagematch and sort by highest rated to determine if he's a shitter or not
Kek what a faggot
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I’m assuming it will. Does anyone know what time?
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And why the fuck would they "announce" a deal worth millions and millions of dollars to you? Who the fuck do you think you are, huh? AEW has already got the fuckin DEALY. AEW on WBD. AEW on MAX. AEW fucking won, buddy. Your 5+ years of shitposting and praying for AEW's downfall has all gone to waste.

2024 has been the best fuckin year for AEW yet. We got Okada. We got Ospreay. We got Mercedes. All In Wembley put Wrestleslopia to shame. And now we got the fuckin DEALY. Meanwhile Slopdown got cancelled.
So they just aren’t going to announce it? How do we know it’s real?
No deal, I'm afraid.
>I need something spoonfed to me to know it's happening

literal child brains

AEW's 5th anniversary on Warner is next month btw
>I need to believe something without proof to feel better about my empty life
Get a life kid

When I first saw people talking about Vince being a BBC cuck, I thought it was going to be something crazy. But it’s just Vince making his sub fuck a black guy? The appeal is the humiliation of his submissive, not the black men themselves. If Vince was into them, he would’ve had sexual activity with them, not Janel.

Making it about black cock is the most obvious projection I’ve ever seen on this sub
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I didn't say liberals werent the same to some degree but as someone who hates everyone obsessed with politics equally, it has clearly shifted to right wingers being the more fear-guided party. Look at the migrant shit, it's a joke at this point. I'm surprised you can even leave your house
Offer a rebuttal to my argument or don’t respond to me.
Is this what you tell yourself when you jerk your little wiener to BBC porn?
These virgins have never fucked a woman, let alone controlled a woman in a D/s relationship, don’t try to explain this shit to them
Well, how do you know?

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finally a good thread
Carmelo is a sexy man
who was the carmelletty
I don't think you're gonna get a turn on top, Kev. It's been 32 years

basedface neckbeard kyle o'reilly is underhated on this board
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Kyle's entire gimmick right now is following around Mark Briscoe and basedfacing every time Mark says something funny. He's awful.
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This desu
This conglomeration thing is fucking horrible and it's wasting these guys. This annoying geek shit only works as a heel.
Kyle is an Austistic weirdo which propels him ahead of Roddy “uh i stopped doing the thing that made me popular”

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The women of AEW & ROH

Collision Sept 14th
>Yuka Sakazaki v Serena Deeb
>Queen Aminata v Robyn Renegade

Rampage Sept 13th
>Saraya & Harley Cameron v Marti Belle & Allysin Kay
>Kamille v Robyn Renegade

ROH TV Sept 12th
>Queen Aminata def. Harley Cameron
>Robyn Renegade def. Angelica Risk
>Lady Frost def. Promise Braxton

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Came up out the hood
>Yeah I got SUPER LIT
She could challenge with Billie and then blame Billie for the lost, it would add a layer to their build for Final Battle.
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Who the fuck is that?

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>Another thing that I would love to see, I do feel as though now the women do have pretty great representation on the show. There can be almost half of the show with women. There’s not just the women’s match, there can be multiple matches throughout the night. But what I would love to see is more interplay between the genders and have those lines be blurred further, where titles don’t have to men’s or women’s titles, just titles, and whoever manages to get someday’s shoulders down for three seconds is the champion, or whoever taps somebody out is the champion for that night
What do you think about Lita's ideas? Could you see it happening again?
Lita is an old childless spinster entering her middle aged Facebook outrage era.
nobody cares about what Trish's janetty has to say

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>smackdown women's division: chelsea green vs meatchin in a dumpster match

>raw womens division:
2 ugly niggers. But enough about Natalya and Zoey Stark.
>op's sex life's women's division:
Is Natalya the biggest Jeanetty among women of all time? I don't think anyone even remembers her championship reigns, she always gets lukewarm reactions even in Canada, has never had one memorable feud and was left in the dust by literally any other woman wrestler of her time
I really thought we were free of nattie for good finally. What a fool I was.
Natties claymation face aside, this should be a pretty good match. Zoey’s a hell of an athlete and fun to watch.

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>Paul so mindbroken by AEW that he started adding in AI fans to fill empty seats
lmaooooo holy fuck
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>anons finally realize we live in a simulation
Probably some camera stabilization distortion
ya boy is
will this footage be scrubbed like the teleporting fan incident?
Very strange. Looks a lot like AI.

Did he do it to stop the hart dungeon rapes? Is goldberg our guy?
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'raid 'o
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Gimmie a fuckin mic. Stu "F*g" Hart is the biggest fake tough guy pussy OAT and also the gayest. Because of a queer carny code of "respect" (lol) you literally had to let him put you in submission holds and then (without resisting) get "stretched," which is a known codeword from the days of gay bathhouses and all-male "athletic clubs." Old Timers literally used to tell their wives "I'm going to the Club to stretch with the boys" as a way to cover for their gay antics. But every weekend, good old Stu would lead a group of young, hairless, possibly underage boys down to his "Dungeon" (think about that name for a second, he's not even trying to hide what it is) where they had to let him grope and fondle them. A white belt with two weeks experience at a strip mall BJJ McDojo could "stretch" a willing opponent. Any high school wrestler could have beat that old man's ass if they were allowed to fight back. The feds should have raided Hart Mansion for being the headquarters of a teenage grope ring. Stu was a pussy and a pervert and it's no wonder all his sons (who Stu also "stretched" lol) were failures. f*ggot
And he ate cat shit.
>Stopping rape
Anon, jews are the ones doing the raping

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why are their instincts for pro wrestling so wrong all the time?
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All of this will be the beginning of an epic Cody Rhodes heel turn. We will finally get the "Codelander" gimmick we have been hearing about for years.
who exactly is AEW aimed at besides a few smelly incels in the IWC?
That is precisely the kind of people AEW is pointed at: the smarks.
Nah. Cody got his moment. That's what the big fuss was all about. Now that he's champion there's nothing left for those people to fight for him over

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Actual fucking garbage. Is she already the worst announcer of all time?
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>t. coping zoombot
she makes you realize how good samantha is
DEI is the work term.
In Latin that acronym is a word, and that word means God.
When people say they hate DEI (dee-ee-eye), they're basically saying they hate God.
Really fucking clever psyop that /pol/ even argued against saying "no it's not that".
It was just called diversity politics for years. Decades.
The AEW guy is far worse, he sounds depressed for everyone that isn’t at the top of the card, he’s so bad half the time when he’s saying the last syllable in someone name it sounds like a whisper.

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