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Could I be a wrestler at a shoot 5'10
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But he whore and errang
Sizefags are retarded. All wrestler heights are inflated. If you are shoot 5’10 you would not look apart from most of the roster. And that goes for all eras, not just nowadays. If you were under 5’8, then you’d be small but you could still pull off a high flyer gimmick.
If Bron Breakker can convince people he is a wrestler then you are more than qualified. Just get on that gas brother.
You tell me

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>Bliss got big leagued by wwe
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Many such cases
nah sasha is trending right now telling you guys to fuck off
We don't need this horsefaced antidraw

When does he main event wrestlemania?
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why is he so happy i remember his north american champion render and he looked pissed
in like 3-4 years
2027 at the earliest.

Because he's a face now.
He's jolly now
NXT's only gimmick for face nigs is "smiles"

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>good promo
>slightly undersized
>injury prone
>decent in the ring
>had a small run on top in a second string promotion

I think MJF is the Shane Douglas of this generation. Just a guy who peaked young and the rest of his career never turned out the way people thought it would.
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Shane was legit 6'0
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His babyface run completely killed his aura.
he's more like the next spike dudley without the charisma
nobody cares about your gay jew

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Why doesn't he just hang it up? And why doesn't Tony take control of his show and keep all these elderly shitters off his fucking television? If Adam Copeland wants to continue wrestling he should be doing it on mud shows around his hometown. Not on primetime TV.
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ah ok thanks anon
So is Billy Gunn, Jake Roberts, Sting, JR...
I never saw another wrestler that spent so much time in WWE and did absolutely nothing
>Edge shatters his leg
You would, ya faggot

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sometimes i'll give my dog the great o khan sit

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>edrones - without a shame - are celebrating a show that can't draw a million despite being on free tv beating a show that's now on streaming too
What causes this level of insecurity?
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Yes correct Trevor you lost. Just like you lost your ability to use stairs.
>Trevor starts his 80th frog thread of the day
>People make fun of Trevor in the thread
>Other people join in
>Everybody laughs but Trevor
>Trevor's comeback...YOU ARE SEETHING OVER ME!!!!!

Solid logic there crippy
>get more angry
>start accusing more and more people of being trevor
>this means trevor lost, somehow
>this means trevor lost, somehow

Pretty sure that "somehow" is him being a fat cripple who can't walk. After that, you have pretty much always lost kek
>AEWdrone is seething because Dynamite got raped by NXT again
Many such cases. And many more such cases in the future I'm afraid.

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Did he rock Pat’s world?

ITT: A titles Lowest point in your opinion
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Context: trash match, miz was having a good chicken shit heel run and held the belt for total of 8 days when he could have had an entertaining 30 days at least.
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And.....not the person he beat it for huh? Ill give you a minute to look that one up
goldberg is based

Damn Jacy can get it
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jacyGAWDS she made it!!
theres no way anyone actually likes this guy
this have to send the signal to the fed
cute snowbunny
gigi looks like she’s melting at all times she’s so gross

we want her
signed, e-gods
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Jacy and Brit tag team when?
still would
Have her wrestle barefoot and I might consider it
I actually want her to get signed by WWE just to rebrand her as "Dr. Brit Yankem" and then job her out hard

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gotta love hogwheels melty after it backfires
to be fair to rovert, who would have known raw would be doing those numbers instead of NXT lmfao

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How can i legally subscribe and watch New Japan World Stardom or NOAH if i am not from Japan or the USA?
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I'm not in Japan or the USA and I am subscribed to NJPWworld and Stardom World no problem. No workarounds needed
I'm from South America and I could pay for Stardom World using one of those virtual banks with a debit card. I assume NJPW world would work too.
PD: I think they need to be a mastercard debit card, NOT visa
how about you use Google you retarded thirdie bitch
sub to netflix, home to wwe, the only wrestling worth watchiing

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boomers fap to this
You will never be a casual fan. You have no hobbies, you have no friends, you have no sex. You are a sad smark loser twisted by internet boards and behind the scenes rumors into a crude mockery of a human being. You seethe over fake fights

All the "validation" you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back wrestling companies mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your wrestling heroes laugh at your ghoulish appearance and sad lifestyle behind closed doors.

Women are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed women to sniff out genetic dead end loser beta males with incredible efficiency. Even wrestling nerds who "have social lives" look uncanny and unnatural to a woman. Your shit posture and embarrassing vernacular full of wrestling nerd terms you apply to other situations are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk girl home with you, she'll turn tail and bolt the second she gets a glimpse of your computer set-up.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it's going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They'll bury you under a headstone that will be ignored and unvisited, until it's overgrown with weeds and nobody knows a "person" is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your memory is your plastic gaming keyboard.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

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