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What's the most embarrassing AEW moment ever?
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They disappeared that damn victory lap pretty quick. If it's not that it'd have to be not turning brawl out into their ticket to the big time.

That shit was the second once in a lifetime opportunity they pissed away and every wrestling fan in the world saw it.

I dont keep up with this sort of shit, but im pretty sure the last time aew got 3 millies in a row were the weeks that followed that all out shit. When casuals saw tony and the bucks for the bitches they are, they just quit watching and never came back
I thought the footage must have been something really bad for them to show it and then it was just a headlock and some missed punches.
What on earth were they thinking, why show that after claiming it was this horrible event where people were afraid for their lives
The day it was created
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Lime Seltzer water is permanently banned from the Khan estate, gives Tony flashbacks every time.

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>stuttering like a has been
Yet draws more dimes than anyone in the world.
reacts to tony kwab

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I mean folks...
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based copester making the fat disgusting unloved pEdrone E-dophiles smarks seethe, you just gotta!
>he has to pretend to like Ancient Edge despite calling him old and washed and an anti-draw 3 years ago
Must suck living a life without any sort of integrity at all
>has to pretend to like Ancient Edge
Yeah just like countless arenas of fans across both WWE and AEW have been pretending to for 5 years too right? Imagine talking about integrity while spewing bullshit like that. Did he fuck your girlfriend too or something?
always liked how the kid looks pissed off at his mom at the end
Milennial Smark don't miss

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Thank you for studying cagematch and getting back to me.
billy goat always goes over
when will obese smarks learn that the average wrestling fan doesn't want to see a homosexual British cheerleader doing cartwheels? Ospreay is unwatchable
>wrestling fan doesn't want to see a homosexual British cheerleader doing cartwheels
if that were the case he wouldn't be a 9 on cm. you're just deranged
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7.8? Thats midcard tier

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Shawn Michaels AWA Debut

Based, cool to see he was throwing superkicks even then
that sucked
did he use teeth or..?
that guy would never draw a dime

ITT: Oh yeah, that happened
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I missed this completely.
Didn't see the cash in, didn't see him as champion, didn't see him lose the belt.
It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. He was okay when he was serious.
I wish they'd do a 40 man rumble again
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Drew calling in Jinder and Slater as back up to take over the main event would be giga dimes.
Imagine they do this on the RAW after WM 17

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based beast reincarnate has return
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kek yeah nah WWE isn't this soul anymore, WWE is kike slop nowadays.
3rd man?
based piss lover

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For me, it's Evil Matt Damon from Good Will Hunting
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Decent Will Farming
Neutral May Hunting
in dating apps, you swipe right to confirm matches
I'm just excited for Zayda Steel to debut and make antisocial AEWtists seethe
hundos they do

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This was memoryhole'd.
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Letentil buried this one
World Weinstein Epstein. It's the norm for that company.
Anyone who works in the production of porn is a shoot minion of the devil
Hello schlomo
Obese smarks get really weird about people having consensual sex

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>Ha ha ha, yeah that moment where I had my face in Billy Gunn's ass. Well you see at the time there was nothing like that on tv, in a way it was the sexual liberation of wrestling. My writers and Vince's writers got together and we brainstormed this idea for weeks, nothing like it was ever done before and I grew in wrestling. You know? I grew up in it and it was something that you'd never had seen in the past. It was raw, sexual, two men in their most venerable moment.
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Austin would never
imagine the smell, bros
>Rock's writers and Vince's writers came together and brainstormed for weeks about Rock putting his face in Billy Gunn's ass
kek this is too funny

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maybe you're just a pussy lol
fuck you racist dimeless bitch
Are uh, you okay there big guy? Need to vent something?
If Cody gave Travis a shoot piledriver and broke his scrawny neck it would be giga dimes
He's right. I have no idea why he was even there, Dwayne is probably a bigger star than rapper man in the first place, and the whole thing just feels really starfucker and gay. Made no sense, looked weird and out of place in what was intended to be a pretty big important segment, was obviously drunk or high, and apparently shoot injured someone. I've got the fatigue, I'm ringing the bell, get these fucking creatures out of every day life.

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It can't be. King Kong Bundy has been dead for years
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Those are Indians not Chinamen.
cooked that pig

TKO greenlit reviving this because the negative feedback of doing next year's Rumble in Saudi and doing 3 shows there.
Announcement will be WM weekend.
NXT ladies have been on fire. It time for WWE to lock down women's wrestling and put their stamp on it.
Also UFC is doing an women's card this summer, anyone with a brain can see that was probably the next TKO Takeover

ITS UP! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5QQ6uv0xno
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the Summerslam the year prior in Wembley where he came out standing on the back of the hearse was hella based
Vince gave Gonzalez the push because his shits were massive
It represented the worst era in company history where they were taping shows in high school gyms and bleeding money. They would have went under if Lupton didn't luck into Steve Austin and get convinced to steal ECW's presentation.

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Link with video

Who wants to cheer for a guy who sounds this whiny and this much of a faggot? Smarks? That’s fine , good luck with that shit.
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Being married gives so many more benefits to help raise a child than not.
>Will Ospreay previously confirmed that he'd spoken with WWE before making his decision, and when asked if he'd received a contract offer from the sports entertainment giant, he said: “Yeah, of course, but it was night and day. Even in differences of what they were offering and what AEW was offering, AEW was way better.
Osgay is a massive faggot who thinks no other wrestler sacrificed something to work in the WWE, most of them do and they don't go crying about it
exactly. you can be a turbo dork irl if you want but I as a consumer of your wrestling character shouldn't know about it. When you find out this guys are lefty granola munchers it kills the gimmick

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