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>writers' name and reputation is being dragged through the mud just because sissies wanna play defense for tony khan
You leave the cult, that's what you get
the people pretending that Jacobs is behind all AEW creative are not defenders of Tony Khan

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AEW is saved

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>AEW WrestleDream was based
>Had fun in the gamethreads
>we were enjoying the show
>anons were posting gooner shit in between holds (BASED)
>had fun with my /pw/ bros

I love you guys!
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Positivity is le bad, we know
Also the sheer irony of this image being that the largest influx of redditors to this site was a bunch of Trumpfags in 2016
But you wouldn't know that, would you newfag?
You live a sad life
AEW's major issue is not enough people are watching it
>Another thread of gAyEWtists literally begging on their hands and knees for people to stop laughing at their secondary promotion

Very grim

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Will she interfere and retire Bryan tonight?
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My cock is ready!
Maki Ito's ass does not exist
Does she show her butthole?
Wtf? why has nobody said anything about it?

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Yes sir we've promised you a great main event here tonight

Freddie Blassie here

Andre the GIANT


Hulkamania is runnin' wild

Rest in Peace



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the intro that preluded some of the worst sports entertainment slop the world will ever see

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Adam Cole cost MJF the title and the Devil and had the most unstoppable stable of all time. He came back today and is now a face for some reason.
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How big is Adam Cole? Is he legit 5'4? I can't take him seriously as a wrestler
He couldn't even bother to hit the gym and look presentable for his big PPV return?
Why would MJF be scared of an run away from Cole when he's beaten him twice and killed him with a brain buster
5'7, average for the company imo

Who in wrestling has this much final boss aura?
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Her looked so much cooler than Frieza. He should become canon somehow.
Everyone in this thread seem to forget my nigga Vegeta gave a little assist to SSJ2 Gohan in beating AEWTRANNY Perfect Cell.
>year long filler arcs
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Undertaker at WM

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[Great News] The divine Maika embodies the solar energy of the goddess Amaterasu.
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just smile and wave
she learned to mask her autism stare
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maika tummy erotic

Thoughts on Logan Pauls new entrance theme?

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Nice viral marketing, buy a banner bitch.

This is so obviously trying to meme this shit views for being "embarrassing bad song omg you need to watch this lol and make memes about it"
i'm sure a billionaire is viral marketing on a board with 20 incels
>embarrassing bad song omg you need to watch this lol and make memes about it

This but unironically. Please listen to the song.
No, don't give useless niggas like KSI, Ishowspeed and whatever other turd came out youtube, TikTok or wherever more money and attention.
>already has 19 million views and is all over the internet
>hurrrrrr you're shilling to the 10 posters on /pw/
kys autist

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Why do I like him so much? He’s a dimeless skinnyfat shitter but I can’t help but find him endearing
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It's because he's good at his job.
The really great wrestlers don't need to do good things or bad things to be hated or loved. Actions are a substitute or events needed to tell a story. Body language, small movements, these almost undetectable things that create an aura are the key to influencing and becoming a good heel or face.
Somebody was writing about The Good, the Bad and the Ugly on here the other day. It's a really good example. Lee Van Cleef just looks like a sadistic badass in that movie. The fact that Eastwood is by no means "good" doesn't matter because a demon would look good stood next to Van Cleef. It was a presence or a charisma. You didn't need to see the movie to know that he was the bad guy.
All great wrestlers can project this. If you don't know why you like or hate a person then they're probably doing a good job.
I loved early RoH Adam Cole and thought he was a future top guy. He had good size, had good work, and got better on the mic everytime he got chance. Real shame he just gave up and started coasting on that momentum he had.
HHHs number 1 guy
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Can someone post the AEW ending? everyone is saying it's bad but there's literally no footage of it. Not even on Twitter.
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it's "bad" because marks don't like the heels winning
No, it's bad because Danielson was still moving and the ref calls the match then acts like he's regretting doing so.
Masons are based
I hate masons and the Antichrist too but this is a tad too farfetched for me.
Never watched UFC before then

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being a Freemason sure seems gay
Gonna need a QRD on Jericho being a Mason.
jealous you're not in the club, eh?
>le freemasons loominati
bro it's just the jews they're right there you can see them
Want the webm of him getting gored so I can spam it in aew threads. Good movie though.

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The women of AEW & ROH

WrestleDream Oct 12th
>Mariah May (c) v Willow Nightingale for the AEW Women's World Championship
>Zero Hour Preshow: Anna Jay v Harley Cameron

Rampage Oct 11th
>Kris Statlander def. Amira
>Kris Statlander explained her recent change of attitude.
>Anna Jay & Harley Cameron had solo promos to build their match at WrestleDream.

ROH TV Oct 10th
>Billie Starkz def. Ella Elizabeth
>Red Velvet (c) def. Diamante via DQ to retain the ROH Women's World TV Championship
>Lady Frost confronted Athena leading to a future match being made.

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Anna clearly picked up on the fake thong straps fashion tonight
She should wrestle in a thong....
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Bear pose Harley
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Babyface players

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Saki Kashima wishes you a Badd Ass Weekend!
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Never tries too hard, only here to get payed.

Posting on her Instagram still wanting all that attention
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Nobody claiming she isn't a slut but there are stories about her and The Rock fucking
She was also very public with Raven
But The Rock is gay
The difference between Trish and average midwest trailer park skank that will suck your dick for 10 bucks is that former can afford cosmetic surgery
>Why didn't she settle down with some guy that's going cheat on her and die of heart failure at 48?

It's a mystery.
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smarks are the easiest to work

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