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tons of woodditard threads today is some woddditard obese subhuman smark show happening?
>WWF WrestleMania 2000 in 60 Seconds

>tons of woodditard threads today is some woddditard obese subhuman smark show happening?
You no longer even speak like a human being.
This place has destroyed your asshole to the point where shit pours from it like a sieve.
imagine the sex

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How could they go even farther, if they had already gone as far as they will go?
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>makes Big Show shoot shit himself on live tv
anything is possible
Total Cervix Death
He also let pat patterson display his feces on television

It's afraid
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kek what a rapist
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somehow, unexplainably, still tony
>Trumpetty will save him!!
He didn't even save his own marks when they got in trouble for shooting on congress
He cared more about pardoning rappers instead KWAB

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Have not been here all as went for meal and drinks with some girl then fucked her.

Hooking up with another girl tomorrow who looks like Tiffany Stratton a bit but with tats. Fucked her before back at end of May.

Good to see nobody cares about their dead meme and cope spam. Just like we planned.
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Rape posting is dead.

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Discuss Gatoh Move, ChocoPro, OniPro, former Gatoh Move wrestlers, and Darejyo here!


Last thread

Next shows
Chocopro#384 premiere in 1 hour
7/28 Chocopro#385
7/31 GTMV Final Countdown
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Love Miya
hiyori yawata is forced to hang around chocolate ichiyaga if she wants a warm meal
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kek what a muncher
a carpet muncher

Which is more comfier - raw or smackdown?
I think it varies weekly.
WWE is in the best place its been in in decades so its all comfy.
BACKSTAGE is the comfy
they both got cancelled sadly

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jtg looks great
ken is drugged out tho
>When you're the only guy (besides Chris Masters) from the mid-2000s midcard who hasn't gotten the call from WWE
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I always loved Ken Kennedy, and always will.

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Jesus phil
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>no I've never had a female friend before how did you know
it literally makes AEW fags seethe for some reason
you’re on a wrestling board on 4chan the answer to any “why?” here is always severe mental illness
I'm pretty sure he's hugging her because he's happy for her getting to see her first action figure. I'm sure that's a big deal for wrestlers.

Show me anyone else on WWE or AEW who just puts their hands on women like this so casually. Punk is a chad while everyone else are pussywhipped millenials scared to touch women.

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>mfw the MXM Collection theme hits

Yep, sounds like zimbabwian penny store version of DMC music

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The Sock Free Zone Lives
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Recent pic - fresh feet!
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That's EVO and it looks fake as fuck.
Its redbull but i 100% believe that wrestling fans and esports fans both have peed themselves at events.
does 1 guy actually post this much on /pw/?
There are 3-4 of em on here, sadly.

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These poor people have to put up with Shota Umino all year when all they wanna do is YEET
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poop dick wrestling could never
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he shufflin
the japs are mad at the guy who recorded this video
now they think wwe will never return to japan for breaking the rules lol
show me

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>wake up
>Oinko Pie is still ugly, still the WOAT and lost, and still the ugliest fat pig in wrestling
Yep, today is going to be an excellent day! Except for Oinko fans who will most likely 41% themselves KWAFP
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Uhoh! I wouldn't have done this if I were you, OP. The Iyocord might pay someone to dox you!
Kek, Hogwheels BTFO
Oinko piggers can't follow basic logic, I wouldn't worry about it
This board is fucking unreadable at times
Liv is bigger than pro wrestling

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>punk has admitted multiple times he no longer is on twitter (X) and has been uninstalled on his phone for years
>only social media he uses is Instagram still
>he never saw the mcintyre pic
>mcintyre had to delete it like the fucking bitch he is or else he was getting fired for interacting with the rival promotion
>punk meanwhile is having time of his life at comic con most likely fucking every cute girl in WWE
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even this very ghetto ass BBL chick is into him, why??? He's not even good looking anymore these days and is missing a fucking tooth
>Punk no sells it all
Anon what
>"nOt LikE hOw i'M a CHokE aRTisT"
>"I don't know who would feel comfortable working with somebody who randomly just punches people in the face backstage."
In what fucking world is any of this no selling it? He was making not-so subtle references to AEW in promos just as recently as a few weeks ago. The man can't let it go
Jungle Boy literally addressed Punk directly and tried to make fun of him on a tv show a couple weeks ago and no one noticed cause 600k people watch it. You linked an interview where he was asked a question about AEW and he answered it. How is that the same?
>on a tv show a couple weeks ago and no one noticed cause 600k people watch it
It happened at All In you dipshit
>an interview where he was asked a question about AEW and he answered it
How much of a mark are you? It wasn't a shoot interview. Any professional interview includes a pre-interview with the guest where they go over what will be asked and what they'll be discussing. Punk knew. That's how they were able to promote it the way they did. Don't be naive
>It happened at All In you dipshit
kek I'm not talking about that you retard, see even you don't watch your own dogshit shows. A couple weeks a go on Dynamite he took a shot directly at Punk but no one saw or cares cause no one is paying attention.

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all midget wrestling
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>Why do you think he "feared for his life.
Because he lunged at Tony, probably yelling "I'll fucking kill you" which is probably why they didn't have audio.

>If Punk was so weak Perry would have gotten out of it easily
one second after punk grabbed him after the sucker punch two guys grabbed both and punk had his arm around his head and not his neck. i'm sure it was mildly uncomfortable though.
is this real?
wasn't there some kind of altercation in an office after the perry shit? thats prob where thats from
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Perry is a pussy lol
Look at any street fight where some guy has another dude in a choke like Perry had Punk, Perry should have easily taken punk to the ground and been able to get on top of him to punch the shit out of him. But he's so fucking weak, Punk being like 6'1, he didn't move a fucking inch and just continued to choke perry.
Being in street fights is exactly why I think you're full of shit, he had a light grab and it immediately stopped. If Perry started to put any real pressure on Phil's fragile bones they'd bend like a blade of grass.

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