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Joshi wrestling is the only wrestling
Trans women are real women!
glad she lost the white belt
>sees women and his mind jumps straight to trannies
Got something you want to tell us anon?
Well that's not very nice. What did Poi ever do to you?
You finna know it
i watch this video every night before bed
Very cute but also kinda retarded since she is Poi
joshi is the Robbie Williams of wrestling
hugely popular
I love Poi so fucking much
why does she act like a retarded child sometimes
I've unironically added Bye-Poi to my vocabulary.
She's just being cute, the cute retarded act is big in Japan
no lies spotted
You won't find many who disagree here
I wish joshis had their own board
I guess it adds some variety to the usual shitslinging and console warring of American wrestling that goes on here, though
thats her gimmick, she's like the japanese seth rollins
Poi admirers come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, no shame in that
I liked Poi a lot more before I clicked on this video and heard her voice
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Bye anon
But her voice is as cute as she is!
japan is filled with pedos

stop telling the world you're a fat, poor, virgin and just be a fan
it's not your job to make those of use that like some womeme matches look like we're in your weird sad loser life
For me it's Tokyo (Disney) Land Chance
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not with fans like you agua you sad bitch
you're 35, get a life.
Beautiful white woman
for me, its her not knowing how many seconds are in a minute
It's all in good fun, anon. Anyone who would take what I wrote seriously in OP is a donkey-brained console warrior. There's a huge difference between being at the very top and insisting one's way is *the only* way and casting shade on that by insisting the thing few people watch is actually the thing.
It's a joke.
Grow a sense of humor, you'll enjoy life a lot more that way.
If someone says something that's obviously stupid yet ultimately unoffensive, there's always a very strong chance that they are just having fun.
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>Eh, I'm freaking out! I'm freaking out!
I don't think she's dumb, but I think she's a very right-brained person, if that makes sense.
Not necessarily quick with basic facts under pressure but creative and smart in other ways.
It's funny how everyone seems to agree on that.
I wouldn't mind if it was just a /puroresu/ board separate from /pw/ personally. Fans of the two things seem very different.
Yeah I would be fine with a puro board. Though I actually dont mind discussion of Japanese men's wrestling like NJPW, even if I don't watch it. It's the joshi discussion that gets weird here.
I think most of us who post about joshis are usually commenting facetiously... while I'll make such a comment once in a while, it is not, in fact, my intention to actually bury my nose up anyone's farter
It's just dumb fun like everything else on this board
I would certainly hope so, but knowing this website at least a few of them are likely serious about it...
poi needs a hafu baby inside her
or, hear me out, they're a mark little faggot bitch.
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>post about joshis are usually commenting facetiously
you must be new here.
This board used to have some of the best and most knowledgeable joshi posting anons. They would answer any question, even drop full shows from the dark ages.
Ice Ribbon, Sendai Girls, Oz Academy fans.
But some of them had the audacity to criticize Stardom.
A small discord of tiny dick faggots got together and ran off those posters and now they shit up /marigold/ because they can only eat each other now.

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