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literally no one talks about current wwe it's mainly waifu shit
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There are more wwe threads than aew ones
40 minute segments are bad too idk why you chose to watch wrestling retard
2024 is the first time in wrestling history that the women have better gimmicks than the men. Both in WWE and AEW.
Lemme explain this board to you.
No one here watches either WWE or AEW. Or any pro-wrestling for that matter. We just console war that shit and play either side according to our mood.
That being the case, no one knows what the actual fuck is going on in either company except what we hear on this board and whatever the rumor sheets are saying.

Sorry piggies, but AEW doesn't need WBD anymore
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And just like WCW, without AEW's TV deals, the company is worthless.
reminds me, we haven't seen an OOMPA LOOMPA thread out of Ratso (Pigvert) for a day or two, that's one of his favorites
He's busy waging war against the Iyobros
So you're saying AEW is getting cancelled?
Oh dear, oh my, oh no no no!
why in the world would the same company that picked up Tits N Ass Wrestling pick up All Effete Waffling?

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If he was he already would've gotten exposed by now from the lawsuit. And for those who say
>but shawn michaels!
Vince needed to hype up his main star and part of that was showing off his sex appeal, thats not gay thats just marketing
>but scott hall said h-
Scott hall was a junkie and nothing he says should be taken seriously, he probably got vince mixed up with nash
>but, but he just is ok!
He only fucked women, sorry to ruin your fantasies but its true, vince never had sex with a man, cope.
Vince, don't you have a lawsuit to take care of?
Duh, he's bi

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holy dimes

is that the same guy?

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No dealy?
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did they?
How kino would a coke fiend schizo Tony character be? He needs to go out there on tv an be that for his company
Tonys not Vince, he doesnt rape his male talent
that's right, his talent rapes him
Why his pubis hairs grow on head?

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Aewbros... even Cody is clowning on us
Is Codester a drunk?
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He has a whole show where he talks and drinks vodka with people

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Trevor instantly takes the bait, it's unreal
Kek imagine letting one person get to you so much that you see them everywhere you look
Literally bots
Smart and accurate bots then

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>Instead of getting laid and combating the declining birthrate, I’m gonna form a parasocial relation with 4/10 failed idols and goon to their matches
Man. Nips are fucking crazy
>Nip fans which are usually quiet and respectful breaking tradition to pop for certified dime jey uso

Aew could never
yappari, jey uso is a draw

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any context on the beef between Scott Steiner and Kimberly Page?
It's pretty much a he said she said scenario, some people say it was down to scott chasing her out for snitching about drug use, kim herself said it was because they wanted to flash tits on tv and she didn't want to do that so got harassed, etc etc. One of those things we'll probably never have a proper idea what happened

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>skyrocketing Dynamite viewers
>skyrocketing Rampage viewers
>skyrocketing Collision viewers
>skyrocketing demos
>skyrocketing match ratings
>skyrocketing MAX appearances
>skyrocketing trannE seethe
>Khan-funded President Trump skyrocketing in the polls
AEW chads just can't stop winning!

I haven't watched AEW since Dynasty. What are some matches you'd recommend that I missed?

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Boltinators how are we feeling? Is he the great white hope for Nuuj?
Him as top gaijin face, Gabe as top gaijin heel. Then let the dimes rain

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Her BJ game must be on another level
giulia is a crusty wop, sareee is gorgeous
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Julia is married to a guy and Sareee is married to Poi so, I would take Sareee and enjoy the most mind blowing 3 ways possible.
1 Giulia
2 Sareee
3 Natsupoi
4 Iyo Sky
5 Saki Kashima

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saw the gentleman with my daddy in 1985, I was 13. guy had the look but danged if he wuddint STUPID enough to do him own self in

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The time has finally arrived.
The MxM Collection will come TONIGHT to Death Before Dishonor!
Good for them, but we need SLAPJACK
literally 3 people waiting for ZERO HOUR on Youtube right now lmfao
These are my guys, so I'll assume this is a nod to Milano Collection AT and not the usual AEW unoriginality.

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