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The only reason CM Punk isn't able to make moves on Becky Lynch, Bianca Belair and Naomi is because Becky despises him more than Seth, while Street Profits' Montez Ford and Jacob Fatu would respectively wreck him if he were to make moves on the latter two ladies the same way he's doing to Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez.
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Punk's got that mischievous look that he just ate some Chocolate bunny
Phil getting worked by a woman? You don't say.
Stephanie Vaquer, now that's the get.
it was clearly cora and rox getting worked
Keep that faggot away from the real mami

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Were Stacies always called Stacies or is she the reason?
I like how the kelly kelly threat has people bashing her for being a slut when thats literally what Stacy has done her whole life, used her pussy to mooch off rich dudes to live that sweet life. I stopped following who she was bouncing on after Clooney though
Yeah but Stacy is Stacy is while Kelly Kelly is... you know.
Did you expect her to go to school and get a job? Or to date poor men?

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WWE is only going to have 45k in a 70k stadium for their biggest show of the year. What's wrong, piggiEs? I thought WWE was HECKIN WHITE HOT? I hope Paul invested in some nice tarps for this shit show. LMAOOOOOO
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GAYEW status? 100% correct my cripple mutant
Wrestlemania 41 took a trip down oopsie daisy street
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Ice cold
bitchtits samefagging and crying about AEW? must be a day ending in 'y'

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>MARIGOLD Spring Victory Series

3/8 Osaka 176BOX (1:00pm) (VOD 3/10 @ 6:00pm)
>Utami Hayashishita & MIRAI vs Nagisa Nozaki & Bozilla
>Mai Sakurai, Miku Aono, & Erina Yamanaka vs CHIAKI, Misa Matsui, & Megaton
>Passion Countdown: Nanae Takahashi vs Natsumi Showzuki
>Victoria Yuzuki vs Minami Yuuki
>Rea Seto & Flying Penguin vs Nao Ishikawa & Riara
>Chika Goto vs Ryoko Sakimura

3/9 Nagoya Chunichi Hall (1:00pm) (VOD 3/11 @ 6:00pm)
>Special Singles Match: Utami Hayashishita vs Victoria Yuzuki
>Special Singles Match: Mai Sakurai vs MIRAI
>Miku Aono, Natsumi Showzuki, Chika Goto, & Erina Yamanaka vs CHIAKI, Misa Matsui, Nagisa Nozaki, & Megaton
>Bozilla vs Riara

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disheveled ryoko
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NEW >>17188209
Bozilla may have injured her neck here

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Is there a way wrestling can create a figure who gets massive heat from a large portion of fans, and mega babyface support from another?

What is it that modern wrestlers and creatives are missing to generate emotional investment either positive or negative like he gets? Is it even possible?
Are asking could the Southern Strategy work in wrestling?
No, because of the disproportionate minority audience wrestling has

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AEW salesman of the year
> this ppv is stacked!!
> i mean we have will/fletcher that’s going to be match of the year!
> we have hangman and mjf!
> we have momo and Mercedes!

Starts at 12:00
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I'd probably be more excited if there had been more of a build to the show WITHOUT the Aussie show interrupting things. And that's on top of all the rest of AEW's problems.

Tony shoulda let Shane take over.
cornette softened his punches i think, but he is not too thrilled about pulling back the curtain or rock's meandering, wandering, aimless promos that he did on nxt or the soul one
His audience is full of e-drones so he can't be too harsh, he was right about the Wyatt Slops but the first videos are full of dissatisfied drones seething
I remember in 2017 when he was trying to push the "omega is better than styles" grift on his viewers and was hyping up Omega vs Suzuki in the g1 climax as the match that would definitively prove omega was better than AJ (since AJ had an amazing match with suzuki in 2014).
Then Omega and Suzuki had a stinky dud of a match and he had to backtrack and cope and gaslight his subscribers
>Name one bad Orange Cassidy match you've ever seen
All of them?

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>Yes sir we promised you a great main event here tonight
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What was the cagematch rating for this match
How did I just now realize it's just a colosseum background and not an actual arena

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>works numales into a seething shoot by merely existing
Usopp will die to save Luffy
She still into Mexicano men or is she ready for a whiteboi yet?
Alright fuck it, I now declare her the new
she's still dating some masked manlet from cmll

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Guess who won lol

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Fandango's first dance partner is the cutest girl in wrestling history
crazy how a single injury derails some guy's entire career
Word is TNA called Jericho and offered him 12 million to put this guy over again.
She got the boot because the boys were flirting with her and her boyfriend showed up in the locker room.
According to Fandango they wanted to sign her but she had a possessive boyfriend that was always backstage. He convinced her not to sign and they broke up shortly after. She tried to get her spot back but Summer Rae was given her spot.

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ITT: times you got buried or had to do the J O B
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we had one bathroom growing up, and I was sitting on my ass playing starcraft and a massive shit began brewing, but my big bro was in the toilet and I was desperate, so I stuck out my chin and shit in the kitchen trash can
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>be hard working mark
>fall for the work rate meme
>supervisor gets fired after it gets discovered he was fucking one of the female talent while he was married
>bookers hand me acting supervisor gimmick
>don't even get a handshake let alone payday
>struggle at first but somehow get good at it
>accomplish a bunch of things within the first 2 weeks especially for the team
>company decides to hire someone else from another company with zero supervisor experience, zero contacts, zero experience with the team, and zero knowledge in our equipment

Booker didn't even give me the decency to tell me I wasn't getting the job but sent a mass email
Accidentally impregnated a girl I met online and have been paying child support ever since then
I hope you had the dignity to quit. What they did was very disrespectful.

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MASSIVE overrun bump for the learning tree
that's last week

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Seems like projection on your part.
Kouki is a lucky boy to have those tits
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I want her to vomit on me.
Imagine the smell

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5 years later and Tony still can’t figure out how to produce a live wrestling show
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> why the fuck would you leave early when you pay money
The thing that smarks don’t understand is that normal people have lives and families and after a while all the “great wrestling” matches start to look the same . They have ZERO emotional invest into seeing random people hit each other when none of it matters .

This isn’t a real sports, it’s fake . People like storylines not just fucking move and dive spam.

Wake the fuck up
I leave concerts sometimes if the band I went for isn't the headliner. Or I'll arrive late if the band I want to see is on after a few shitty bands nobody cares about. No point in watching stuff I have no interest in even if I can. Also heatless matches are boring as fuck after you've been in the arena 5 hours already
They filmed Dynamite, Collision and then ROH. That's like 6 hours.
You VILL vatch ze homogram match

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>cant call wwe fans retards cause they are actually retarded

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