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File: GhlNI29XMAATpB0.jpg (96 KB, 968x537)
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It's a picture of WWE Speed champion Dragon Lee, you know, their big free agent get that has done fuck all
does he want to leave?
yeah, most likely
did he say that somewhere
did he post about it or are you just speculating?
the WWE Speed purgatory? I would imagine
AEWtists aren’t original kek
It's something Old Man Bischoff said on a podcast that sent AEW marks into a raging fit for days, as per usual.

I said this in another thread, but it's Elon Musk's fault WWE Speed is its own walled off ghetto. He was desperate to pretend Twitter is some kind of video platform like Youtube, so he paid extra for Speed to be 100% exclusive to Twitter. The Speed Championship belt isn't even allowed to be shown on other WWE programming. It's entirely Musk's fault Speed takes place in its own little universe that nobody watches or cares about. WWE's happy to pocket however many million he's willing to shill out in exchange for taping a 3 minute match every week.
What do AEWtards think Tony would do with Dragon Lee lmfao these faggots are so incredibly delusional
wtf is WWE speed?
So is Speed just a punishment championship. Everyone who wins it seems to get upset
has dragon lee said he's upset?
it's just a faggot trying to reuse something against us to make himself feel better when there's nothing like what fenix himself posted on twitter to use as real evidence
Exactly. He'd be the umpteenth interchangeable flippy guy in a mask that can't cut a promo on AEW's roster.
but enough about e-piggies
It's a show exclusive to Twitter where wrestlers compete in matches with a 3 minute time limit. They go through a tournament each month and the winner gets to face the Speed Champion in a 5 minute match for the belt.
>only triple h is allowed to do nothing with guys!
cry more hogtits
It's a consolation prize championship, just like all of the ROH belts in AEW.
You didn't say what Tony would do with Dragon Lee
hhh is not going to push dragon lee when they just got penta lol
Let him actually wrestle?
It seems like he's champion of an entire brand that is signed to a major streaming service, that's hardly "doing fuck all"

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