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should i study applied mathematics at a shitty university? will i be able to land a job and maybe eventually relocate to the US or is it a waste of time? I'm about to graduate with a computer science degree but I dont think it's as flexible as math degree, however I am already 24 and I don't know if wasting 3 more years is worth it
The us has no shortage of unemployed applied mathematics bsc holders
If you are 24 you better have a job title inmind first then apply a degree for it.
>relocate to the US
fuck off, we're full
Id probably go into AI or quantitce trading. I’d probably try to gain more experience before relocation in the USA. I’m just asking if it’s worth to get another degree given my position.
>Id probably go into AI
massively oversaturated

>quantitce trading
you don't have the cognitive abilities
Should I study applied mathematics or not
>you don’t have cognitive abilities
Do you really need to be a 150iq genius to do mid quant trading?
It's probably the most ruthlessly sought after job on the planet outside of president of the united states and you are competing against people who have dedicated their lives towards it from childhood.
then I’ll do something else related to programming and banking. Should I study mathematics or not
These firms look for people who have won math olympiads when they were teenagers and typically hire PhDs. Getting a couple of A's in math in high school is not a good litmus tests for finding out if you're built for quant trading
If you already have a degree in CS what is the point? if you're dead set on getting into maths, try to get into a maths grad program
because I forgot most of math and I think I’d rather do something related to finances and programming
so why not do a MSc in CS or Finance?
I suppose applied math is more flexible and adaptable in terms of career switching and ability to get employed I suppose

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