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I'm a simple man. I don't do; I teach. Sometimes I look up things on wikipedia and if it's spelled wrong, I correct it.

There is a cancer in wikipedia. Please submit names and examples of administrators using automation to revert *non political* revisions. If you were banned after correcting the automated reversions, please include that, too.

Known fascists include

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Dawn you are literally retarded. Also when it takes the might of the entire industrialised world to take down your one fascist state, there's probably some merit to it.
stalin's winning techniques included purging the jews from positions of political power, mass murdering some of them and deporting the rest to siberia
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>non political
choose one
wikipedia is a political propaganda outlet thinly disguised as an online encyclopedia
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Wikipedia says that the Kalergi Plan is a debunked conspiracy theory

Dinosaurs edition, seems to be a popular topic
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Yes you are
>when yo momma so fat she caused the great dying
>has anyone ever volunteered or participated in a professional/research paleontological dig?
really, nobody?
There’s one old paleontologist dude who would have
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What does having an IQ of 60 vs an IQ of 120 mean exactly? I know that they are comparative scores, that the populations intelligence, when mapped on a bell curve appears like that, that they are not 'objective' like for example the length of 1KM or weight of 100 KG is 'objective'. A weight of 50 KG is objectively half as heavy as a weight of 100KG. So is an IQ of 60 half as intelligent of IQ 120 or is it something else?
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I just wrote some very Jewish which scores a 160IQ here https://www.writingtoiq.com/

Either IQ is meaningless (or more likely the test is biased and broken), or I am one of the smartest Jews in the entire Jewniverse.
A butch girl stood with hidden legs turning short pony tail head looking right back hair small red affected shirt.

It tried to make me bang my head against the wall, it did. I am completely secure.
>So is an IQ of 60 half as intelligent of IQ 120 or is it something else?
That's why iq is very misleading. The bell curve however tells you one thing, 60 iq are very rare, 120 iq somewhat rare in a given population.

Also iq doesn't lead to person being successful or not. Im in120 iq midwit+ hell but I'm doing ok in life
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i have 200 iq

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>Researchers found that the average penis increased in size from 4.8 inches in 1992 to 6 inches in 2021
>A 2021 study on 4,685 young italian men found the median penis size to be 17cm or 6.6 inches (DOI:10.1111/and.14053)
what happened?
European migrant crisis. Lots came from Africa.
nah, africans have small dicks
genetic engineering.
Lying or studies asking for bone press measure.

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>Is there a doctor here?! This man isn't breathing!
>I'm a doct...uh, nevermind.
Ph.D.s are a joke.
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Cambodia wiped out their entire class of useless bougie academic parasites and suffered zero negative consequences
imc every laureate is a doctor, if you want to say that you have a phd you have to specify that you're a research doctor
What? That you're it and you're using it to do it? Yes, I know this. I have had you.
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What does math think about nihilism?
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ty, brotha
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I prefer to call it realism
What does geology think about my haircut
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Material set theory is wrong. Empty sets are unique only up to equivalence. Hence there are many ways to be a nihilistic that do not agree on the nose.
Do you hear from this axiom system of Quine?
n this, there are more than just one empty set sinsce the principle of extentionalism is not in power.

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What's the evolutionary purpose for homosexuality? There IS an evolutionary purpose, not only do multiple species across multiple families demonstrate the behavior, but in humans, male humans have a prostate gland that's the 2nd most sensitive organ in the body. it needs to be stimulated in order to have good orgasms, and the prostate even cums/squirts if you put enough sensation into it, so, from an evolutionary perspective, the fact we have an organ that's literally dedicated to rewarding submissive males for buttsex shows there's some type of purpose to it. So, what is it? on a tribal-social level.
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>Double-Penis and Beast-Man
White to Black, the whole spectrum to total void.

What color is missing here?
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>White to Black
I couldnt possibly serve the Lord of Light or the Lord of Dark...

...and neither could possibly serve We.
What does this have to do with >>16295453? The anon gave an explanation for why it evolved in animals and us, hypothesizing with current and historical human and animal behaviour. All you did was spout some greek geek and some anatomy instead of why the anatomy is even there. Nothing of relevance regarding evolution, and at best it hyperfocuses on one singular point regarding greeks

>what did I expect, it’s peak autism
There is no homosexuality genes.
There's genes for attraction to males and genes for attraction to females, which have the obvious purpose of allowing reproduction.
Most of the time they're found respectively in females and males, but sometimes women pass on their genes for attraction to males to their sons, and we call this homosexuality.

Homosexuality thus has no purpose, but is just a byproduct of sexuality.
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>There's genes for attraction to males and genes for attraction to females

If you dont have a degree in Genetics or Molecular Biology "Shhh." Chemistry isnt people, DNA is a Chemical. Its a mid-point. Michael talks about DNA and their role in other vids, it explains why your "gene" theory holds no water.


>Homosexuality thus has no purpose
A type of convergence, there is also divergence. Related to Speciation, and a few other things.

But youre still thinking penis-penis & vagine-vagina, huh?...lol, no. Thats not what it is in Nature and how it continues to be reproduced while it has "no purpose".

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she died suddenly at age 15 on the year 2024

do not open the link because the language is in old-Egyptian


Shaza Negm, 15, died Saturday from health complications

>after suffering cardiac arrest while training at

when she fell into a coma during exercise.

Negm was active in the swimming team at Tanta Sports Club.

She had won many international and local sports championships representing Tanta Club and won more than eight medals between gold, silver and bronze over the past five years. (yes she won a medal at age 10)

The young swimmer was transferred to the ambulance unit located at the Olympic pool in one of the private clubs in the city of Tanta.
Negm was given first aid and received treatment in Gharbia Governorate, before being transferred to the Nasser Institute in Cairo where she passed away.

Her heart stopped during exercise and she lost consciousness in June. She was also found to have ulcers, bled severely, and lost hemoglobin during her stay in the hospital.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Get boosted right now to make sure you will vote democrat no matter what.
This appears to be some sort of reaction I'm causing in this simulaton. It says 'awoooga', with an image that seemingly tells me now what I need to do. Such as, it's in your stomach, under your 'tiehirt', then aligned with awoooga, that seemingly means a message to myself in the future. Perhaps I sent this message for you. Is it distiguishable, a enemy, a friend, else if?
rostie dies, coomers cry
shoulda been vaccinated.

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How did buffalo evoluve!
Some cow freeze. Other cow not freeze. Survivor evoluve thru beefalo.
What a cute little guy
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a bison bull running at full speed will blast straight through you

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This board used to be a lot more active before COVID, and the level of discussion was a bit more sophisticated. A lot less pop sci discussion and more math/logic/physics.

Did all the people whining about muh antivaxxers and the lab leak hypothesis being "Russian disinformation" end up driving away a lot of the /sci/ user base? This board was basically unusable during COVID because there were so many people completely hysterical about shit like antivaxxers and the Lab Leak Hypothesis, and it makes me think the insane over-the-top hysteria and constant name calling and accusations that other posters were working for foreign governments ended up ruining a lot of peoples user experience and drove them away from the board. Now /sci/ literally gets like half a dozen posts an hour.
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It's mainly just one butthurt turbo autist who is dedicated to destroying this board by spamming boring shit. He did this with threads about consciousness or aliens in the past. Now it's pseudopolitical shit like climate change, academic fraud, and racism. Observe that all of the spam threads are written in the same style and all engagement in those threads follows the same patterns. This guy seems to spend his entire life on /sci/.
LOL. Before the pandemic you could be assured of there always being threads like
>Why'd he do it?
>Is 1 = 0.999... really true?
There were tons of low effort cutesy garbage. While there were some ok threads, most of it was IFLS! tier. If you wanted hardcore /sci/ discussions, you either had to be lucky and come across one of the rare posts like that or go over to /pol/ and find a Space Elevator post (these always left /sci/ in the dust).
~2016 killed this site. It's been a steep downward slope every since.
>active discussion groups on /sci/ for discussing graduate level math
A huge number of the graduate level people were extremely liberal, and they couldn't ignore the politic threads and got ass hurt over /sci/ ridiculing the (((science))) and most of them just fucked off forever.
There might be a main guy but I don't buy that there's just one guy. There's territoriality being asserted. This can't become just a hobby board because of that. Even in this thread you can see they have an urgent need to prove /pol/ is superior all the time.

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science has proved that ancient egypt was ruled by whites.
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Hey midwit, for most of history writing was instrumental in ratcheting down mortality and ratcheting up fertility. Most of the world's population historically was in urban centers much more literate than the sparsely populated wilderness. It wasn't until modernity that birthrates fell below replacement for any nation in peacetime.
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Struck a nerve i see.
Mongol hordes were breeding so fortiutiously the Vn cham (who some calle prestor Ion) doth writ by the pen to constrain hordes most fertile.

In response whom was possessed by the stares to be Grand Cam asked for his daughter in marriage, he refused so uncannily, that his castle in tartary was laid waste, beginning the mongol invasions
unironically this
The word you're looking for is SHOWER, it's hard for me to read in the society. Apparently I'm supposed to tell you this. I've worked it out.


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When are you going to admit he was right?
I already do and i profit from that. My crops are growing strong where others have failed before. If people knew they could compete but i have a knowledge monopoly and when i reveal my secret people laugh at me, but i laugh all the way to the bank.
I thought it was Goering kek

I'm bored of browsing /g/ and doing leetcode all day, I want to know what kind of intellectual discussions the folks at /sci/ are havi---

>climate change denial
>COVID denial
>flat earth
>race bait
>"help me with my high school homework"

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Climate change is real. COVID is real and the shots are kinda meh compared to zinc supplements and anti-asbestos respirators. The earth is round. Races express different physical and mental traits. ChatGPT or WolframAlpha can do your homework.
At least this thread is better than the threads OP is complaining about
The real problem is that you aren't filtering this shit out. 4chan transforms from a complete shithole to a pretty good forum when you get rid of the bots, poltrannys, midwits, and trolls
No one denies climate change, they deny global warming because the evidence is shit
Oh look, our in-house schizo is back for his daily thread whining that the board isn't entertaining enough for him even though he's never once contributed anything of value. See you again tomorrow.

NASA Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity edition

previous >>16288620
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Is Linda Ham still working at NASA?
Single high tech + politics.
Even a car would cost like an airplane if it was produced as a single experiment in a lab financed with public money.
Not saying that research is useless, but you need mass production before costs go down.
These threads are filled with glowie Karen's that have HR on speed dial

While all the inbred retards here support inbred corporations like Boeing, everyone else around the world learned to actually screw in the nut before launching the rocket into space

The rest of the resources go to Israel because your mom prefers sucking circumcised dick

Please kys
I bought an airplane for less than $30k
lol, know-nothings think planes are expensive.
owning and operating them is whats expensive. the plane itself is a tiny fraction of your expenses.

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Which is better?
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>it's not an exact science
Thanks for admitting this. Can you go to /his/, /x/, or /pol/ now, considering that this is a science board?
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Fuck off moron, go back to preddit.
>Hey look... basically I have these two lines, mmk?
>Can I judge two entirely different societies according to this chart?
>hell yes, that's SCIENCE ya know
The reason Whites are more successful despite lower average IQ's is very simply that they take more risks and are more disagreeable. Simple as. The reason Europeans dominate in high risk sports like mountain climbing or racecar driving is the exact same reasom that Europeans also dominate in the arts and sciences. There is far too much obsession with IQ on this board, when ad a matter of fact the vast majority of high IQ individuals are not insane achievers but rather middling white collar employees.
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>The reason Whites are more successful…
…is that Whites are the master race

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