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I am a goodperson in good standing with goodparty of science

Are you a fellow goodperson in good standing with goodparty of science? Or are you badguy?
god im glad these people lost
>over the nose
wow, a bit racist much?
Don't you ever get tired of your victim complex? I'm getting bored now

>how do magnets work?
>fuck you that's how
Behold, the great expository skills of Richard Feynman. Did he actually not know how magnets work?
>Jewish grifters grifts Jewishly
Just repeat the wise words when speaking generally, and avoid ever talking specifics
I know /sci/ loves to endlessly seethe about this clip but vol II of the Feynman lectures actually goes into depth on magnetism if you ever care to learn more. Or you could just chalk it all up to "rotating currents" and call it a day.
Is like with David Lynch and asking him questions about his films. The movies are the talking. In this case, The Feynman Lectures™ are the talking, dont bore the man with something he already has settled.
flux loops
literally just flux loops orthogonal to current

>you can't see black holes
>black holes are invisible because they are so powerful, light cannot escape from them
>every picture of a blackhole you've ever seen of a black hole is just an artist's interpretation of what they'd look like if we could see them
>btw, here's a picture of a black hole
genuinely, what did they mean by this?
i get that the orange part is the accretion disk, but there's still a dark circle in the middle that looks perfectly visible to me
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>hurrdurr my equations only make sense BECAUSE they divide by zero
Nice try kikestein.
invisible means not visible
You can see around the dark spot, but there is nothing within to be seen.
>…it’s about “when”
AKA never
So black holes will exist when you learn to understand math and physics instead of being a slack jawed soiy that 'learns' science from stupid tv shows
>a mathematical singularity is only evidence that the math is nonfunctional
nonmathematicians will never understand this. seeing astro idiots try to use math is like watching wild chimpanzees trying to build a piston engine. even if you supply all the parts and all the relevant documentation its never going to work out cause they're just too ignorant to complete the task

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Why does the majority of society value things like pic rel over intellectualism or scientific advancement? I have never understood the appeal of things like sports or partying
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>Taxes on sports
>If Sports didn't exist, that money simply would go away
Retard. Direct resource allocation is far more efficient than taxation for resource allocation.
i think the question is more about WHY the average person is born to find those activities fun over something more intellectually stimulating.
these things are easy to understand and they get your adrenaline pumping for some people. partying serves the same purpose as tribal people dancing around fires. i don't know any other time when young people are so relaxed and celebratory around each other
it's an essential part of brain development for many developing minds. that's why the alcohol trade off is most likely worth it.
Because trump won and science is seen as gay now.
Experience seems to match we have empirical people
Do science nerds become sissified wimps because they hate athletics or do they hate athletics because they're sissified wimps?

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how do i completely deodorize my urine? i heard it is rich in nitrogen, so i want to use it for fermenting sugar

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How can a nation such as the US speedrun the space race, btfo Russia, and land men on the moon, only to crash multiple times in the modern day whilst continuing to push back the supposed date of the next manned landing?
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Its stupid compare a NASA program as big as apollo to a shitty plobe made by a private company like nova C, and it makes no sense either bacuse since 1969 NASA landed like 6 plobes and rovers on mars
Competency crisis. Humanity is getting dumber.
They could launch a successful moon mission this year if they just ignored overt safety margins. But imagine the shit NASA would get if some astronaut died because of a preventable accident. Basically it's the public/culture today at fault.
>What happened?
they gave money to elon musk for a moon mission

From the book "The Universe: From Flat Earth To Quasar" by Isaac Asimov, page 120 of the 1966 Paperback edition:

"Release of energy is always at the expense of disappearance of mass, but in ordinary chemical reactions, energy is released in such low quantities that the mass-loss is insignificant. As I have just said, 670,000 gallons of gasoline must be burned to bring about the loss of 1 gram (1/27 of an ounce). Nuclear reactions produce energies of much greater quantities, and here the loss of mass becomes large enough to be significant."

Burning gasoline is an exothermic reaction. What of endothermic chemical reactions, where energy must be input, where energy is not produced but is consumed? In such reactions, is mass being created from the input energy? In what form is the mass? electrons, protons? complete atoms? If the latter, what element(s)?

Thank you.
In chemical reactions the mass is in the binding energy of the molecular bonds. Yes that must come and go somewhere during reactions.
Energy is waves mass is concentrated energy

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We have to go back.
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I dont care about the OP, i can make my own point. And the point im making is that blackboards/whiteboards are obsolete in a teaching setting. They still make sense in research and in a corporate meeting.
Teaching as a job is obsolete. Any teacher can be replaced by a computer or VHS player.
Chalk and blackboards were first made obsolete with the invention of transparencies.
literally every frame. You have your keyframers that do the big movements and your inbetweeners that do the drawings to fill in the animation gaps. They are inked and painted on transparencies and overlayed on hand painted backgrounds. They used film to capture actresses doing the movements as reference.

Snow white is a gorgeous film but it almost bankrupted disney. That's when you got the xerox era where they could just skip a lot of the drawing on cels and copy them over using xerorx machines. That's why everything looks so sketchy in films like 101 dalmatians and robin hood.

but running an old animation studio would be amazing. my ex was an animator for My Little Pony films and they used rigged drawings for all their animations and tweening for the movements. Modern animation looks awful because of it but it costs like 1/1000th of what it use to.
>I dont care about the OP, i can make my own point.
You're such a big boy!
Doubt an asphalt parking lot in Houston, Texas is going to be a chill place to work, especially in those clothes.
We have to go black.

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space traffic edition

previous >>16497705
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I think I do
It was announced that CZ-3B is expected to still fly at current launch rate for 3 to 5 years
TJS-13 is likely an early warning satellite. Patch attached.
that's a sick patch
this is how space SHOULD be done. these are the adults with the experience, not the wreckless banana to indian ocean ShitX
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BONG seen from space

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i grew up on his shows, i really love him
he makes really good shows even if they r pop science, fun to watch
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He's a bannerholder for The Church of the Current Thing

>"Suppose no matter my chromosomes today I feel 80% female, 20% male. Now I'm going to I'm going to put on makeup. Tomorrow. I might feel 80% male; I'll remove the makeup, and I'll wear a muscle shirt…"
No hes just smart for selling NPCs what they want to hear. Maybe if your terminal contrarianism wasnt so bad you could make a buck off the sheep too.
Where's the Hawk Tuah girl?
How much money have you made off them?
He's stupid, a diversity hire. In debates he just shouts loudly and aggressively rather than having good arguments.

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Is it safe to assume that any civilization developed enough to create the scientific method will inevitably create artificial intelligence?
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It may depend on the availability of potential Technological trees a civilization can choose to develop based on whatever factor favours whatever theories and technological developments, some civilization, rather exotic may come to develop exotic technology.
No. Civilizations can collapse at any moment and never reach high enough technological state. There is a chance of regulatory capture civilization where by nothing can get done and no innovation occurs in that civilization. EU is a prime example.
Well, Palestinians have a lot to say about Jews
Do you mean developing these technologies before developing the scientific method?
Imagine if she pee'ed herself?
Wouldn't that be crazy

>take nootropics
>brain feels slow and fried
.get off them
>iq feels like its gone up a standard deviation
>recall is better
What the fuck is going on? Did I waste all my money?
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It really doesn't have to be inflammation.
>brainfog means inflammation
Or starvation
Or lack of salt
Or poor restitution.
Or even just lack of physical exercise, and failing to do enough activity in the morning to leave night resting pulse.

I get you treat brainfog as a magical word anon, but it means a little more.
Lion's mane is the worst fucking nootropic. There has been a huge amount of research and information on this. It actively harms your cognition in a lot of ways, but for some reason gets shilled a lot.
maybe the real nootropic was all the friends we made along the way
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I guess he needed them

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anyone read Mathematician's Delight? is Sawyer any good?
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You can find a couple of reviews for that book here
If you read german or care to google-translate, also here:
On second inspection, you can find all of the above and more on here:
There is no scientifically valid reason for her to do so.
I don't care about normie reviews like OP pic
She's spreading germs, and probably leaving skid marks. Scientifically speaking she's spreading norovirus.
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>take off watch
>build table
>put down screwdriver
>whore wife steals my book and climbs on top of table
>"take a picture of me honey tee hee!!"

Post examples of science's stupidest mistakes ITT
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chugging tap water
Look at the ingredient list of any modern household cleaning or processed food product, and it's filled with carcinogens.

Everywhere you walk, every breath you take, every move you make, carcinogens are entering your body.
Fluoridating water was an enormous mistake. The scientists behind that have harmed humanity enormously
>every breath you take, every move you make
Every bond you break, every step you take, I'll be watching you
My grandfather was a dentist
he told me. then in his house he had jugs of water lined around the garage, enough to survive the apocalypse. He wasn't drinking tap and he lived to almost 100.

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He's argued that the people who stole his, Eric Weinstein's, Eric's wife's, and Bret Weinstein's Nobel Prizes should get the death penalty. Do you agree?
All goyim need to be wiped off the earth, especially slavs, nordic pagans, and arabs. The Jewish people will not be made to live in fear.
In all seriousness, how did that lady Carol whatever get away with stealing Bret's research? Why isn't she in prison?

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