I'd like to preface this post by apologising in advanced for asking a question that has probably been asked a thousand times already, but I don't know where else to ask. I don't use r*ddit, or d*scord, and none of my friends are into mathematics.My situation:Intermediate Algebra (Blitzer) - done all odds, and all end of chapter testsCollege Algebra (Blitzer) - done all odds, and all end of chapter testsPrecalculus (Blitzer) - done all odds for trig onlyBook of Proof (Hammack) - 1/3rd through, doing all oddsHow to prove it (Hammack) - 1/5th through, doing all questions (found solutions manual online)My goal:Precalculus (done) -> Proofs (work in progress) & Calc (I am here!) -> Analysis -> Linear Algebra -> Abstract Algebra -> Number TheoryI need a calculus book that fits these criteria:- Good for self-teaching, so must have many examples, questions, and answers to at least all the odds, or a solutions manual.- Some rigour, but not too much as I'm not fully confident with proofs. I do have a little bit of experience with proof by induction.- No physics, no engineering. I don't care about applied mathematics.Thank you.
>>16584026I posted a fake data snippet and Chan deleted the post of epidemiology studies
>>16584002>read different books in tandem?If one initially doesn't understand something in a textbook, then one can read the same thing in another textbook.Plus "sleeping on it" is important.>Do you think this is a good idea?I don't know.You're better off without my advice.
>>16583527Do linear algebra before analysis, if you want my 2 cents
>>16584362OK, tweaked it according to this: https://www.susanrigetti.com/mathPrecalculus -> Calc -> Proofs -> Linear Algebra -> Abstract Algebra -> Analysis -> Number Theory
>>16583527>I need a calculus book that fits these criteria [...]You can't go wrong with older textbooks like Apostol's and Spivak's
[math]/\mathfrak{mg}/[/math]Deutsche Mathematik editionTalk maths, formerly >>16534183
>>16583914>I enjoyed math in school though I never had to do anything proof based or rigorousrepliers missed the important part of the postmath is completely different after you introduce proofyou don't even know if you like math until you try proof
>>16586452Not just that. There's also research level math which is again completely different from the undergraduate proof-based math.
>>16586659it's not as big a change though, the end of undergrad can be pretty close to researchhigh school math however is just calculation
>>165625092+2=4 Quick Maths
>>16586667Not really. Undergrad math is very elegant. At the end of undergrad, you'd be doing what? Stuff that has largely been done in early 20th century. But current math is just extremely ugly, and disorganised. You would simply have to take results from subjects you know nothing about at face values. What you'd be doing would seem to have absolutely no correlation with real life. You'd be reading 10 page long proofs on results that you have no idea why anyone would care about. I mean even stuff like functional analysis, differential geometry and whatever people learn at the late undergrad level is still fairly motivated and organised, but bleeding edge math is just absurdly soul crushing. That is, unless you are number theory autist.
What killed scientific progress?Where is our flying car?Lol jk we all know the answer it's overregulation and fearmongering.
>>16577749All supposed problems with flying cars people cite are circumvented with the slightest bit of forethought.You wouldn't actually let people fly flying cars themselves they would be controlled by auto pilot.You also wouldn't replace every ground car with a flying car anyway you would reserve flying cars for emergency vehicles, taxis and the super wealthy to reduce ground traffic.
>>16579602Such a retarded response.So there is no room for improvement on helicopters?
>>16583575you're just poor >>16584787Imagine a billion jeets with nuclear power
>>16577444People confused scientific progress with technological progress. We have the science we'd need to make flying cars, we've even built some one-offs. We don't have the infrastructure, legal and social conditions to roll it out on a big scale, so it doesn't happen.
>>16585785This. The retard you replied to probably is like "why isn't ChatGPT discovering things for me??" in his daily work.
If red color is RGB 255,0,0and Yellow color is RGB 255,255,0does it mean that yellow is brighter than red, at least on computer monitors?if not, why not?What about 50% gray 127,127,127? Is it more bright than 255,0,0 red?127+127+127 is bigger than 255+0+0
>>16583586tob jej, y tho?
>>16582599>>165826371 day
>>16582599>>165847030 days, I'll help, and I'm merely theorizing here. same way in the printing world adding more colored ink helps adding to expand the achieved color gammut, same thing MIGHT be possible in the digital display world, just an example, and it is going to be most likely wrong, add an orange additional thingie to the existing rgb ones, that way you'll have more effective color rangewhat do you learned folk think?
>>16579077>I think that is physically (or whatever the name, Dr.) incorrectWrong, it is correct.Human eye or brain responds more to green than red.Yellow is a hue that is a mix of green and red.So if you send yellow light with same measured power as you send green, the green should be brighter for humans than yellow.
>>16586237explain lab lightness values then
What her academic qualifications?
>>16585907for me, it's Sabine
>>16585901is that the chick that got some Keira going on?
>>16585901What they get wrong about AI is assuming that statistical models are intelligent.
>>16585901I just got my 5090 and set controlflag.conscious = 1 and now I am a billionaire.Can't believe they accidentally invented it too lmao
>>16585907>Five head>eye candyWell, guess it might be true when compared to most science YTers.
>two fermions can't occupy the same state at the same timethat makes sense, two objects can't be in the same place at once, that's dumb>however two bosons canhuh? how is this even possible? why do fermions act normal but bosons don't? so I can have all the matter of the universe in a single point in space?
What studies have been done to determine the optimum level of stress on a human to achieve maximum output?
>>16584371We simply swap the prizes. I also wanted to test a scenario where you got the Rock at one side and prime twink bussy on the other, but my peers said it was too much. Cowards, science cannot be shy
>>16582220First off you are assuming a relationship of achieved output (whatever that means) to stress levels. That this is the case is unclear. Some achievements might only be achieved on very low stress or high stress or anything between or it could be independent. Your question is loaded.
>>16584297>to be left the fuck alone
Yerkes-Dodson makes sense -- there's an optimal pressure for complex tasks but mice can't get frazzled while doing simple tasks. Reversal theory should offer a different conclusion but it doesn't make sense.
>>16582220Based on police shooting videos, it is very clear that easy tasks are impossible for monkeys which confirms half your hypothesis in a statistically relevant matter. I also turn to the sophistication of monkeyball to confirm the other half.
why not use a spacecraft towing a giant magnet to draw in debris and make a massive ball that burns up in reentry?
>>16585084Neat idea. Let's just do some field testing. Here, you go stand over on the other side of that field and hold up a big magnet, and I'll get 100 friends together to fire high-caliber rifles at you. We'll know your idea works if you can catch all the bullets
>>16585107Haha, jokes on you.He only needs to out run the bullets and he already has a head start. You'll never catch him.
>>16585084Because if you can collect it, it has far greater value for reuse than just dumping down the gravity well. Most of the satellites have valuable solar panels, batteries, electronics and antennas, perhaps a bit of remaining fuel too. Screap metal in orbit is also valuable.
Reminder - Earth is the only planet that we know of that has a perfect solar eclipse, since our moon happens to be about the exact same size as our sun when viewed from the Earth.Nowhere else in the universe does this happen.
>>16585442>militant athiest nihilists.>They're just arrogantwere they born defective like this or did something happen to them to create their awful personalities?
>>16585842>were they born defectiveYou have yet to notice that autism is the new normal. Our cultures raises, educates and (in)forms "people" who only acknowledge literal descriptions of objects following the socially constructed rules of logic, reason and language as "real". For example: "love" can not be observed as an object therefore to an autist "love" is a schizo idea. Although that doesn't explain why autists like evolution and big bang theory so much because those ideas are not observable as an object either.
>>16585439Oh kot gys
>>16574561>Earth is the only planet that we know of that has a perfect solar eclipse>posts pic showing Earth not having a perfect eclipseWhat could he mean by this
>>16584419>>All of the ridiculously unlikely conditions Earth experiencesLiterally yes. You're only picking the ones earth experiences. If we had a moon at geostationary orbit you'd be talking about how unlikely and meaningful that is, but since we don't, you count its absence for nothing.
if sleep is so important why is it so fucking hard? falling asleep is the hardest thing I do. I go through everyday feeling like trash, not being able to think clearly, annoyed at everything cause no sleep. still can't fall asleep.why isn't falling asleep as easy as going to the the toilet, eating, drinking or breathing?
>>16585874It's because you didn't evolve to sit in front of a bright blue screen for 15 hours while gulping down three litres of coffee every single day.
>>16586600humans do whatever the fuck they want. we didn't evolve wings but we still flyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPMEukZNh4Y&t=43s
>>16586606>humans do whatever the fuck they want.I guess OP doesn't want to sleep then.
>>16586600>The plastic-eating bacteria also include the species Rhodococcus ruber and the widespread bacterium Comamonas testosteroni. According to a study published in the Marine Pollution Bulletin, Rhodococcus could digest nearly 1% of plastic in the oceans into CO2 each year and thus removing it from the water.Did they?Maybe a constant stream of caffeine is what God designed the universe for, highs and lows, like a wave. A meta-wave. We're all just geekin' and crashin', a type of Chudding and seething. Its just Physics...and meant to be.
>>16586600Its also 5:28 PM, Im eating my third or fourth breakfast of the day (got up around 1AM), and drinking my fucking 20th (who fucking knows) coffee.Bless-ed by thy jitters...for you have known flight.
Why is our moon so boring? We even named it Moon.
>>16584719your phone has one. you might have a list of cities around the world instead, choose the closest.
>>16571750I like its little poophole at the bottom
>>16580144I indeed meant perpendicular. Surface Normal if they're so autistic they need a definition applicable to an oblate spheroid. >>16581174The moon is a sister planet.The IAU are retards and their definition of planet is beyond retarded. If it's a spherical body in space and not a star it's a planet. There are some very interesting stars out there but main stream science can't even get the local solar model correct so they aren't ready for the more bizarre stars out there.Hell, they can't even figure out cepheids.
It’s just another big ass space orb to ponder
>>16579670It was caused by the great flood during Noah's time. Water trapped below the Earth's crust was suddenly released and these great geysers sent water into space, which subsequently froze and impacted the moon.Evolutionists deny this because they're pseudo-intellectual retards who hate G*d and his chosen people.
My mom gave birth to me at 34 years old back in 1998. How old was your mom when she gave birth to you?
>>1658428440 and im a trannyhopefully ways of reversing aging are discovered so i can hold out till some miracle technology makes me xx
>>16584548>proceeds to go on a hysterical seething spreeThat anon was spot on it seems
>>16584862>so it's not just older mothers, though I don't doubt it increases the odds.I don't know where this "knowledge" is coming from because the only kind of consistent associations found are those with paternal and not with maternal age.But I've never gotten a proper answer without being called a cunt or some other slur so I assume it's all projection.
>>16586085Yawn. You've pulled this act dozens of times in threads and no one is going to humor you any more as you obviously have been sealioning each time. Enjoy your Valentine's Day with your cats.
>>1658428437It was over for me before it even begun.
How long these two dorks will be able to convince everybody AGI can emerge from a Turing machine given enough computational speed?
>>16582199Altman is too greedy and will not let it go, he thinks he can offload this puppy for a trillion or two
>>16556287>AI>A jewish scamWho would've thought??
>>16568043>t is probably a good idea to talk to LLMs politely and kindly as your conversations will be used as training data for subsequent modelsThen how about talking to LLMs exclusively in nonsensical ramblings?
"Never date someone in the medicine" editionPrevious Thread: >>16548306This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.>Discussion on academia-based career progression>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)Information resource:>https://sciencecareergeneral.neocities.org/>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:>https://academia.stackexchange.com/Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>16585193>where he just went to the professor's office and was asked about concepts related to the classSo that's literally another exam? He failed 3 times and had to do a fourth oral exam or otherwise he would have been out? What's your point again?
>>16585764>>16585793"Artificial difficulty" as you call it is just a standard systematic way of having the students learn from their mistakes...
>>16586499Worse things I could be doing with a EE degree than making glasses >>16585866I've barely learned about optics during my Bachelor's, just the basics about making lasers, optical comms and lithography. MSEE goes much deeper into it. From job listings it seems like companies want an MS at the minimum too. But I can't be bothered for a PhD unless a company pays for it and gives me a job after
During my student job I realized a actually like repetitive lab work, running tests and verifications, filling out spread cheats etc.Is 25 too late to get an autism diagnosis.
>>16586578that's not much of an indicator but you can do this test if you like https://embrace-autism.com/raads-r/even if you are autistic though it's not like a diagnosis leads to any treatment so there's not a lot of point imo
https://voca.ro/16Albw4vom1KYo why does the back right side of my head make a hollow sound when I hit it? It just started after I got really sick a month ago.
>>16586313>>NOOOO YOU'RE RETARDED THAT'S THE ONLY EXPLANATIONGlad you still have enough of your brain to understand what's going on
>>16586231Let me take a wild guess... you're unvaxxed?
>>16586388No, I got the J&J so I could travel in 2020.
>>16586313>merely touching your head creates a hollow knock soundYou probably had a stroke or something and half your brain died and withered away.
>>16586461>vaxxedYup, >>16586590 classic case of vax induced blood clotting causing a stroke and massive brain tissue death.