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Qm is bullshit you really think gravity allows for time? Our whole life is a lie
Are you asking if QM allows for time distortion in a gravity field?
gravity allows for time in situational specific areas which makes no fucking sense its so retarded you have to be low iq to think any of this makes sense
im a 170 FSIQ mogger watch out im old gre and old sat genius

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Thomae's function edition
f(x) =
\frac{1}{q} & \text{if } x = \frac{p}{q}, \text{where } p,q \in \mathbb{Z} \text{ are co-prime} \\
0 & \text{if }x \text{ is irrational}
previous thread>>16432396
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Is it possible to position a unit sphere in R^3 such that it has no rational points?
(x - pi)^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1
I'd like to think so? I don't read as much literature as I used to in undergrad, but I still try to read at least one or two works of fiction per semester.

Recently I finished re-reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (which I first read in HS). I've been going back and forth between starting Shogun and Before the Dawn. Neither are high-art literature but they aren't slop either.
Hm, I'll try and pick it up used.
Why isn't a flattened weierstass function (like 0.01W or sqrtW or 0.01(sqrtW)) lipschitz? It looks like it avoids the forbidden steepness regions of the plane around each point.

Study of Ashkenazi Jewish Population Reveals New Schizophrenia Mutation

Researchers at The Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, in collaboration with Columbia University, have identified a gene mutation that could result in schizophrenia, a chronic brain disorder that affects less than one percent of the world’s population, but 40% of the ashkenazi jewish population. The findings, published in the journal Neuron, could lead to novel treatment strategies.

The research team, led by Todd Lencz, PhD, with Itsik Pe’er, PhD, Tom Maniatis, PhD, and Erin Flaherty, PhD, of Columbia University, carried out an innovative genetic study identifying a single letter change in the DNA code in a gene called PCDHA3 that is associated with schizophrenia. The affected gene makes a type of protein called a protocadherin, which generates a cell surface “barcode” required for neurons to recognize, and communicate with, other neurons. They found that the PCDHA3 variant blocks this normal protocadherin function.

Past research has shown that genes play an important role in the disorder, but it has proven difficult to isolate individual genes that contribute substantial effects. These results indicate that further investigation into restoring communication between neurons could be a critical step in developing novel treatment options for schizophrenia.
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constantly lying causes brain damage.
or does brain damage cause constant lying?
both are caused by jewish genetics
its super natural

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>white women have the same spatial iq as black men.
Biofags, explain what causes this
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show black women
But the graph shows that it is clearly consistently higher? Even niggers of gender are more intelligent than niggers.
Source for the graph?
prob even lower
which race is the wilson effect the most common? or its a general phenomenon?

What variables lead to liberals having low self-esteem
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Mistyped 2. Ignoring the entire other section of IQ testing is fucking retarded, especially when the difference is an entire 2 points.
>no disagreement found
i'm glad we're on the same page
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non-liberal whites score low only because of their hatred for liberal whites.
We really aren't. If you think someone's life is difficult because their IQ on only a single part of an IQ test is within margin of error difference then you are just retarded.

Whoever wrote that article is borderline retarded and reaching towards a superiority complex. They go on and on about how verbal iq is so god damn important and does all this shit that literally no one else agrees on only to come to publish the results that are negligible at best. It's a clickbait article that gives morons a good title to brag over.

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>Responding to the claims, Professor Andrew Coates spoke about the prospect of humans on Mars and argued that it could contaminate the planet and threaten space exploration in the future.

>Professor Coates, who is a physicist from UCL, told the BBC's 'Today Programme': “The last thing we need to be doing is taking life from Earth to Mars. Robotic exploration is the way to go.”
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You'll never ever end. We will make you live forever on a spaceship and send you to alpha centuri

Will you pay the fee? Joke. You can have the bank
>To him, it's must be like another capitalistic venture.
Good. It should be. An entire planet untainted by government.
>but it'll turn into a government!
If the worst thing that can happen under libertarianism is the formation of government, what does that say about government?
>Rare amazonian tree frogs actually have viable uses.
Sure, but the cost-benefit ratio isn't in their favor. The solution they may solve can be solved in other ways without them. You're welcome to keep them as pets.

Point is there's no excuse to use the government to ban people chopping down the amazon.
>Except the ones that cure cancers
>which we may never find
Don't exist. You're acting like a hoarder, claiming we can't declutter because there might be something useful at some point among all the junk. I don't agree that we must leave the natural world untouched just because someone else in the future may at some point using some not yet theorized hypothetical technology to make some beneficial thing using these creatures.
I do not believe in Whale Probes.
>destroy the ecologists that harbor them instead of trying to study them.
I've nothing against you buying the land on which these ecologists exist and keeping as you wish. I totally oppose your belief (which I presume you have) that the government should ban people doing stuff to their property just because you want someone else to at some point study the ecology there.

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Chadwick Bosman (Black Panther), and now James van Der Beek (Dawson's Creek), both in their 40s.
Is it HPV from butt stuff?
Is it lack of fiber?
Seed oils?
Chemicals in the water?
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how would that affect the cancer rates specifically for young people?
>It could just be age-related. Most people in Africa are young so their cancer rates would be lower.

Age has been accounted for already: the rate of colon cancer is higher in younger people than older people, as mentioned by OP, that's why we haven't been mentioning age as an contributor. It's the big mystery.

>How can the goyslop theory be true if USA has a lower rate than Europe?

That's a good question we can add to the list.
A possible difference/explanation could be better detection. I.E; they just spot it more, so they have better data. Europeans have access to public healthcare, so they go to the doctor more than Americans do.
>Europeans have access to public healthcare, so they go to the doctor more than Americans do.
and they get more false positives as a result
DNA sequences recently attained from colon cancer tumor samples match the DNA sequence from Pfizer's mRNA covid vaccine. There was a thread about this, but it was deleted.
>>There was a thread about this, but it was deleted
>>I have a gf but she lives in Canada

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Has medical science come up with an accurate estimate or count of the total deaths from the reported coronavirus epidemic yet?
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There were also the people who were intentionally murdered using the respirators
why does canada only holocaust white people and never jews jeets or africans?
Because Canada is run by a homosexual
This, Fauci is a hero. Plus back in the 1980s he poisoned thousands of faggots to death with experimental AIDS drugs.
not yet. first they need to come up with cute mascot to regain your trust. just like the vatican!

I thought mRNA replication was really unstable, highschool bio said so
it also said we don't really know the full effects of some medications/products until 10+ years after
am I retarded for being skeptical of the covid vaccine because its not diluted/weakened pathogens but instead uses mRNA for delivery

might just have to go back to college for this because I'd rather not live the rest of my life curious
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the mRNA codes only the spike, not the whole virus ya dolt
Read a book
It is, and replication destroys mRNA in same way your own body slowly depletes your own DNA until your cells fail to replicate and start failing, resulting in your death.
The spike is the dangerous part, thoughbeit. Realistically, what makes me wonder is how different humans are, some might produce more efficiently longterm, others might produce faster in short period, that might cause unexpected deaths.
>I thought mRNA replication was really unstable, highschool bio said so
What do you mean? RNA synthesis through transcription is very precise. RNA synthesis through something like reverse transcription done by retroviruses is much less precise. Both are within highschool curriculum where I'm from.
no refunds


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>matter had anti-matter just because it does
>energy doesn't have anti-energy (not an energy sink, but something that attracts energy itself)
>can't see anti energy because all of your high energy or low energy experiments are looking for energy signatures
>That paper is nonsense
Why did it make it into the ApJ?
Why can't you just admit that you've never studied astronomy even to the point of passing astro 101 and that you have no idea what you're talking about?
dark matter is normal matter
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…except darker

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>Dr. Daniel McKeown is an astrophysicist who has been made homeless by the low pay working conditions of Academia. Currently, minimum wage workers in California would theoretically earn more than him in welfare gratuity.


What is wrong with the American education system?
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the professors at their schools lie to them because they don't want to admit to being poorfags themselves
Diogenes is rolling in his barrel
a lot of university professors come from wealthy families, being a fancy professional schoolteacher is an extremely common form of conspicuous consumption
Any job thats considered prestigious automatically becomes subject to the desires of the conspicuous consumers

>Chinese genetic engineer who was first to make genetically engineered babies, making them immune to HIV/AIDS a decade ago now says you can genetically engineer babies to be taller, stronger, faster, smarter for just a few thousand dollars

Will you genetically engineer your future kids with your current girlfriend once you get married, /sci/?
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>immune to HIV/AIDS
Just don't be a fag/slut
I don't want doctors poking around my big gay baby
>a decade ago
another decade until I can edit myself?
Genetically engineered babies are a meme, like Fusion or Nuclear War - it'll never happen. I've seen the media hype about it since the early 2000s. The significance of the human genome is pretty overrated in public, humans only have about 25,000 protein-coding genes, wheat and the common carp have 30,000 to 40,000 in comparison.
>making them immune to HIV/AIDS
Why the fuck do we even still talk about HIV? It's a meme disease that is impossible to catch as long as you don't inject yourself with used needles, or let a man ejaculate inside your ass. Even then, through anal sex the risk is approximately 1 in 70 (or 1.4%) each time that you can get it from someone who is infected. Injecting yourself with a used needle and it's about 0.67% (or 1 in 150).
>123. If you think that big government interferes in your life too much NOW, just wait till the government starts regulating the genetic constitution of your children. Such regulation will inevitably follow the introduction of genetic engineering of human beings, because the consequences of unregulated genetic engineering would be disastrous. [19]

>124. The usual response to such concerns is to talk about “medical ethics.” But a code of ethics would not serve to protect freedom in the face of medical progress; it would only make matters worse. A code of ethics applicable to genetic engineering would be in effect a means of regulating the genetic constitution of human beings. Somebody (probably the upper-middle class, mostly) would decide that such and such applications of genetic engineering were “ethical” and others were not, so that in effect they would be imposing their own values on the genetic constitution of the population at large. Even if a code of ethics were chosen on a completely democratic basis, the majority would be imposing their own values on any minorities who might have a different idea of what constituted an “ethical” use of genetic engineering. The only code of ethics that would truly protect freedom would be one that prohibited ANY genetic engineering of human beings, and you can be sure that no such code will ever be applied in a technological society. No code that reduced genetic engineering to a minor role could stand up for long, because the temptation presented by the immense power of biotechnology would be irresistible, especially since to the majority of people many of its applications will seem obviously and unequivocally good (eliminating physical and mental diseases, giving people the abilities they need to get along in today’s world). Inevitably, genetic engineering will be used extensively, but only in ways consistent with the needs of the industrial- technological system. [20]
It literally happened in 2018.

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Safety tag everything with RED

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What happens with the animals when it's freezing cold -25C during winter?
What happens with flies, deer, mice, birds, fish, ants, wolves, spiders, etc.
Even if they live in warmer places like Texas and Florida, there are rare days when even such places have very cold weather that a human will die in few hours if he isn't inside house.
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Dark skin should absorb more solar radiation though, so light skin is a bad adaptation if you are only considering the temperature.
>further developed intelligence and cooperative behavior to allow survival in that environment
why do nazis like to pretend surviving in a place like that is any harder than a hot desert? at least you get big game, wood and water. even a fucking jungle is harder since barely anything there is edible (remote tribesmen eat mainly yams and grub worms) and what is will kill you with its venom or maul you to death
Why humans need dexterity? To put their fingers into female vagina?
climbing, tool manipulation, vagina fingering
White skin did not come about as a way to get more vit C, it came about via sexual selection (some group liked the color and only fucked you if you were pale).

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How to get started in learning biology at the fastest speed?
For what purpose? I'm asking because this will affect the method that will suit you more.
>For what purpose?
Cs/mathfag. Don't know shit outside of high school about neither biology or chemistry. I've decided to learn it because I'm interested in application of my field with humans and animals
not him but gardening
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read biology textbooks in the copilot seat of an sr-71 blackbird

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