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Why does the majority of society value things like pic rel over intellectualism or scientific advancement? I have never understood the appeal of things like sports or partying
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newfag normalfag
We are driven by primal tribal mentality. Sports is just that. So is sexos. So is music. So is masturbation. So is watching movies. etc
Total Autist Death
I can't believe this thread has been up for two months.
scientists: survival of the fittest!! darwin says that physical competition is the determining factor in evolution


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What are the academic and political implications of exposing bad PIs?
that is one ugly dog of a jew
My PI deserves something like this honestly.

go for it

sociopaths have molded academia in a way that always puts them on the top
He's not a sociopath, I actually quite like him. But he's an insanely useless lazy shitter who should not be supervising anyone or anything.
wow you're literally me
my advisor was the same

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Is statistics of any use for investing in the stock market?
or is it "analysis cope"? I mean
>Maybe if I just juggle around data from the past 5-10 years I will get an edge and make money

for people replying
>Go to /biz/
went there, got no replies, also I expect people here will give better answers than trying to sell me their alt shitcoin.
Every automated trading bot on the market now (most of which make a ton of money) use probability theory and stochastic processes to help them make purchase decisions. Yes, learning the basics of probability, statistics, stochastic processes and time-series analysis will be helpful. There's no guarantees in anything, but they will be on the whole useful for analyzing market trends and making useful short-term price predictions (assuming no major disruptive distribution changes).

Are world population numbers inflated? It could be made to make us think the world is overpopulated so we accept things like immigration, depopulation, climate change, etc.
Is there any way to use science to independently verify them?
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and it will be 6 billion again in 75 years.
nice confirmation bias btw, believing the statistics and scientists when what they say your concerns about overpopulation are legit and denying the same sources when the call your beliefs into doubt.
Your shit is a decade outdated, retard!
i can tell from your use of profanity that this is an extremely emotional issue for you and that you're not capable of addressing it on a rational, scientific basis. why does this topic trigger such an emotional response from you?
overpopulation is a deliberately created meme. it's all in shithole counties that western nations shovel food and resources to so the r-selected population of retards can explode and create "humanitarian crises" that now require... MORE food and resources to be shoveled in lest there be a massive (and necessary) die off.
Im really not even positive the rest of the world is real, or space is real. It could just be me sitting here in my little simulated truman show. Maybe a couple other real people too but definitely not 8 billion. Otherwise where the fuck are they? How come everything feels so same-y and small? It wasn't always like this. If theres that many people out there and they're all savvy to computers and have the means to start a site for anything just as they did in the early days, how come there's only 10 sites, everyone complains about it, and no one does anything different? We just learn and unlearn and then relearn the opposite over and over and nothing really changes, tech gets smarter and people get dumber etc

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how does having a wing shaped like this lead to a pressure differential? it's not like air can be compressed on one side or move faster on one side just because of the shape causing displacement, right?
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a little more effort and you may begin to experience some flow separation
By being moved forward through the air with some angle of attack.
If you assume incompressibility they are literally identical.

And incompressibility is a safe assumption up to Mach 0.3, or even Mach 0.7 for some applications.

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Anyone here get the uncanny valley effect from live healthy people?

For me, I feel the uncanny valley effect when I see people with blond hair and blue eyes. The weird part is, not all blonde haired blue-eyed people make me feel it, but it's ALWAYS blonde haired blue-eyed people that make me feel it.

Why would blonde haired blue-eyed people make me feel the uncanny valley? Anyone else here get the uncanny valley from certain people?
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I know this is hard for a White-hating retard like you to understand, but 5% is very different from 0.000001%.
Have a first-grader explain to you why.
yeah sure because the rest of the 4.9% dye their hair well into adulthood
t-they aren't blond.. I swear!
all my racial fapping about blond hair would crush to pieces HELP
>english not my i speak too well!
Take the day off, Moshi.
Those features you are describing sound a lot like fetal alcohol syndrome anon. Which makes perfect sense, that condition is also known to make people stupid, impulsive, and angry/aggressive, which obviously can easily lead to criminal behavior.

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Why don't universities filter for IQ anymore? I mean the top 100 do but beyond that it's a wash, any retard can get into 140 ranked uni by cramming, any retard can get into 300 ranked uni with just reading and at 400 it's just free

I don't really care about diluting prestige or the workload/expenses this incurs but it's extremely destructive to students who are the retards. 110 IQ midwit shouldn't be studying EE or CS, that's a waste of his time.
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Why does a business try to maximize its customer base? Is this a serious question?
Ranking is a meme, particularly for undergraduate. At the post graduate and PhD level it's a bit different since presumably lower intelligence students would have been filtered out a bit and have weak/failing grades.
Important to remember that whilst psychometric g is very real. Some students will be much more adept in verbal/non verbal fields. Since schools are often forcing kids to specialize earlier and earlier, you may land up with a 115 IQ student at a top 15 university who has a non verbal IQ of 130 and a verbal IQ of 100. That's perhaps a bit exadurated but I've seen plenty of similar situations myself.
Again, ranking is a meme though see this:
This is exactly why universities shouldn't be a business.
Universities should be about value creation not value extraction.
Conducting scientific research and providing platform to the brightest of minds so that they can learn and pursue their destiny should be the goal.
Soviet Union built the best Education system in human history.
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Saar, that is illegal, saar.
Saar, you have a great future in pajeetsoft, saar.
>Why don't universities filter for IQ anymore?
You don't get enough diversity that way, anon.

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Which hydrogen bomb test had the highest fusion-to-fission energy ratio, making it the "cleanest" in terms of energy production?
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Isomer controversy was an actual oh shit moment in terms of it being something that should not exist as far as the public is aware. It's also misdirection; the technical prowess required to properly implement that concept in a weapon is a distraction being more needlessly complex than pure fusion. With pure fusion, the path to gamma ray lasers also becomes simplified and convoluted solutions are not required. Don't get distracted fren.
I hate people who talk like this pseud in pic. you aren't even dumbing it down for laymen. you are uneducated and trying to sound like you know what you are talking about after reading the wikipedia article or asking ChatGPT
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Not necessarily, as the modulator layer are said to be exaggerated in the drawing, and implied to be very thin. It is possible that benefits of using depleted uranium over the much lighter lead may outweigh any negative aspects. It could even make the bomb cleaner due to more efficient fusion stage
Bros, I really wanna build a thermonuclear bomb now, just for the hell of it. Who's in?
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Those are not very useful.
Total mind control is far more practical.

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Violet isn't a part of the spectrum nor is it a monochromatic color, this is a lie that has been going on for too long, when you look at violet, your S cones are activated *along* with a tiny bit of L cones, which means it's a perceptual color that arise from a mixture, it doesn't have the shortest wavelength, Blue has the shortest wavelength because it is a real, monochromatic color that isn't perceived when two cones are stimulated simultaneously, that means Blue is a pure color, just like Green and Red, while colors like Yellow, Cyan, and Violet are perceptual colors that are seen when two cones are stimulated at the same time.
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>no purple dangerous life
You can find one in the same place where santa claus is
y'all are talking about magenta as if it's the most special shit about the color spectrum, but have you noticed how gray is literally the ONLY color to not have a complementary opposite?
Yeah, dude just put his daughter’s name in the rainbow.

>you can't see black holes
>black holes are invisible because they are so powerful, light cannot escape from them
>every picture of a blackhole you've ever seen of a black hole is just an artist's interpretation of what they'd look like if we could see them
>btw, here's a picture of a black hole
genuinely, what did they mean by this?
i get that the orange part is the accretion disk, but there's still a dark circle in the middle that looks perfectly visible to me
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There's really a lot of mysteries left in the materialist worldview. We don't understand half as much as they like to make you believe on discovery channel.
1) Movements of galaxies are not congruent with the observed amounts of mass. We invent dark matter to fix the equation.
2) We have no idea how quantum physics really works. "Shut up and calculate."
3) The beginning of the universe is a mystery, as is whatever is "beyond the edge" of the universe, which would be expanding at the speed of light.

On the topic of physics. If you go into history, you have the Egyptian civilization having access to items inaccessible to a bronze age civilization. People just handwave it and say well they were really skilled craftsmen. Lol.
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Whether you can see them or not, I liked Disney's rendition of what one would look like.
visible doesn't mean photon detection. lack of photons is also visible. your vision detects that. our brains shows black.
if you'd have a sort of vantablack painted plate outside in the sun, assume 100% absorbtion, the plate would be very much visible. it would be dark as fuck, but visible, you'd make it out as a dark thing, it's visible.
it not being visible means you aren't able to detect it. no clue where it is, you don't detect it in any way.
>its a big whirlpool!!!
>just like muh toilet!!!
amazing someone in the movies business would make that leap of reasoning
the n word is racist

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How long before everyoen realizes that theorethical physicist translates to:
>Guy who makes shit up

>Plasma is the most abandoned form of mater in the universe, look the sun is made out of plasma!

Literally identical to
>Ghosts are the most abundant life form in the universe, look the sun is made out of ghosts!

It is beyond comical!
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>Physics isn't made up.
Theoretical physics IS ! This is why it is named THEORETICAL!

>Dark Matter
Is made up, literally made up! Dark Matter is on the same level as this theory

>I can not find my socks after washing them
>THEORY: There are magical sock stealing gnomes who take them away

>Picture this
See above

You need to have severe mental retardation or be a cultist NPC to be a physicist. Since even the uneducated hill billies can immediately see that your science religion is literally made up bullshit!

So surprise since science grew on the shit of theology and all science institutions are based on theological.christian/religious basis so you defending the impossible and simply making up shit for things you did not know
>I don't know therefore god did it

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The invisible sun!
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>Poor plasma

>REEEEE if you ionize hot gas it magically is a 4 state of matter! REEEE

>Here check out this 5 state of matter not a liquid because it reacts to magnetic fields chud!

Science is peak bullshit, you clowns are obsessed with making new discoveries instead of admitting that we can not gain new knowledge and we will be like this for a long time.

Do you make up shit to feel special even if you are twisting the facts super hard.
>Look new discovery! No it is not a liquid it is a 5 state of matter because it reacts to magnetic fields!

Here is your new 6 state system
1) Gas not reacting to magnetism
2) Gas who reacts to magnetism (plasma)
3) Liquid not reacting to magnetism
4) Liquid who reacts to magnetism
5) Solid not reacting to magnetism
6) Solid who reacts to magnetism

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>The invisible sun!
Ghosts are only visible if heated to extreme temperatures! Everyone knows this!
>Guy who makes shit up
"Guy who makes shit up and then demands billions of dollars of honest people's money to cover the cost of his lies"

Is global warming a meme? Why do people say climate change now instead of global warming?
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I never heard a single reinsurance company have to be saved by taxpayer money in my entire life. never, nowhere.
you know, those are the people hiring really good and outstanding mathematicians.
in case you forgot, you are still on /sci/.
so you can show me any evidence for the taxpayer rescue of reinsurers?
otherwise, if you could not do so after making such an assertion - in view of the argumentative situation in which you have now placed yourself - that would be clear evidence of a tall tale.
in this case all the readers here would realize you are a liar.
you dont want to be held for a liar expect for you dont care.
and thats the reason you will immediatley reply with a good reason for all of that, dont you?

let me make a counterproposal
you just jump over your own shadow and tell us about the reasons that led you to type these posts.
Im sure this story is much more exciting than your other answers.
dont bore us anon.
Are you actually retarded? 2008? Like wot.
since you now made your way even deeper in assertions, it will be an easy task to give us something we can check yourselves.

will they ever admit they were tricked by manipulation or will they all pretend they never thought its a hoax?
or will it be those awiens?
so, now where are those reinsurance companies which where saved by taxpayer money in 2008?

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Post screencaps of AI being retarded
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>4chan 10 years ago
>4chan today
Infantilists confronted with reality
I think it's saying that a set of hours is different from a set of days, so therefore they're not the same thing, even if they are equivalent lengths of time. It's a distinction no human would make, because a human understands that you're asking if they're equivalent lengths of time.
You are shortsighted and sorely mistaken if you think that AI won't grow to outsmart you just because it can't draw hands correctly or beat you in rock paper scissors.
It's not happening anytime soon. All the juice has been squeezed out of transformers that we can get, and feeding them more data will only yield diminishing returns. When the bubble bursts, investors won't touch AI for at least another decade after getting burned this hard, so we're in for a long AI winter. The next leap forward is at least 15 years away. It's doubtful that we will get AGI by then. It's probably a few hype-bust cycles away, which will be several decades.
iam hyper-religious, and i believe that even the most sophisticated, complex and advanced AI to ever exist will have less of a soul compared to an animal.

Why do midwits extrapolate his incompleteness theorem to everything in the world outside of arithmetics for which he proved the incompleteness?
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Holy shit, this thread is still hup
Surely this
Prove it
nta, the law of identity is not a predicate statement--it's an axiom that assumes no burden of predication, self reference in this sense refers to the denial of implication, so x=x is more meaningful because it's a tautology than the meaningless 'this statement is true/false'
was ist das?

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So who's right?
Why would a polio vaccine mutate into a completely different looking virus?
More like Monkey-fucking Africans.
I prefer Monkeys eating Africans.

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