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>you can't see black holes
>black holes are invisible because they are so powerful, light cannot escape from them
>every picture of a blackhole you've ever seen of a black hole is just an artist's interpretation of what they'd look like if we could see them
>btw, here's a picture of a black hole
genuinely, what did they mean by this?
i get that the orange part is the accretion disk, but there's still a dark circle in the middle that looks perfectly visible to me
invisible means transparent, not black. black holes aren't transparent
Yeah, I wish people didn't say shit like this. To say you can't see black holes is like saying you can't see yourself in a mirror, because it's just a reflection of your clothes and your body... which is technically correct, but obviously not what anyone means.
When people say you can't see black holes, what they mean is that you can't see the singularity, which is true... but you DO see the "black" "hole" enveloping the singularity.
This "black" "hole" has the appearance of a black hole, but it's not the black hole. We just call it that because it's the only part of it we can perceive.
Black holes are not invisible, but since they don't reflect or radiate any light, they look completely black. Space also happens to be mostly empty blackness, hence why black holes can only be observed via the effects they have on other objects (occultation, gravitational effects, etc).
so is every science teacher i've ever had just a retard who doesn't know what words mean?
i guess that's why they weren't english majors but damn
One of the challenges of being a science teacher is having to dumb down extremely complicated shit to actual retards, because if you gave them a perfect explanation with all the nuances, they still wouldn't understand it or they'd be overwhelmed.
This is how sentences like "Black holes are invisible" are born. Better than spending 5 minutes discussing the ontology of what makes something "visible" to dumb kids who couldn't give a flying fuck anyway. Save the real shit for the ones actually interested in the field, not just getting their lib ed requirements out of the way
Another low quality rage bait
>its okay to lie because i cant be bothered to explain anyways
This is why you will burn in hell.
>grab pen and paper
>draw circle in the middle of the paper
>cut circle out using outline you drew
This is very dumbed down but it's the same principle, You see the hole where the circle was despite not being able to see anything there.
Then sometimes you'll get a professor who is hyper autistic about calling the event horizon the "point of no return"
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the astrosausage pic will never stop being funny
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>i'm too smart to be able to figure out how to explain this
only someone with a severe case of narcissistic personality disorder could believe in self contradicting logic like that. the idea is clearly in conflict with itself, but it's so self flattering that it's emotional appeal to the narcissist outweighs it's flagrant illogic
>invisible means transparent,
>unable to be seen; not visible to the eye.
Protip: black holes don’t actually exist. it’s just abstract mysticism they use to keep their equations balanced
Man that would be very convenient and make everything a lot easier lol.
Kamala is an honorary nigger
they don't exist. a mathematical singularity is only evidence that the math is nonfunctional and does not reflect reality.
the naming doesn't help midwits
it's not a "HOLE"
It’s not about “where” is a black hole…

…it’s about “when”
>. it’s just abstract mysticism they use to keep their equations balanced
Why do you retards keep saying this? Blackholes weren't "invented" to balance equations. They became theoretical because of the equations. Their existence became known because of einsteins field theory, he didn't make up their existence because something in his equations needed to be fixed.

It just took astronomy a few decades to catch up to the theories before evidence of blackholes became discovered.
what is it about black holes that makes them the number one most popular popsci topic of discussion amongst the brainlet soience fangoys?
is it the comic bookish aspects of the spectacular, unrealistic and completely non disprovable conjectures which go along with the topic that make black holes so popular amongst the scientist posers and wannabes?
I prefer to call them counterspatial sinks, myself
there is no evidence of blackholes that has ever been discovered
because she is dumb or because she is ugly?
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what even is this red/yellow stuff? can you just see through the hole of the black hole?
The accretion disc
its just an artistic rendition of something that is presumed by the long since disproved black hole theory
low IQ outnumber high IQ people by a large margin.

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