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Anyone here get the uncanny valley effect from live healthy people?

For me, I feel the uncanny valley effect when I see people with blond hair and blue eyes. The weird part is, not all blonde haired blue-eyed people make me feel it, but it's ALWAYS blonde haired blue-eyed people that make me feel it.

Why would blonde haired blue-eyed people make me feel the uncanny valley? Anyone else here get the uncanny valley from certain people?
yes from blacks and indians
nice source for the image, shitskin
par for the course, I suppose. Was that your intention?
I get uncanny feeling from low res images
It doesn't have evolutionary advantage, it's just feature that survived because it's sexy.
>Why would blonde haired blue-eyed people make me feel the uncanny valley?
Because youre a shitskin.
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Blonde hair has nothing to do with vitamin D synthesis. Neither do blue eyes. Yes, pale skin is an adaptation to allow more vitamin D synthesis. Blonde hair and blue eyes may be side effects of this adaptation, but it all involves different genes.
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Do we tell him?
Why does the blondeness of melanesian hair lessen as they get older?
I love how twits are always talking about "blonde melanesians" when they are less than 1% of the melanesian polulation, and even then, most of them are not blonde, but rather brunette (as opposed to the usual black hair).
What could possibly be the motivation for constantly bringing up such a tiny and obscure ultra-minority of a non-White population?
I feel uncanny when I see myself in the mirror. I look like a south fr*nch ibero-occitan mutt, but I should be a blonde nordic body with the brain of a Japanese man. It doesn't make any sense.
>most of them are not blonde, but rather brunette
I have blond hair and green eyes. Saw a photo of bonnie blue the other day and it made my skin crawl
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jannies do your job
idk, i found her to be attractive looks wise. i have green eyes and dark hair.
I dunno what its called when you are the uncanny party looking at a human, we can call it the hybrid hysteria.

I get this from school shooters though. If you look at every school shooter and in general violent criminal they all have the same nonhuman signs

>eyes too small
>eyes too close together
>small mouth
>lack of philtrum
>general look of the face being too small

Just google mass shooter and you will see it
Its uncanny
I'm not seeing it
just like how the majority of whites are brunette's?
So why did blond hair and blue eyes evolve and spread ? Sex preference?
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Fuck toys, simple as.
You’re not interacting with blonde blue eyed humans you’re interacting with Nordic aliens. They are among us.
Bro... percentage therefore
I know this is hard for a White-hating retard like you to understand, but 5% is very different from 0.000001%.
Have a first-grader explain to you why.
yeah sure because the rest of the 4.9% dye their hair well into adulthood
t-they aren't blond.. I swear!
all my racial fapping about blond hair would crush to pieces HELP
>english not my i speak too well!
Take the day off, Moshi.
Those features you are describing sound a lot like fetal alcohol syndrome anon. Which makes perfect sense, that condition is also known to make people stupid, impulsive, and angry/aggressive, which obviously can easily lead to criminal behavior.
>Blonde hair in humans developed only 11,000 years ago as an evolutionary response to the lack of sunlight in Northern Europe...
Bullshit. Have you ever heard of Afontova Gora 3?
>Blonde hair and blue eyes may be side effects of this adaptation
All three are actually hypothesised to have evolved in different populations.

The explanation for this is simple. These people got bullied viciously in school for being ugly, which inevitably made them into school shooters.
>Yo whypeepo be creepy n shiet, they dont even be lookin hueman n shiet to me nigga, straight uncanny valley vibes no cap frfr
That's not what uncanny valley refers to, look up a definition.
I get the feeling of uncanny valley when I see people who don't have these or adjacent traits.
>because it's sexy
that's the advantage
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