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Why are Homo sapiens the last surviving species of the genus Homo?
We occupy all the niches and are the fittest so far

Average /sci/ enjoyer

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Scientists have discovered that taking hits to the head cause damage to the brain. (I took boxing classes and fell from my bike.)
Scientists have discovered that taking certain psychotropic substances causes damage to the brain. (I used to abuse alcohol and I've also taken psychiatric meds for years.)
Scientists have discovered that sleepless nights cause damage to the brain. (I've been partly insomniac for years.)
Scientists have discovered that having psychotic outbreaks cause damage to the brain. (I've had 7 psychotic outbreaks in my life, in 9 psychiatric hospitalizations (2 were without psychotic outbreak)).

Still, I'm healing, I'm healing.
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ah fuck but thanks for being honest
>Proven placebo
Whenever a soience fan says this, it's an admission that the opposite is true. See for instance how this guy will never provide any kind of evidence for his "proven placebo" claim.
Complete bullshit, fuck off. It's MOSTLY used via microdosing in all the studies
Then why don't you have more facial hair? Is this a low-T issue?

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What's the answer anons?
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B creates a perfectly symmetrical image. How is that not pattern recognition?
In my defense
I was going to say semantics, but then changed it to linguistics
>no one previously taught it what the answer to this problem is nor it is able to find a popular solution, so it just tries to copy how a human would answer with little success
If this were exactly true, how can they solve basic arithmetic
B is correct. The shapes rotate clockwise from left to right and top to bottom, and each row/column has one of each color.

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What are the real odds of humanity unleashing a superintelligence AGI? Or is it all one big tech bro cope? I'm scared.
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100% mentally ill turbo-normie. Go back.
And here's your daily reminder:
Scientists don't matter.
Scientists don't decide anything.
Scientists don't control anything.
Scientists have no autonomy in anything they do.
Scientists are wagies who think and do what they're told to.
In the near future? 0%
If it happens next year will you go all flat Earth retarded and deny it's real?

I want to find out how dumb I am
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Get a Psychologist to administer a WISC-V test to you
>What is a reliable IQ test?
Whether or not you invest in crypto
>he doesnt know how bitcoin works
IQ is inversely correlated with time it takes for you to realize what oxidane is without looking it up.
Ask a psychiatrist or do a Mensa IQ test.

Hello, we are collecting data to determine the main factors for male cum distance, and cum speed.

This is mainly to determine what the longest distance male ejaculation is possible, however, it can serve other purposes outside of this.

The data is being collected just for research and will not be shared. If you choose to participate please answer honestly.

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post it please
Also what are the factors in increasing cum volume?
>maybe you can try dating someone from an Amish community?
nta, but I audibly laff'd
every male is disgusted with sex after the ejaculation, that's the post nut clarity.

Men live 99% in lust and 1% of the time with this post-nut clarity. Imagine it were the opposite: 99% of the time men would not even look at roasties and their mind would be pure, only 1% of the time they would be filled with lust.
The world would be completely different.
now the simps will come
breed a succesful researcher that is clearly contributing or doing its best to contribute for a better world for humanity (scarce)

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DeepResearch is INSANE. What the fuck? I'm doing science at like twice the speed.
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Yes, they're failing a mirror test
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GPT-3 could probably match his "PhD-level research". Economics is unscientific.
Having scientists focus on running experiments and having AI's replace grant-writing drones (PI's) will be a boon for science.
Maybe it doesn't do applied sciences. Maybe the papers are purely about theory.

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Researched at both PKU and Tsinghua and my POV is it is all fabricated. The research is poo there. Everyone in academia knows Asians are the worst cheaters (in grades, in research, in diplomas, in research).

Also (OP)'s headline managed to slide in Caltech in HYPSM (Harvard Yale Princeton Stanford MIT) and omit Princeton which is ranked #1 overall best college, #1 tied in Maths and #1 in Physics by USNews in 2024 for the US and considered the most reasearch-orientated college in the US.

The author of the article must therfore be Asian - it's one of their traits - for example they also prefer Berkeley in STEM over HYPSM.

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Talk about your shitty graduate school experiences ITT.
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Hope you succeeded anon
I am so glad my adviser dropped me (former grad student) to be honest. I got a well paying job that I like instead of pennies for menial tasks here and there to support the PhDs students.
Despite OP's question, the image is undergrad. Psychology is well known for attracting low intelligence girls with all manner of mental issues. What you don't see, depending on the desirability of the anon in that major, is him either being rejected by those girls or him getting with one and her smashing the windows of his car later because she's mentally unstable.
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....I never graduated high school. I am NEET since 15 and have learned everything from the interwebz.
middle and right image are the same thing

How long these two dorks will be able to convince everybody AGI can emerge from a Turing machine given enough computational speed?
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>the gods are always trying to trick me
>they'll never succeed
you sound like you need your meds
i like how quickly you've devolved into explicit and overt incoherence over my asking you the most basic questions about your ideology. kekt hard, thanks for playing
>gods running the simulation will never trick me
>everything is fake
>I ain't gotta do shit
>I'm a bitch that way
lol. you literally started having a psychotic attack because i asked you to define 'information' and explain what instrument i can use to objectively verify its presence
see how you error out when you can't follow your shit script?

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>its just natural selection chud
>males arent needed after mating and having a bunch of males hanging around doing nothing uses up resources that the offspring need
>Females can always reproduce again and only a very small number of males are needed to fertilise a large number of females

>Evolution selects that which works and dosent care about your feelings
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There's no moral judgment being made about this, or anything. Really if Men are hardwired to be suici drones for Women then it only really matters what the goal of one Woman to the next is; whether they have intellect to make use of this position or whether they're stuck in the cave mentality, getting their tribe killed over demands for pretty bits of twig to put in their hair, etc.
nobody cares pol retard
>>Evolution selects that which works and dosent care about your feelings
That's why evolution selects rapists. So society is now privileging only one type of reproduction strategy to the advantage of females and punishing other types of reproduction strategy. That's not natural selection. That's artificial jewish matriarchy.
You can still rape women, you just gotta keep them lock up for 9 month is your basement. Do you even rape bro?
That was before sperm bank fraud became a thing. Get with the times boomer.

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Any nuclear engineers/builders here who can answer a (I feel) simple question?

How long does it take to build a nuclear power plant? Literally just the construction time
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We also had to pre-pay for the new reactors. Anyone who moved out of Georgia paid for the reactors but never got to benefit from them. The state legislature explicitly allowed this, placing the financial risks on the customers rather than on the company's investors. At the time, the leaders of the legislature said this wouldn't be a problem because there was little chance of the construction going over budget or being late.
>suggest nuclear power
>did you know only 50 people died in chernobyl?
>and that the plant continued to work for a whole decade afterwards?
doesn't need to take that long
>The state legislature explicitly allowed this, placing the financial risks on the customers rather than on the company's investors.
Your government scammed you out of your money. Why are you implying the companies are the bad guys?

Stop using taxes to pay for energy production, let it all be privatized.
Yep, this is how the argument has played out in this thread and another. It's tiresome.

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For why people are having fewer babies?
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This is why the social contract is broken; overt lying in the commons has produced a corrupted society; broken society produces broken families.

Lawlessness means investing in the future is illogical...
it's a death by a thousand cuts sort of thing. a singular reason would have been obvious. reddit is full of propaganda against having children, outright demonizing it. there is a suite of attacks on many fronts, not a single large problem.
You can't use them as slave labor since machines already do it faster and cheaper so there is no point in having any.
Kids used to be a way to make more money. Now kids are a luxury item that cost a fuckload of money and most people aren't willing to go from middle class to poor to finance them. There's lots of other factors too but I think this is one of the most important. There's tons of people that want kids or want more kids but can't have them
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I don't recall making my parents any money in the 1980s. We were poor and they still had five of us. This was a common family size then and I can't think of any children that were doing work for the household beyond normal chores.

I'm not reading that
i hate when NPC don't reduce the interline space.
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This is what hedonists like women keep saying. Womens’ entire lives revolve around sex and things related to sex. Their mental landscapes consist of who had sex with who, the juicy relationship drama between such and such and so and so, how Chad is such a hunk and his gf is a whore that doesn’t deserve him, and so on. For women, sex is like the Sun of their inner solar system, the most important part of life around which everything else such as relationships and drama and dating and children and weddings and divorces revolves. Men on the other hand, value sex as all animals do, but can also get really into stuff that has nothing to do with it such as model trains or video games or woodwork or something like that. Why are most fake fans of anything (sports, music, etc) always women? Because men can have genuine interests outside of reproduction and breeding, but for women everything else is just a distraction.
This is why I always tell guys to get good at sex if they want to keep a woman. They just argue with me kek

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