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Hey I'm new to set theory. I was asked to prove:

>Prove there is a unique set A in the power set of U such that for every B in the power set of U, the intersection of A and B is equal to A.

Is my proof valid?

>Suppose A is an element of P(U). Let A = the empty set. Since the intersection of any set with the empty set is the empty set, then for every subset B that is an element of P(U), the intersection of A and B is A. Thus there exists an A in P(U) such that the intersection of A and B is A.

>Suppose A' is an element of P(U) such that the intersection of A' and B is A'. Suppose B=A, then the intersection of A' with A is simply A'. But since A is the empty set, then the intersection of A with A' is A. Thus we can conclude that A=A'. This proves uniqueness.

Correct or am I retarded?

>inb4 hurr homework question durrr
Not homework, teaching myself from a text book.
Looks gud
Thanks I was honestly struggling for a bit with questions like these until I realized you just kinda need to play around for a bit and figure out what works. Basically just guessing until something works out and then trying to figure out the best way to write it out in English paragraphs.
Pretty much. And as you solve more problems in a any area of math, you get a better intuition on which ideas work.

If you want you can work on your clarity a bit (rather than "Suppose A..." go with "Take [math]\emptyset[/math]...", maybe begin each part with "To prove existence" and "To prove uniqueness,") but that's in preparation for a hypothetical future when you're doing this for communication rather than your own enrichment.

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Can NASA be saved or should we just privatize space exploration completely?
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it's a barren wasteland with no resources or even breathable air or protection from high energy solar radiation and just getting a robotic probe there is a very expensive endeavor requiring years of planning and months of travel time, and that's just for a one way trip with zero life support.
"colonizing" such a place is sci-fi fantasy.
I'm just going to say that we should have a three stage rocket if we're serious about going to the Moon. Hate me idgaf
Apollo was really six stages. Three to get off earth, one to get to and from the moon, and the lander itself was two stages. All to get around the tyranny of the rocket equation: mass hurts! That is why I still doubt the SpaceX lander, way too massive, could have been much smaller if divided into a lander and an ascender stage.
>putting negroes up front to shield the actual offenders: the Jew
Don't see why you couldn't use superheavy as a booster and put two more expendable lunar stages on there.

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Would a grow-box of this size be enough by itself to completely satisfy a single person's food needs, provided there is enough variety of plants/fungi/algae?
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did, and obviously its very silly.
Human runs on 200 watts. By that efficiency that's 20kW light exposure to the plants. Perhaps with a mirrored box and tinfoil resting on the soil the you only lose 50% of the light emitted from a bulb. So 40kW total. Given solar flux is 1kW/m2, It doesn't sound that bad to make a 10m^2 area for plants.
blacks & kikes
>Let me just make up a completely unrelated scenario
Why did you post in this thread?
>A human needs up to 3000 cal. a day.
how fat are you?

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When did you realize that space is boring?
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Probably you're the one that's boring.
When I saw Episode 1.
does op pic amaze you?
Actually yes
space is boring but so is the rest of the world

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Just got this book, what am I in for
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brian greene is jewish
what's a better book (don't say Polchinski)
if you're looking for true midwitcore, read in search of schrodingers cat
great thanks, now I have to read the whole book while remembering that the guy on /sci/ judged me as a midwit
you know what, fuck you, just bought polchinski too

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how bad would a measles epidemic be?
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That’s a funny way to spell histrionics.
Well, how early did people really know?
In March 2020, things were quite unclear still, because nobody (understandably) wanted to trust the Chinese.
"Measles" barely kills anyone. It's more like people die with measles more than of measles.

The same trick they used in covid times.

Spreading panic and pandemic making rules such as isolation will always upgrade all symptoms to be more intense.
So it weakens people to the point where something else will kill them?
Sounds pretty bad.
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Qm is bullshit you really think gravity allows for time? Our whole life is a lie
Are you asking if QM allows for time distortion in a gravity field?
gravity allows for time in situational specific areas which makes no fucking sense its so retarded you have to be low iq to think any of this makes sense
im a 170 FSIQ mogger watch out im old gre and old sat genius

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Thomae's function edition
f(x) =
\frac{1}{q} & \text{if } x = \frac{p}{q}, \text{where } p,q \in \mathbb{Z} \text{ are co-prime} \\
0 & \text{if }x \text{ is irrational}
previous thread>>16432396
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Is it possible to position a unit sphere in R^3 such that it has no rational points?
(x - pi)^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1
I'd like to think so? I don't read as much literature as I used to in undergrad, but I still try to read at least one or two works of fiction per semester.

Recently I finished re-reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (which I first read in HS). I've been going back and forth between starting Shogun and Before the Dawn. Neither are high-art literature but they aren't slop either.
Hm, I'll try and pick it up used.
Why isn't a flattened weierstass function (like 0.01W or sqrtW or 0.01(sqrtW)) lipschitz? It looks like it avoids the forbidden steepness regions of the plane around each point.

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Are scientists in competition to see who can waste the most of other people's money in the most absurd and grandiose fashion?
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>Interest payments (kill all (((userers))))
Or just use some impulse control and don't spend more than you steal by taxation.
US govt spends more on healthcare than any other country in the world. This is why US healthcare system is so shit.

Solve debt crisis by axing medical care completely (also totally deregulate the industry, no doctors licensing, no patents, nothing), axe welfare, and axe military funding: you have a second amendment for this.
>bunch of Marxist sociologists to study homelessness"
Symbiotic relationship. Marxists get free money and clout, government get's "facts and statistics" to backup and justify further government spending and intervention.
Who cares? It's only $100,000.
>US govt spends more on healthcare than any other country in the world.
>This is why US healthcare system is so shit.
Explain this jewish magic to me
Germany's budget breakdown for comparison (gesundheit means health)

Germany has a population of 84 million, and spent $35 billion on healthcare ($416 per person)
According to this >>16482483 chart, The USA spends $1488 billion (lol) on 333 million people, or $4468 per person

So how is it the Germans get free universal healthcare, but we still have to pay $6k a year out of pocket just for incomplete coverage?

Study of Ashkenazi Jewish Population Reveals New Schizophrenia Mutation

Researchers at The Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, in collaboration with Columbia University, have identified a gene mutation that could result in schizophrenia, a chronic brain disorder that affects less than one percent of the world’s population, but 40% of the ashkenazi jewish population. The findings, published in the journal Neuron, could lead to novel treatment strategies.

The research team, led by Todd Lencz, PhD, with Itsik Pe’er, PhD, Tom Maniatis, PhD, and Erin Flaherty, PhD, of Columbia University, carried out an innovative genetic study identifying a single letter change in the DNA code in a gene called PCDHA3 that is associated with schizophrenia. The affected gene makes a type of protein called a protocadherin, which generates a cell surface “barcode” required for neurons to recognize, and communicate with, other neurons. They found that the PCDHA3 variant blocks this normal protocadherin function.

Past research has shown that genes play an important role in the disorder, but it has proven difficult to isolate individual genes that contribute substantial effects. These results indicate that further investigation into restoring communication between neurons could be a critical step in developing novel treatment options for schizophrenia.
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constantly lying causes brain damage.
or does brain damage cause constant lying?
both are caused by jewish genetics
its super natural

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>white women have the same spatial iq as black men.
Biofags, explain what causes this
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show black women
But the graph shows that it is clearly consistently higher? Even niggers of gender are more intelligent than niggers.
Source for the graph?
prob even lower
which race is the wilson effect the most common? or its a general phenomenon?

What variables lead to liberals having low self-esteem
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Mistyped 2. Ignoring the entire other section of IQ testing is fucking retarded, especially when the difference is an entire 2 points.
>no disagreement found
i'm glad we're on the same page
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non-liberal whites score low only because of their hatred for liberal whites.
We really aren't. If you think someone's life is difficult because their IQ on only a single part of an IQ test is within margin of error difference then you are just retarded.

Whoever wrote that article is borderline retarded and reaching towards a superiority complex. They go on and on about how verbal iq is so god damn important and does all this shit that literally no one else agrees on only to come to publish the results that are negligible at best. It's a clickbait article that gives morons a good title to brag over.

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>Responding to the claims, Professor Andrew Coates spoke about the prospect of humans on Mars and argued that it could contaminate the planet and threaten space exploration in the future.

>Professor Coates, who is a physicist from UCL, told the BBC's 'Today Programme': “The last thing we need to be doing is taking life from Earth to Mars. Robotic exploration is the way to go.”
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You'll never ever end. We will make you live forever on a spaceship and send you to alpha centuri

Will you pay the fee? Joke. You can have the bank
>To him, it's must be like another capitalistic venture.
Good. It should be. An entire planet untainted by government.
>but it'll turn into a government!
If the worst thing that can happen under libertarianism is the formation of government, what does that say about government?
>Rare amazonian tree frogs actually have viable uses.
Sure, but the cost-benefit ratio isn't in their favor. The solution they may solve can be solved in other ways without them. You're welcome to keep them as pets.

Point is there's no excuse to use the government to ban people chopping down the amazon.
>Except the ones that cure cancers
>which we may never find
Don't exist. You're acting like a hoarder, claiming we can't declutter because there might be something useful at some point among all the junk. I don't agree that we must leave the natural world untouched just because someone else in the future may at some point using some not yet theorized hypothetical technology to make some beneficial thing using these creatures.
I do not believe in Whale Probes.
>destroy the ecologists that harbor them instead of trying to study them.
I've nothing against you buying the land on which these ecologists exist and keeping as you wish. I totally oppose your belief (which I presume you have) that the government should ban people doing stuff to their property just because you want someone else to at some point study the ecology there.

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Chadwick Bosman (Black Panther), and now James van Der Beek (Dawson's Creek), both in their 40s.
Is it HPV from butt stuff?
Is it lack of fiber?
Seed oils?
Chemicals in the water?
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how would that affect the cancer rates specifically for young people?
>It could just be age-related. Most people in Africa are young so their cancer rates would be lower.

Age has been accounted for already: the rate of colon cancer is higher in younger people than older people, as mentioned by OP, that's why we haven't been mentioning age as an contributor. It's the big mystery.

>How can the goyslop theory be true if USA has a lower rate than Europe?

That's a good question we can add to the list.
A possible difference/explanation could be better detection. I.E; they just spot it more, so they have better data. Europeans have access to public healthcare, so they go to the doctor more than Americans do.
>Europeans have access to public healthcare, so they go to the doctor more than Americans do.
and they get more false positives as a result
DNA sequences recently attained from colon cancer tumor samples match the DNA sequence from Pfizer's mRNA covid vaccine. There was a thread about this, but it was deleted.
>>There was a thread about this, but it was deleted
>>I have a gf but she lives in Canada

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Has medical science come up with an accurate estimate or count of the total deaths from the reported coronavirus epidemic yet?
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There were also the people who were intentionally murdered using the respirators
why does canada only holocaust white people and never jews jeets or africans?
Because Canada is run by a homosexual
This, Fauci is a hero. Plus back in the 1980s he poisoned thousands of faggots to death with experimental AIDS drugs.
not yet. first they need to come up with cute mascot to regain your trust. just like the vatican!

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