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What do we know? What are some theories?
Its hard to find any serious material on it
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it's like music taste. there is objectively better music but no one knows what it is.
>but no one knows what it is.
Could this be a result of the objectively better music changes between qualities of person, e.g. the dumber lower class humans like X while the smarter productive humans like Y; then when researchers attempt to find the "better music" this fact is noticed and due to taboos over eugenics etc they can't openly state this correlation, so have to result to "there's two types of objectively better music".
i know highly eugenic people who hate music or have shit taste in it, and i know dysgenic people who are extremely gifted in music. it's almost not correlated. why would psychological affinity be different from physiognomy if it's all genetic
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didn't mean to put sage

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If I can always decide the Halting Problem for a specific Programming Language, does that demonstrate that the Programming Language lacks Universal Computation?
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>schizo makes another thread to shit the board up with
Jannies, You missed a spot.
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Computer Science is a /Sci/ence and this is a maidposting site.
>How do we know this? Is it just because we know the halting problem is undecidable for any Language that has Universal Computation? So if we can decide it then then Language can't have Universal Computation?
>Is it just because we know the halting problem is undecidable for any Language that has Universal Computation?
Yes. If the language has universal computation, then it can do two things:
1. Express the decision procedure for its own halting problem, if such a thing exists.
2. Perform arithmetical calculations (or more precisely, model first-order Peano arithmetic).
But Peano arithmetic is formally undecidable by Godel's second incompleteness theorem, so the language's own halting problem must be formally undecidable as well. In other words, even if a decision procedure exists, it cannot be expressed as a computer program. Whether you want to say "no decision procedure exists" or "a decision procedure exists, but it cannot be computed" is up to your philosophical taste.

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I'm using the AI a lot, I ask it for obscenely complicated and boring jobs.
Sometimes when I ask him to do things I almost feel the immense effort it would take to complete them.
And she, obviously, does everything (almost) perfectly without batting an eye.
This inability to experience fatigue is shocking.
Needless to say, even these stupid and primordial AIs are already changing my way of working completely.
It's not just hype, I'm realizing it firsthand by using them.
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Wow. It still didn't get it. What sort of retardation is this?
Maybe because your question is fake and gay?
AI is a boring job. I agree. It will never permute the arrangement of powerful people. It will paint watercolors of their children.
object 1 accelerated with constant force for 10 seconds
object 2, same mass, accelerated with the same force for 10 seconds
Why should the initial velocity make any difference? You didn't specify that the final velocity will be the same

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>Is there a doctor here?! This man isn't breathing!
>I'm a doct...uh, nevermind.
Ph.D.s are a joke.
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What? That you're it and you're using it to do it? Yes, I know this. I have had you.
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Hi Bob. What does Dark Matter taste like?
dark chocolate
t. bob

NASA Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity edition

previous >>16288620
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These threads are filled with glowie Karen's that have HR on speed dial

While all the inbred retards here support inbred corporations like Boeing, everyone else around the world learned to actually screw in the nut before launching the rocket into space

The rest of the resources go to Israel because your mom prefers sucking circumcised dick

Please kys
I bought an airplane for less than $30k
lol, know-nothings think planes are expensive.
owning and operating them is whats expensive. the plane itself is a tiny fraction of your expenses.
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Starliner status?
$2 billion down the drain

A new worldwide study finds there were no excess deaths due to covid and there were 16.9 million vaccine-associated deaths up to the end of 2022.

At 521 pages it is a comprehensive report containing hundreds of figures and a detailed examination of excess all-cause mortality during the years 2020 to 2023.

“Our calculated excess mortality rate [ ] corresponds to 30.9 ± 0.2 million excess deaths projected to have occurred globally for the 3-year period 2020-2022, from all causes of excess mortality during this period,” the authors wrote.

More than half of those global excess deaths, about 57%, the authors attributed to covid vaccines.

Using the data from 78 countries the researchers calculated the population-wide risk of death per injection. From this, they estimated the global all-ages excess mortality associated with covid vaccines up to 30 December 2022. They calculated that the deaths, globally, associated with covid vaccines up to 30 December 2022 was 16.9 million people.

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Told y'all that there would be a large increase in "the vaccines were bad" news heading into November now that the person responsible for the mandates is retiring.
>now that the person responsible for the mandates is retiring.
What's the later day version of Correct the Record? Operation Warp Speed is what delivered the vaccine. Also I don't listen to this bullshit. President Trump gave us the vaccine, I trust Donald Trump. Simple as.
trump's plan to trick the low IQ soiyentism zealouts into volunteering the holocaust themselves was a work of absolute genius
>trump's plan to trick the low IQ soiyentism zealouts into volunteering the holocaust themselves was a work of absolute genius
This! He didn't even mandate it. They did it to themselves.
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Is the idea of infinity flawed? I feel like saying the universe has always existed or that a black hole has infinite density is similar to saying that things are as they are because God created them. I think assigning infinity as a value to measure something that we can't fully comprehend or have the ability to measure yet is an easy way out for the human brain, similiar to using religion to explain away all the mysteries of the universe and existence.
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Math and nature are both games. I submit to you that the game of infinity is welded to the game of zero. Neither can exist without the other and trying to use the concept of zero to disprove the concept of infinity is an exercise in self defeat.
I agree. Both 0 and infinity can not be found in nature.
Nature is a wallpaper. You can and will find God in your own personal wallpaper. God is both 0 and infinity. He nevertheless exists in every fold of your wallpaper and in every fold of mine. All the best.
Some of the brightest human minds have been reckoning with the idea of infinity for as long as humans have been around. Nobody has a clear answer for you.

"Infinity" is not even really a mathematical tool, but a mathematical shorthand. Dividing by zero does not equal "infinity", it's simply an undefined operation.

When mathematicians write infinity somewhere, they typically mean it for a continuous process that continues in some manner no matter how big a given value is. Infinity is not really reckoned with in the realms of mathematics that are seriously applied towards physical phenomena. At a more foundational level, there is a discussion of "infinities" meaning infinite cardinalities of sets and how there are multiple kinds of infinity, but their applicability to concepts in the real world is vacuous once you strip away continuity.

We use stuff like calculus and analysis for continuous processes, however when you go small enough (quantum mechanics), reality appears discrete. Continuity is closely bound with infinity (for it allows for the idea of the "infinitesimal"), and on the smallest level we can probe this seems to be stripped away and relegated only to a tool of approximation at the macro scale. So, it is possible that Democritus was correct, and Zeno a dirty liar--infinity is a mirage or delusion dreamt up by the human imagination.

The interesting monkey wrench is phenomena like singularities, where approaches to infinity to appear to exert serious behavior--behavior that we do not fully understand.

The whole issue is unlikely to be solved in our lifetimes--and possibly never. Just remember that "infinity" is not a number, and that it isn't used/manipulated/reckoned with in any grounded mathematical/physical context.

^^^this is a somewhat cogent opinion. to risk getting too schizosophical, but "all is one is none" is an enduring archetype in human thought.

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How did buffalo evoluve!
Some cow freeze. Other cow not freeze. Survivor evoluve thru beefalo.
What a cute little guy
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a bison bull running at full speed will blast straight through you
fucked and died

Interesting thing is the white-chinese group mixed is in between white and chinese. China has high average IQ but the advantage of the west is meritocracy. If the the west doesnt wake up from the DEI, affirmative action, fake and fradulent bullshit in its science and technology institutions, it wont be much longer till China take over. It's quite close already and the trajectory indicates it might have already been too late.
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Which one of those groups is responsible for "muh insider" LARP threads on 4chins getting 300+ posts without fail? As an East Asian, I doubt it's my group.
Chinese who immigrate to Britain are going to be on average dumber than Chinese who don't, so that's really something that they're still ahead.
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>Sample sizes not listed.
I'm sure these data a perfectly valid though. Tons of Chinese people in Britain.

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Did you know that boys get worse grades because female teachers give them worse grades because they are boys and girls get higher grades because they are girls? That means that the reason why there is less male enrollment, it's because women give them worse grades and education in general because of their gender based bias.
We are truly in dark ages for science. And it will get worse over time
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It's not a red herring it's a fundamental fact, the system is intrinsically anti male because they have made that period of life so over emphasised in controlling your potential that the differences in performance have huge effects on your future.
Seriously why can't you retards see this, it's pretty obvious?
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>We were all little fucking punks
>I was rape by my uncle as a kid and too scared to tell anyone so I act like a fag at school to cope
Women treat men like shit because of white imperialism. Makes sense.
Yes, whites are cucks
Nice post Moishe.

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if you told a sicilian and a lombard they'd be part of the same country one day, they'd kill you and then each other.

>Dark Oxygen
Why are scientists so creatively bankrupt?
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We're all the way up to ice nineteen already. It's too late to turn back.
>Dark Oxygen
lol, i guess those retards must have dark IQ points too
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I name it Oxygen Obscura
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It isn't anything special. Variety of chemicals go reduction reaction to release oxygen without light. Eg oxides can be heated to give oxygen. Some organisms convert hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water through enzymes
Golly, do we know of a process that can produce oxygen from water?

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suggest me some interesting concepts to implement in trading algorithms
Hard mode: no common bs, no cringe random walks, no coin flips, amaze me
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You model the stock price as brownian motion and then do a MANOVA on indexe funds with their stock prices as cofactors. Why funds? Because they have nearly guarantees yields which means they are robust tp noise. Then you do monte carlo simulation of the strongest interacting cofactors to determine which stocks are likely part of a loop (like if company A goes down B goes up and then C goes down which causes A to go up) and eliminate those. With the remains you literally just run a GLM on the remaining stocks and lasso away the less significant and bet on the remains. So if the price of index I is down then that means stocks X and Y and so on are the culprits, so buy those at low and then trade when the index goes up again.
Yes... sure...
This just doesn't work
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>levy processes
one day man, one day
im getting to the bottom
what's that?

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Post your favorite mathematician
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My favorite is Jon Folkman but his image has been permanently expunged from the internet. It fascinates me to no end.
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I regret getting a degree in math when I want to do research in a lab.
>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.
I'll take the ban.
>I regret getting a degree in math when I want to do research in a lab.
It would be very easy for you to transfer into a lab with your strong math background.

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