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Are you a member of a professional /sci/ society?
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The finest organization around you is more than likely one doing math vulgarisation for kids. I respect the good people fighting burocrats in professional organization, but I'd rather show kids whatever I think is fun at the moment and hang out with cool professors / motherly math cuties
I'm a professional NEET
Any other American Nuclear Society fags here?
Mathematical Association of America
American Mathematical Society
American Statistical Association
American Homebrewers Association
Nope. I'm doing some actual science, and they don't approve of that, because most of them are incapable of such things, so my presence would make the inequality too obvious.

Explain this.
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You can do anything you want with sufficient thrust.
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>They can never explain why the airflow over the top of the wing is more important for generating lift than the airflow going underneath
You don't even need an airflow underneath to generate a force normal to the the airflow. If you mess with the flow above the surface, local airspeed will drop resulting in a dynamic pressure drop.
There's a reason you mount missiles UNDER the wing rather than above it.
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>t. poltard incel
remind me of all the amazing scientific breakthrough leftwing non binary POC's have made again?
Bernoulli lied and it was all a prank.
The roof lifts because the air gets underneath and pushes it up.

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I really think that someday this will be possible.
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It's only possible in the sick mind of /pol/tards
Androgen insensitive XY males have already given birth via IVF.
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>anything in the entire world is possible with science
>he's thinking about how guys will be able to birth children
I don't even know what to say.
average female hyena experience
Wokism is the same degenerate Germany pre-WWII conditions.

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I love discrete, logic, proofs, just any math that ends in the word theory, but I'm awful at, and hate doing, any applied math.

How do you get a pure math person to start enjoying calc and shit?
You don't. See A Mathematician's Apology by Hardy.
Well, what are you applying it to anon?
only hyper geniuses (like your top professor in your university) really enjoy math. For the rest of us, it's just a tool.
What a cope lol. Every graduate student in pure math enjoys doing it. Doesn’t matter what school it is. You don’t just dedicate years of your life to something that you don’t enjoy and has no monetary benefits. It’s not just some superduper genius guy at Princeton that lives in your head rent free.
>applied math didn't apply
Big sad.
Anyway here is me trying to trace parabola with only geometry primarily uses circular inversion to get x^2.
and found out i already have the directrix, focus and not far from tangent. Ofc the first one I made is 1/2 wide.

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So there have been ants crawling around on my desk in my home office the last few days. Usually they aren't that annoying but I accidentally left an empty cup of coffee out today and they swarmed it trying to get the sugar.

One of the fuckers bit me and now I've got itching all over my body and a swollen bite site. I want revenge. There needs to be blood.

Scientifically speaking, how can I cause maximum pain and suffering to these ants?
burn your house down
Borax-sugar solution.
4:12:1 borax:sugar:water.
Slowly burns out their digestive system so they starve, but not before they take loads of it back to the nest and the queen.
Imagine an ant wasting plague burning through the colony. Pure horror.
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>how can I cause maximum pain and suffering to these ants?

Diatomaceous earth it sticks to their feet and legs only to get into their joints and exoskeleton and affect the ants ability to breathe properly, its sharp edges are abrasive and cause ants to dry out and die.

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Urologically and scientifically speaking of course: why do Ecuadorians have the biggest penises?? Can I get a detailed, scientific analysis on this?
how come every country measures penis size but nobody except north korea keeps records on vagina tightness?
They killed the small penis people.
Source? What is the unit of tightness, Pascals?

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Could we remove psychopathic personality traits from the human gene pool by using DNA testing and would it be worth it?
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This isn't true at all. You just have a shit metric for progress.
Its Aramaic for "low IQ"
>would it be worth it
I remember reading about how having a certain small level of compliant smart psychopaths is useful for us as a whole because they can be effective doctors.
>The biggest question is "Why did these traits survive?"
Group selection. Same reason for geniuses. Despite in day-to-day interaction, both being maladaptive for themselves and others, on the group scale, they improve competitiveness by becoming ruthless members of the military, or creating innovative war machines.
Group & kin selections explain many otherwise paradoxical traits.
>there's even a clause left in the 13th amendment
Everything after the 10 should be chucked out.

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just keep that shit below 1k
Why listen to him about that and also pretty much everywhere will be pretty much fine.
we can't get there soon enough
This is false, while very corner of the globe will be effected by the wars the billionaires will still have a significantly better quality of life.
With all the rapid and united action the world is taking we should easily be able to keep it below that.

What actual new science has BSM contributed to the field of astrophysics?
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I don't know if thats more or less cringe that being a legitimate astronomer. Astronomy is the stupidest most worthless science that there is and they earn zero money. Pretending to be a truck driver would be less cringe, at least truck drivers make good money.
He's not exactly genuine he's like bill nye. More of an actor than a scientist, engineer or even journalist / writer. I've never taken him seriously given even people that work total normie occupations have sighted and also in other ways contributed more to science.
He's go to science goy for tv head npcs.
he has made black men like physics more
>What actual new science has BSM contributed to the field of astrophysics?
Same things blacks contribute everywhere else they go
Fields closed due to AIDS
then we would have to come with them

>How will other branches even be employed after a robotics boom?
Of course genetic scientists would be employed as eugenics officers handing out the smartest chemist and AI waifus as gfs to robotics and engineering chads but what about theoretical "physics" people?
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>Shit taste
Would you like a BASEDJAK with that quantum fag?
>Pfft, anon, mechas are meant to be bigger.
a mecha is unironically way simpler than a humanoid robot with artificial muscles and nerves and optic nerve and all that craziness
Steins;Gate was not that good. Maybe I was expecting more because Kurisu is a big /sci/ waifu but the time travel was too basic.
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Designweise? sure, But scale adds complexity as well anon
Play the VNs, theyare free on android and are getting a remake this year. It has conspiracy theories and willing shit to existence using quantum bullshit.
I don't know of a good nuclear anime though. I suppose it doesn't exist since the commie unions in the nipponese entertainment industry would cuck it because of fukushima like they cucked future war 198X to a failure back in the Day
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Is studying mathematics worth it?
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so nobody here thinks studying mathematics is worthwhile? or if they do, the highest aspirations are to be a quant for a financial firm?
you sound like a CCP shill
>please don't outsmart me, Americabro!
Committing genocide against the Chinese is fun, but it isn't harmless. Chinks are smart, but they aren't free, and because money is math, studying math means using money to enslave the chinks and commit genocide against them. it's fun AND it feels good!
Reason 3 is both a trvke and a blatant schizopost depending on how you look at it. No amount of ML wankery can lead to progress in pure mathematics. The problem, of course, is that the “system” as Ted put it only cares about applied math, which is indeed susceptible to ML bullshit.
t. friend in numerical analysis constantly complains how every prof is abandoning finesse and rigor for those juicy ML grants

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Anyone here get the uncanny valley effect from live healthy people?

For me, I feel the uncanny valley effect when I see people with blond hair and blue eyes. The weird part is, not all blonde haired blue-eyed people make me feel it, but it's ALWAYS blonde haired blue-eyed people that make me feel it.

Why would blonde haired blue-eyed people make me feel the uncanny valley? Anyone else here get the uncanny valley from certain people?
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The explanation for this is simple. These people got bullied viciously in school for being ugly, which inevitably made them into school shooters.
>Yo whypeepo be creepy n shiet, they dont even be lookin hueman n shiet to me nigga, straight uncanny valley vibes no cap frfr
That's not what uncanny valley refers to, look up a definition.
I get the feeling of uncanny valley when I see people who don't have these or adjacent traits.
>because it's sexy
that's the advantage

Why are intellectual tasks so painful ?

The reason why most people aren't top tier students and intellectuals is because intellectual tasks are painful to humans. People find them terribly boring, distressing. Learning mathematics, or producing papers, for example, feel like hell for most people.

How do we solve this ? If we could, we would dramatically change the world and its fate... It would literally be more useful than spending billions in bullshit social welfare programs in education.

People here like to pretend that they find it funny to work hard.
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brains are overrated

tfw no qt3.14 aryan android wife to bear me many children
they did a study where they found reasoning about numbers was more taxing for the brain than words or letters
The brain is a muscle. You must train it but also keep it in good health. A thinker is of no use if he becomes a sleep deprived fuck who fucks silly.

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>undergrad research
how fake is it?
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It made me a few thousand bucks from a patent license for some research I participated in but the whole experience felt like a joke.
my undergrad research project ended up turning into a multi year thing and then I finished it as a collab with my PhD lab
>tfw it's still the best paper I published in my PhD
sometimes you get lucky and your project works, sometimes you don't. It's a numbers game. Doing some undergrad research ups your chances and also gets you scholarships
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oof better change that mindset quick. Your the type of guy girls want in a relationship. A man who does everything, pays for everything and holds the relationship together while she cheats and sits there.
Watch out bro. Dont invest too much of your energy.
abandon this board, the average IQ here is so fucking low

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The dominant cosmological model predicts that in a few hundred billion years, the universe will be expanding too quickly to view galaxies other than immediate neighbors. Could a civilization emerging in such a galaxy plausibly determine that distant galaxies existed? It seems like it would be much more difficult to even notice that the universe is expanding without being able to observe very distant objects. Does it fill anyone else with dread that the attainable level of cosmological understanding, for any intelligent being, could go down irreversibly?
You can't even prove yesterday happened and you want me to worry about big numbers because of söy doomer rhetoric?
Nah, I am good
Yea seems kinda dumb. Comosolgist just use math legitimatize their voodoo science which they can't actually experimentally prove.

It's just "trust me bro" with extra steps
>Could a civilization emerging in such a galaxy plausibly determine that distant galaxies existed
no. they won't even get CMB.
>It seems like it would be much more difficult to even notice that the universe is expanding without being able to observe very distant objects
>Does it fill anyone else with dread that the attainable level of cosmological understanding, for any intelligent being, could go down irreversibly
no, it's our universe, fuck aliens, they were going to be dumb regardless, especially after we steal all the planets that theoretically could have been their home planets.
probably larping
>Could a civilization emerging in such a galaxy plausibly determine that distant galaxies existed?
No, but who knows if life will even exist in 150 billion years. How many generations of stars can you even go through before formation regions become too metal rich to form normal stars?

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