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CO2 Back-Radiation Sensitivity Studies under Laboratory and Field Conditions
Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 2024, 14, 407-428


>Data from ground measurements indicate that the downward (backward) radiation of the atmosphere shows indeed full saturation of the IR CO2 bands and does not support noticeable additional Thermal Forcing (TF) by increasing CO2 in the lower atmosphere… we can expect full saturation already at current concentrations.

This recent paper gives a good explanation of absorption limits and specifically for absorption limits for CO2, it might be of interest to the overwhelming majority of people who never studied enough physics to be able to run through the absorption limit calculation on their own, this includes pretty much everyone who didn't get a PhD in physics with a strong focus on the propagation of radiation.

Pic unrelated, file size is 6mb, slightly too big for 4chan
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>but a molecular gas is way above the level of anyone on /sci/
excuse me?!
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the carbon in organic elements in soil, which is nearly all of the soil, all originate from atmospheric carbon and they stick around for millions of years. you've clearly never studied organic decomposition.
Soil is carbon neutral, retard. It decomposes at the same rate it forms.

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Could we remove psychopathic personality traits from the human gene pool by using DNA testing and would it be worth it?
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They're also poor regardless being gifted infinite free welfare gibes. Why is it that people who live off welfare always remain poor forever? Would they be better off without getting gibes?
Elon Musk and numerous other billionaires built their entire careers off of government gibs/subsidies and they clearly weren't poor forever.
Rico sells cocaine for a living, Nils in an engineer
>African Americans
they're called n-words
"Cro-Magnon" is an antiquated term, it became un PC to use it for whatever reason

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Liquid-in-glass thermometers too imprecise to detect global temperature trend since 1850.

Margin of error for average global temp 1900-2010 (3.84°C) is 4.5x larger than claimed warming of 0.86°C.

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Global warming shills busted in yet another fraud

>Significant doubts have been cast on the accuracy of global surface temperature results following the discovery that electronic thermometers in Australia have read up to 0.7°C higher than traditional mercury glass units.

Electronic thermometers read up to 0.7 degrees higher than glass ones.
Sometime in the mid-1990s the Australian Bureau of Meteorology replaced their glass thermometers with electronic sensors. They claimed they were carefully verified to match the slow way the old glass thermometers worked — after all, we wouldn’t want to use gizmos that recorded new all-time *Hottest Ever Records* that were actually just one-second gusts of hot air, would we? Our newspapers would be full of meaningless headlines about how Climate Change made us hotter than ever in history, when really it was just a mistaken effect of a new type of thermometer. Imagine that disaster of public policy…

Of course this question is so easily solved. The BoM just needed to keep the two thermometers side by side in the same boxes and record all that data. Then they could release it, showing how well the electronic gadgets mimicked the glass thermometers, and Australians everywhere would feel confident that BoM was the sterling agency they thought it was. Instead Skeptics have been asking for comparison data for nine years and the BoM has refused, hedged, asked exorbitant fees, destroyed data and when the FOI requests came — fought them tooth and nail to stop Australians from seeing what their thermometers recorded.

Good video, why is there more sea ice now than there was in 1976?
>Good video, why is there more sea ice now than there was in 1976?
said the /pol/tard and rubbed his hands.
The spike would show as an anomaly in the data. Which they are then feeding directly into their doomer models to scare everyone into paying more taxes.
it doesn't really matter, the global warming narrative is dead. The west opened its borders without the need for climmigration and so now these warmist doomers are redundant.

The month of November is almost up, which means that anyone who decided to participate in nofap should be starting to form an opinion about if the scientific claims of the nofap advocates are accurate or not.
Is there anyone where who performed the nofap experiment this year?
If so, what do you think the results of your experiment were?
Do they help to prove or disprove the nofap theory?
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Good point
I'm on SSRI's, so I don't really fap even if I wanted to.
>Not beat off to a screen
imagine being sexually attracted to a computer screen
Inability to differentiate representational art from it's IRL equivalent is a common characteristic of low IQ people.
It is impossible to convince an addict that they are an addict and that they should discontinue their addiction, thats the nature of addiction. the addicts brain becomes so warped by the addiction that convincing the addict to stop isn't possible.

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This is not how science was meant to be used. Why are contemporary scientists so evil and greedy?
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now do pfizer.
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hmmmm who do we trust?
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>now do pfizer.
u mad
pfizer is based for holocausting the reddit IFLS faggots
they deserve all the profits they made doing it
Not only that, when they do become briefly flexible enough to learn something and alter their belief system, they always presume that they're smart for learning the new belief instead of presuming that they were stupid for having harbored the previous belief.

According to a new science paper:
>Heathers (2024), How Much Science is Fake? Approximately 1 in 7 Scientific Papers Are Fake

Media story:
>One in seven science papers is not to be trusted, says new science paper
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1 in 7 science papers is fraudulent
7 in 7 science papers is useless
That must be one of the fake ones.
ok but is it over or under exaggerating the fakeness factor in scientific publishing?
Its isn't possible to overexaggerate he fakeness factor in that sector of the vanity publishing business

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Why is this considered a legit scientific approach?
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A glass is on the table (1), the glass falls onto the ground (=2), something had to make the glass fall onto the ground (x)
So we get
1 + x = 2
Shouldn't you lose the second 2?
it arbitrary, you can just make up whatever numbers you want
thats what makes math and physics so easy
What going on in that picrel is they start the experiment by assuming the equation is correct and that 3 is the correct answer, they aren't open to considering the legitimacy of the equation or of the answer because they've already accepted those as dogma.

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Humans are not evolved to eat vegetables, we don't have an enormous digestive system like a horse or multiple stomachs like a cow, we have a small digestive tract like a carnivorous animal.
Eating vegetables causes cancer in humans.

pic unrelated as always
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More likely suffering from frail little toe
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You should try eating only salads for a few days. It's like a roto rooter for your intestines. You'll take a couple super foul shits but after that there's nothing more it will do so then you can go back to eating McDonald's.
Its were how vegan consider them to be some sort of morally superior saints or something because they don't eat animals
Plants are just as alive as animals are, if you're murdering plants to survive then you're not better or worse than people who eat animals
> if you're murdering plants to survive then you're not better or worse than people who eat animals

Vegans kill many more plants than normal people kill animals.

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How come scientists keep on saying that eating beef is bad when it has so many health benefits?
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that seems like good reasoning, but its a little bit more complicated of an issue than that. cooking steaks is essentially a radiative transfer problem
Raw. Imagine spending so much time just to ruin the nutritional value of the steak.
From what I read on this topic it seems to be very complex. All studies I've read agreed that for liver, SF fats are the best, USF (PUFAs) are neutral to bad depending on study and Ethanol is very bad. By combining USF+EtoH you are basically speedrunning ALD. MUFAs doesn't seem to be as bad as PUFAs for your liver. There is also some variation depending on whether certain enzymes are present which is genetic.
The problem with SFs is that they are bad for your cardiovascular system in a way that USFs aren't and alcohol intake also exacerbates cardiovascular disease. If you drink a lot you're fucked either way but the way you're fucked will depend on whether you eat SF UFS.
My main takeaway from all this is don't drink alcohol (duh), don't be a fat fuck so you don't have to eat 3000 kcal a day, eat SF in moderation and avoid PUFAs. If you need more fat that your moderate SF intake doesn't cover, consider MUFAs.
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That nutritional analysis doesn't account for the nutrition in the bone

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why can't space bros do anything right?

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God loves you and is waiting for you to receive him in the Eucharist,
>ESA launched a satellite gaia telescope to look for these but they then retconned the mission statement after it failed to find a single one.
Wrong and wrong. Gaia is an all-sky astrometry mission, a successor to Hipparcos, it was never targeted at anything so specific.
And Gaia data has revealed multiple black holes in binaries, even with only a fraction of the final dataset.
Gaia has been a tremendous success, with more than 10 thousand papers published so far. Maybe you should do some research before posting bullshit

And still no alternative explanation for these objects, or the millions of known active galactic nuclei.
but it's blue
>a tremendous success, with more than 10 thousand papers published

publishing replication crisis articles that nobody will ever read isn't a measure of success, its a measure of futility and wastefulness. list some concrete accomplishments
>list some concrete accomplishments
There are none

Your brain's next 5 seconds, predicted by AI

Transformer predicts brain activity patterns 5 seconds into future using just 21 seconds of fMRI data

Achieves 0.997 correlation using modified time-series Transformer architecture


holy shit they can predict BOLD signals, it's over for us humans. i kneel, AI-sama.
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>do the opposite of what the AI predicted
Wow I can time travel!

What actual new science has BSM contributed to the field of astrophysics?
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Complete list of said inventions:
All you have to do is not be a white male.
Nothing of importance
He's a run of the mill astronomer. Telescope looks at things. He looks at what it looks at. He checks for anomalies. He passes papers along.
He likes the theory of it like any other astronomer. He has a happy demeanor so he does the show and writes his book. His fatal flaw was running his mouth on Twitter

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/sci/ was wrong... AGAIN.
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>more carbon emissions won't make any difference
You have attention deficiency.
The paper was retracted because it proved the prevailing theory wrong.
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>The paper was retracted because it proved the prevailing theory wrong.
More likely than not.
you are dealing with retarded /pol/tards...
>i agree with the retracted paper
>ergo, it is science

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What is /sci/'s position on nuclear winter? Disproven?
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It's thought that most nuclear blasts in a real exchange would be airburst high above cities, not wasting a huge portion of their energy on digging a big hole in the ground.
So yes it would be a concern that massive areas are being burned
>t massive areas are being burned
wow just a wildfire. Imagine if million of trees burned, its unimaginable
New York City is less than 300 square miles.
Right now alone, the forest fires so far IN THE WINTER have burned more than five times that.
How much are we pretending that is affecting earth's temperature?
And how many New York Cities are we pretending there are on earth?
Because it seems like there would need to be at least 1000 such cities burning down to even make a small blip in the climate.
not even in the top ten of problems resulting from full scale nuclear war. popularized by famous jew pothead astronomer carl sagan and you have to assume 100% of nuclear arsenal is detonated at ground level (likelihood of this is 0) before you even start to begin imagining nuclear winter scenarios.
Fake and gay

Also the nuclear stockpile is in shitty condition

Also ballistic missiles are countered by various stuff they wont release to the public.

The future is hypersonics and DEWs.

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Of sex is for the propagation of the species, then why does sex with animals feel just as good?
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In your example a hyperstimulus evolved to benefit the provider. How do other species benefit from providing a look-a-like reproduction organ?
it's not mormons teaching that. It's egalitarian progressives who don't understand the mechanisms of evolution or that species' iitself is a social contruct

Sex is for spreading genes.
look into the Hybrid Origins hypothesis
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because they will still chase the woman even if they can fuck the animal.
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Because evolutionarily speaking perfecting a warm, squishy, cylindrical hole isn't particularly difficult and every species pretty much nailed it.

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