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What happened to them? Did they publish their proof?
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it's a proof, it's non- algebraic, and non-circular. Done.
you concede then
Since it's a generic a^2 and b^2, it's universalizable and thus serves as a proof. It doesn't need to be algebraic, since proofs predate algebra.
Load of cope

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Climate scientist Stephen Schneider of NOAA in the October 1989 issue of Discover magazine admitted that climate scientists intentionally mislead the public about global warming as a means of forwarding their political goals:

>Stephen Schneider of the National Center for Atmospheric Research described the scientists’ dilemma this way:
>“On the one hand, as scientists, we are ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but—which means that we must include all the doubts, the caveats, the ifs, ands, and buts. On the other hand, we are not just scientists but human beings as well.

>And like most people we’d like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climatic change. To do that we need to get some broad-based support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. This ‘double ethical bind’ we frequently find ourselves in cannot be solved by any formula. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.”
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>It's an experiment to verify a model
How does it verify the model when is also possible to construct a model that would "predict" the changing climate as a function of land-use changes?
Retard take. You don't need to have a second Earth as a control. Your understanding of science comes from binge watching mythbusters reruns.
Take your meds, moron. You can't pretend global warming is caused by milankovitch cycles and then when it's demonstrated that you're wrong whine about how we need global warming to keep us from freezing to death and doing so is not evidence of some grand conspiracy.
We have a Mars with zero humans but far higher CO2 levels and Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect. This proves that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas
Mars has barely any atmosphere at all.

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where did the lie that CO2 is bad for the planet come from?
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you can't have a greenhouse effect if there's no greenhouse
The greenhouse in this metaphor then would be an atmosphere of sufficient density, ie Earth's.
We can agree that Venus is just as irrelevant a comparison as Mars, because Venus' atmosphere is 90x denser than Earth's.
Any high school physics student can tell you that, at some level, there isn't much difference when it comes to temperature and pressure when it comes to matter.
Just use your ideal gas law equations and assume that Venus' surface pressure is 92,000 mb and is 100% n2 by mass. What temperature would you expect at the surface, even with zero greenhouse effect from CO2's radiative forcing?
Remember, you still have dense clouds of sulphuric acid extending from 30 miles to 42 miles in the atmosphere. Twelve miles of thick cloud constantly covering and insulating the planet. Remember to use what we know about the surfacing warming potential of thick clouds on Earth.
Both of you are completely wrong.
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Nope. It's humans.


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>go to a bar hoping to get laid
>see two beautiful girls sitting separately
>calculate my chances with each, they're not great
>but if I approach both, the combined probability isn't bad
>one girl leaves early, gets hit by a truck and fucking dies
>my chances of getting laid with the remaining girl are now higher than what they were initially
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Firstly, there are three women, not two. Secondly, you know that one of them is 100% into you, but you do not know which one. Maybe you're meeting a blind date who is as into your obscure weird fetish as you are but stupidly forgot to agree on a token of recognition in your eagerness to meet. You also know that any other women will be repulsed by your sick fetish. If you broach the subject of your fetish with someone who is not into it, she will kick you in the balls, neutering you, and subsequently have you arrested, ruining any chance you have of getting laid. However, you have no other way of ascertaining her identity. With nothing to go on, you strike up a conversation with a random woman Whilst she is your captive audience, another woman gets up and leaves. You know this cannot be the woman you were intending to meet; she will never meet another man as sick as you. One other woman that you didn't talk to is still waiting by the bar.

So, do you bring up your fetish to the woman you're talking to? Or do you go to the woman by the bar and apologise for the confusion? What if there were four women in the bar, and two of them left, besides one by the bar and the one you're awkwardly making small talk with? What if there were five, and three of them left over the course of the evening? What if there were fifty women at first and at the end of the night there's just two left, the one you're talking to, and another who's been sitting by herself all evening?
Yeah that's the Monty Hall Problem alright but I'm just pointing out how absurd it is that the success probability of a group concentrates into one choice once the rest have been eliminated. Isn't that the standard reasoning behind switching?
It only happens when there is a specific reason for it. Probability is not an inherent property something possesses, but an expression of our relative certainty about it. So as women leave the bar, it becomes more likely that the ones who stay behind have an interest in you.
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why does this problem filter so many normalfags? It's obvious that when goat doors are eliminated, the remaining unselected door becomes more tantalizing. any literal retard should be able to intuitively understand that switching doors after the elimination of a goat door gives them an advantage.
like how mr. monty only opens the door without the free pussy behind it because he knows the door is celibate

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ITT we expose lies of math
>Gabriel's horn has infinite surface area but finite volume
>Unit hypercube has volume = 1 in all dimensions but infinite surface area for higher dimensions
Clear violations of Stokes theorem, not that they give a shit.
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n*0=0, zero is multiplicatively absorptive, infinity is additively absorptive as well on top of that, you baboon
Infinity isn't a number. At least that's what the mathematicians claim when it's convenient. Then they claim you can add numbers to non numbers. Therefore pizza + 1 = pizza.
True, this also applies to the sum of natural numbers being -1/12.
Algebra on infinite makes no sense even in currently accepted fundamental axioms of fürs and second order logic as well as other set theoretic axioms
>Infinity isn't a number.
it is, they just say it isn't because retards cant even cope with literal multiplication, let alone infinities
re-educate yourself
>it is, they just say it isn't
Thank you for admitting mathematicians are liars

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By the way I'm trans idk if that matters
You think that shit's weird.

All primes are either:
a. 5k±1
b. 5k±2
c. 5k±3
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What kind of mental illness is this? I genuinely have no idea why someone would be doing it.
All primes are either:
a. 10k±1
b. 10k±3
He's (You) farming.

(You) wouldn't get it.

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Why is this taboo to discuss in the sciences?
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>Sample size of 500
Why even bother?
It isn't. That's why it isn't taboo.
Everyone knows trannys are mentally ill, its not taboo to talk about it
>everything above the neck in humans must've been created by god
Is that true for all species or just humans? What do evolutionists have to say on this topic?
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Whats the scientific reason that people who are native to Europe aren't considered indigenous?
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indigenous = too low iq to survive on their own
ZOG's white genocide plans
oy vey plz stop noticing, goy
>Whats the scientific reason that people who are native to Europe aren't considered indigenous?
because they were not the first homo sapiens to colonize europe. There's been lots of migratory population replacement of the millenia.
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Medical science isnt real. Its demons all the way down. Yk mental illnesses connect you to other realms:

Autism: spams you with information from all realms. Sometimes makes brain better at handling information.

OCD: serves your brain things that could have happened (related dimension). The brain wrongfully thinks this will happen if you dont do something.

Shizophrenia: positive: false truths recieved from different dimensions negative: energy sucked into those dimensions

Bipolar: alternation between recieving energy from place 7 and getting it taken away from place 4. more on places on /x/ soon.

So anyway there are 2 types of "medication":

T1: every demon gets in and starves after a certain amount of time

T2: the first demon you eat while not having that demon-species in you gets in, the others get tpd back. The demon eats the now empty "meds" (T2s contain food for the journey) if youre still trying to eat "meds" and if you stop he starves.

There are multiple demon types (that each have many species!) that belong in the "meds" catagory:

Anti psychotics: (T2)
The demon tries to block the connection using magic which has many side effects

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Hey guys I actually realized that I'm a huge get fag and love cocks
I never know quite where to differentiate the alternative health knowledge end and where the schizo delusions begin
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This is true

t. experiencer of such

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>Being wrong… LE GOOD
Not my problem.

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Thinking about infinite regress is making me go insane
great, now consider infinitesimal regress
just pretend the turtles are stacked on a circle in a 3-torus to make it finite
also model gravity as a conservative vector field whose solution is these circles
it will help some
>go insane
finitist's do deserve that, honestly
what if you put the bottom turtle on the top turtle or elephant thing?
Wait till you try thinking about thinking about infinite regress making you go insane, makes you go insane!

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Why are engineers chuddy af?
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Ding ding ding
>It's not that educated people lean left, it's that people who lean left are more likely to go into teaching because they want to propagandize students.
And also because educated people lean left.
Nice seeing don Quixote is still fighting the windmills today. Never give up!
Thinking something should be legal isn't necessarily the same thing as wanting to do it, so yes, someone should be allowed to express that view even though I find it distasteful and incorrect.
>someone should be allowed to express that view
And daycares should be forced to hire them, according to you.

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If light is massless energy expanding out selflessly into its surroundings, then how does einsteins e=mc2 factor in here?

I don't understand how plants grow and it hurts my hwead.
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if light doesnt have mass then how do black holes stop light from escaping?
science BTFO yet again
Einstein was retarded and light proves him wrong.
Not really. For entirely different reasons its kind of complicated with the photons, but in relativity nothing with mass can ever reach the speed of light (in order to that, it would need Infinite energy) so we kinda agreed that photons are massless.
>if light doesnt have mass then how do black holes stop light from escaping?
That's because you have the mistaken belief that black holes attract other masses only due to their own sheer mass. In truth, black holes distort spacetime to such a degree that past a certain point (of no return) all escape routes are pointing toward the centre of the black hole itself. Thus, in order to escape it you would have to accelerate to infinity using a limitless energy source i.e. it's impossible to escape. So light i.e. photons "fall into" the black hole once they are past the event horizon, as all the route they can possibly take will lead them into the belly of the beast.
spacetime is a mathematical relation not a physical object

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bros i need your help. i have 1 month to study abstract algebra from scratch. how do i do it? please consider i have 119 IQ
>inb4 retard
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the problem with abstract algebra is that i don't see the applications and so i can't remember anything
I have one in a week on abstract algebra too. I hate it and love analysis!!! I had a mental breakdown all month and as of today am checkmated into going on medication. I have no idea what to do anon. :(
i guess abstract algebra is just abstract
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>i don't see the applications and so i can't remember anything
Hallmark of a midwit. Let your failures in this course be a lesson to you. You will never be a great mathematician. Switch to CS or applied math with a concentration in finance while you still can.

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The green generator that will change science.


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