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Does brain size matter?
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And the funniest thing is that the kenyan got cucked by frank marshall davis a former chicago communist leader his mother was also fucking
So Obama is literally all american
>the bantu expansion is still currently ongoing,
Damn, you're right.
just further proof nobody likes Indians
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>Does brain size matter?
>US English voice
I don't believe him.

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Does anyone know what paper he is referring to?
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>Never trust any statistics about immigrant crime rates in Europe.
Its not just in Europe, same is true in North American, Australia and NZ. In America arabs are considered white by the FBI and in many cases the FBI also lumps hispanic immigrant crimes in with whites in order to create false impressions. It even happens in Japan where nearly all crimes committed by US military members stationed in Okinawa are done by negroes and hispanics, but are vaguely blamed in the Japanese press on "Americans"
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yeah I read that paper, good paper
Yes, thats a more succinct way of saying what I meant to convey, thanks.

Is this true about Oppenheimer?
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>What is bjorken scaling
Oppenheimer's "I'm bad at lab work" claim was really an "I'm too lazy and entitled to do lab work because I come from a super wealthy banking family" claim
He also wanted to kill half a million german civilians with strontium 90.
avoiding lab work that has tangible results allows one to delve into pure pilpul without being limited by having to make your pilpul dovetail with your lab results. einstein and feynmann used the same trick in their careers. thats why they were constantly able to produce grandiose claims without ever having to back them up with useful results

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How does audio forensics work? Does every individual gun really have an "audio fingerprint"?
How come guns of the same make & model don't have the same audio fingerprint? Does the choice of ammo change the audio fingerprint?
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I read foreskins, the way foreskins work is, if you have them, you do, else you wait until you have them
>bullet travel faster than sound
>sound has measurable speed
>measure difference in time between sound of bullet firing and sound of the bullet going by to calculate distance the shot was taken from
>when measurements between shots have different values then either shots are being taken at different distances or shooter is teleporting instantaneously between firing locations
>use brain to determine which situation is more likely
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>the way foreskins work is, if you have them, you do, else you wish you had them instead of having a useless cripplecock or a bleeding vagina
The SS snipers who were told to take out the ZOG patsy assassin didn't miss, they did the same job Jack Rubenstein did for the JFK assassination perfectly. The most important witness to the conspiracy was eliminated before he could talk.
Fire a gun 20x and record it. Now fire a different gun. Does it sound different?

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How come modern scientists' claims about global warming always turn out to be lies?
They're not scientists.

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>Things are so bad that a new world record was set in 2023: more than 10,000 research papers were retracted from academic journals.

>The numbers don’t lie: Scientific publishing has a problem, and it’s getting worse

>peer review is a broken system that needs its own honest review.

>The scale is impossible. Let’s do the math: 3 million peer-reviewed papers published every year, multiply those by two-to-three reviewers, times four-to-eight hours per reviewer… that math doesn’t work. Yet we persist in this dreamlike fantasy that somehow peer review is going to ensure quality.

>The fragility of the peer review system were spotlighted in the 2013 “Who’s Afraid of Peer Review” affair, in which science journalist John Bohannon created “a scientific version of Mad Libs” — a nonsense paper that was accepted by 157 of 255 pay-to-publish open-access journals (an acceptance rate of 60 percent).
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>Scientific publishing has a problem
obviously, as long as scientists have to work for money, there will be fraud, as there is in anything else that humans do.
People who are under greater pressure to publish, especially if their results are shit, are more likely to write bad papers which will are likely to be retracted. Race doesn't matter but culture is important.
Well on the good news side, they'll probably start running them through an LLM soon that checks if its ridiculous or bad on the surface level.

So there will be SOME kind of review rather than none.
... surely nothing can go wrong
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>Race doesn't matter
yes it does.
the replication crisis coincides with a dramatic increase in the number of nonwhites publishing

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/sci/ plays against /toy/ today and then /x/ on Sunday.

>what is this?
A virtual soccer (football) tournament involving the boards of 4chan, /sci/'s team promoted to this summer's cup after coming in 4th this past winter

>we have a team?
Yes, its been around for over a decade.

>Where can I watch the cup?

>where can I watch previous games?
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No, because if /sp/ wins they'll be on 3 points with us, and then the group will still be open. I'll post the group stage matrix once it gets made.
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Here it is /sci/ and /sp/ are both on 3 points.
If /sp/ wins their match against /toy/ we need a win, and depending on how much /sp/ wins by we might need to a win by a certain margin, though we're already ahead of them by 3 GD.
If /toy/-/sp/ is a draw we can advance on either a win or a draw against /x/.
If /sp/ loses, /sci/ can advance even on a loss, as long as we don't lose by 3
The good news is that /x/ looks somewhat weak, the bad news is that they're a white whale that we've gone 0-1-2 against.
alright, faith restored.
i belieb.
Going into the last match on one win and one draw is fairly typical, but depending on the what the rest of the group looks like it can be dicey.
We ought to be very thankful that we ran up 3 goals on /sp/ and only lost by 1 against /toy/, but we'll only know what our tolerances are after their game.

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>vaccines ended polio epidemics-ACK
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>correlation doesn't equal causation unless the correlation appeals to my emotionally driven confirmation bias
they really do think thats how it is tho
Thats because confirmation bias is an emotional process, people who are too emotionally immature to be able to think rationally will always mistake their confirmation bias for rational thought, they're too stupid not to do so.
The IQ people will always behave stupidly, dumb things are dumb
>people who are too emotionally immature to be able to think rationally will always mistake their confirmation bias for rational thought
There's contingential correlation when two things correlate but cannot be logically connected. Then, there are a lot of "random" correlations where one could very well have something to do with the other.

Hey longevity trannies, antiaging research is fake and gay. You will die alone and pathetically just like all of us. Stop spamming this board with your useless scam science to shill for your web traffic. Buy an ad.

>The junior author of the retracted paper get the blame for the doctored images that they didnt make
Kek. Worms in the institutions almost guarantee that any future results come out most likely is not significant and not replicated because they're performed by fraudsters. You will not reach the escape velocity. Bahahahaha, fags.
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That's right.
Because the retracted paper is unlikely the single one foundational premise that other papers depend on. For example it could simply be used as a point of discussion (e.g. we found this result in liver stem cells but they found this other result in marrow stem cells).

A research paper cites around 50--150 other papers.
so what? if a paper is based on a false premise then the contents of that paper are false.
>I don't care if muh soiyence is fake and wrong
>muh papers muffuguh
>muh publications
>muh CV an sheeeeiiiiiiiiitttt
this is what """scientists"""" actually believe
>this is what """scientists"""" actually believe
atheists don't have consistent beliefs systems, atheists are faithless, they make up and change their stories to fit their egotistical selfish desires as they go along



The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.
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>It should be concerning that the same federal agency which regulates food also regulates drugs
Hay goys, eat HFCS its good for you
Also take these drugs, they're just as healthy as HFCS

Life expectancy in America peaked in 2014 and has been declining ever since, all thanks to science. Trust the experts, trust the scientists
You did have "conventional" vector vaccines.. that was AstraZeneca and J&J and it was dogshit. I think you mean recombinant sub-unit. But all the data from Taiwan or Australia just confirmed they were just as bad with less efficacy because you were still using the spike protein to model your vaccine. Maybe innactivated like Valneva would have been safer for younger people but we'll never known since there's never going to be enough data for it.
amazing how science was completely incapable of producing even one effective covid vaccine, why do you think that is?
Covid never existed, it was as real as the Martians in "War of the Worlds"
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Since we've only discovered a fraction of all prehistoric life on earth, what sort of fauna comprises the other 99% that we haven't found?
various soft bodied worms.
Were they larger than they are today?
We missed out on a vast cross-oceanic squid civilization of the mid-Jurassic along with their Jello-based technology stack.

They only went extinct because they invented the equivalent of digital crack (World of Squidcraft)
the creature on the right will start to fly when it develops some patches of skin in the arm pits, this is known by science.
>what sort of fauna comprises the other 99% that we haven't found?
Mostly fauna that lived in areas of erosion, like mountainous regions, for example. Fauna needs to be buried to fossilize.

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>The same system that brought rain and snow to southern states has caused temperatures to plummet in Queensland.
>Palmerville recorded 0.5 degrees, its coldest minimum since 1913, and the coldest July day in the town ever recorded.
>Widespread frosts are likely into the weekend with temperatures expected to return to average by next week.
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The expansion of the Antarctic ice sheets and sea ice are bound to make the temperate southern hemisphere cooler
if global warming is real, why is Australia so cold?
because global warming is racist
if only it were true
Possibly because of this effect. It might be destabilizing the thermal boundary between the polar cell and the cell adjacent to it, where the jet stream flows.

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Wouldn't it be completely expected and normal to see polar ice sheets shrinking during an interglacial period?
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>i only read CNN propaganda
>i never read actual scientific articles
>thats why i consider myself an expert in science
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Anon, this isn't about me, it's about what you're claiming. The burden of proof is on you.
>glaciers don't change
they constantly change, they are a lagging indicator of the climate
yes, obviously
Ice that was formed on glaciers during the little ice age over 150 years ago still hasn't completely melted. It'll be over a century before its all gone

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>neonicotinoids are killing le heckin bees!
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How many tards in your care did you rape while typing that worthless post?
>I have never worked on a farm and I have never studied agriculture and I have never grown a plant in my life, thats why I'm an expert on the topic
I used to see all sorts of butterflies as well as other flying bugs all over the place and now there is probably 1/10 the bug volume. Except for mosquitos, ticks, chiggers, etc. Those fuckers are still out in full force.
why are all urbanites like that?
High population density attracts people with narcissistic personalities because the high population density makes attention seeking that much easier

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>Researchers found that the average penis increased in size from 4.8 inches in 1992 to 6 inches in 2021
>A 2021 study on 4,685 young italian men found the median penis size to be 17cm or 6.6 inches (DOI:10.1111/and.14053)
what happened?
European migrant crisis. Lots came from Africa.
nah, africans have small dicks
genetic engineering.
Lying or studies asking for bone press measure.

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