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How strongly correlated is geography and genetics?

For example, will two populations converge to have the same things like dietary preferences, phenotypes, etc. even without interbreeding?

The scientific intuition says "No", but scientific intuition is often extremely incorrect about complex dynamic systems. Are there any long-term empirical studies about this? I assume no, because it would have to be conducted over thousands of years in a particularly well controlled environment.

But the thought is interesting. It would have huge implications on chaos theory.

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I want to be able to completely recycle every possible kind of waste, either organic or inorganic, biologic or electronic (aside maybe for radioactive stuff), all by myself, in my home.
What equipment do I need?
A working brain.
a volcano

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I'm trying to remember how simple heat transfer differentials work and keep hurting myself in my confusion.
I took everything except multivariable calc back in uni, so every resource's insistence on using partial diffs is throwing me for a loop.
Basically, I want to model heat transfer from an oven to food. But with an ideal / simplified model to save my sanity.

Let's say I have the following:
1. A uniform sphere with radius r.
2. The sphere's thermal conductivity, k, which we will pretend is a constant?
3. A steady external heat source at temperature u_e applying uniformly to the surface area of the sphere.
4. The sphere's uniform starting temperature at time (t) = 0, u_0.

Then I want to solve the following things:
1. The time it takes for the center point of the sphere to reach target temperature (u0_f), t_f.
2. The temperature of the sphere's surface area at time t_f, s_f. (s = u at radius r.)
3. The temperature of a point halfway into the sphere at time t_f, h_f. (h = u at 0.5r.)

What is the generic equation supposed to look like? Is it not a simple single variable equation that I merely have to integrate to get distinct solutions?
I could have sworn heat transfer was used to introduce basic differential equations to us after we started to get comfortable with integration. Am I crazy?

As a topic of discussion beyond the above... has anybody else played around with (re)heating their food by using a high starting temperature and then dropping the temperature every few minutes? I can't be the only one who does this, right?
just use a FEM solver lmao

>just use a FEM solver lmao
I want to understand how I'm getting an answer so I can intuit how changing variables will affect the solutions, and so I can slowly make the model more complex and varied, not just get a quick answer.
Besides, I'm having a problem with the fundamental formulas. There's no point trying to use a solver if I can't even write a formula to solve.

The minimum thing I need to figure out is if my example is even possible to model without partial differentials. If it isn't then I must be misremembering what we actually reviewed in my calc 2 class so many years ago, and I can go dig out my notebooks from storage to set myself straight.
I'd like to avoid teaching myself multivariable calculus if it's not necessary for me to test a few proof of concepts.
Have you tried learning partial differentials?
Unironically just watch some math video on youtube by someone who speaks in English and not some useless Latin alphabet on blackboard.
I touched upon them very briefly (probably calc 4), but never had to apply them to anything and forgot everything about them.
I'm not against learning partial differentials. But we don't learn by trying to understand the most complex system and then simplifying from there. We learn by understanding simplified systems and then add complexity. There's a reason we don't teach acceleration and potential / kinetic energy transfer to high school kids by bombarding them with air resistance and linear algebra matrices.

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Red dye 40 has been banned in Denmark, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway & Iceland
Yellow 5 AKA tartrazine has been banned in Germany, Austria & Norway and is know to cause allergic reactions as well as brain function disorders
Blue 1 affects blood platelets in a way that isn't fully understood yet
And Butylated hydroxytoluene is s suspected carcinogen

So why are these chemicals permitted in our food when perfectly we could be using blueberries or carrots instead?
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RFK Jr is based, he is already making people healthier even before taking office simply by setting a good example
based, but he should make them put the cocaine back in too
Just some endocrine disrupting agrichemicals that are banned in the EU, but no in the US
Atrazine, chlorpyrifos, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, paraquat, bromoxynil, methomyl, trifluralin
there are many more
>Behavioral issues and hyperactivity
Fucking HOW.

This shit only gets diagnosed by first world quacks. ALL kids with behavioral problems have more tangible issues with their social development or blatant retardation caught early on in infancy.

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This guy says quite a few things
i've listened to him for awhile and he doesn't seem to land anywhere, he just talks about humans having software as consciousness and doesn't get to anything specific
You know how atheists say a bunch of deformed illiterate inbreds rolling in shit, beating their children and women anthropomorphized Nature when they said gods were an amalgamation of the base fears of early humans. Well since the day a few atheist bugmen created computers, they are saying the universe is like their high-school calculators too, but bigger lol. That's their big brain idea and that's how dumb atheists are lol.
I want to see him in conversation with Yudkowsky, a battle of the minds

The germ high IQ autist vs the jew high IQ autist

For the amusement of us normals

Omg, this shit I just tried for the first time. I've been taking kratom for 7 years and this shit got my heart beating and I feel great and happy with a smile on my face. Way more potent than your average kratom leaf. I love extract! Almost like a legit hydrocodone high. How is this sheet legal? Why does this extract feel so much stronger sci?

According to a new science paper:
>Heathers (2024), How Much Science is Fake? Approximately 1 in 7 Scientific Papers Are Fake

Media story:
>One in seven science papers is not to be trusted, says new science paper
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1 in 7 is still only 14.2857%
& 14.2857 x 7 = 99.9999%, not 100%
85.7% of the time, it works every time.
>Approximately 1 in 7 Scientific Papers Are Fake
That's not what the study says chud. Do you have the literacy of a goldfish?
this sentence is false
1/7 is within the confidence interval of the estimate, and is an interesting number
stop posting, boor

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get a gf that keeps you on task
that's like 300mg for a 70kg person, that's too much, why does stimulant medication always indicate that you shouldn't take more than 70-100mg then?
30mg/kg is for 100kg person 3000mg, therefore 3grams. I was looking into not just one study, but mostly when then found bad results in mice, they overdosed them, if you exceed 10 times the dose of alcohol, fat, sugar or salt, you're going to have bad time too.

When it comes to "accurate" doses, incorporated into cycles, so your brain gets normal for a while before next dose, it causes abnormal growth of neurons(sounds bad, doesn't it? But when you look at graphs and pictures in study, you see more connections between neurons, smaller soma, more axons/dendrides...)

I think dose on box is lesser, because pharmaceutical companies does wants to be better safe than sorry.

You have to take supplements, and be really in tip top condition to smoke 0.3 grams, because it depletes your storage of neurotransmitters, causes excess glutamate, etc...

e.g.: I smoke and drink coffee, but I drink far much less coffee and cigarettes while smoking meth...
I didn't take my meds yesterday so I woke up thinking and talking to myself nonstop about a design for a spatula

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Are you a magnet?
There, my friends, are magnets in all of us. Each of us, magnet, every part of us a magnet. We are magnets.

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/sci/ is so cooked
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>a glorified chatbot regurgitated some random list it found on the internet
>this means something
why do people automatically assume what chat-gpt or any other chatbot produces is unassailable fact?
what crippling mental deficiency afflicts these individuals?
It's really bad at this
Keeps going to incredibly broad things like "invention of The Internet" or "invention of the personal computer"
Also gave me the first synthetic polymers, which might be reasonable if it wasn't over 100 years ago.
the same mental deficiency that caused people to think Bill Nye was a scientific authority for a while because he was on a kids show
4chan has become increasingly brown, in case you couldn't tell

I'm watching videos on youtube about the logical fallacy false equivalence. How come they're all fucking retarded and wrong?

False equivalence is not flat earth vs round earth, creationism vs evolution etc as these retards all say.

False equivalence is you have a statement where two things A and B are both said to be something X. To then conclude that THEREFORE A=B is to commit the fallacy false equivalence.

>coffee is black
>crows are black
>therefore coffee=crows

>apples are edible
>potatoes are edible
>therefore apples=potatoes

False equivalence only means that you can't conclude from the statement alone that A and B are the same. However you also can't conclude that they are NOT the same from the statement alone. To determine whether they are the same or not you need to inquire whether A and B have additional attributes. There are cases such as:

>California is sunny
>Los Angeles is sunny
>Los Angeles is California

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You don't actually know if they have a novel experience. You haven't gotten anywhere here.
yeah, I'm thinking MEDS
Yes you do because they confirm that they can now see wavelengths they couldn't before and it is possible to test for colorblindness to see that they are telling the truth.
You still don't know if their red is like your green
You know that they were able to perceive a new color that they never would have known with you transferring your knowledge of colors to them.

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What are the other contending theories for how the universe began besides big bang and god?
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>But the universe was definitely CA-USED.
But your only evidence was that things need to be caused, since you abandoned that rationale, why only the universe needs to be caused?
The universe wasn't created. It doesn't exist.
ITT: fags addressing the points of other fag in congestinal poop
AKA illusive poop
>Because all our physics theories imply that something cannot come from nothing
No they don't say anything about that, we just haven't observed it
>our logical tools tell us that everything we observe is contingent on something else
The world doesn't bend to our logic, its the opposite

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I know all the prime numbers
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Don't mind me just watching my computer program
It calculates all prime numbers
If it comes across one OP doesn't know, we know he was telling a lie
Is there any practical use for knowing prime numbers quickly? It's just a number.
Modern cryptography requires quickly identifying (with a certain probability) whether or not numbers are prime. Every time you navigate to an https site there's some of that going on.
You must be a nocoder to think that they aren't precalculated.
Good point. And 2 other higher things.

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I was thinking about the universal constants today and it struck me that the numbers are so ugly. It made me think that maybe the base 10 numerical system we use is not accurate to the way the universe works mathematically. Is there another number system which produces more elegant values of the universal constants? Hexidecimal? Octal? Idk.

Just a thought. If this turns out to be a big discovery, remember me.
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Not all bases are equal and perhaps there is some base that could make these constants look "better".

Base 8 would have been useful for precision of measurement before machining:

Some formulas require certain bases to work such as these that only work in base 16:
OP is trying have a number system with expanded utility, not come up with some retarded fake number system that doesn't even have enough usefulness to be used to perform a simple count that even 2 years olds with a few fingers can do with the decimal system.
Do what any actual physicist does and set them to 1.

The universe doesn't do us any favors because the Planck units are disgusting looking no matter how you formulate them. Think about expressing any observable speed in "Planck length per Planck time" and the numbers would still look bad.
>Planck units
>Implying they're the only natural units out there
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world:
Those who understand binary and those that don't.

When did you realize that you have at best a dozen years left to make enough money to get your bunker prepped?
This retard thinks we'll only be fucked when the poles actually reverse, lmao!
The Culebra event is next year, faggot.
It's practically already over.
Nobody will live to see the poles reverse.
Build a bunker if you want to die

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