The month of November is almost up, which means that anyone who decided to participate in nofap should be starting to form an opinion about if the scientific claims of the nofap advocates are accurate or not. Is there anyone where who performed the nofap experiment this year? If so, what do you think the results of your experiment were?Do they help to prove or disprove the nofap theory?
masturbate without porn
definitely higher energy, clearer mind, focus.unfortunately more or less subverted by insane constant hornyness.after the second-third week the prostate area starts to feel a bit funny. not exactly painful but not very pleasant either. probably not dangerous (but i'm not a doctor). all other shit in the picture - meh or way too optimistic. maybe it's just me.
>>16496829I can't do nofap. My dick has a habit of retreating itself constantly in its foreskin and also sometimes chafes the zipper in my pants. I can hold it in. But I need to have sex. I don't care nor watch porn. I think it's just loneliness at work but I also want to think it's something else. I've always been potent and have a high sex-drive that I can keep well under wraps. But dear God, I'm just so lonely. I haven't received much love as a kid.Ok, blog over lol.
>>16497083Don't hold it for too long or else you'll start getting aroused looking at guys.
>>16496829It's all placebo. We need a control group where the people get jerked off in their sleep by some dude without noticing so they think they're still on nofap, but are actually not.
it didn’t improve my state of mind. the only benefit was that I had plenty of free time.
>>16497882Fuck, I knew psycho disorders are just about socializing, and they can't accept somebody who's thinking on their own.
>>16498324Who helped you with that reply? It's garbage, you assume and react more than you think.
>>16496829if you put in the effort necessary to be a decent person you don't need to masturbate because you get real sex. if you're unhygienic and don't exercise and still think someone would want to be with you then you're deluded
>>16496829fapping is not the problem, it's your life circumstances and priorities
>>16496829I did two weeks once and saw no difference.
>>16500290>Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction (PIED)Now that the 'disease' has a name someone can start selling pills to treat it
>>16500756>your wife is old and fat? Skill issue. Worry not, you can buy my drugs!rebranded viagra
>>16496829>Do they help to prove or disprove the nofap theory?This is the wrong attitude, because there are always outliers to the general trend. Of course, for chronic masturbators, abstinence will restore testosterone levels, but this has diminishing returns. The benefits attributed to 'nofap' are not necessarily from abstinence, but the activities substituted for masturbation. Also, sexual arousal increases testosterone, so complete abstinence maybe counterproductive.
>>16501764abstaining from masturbation does not mean abstaining from arousal, you just don't have the self control needed to separate the two
>>16496871this, 12 months a yearhumans aren't meant to have the stimulation and immediacy of porn, but we're also not meant to go without orgasm for a monthtrying to deny yourself this basic need and linking it inextricably to porn only sets you up for failure and keeps you addicted
>>16505447You're a masturbation addict
Masturbation and porno is extremely attractive to circumcised men because their circumcision badly screws up what would have been their normal and healthy relationship with sex. Sex is a reproductive act, turning it into anything else is mental illness on par with foodbeasts who have compulsive eating disorder.
Longest I went no-fap this year was ~7 months. I had returned to the church and was using binding prayers against lust via our lady of sorrows. Around the 6-month mark, the emissions stopped, and what used to pass for shallow sexual desire suddenly became an overwhelming demand for hardcore sex. I'm not discrediting the power of prayer or divine intercession. Both work but not w/out the aid of monthly night emissions.The binding prayers were very effective at staving off erotic desires and cleaning the mind (porn abstinence included) but the body, I learned, requires release. I don't consider my experience with no-fap a "failed experiment," rather it gave me a better understanding of the physical reality of the flesh and the spiritual rewards of chastity. Allowing masturbation back into my life didn't stop me from continuing in the faith but it does make me less zealous as a Christian. Likewise, I can't ignore the element of shame/concern engaging in what the church considers an act of mortal sin.
>>16498102Why can't it be a girl jerking us placebo bros off?
>>16507775Dude ugly one with a tool from afar
>>16496829Enough of this no fap nonsense animals do it too you quit trying to force your non fap tyranny on the masses
>>16507782but they consume the cum thus they are not wasting proteins and trace minerals. Also I don't think they jack off daily
>>16507806your shit and piss also contain trace mineralsthe amount of brotein is negligible
Masturbation is generally thought to be good for your cardiovascular health and the worst that can happen is chaffing. Porn addiction is a divisive topic if it's even a thing but it does promote unhealthy outlook on relationships and sexuality so if you're concerned about it it's recommended to just drop it. If you think your libido is unnaturally high seek medical advice not look at an internet meme.The nonsense about confidence and acting more masculine during abstinence can easily be attributed to internalized shame. If you are ashamed of masturbating then yes either stop doing it or stop being ashamed of it for no reason like a cuck. Do you think every couple has a perfectly matched libido and neither partner ever masturbates? Get real.
>>16496829It's a psyop to make men gayYour dick will atrophy
>>16508306>Masturbation is generally thought to be good for your cardiovascular healthno it isn't
>>16509440losers who selfishly devote their lives to jacking off instead of doing anything to contribute to society have a lot of mental problems caused by their self induced guilty consciences and as a result they have a lot of methods to cope with that guilt. one of the common copes is conjuring up a bunch of imaginary reasons why they're doing something good by devoting themselves to self pleasure instead of contributing to civilization
>>16498480masturbation is an addiction, you need to seek professional help to cure your addiction
>>16507342Semites and their prayers are the laughing stock of religion. Cooming is reduced only once you are good at meditation. in the mean time the only solution is pragmatism. you fap between 15min/day and 15min/week and move on with your day not being infatuated with girls
>>16496829masturbation turns you gay
what if I have sex regularly cause of a gf? I feel like just having sex is doing the same thing as fapping would but I can't exactly be celibate from my woman
>>16512401how many times have you gotten her pregnant? how many children do you have? if you're not producing children then you're not having sex, sex is a reproductive act.
>>16510333>losers who selfishly devote their lives to jacking off instead of doing anything >to contribute to societyLow iq take.Losers are those who don't do anything worthwile to improve their own life and wellbeing. The biggest losers are those contribute to society but do not improve their own lives.
>>16513733you're just trying to rationalize your masturbation addiction
If you can't stop stroking yourself silly to 40 tabs of xvideos sober, than prob stay away from potent dopaminergic psychostimulants... or at least urge caution. J-just in case.The risk is taking your fondess for fapping to new boundless heights (read: lows).... as well as potentially introducing a secondary problem, being a full blown drug addict/tweaker.Ironic that stimfapping may cure your normal fapping problem because normal fapping won't butter your bread in the same way any more. Just say NO.
>>16496829Smart people don't masturbate, its a low IQ habit, monkeys do it
>>16516555tsmthigh iq ppl don't need copes like masturbation because they're smart enough to figure out how to get real sex
do you cucks like looking at porn because of seeing all the women who aren't interested in you or do you watch because you like looking at dicks?
Nofap is retarded af.Basically the idea is you abstain from cooming to whore on screen so you can improve long enough to coom in a real life whore?And that is an achievement?Need i mention how nonsense that is? Normalfaggots irl do both or neither. Stop being retarded and blaming shit on irrelevant crap.
>>16498036Is that a thing?Does it happen only if you consciously make the effort to hold, or just by not masturbating?
>>16518761found the french tranny
>>16513733Which masculinity guru told you that masturbation and contribution to society is a dichotomy?
>>16519326I've never heard anyone say that.
>>16518761>And that is an achievement?raising children is the only meaningful achievement. don't you believe in evolution? sex is a reproductive act, thats its one and only purpose
>>16507782i'd help this fluffy boy on video using my hand and mouth and sniff his musky ick, then eat all his cum
>Masturbation is a classical symptom of psychological depression, I can't think of a lonelier activity
>>16496829>spending your free time doing something worthwhile instead of wasting it on selfish hedonism >receive ever accumulating gains >become ever more satisfied with lifenot hard to figure out
>>16496829i'm in the yellow/green-ish stage, though i'm not doing nofap, i'm doing no-porn.been porn-free for 1 year so far and its going great.a little fapping doesn't hurt imo, so long as it's not to porn or memories of porn.fapping to memories of fucking a woman or fantasizing about fucking a woman is fine.
i was having a good time not masturbating for like 2 months. i was definitely just better - more confident and getting my act together. then the lust demon got to me and i fell back into it, pretty much daily, couldn't resist. since i got off the wagon, i've been treated like such a bitch at worki was playing dragon's dogma and in the character creator there's a slider for timid vs imposing and the difference is just slightly slouching versus holding your head upright and shoulders back, and that opened my eyes back up to how i carry myself. you can read the advice about posture all the time but to see the picture of the character in the character creator and to ponder it really drove the point home more than everdon't get treated like a bitch. do what you gotta do. not fapping seems to help imo
>>16521640masturbation is for people with zero self respect
>>16522451People who get aroused by the prospect of having sex with themselves are extremely fucked in the head. They probably kiss themselves in the mirror too
I don't bust a nut the day before I see my woman.
>>16507782idk seems kinda based to try ascending your animal nature
>>16523327but only on the lips
>>16519704people who masturbate only think of sex as a means of selfishly attaining pleasure for themselves, they do not consider it as a reproductive act even though that is it's only evolved purpose
>>16524846Its good that people of that ilk will themselves to become evolutionary dead ends
>>16496829its hillarious how nofapper chads trigger the masturbators so badly. masturbators oooze with self loathing and shame, seeing anyone who isn't disgusting depraved losers like themselves infuriates the masturbators
>>16507148good point
>>16498102As well as a group that is told it might be jerked off in its sleep
>>16496829I traveled Australia, whilst travelling for 3 months, I mostly lived in hostels. So I wasn't masturbating at all.I had more frequent erections and I did have women attracted to me (but I'm handsome anyway) I even had full sex with a couple of girls. So I will say yes, there are benefits to abstaining from pornography as well as masturbation in general and the benefits of semen retention.Since coming back I've been fapping again and I just feel tired and unmotivated.>>16505447Fucking coomer, you need to go back.
>>16530873I also had wet dreams semi frequently as I was not expelling the cum. Though it comes out very watery and I think it's mostly prostate fluid opposed to semen?You'll be more attracted to real women and want to have actual sex. Not beat off to a screen
>>16526468Really make you wonder if personal philosophy and behavioral characteristics such as masturbation are genetic in origin
>>16519326God says it in the bible.
>>16533522>God said it>I believe it>That settles itunfathomably based
ever since I found porn at the age of 9, I've probably jerked off every day. I'm pretty sure the longest I've gone since the age of 15 is like two weeks. At this point the habit is deeply ingrained in my brain. Since I've had a girl for the past two years it has gotten a bit better, we have sex like once a week so I do only jerk off one time during the week. Sometimes I have these weird streaks where I jerk off 3 times a day for a few days then it subsides. What annoys me is that it affects my relationship, when she's away on a family trip and I try not jerking off I get extremely tense and irritable, SPECIFICALLY about her. I'll start having thoughts about how it's inconsiderate of her to not be there to empty my balls (insane I know), and have cheating imagery when I'm out and about around other women. I don't think I'll ever act on these, but it's still pretty nasty.I'm assuming these things are a symptom of porn brain and I should do at least 3 months to see if it goes away. Thanks for reading my blog post.
>>16534980you should just fuck other women, you're not married. jerking off like a faggot is worse for you and your relationship than fucking other women would be. jerking off is what total losers do, your gf does not want to be in a relationship with a loser, she wants you to be a slayer chad
>>16536875>you're not marriedengaged, why does that change anything anyway, a monogamous relationship is a monogamous relationship>jerking off like a faggot is worse for you and your relationship than fucking other women would beI actually agree with that, porn makes me want to do every weird thing with her, and her not being into porn things is expected, especially since I took her virginity. If I had an actual whore to play with I could just take all that shit out on her and be done with it >your gf does not want to be in a relationship with a loser, she wants you to be a slayer chadyeah, but cheating is very much something I don't want to stoop to, so I'll just have to avoid pornographic material entirely and see if that vanillafies my brain
>>16536909>monogamous relationshipthat only applies to the woman because you don't want to end up as a cuck. its fine if you fuck other women, don't get stuck in this bullshit gender confused tranny mindset of trying to 'treat women equally'. women and men are not the same thing, they aren't equal, they're two different things. a man is not a woman, learn to differentiate between the two before you turn into a faggot and die of AIDS
>>16537820well, I am middle eastern so I will probably get another wife eventually, with this one's consent. I already told her that I want a certain number of kids, if she's medically able but unwilling (and I can afford a whole other house for the second family) she agreed that I should have another one. But right now my relationship is definitely monogamous. I do agree that men don't necessarily need to be monogamous, but they definitely need to keep their word and be trustworthy. Honestly this is what bothers me the most about the porn thing too, she wouldn't mind a whole second wife but she specifically asked me not to watch porn. Btw it's pretty gay going after a woman's back to get a nut, and fucking women unmarried is definitely how you get AIDS.
>>16496829nofap works for me as someone who is addicted to pmo, I started feeling less depressed and apathetic compared to when I was jerking it couple of times daily, not only this but also my dick started to heal, it got thicker and is more prone to sexual sensation.I feel more motivated even tough I didn't pick up any "self-improvement" ass excercises, I just feel happy for not indulging anymore in pmo, if someone told me years ago that my happiness is correlated with how much my dick is sensetive and balls full, and retaining my seed whilst not watching adult content, I wouldn't believe it at all.So, does nofap works? Yes it does, and if it doesn't, it just means that you're not addicted to porn.
>>16496829The problem is that most people who do nofap also change other things about their lifestyle during that time.>>16497083That's inevitable, but largely, it's due to a change in the activity. After 60-90 days, it would stabilise again.>>16518963It happens if you have homosexual inclinations, yes.>>16507775That will be another control group...
>>16521450when i watch porn, i always imagine women i know irl. i don't even imagine the guys from porn fucking them, it's just like a stimulus. i mostly jerk off to memories or imagined scenarios with pictures of these women
>>16515374Wrong. Stimulants can be the cure for porn addiction. They increase activity in the prefrontal cortex, aid motivation, make you more productive. They reinforce what is done on them. One can reinforce other habits when quitting pornography or they can throw it all away like you and associate them with vulgar sexual behaviors. I never watched porn on them and never will.