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Dark matter is solved when you realize galaxies are just spacetime swirling around a cosmic drain. Of course you see extra rotation and lensing when that whole region of spacetime is swirling.
do you have a single fact to back that up?
that actually sounds intuitive and feels right and I see it similarly.
the problem is that GRT doesnt offer that and works extremely well both on way bigger and way smaller scales.

I wonder if we are lumping several phenomena together without realizing it when it comes to dark matter.
and I wonder if there could be a counterpart to heisenberg for large dimensions and masses, a mass blur through motion.
How about irregular galaxies?
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Space and time is made up of petal sets.

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Scientifically speaking, why is life so shitty for everyone?
Why doesn’t the universe exist as a place where fewer than 99% of people and animals are getting fucked over?
Is this a universal constant? Wtf?
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>So what have you done for your fellow man?
I always make sure to treat him as I am treated.
>I always make sure to treat him as I am treated.
That could be rather grim. To build the world, we have to better than that.
What did anon mean by this?
>Because god is either ignorant, sadistic, or powerless/selfish.
Lack of understanding of nuance, completely teenager/aspiepilled response. Most evils are a consequence of being given free will, without the juxtaposition between each other there would be no "good" nor "evil".
Also good and evil is a manmade concept. Retards who spin this nigger platitude of yours are dumber than the christcucks they are belittling.

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How did scientific fraud become so normal?
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Fix this
Atheists are perfectly capable of being their own godhead, you slave morality faggot
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>another anti china post
So brave, so unique
indians and chinese have huge brains compared to their bodies.
extremely cerebral cultures.

leave your science to them
This is America's way of coping with how quickly Chinese scientific research is growing, already surpassing America. We have a problem with people believing in science in general, so being concerned with academic inflation in China seems very poltical.

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Hey medfags, How did studying medicine improve your health (teach me doc)? Is it true that it makes some of you stressed?
Basic healthy literacy (i.e. correct diet, exercise, avoiding smoking and drugs as well as having a technique for mental resilience) is easily achievable by anyone who has completed school.
The problem is implementing those principles. The hours in residency fucking suck so it becomes a battle to not compromise form or pick up a crutch. Of course, such battles are faced by almost everyone.
No I ended up with a vore and self harm fetish

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Are there math applications in biology outside of statistics?
I knew a guy who did biological flow problems
diffeq stuff
group theory and crystallography is relevant for proteins and how they fold because the symmetries of the molecules determine the low energy states
Phylogenetic trees . Graph theory
Yeah tons of stuff, although in most cases the formalism and models have not been taken very far, so to speak, unless you're talking about more computational/ML/data science approaches to biology.

You have differential equations and dynamical system theory - mainly in ecology and evolutionary biology. E.g. Logistic map/Logistic DE, the Lotka-Volterra Equations, Kolmogorov Population models.

Graph theory - in the analysis of phylogenetics, and in the study of ecological communities and biological networks.

Boolean algebra - comes up a lot in bioinformatics (although I have no idea why or in what capacity).

Combinatorics - also comes up in bioinformatics.

Game theory - again, often in ecology and evolutionary biology. Game theory is really interesting in the it really help you understand the tension between cooperation and competition, which are deeply important to evolutionary theory in biology, and even general philosophical question about individuality, altruism, and the evolutionary roots of human morality and ethics. It's really interesting too from a historical perspective, because biologists have historically discounted cooperation altogether, instead viewing evolution as being entirely driven by competition, and all cooperation being a result of self-interest. The first person to take cooperation really seriously was probably Peter Kropotkin, the famous Russian anarcho-communist writer from the early 1900s. He had an interest in biology, but his main interest was socialist politics, which then motivated his desire to defend the notion of cooperation. Over the decades, biologist have gradually come to take cooperation more seriously, although there is still a lot of debate and skepticism about how important it really is. Conventional biologists still seem biased against the significance of cooperation and related ideas like multilevel selection, but fields like mathematical biology, game theory, & network science take it more seriously.

Scam? Is this bullshit or legitimate?
Brain.fm says they can increase your mental focusing power with their super sciency music.

I have terrible concentration. Should I throw my money at these people or pirate from them or just ignore them?

>Your most productive
day, on demand.
>Brain.fm’s focus music is made to help you work better, by blending into the background so you can focus distraction-free... all while stimulating the brain with gentle rhythmic pulses in the music that support sustained attention.
>Other music is made to grab your attention, making it hard to think and work, even if you don’t realize it. Brain.fm’s functional music is designed from the bottom up to affect your brain and optimize your performance.
>Try it yourself

>Real science with
extraordinary results
>Scientists at Brain.fm work with academic institutions to observe the effects of our technology on the brain using fMRI, EEG, and behavioral studies. We always include placebo groups in our tests to ensure our tech is what makes the difference.
>See our science
Inb4 buy an ad. I'm asking if its a scam or not. Viralmarketers aren't gonna do that.
For studying? IDK. For working it used to work for me as the music drowned the intruding thoughts and could put me in any mood i wanted (depending on the music chosen).
Music kind of brainwashes you, you hear a few nasheeds and you start sympathizing with jihadists, then you listen to rap and think nIgga nigga is the coolest shit then classical music and you wipe your tears to Maestro

I got a one year subscription on Black Fridays because it was something like $5, which wasn't much to waste if it turned out to be nothing. If you want some ambient background music, it's good for that. The warbling noise in the background that they say improves focus was more of a distraction. I didn't renew.
I don't know about focus but I participated in a study to see if music increase the pain tolerance of people and in my case it definitely helped my pain tolerance
Just take adderall
someone with more patience than me listen through and tell us if it works

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How many of you have a scientific interest in colors? We haven't discovered everything about how it function yet

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The word "mogged" was propagated for the same reason. Vaccine damage.
You appear to have poor working memory
Is that a schizophrenia reference?
Nah, I've been mogging people since 2014


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What are some of the most interesting /sci/entific findings?
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>Be listening to radio
>Turn radio off, it weighs less
Same logic
Human digestive system is about 4L of internal volume. That'd equate to about 3 grams of methane gas.

Not enough to account for all of it, but enough to show that it's probably within the error bars of how other biological processes following death could change the apparent mass of the body.
>same average
Why does the historical record show scientists have always been retarded?
Checked sick idea
NPCs are a recent phenomenon after population explosion, not enough souls to go around anymore

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Male science only
This low IQ board is not interested in math
>Male science only
>not interested in math
Nice math thread you fucking dipshit
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I never have time to learn math. I can decide if I want to learn more math or publish one more paper per year. Witten said something about Geometric Langlands.
But it's unrelated to my work so I can't afford to spend time on it...
You could have added to the discussion instead of becoming a worthless meta baby on a thread less than five minutes old.

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I'm in incredible pain every time I eat and I don't know what it is. Here's a picture of hospital food. The left side of my head has a burning migraine after I eat food and lasts as long as there's food in my stomach. Does anyone have any ideas?
Shit, please hang in there man. I don't know what it is but that sounds like some sort of inflammation or allergic reaction. I was in a similar situation as you a few years ago. hope they're giving you anti inflammatories.

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what are the mathematical preliminaries and prerequisites to fully comprehend calculus of variations and optimal control theory?

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Thoughts on Einstein-Cartan relativity? In my opinion Riemannian relativity is outdated, scientists are chuds for refusing to use this model because "the maths are too difficult". Being difficult to calculate doesn't make the model wrong
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the difference with regular relativity is in extremely dense environments like the center of a star or a black hole or the big bang. whenever there's a huge concentration of spin, torsion appears. also, apparently, there aren't singularities in this model
as long as only significant deviations can occur at singularities or extremely high mass concentration and no explanations of other phenomena are involved, it is difficult to argue what one wants to achieve with it.
science doenst forget older approaches, maybe some day this will lead the way.
atm its not helping.
Based off the hypothesis of dark matter, we made testable predictions such as gravitational lensing on distant galaxies which all turned out to be correct.
I know you're a faggot retard, but at least be a faggot retard on >>>/x/ so I don't have to see it.
I don't continue conversations with ESLs.
Keep digging into it and you will find amazing things.
And by digging into it - I mean yourself. Public stuff only goes so far for a reason.

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Came here to check if this checks out for calculating the center of mass.

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Hello /sci/ im curious. Can this actually happen in the real world? An asteroid that just orbits our planet for 2 months? This seems like something out of a video game but i dont know you tell me if its possible.
>Can this actually happen in the real world?
As the article mentions, it has happened in the past. And this new one is clearly not gravitationally bound as it will escape.
>Yet despite this 57-day close flyby of our planet, the asteroid will be hard to spot as it's just 33 feet (10 meters) wide.
Most media reports leave this part out and claim you're going to see a second smaller Moon in the sky.
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