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Is it possible to advance a scientific field by making a YouTube channel?
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>inspiration makes employees think their work is worthwhile ans makes them think of it outside of work
>investors might see the videos and pour more money into the tech/science
>smarter students/people get into the field due to its popularity and funding
The kinds of people who are too lazy or arrogant to publish are not the people who make scientific advancements.
lurk moar newfag
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Of course. Communicating ideas is vital for any scientific field.

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Why did we evolve to see colours? Wouldn't things have been simpler if everything was achromatic?
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You get better clarity in color.
Reminder that magenta is the most real of all colors
the better question is why is there phenomenal experience at all? wouldn't it make more sense for everyone to be zombies?
retard take
>You don't really see much color,
retarded statement
we don't "see" color. we detect photons of various wavelengths. color is purely a brain phenomenon.
we see in ~400nm to ~700nm. indeed there's more info below, but you're going into UV-C, you shouldn't *be* anywhere where there's UV-C for a long time, such that it becomes useful to detect in evolutionary terms. and that high frequency doesn't make it too well through water where our eyes formed.
lower frequency we go into IR which yeah might be useful but again, absorbed by water.
neither frequency is "color". color is a representation of our brain for certain wavelengths. we don't know if we'd see "new colors" or if our current color perception would just expand to account for IR (for example). IR could become red etc. so we don't know if we see new colors if we expand our wavelength detection

Crazy how much faith people put in AI. lol
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Two things can be true. Chatbots are are an improvement over what existed before. They're also a tremendous waste of resources given the tangible benefits they brings us. With the resources we've put into chatbots, we could have colonized mars or cured cancer. This is arguably the biggest human endeavor in human history, and all we have to show for it is basically a search engine that gives you relevant answers and images more quickly at the expense of reliability. They are useful and entertaining, but they aren't worth the pricetag.
End of decade projections are estimating that at the low end. So if you’re ever wondering what’s taking the green transition so long, just remember every decade or so we get another life-changing technology adding a massive power draw to the grid
>When will the scam end?
Not soon enough. Nothing like AGI will come out of this. Some of the theory behind the development of LLMs arguably even undermines the possibility of sci-fi AGI even being possible
Look on the bright side, Nvidia is down 17% so far today

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which one solves problems from classical mechanics better?
They both hallucinate when asked about a(3)

> what is the number of chains which can be arranged according to the rules from a standard domino set
After carefully analyzing the problem using graph theory concepts, particularly the BEST theorem, we determined that:

the number of chains that can be arranged according to the rules from a standard domino set is:

16807 × 5040 ^ 7 = 1388365953944356525178880000000

This represents the total number of valid domino chains using all 28 tiles exactly once, forming a closed loop where each tile connects appropriately with matching numbers.
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This is the solution of o1. I don't know if its correct, I don't really know math.
the correct answer is 7959229931520
listed as a(3) in The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences https://oeis.org/A284287

o1 hallucinates as well
Probably no one
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booo classical mechanics boo hisss`

I can't stand shit like this.
People like to rant about the "dry" classical def-theorem-proof style of writing mathematics without intuition but their idea of lively mathematics is including stupid embarrassing shit like this in books.
I personally would be to embarrassed to let anyone read this, let alone publish it for everyone to see.
These papers/books are never good too.
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They are not made for you, they are made for maths students and maths lovers. This kind of joke is always fun for a science student.
A typical trait of the christcuck is to see their daughters fuck niggers and not atheists because the nigger is a good chruch attending christian.
It is honestly fine.
Ok, this is epic
Extremely inappropriate and tasteless joke.
At first I thought it was a joke.
Knowing what I know now about the impact of physics on the economy I wouldn't be surprised if they were murdered.

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Why haven't they made a cure for this yet? The only things we have are finasteride and minoxidil and they are only preventative and require ongoing use to maintain. Why aren't there scientists and big wigs working around the clock to cure this? They would make an ungodly amount of money.
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DHT sensitivity is what causes baldness, why do you not need to block all of it to maintain hair? there would still be 30%-40% DHT attacking your hair.
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Because, save costly implants that need maintenance, we just don't know how without massively fucking you up hormonally. Don't you think frigging Jeff Bezos wouldn't sport a full head of hair if there *was* a surefire way to cure it?
They can't make money off of cures. They only make money on subscription models.
What do you think of pp405? Do you think it'll be the holy grail cure that everyone is making it out to be? I find it suspicious that Pelage's website is secretive about it.
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>Why haven't they made a cure for this yet?
Its chlorine dioxide. Applied topically and drank (Kalcker protocol C).

The second leading cause of lung cancer is Radon. It's crazy how the Earth is actually naturally irradiated
maybe don't bury a lot of fucking uranium under your fucking home you retard? ever thought of that?
>don't bury a lot of fucking uranium under your fucking home
passive heating from radioactive decay helps stop climate change
Where else am I going to put it, faggot?
Throw it in the ocean.
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Just don't build houses directly on the ground. Literally a non-problem.

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Paul Ober: (rolling in with a booming laugh) Oh, Flatland! Land of lines and angles, where everything’s a right angle—except your psychiatric logic. What’s got you all wound up, Mr. Boxley?

Mr. Boxley: (nervously) Oh, great Sphere! I... I think I’m seeing things. Lines... turning into curves! Shapes that can bend! I went to the Psychiatric Council, and they said I’m suffering from Dimensional Delusional Disorder. They prescribed me “Corner Calm.”

Paul Ober: (chuckling) Corner Calm, huh? Sounds like it’s just a placebo with extra flatness. Did they ask you why you thought you saw curves?

Mr. Boxley: (wide-eyed) No, they just said it was dangerous to question the “sacred two dimensions.” They told me to stop thinking about anything beyond 90 degrees.

Paul Ober: Ah, yes! Classic psychiatry! They’re like those priests in the Church of Flat Geometry. “Two dimensions good, three dimensions bad.” Heaven forbid you expand your mind—or, in your case, your plane.

Mr. Boxley: (whispering) But what if I’m not crazy? What if there are other dimensions?

Paul Ober: That’s the spirit, Mr. Boxley! Now you’re starting to square up to reality. The Psychiatric Council wants you stuck here, boxed in, because the moment you start seeing beyond, their whole flat little world crumbles like... well, a stale cracker.

Can they be made into ones?
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Yes. Hard time creates strong man. Strong man creates good time. Good time creates weak man. Weak man creates hard time.
strong man creates good time
good time creates weak man
weak man creates hard time

Therefore, strong man creates hard time
And also,
Therefore, weak man creates good time
And that's why it's Adam's fault that I raped and killed a goat.
Refrain from religious allusions to non-existent humans, please. This is a science board.

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Kingpin Edition

Previous thread: >>16560954
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you have what, three hours left here?
its just one thread over anon....ONE thread
This end needs to be pointing towards Earth if she wants to go to space today
where do I buy a ticket? or should I just make one in photoshop? can I pay with a picture of what I think money might look like in the future?
so you're saying that rockets are inherently immodest. interesting

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Hello everyone, this is my first post here, and I was wondering if you could help me with ideas to make the world a better place. I’m a mechanical engineering student, and I need to work on a research project (PID). Do any of you have, know someone, or know of something with a problem you’d like to see solved?
I want more wires in one ethernet cable, like thick cable, with many wires inside, so it would work like 10 parallel ethernet wires, but you only have to plugin one connector, also bonus point if you also make clamps for that.

What do you think of this?
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Decashark Cables
Ouch, did I forgot to mention it should have one connector? I suggest jack-like hexagon, with normal ethernet layout on every side, for sure having more divisions also in depth.

Clamping that is going to be impossibru but whatever.
The ideas will be discussed with my project partner, just out of curiosity, why did you ask for that specifically?
I need more bandwidth, and I can connect many different network card to computer, and last thing I can afford is optical switch.

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Finitists have infiltrated the US high school math textbook industry and designed a curriculum to convince students that only rational numbers exist. Here are examples of their subversion:

1. Insistence on always writing answers in exact form.
Certainly there is value in keeping intermediate results in exact form. But when students are trained to only ever answer questions in exact form, they fail to develop an intuition (what educators call "number sense") for irrational numbers. They will tell you the area of a circle with radius 5 cm is 25 cm^2, and think their mistake a minor one. And because they are expected to simplify [math]\sqrt{9}[/math] down to 3 but leave [math]\sqrt{2}[/math] as it is, they will say things like "there is no square root of two." I hear this come out of the mouths of otherwise highly intelligent students routinely.

2. Overemphasis on factoring as a means to solve quadratic and other polynomial equations.
American high school algebra classes spend an inordinate amount of time teaching how to completely factor polynomials in the ring [math]\mathbb{Z}[X][/math], to the point that when students encounter a non-contrived quadratic equation, they attempt to solve it by guessing factors and become frustrated when no factors of the form they expect exist. It makes no sense until you understand it as an effort to persuade them that irrational solutions don't exist.
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kek that's right
I'm retarded
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>They will tell you the area of a circle with radius 5 cm is 25 cm^2, and think their mistake a minor one.
The issue is schools assigning lots of trivial exercises, which means the students don't get to work on problems where keeping intermediate results in exact form matters. Clearly if your end goal is to know the area of a circle, "approximately 78.54 cm^2" or "between 78.53 and 78.54 cm^2" are more useful answers than "[math]25\pi[/math] cm^2". Let's have them solve problems like pic related instead.
>solve problems like pic

area(shaded region) = area(triangle)

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>namely pi
>namely e

>1 and 0

"I've got the moves baby, you've got the motion
If we got together we'd be causing a commotion"

"moves": pi and e
"motion": 1 and 0
"commotion": e^(i*pi) + 1 = 0
>Ergo, QED!
>[mike drop]

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what is this
A seed
>lust inducing image
>irrelevant time wasting question

In moderation coffee is good for you
Some file named picture.png. Think you went too far down the interest category.
popcorn, on the right

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Are you guys as psyched as me? SHE'S BACK!
Bogged by covid though
Bogged by the jabs though

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what is the significance of this?
>Light, being massless, casts no shadow; under ordinary circumstances, photons pass right through each other unimpeded. Here, we demonstrate a laser beam acting like an object — the beam casts a shadow upon a surface when the beam is illuminated by another light source. We observe a regular shadow in the sense it can be seen by the naked eye
its heating the air? thats how candle flames can cast a shadow
The optics all happen inside a ruby crystal and the image is in reality a projection of atomic interactions within the ruby crystal. There is no shadow and the article is disingenuous to the point of a lie.
yeah i see what you mean now.

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