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>.still believing in hypothetical forms of matter
>got my High-Tc superconductor energy cell storing 50 GWhr just in case, even though my wakefield plasma fusion box powers the house with only 2$ of metallic hydrogen per day

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A new study published in Nature shows the Covid vaccine can adversely affect ovarian cells

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Almost like they rushed untested drugs past approval mechanisms in a crazed hurry to governments of billions.

Nicole Shanahan is based

/pol/ is dumb and kiked, but I hope at least /sci/ is voting Kennedy/Shanahan instead of (((Trump/Vance)))

Since the planet is generally cooling off since the height of the current interglacial period, sea level should be falling currently.
And observational evidence shows that sea level is currently falling.
Hypothesis proved true
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>sea level is falling
because the current interglacial period is ending and the earth is cooling off in advance of the next ice age
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Bernie Sanders driving his $200,000 Audi R8 to the Senate global warming committee meeting
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Bernie's "modest lakeside cabin", doubtlessly its extremely environmentally friendly. Oh look it has a wall to keep out unwanted intruders
no refunds
>bernie memes
such nostalgie


Higher rejection rates for double blinded vs single blinded reviews prove illicit collusion occurs between authors and reviewers in at least a third of academic publications
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They're both pretty much the same thing
>illicit collusion
theres nothing illegal about it, thats why everyone does it. there is no penalty for cheating in academia, cheating is encouraged and rewarded
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>cheating is encouraged and rewarded
as long as it's done to promote the desired narratives, but don't get on the wrong side of those narratives, if you do then your cheating will come back to haunt you
>criticize Israel
>suddenly get accused of plagiarism
peer review is a corrupt gay circlejerk, everyone who has any experience with it already knows that

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There's literally no point to doing science after the 60s , all that was left was for manufacturing and engineering to catch up to the theoretical frameworks.
There's nothing new under the sun, we're just publishing more and more bullshit.

This is very important because if we finally realize that technology is dead and there's no more progress to be had we can conclude that corporations and silicon valley are stealing our money with R&D and contrived bullshit.
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>it has been proved to have been impossible
[citation needed]
Do you agree that internet was much better to discuss things then than now? Also, what are your thoughts on 4chan in the old days (let's say pre-2010, I started to browse it in 2013) compared to it now?
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Volume 93, Number 19, pp. 10268-10273
That just says that the organism with the smallest known number of genes doesn't have the smallest possible number of genes, which page are you seeing the word impossible on?
4chan was good until about late 2006 when college kids found out about it and its been all downhill from there

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How unhealthy is it to eat chitin?
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because they make massive profits off treating stomach and bowel cancer
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Also liver and kidney disease.
>ew gross that bread has mold on it, I'm not eating that
>ew gross that fruit has bugs in it, I'm not eating that
>I hate billionaires btw
That chart makes no sense.
>I am too low IQ to understand a basic chart
thanks for letting us know
Do you know what a prion is?

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Is there a scientific consensus on whether people find Green or Blue to be the more calming color?
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>le pseudoscience peddler
have sex
blue light != blue
this is entirely cultural and/or psychological
from an objective point of view, Red is the most calming color to your eyes because it has the least amount of photon energy and disrupt your eyes less than any other color
This is why Red light is sometimes used for sleep at night
I'm more interested in preference for color pairings than individual color. The pairing gray and dark red is preferable to gray and dark green or gray and dark blue.
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Not me, fren. Have another.

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There's a weird misconception about an authority that the degree gives you. Like, you will watch some YouTube video and the comments will be like "he's not historian, how can he talk about this stuff", but, do they know how the things are in universities? Most of the people in my group in uni are fucking retards. There's like 1 guy who actually knows something. the rest don't even try. Recently I had to teach a guy what ethernet cable is and where to put it(computer science degree). You really would be more safe trusting an autist on YouTube who has a true passion for the subject, than an official graduate in the subject.
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>I'm saying that whatever social authority you and your neighbors, family, and friends have submitted yourselves to has nothing to do with a degree
Which is something a shyster afraid of being regulated would say.
A shyster afraid of being regulated would also say exactly what you just said. You'd be better off simply taking responsibility for your own actions.
>no u!
stellar reasoning
No reasoning has passed between us.
It is possible to rigorously teach yourself about advanced topics with no external structure, guidance, assessment, or the pressure of failure having consequences. But it's rare for people to actually do this, and it's hard to distinguish that person from someone who's just watched some videos and read some popsci articles and considers that "doing their own research". Especially if you aren't knowledgable about the topic yourself.

A relevant degree from a university with a decent reputation lets you assume a certain baseline level of "probably knows that they're talking about".

New article in Nature says that growing your own food in your own garden is bad for the environment.
This means that all of the massive amounts of criticism heaped on conventional agriculture and farmers by environmentalists is completely unfounded. Does anyone else find it to be no surprise at all that the lazy pseudointellectual urbanite know-it-alls who have ample free time to spend pontificating about agriculture on social media sites like this one have absolutely know idea what they're talking about? No only are they too lazy to have productive jobs like farmers do, the urbanites are also too lazy to do any proper research before shooting off their mouths on any and every topic
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Go to method section...

>We evaluated GHG (greenhouse-gas emissions) intensity per kilogram of fresh crop to compare between specific crops.

Exclusivly focusing on CO2.
No other environmental burden, such as pesticides and herbicides are mentioned.

Not mentioning the fuckton of wasted crops with "mass farming":
>As much as 40% of all food could be wasted globally when both farming and post-farming are taken into account


Mass producing buld food, with extrem unrequired yield to get government subsideries.
>throw it away.

While small gardens do not even waste their crops. It mostly consumed or turned into compost to be reused.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>Exclusivly focusing on CO2.
>No other environmental burden
CO2 isn't an "environmental burden"
CO2 is plant food, adding it to the atmosphere makes plants healthier and as a result it makes nature in general healthier.
>when western ukraine was made part of the SSR in '39
AKA when western ukraine was stole from Poland by the communists.
How come France and Britain declared war on Germany in 1939 for invading Poland, but didn't declare war on the USSR, who also invaded Poland in 1939?
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ussr was absurdly using the same currency and reserve banking systems that the western capitalists were while germany was not

Why do sunspots make the temperature go up? Seems like having a bunch of black blotches all over the sun should make the temperature go down
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>global warming is entirely due to changes in the…
…temperature record made by NASA and other ZOG agencies
it doesn't exist in IRL
looks like an overall declining temperature pattern between 1980 & 2004.
if global warming is real, why did the global average temperature go down between 1980 & 2004?
how does atmospheric co2 on earth somehow affect solar activity?
>total solar power output is higher now than it has been at any point in time in the past 1000 years
yeah, its totally CO2 thats causing global warming and not the sun
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I want to research how the big plastic mainly effect our bodies and from what we absorb it, then make a concise guide how to limit it.
Personally I probaby get plasticed mostly from touching the keyboard, mouse and the phone, likely largely from dishwashing sponge as well. What are some other major sources? Water bottles are an obvious one.
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Don't fret about big plastic. Fret about small plastic
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i told people it was a crisis.

its in air, you are breathing it. its in clouds, its in rain water, its in food.

ie: its Also in plants, and animals.

combined w/ climate issues,

overpopulation issues

people are like naaaaaah its a joke, its all a joke, it musssst be.

and then population of shell fish dies off 90%,

its only tip of a meltin iceberg
We'll eventually have genetic code to deal with it. Let the weak die and superior pass off their genes.
We are becoming plastic cyborgs, we won't be a DNA organism anymore, synthesis means extinction of humanity - it's worse than even race-mixing. Also there are no signs of "the weak" dying of, more and more people are becoming weak and dygenic.

Post the last book you read or are currently reading
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Why isn't any country or organization trying to land a person on Mars?

It shouldn't be that much more difficult than landing a person on the moon, right?

Just scaling up that operation, dealing with the longer journey and slightly different physics/gravity requirements. Dealing with a thin atmosphere.
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wonder if that is the next step after establishing a fixed habitat which requires resupply? with starship it really would become possible to move all the shit a biosphere would need to mars.
Can a Boring Company TBM fit inside a Starship?
>Why isn't any country or organization trying to land a person on Mars?
lack of economic incentive
>It's not that much more difficult than a moon landing. Just scale it up bro
easier said than done. I dont think you understand just how vast space is. In 1 second, light can travel around the earth 8 times. It takes one second for light to go from the earth to the moon. It takes about 14 minutes for light to go from earth to mars. You see the kind of scale we're dealing with? How do you plan to get enough specific impulse in your rocket to get you to space with enough velocity to get you to mars in a reasonable time? Are you gonna build something outrageous like an 8-stage rocket? That's extremely fucking difficult, especially due to the rocket equation.

TL;DR we probably could, but it's too much effort and money for a project with no economic incentive.
>Are you gonna build something outrageous like an 8-stage rocket?
no, but orbital refueling has merit since getting to LEO is pretty much 90% of the work involved in getting the deltaV to leave orbit.
ignore the difficulties of construction for the first ever mars habitat for the moment and imagine that it is actually done, and by one country

realize the literal shitstorm that will happen once it exists as every country and their mom wants to to use it, as traveling to mars is much cheaper than traveling to mars + building something habitable from scratch

imo I think everyone will just try to piggyback the first one once it happens (like the ISS but on steroids, cause its much easier to expand upon)

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how would you calculate the probability of rolling an odd or even number on 4chan. thanks.
why is the bridge surrounded by cotton candy?
50/50, either you get an odd number or you don't.

wouldn't the probability depend on the rate of posts.
well over 50% because some evens are actually "dark odds"

4 IMO problems solved.
ASI at the horizon. Takeoff imminent. System safety unchecked.
It's all gonna be over soon.
My body is ready
>AI is still worse than theorem proves from the 60s.
AI is a joke.
is this actually generalizable to all proofs or just the autistic IMO type of problems

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