Whats the scientific perspective on this question?
>>16509161What a fucking moron. The problem is factory farms. We don't keep all our cats and dogs in small kennels where we make poop mountains https://foodprint.org/issues/what-happens-to-animal-waste/Also cows produce more methane than other animals because of how they eat.https://clear.ucdavis.edu/explainers/why-do-cattle-produce-methane-and-what-can-we-do-about-itThis moron could have saved himself embarrassment by doing a simple online search and he didn't. Also, stop getting your science information from X
>>16564521that meme is already debunked by the pdf in >>16509192>foodprint.orgblatant shill organization that has nothing to do with science
>>16564523>Imagine being this retarded
>>16562697You should take your meds. That's not how any of that works.
Are world population numbers inflated? It could be made to make us think the world is overpopulated so we accept things like immigration, depopulation, climate change, etc.Is there any way to use science to independently verify them?
what if the species that weren't completely human were counted as some fraction of a whole, say 3/5 or so
>>16533341yes it does
>>16561831Tallying election results is that exact type of situation where it would apply
>>16553127>thing will grow forever because it grew recently lolsome ppl never learn about things like dynamic equilibrium
>>16560664africans are less closely related to europeans than bonobos are to chimpanzees, yet bonobos are to chimpanzees are considered two separate species and europeans & africans are considered the same species
>>16447701virtual particles?
>>16562153particulate virtues
>>16563233particulate as in quantized, noncontinuous and nonfunctional
>>16447701timescapes and blackholes
>>16524068Two characteristics of someone with narcissistic personality disorder are:[28]•A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior)•A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.so its common for psychologically insecure people to have grandiose delusions and particularly grandiose delusions of superior intelligence because those are one of the most difficult grandiose delusions to debunk. its way harder to imagine that you're tall or wealthy than it is to imagine that you're intelligent
Liquid-in-glass thermometers too imprecise to detect global temperature trend since 1850.Margin of error for average global temp 1900-2010 (3.84°C) is 4.5x larger than claimed warming of 0.86°C. https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/23/13/5976
>>16559407How come the """"corrected""" temperatures are always more than the raw data? If the errors that needed """"correcting"""""" were real then the """"corrected""" temperatures would be lower than the raw data half the time.
>>16554758expanding earth theory explains that, even though its getting warmer, there is now more space on the planet for ice to form than there was 50 years ago, so there can be more total ice but also less percentage surface area covered by ice.
>>16559407They've been caught faking data so many times, the only way they can come up with 'evidence' of global warming is by using fake data for evidence.
How come scientists keep on saying that eating beef is bad when it has so many health benefits?
>>16543282tender, juicy
>>16560868japs aren't trustworthy, they're only meek after they've been bullied into submission, don't let them fool you.
>>16505234Does this mean eating liver prevents beef disease?
>>16563409I have carried out that experiment on myself on a small scale and so far the results are that it does in prevent that
>>16540636no it isn't
Consciousness is an emergent property of neurons interacting with each other, just like how water is an emergent property of hydrogen and oxygen interacting with each other.
>>16567694>[some dumb bullshit I made up that no one actually suggested even remotely]? ARE YOU FOR FUCKING REAL????Don't let me interrupt, go ahead and keep arguing against yourself.
>>16567695>yeah it's like radio but I'd look like an idiot saying itnotice how you made no argument
>>16567724I said nothing about "tuning in to different souls." Everything you said in that post is a pure and total strawman. Why does a personality shift necessitate a whole different soul? If my car is damaged in a way that severely affects its handling, does that mean I'm not the one driving it any more?
>>16564637“Consciousness” is a word used to describe sensory observations that we have remembered (including stuff people have told us that we attempt to understand)
>>16567749you are implying whatever you do to a brain it will always be that same "soul" no matter the behavior/personality. that's a wild statement. somehow you know this. you have no proof, but your feelings are clearly not lying to you.
Why are ants like this?
>>16559390>meat is what you're made out of. mostly, but you've also got bones and organs, so you should be eating that too
>>16559390How many IQ points do you gain by eating brains?
>>16562656about 10
>>16564510thats about the same amount as you lose be being vegan
According to a new science paper:>Heathers (2024), How Much Science is Fake? Approximately 1 in 7 Scientific Papers Are Fakehttps://osf.io/s4gcehttps://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/5RF2MMedia story:>One in seven science papers is not to be trusted, says new science paperhttps://www.SmH.com.au/national/one-in-seven-science-papers-is-not-to-be-trusted-says-new-science-paper-20241018-p5kjfj.html
>>16561963It isn't possible to have that because all the publications are fake and gay, thats why we don't have it
>>16549077The fraudulent ones are useful at least to someone, nobody would output the effort needed to get a fraudulent paper published if it wasn't worth something to them. Usually they do it because they're shilling a patent medication
this is like 3 body problem all over againscience is heckin OVER.................
>>16442669I already avoided paper mills anyway, they smell awful
>>16564485The difference between a scientific article and a honest paid advertisement is often only that the advertisement is honest about its reason for being published
What happens when a parent with lobotomy has offspring?Will they inherit his brain retardation and deficiency?
>>16565174But it affect decisions, which influence gene transcription.
>>16565036>Will they inherit his brain retardation and deficiency?No but surely this method affects epigenetics that the child will inherit.
>>16565036>this fucking threadBy this point I’m convinced /b/ has a higher average IQ than this shithole.
>>16566305Only midwits think about IQ.
>>16565117>>16565077>>16565174It's not OP's fault he's retarded. His parents were lobotomized.
Suppose we find out that P = NP with a constructive proof that also provides an efficient algorithm. Could we use this to settle other computational complexity problems, such as P vs PSPACE? I recently discovered that time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity is NP-hard, which is related to code optimization. So, could we build a heuristic algorithm to find algorithms for given problems if an efficient solution exists?
>>16566128>Suppose we find out that P = NPI will suppose no such silly things ...
Or is the universe actually incredibly hostile to life, yet life is also incredibly persistent?
>>16560502>it's likely that life anywhere else is almost certainly plagued by suffering toothis only happens when the collective doesn't have control over individual replication.
>>16562038>Life is not incredibly persistent>4.4 billions later still aroundlol ok
>>16562394No, the whole reason modern society stopped doing that and gave up on things like arranged marriage is because of all the individual suffering that resulted from the collective choosing the wrong things for certain individuals.
>>16560976Supposing a falsehood let's you prove false statements
Can mRNA vaccines really cure cancer?
>>16563886Lol no.
Sam Altman is dangerous because of (A) his asinine, arrogant and hateful towards Western journalists and collusion between OpenAI and TIME magazine, (B) his unscientific approach that ignores psychological research such as the ELIZA effect and Wizard of Oz experiments, (C) his changing lying about the non-profit status of his company OpenAI, (D) his willingness to use an online chatbot to dispense questionable medical advice to unsuspecing users, a.k.a. Jackass: Quack, and (E) the similarities between OpenAI and a totalitarian movement.In The Origins of Totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt saysThe chief value, however, of the secret or conspiratory societies' organizational structure and moral standards for purposes of mass organization docs not even lie in the inherent guarantees of unconditional belonging and loyalty, and organizational manifestation of unquestioned hostility to the outside world, but in their unsurpassed capacity to establish and safeguard the fictitious world through consistent lying. The whole hierarchical structure of totalitarian movements, from naive fellow-travelers to party members, elite formations, the intimate circle around the Leader, and the Leader himself, could be described in terms of a curiously varying mixture of gullibility and cynicism with which each member, depending upon his rank and standing in the movement, is expected to react to the changing lying statements of the leaders and the central unchanging ideological fiction of the movement.(p. 382)https://sfstandard.com/2022/12/20/i-tried-to-visit-openais-office-hilarity-ensued/ "I tried to visit OpenAI’s office: Hilarity ensued"https://openai.com/index/strategic-content-partnership-with-time/ "Strategic Content Partnership with TIME"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA_effecthttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wizard_of_Oz_experimenthttps://openai.com/our-structure/ "Our structure"
AGI is the central unchanging ideological fiction of the online chatbot movement. Artificial intelligence is not online chatbots; artificial intelligence is a worrying movement in computer science with ties to ultra-left wing Cambridge, MA and the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_Computer_Science_and_Artificial_Intelligence_LaboratoryArtificial intelligence is the rotten, soft on communism, soft on totalitarianism core of computer science, but you will find that there are other areas of computer science such as Unix and open source software that are also soft on communism and totalitarianism in part due to their links to ultra-left wing Berkeley, CA.TL; DR the online chatbot movement is a dangerous, threatening totalitarian movement
>>16563886Cures for cancer already exist. Stop using jewgle search engines.
>>16566452This is pretty much the newfags can't crystal meme
It has been stated that fundamental particles cannot be split, due to the strong nuclear force but, despite how much stronger it is than gravity, despite how fast objects move at the subatomic scale, and despite how much energy is required to split them, it had me thinking. If we have the capability to create a Higgs Boson at Cern with two protons, couldn’t we destroy one? Google says that it takes 125,000,000,000 Volts to create a Higgs Boson, does that mean that in order to destroy a proton it takes maybe a few billion or trillion more Volts? What if we used enough heat (millions of degrees Celsius) to melt a proton, or used a laser that uses enough lasing crystals that go down to the nanoscopic level to focus a laser beam, and use so much energy for said laser that it splits the proton? Is there any way that a proton could be split? Maybe even a quark, using enough energy?
>>16566166muh particles are field excitations. “Destroying” a field is a meaningless term. Particles are created and annihilated all the time, but this is just the way fields interact between themselves. We call a particle “constituent” if the field theory that describes it is a so-called effective field theory, which doesn’t work past a certain energy. A more “fundamental” field theory describes particle behavior at these higher energies and the “less fundamental theory” is recovered by “integrating out” degrees of freedom not present at lower energies. All of this is just jargon and you need to understand the math before you make le philosophical longposts spewing nonsense.For example, protons and neutrons are constituent particles because the effective field theory describing their interactions via pions breaks down at about 200 MeV, the Hadgedorn temperature. As you approach this temperature, particle scattering looks more and more inconsistent with the effective field theory. Past this temperature, you need QCD. You can recover the EFT from QCD by integrating out quarks and leaving all trivial representations.
>>16566166Energy is not measured in volts.
>>16566166>What if we used enough heat (millions of degrees Celsius) to melt a protonThis has been done. They smash heavy nuclei together at the LHC and they get something called the quark gluon plasma. The temperature of the final state ends up being trillions of degrees Celsius.
>>16566166nobody destroy shit, only transform.
>>16566201ykno, that actually makes intuitive sense but that miight be cause im pretty high
Are there any prospects beyond the LLM fever? The job market seems to be a dead end full of AI/ChatGPT
>>16566022It's not hard to explain at all.90% snake oil sales2% Call center optimization2% Robotics1% research1% DoD/NSA data snooping/Game theory (illegal but they don't care)1% Corporate data snooping/marketing optimization (illegal but they don't care)3% porn.
>>16566054oh, I forgot the .0001% of the bots that run the stock market and .000001% spamming pol and leddit.
>>16566022I'm looking to take the CompLing track in my cognitive science program, but I'd like to know more about the field. It seems to me that the predominant research is all about LLMs, AI, and AGI competition between startups. I'm not vouching for AGI, it seems intractable. So I'm trying to explore beyond the LLMs fad. I'm more interested in multilingual processing and translation. Are any other alternatives to LLMs development? Also, can you share some authors who focus on NLP? Thanks
>>16566295>I'm looking to take the CompLing track in my cognitive science program, but I'd like to know more about the field. It seems to me that the predominant research is all about LLMs, AI, and AGI competition between startups. I'm not vouching for AGI, it seems intractable. So I'm trying to explore beyond the LLMs fad.Computational Linguistics is a broad field, I'm more involved in text analysis, but there are other things to study related to speech production, historical evolution, and some other things. But back to text analysis (because that's all I feel qualified to talk about), you should get a really really solid foundation in both Formal Language Theory / Automata, and Abstract Theory of Syntax. To not be a moron, you should learn how statistical NLP was done before 2014, the NLTK book is a good applied book. There's also "Statistical Natural Language Processing" book, it's got a picture of two dice on the cover, published around 1999 give or take a year, and it's quite famous among people who know what they're talking about. At some point if you start doing research in 2025-2028 you will inevitably need to work with LLMs, but very little research is actually about building LLMs. There is a lot of research to do in finding their limitations and characterizing their outputs from a CL perspective.
>>16566295Learn about compilers.
>btfos both schizos and academiatards at the same timeHow is Sabine so fucking based?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93EnBN0-X6s
>>16566328Maybe there's something to explore, and that's materials, there is shitton of material we didn't yet looked at.
>>16566328She is unironically one of the few thinkers, even among scientifically minded people, who avoids herd thinking as much as possible.
the sabine is mine ...
>>16566328>Schizo poster>Worships sabinemakes senseYou pseudoscientists are pretty dumb