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thanks french bros
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Honestly, both these are good points.There's merit to having units that comport with lived experience, and there's merit to use of units that make unit conversions convenient. The choice is arbitrary if the units serve the purpose of why one uses the units.
That being said, both systems are obsolete with respect to a space faring civilization. Space and time can use the same units, as can mass and energy.
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>what is a pace?
To the Romans, it was two steps, not one. A mile, from "mille," meaning a thousand, was 1000 of these double-steps.
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>There's merit to having both.
Yes, and that's my issue with SI.
It DELETES the traditional units of a country to impose bland conformity. It paves over their character and history.
In the US, we have the FREEDOM to use either. That is is the ideal system.
The Mars Lander didn't crash because of US Customary Units. The company that built it made no secret of that fact that they didn't use SI. The problem was some pajeet programmer at NASA who grew up in a country where he was led to believe that there could only be one set of units on the planet, so he didn't even check. Metric-chauvanism made him into a piss-poor scientist.
And anyone who can't learn there are 5280 feet in a mile is too stupid to be in the sciences anyway.
One thousandth of a mile.

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Since 2019, the SI system is the closest thing we have to Planck units. The only arbitrary constant is the caesium hyperfine transition frequency and it’s only chosen over G because gravity is a bitch to accurately measure while atomic clocks are extremely precise. Remember this post whenever an American starts saying ignorant bullshit.

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Are explosives and bombs a good way to deal with wild fires?
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How many times has your house survived when your fence and power poles burnt to the ground?
or other rare cases like leaf fires where a firecracker can extinguish the flame?
I'm guessing it was just small enough to be literally blown out, the only part of the fuel hot enough to burn was right at the flame front, remove the flame and it can't reignite.
Wildfires wouldn't be a problem if the government used its billion dollar spy satellites to observe forests instead of its own citizens.
Yes, a preemptive nuclear strike on California would destroy it's forests. Any future wild fires would be impossible.

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>wanting to become a professor because you love learning is like wanting to become a porn actor because you love sex
damn, it really do be like that
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no, no i dont think that analogy is very good.

more like you become a sex educator because you love having sex
The analogy doesn't work on several levels.

Sex is typically enjoyed as an intimate experience between lovers, while in porn it's by definition public and usually between strangers or acquaintances. Learning can be done in private, but often involves public lectures, public libraries, etc.

Teaching often opens up learning opportunities that would be otherwise unavailable, you need degrees and these often require teaching in some capacity. Porn doesn't really open up a way to any exclusive sexual encounters, maybe with specific people, but you can fullfill just about any sexual fantasy outside of porn through prostitutes etc.

You have sex while doing porn, but having regular sex outside of porn isn't a requirement. Learning is an essential prerequisite to teaching, but you don't necessarily learn WHILE teaching.
Do you anons really not give a fuck about other fields?
It don't be like that doe
whoa, so tru

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explain it
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Capitalism sells you poison to eat, drink and put on your skin. Pollution (capitalism) makes you breathe poison, eat poison and drink poison.

When something that should have been better is worse, it's always capitalism's fault.
>We should be eating better, but we're eating worse, because of capitalism.
>We should treat ourselves better, but we treat ourselves worse, because of capitalism.
>We should live in a healthy environment, but we live in a polluted environment, because of capitalism.
>Pretending to be from 4chan.
>Doesn't know about the filter.
Nice try, peddit.
i'm answering OP question, the effects of pollutants and hormone disruptors that we swallow or smear on our skin explain the """mysterious""" upsurge in cancer and other neurological disorders
>pollutants and hormone disruptors
A major set of which are the DRUGS everyone is addicted to.

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/sci/entists help me out
I'm a retard interested in learning Quantum Science
What's the best online resource - free or paid - where I can pay someone to teach me quantum science?
>inb4 learn yourself using a book
As I said I'm a retard
Thanks in advance
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Infested with money-chasing niggers who couldn’t give two shits about physics and can’t do basic math.
Modern physics by Krane
Collapse (of a wavefunction, density matrix, or otherwise) is, as defined by the founding fathers of QM, an "act of registration of the result by the mind of the observer". If the other observers neither perceive nor learn something, there is nothing to collapse.
>What's the best online resource - free or paid - where I can pay someone to teach me quantum science?
the talmud, all of the rhetorical tricks of that area of so-called science are explained theirin

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>be me, math PhD student
>need to write dissertation
>remember Grothendieck's quote "Fuck everyone, do your own shit. We don't read books. We write them."
>spend 8 months inventing mathematics barely reading any papers or books. Just here and there when I need to refresh something."
>Invent 110 pages of elementary mathematics.
>Hit a roadblock and can't make any new theorems
>Too bad at problem solving to solve popular unsolved problems.
>Mathematical career is over now, because I can't do research anymore. I just got lucky finding a small elementary niche other people hadn't explored before.
Thanks Grothendieck. :')
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The guy was the definition of a crackpot, insane genius. OP is either a complete idiot or trolling.
youre insanely retarded
Not OP but my advisor’s “guidance” boiled down to meeting him once in a blue moon to discuss funding that may or may not have been approved for the zillionth time that year. They call it the “hands off” approach. I don’t think the guy read my stuff even once, but I still got my piece of paper somehow. Academia is a fucking joke desu.
Surely Grothendieck read some books too, not just wrote them?
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Very humorous, but I don't believe you. Post dissertation.

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If evolution is true then why does male anal sex feel good? There is no known function of the male prostate.
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Woman don't have a prostrate gland. Woman don't like anal sex. Woman's vagina makes man's penis feel good. Man protects Woman, and evolution daemons encoders encode this behavior onto human DNA. Men like anal sex, because massages prostrate and feels good. Man helps his ass fucker pal survive, and evolution daemons encoders encode this behavior onto human DNA. This explains why there are a lot more male homosexuals than female homosexuals. Male homos just hide in the closet better, because males kill other males if the ass fuckery is too overt because womyns wont mate with men who are too much into ass fuckery, as they dont like it. evolution daemons encoders encode this behavior onto human DNA.
This is genuinely something I've wondered about for years. Why the actual fuck is the prostate innervated with pressure receptors that provide afferent sexual stimulation?
>to make ejaculation feel good
Okay so why are they responding to external pressure then? Repeatedly and intensely, with zero refractory period? When this isn't even the main mechanism of orgasmic pleasure?

And then also consider that the external anal canal is innervated by the pudendal nerve specifically, despite several other sensory fibers being present nearby and perfecfly capable of innervating that, without being intrinsically hooked up to the sensations of the external genitalia

This has genuinely led me to wondering if intelligent design is true, and that God made us bisexual
You're right, we need more data.
Meet me dressed in lingerie and properly shaved, I'll conduct more experiments on the matter.
Cope and consolation for betas. More complacent and cooperative male workers makes for a productive society
>controling piss and making babies feel pleasurable has no evolutionary
its not placed in the anus. its placed at the beginning of the urethra, beeing coincidentally acessable from the anus

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BEFF- edition

previous >>16552111
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How would you know, you haven't been to the edge.
meh, there's only a restaurant there
bad news is that the weather is shit for amateur recording today

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chem eng here busy finishing off the beer from new years eve after Im finally out of weed
you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media
not really. Im barely make threads
fuck the grammar here

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What are the long term effects of taking 2 of each per day?
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liver damage, if youre going to, take NAC, it lowers risk of damage
nothing lol
The bottle with become empty
Very high cortisol and higher estrogen. Liver damage as well

The size of the observable universe is approximately 92 billion light-years in diameter, based on observations and calculations of cosmic expansion. However, the total size of the universe could be much larger, possibly even infinite. Scientists estimate that the universe is at least 250 times larger than the observable universe, suggesting a minimum size of about 7 trillion light-years across. The exact size remains a subject of ongoing research and debate in the field of astronomy.
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I've seen her in lingerie but I have yet to see her naked. It's probably more beautiful than any nebula or cosmological event.
u stupid nigga
>So the Earth is at the center of the universe, since the cosmological event horizon is equidistant from the earth in all directions
Whatever place you are currently observing from would be the "center of the universe" because the event horizon is defined by where your position. Retard.
Post IQ

Reminder: "elon musk" should always be written in lowercase. Example:

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All of this is wrong. Just get that job, OK?
get that job you retarded shitskin pajeet
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Show me where Elon hurt you in Kamala's doll
That’s what they want you to think.

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Are there any prime patterns that become more apparent in non-decimal number systems?

And no I don't think I'm super clever and somehow thought of something that no mathematician has considered before. It just occurred to me and I know someone has looked into it and I'm curious.
If by “prime pattern” you mean patterns involving prime numbers, then those are independent of the base you’re using by definition.
Base last prime
3 in base 2 is 11 or
5 in base 3 is 12 or
7 in base 5 is 12
11 in base 7 is 14
13 in base 11 is 12
17 in base 13 is 14
19 in base 17 is 12
23 in base 18 is 14
29 in base 23 is 16
31 in base 29 is 12
37 in base 31 is 16
41 in base 37 is 14
43 in base 41 is 12
47 in base 43 is 14
53 in base 47 is 16
59 in base 53 is 16
61 in base 59 is 12
67 in base 61 is 16

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