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Why are polar bear populations exploding?
Are we going to have a dangerous overpopulation of polar bears in the future?
What problems is a polar bear infestation likely to result in?
39 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
so you have never studied wildlife biology and you have no idea what you're talking about
>Hot summer? Global warming
>Cold winter?? Global warming
>Cold summer??? Global warming
>Hot winter???? Global warming
>Polar bears go down????? Global warming
>Polar bears go up?????? Global warming
why do you always pretend to be so stupid/ignorant? Are you just trolling?
NTA but I have, and as I made it clear you’re in no position to say anyone else doesn’t know what they’re talking about
you have never studied wildlife biology and you have no idea what you're talking about
I have and you have no idea what you’re talking about. Those cycles are most frequently observed in short lived animals or those in mostly singular predator/prey relationships, it does not apply to all predators and their prey

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Science deemed inconsequential by educational aptitude experts
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I would think it’s the other way around. Being able to do math quickly and analyze written language are hallmarks of high IQ. Aptitude in science is based in IQ but is also dependent on memorization of facts, which can be achieved by an average person given enough time.
governments created education systems for indoctrination purposes not actuall education
us is just dropping the act with their indoctrination/demoralisation plants
29. I did it to spite you and you alone. I hate you personally, and I hope it rains piss in your area. Promptly followed by a record breaking heat wave.
you're low iq
Nice, 31 here. Lowest was a 27 in science and 2 decades later I'm an unemployed alcoholic with 2 engineering degrees one financial downfall away from dying. I got a 36 in english and reading, those clearly indicate success in life.

Yes, another one, because there was another Nobel Prize in Medicine, also at Stanford, was caught committing scientific fraud a few months ago. At this point, should we audit all research papers from the people who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine? To make an example. my guess is could be around 10-20% of all their published crap are fraudulent bullshit.
Remember that all the fraud that ever get caught are braindead copypasted stuffs so if those frauds literally just spend one or two hours tweaking stuffs a bit it would be impossible to get caught. the percentage of fraud in reality is actually higher.
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typical chud. No wonder one of yours shot at your god emperor.
This is surprising to me. I had read through this thread when I first looked through pubpeer. It is interesting that they discovered more defects afterward. How many people, including myself, didn't see the defects when looking at an image specifically with the mind for looking for such defects. Of course she is paid to recognize such things. I think they should formalize their approach a little bit, because stringing accusations looks bad(jumping the gun) and defense of them also looks tailored.
I see studhof is still making bad defenses as well.
I think if I were him I would just stick with the link to the site with his rebuttals.
There are a couple other papers where false data was copy and pasted in the same sequence. They retracted those as well.
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>this has nothing with antisemtism
unfortunate, /sci/ need more antisemtism
Modern science has to align with Judeo Bolshevik values anyway.

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>Virtual electron-positron pairs, however, can also exist for minute durations (less than a Planck time), as dictated by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
Why are physicists so dishonest? Garbage like this would never fly in other disciplines.
keep seething newton-fag
>literally constantly big-banging
this is a problem because..?
It wouldn’t, because it’s not the only way we’ve determined their existence. Vacuum fluctuations have been studied using QFT, which provides a far more detailed description of the virtual particles and their possible physical effects (black hole entropy, casimir effect, antimatter production, relation to special relativity mass-energy equivalence) than can be done using the uncertainty principle. The time-energy uncertainty principle is too broad and too vague to say anything definitive about virtual particles, but QFT gives the proper theory and experimental effects that any scientific theory needs

If ocean acidification is such a terrible problem then why didn't all marine life cease to exist 20 million years ago when oceanic pH was 6?
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>Things I just made up
>I have never studied oceanography, thats why I consider myself an expert
ignorance of science is common theme amongst global warming shills
>kek this thread is still going cuz basement autists with cum hydroponics need to act smart and be contrarian to global warming
I know. That's why I said you made it up.

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Why is science increasingly beginning to sound like schizo talk?
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book related. if you mess with scientific results you prevent scientific progress
Safe science is stifling science. Not true science.

Why do you think all the past geniuses, the certified 'wizards', were mad as sin?
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>Why do you think all the past geniuses, the certified 'wizards', were mad as sin?
Penis envy.
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>muh goyslop
mass media goyslop is designed to appeal to people with IQs of 100 or less because thats the largest share of the population and hence thats where the most book sales are likely to be made.

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Unironically how the hell did two bicycle shop owners manage to accomplish this before any major government or academic scientist?

Second question, is the backyard independent scientist extinct in today's world?
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>t. cheating, roided kike
Men and women are different. Start there.
I know men and women are different, what does that have to do with the bible?
Oh oh, the bible has some story with men and women? And they acted different? Mindblown!
why don't you want to read The Bible? what do you have against it?

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an scientific experiment has been performed
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This has been known for a while. Decades ago feminists argued women should anonymize their names to get hired more frequently. Studies were done to see if this helped. The opposite occurred and women were hired less frequently. Feminists, like the good scientists they are, reversed their hypothesis and said women should show their names and that when male names were seen the patriarchy was working as intended.
You are absolutely a woman lmfao.
Now do the same but for healthcare jobs. Watch how you get double as a dude.
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kek remember pic-related? Google discriminated against MEN and it was the WOMEN who complained. Female victim complex is insane.
did the men ever sue to get fair pay for themselves or did they cuck out?

Post and discuss math and science related books, articles, lecture notes, etc.
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inability to do math or think critically is a prerequisite for one on those "degrees"
You cant do math either
This reads like a try-hard just copypasting shit from other books. He's elated that he's manage to accomplish this clever feat.
you're admitting that you can't do math, the fact that you made that admission inadvertently shows of your lack of critical thinking ability

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>just give your DNA to the scientists, what could possibly go wrong?
how many cucks on this board were dumb enough to fall for the DNA testing scam?
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>there are no bad actors
we should be so lucky
and then what?
Then they can build a case against you, should you ever go outside of their directed control.
>should you ever go outside
i don't
Immediately they give the data to Israel to assist with their race targeting bioweapons program.

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What are "Transient Ischemic Attacks" and how bad are they?
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good pic
why is /pol/ so much more full of useful scientific information than /sci/?
My mother had one a few years ago. She couldn't remember anything for more than thirty seconds. We realised something was wrong when she kept saying the same thing over and over as it it were the first time, so we took her to the hospital. The next day she was back to normal, but with most of her memory of the previous day missing. There haven't been any further long-term effects (that we know of)
Because they have the balls to be unswayed by political winds and monetary troubles. Truly, the bravest of us all.
The most retarded post on sci right now.
>being this butthurt

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solar panels create 300 times more toxic waste per unit of energy than nuclear power plants.
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the oceans are already massively radioactive, any problems caused by the inevitable DEI driven disasters couldn't cause even a small measurable blip in the amount of radioactive materials dissolved in the oceans
Try again lmao
How come no "environmentalists" were building solar farms before it was subsidized?
because they're greedy and personal financial gain is the only thing that motivates them. making big public claims of altruism is always a disguise for greed
god that is an incredible business idea.
17 million to keep a bunch of shit in a warehouse.

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How come scientists favor China over all other nations?
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Quantum computing and sensing
Probably the most important one..

Father of hybrid rice yuan longping.
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>endless shitty 3d mockups that never get realized
>more research money
>cool apartments
>cheap food
greed, scientists are extremely greedy people

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How come astrology was able to predict this and the rest of the sciences were incapable of doing so?
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>theres a myriad of scientific reasons that demonstrate the validity of astrology
see >>16293226
>Let the girl in OP attempt, say, 1000 day predictions for similar events, compare with a control group of 1000 predictions done by someone who doesn't give a shit about astrology, compile results and write a paper on it.
This isn't a good comparison. I would want them to be compared against somebody who is using some other personality profiling system for consulting and perhaps success of clients. Astrology theoretically stands miles above others in this regard. If it fails here, then the more nuanced points can be discarded in turn.
In case you have ever pondered why astrology is actually useful, consider that it exhaustively ties human traits, to mythical and memorable legends, that exist in spatial relationships. This means that is profiles people in an easy to remember system that can account for the most variation possible - as even angles and and distances are accounted, this allows for limitless consideration of relationships. Why is this important?
So if some celestial alignment indicates to be wary of greed, well it doesn't really matter if the rise of greed is actually a problem. If it can inform someone to think about how a greedy person might harm them, then it might help in a given circumstance.
This is the concept of ars combinatoria, where knowledge of orientation of simple elements lends to behaviors of complex systems.
Funny thing about astrology, the star signs aren't aligned anymore. They used to be, but changes in earth's rotation compounded over the years shifted the dates, and no astroretard has ever thought to check.
That's how you know it's bullshit.
>and no astroretard has ever thought to check
everyone in professional astronomy knows about that, snowflake, so does everyone in professional astrology
claiming that astrology isn't a real science is akin to claiming that developmental psychology isn't a real science

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How does forcing everyone to be vegan prevent global warming? Raising crops with tractors has a much higher CO2 emission rate than raising livestock does.
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Oh, I see you used my argument about the aap? a pity you didn't fix all of my shitty typos and garbled repetition
I just ate a classic American hamburger with two well-done beef patties, plant-based shitters can go fuck themselves. That shit kept me well fed for the whole day, I did not feel hungry.
so you agree that all africans and asians should be forced to leave europe
I do
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