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meteorologically speaking, WTF is this?

they think they can pull this shit at midnight at no one will notice??? think again. t. vigilant nightowl.
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the UFO.... from independence day.... We're fucked.
what the hell is that thing
Omnidirectional radar "test" pattern and the technicians forgot to erase the data.
Wait till OP learns about ground clutter.
its just some random space niggers parked near mexico because they’re out of fuel.

Where to get pic rel?
>buy them
>annas archive
what did I miss?
Libgen is down but LibgenPlus and zlib are fine
seems useful, thanks for the share
there’s a bot on tgram called readnetbot. works like libgen
Libgen isn't down. *.li, *.gs, *.vg, and *.bz work for me.

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But I am saying:
point = vector
point space = vector space
That is wrong.
/sci/ is a board for retards.
In much the same way that /v/ is for people who hate video games, /g/ is for people who are technologically illiterate, and /ck/ is for people who can't cook.
>Can any math tard tell me what's the difference between a point and a vector?
Find for yourself:
>Course of analytical geometry
>Ruslan Sharipov
I chuckled because there's truth in that.

My theory is that people who like cooking lack very basic skills. This makes cooking challenging and fun for them.

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Lift gliders to high altitudes using hydrogen filled balloons, then release them. At the same time, the balloons will release their hydrogen, fall to the ground and be reused. Efficient gliders have a glide ratio of 1:70, that is, every kilometer they fall, they travel 70 kilometers. I did some calculations, and the cost of the hydrogen will be between $68.60 and $840 per ton lifted.

What do you think, could this be a viable means of transportation?

>inb4 kaboom, kablamo. Oh, the humanity!

If proper precautions are taken, it will not explode. If it does explode, there will be a safety feature to automatically release it. If it explodes on the ground, just run away.

Feel free to post your own ideas. :)
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Airship home deliveries from factory
>One time cost of hydrogen
Hydrogen tends to leak.
If you want to stay up forever, you need a way to replenish it, like capture moisture from the air and electrolyze it.
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>put tanks and compressor on glider
>recapture hydrogen by pumping it back into tanks once at altitude
srsly, would this work bros?
We have that, it's called an airplane
no, those definitely don't do all that bougie-ass hydrogen-recapturing shit. you could even release and parachute the full tanks back to earth!

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I can't find the flaw in this
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can you find the flaw in this OP?
>measures the coastline using the Planck scale
What now retard.

Assuming the Planck is actually the smallest. Then you can bitch about singularities and compressing shit even further then yeah its infinite. But we don't know if singularities exist or if the universe is a messy grid.
It’s the area of an axb rectangle minus the quarter of the rectangle that gets removed when you draw orthogonal lines to the midpoint of the hypotenuse. Ditto for the successive rectangular areas being subtracted with each bisection.
This is the Manhattan metric aka Taxicab geometry. In kinematic situations pi=4. It's only on paper where everything 'happens' in a single, timeless instant that pi=3.14
What about Jersey Space?

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>there are people who think these are the same objects
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You must go back and wait until you are over 18 to post here.
>I'm (4+)D-literate!
Thank god you made it. Finally. No go tell >>16600568 that a Klein Bottle is not a 4D torus.
Topology isn't my strong point i'm afraid.
Just tell them to count to holes. They won't listen to reason.
They're all correct except C i think, (i am black)

The nutritionists change their minds and reinvent the wheel more often than the psychologists.
How does nutrition BTFO the scientific method so completely?
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Hungry and lethargic...

Eggs and bacon,
Or cerals with coconut and rasins...

Either way, it would be good. Energy from breakfast is important.
>If you really want to know what to eat then look at what your military eats. They cut through all the bullshit.
you have never been in the military
best at what, killing people?
most of the data on the internet is fake
just use intuition and eat fish and beans

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Mine is a Korean one.
(If you require, I'll add a solution)
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>im a retard
Omg, he wrote
(2*z*x)^3, and
How inconsistent is that?
vieta's formulas give the first step
ab+bc+ac = -2011

relatively simple from there
98 same as my question
exact same procedure
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>ab+bc+ac = -2011
i would have written the product b*c last
anyhow, where did you get –2011 from?
it cannot be a random negative integer

>where did you get –2011 from?
B = the bogus number = [ne-ver-mind]
H = the harmonic mean = [nvm]
B/H = 98

|a| + |b| + |c| = 98
a*b + a*c + b*c = –2011

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look: it's not possible to align about 60 full mitochondrias of animals who are not related to each other (hundreds of millions of years in divergence) because there is no current software that can handle the work load

Mr. Muscle will crash after about 10 minutes

the are mitochondria! the date is small, about 1 megabyte

a human is several gigabytes in size.. (mitochondria DNA + all other human DNA as well)

imagine how impossible it is to align a full genome of lets say a few dozen humans + several gorillas and chimps thrown in for measure
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Where's the rest of the video?

God I love LLMs. I don't have to do anything anymore.

Found your problem.
Stupid biologist should left their IT stuff to CS people. You'd know that n^60 is a fucking big number if you have some experience with computers.

Is there anywhere online where i could ask a doctor or trained professional a private, adult question (not in like im getting off to this, but genuin question/concern) for free, without being mocked?
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Yeah well okay

Im a white male, bisexual (leaning heavily towards women) in my early 20s.
The info im giving is all for a reason.
During mid teens (15/16) i experienced a back injury which caused heavy erection problems to the point that i could not even get hard at one point but its been slowly healing and improving. Currently im between just below 18cm (smaller than i was way before my injury) to about 22cm given right circumstances. However i cannot achive what you would consider to be, average firmness. Think maybe medium (me) vs firm (average, rock hard) on some adult toys.
Now this info comes into play
Recently a girl who i am friends with benefits with discovered that im bisexual and after a lot of begging and doing me favours i agreed that she could use some sort of fantasy dildo she ownes on me.
What was discovered was that, just with it (like 16cm, no movement) inside of me will make me shoot more than twice my average/first load even if i have orgasmed several times earlier (again no movement and also too long to be by default hitting the prostate) i also get like asian levels of rock hard which never happens to me, lastely my penis which is usually 12 to 13cm soft becomes 11 (to 13 but mostly 11) cm hard. Which is below my actual normal size. This small erection size usually lasts anywhere between an hour to half a day to a day at most. Even if i dont have more such stimulus.
Is this reduction eventually going to be permanent? You have no idea the mental relief an actual hard erection brings to me. Its extreme. So i would like to do it from time to time even if i get no other pleasure. However im really worried.

Im very sorry for my question being so weird and graphic but you did tell me to ask here
The only problem I see is that you're a faggot.
Kill yourself.
Congratulations anon, you've discovered the REVERSE BONER PRINCIPLE. Every time you use the fantasy dildo, your dick transfers 1cm of potential size to it permanently. That's how they make those things so big in the first place. By 2025 you'll just have a smooth ken doll crotch and your gf will have the biggest dragon cock collection in the world.
>back injury
this might be a bigger problem than you mentioned. did you have numbness going down your legs? insane pain in the lower back? shit or piss yourself? it could be a herniated disc that did a lot of damage to your nerves. start begging your doctor for an MRI (not xray) to check your spine and vertebras

>small erection
probably caused by anxiety, or not getting excited enough
take a pause from fapping and porn for a week, and see what happens after. if you get a normal, hard erection after that, then it's all mental
r/AskDocs on reddit. Boom.

Is there something not attractive about being a PhD student?
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Hard cope right here
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>statistician (I know, whatever, fuck you)
>PhD working in the college of education (whatever, fuck you)
>have to maintain funding
>get into labor relations and workforce development
>build all these programs for assholes in the college of education
>they just do whatever anyway
>whatever, money is good, got an interview at Yale, I'll be alright
>get a long weekend because doctor appointment
>stay with my parents
>stay at this old bar I used to haunt
>two teachers are laughing about a female student who was held down and forced to kiss male students to be let go
>she was crying her eyes out and had to go through the whole class
>these two were laughing their asses off about it
>tell them they could go to the state pen for not reporting it
>they flip their shit, start yelling at me
>ok, fine, whatever, just letting you know, I'm taking your pictures
>my dad is a cop and you can't do that
>I'll be at the district next week tell him to find me there
>take a week off

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Women are just like that. Doesn’t matter how educated they are, they all operate at a child’s level of understanding.
>postdoc at a reputable public policy program at an AAU school
>doing my thing, interviewing faculty and students about a state law
>one faculty member admits to discriminating against female students if they dress too nice
>faculty member was a hispanic female
>says essentially that she selectively enforces classroom rules and wealthy mexican girls are race traitors
>whelp, gotta report it, it’s a condition of my employment
>go to her department head
>hispanic male, he does nothing
>it was through zoom so the meeting was recorded
>time passes, did not get a follow up, go to title ix office myself
>two weeks later he suddenly takes a job at a shitty university
>female faculty member leaves in the middle of the next semester
>tell my girlfriend, a PhD herself about it
>she says I shouldn’t have reported it and female faculty members have it bad enough as it is
Stupid bitch. You want equality and respect but then you turn around and don’t fight to maintain it if it’s another woman bullying you or a wetback or a coon or whatever.

I don’t date PhDs anymore as a result and I don’t tell women I have one. I just say my job is whatever project I’m working on and I work for the university. That satisfies them.
Feminists have a lot to answer for in misleading young women to their detriment later on. It's like a spiteful vicious cycle as the bitter older, childless career women cultivate the same attitude in new generations.
women don't love men
women replace an orbiter with another one in an heart beat
women never write love letter to men
women never say ''i love you'' during sex
the only thing women say to men is ''I love your big cock, fuck me hard with it''
women view men as tools to get an easy life out of them
I have noticed that when women get banged by a guy they like but he is not giving her full security/commitment she will go hunt down other men to bang to increase her "security" incase the guy she wants doesnt commit to her
Its the same when she gets dumped or dumps boyfriend guy, she goes and hunts down some dick asap.
Also, i notice her "commitment" to one man depends how she considers him to be "top pick"...like if her relatinshipps getting rocky and she cheats. She will have higher hopes of running away with the affair partner only if hes more of a top pick than her boyfriend. If her boyfriend is the top choice, the affair guy is simply a plan B security backup partner

Some guys dont like the idea of being the second choice backup partner... but for a beta cuck eager to remain beta cuck, waiting for your turn is a simple strategy that works and yes you can actually be the backburner guy and salvage that hoe into a wife when her and turbochads breaks apart (my ex gfs parents was basically this)

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So its beyond beyond beyond fully over now?


Climate is fucked
We could just transition to renewables and try to rebuild our ecosystems
cool it with the anti warmism
the solution is the same generic feel good solution everyone has been sold the past 40 years while industry did whatever it wanted?
Explain why killing the rich should make me feel bad instead.

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How hard is it to crossbreed/genetically engineer different species of plants? Do I just need a couple of biology classes or do I need to be born special?
That's a nice drawing; did you make it?
No I am a horrible artist
you need a chemistry class, microbiology, biochemistry, and then gene editing class, and then bioinformatics to sequence and annotate the genome of your experimental species, and then systems biology and then a lot of iterations...
you will need to analyze the proteins and enzymes that you me design, you may need to use electron cryomicroscopy to determine and analyze the structure of the macromolecules, which also requires structural bioinformatics classes

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So if a quantity is conserved, does that mean there's a symmetry somewhere that's causing that quantity to be conserved? And when that symmetry breaks something changes?
For example, let's say that the energy is conserved, does that mean there's a symmetry in time? I thought energy was always conserved no matter what
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Shut the fuck up incel
She suffered a lot in her personal life
There is a big difference between observing something and calling it a law and explaining where it comes from and formalizing the process. We used to have many laws that seemed legit but turned out to be incomplete pictures of something else or straight up false after someone decided to formalize exactly what they mean and how they're derived.
But if you want to make an observation, draw a graph, call the gradient a constant and the result a law like a caveman from two centuries ago, go ahead.
It's far more important that she was Jewish, actually.
although "symmetry breaking" in physics may mean something different from what you're thinking
>let's say that the energy is conserved, does that mean there's a symmetry in time? I thought energy was always conserved no matter what

A symmetry in time just means that the system does not involve a time dependent potential energy function, such as if an external force is disturbing the system in a time dependent way. Not surprisingly energy will not be conserved if that is the case.

What's their secret?
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the dysgenic die young
so it still checks out
gl surviving smog astma, dysentery and ebola
cant have cancer if you dont get diagnosed with it
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>if you die young, you never turn into an old person
>getting runover by trains
>touching hot lines
Nepalese, Indians, and Bangladeshi's are the same to me. I don't care who says otherwise.
die before the cancer gets ya

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