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>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding maths and science. Also homework.
>where do I go for advice?
>>>/sci/scg/ or >>>/adv/
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I search for proofs?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?
>how do I find the source of an image?

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>without resorting to epsilon-delta
for any number k with magnitude larger than zero, there is eventually an n such that [math] | \frac{(-1)^n}{n} | [/math] is less than k, and its easy to see that every subsequent n will also yield a quotient will smaller magnitude than k.
thats basically episilon-delta.
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well simply by profing an mathematical event horizon, by profing an limit to any eintelligence.

time for your ketamine does if you have nothing usefull to say.
Hi all. So why the fuck can my cell phone still receive text messages inside a Faraday sleeve while wrapped in 2 layers of aluminum foil?

I have lab experience (NRL arch) with testing these kinds of things, and my sample of reflective fabric was 100% reflective at -40dBm.

Are there some deep electromagnetic transmission principles at work with the foil resonating with the phone case or something, or is the cell tower signal really strong enough to pass through multiple layers of reflector?
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Would the western interior seaway have had tornadoes as frequently as the great plains do?
Thanks, this makes sense.
Pretty sure epsilon-delta isn't the only way to approach this especially since historically it was developed so late.
Thanks, I was avoiding this sort of argument.

Imagine being the most intelligent person, the best at mathematics, doing university level calculus before the age of 10, now if you were this person, what would be your number 1 goal in life, your number one dream, the thing that you found the most mesmerizing, the most important, especially being the greatest mathematican ever?
The thing that you would find to be the most important in life is whether or not there are infinitely many 3s and 5s.

This is clearly the question of our time, and definitley not a waste of intelligence, talent, time, and priorities.
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We all get caught up in local competitions, not all of which matter. Why do you try to excel at your job? How much do you think it matters if you did?
He's a mummy professor boy, a good kiddo, albeit a little bit socially stunted, a bucko who can solve math problems because his father made him do so since he was 3 or 4.
Picking mushrooms, undisturbed.
Maybe he just spends his time in the moment, appreciating the little things, like the nice weather or the view.
Zeke certainly wished he did so.
Maybe leave the big problems to the other human-beings.
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>doing university level calculus before the age of 10

>By age eight, von Neumann was familiar with differential and integral calculus, and by twelve he had read Borel's La Théorie des Fonctions.

Out-geniused by Johnny

Let's have a thread to discuss the various moons of Sol.

Which is your favourite?
Which of the gas giants' satellite systems would you like to explore first?
Which ones do you think would be most suited for future human bases?
Deimosbros… mogged again…
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first for Inceladus

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Deutſche Mathematik edition
Talk maths, formerly >>16240472
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What do you mean unavailable , it’s right there on the page, just read it
Whats the most advanced kind of math that you would use in a business context?

I think something like stochastic calculus maybe.
Depends what business you’re in. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked to solve reformulations of the halting problem
I've read that his is a computationally focused approach etc. and to be fair I think I've seen some people share views similar to yours now that I think about it?
Not him, but Strang never gives intuition for his results and is mostly just blind algorithms, but to be fair most pure math books don't give either; they'll use purely algebraic shit like minimal polynomials to prove purely geometric results like spectral decomposition. I have found Halmos's proofs to be quite enlightening despite being a very terse book. Surprisingly, Lang also has a few geometric proofs and is very close to my preferred proof of spectral decomposition, but his could be better (it's Lang after all). If you want to apply linear algebra, geometric intuition is quite important because a lot of the results based on linear algebra are motivated by geometry. For instance, Principal Component Analysis is completely motivated by elliptical shape of Normal contours, but most statistics book will just blindly apply eigenvectors for no apparent reason. That said, most people hate Strang because they think they are real badasses for wanting all math to be soulless le heckin Bourbaki style.

New article in Nature says that growing your own food in your own garden is bad for the environment.
This means that all of the massive amounts of criticism heaped on conventional agriculture and farmers by environmentalists is completely unfounded. Does anyone else find it to be no surprise at all that the lazy pseudointellectual urbanite know-it-alls who have ample free time to spend pontificating about agriculture on social media sites like this one have absolutely know idea what they're talking about? No only are they too lazy to have productive jobs like farmers do, the urbanites are also too lazy to do any proper research before shooting off their mouths on any and every topic
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Article says that current economics and consumerism with its marketing for pretackaged home farm solutions promotes inefficient home farming, and that better practices that are not so wasteful should be explored.

THEREFORE retardo-op concludes:
>This means that all of the massive amounts of criticism heaped on conventional agriculture and farmers by environmentalists is completely unfounded

That's quite a stretch.

I guess you all believe that, if there is not a solution to your problems, then the problem given to you on a silver platter no longer exists!

Prrreeeettty scientific there.......
I wonder, as a scientist, how it life is when people are so stupid....
If the branch extends across the property line over the sidewalk/public right of way, the peach is public property.
Have you guys even read the article?? It is GARBAGE!

Fig. 1 tells you all you need about the statistical validity, and it is incomprehensible that this was allowed past the reviewers and published.

>This Article addresses these gaps through carbon footprint analy-sis of low-tech UA, covering 73 sites in France, Germany, Poland, theUnited Kingdom and the United States, using data collected throughcitizen science
Translated: hippies smoked weed and grunted out reports that we will not questiontoo much. Have you heard of the term garbage in, garbage out?

>However, select crops are carbon-competitive with conventionalagriculture.
Translated: amateurs grew stuff not suited for the place/climate/skillset and got poor yields. Sensitive crops did well. Weed smokers are suitably impressed.

>UA sites should invest in social benefits.
OK, so at this stage it is clear this is a political hatchet job, not real science.
Kill yourself pseudo. Nature is political garbage now much like most every journal. I personally know of people who lied about their results blatantly and still got published in Nature. Sorry you can't think for yourself. Maybe pick a different life path. Like a fast food worker.
OP can barely read I'm sure.

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"Both space exploration and Missy Elliott's art have been about pushing boundaries," said Brittany Brown, director, Digital and Technology Division, Office of Communications at NASA Headquarters in Washington, who initially pitched ideas to Missy's team to collaborate with the agency. "Missy has a track record of infusing space-centric storytelling and futuristic visuals in her music videos, so the opportunity to collaborate on something out of this world is truly fitting." The song traveled about 158 million miles (254 million kilometers) from Earth to Venus -- the artist's favorite planet. Transmitted at the speed of light, the radio frequency signal took nearly 14 minutes to reach the planet. The transmission was made by the 34-meter (112-foot) wide Deep Space Station 13 (DSS-13) radio dish antenna, located at the DSN's Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex, near Barstow in California. Coincidentally, the DSS-13 also is nicknamed Venus.
if this doesn't get the aliums to nuke us nothing will.
What shit.
>Rock n' Roll
>Techno, Dub, House, etc.
It seems like black people are always first to the party on any interesting musical genre or technology, while whites are still stuck on harpsichord music from 400 years ago

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Where are all the Aliens !?
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i thought about why this thread is a mess all the time.

i think it's because we have nothing new to work with.
if you look at /sfg/ we have dozends of things to talk about, new rockets, lauches and missions every week.
but for aliens we can dissuss a decades old wow signals or speculate the same speculations as last week, we have nothing to work with that we did not had last week/month/year

maybe if you open the thread try to find news that give a basis for disscussion,
>new funding for seti
>new exoplanet found
Because fucking aliens are light years already, so fucking far away from our faggot solar system that they won't even bother anymore. No one gives a rats ass about musk cuck going to mars, we wanna see aliens but god decided to make everything far and big as shit.
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in this book a drunk russian programmer discovers how to access a virtual reallty that transzends consciousness and the internet.
the world happens more in your brain than in your coumputer, and as it turns out [spoiler]aliens have their own version of this psychedelic universe and on of them get's 'trapped' in the humans collective mind.[/spoiler]
>how to access a virtual reallty that transzends consciousness and the internet
is that what happens? I forgot about the plot entirely
iirc peopel in that book get hypnotised and shitty low res graphics become real looking with brain filling in the gaps
some are able to filter out the hypnosis and do noclip speedruns and shit without getting sick

I feel interspecies friendship should be scientifically categorised amongst the other forms of symbiosis like Mutualism, Commensalism and Parasitism.

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And give me the DOI to this article purportedly published in 2012 in a journal that ran from 1977 to 1984.
I dont need to this classification has been adopted by the field for a long time and is used so recently.
A 130 year debate isn't closed by a (fake?) article somehow grafted into wikipedia.

Symbiosis has always signified a ++ relationship.
Added in 2013
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Since time immemorial scientists have debated....Did man save dog or did dog save man? 1,000 years from now, the debate will still be raging.

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Did you know that boys get worse grades because female teachers give them worse grades because they are boys and girls get higher grades because they are girls? That means that the reason why there is less male enrollment, it's because women give them worse grades and education in general because of their gender based bias.
We are truly in dark ages for science. And it will get worse over time
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The whole education/academia system is very feminine oriented anyway. There is very little room for male behavior, it's all about obedience and submission. Repetition and respecting the hierarchy and the rules even when it doesn't make any sense.
One of the ways you get people to listen to you is to make them believe you understand what you say. Women will repeat exactly what you just said and this tricks a lot of people into believing they truly understand the ramifications of what they said, but they don’t. It’s an act.
If you actually want proof of this look at the difference in test scores between women and men on oral and written exams as compared to multiple choice exams.
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>60% of all college students are now women
>IQ of undergrads drops an entire standard deviation
More women=good
Uncle Ted was a legend.

>Turing may have been a raging creep but he still did more for biology than every single biologist ever by predicting morphogens
>Natural selection is a roundabout way of saying shit happens because shit has a way of happening
>Biologists don't even know how to solve lotka volterra analytically because they don't even understand how to make reasonable assumptions

I'm a physicist and was worried about specializing in out of equilibrium thermo until I found out that mathematical biology was a thing. Biologists don't deserve the privilege of studying life, form and structure, they're too stupid to see past taxonomy.
Biologists would rather believe there is such a thing as recessive genes instead of figuring out that it's way more likely that precisely because genes are used primarily as mediators between other genes that the recessive genes are performing communication functions.
>Biologist sees a human
>Biologist sees a fucking shroom
>Biologist concludes the shroom is more complicated than the human solely because it has a longer genetic sequence
This is why you don't have a nobel prize for biology, this is why Mullins could get away with a nobel in chemistry for fixing your problems and why Prigogine and Schrodinger were better biologists than any crackpot "evolutionary biologist".

Either learn some math or shut the fuck up, biologists should be allowed to look cute in miniskirts and name bugs but nothing else.
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You sound dangerously retarded. Mostly only dangerous to yourself, though.
You're retarded.
>For example, why doesn't HIV, Ebola, Rabies spread via mosquito?

Because viruses are not real.
Personally I think that evolution is 100% real, but not 100% random.
Living organisms must have evolved biological mechanisms to direct mutations into specific directions based on sensed data.
Of course to prove those mechanisms exists would be extremely hard.
But at the end of the day, humans are trying dna manipulation. THAT in itself is an evolved mechanism to control mutations.
Why wouldnt be possible, for example, that birds dont have integrated mechanisms in their bodies that direct mutations given sensed, lets say, athmospheric pressure for example.
I think the answer lies there.
Mutations are not 100% random, speeding up the process.

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Is scientific racism a pseudoscience?

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Is there any reptile that feeds its young? Did dinosaurs do that?
Did Dinos soar? Haha or was that only for the birds?
>Is there any reptile that feeds its young?
Yes. Birds.
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Cracks in academia truly show here.

Logic hard :( why logic hard? :(
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It's Fitch notation. The statement above each horizontal line is an assumption, and the statements below the line but still to the right of the attached horizontal line are things proven true under that assumption.
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>give me ~(-]X € D, P(X) ) X € D, ~P(X) apples please
Math beyond arithmetic is useless.
Given there is not something, assuming there is some thing would mean there is not some thing which means there is not anything. Given there is not anything, assuming there is something and there is some thing would mean there is nothing which means there is not something. Therefore there not being something is necessary and sufficient for there to be not anything.

Really just practice

Post and discuss math and science related books, articles, lecture notes, etc.
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>for tens of thousands of years.
several million years
An article on how first-person consciousness is evidence that physicalism is false
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Principia Qualia: Mike Johnson's theories on consciousness

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Plants use the Earth's radiant photonic field to vertically transport water and nutrients

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How to avoid women from cheating in science and academia? What changes should be applied?
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Every study is flawed. Retraction is essentially seppuku.
Retraction is evidence that study is legitimate garbage and gives more harm than benefits
you fucking /pol/tards monkeys don't have enough intelligence to read above the first image or headline. dumbfucks please kill yourself.
You counteraddict yourself in ur own post roastie
how the fuck did nobody notice the data was fake until now? i read neuro papers all the time and have to take a huge grain of salt with all the shit that i see. if you're in the field and not a skeptic then you're doing it wrong.

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