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With all the talk of "the competency crisis" floating around on the Internet I got curious: what causes a society to become incapable of maintaining itself and repeating things it has done in the past?
Are the alarmists just scaremomgering?
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I’m planning on buying rural land in Maine and trying to fuck off from technology
Industrial society is a sinking ship and I want outb
Why has nobody mentioned stuff like iPad kids and TikTok? Generation alpha is going to be even more lobotomized than gen z, they will know nothing more than instant gratification
Wealth is forcibly redisitributed because regardless of how highly you think of yourself, you're more often than not a byproduct of your environment and upbringing, and the society you live that allowed you your current lifestyle is sustained by the less fortunate. You're not self made, you constantly use what others have produced and leverage these services and infrastructure to sustain your lifestyle, to make up for that and to maintain a peaceful and functional society, you have to give back to the community that allowed you to be where you are in the first place.
Not all professions are profitable, but everyone needs food on their plate to keep society running.
My bad. My emotions got the best of me when I saw India, Java, Spring and smart in the same sentence.
corr propa good kittingtonahire diss one, hafta be said

Do natural squares exist in the universe? Can some parts of the observed universe be considered squared?
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>>appeal to authority
Argument from anecdote.
>never saw rock salt that's cubic because never happens
Are all pictures of halite crystals a jewish conspiracy? Is the earth flat because you never saw the curvature?
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Btw, if you're still scared of the evil authorities, you can grow perfect NaCl crystals at home. It's a pretty common science project for kids at many schools. You can verify it yourself. Do it, you either prove me wrong, or finally learn enough about chemistry to compete with a highchooler.

last i checked cubes dont look like that.
those are rectangular prisms
I live in a flat country barely above sea level and can see very slight curvature in the horizon with my two very eyes though? What's more likely, me noticing the curvature or rock salt being cubic?

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Just after 2 astronauts were stranded on the ISS for 200 days on an 8-day mission, the ISS is now discovered to be leaking air.

The 2 astronauts are stuck on the ISS, and they're quickly running out of oxygen. Time is ticking.

Who can save these stranded astronauts?

How is this piece of technology, which costs $3,000,000,000 a year to run ($150,000,000,000 total to develop + launch), failing this badly?
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it's dramatized and exaggerated but a lot of it is real
Severe schizophrenia
Obviously this post did not bump the thread
NASA Blueberry is a nickname for Alyssa Carson, the youngest astronaut in training and destined to be the first woman on Mars. Do you have any more questions about the relationship between NASA and blueberry waffles?
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We all know why.
is shit monster the same as the space witch? did they leave her ass in orbit on purpose?

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Airships have been vaporware for years. What are the technical / physical challenges they face to being actually viable as vehicles, platforms, or whatever else?

I am still curious why Loon failed while starlink succeeded. With the cost of space launch included Starlink is actually far more expensive. The idea of a floating platform seems incredibly powerful to me so I am curious why a company like spaceX wouldn't be more invested in LTA research.
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Probably just research now but a control system that's all internal has some benefits in preventing jamming or other issues caused by external sources.
When are we gonna bring back blimp transportation?? One incident shouldn't halt an industry.
It's a fucking balloon. Strong breeze? Stay grounded. Also there was thing you may have heard of called THE HINDENBERG. That shit ran on hydrogen which made it a bomb. But helium has some of its own unique problems - where do you get enough of it? It's a limited resource.

I think hydrogen should be revisited myself. You just need a back-up plan or two in case it catches fire, like a flame retardant parachute design.
everything about the design of the hindenberg was retarded. it was built out of flammable material lmfao. it had ZERO plan for mitigating combustion

overall a total piece of shit that never should've been allowed to fly
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old aircraft designs were wild west shit before everyone just copied birds. The germans made some crazy rocket-plane that melted someone alive. And there were the upright-launcher-landers that the USA tried

Name a worse character arc.
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>bigotry is usually just a cop out from thinking about why data shows differences between socially defined groups of people.

You are one of those who KNOWS that bigotry explains all racial differences. You KNOW this and no facts will EVER persuade you differently.

Not ONE of the top 100 ranked world Universities is run by Black Africans
Not ONE of the top 500 largest companies in the world is run by Black Africans

The reason South African has a large Indian population is because the European settlers could not find or train enough African Blacks to run the bureaucracy... they had to import Indians

Modern academics REFUSE to even consider that racial differences exist, any obvious intellectual achievements differences between races is ALWAYS blames on the "SYSTEM".. they failed because the education system was bad, the justice system is bad, the welfare system is bad, etc., etc., etc.

Standardized test are 'racist' against Blacks but somehow 'magically' not racist against Asians.
Why do socially defined groups show such consistent results everywhere in the world, throughout all time periods, in every measure?
>socially defined groups
race is genetic
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>race can't be le realarino!
>that conflicts the political beliefs i learned from sesame street!!
>i fucking love science and believe in genetic and evolution just like the next guy, but not when it conflicts with what i learned watching superman cartoons
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why do two negatives make a positive?
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semantic confusion between lesser magnitude (|a|<|b|, a is smaller than b) and less than (a<b, a is smaller than b).
cope glowie
Two lesbians make out.
Both have front holes (negative).
But its still hot.
Therefore it is a positive.
>two negatives make a positive
It doesn't
although notation idiots and geometry tards want to repeat their memorized sludge, i think it's a matter of dimensions.
if you take a simple measure of something you get a positive number. if you get a negative measure like a hole or a shadow, imagine you are measuring something that's not htere yet when bumped to a higher dimension, it makes a positive impact on reality.
a hole can be measured in a positive manner, as a capacity of a container or similar.
then a negative area or volume would be confusing so we assume always a positive.

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What does it mean to "braid indigenous knowledge into science"?
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they knew were technologically incapable of harvesting any substantial catch and they were intellectually incapable of thinking far enough into the future to want to harvest more than they could eat that day. thats not sustainably, its just stupidity
>Oh wise men please teach me your ways
yes anon now you are getting it
here is an example
in ancient egypt people got sick a lot
there were two types of cure
magical : put a frog on your head, turn around three times, say an incantation. osiris will cure you. that kind of thing
practical : here are some herbs. grind them up and make a drink out of them. you will feel a bit better. that kind of thing
it turns out that quite a lot of the practical cures were actually quite effective
these are both indigenous knowledge. the latter turns out to be actual knowledge. there are many actual medicines that have originated with herbal remedies.
>we just call it knowledge
Or we just ignore it and call it a crime, considering that the US forest service banned controlled burns until the late 90s
I've read some of this crock of shit in "Your Brain on Art"
Basically BRAIN SCANS are the new hot shit in science and everything everyone fucking knows (you feel better after painting or going outside or some shit other than sending emails and watching shitty netflix) is suddenly a 100% legitimate research opportunity aka a new money black hole. They love approaching the old savages - the newly rebranded indigenous peoples - and stooping down to them and pretending they got the obvious right on accident while they hook up electric spiders to people's skulls. They think it's humanitarian or some shit. They just want to farm biometric data on your brain and are pushing for it under the guise of moralizing.

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Vegan milk substitute found to cause cancer.
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In Europe it is illegal to label anything that isn't of animal origin "milk"
They have to call it 'sºy beverage' or ''sºy drink'
>Vegan milk substitute
Human breast milk doesn't cause cancer.
lmao, medieval texts are full of recipes with almond milk and call it that
>Take Almaundes blaunched and drawe hem up with wyne, do þerto powdour of gyngur and sugur and colour it with Safroun. boile it and serue it forth.
14. century, sauce: https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/8102/pg8102-images.html
almond milk comes up a ton and its called that way. unless you can find evidence how they "mistranslated" it and what they really called it.
maybe you'd be happier if you were less mad about what other people eat
>maybe you'd be happier if you were less mad about what other people eat
But then he'd have to find something else to be mad about because his life is devoid of happiness.
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There's only 5 explanations for the broken bones at the Cerutti mastodon site:
>Carnivores breaking them
No carnivore in the environment was powerful enough to break a mastodon femur mid-shaft, and the patterns of breakage are consistent with percussion, not gnawing.
>Animals trampling them
Trampling from animals leaves a certain pattern which is absent from the site, plus a majority of the weaker bones aren't broken.
>A flood breaking them
Given that there's no size, shape, or density separation of the bones and rocks, this precludes flooding being involved (small teeth that should be washed down stream a mile away are right next to entire tusks and heavy boulders). It also wouldn't make sense for a flood powerful enough to shatter rocks and break mastodon femurs to not also break the weaker bones.
>Construction breaking them
This can't be for a few reasons, mainly because the bones were encased in a layer of unbroken pedogenic carbonate (If a machine broke the bones it would also break the pedogenic carbonate), and because shards of the bones were found far away from the bones themselves (which would be impossible for the shards to travel that far underground).

Is there anything I'm missing? Doesn't this leave hominins as the only option, thus indisputably proving they were in the Americas at least 130K years ago?
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Not having any other explanation doesn’t necessarily mean no more evidence is needed. Some other factor could have been involved that was overlooked. It seems pretty likely that it was hominins but we can’t say that for certain yet
it was bigfoot. case closed
>These findings confirm the presence of an unidentified species of Homo at the CM site during the last interglacial period (MIS 5e; early late Pleistocene), indicating that humans with manual dexterity and the experiential knowledge to use hammerstones and anvils processed mastodon limb bones for marrow extraction and/or raw material for tool production.

So its confirmed that humans were in the Americas over 100,000 years before asians supposedly crossed the Bering land bridge.
They still would’ve had to cross the land bridge to get there whether or not more people crossed over later though
Whites used boats to cross the ocean to America

obstetrics edition
prev: >>16451314
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what's to stop big pharma from shilling for AI medicine? They already shill NP's
as long as the profits grow and the number of prescriptions grow they could care less if a human signs the order or a machine - outcomes be damned lol
>what's to stop big pharma from shilling for AI medicine?
Liability. When a doctors fucks up and harms/kills the patient, you blame and punish the doctor. Who do you blame and punish when AI fucks up and harms/kills the patient? The developer? They are not going to take that risk. Easier to sell their AI shit to hospitals instead and make doctors using it take the responsibility for any mistakes.
hey doctorbros
i bought some multivitamins and the label says
>consult your doctor before using if you have a history of non-melanoma skin cancer
do you guys know why that's on the label? I googled and saw some articles about a potential link between increased vitamin D and some forms skin cancer, is that why?
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Wanna start watching a medical drama series. Narrowed it down to ER and House. Which is better?
when kids start talking about bluey, gyatt, etc, i feel like an old man with a foot already in the grave.


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I have 160 IQ
What is the right STEM major for me?
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Race Science, Ethnography and Phrenology
if you are asking then you are likely 110 retarded and dont have passion
Yes I am. I'm in Mensa. What about you lol?
someone who knows what pussy feels like and makes a comfortable living doing brainlet practical science
If you actually had 160IQ you could work that out for yourself.

Why is life expectancy on the decline?
No progress in over two decades. Before that life expectancy only kept on increasing, but now its declining.
Whats wrong with the current crop of medical scientists? Why are they so incompetent?
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That's it
>why is X so expensive in America
Because we're all so fucking fat next question
Environmentalists dont care about anything except CO2. Their movement has simply been controlled-opposition'd, same as economic leftist movements have been replaced by identity politics movements
Using the vax to poison the redditiers was based

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What is a regenerative organic farming?
Is it good or bad?
What are Joel Salatin's specific ideas about it and are they tried and true or are they untested and potentially dangerous?
Is he a headcase or is he legit?
Are we all going to starve to death because retarded organic hippies are taking over the FDA and rolling back all the modern scientific progress in agriculture?
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Why did you say jews twice?
On the whole I think its a good thing. Lots of grifters involved but I can't find any serious evidence that it doesn't work. It's just more labor intensive.
I admire your enthusiasm but you're taking exaggerations from propaganda at face value
Rich kids and stupid people.
>Conservatives under Biden
>Conservatives under Trump
I love paying more for groceries! Low intensity farming systems and tariffs are my favorite things!
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Scientists and environmentalists have been complaining about problems caused by agricultural chemicals for decades. Trump came along and fixed the problem, why does that make you angry?

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This is why we can't have nice science.
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that's land is not free at all. There is also and argument to be made for preserving the environment there.
>And keep in mind, these resources would have be on the surfaces to be feasible in any way to mine.
they are

Also I think if there was some initiative to build in the frozen wastes then some people would probably move there. But it would be monstrously expensive and miserable. If you're going to endure that you might as well move to a different planet. There is also the fact that if you colonize a place the economy resets. For example the first 100 photographers on Mars will be rich and famous. To even make a decent living in current society as a photographer is a miserable thing that is not even guaranteed.
I live in Wyoming and we barely have infrastructure for real applications.
1)Seattle (small US city): Population: 775,000
Has TWO space companies that have already functioning man protable spacraft.
2)India: Population 1,429,000,000
ZERO man portable space programs.
508,000 whites in Seattle mog 1,429,000,000 Indians. That mean it takes 2,858 Indians to equal a single white man.
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Mutt monkey. Thing why you work when white bitch sucking brown dick lol? LMAO maybe Im your indi father hahahahaha.

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I just got a job in military aerospace engineering and realised I don't really know much about aerospace engineering. I have one degree in mechatronics and one in CS but never really covered much aerodynamics, propulsion, etc.

They provide me with a few months of training but I wanna get a head start. Can anyone recommend any good courses, books, etc.?
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You will probably be a football and a yes man between production and management, or whatever the military calls it. Justifying procedures and acceptance criteria outside of the written technical data and updating manuals to incorporate the ideas and sweeping most stuff under the rug. Every time there is a crash investigation, shift blame onto civilian contractors. Explain away when out of calibration equipment was used. I was pseudo management mechanic for twenty years and helped enginqueers with all that stuf. I don’t usually hang here except to swing by and troll. >>16482815 I am more of an /adv/ guy.
Yeah, so don’t be an arrogant know it all prick to your grease monkeys and they will take care of you. Management will always be in a position to kiss your ass but try to make you think that speed is more important than anything. It is your job to make them suck cock. I mean, idk but that’s what I’ve seen. One really handy thing to know is how gravity acts on liquids. Pretty easy huh? You’d be surprised how many test benches are “designed” with shit all upside down and backwards. Always get buddy checks before you get dogmatic and cut someone’s head off, pressure testing. A plumber only needs to know that shit rolls down hill and, don’t bite fingernails. Be smarter than a plumber.
Oh. Yes in the US. You can work for a repair station under supervision of certified fags and get engineering authorisation from flaunting abilities and understanding politics.
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I have years of experience in military aerospace engineering and I never read any books lol
>work for a repair station
i just realized i'd have to leave my house. nevermind.
Discussing which topics to research for a job I've already secured neither homework nor discussing a career path.
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering is also one of the topics listed on the board's wiki https://4chan-science.fandom.com/wiki/Mechanical_and_Aerospace_Engineering
Tbf I was looking for work for like 2 years. Half assed, I run a business on the side that makes more money than this aero job will. But still, I was looking for a long time, finding work is just a pain in the ass.
Fair enough lol, I got good grades across 2 degrees without reading any of my textbooks. Trying to get more into reading though, cheaper than doing courses.
I actually considered this, also was thinking of getting VTOL VR just to familiarise myself with some fighter jet functionalities.
>don’t be an arrogant know it all prick to your grease monkeys and they will take care of you
Fully intend to respect this, the interviewer said I'm likely to be in charge of people much older and more experienced than me. So I'm pretty cool with largely trusting their expertise and being hands off with people who genuinely know more about it than I do. I think it'll be a fine balance of that and not being a pushover.

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