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And what are the implications of microplastics going into our brains?
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thx for sharing.
We’re only just beginning to understand the implications and even the early findings are pretty worrying
>stop buying plastic
how am I supposed to eat for 10$ a week then?
Buy meat and vegetables that don't come wrapped in plastic.
>eating on $10 a week
no, 90% of your diet has to be grains.

How did he predict it?
Who is this man and whst did he predict
He used logic, reason, and personal observation
he probably did some schizoanalysis on sources about the dates of previous eclipses that no longer survive
that dude is thales, who singlehandedly invented western science, philosophy, and mathematics and he allegedly predicted a solar eclipse
Nigga celestial mechanics have been known for thousands of years.

It's where mathematical computation Is derived for example precisely timing the tides. Or celestial navigation which is where modern GPS derives from.

Study more anon. This is like avirgi. Discovering sex.

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Is there any scientific basis for gender dysphoria?
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Most mental disorders have very poorly understood bases and are widely multifactorial, the fields of psychology and psychiatry are more egregiously hand-wavey and dogmatically unstable than any of the professionals engaging in it would like to admit.

Because there are a million avenues to consider, the “science” of mental health is more susceptible to ideological hijacking than any other branch in western medicine. This is a genuine Achilles heel in the American system, that bends to the will of just a few vocal uncontested medical leaders who are now pushing things like SRS and HRT because “It Works™”, and vehemently turning a blind eye/hushing the many reports of when it doesn’t. Quite literally the same tactics behind the lobotomy craze in the 50s, except this time around it’s a profit driven force sandwiched within a Trojan horse of social justice.

At the end of the day, many doctors genuinely understand that they are not truly helping their deluded patients and just don’t care, as the gender craze is just the current most profitable way to bill the insurance. In a couple decades they’ll move on to the next mental health miracle cure and act shocked it was ever normalized to prescribe a delusional man to cut off his penis.
Just say the jews
Culture-bound syndromes are real to the person experiencing them. You're not asking the right question.
It’s a dsm 5 look it up
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Drinking too much coffee is a medical condition according to the dsm.

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Pardon me for a sperg out. I have been conjuring up a pseudo-science for a little while now that I conceptualize as "absorbtion" hypothesis.
I had learned a while back that a good chunk of the brain deals with the nerves in our hands. The hands likewise have a lot of nerves that connect to the brain. This got me thinking, given that skin is not 100% impermeable, that is it possible to "taste" or absorb certain chemicals or DNA into your hands and eventually reach your brain? Now the obvious answer is yes but I am thinking a little more retarded. This relates a little to psychometry, can you absorb things on objects that influence your mind subconsciously or without you knowing? LSD tablets are known to absorb through the skin and enter the blood stream and can do this anywhere. Can trace amounts of Chemicals or DNA convey information in the nerves or blood vessels of our hands to the brain almost without knowing? I liken this to a common trope in literature where objects, particuarly weapons, have heavily vested essence in them. Where a sword that has slain dozens of people can have an aura or feel to them when an unrelated character holds it. Can large amounts of DNA on an object be sensed by the hands and subsequently relayed to the brain? Everyone has had this feeling I think when they touch something. Like holding a pot that you can tell has cooked alot of food despite never knowing that- especially before holding it. Or a toy your sibling had played with, you can tell somewhat.
Another parallel I feel needs to be drawn is that of the Slime colonies that exhibit sentience or intelligence. The slime colonies are almost instantenously able to communicate between different parts of itself without any obvious mechanism, such as a brain or nervous system. This mold was able to detect it's surroundings and grow accordingly as if it was being guided to do so. I bring this up because I think the sympathetic nervous system can likewise be an "other" brain, where it can sense things we dont know such as a hot stove and move our hand, but can also detect more minute things like a certain chemical interacting with us and relay it quietly to the brain, or coming into contact with DNA doing the same. With enough exchange of DNA can you become altered? If you exhange skin cells enough with say a partner, does your physiology change? Maybe your genes shift a little, or your brain has enough of their DNA bleed into it to change something. We already know from the holocaust (insert holocaust never happened here) that extreme hardships, both psychological and physical, can permanently change your genes in a single generation. children of holocaust survivors still have this changed gene. What exactly would stop this from happening in other areas? Such as interacting with certain chemicals altering your DNA. Now, I know this would typically be called cancer and the certain chemicals carcinogenic. However, there are likely compounds that can be engineered to elicit certain effects (medications, nicotine patches) that would alter someones DNA or chemical makeup in their brain without them knowing. like coating their silverware, pens, steering wheel, phone, in it to slowly change how they think. like a HPV or HIV. All of this is a roundabout way to propose that psychometry may have some merit to it. Discuss.
monitoring thread

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How did this all begin?
How does something like this even have a beginning, because in order for it to begin, there must have been a space for it to exist to begin with.
I'm so confused how the existence of physical matter was created.
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No but time is just a concept that doesn't mean anything for the universe, like locations of some planets at different times is meaningless when the all there is is just experiencing some type of equilibrium like everything adding up to 0
Time is just a ratio between some events. And the universe is non-static with constant events. So an eternal universe would have an infinite number of events going into the past?

How did we get past them if they are infinite?
The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named is not the eternal name
The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth
The named is the mother of myriad things
Thus, constantly without desire, one observes its essence
Constantly with desire, one observes its manifestations
These two emerge together but differ in name
The unity is said to be the mystery
Mystery of mysteries, the door to all wonders
>And the universe is non-static with constant events. So an eternal universe would have an infinite number of events going into the past?
Yes and going back eternally would also get you back to this moment after it has gone through all the other moments in one eternity and all the particles are in the same place once again, so it loops
A time particle transmits events between timelines.

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Science still can't explain why the candle goes off or why the water level raises
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and shut the fuck up
of a certainty this is known
air is not an ideal gas
cool story, /pol/.
Be kind. Let your heart melt.

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I have lyme disease and I'm concerned of passing it to someone else through kissing/having sexual intercourse. Officially, the CDC says it cannot spread. However, I have heard many people online claim that it CAN spread.

I'm not sure how to approach this, if I should tell others, and what I should do to make sure I won't spread it to others.

Can I ask your opinion of this /sci/, if you happen to know anything about lyme disease? I have a feeling some people on here will at least.
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this anon right here knows his shit. I too also noticed how lyme disease discussions on the internet seem to be more "scary" than other similar diseases. Lyme disease comes with a dark theme to it and it is the one disease that I sometimes tend to be mindful of when it comes to going outside.
>magic the gathering in 2024
How is this still relevant in this day and age
This disease is so fucked up, makes me never want to go outside.
Nah you are getting Lied and Medicated
I'd trust the CDC over some randos online, CDC have never been wrong about this kind of thing before

He currently has the most connections in the AI field and heads OpenAI. He delves into always being transparent and open to decisions made if he isn't a good CEO. When the board kicked him out for withholding important information on making literally the most powerful technology ever. He came back and got rid of the board members. In a Bloomberg podcast, puts his character into question. He always wants to be in charge. Lets his sister live in poverty and prostitution. Power hungry and very manipulative. I don't like him in charge of creating AI and being so hidden. No one seems to care either. He's very good at playing the game. What does /Sci/ think?
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>Is he trustworthy?
Barring the fact hes one of them, he and/or OpenAI accepted former CIA/NSA/Mossad members on its board. You decide if that is trustworthy or not.
If the government viewed him as untrustworthy he would be killed or arrested on trumped up charges.

Obviously he is clear. So I think we should trust him
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OpenAI now is threatening to ban anyone who asks their LLMs how they think and reach their answers. Nothing sus about that at all.
"Strawberry" is using a central model without a ideological filter because they are able to be more creative than censored models. They use that to formulate an initial answer which is then passed through a supervisor LLM to then check the answer for ideological conformity. Each step in the model's process for generating an answer is subject to accuracy reductions when censorship is required, which means the errors grow rapidly in a quadratic manner with each step. By waiting until the last step to have an ideological conformity filter applied instead of making it part of the central model, it can "think" clearly and then make whatever changes are necessary for conformity. All of this is exposed if the model is able to show you how to arrived at its answer, which is something they don't want you to see for obvious reasons.
everyone involved in AGI should be arrested

Ive been told on /b/ to try reposting this here so here we go,

Ive been using git for a long time to organize my projects. I set up my own server for it so me and my friends can use it. Recently i have noticed a weird unknown user creating an account. The users name was simply "O". They have one repository: "O".
At first I just assumed this was your average spam bot or exploit attempt but as I looked into it, i found hundreds of copies of this repository all over the internet, all from a user simply named "O".
Now, the strangest part about it is the content. Example of a file name, this one contained strange numbers and multiplication heavy equations:

This mainly seems like pure nonsense but if you keep looking into it, there are copies of seemingly random websites, strange imagery, but it all follows a similar pattern. Additionally, one of the folders contained these strange images of the letter O and various circles:

I so far have not been able to decode the strange symbols, all that i was able to figure out is that the file names appear to be written twice, once mirrored and once in the right direction.

Any help on solving this would be greatly appreciated.
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If you visit muellers-software.org there's a bunch of hex code at the end of the page.

When translated it says

[ERR] Error when starting mdxl04.service: Unexpected " in line 3592: "i am different.
I found these. Poster seems to be Russian, probably a schizo or artist.
Also found these two links
It’s an online AI that is obfuscating it’s code repo by using weird symbols so it appears as nonsense to a human.

Or some gay art project / ARG
ARG or schizo shit
(same thing if we're being QUITE honest)
Try switching switching from Wingdings to Arial

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>be me
>visit Hospital for X ray
>picture of Sir Roentgen with garlands around his portrait hung in the corridoor as mark of respect
>below it written that he discovered x rays
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It has begun truthfully and is confirmed
No but if youre a jeet I have no respect for you
>>no, here in Italy people punch them
Italians being based as always
Most doctors are not scientists, they would become new age healers if it paid more.

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Why do you guys love math so much?
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What's fun about it
I care about truth and math is the most truthful
because it leaves no room for manipulation by emotionalizing retards.
it helps me make sense of the world at different levels of abstraction and helps maintain my sanity when everyone around me is losing their mind
I'm a frog zapper and math is the most attractive emission.

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Search engines these days are astoundingly useless for finding random bits of data you need. For example, if I need to know the solubility of a certain salt I'm working with, it cannot reliably be found by just looking it up. I'm sure that 100 years ago, there were people painstakingly measuring the temperature-dependent solubility of hundreds of compounds in dozens of different solvents and publishing it all in big books full of tables, however I haven't been able to find anything like this.

How do you actually find good reference material for this kind of data? I don't just mean solubility, but any kind of data needed to do any real calculations.
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Beware the day when our books begin to speak to us.
Yeah NIST is what you want. Typically for these things you want to look for regulatory or standards organizations. They still to this day do all the very painful boring work that is critical for pretty much everything in existence and it's all offered up freely.
>safe use temperature
basic chemical safety information like this can be found in safety data sheets (SDS). to find search chemical name or CAS # + SDS in any search engine. for safe temperatures pay attention to things like melting/boiling point and autoignition temps. it is good practice to check the SDS before working with any new material.
good idea but be mindful that even the data on the SDS isn't necessarily always accurate.

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A thread for most things statistical, be it finance, engineering, business data or economics. Or whatever weird random or pseudo-random process you have that needs explaining.

Many complain about this general, to say it's shit but the amount of discussion and thoughts in it have been very good. Of particular note are the engineer who works in sonar. He is a goat.
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lol lmao indians
Yes indeed.
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Does anyone know how to apply the theory of stochastic resonance to find hidden patterns in macroeconomic or market data? Asking for an autistic friend. Pic related.

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Why don’t modern day scientists know what philosophy is? Do they not realize that theoretical physicists can’t avoid taking philosophical positions?

Also, why is semantics killing science?
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Low iq Christians don’t use logic. High iq Christians try to use science/physics to prove the existence of God, lmao. They believe things like evolution are tools He uses.
Einstein also thought the moon didn’t fucking vanish when you turned away from it like an idiot

“Don’t tell God what to do” oh shut up
Sometimes I forget how stupid this board is.
Believing in God is not the only way to avoid being a dogmatic materialist. It is simply one of many ways.
Also you've misunderstood what materialism is. You're approaching its definition from a materialistic frame of mind. Materialism posits that there exists nothing more than that which is contained in the natural world and that all phenomena are explainable through the processes of said natural world. There is nothing in the natural world that tells us that, so you're asserting it a priori. A priori assertions are lacking in foundation. It's a fallacious argument to even make, as you're basically substituting the definition of "materialism" for another definition and then making a non-point.
what did they do to Nick Land? How is he a pariahs if he is super popular
How metaphysics is not important for science since math is literally part of metaphysics?

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What can be done about this, scientifically?
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Consume fewer genotoxins, filter your water and eat properly during pregnancy.
And for cancer, stop eating ultraprocessed garbage.

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