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Who (please be specific with named individuals) are powerful enough to have this mass censored from Biology 101 classes?
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>Black people don't only breed Black people, as I am sure your browser history is well aware.
because i don't want you to.
Who monopolizes the publishing industry?
It's a PCA you raging doof
How come scientists recognize subspecies in all those other species, but not in humans?

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After spending billions on research, soience has discovered that men are different from women
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and into the trash this """""study""""" goes
Now repeat the study between Women and "Trans women" (no such thing).
>The global south
A new code word for retarded shitskins just dropped. My only question is, does this include Australians?
Lol wtf

So glad I treat these people like slaves. No reason to see them as humans
What is soience though this is the science board

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in a real life Good Will Smith move, two high school seniors solved a mathematical puzzle that was thought to be impossible for 2,000 years. Black, Beautiful & Brilliant.


Johnson and Jackson discovered that the Pythagorean Theorem — a principle relating to the relationship between three sides of a right triangle — could be solved with trigonometry.

The theorem had been proven before in the last 2,000 years, but never with the use of trigonometry, until the students showed that this was a possibility.

Their appearance on "60 Minutes" this weekend isn't the first time that Johnson and Jackson's hard work has been showcased. The pair presented their hypothesis at the American Mathematical Society last spring.

“For two months we worked together nonstop — during school, after school, at home, at lunch,” Johnson told the Times-Picayune last year. “We had lots of Zoom meetings. Actually, during Mardi Gras break we were still working by Zoom.”

When CBS correspondent Bill Whitaker asked Jackson and Johnson if they were math geniuses in the episode's trailer, both shook their heads.

"Not at all," Jackson denied.
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Redpill me on twum.
forced meme that some schizo has been spamming for years
Twum is the most important living scientist, she only triggers you because she is an African
>in a real life Good Will Smith move,
Ayo, how you like dem bananas?
Such a cool story.

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What causes dreams? Do hormonal urges affect dreams?

>She could have had a baby, but instead science gave her an abortion
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I'd breed each one of them. I guess that makes me a more virtuous person.
Also divorce laws make it less likely they'll find a husband capable of supporting a family.
maek baby
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This man is a pidor btw

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Why hasn't that billionaire mong who takes 60 supplements a day to prolong his life simply made a plasmid capable of inserting telomerase-producing genes into his DNA?

Any biofag wants to chime in? Could it work, in theory?
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90% of cancers have active telomerase, and mice have longer telomeres than humans yet only live 3-5 years in captivity.
There is no evidence that it directly increases lifespan, merely the observation that older humans tend to have longer telomeres.
>taking ideas from crabs
sounds like courting cancer.
because it doesn't work, like at all. telomeres being linked to aging is a scam research. trannies even got a Nobel prize for it. they spent a fuck ton of money on it as well. tell you all you know about the fraud science.
I thought it was telemorase

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why does "the science" attract this kind of charlatans?
what's the chance that this buffon cured alzheimer, considering the most prominent research in this area has been shown to be a fraud?
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meat aren't that expensive because they're calorie and nutrition dense. if you are on a meat diet, you need to eat less in volume otherwise you'll become obese. however, eating only meat is retarded, just cut back on grains, don't need to remove them, you'll be fine.
the most expensive diet is pure veggie actually.
I can't tell if quantumfags are schizos or are actually brilliant.
they're retards
Aaaaaaaand something else will fuck you up instead. Whatever. Its either immortality or cope.
why is this an anti chud thing doe

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where did the lie that CO2 is bad for the planet come from?
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oxygen is carcinogenic, thats why antioxidants prevent cancer. that why people who live at altitude are healthier
The claim being made is that more CO2 = more O2, which is factually incorrect. The retard who made the claim doesn't understand enough chemistry to realize why he is wrong so I posted a graph of oxygen dropping at the same rate that carbon dioxide is increasing.

You are a retard.
oxidize urself
We should aspire to control the CO2 levels and we can certainly increase it, but right now it's out of control and we cannot decrease it. We think that it might be a feedback loop that we can't stop and will go extinct because humans are too sensitive. If we cannot decrease it, we cannot control it, and will be filtered.
NASA sets the upper limit for atmospheric CO2 concetration on their spacecraft at 5500ppm and so far no astronauts have died from that or even suffered, so humans couldn't be all that sensitive. You don't even have a CO2 meter in your house so your concern about the issue clearly isn't genuine.

What fungi is this? I've let it develop on the leaf
Starts as purple spots or holes on the leaf
it's a nutrient deficiency in the plant
I agree. It's phosphorus deficiency. The images on google are not that severe, but I've seen worse than your pic. Get guano, or some other complete fertilizer, it's not going to be just that one deficiency when it's this severe.
All of the other leafs are fine. I only picked it here because the plants are now covering it up
I guess they are less than 4 inches apart from one another, ans there are lots.of plants. I still think its fungi

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alright guys what are your favorite curves
rules: only 1 equation (or 2 if parametric)
New rujle: you have to post the equation too. Except me (im op)
>what are your favorite curves
square root curbe

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You little mugged off cunt, you mugging me off you little mug. Mugged off mug, you mugging me? I'll mug you. Muggy little cunt
140 IQ
Jannies should ban u again

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is this the greatest "fuck you, dad" in science?
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>his book Electricity and Matter, it's quite an eye opener
please do elaborate.
He's a very erudite writer, the comparison to modern nexts is startling.
I'm still only on the first section so I can't really say that much.
It just feels quite different to what I'm used to.
When Einstein beat his mom to a pulp. Most people dont know about this

>all the money and effort
>still look like a middle aged man

is it really that grim for the antiaging community?
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does it mess up hormone production with frequent and high doses?
she will chose bear over both of you clowns.
>>16164966 Fluoride toothpaste does none of that and barely is low dose
>>16164181 How often would you peel as a normal, slightly skinny, man with things like retinol (or what would you use)?
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That tech is banned for humans. Simple as.

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Get a degree in business. Climb the corporate ladder or go into business for yourself. Also consider a job in government, or criminal justice. You don’t want to end up homeless do you anon?

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>All you have to do is make the mistake of using a hard drug
>All you have to do is make the 10 year long mistake of not saving money
>All you have to do is make the mistake of thinking you're too good to take a pay cut
No, that could never be me. I'm just better.
>everyone who disagrees with me about anything does so because they're low IQ
>i am perfect and all knowing
4 years aside its insane to me that people even pay for that. Havent paid a cent to study in one of two most prestigious universities in my country (ok, I spend some money on copying tons of papers lol), I would also feel weird if I paid, like they are my employees or something, instead I got legit "learn all this shit or gtfo" experience.
>while debt-free.
none of the college kids on /sci/ are in debt, daddy pays all their bills for them. thats why they go to college, to avoid working, so they can remain helpless like little babies so that daddy will have to keep on supporting them

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..from vaccinated people

His work has not been peer reviewed
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Japan is going to make it illegal for vaxxxxies to supply blood for transfusions and blood banks because vaxxxxie blood is poisoned.
That would be very difficult to do considering the percentage of adults in Japan that got the injections. 82% of Japanese were injected and most of the 18% that weren't are under 12 years old. There's not enough blood in the unvaxxed to supply the nation's needs.
still better than giving people AIDS via blood transfusions
This, why get a transfusion when its going to end up killing you?
Was inevitable. Vaxxies are basically a different species at this point.

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Uh oh darkies.... shiee
>In standard cosmology, the accelerated expansion of the universe is said to be caused by dark energy but is in fact due to the weakening forces of nature as it expands, not due to dark energy."
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The Big Bang was a white hole that existed only for an instant when a previous universe was almost entirely absorbed by a black hole which acquired so much mass it inverted as the universe outside it was less dense.
And where did that other universe come from?
It came from the same process. It's a cycle that's been going on forever.
>everything that upsets me is /pol/
>/pol/ is out to get me!!!
explain your unhealthy obsession with /pol/
>Don't ask to throw garbage in the bin.
that's not a virtue, poltard.

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